MONDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1922. HE HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO : ,4 f Hickory Daily Reoosd Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please atate in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 re garding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year r--- : $5.00 (By mail, $4.00: G months, $2.00) Six Months $2-50 Three Months l.?5 One Month -45 One Week 10 ; Entered as second-class matter September 11, 1915, at the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 8, 1879. H Associated Prescs is exclusive ly entitled to the use of republica tion of all news credited to it or rot credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Published by the Clay Printing Co. The union station fight in Winston Salem has been settled satisfactorily jto all concerned. Those who. objected to the location chosen have agreed that Ihe providing of drop station facilities in the vicinity, of the old Norfolk & Western 1 freight depot will be satis factory t 'tttemiandj. the corporation commission has been so advised. The thing always to do is to get together. And that reminds us that the time is doming when thi freight station; here should be moved to another location and that only passenger trains should be moved through the city. That would mean a belt line and rapid industrial development. - Crops in this section of the state are loooking unusually well. Many lields of corn have, begun to mature and the chances favor a large crop Cotton looks well, but too much rain soon would damage it. In Gaston coun ty the boll weevil has appeared and the farmers are busy fightilng it. Persons from Anson county say the weevils have, attacked . blackberry vines. Farmers are doing everything possible to eliminate the pests and it is believed that the cotton yield will be good despite the weevils. One re sult of the invasion is more corn throughout the state. Gastonfa's tax rate has been fixed at $1.15 for the current year, the achool rate being increased to ,"40 cents. The total taxable property in Gtrstonia is estimated at $20,000,00p'.r The teachers will cost the city $ll5, 000 the coming session as against $107,500- City budgets are growing he'avier each year, but people' demand improvements. The shopmen's strike h&3 entered on its second week with little indica tion of settlement. The olive branch held . out the middle of last week was not grasped by either side and unless there is settlement soon, more railroad men will be drawn in, trans proportion will be paralyzed and all in dustry forced to- suspend. CcT T. Cornwell of Dallas, f or many" years clerk of the court of Gas ton ""County,- -native f Lincolnton an! a graduate of Rutherford College djjH suBdenlr ifc? 5a 4fariV Friday1 night. He was clerk of court for 20 yflrs and was one cf the best known mjjp in this part of he state. jjhis is the summer season at Blow; inC Rcckjj ijrh? hundreds of visitors from all' parts "of the south flooding the- mountains for the cool nights. La'fit week 17 Gastonia Boy Scouts camped near the Cone estate and Sc6uts as far sc"uth as Georgia go to the' 'reck for outings. .Irish republicans so-called have had the stuffing taken out of them by the Free Staters in several skirmishes in Dublin that cost scores of lives and will require many millions of dollars to replace destroyed property. The German government is reported on the verge of collapse and if it stands at All it will be lucky. But the German people must pull together or prepare to disperse. . ' GEORGIA MAN HELD ; FOR KILLING NEGRO Athens. Ga., July 10. Briggs Car son, of Tifton. Ga., a student at the University cf Georgia summer school, is -held in the Clarke county jail on a charge eft murder in . connection with the shooting of Benny White, a negro, here early Sunday morning. According ' to information fur bished a coroner's jurv Carscn and five other university students hired tho negro to buy; whiskey, giving him money. At an early hour the negro had failed to return. Then the students started out in 'quest of the negro', it is said, and located him. Whit ran and, Carson is said to have fired. The neerro was wounded in the right shoulder- He died at 10 o'clock in spite of Mr. Lenroot's thuat to Sunday morning..; , ,. , , . vote against the bill- Californa de Officers say that CarScn' stated I mands it along with a lot of "other hat he fired to frighten the negro- things, and Senator Hiram Jdnson The. coroner's jury ordered Carson is giving this tariff bill his stei at hld.on a charge of murder. tenton. Hie is up four re-electioi. DIVORCE IN CANADA Springfield Republican. Much is said in criticism of the conflict of divorce laws in American states, but our legal provisions re garding divorce are less anomalous than tnose of - the Dominion of Can ada. At least every American state has divorce judisdiction over its own citizens, and that is not the case in uie Dominion. The two most popu lous provinces ox. " Danacia Queuet ui.u Ontario have no invoice courts at all. li any oi their inhabitants desire a invoice thew must appeal to the national Farliment, wnere tne case is heard by 'comjtfittee of the Senate and afterwaru oy a commit tee of the House oi Commons, tivorco by acu oi Co'agress ior in habitants of the New England, Mid dle Atlantic and (Jentrai siates would be a somevvnac analogous situation in the United staves. On the other hand. Novt Scotia ana Mew UiunswicK have divorce courts, which date from a period antecedent to the formation of the Do'mmion government, and in the vves km provinces divorces are giatueu uiiuer tne English law ovij? inally introduced there, vnile iuc awi. whnui estaoiisneu the Dominion oi Canada gave the feoeial govern ment authority' over marriage and divorce, the provinces in winch divorce jurisdictions had already been cstaoiished were not distuvoea in their rights. During the session oi rainmenc -jusu closed, 105 peti tions Icr divoice were presenteu to tne Senate iroin Ontario and eight iiom yueoec. The it-form which is again sug gested by the chairman oi the Sen ate divorce committee, and which had the backing in Ii)19 of Sir Kol'trt Borden, the conservative premier, and of W. S- Fielding, now minister, of finance in the Liberal government, is the obvious one- of instituting divorce courts in On tario and Quebec. Those who oppose this measure are actuated largely by disapproval oi divorce in principle t they probably fear, that if divorce, were obtainable by less cumbersome procedure the number of cases wouiu be increased even though there were no chanare in the legal grounds for action. Naturally, with Catholic be liefs dominant in Quebec, opposition there to anv measure which might faciliate divorce in every strong. As a matter of fact, the weightiest argument- for instituting divorce courts is to make divorce 'uniformly a matter of judicial, procedure. As W. S. Fielding said in 1919, Divorce is being granted and . is going to be granted: the only, auestion is. whether it; shall ' be i granted by de cent machinery or by that which is a burlesque of justice." That la shall Canada have divorce granted and denied, on . .thav.recommendatio of parliamentary S committee or by judicial determination in the law courts ? The auestion, of course, is for Canada, to decide. But analysis of me situation snows us tnat wnen we co'mplain oi anomalies in our legal arrangements or when, withou complaining, we descuss the com promises in 'our national constitu tion, wc have heasori 'tc' remember that others the .same boat. NvaitincT 'f6r""A National -ANTHEM, i : Dr. llobert Watson Is correct in as serting that the United States needs a new hatiorial anthem, correct too in listing "My Counry, 'Tis of Thee," and "The Star Spangled Banner" among songs that have been tried and found wanting. The first is wooden in mus ic and words; moreover its music is second-hand or third-hand having been written originally as "Hel dir im Siegerkranz." "The Star Spangled Banner has words of striking ex cellence, at least when compared with any other lyric in the competition, and its music, though ultra-florid, is good But its great range makes the tune un- smgable for most people, No anthem will ever meet all the requirements laid down by Dr. Watson A sbngvwith "a broad historic bdsis," revealing "our great aspiration for universal liberty and justice," pro claiming "the ideals of a true demo cracy,' -testifying : to- our .somewhat mythical desire for "fellowship with all nations," expressing the "glories of peace," likewise "saturated with spirituality,'? and last but not least possessing a catchy tune tor singing, is too much . to ask. "Men of Hariech" has for example, only rather narrow historical basis, fairly good words and the best of music, to fit it out Yet there is no better national song Perhaps when the United States gets through the awkward age, quits grow mg, settles down, decides what it wants to do and finds out what it can do, it will make itself a fitting national song or several of them. These things can t be hurried. New York World. THE EXPLODING POINT Springfield Republican. : When a senator explodes against mgn larui duties, wnat is usually XI. - . J . . , ine' specuic issue expressed in actual rates that' determines his reaction? It is obviously impossible to answer compremensively such a question, but two recent examples . are pertanent to tne inqniry. Senate." Lodge exploded against 'i'l 1-2 cents a gallon on cream for table use; that was the point where he broke with the finance committee. Senator Lenroot of Winsco'nsin ac cepted everything in the bill like a good orthodox protectionist until the duty oti almonds came" up. : He stuck hard and fast on almonds, although it has never seemed that almonds could be regarded as' a necessary of life. . Wihat there was about' this duty that "got" Mr. Lenroot is not precise ly krvewn, although , He !semed to argue that if it would cosi three times as much to raise alnbnds in California as to import thdn, the duty would not be justified Jon any reasonable thP(c'ry of protection to home industries. fine proposed duty on amonds, nowevxer, win doubtless go through PASTIME TODAY and TOMORROW WILLIAM FOX Presents WILLIAM FARNUM in "Shackles of Gold" ,1922 screen vision of Henri Bern stein's great society play "SAMPSON" Added attraction Pathe News Regular Admission 10 and 20c Like a Bird Elizabeth Ceclvcr. Philadelphia, furnished a great surprise when she led Aileen F;icrsin, youthful Olympic champion, by one point!. rcr tna nauona.1 diving champion- ship at Brighton , Beach N. Y. OBREGON PERMITS FREEDOM OF PRESS Mexico City, June . 25. Freedom of ihe press in Mexico is near a reality now as has been recorded during the past halt century, according to com petent observers. Contrasted with the censorship days of Huerta and Car ranza, editors and correspondents are enjoying almost unprecedented liber ty, and President Obregon oh several occasions has emphasized that news papers and other publications are tree to go as far as they like. ine newspapers Omeea and T.ns iNoticias, the former a weeklv and the latter a daily, lead the opposition to the administration and the vindic- tiveness which they display in almost every issue would not have been tol- eratjd for more than one day during uie varranza regime. for mstanno. The more .substantial newsDaners of the capital spare no ink now in telling ic-"ng puunc wnerem xney tnink the Obregon regime is at. fault and edft rahk"; miiquotatfons of conversa tions with the chief executive are al lowed to pass with only a mild pro test. . - --,;-. ."-0 Foreign correspondents 1 that there is no cable or mail censor- snip and if there is. it is sn rii,r dne that it has not vet hppn rWo,- d. , . President Obreeron i OTtPTfl Shorn nrm-t. A ' i sor President Carranza: The present executive is much more approachable and has none of thp nlnnfno uwux ij vuiiimaL lo ri is nrenopoo. former First Chief. He receives news papermen regularly every fortnight rr.'iV" vvners, ; many of whom nave been with him no hesitation m calling Chapultepec Castle by telephone to converse with the president. The newsDanera ir,tor. exxremely informal affairs, ?Zr!Sid,ent sittin? ite table v-CilLCI' OI a CATC la rt-F vv. 4. and correspondents. Refrpsl, TTrVf. a qUlte ,lreqently the pres- j i . , ' -rwVi3 aiC ,uvu" xclctACS tens lively stories. You can admire " A M.i . "6'c"uii a u enelaus, if vou wish -hut -iw part we've been off them "ever1 since thousand shins thev u c o o bune 8 Pieces. New York Tri- Nothing these radin VI possible, f 'This nhHw; , Vu" Brooklyn Eagle says of a view of Mount Vesuvius "shows tho spitter with its cloud of dust, with the City of . Milan in the e.w..UK,. !,CW .. xurK nerald Tabtfofl& Invigorates, Purifies and ""-" me DlOOQ. 60c i ,rs. ffi. . . .... . ...... ?3i : This space reserved for advertising all city Real Estate and levying on personal property for ci ty taxes not paid before July 20th- Kindly look up your receipt and see that taxes are paid. If not, call at Gity Mana gei(,s office and procure same. By order City Council. JOHN W. BALLEW, 1 City Manager. v Porch Swings and Couch Hammocks A few to close out at special prices. Shuford's Furniture Store "Advertise in . :: : . ; T do the best work a Carpenter real-. I izes that he must have the best tools. Anil $ thaiis mo Carpenters come,here. They know our tools are all guaranteed; ,51 . . iShujiford ! Coinnipainiy y the Record Tools I va Hardware ' r- - - " . . . . : BANK Account built for TWO TX7E call it a household banking account. It W represents a certain sura of money de posited each week for the payment of the ex- PTleeS a1coauntTSesubject to check by both hus band and wife, if you wish. And its a splendid rlan too. Many of our friends agree is the mosf satisfactory method of keeping ?. per fect home, in complete happiness. m.-. TRTLI3T l'l!lllllllll!ll!,ll!liiraifl Southern System Greatly Reduced S3 SUMMER Take Your Choice Week-end fares. Sunday excursion fares. Summer excursion fares. Special excursion fares to Atlantic City and Niagara Falls. ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER JERSEY SEASHORE ESORTS Dates sale via Sou. & PRR June 28th, July 18, August 1st and 15th. ' , Date sale via Sou. & B&O July 6th,, 12th and 26th, Aug ust 9th and 23rd. TICKETS GOOD FOR 18 DAYS Tickets good for stop-bvjers on refnirn triy at Washington-Balti-- more-Buffalo and Philadelphia . , - ' . Week-End Excnrsion Fares On sale Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday mornings to Seashore Resorts and - Western North5 Carolina Resorts. ' Tickets good until following Monday and Tuesday . (Excep tion tickets to Western North Carolina sold Saturday and Sunday morning, good return until following Monday.)' Sunday Excursion Fares TO :J ' Norfolk, Wilmington and Morehead City These tickets are on sale mgs from Salisbury, High Durham, Raleigh, Princeton and all intermediate stations. Good returning Sunday night. Not good in sleeping or parlor cars..' SPEND SUNDAY AT THE SEASHORE Summer Excursion Fares to All Resorts Mountains, Springs and Seashore. . Tickets on sale daily, final limit October 31st,, 1922. ... .-i Stop-overs ' permitted in both.. directioitis.'v,!.!,.'':;'.f J"?3!-' i Through Pullman Sleeping Cars . to All Important rant 1 Excellent Service Courtesry-Cojivenientj. Schedules Write for Beautiful Southern Railway Summer Resort Booklet J&mi Other Literature sv:-'&:te. fe, r For Further Information Call . or R.H. GRAHAM, 207 West Trade Street Miliar In the Summer of Life Prepare Summers and winters pass by every year, even the; dtkig child knows that one season will not last always. ' . But in a lifetime each season comes but once and too plten, we fail to realize that it is passing. .' . C v The Summer of Life comes only once and unless we' make -' progress while the "weather" is pleasant, we will find hardship, perhaps, in the winter that is sure to follow. ' . - t To make life successful we must profit by the experience of others. If we rely only on our own experience we will be too old before we can make any use of it. 1 .-. . , And the experience of other plainly . points to the great value of persistent saySng in the acitiVe years of lief. H First National Bank J. D. Elliott, preaideiit, K. C. Menaiea, Vice-Ptreslderit and Caihier J. L. Cilley, isjt. Caahier Company Railway Announces Ro ares For SEASON, 1922 NIAGARA FALLS via WASH INGTON OR PHILADELPHIA Dates sale via Sou. & B&O June 29th, July 13th and 27th, August 10th and 24th. t Dates sale via Sou. PRR July 5th and 19th, August 2nd and 16th and 30th. Saturday nights and Sunday morn- Point, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, on SouthernRailway TickefiApEfirt Address - - . Division Passenger Agents f v ' ' Charlotte, For Its Vi liter To77 f.: :v i 1