J EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1922. THE HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE THREE s ; DDDDnnnnnnnnHB 5HannnnonoDndaDnanQcnnDnnnnDnaDnnancsaDnnnnnnnDDnnnnnDnnnnnnnnnnnDnDnnncz3n I mmmmmammtm " I I The Bisanar Store K 13 n a li u Evangelistic Services at the Methodist Church BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY MORNING, SEPT. THE 10th a n u a a Service and Satisfaction a a Preaching by the Pastor, Rev. C. S. Kirkpatrick ... ' . ! l Singing led by Mr. Julian P. Moorman flanBDnnDnnnnnnnannnnnnnMaBnHflfloannngBffl SPLENDID OP 5v v. fa i rj IN v m i i- The n You always get the best quality, latest styles and lowest prices. Kxpfrt repairing promptly executed. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist. Watch inspector So. and C. & N. W. Rys. In Temporary Home HICKORY INSURANCE & REALTY CO General Insurance and Bonds QUrt Mwn I'irst Nntinal and Southern Public Utilities Co. Swim Legion Swimming Pool 10 a. m.10 p. m. Wattr tlt-uii and Cool poUl attention given women ml children Carolina Paik Have your Shoes Mended at the SHOE FJXERY Best Leather Used Best Work, Guaranteed Under Singer Office Two Entrances Front and Hear Telephone 0 l-J . V. IfrltllODEH -'. Notary I'ublic Ikw Vwlcr's Tarry and Save Have Your ALTO TOI'I'INO and ITHOLSTKKING I)one At MCKOItY AUTO & TOPPING COMPANY J. (J. Wolfe. Mnnairer ftit Htli Avenue Geo. E. Bisanar IHKTOU OK OPTICS Fn.fK,.!raiioii aH all Optical 'ita turret td wifh uri.iiprl v - " M - III fed i-I:kvih ant) fxaiiiiiiat in mom in nnft;nn will) Jrwelrv utore 0 CYRUS C.BABB Mem.' Am f,. ':.,:! .. '"power, Waterworks And Sewerajfe-Land Sub-division1 "" Highways'' IlW'-iiv v r I,:' CahraLer Wress: flrnnit Valla xr WE WELD IT BAKERS 9th Avenue GARAGE Hickory, N. C. C W. RAHY, M. I).. I). C. '""P'artor and Sninni yrn.i,.liut 0ver Essex Jewel rv Store HPructic KliminaWw tfco f!niiP of Disease J,TEY SCHEDULE "Cy-I.fin.ir i;i ti.i...j..i. I - fimrjr ntiiruuie Jlifkory Arriv-' or No. n . m. !il and 22. E. KODRINS. I Hickory Lodge No.343 Reprular Communication First " and Third Monday nights Brethren cordially invited to be present P. J. SUTTLEMYRE, W. M. W. L. BOATRIGHT, Sec M J. ESSEX Graduate Optometrist Office in Jewelry Store Where Your Eyes receive expert service without the use of drugs Hickory Harness Co. Manufacturers of afl Kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES, AND STRAP WORK Repairing a Specialty HICKORY, N. C. VI RE nmiPi. i.. ... ClTi'L v 11 "urns ' If KA I "v '. mL" lr''lt YOU He FIRE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE I have some very desirable city and country property for sale. If interested, see, phone or write J. W. HOKE II ickory - N. Car. vge & Sanborn" ' SEAL BRAND h COFFEE 0ei Grown in The I.-. World. DR. GLENN R. FRYE PHYSICIAN Office over Hickory Drug Co. Hours: 10 to 12 a to 5 7 to 9 Phone: Office 06 Residence 477-L Mr. Jim Hoover of Statesville was a visitor in Hickory over Sunday. o Mrs. Dav-id LeFevers of 'Charlottte was the truest over Simdav r.f Mrs Vernon Lackey. irh. ciissauein unristmas has gone to I iiicolnton to nurse in the Lincoln ton hospital for several weeks. ; O Misses Bert .Morrow and Love Sher rill spent .the week end in Morganton with relatives. . -I ; , o Misses Mary Hill and Lena Frye spent the week end with friends in Morganton. "' o :; 1 Mrs. Pinkie James has returned from a visit of several weeks to AaVip- ville and Waynesville. 1 x " BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Burns announce the, birth of a son, Robert Maurice. TO 'GIVE TEA FRIDAY Mrs. Earl Whitney Mullen will en tertain at tea Friday afternoon from 4 to 0 o'clock at the Hotel Huffry. Cards were ir.sued for the tea for last Wednesday but owing to Mrs. Tuck er's absence from the city it wa:; post poned until this week. MUM SCHOOL The Needlecraft club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. Chas L. Hunsucker. Mrs. Russel M. Yount and little daughter, Doris Ann, have returned from a stay at Blowing Rock. Miss Eugenia Barger, Miss- Fannie Glass. Miss Louise Holder, Mrs. Alma Fowlkes and Mr. Wilkes Bowman spent Sunday at Blowing Rock. Mrs. E. C. Bryant having spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. White returned to her home Ft. Smith Ark. Mrs. M. E. McMinn of Los Angeles. Cal after a very delightful visit to1 Mrs. A. L. Whitener, has returned to her home. I o Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stenp of Aragon, Ga., who have been visiting their son, Mr. J. J. Stepp, at Brookford, have returned home. ' W. R. Weaver, Mas- TO ENTERTAIN FOR MISSES (LARK SON - Cards reading' as follows have been issued: - , In honor of the Misses Marion and Sallie Clarkson M iss Kennedy requests the pleasure of your company Thursday evening, September 7 from 8 to II o'clock The West. Hickory graded school opened Monday morning at 9 o'clock The teachers were all on hand, mos ot whom being fresh from the vanou sumln'er fccUotls, The -ministers of the various churches of West Hick oiy were present and all made mos interesting talks complimentary to the rapid growth of the school. A large part of the morning was taken up with shoit talks on the subjec? of education. Mr. John Fierce, chairman of the school board stood squarely with the teachers m the development of th school. Mr. J- L. Riser, principal of tha.school, outlined the work for the year,' ' calling . attention to the f ae that the school had now reached the point where it would turn out the pupils- fully equipped to enter col lege;" He mentioned also the plans laid for the development of the school in debating and public speaking in which a number of medals and prizes : will be given by some of the leading citizens of West Hickory. The enrollment was very large, numbering: 343 with 40 . in the high sehooP department. The people of West Hickory pride themselves in be ing; the fourth school in size in the fcoutV. - . - There will be many more enter ing during the week. Practically all the "pupils were classified two weeks ago which enabled them to have their text books on opening; dav and be gin class work immediately. The; school board were glad to be able to secure teachers this year who are either college graduates or TV! vs. XT' w T.pnt7 wn rlpl.V'nifiii hns. .wh nave nad ample college iram- tess yesterday afternoon to Circle No. t inl and who have had a number of 1 of the First Methodist church withers .of successful experience m teaenmg. ine teacners are as ioiiovva: First grade Mrs. Robert flawn aad Miss Gertrude Finger. . Second grade Mrs. Rellie Alhuan. Third grade Miss Florence Rectoi. TEACHERS ARRIVE The teacher?, of the city schools have been arriving since Saturday and by evening all are expected in ready to take up their .duties tomorrow morii ing when the iall term begins. The beautiful, spacious residence on Tenth avenue o: the late Mr. and Mrs. Abel A. Shuford has again been se cured for a teacherage and Miss Emma Morrell will be in charge of the young ladies. - MRS. LENTZ CIRCLE HOSTESS Mr. an d Mrs. sixteen members present. Little Miss Winnie Lee Ktever was a charming and attractive- visitor. ( The meeting; was presided over by ,tne circle cnairman. mrs J..v450Wies,0Urth Tade Miss Pearl Bumgarner Filth grade Mr. j. Jr. J'ucxte. Sixth g-rade Mrs. John Brooks. who conducted theJ,,busmess' meeting The usual devotional was held at the - ... -H J.1 .A.'- ' .JLl . 1 ! William Wooi-cv M,. M .1 P opening oi ine meeuw air .wmcn and Mrs. Claudia Sullivan spent today hf business for nte afternoon" was at Bridgewater fishing. , Mr. C. H. Van Hervie, secretary of the Wadesboro chamber of commerce, spent today in Hickory, stopping over as he was passing through.. o Mrs. Hugh Bradshaw left this after noon for Asheville whe she will spend week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams." Mrs. J. D. Pope has returned from Charlotte after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Caldwell. uiutjii up iiiiu nctiisat-it-'u. . v. AfteV adjournment the hostess, with her daughters, Misses Mary? Wiley, Margaret and Ruth, assisting, served delicious refreshments. The circle will meet next with Mrs. J. D. Winkler. MRS. BOYD HOSTESS iSeaenth grrade Mrs. H. L. PendeU ton. .High school department: Miss Chloe Miller and Mr, Kiser. The patrons are looking; forward to a most successful school year. J. L. AS IT SEEMED Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Beck and son, WaMo. Jr., returned to their home m Charlotte yesterday after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. A. L. Whitener. Miss Eunice Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Long on 12th street, left last. Friday for Lexington, where she takes a position as teacher in the city graded schools there. --o Mrs. L. G. Kirkpatrick had as guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kirkpatrick of Marion and Messrs. Gary and Moffit Kirkpatrick of Cnar lotte. 4i, . o . . - . ' Mrs. Fannie Corriher has returned to her home in China Grove after spend in gjseveral days with her sister, Mrs. D." J.' Suttlemyre. Mrs. Corriher spent the summer in Asheville and Connelly Springs. After spending several days in Hick ory Mrs. Pete Rowe returned to Clyde today where she has been visiting her parents. Her friends will regret to learn that her mother, Mrs. Anderson, 'is ill and is in a hospital. o Miss Mary Knox Henderson return ed yesterday from Gastonia where she spent the past two weeks visiting. Miss Henderson will open a kinder garten in Gastonia this winter and has enrolled a large class. , ' LEAVE FOR MOUNTAINS A very interesting meeting of the Y. M. C. A. of the Reformed church was held last night with Mrs. D. M. Boyd as hostess. At roll call twenty one names were recorded, each member res ponding with a verse of scripture. Mrs. W. W. Rowre opened the meeting with a prayer from the prayer calen dar and read an appropriate scrip ture lesson. ' Plans for the fall work were dis cussed and acted upon and other mat ters of minor importance were talk ed over. The auxiliary expects to serve a supper some time soon. The auxiliary is taking up a new mission study book -entitled "India on the March" and the first chapter was assigned for study last night. Mrs. Rowe g'ave an introductory outline af ter which several members gave inter esting supplements. Miss Pearl Bum garner read a leaflet on the first mis sionaries to Jaoan after which Mrs. Russell M. Yount gave an interesting 1 account of India, its population and its j women followed by Miss Mabel Miller who read an extract on the Zenana, the i part of the homes in India m which) the women live. After adjourning to meet the first Monday evening in October with Mrs. Dick Thommason and Mrs. W. C. Tate as hostess, Mrs. Boyd assisted her attractive little daughter, Beatrice atid Mrs. Rowe, served a most delicious ice ! course. - , It was down in Louisiana and hot. The outfit, certain for many weary months to be the very nevt to go over, finally landed on a stretch of wilder ness out from Camp Beaureguard, fated to become an artillery range. For three weeks picks and shovels had been the implements de guerre and dig ging the order of the day. He was a diminutive recruit and nothing of him showed above the top of the pit from which sweat and dirt wore flying. "Join the Army and see the earth," he" paraphrased a popular slogan, and added with justifiable sarcasm, "a shovelful 'at a time." American Leg ion Weekly. , MEETING AT BETHEL 5 : METHODIST ! The revival meeting began at Bethel I Methodist church Sunday. There; will be preaching every night thisweas. at 7:30. The Rev". N. C. Williams, of Granite Falls, will preach. I promise you good preaching. Let's all do some good praying. J. R. WALKER, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Aull, Mrs. L. G. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. H. P. Williams and two daughters, Elizabeth Marshall and Jean, and Mrs. W. B. Lindsay of Char lotte left today for Bonclarken where the back seat raises his raucous voice Our campaigning methods is to talk so fast and loud about the four-power treaty that not very many of the en- thuisastic thousands notice it at all when some Democratic hireling; on they have taken a cottage tor tne month of September. The party all mo tored through to Bonclarken. and inquires in his rhetorical way about. Uncle Truman Newberry and the Tariff Bill. Ohio State Journal. Cold-Milk Thermos Milk; is a delicious and healthy ' food drink. However, it must be frigid to be enjoyed. If you want to keep milk cold or any other liquid cold, place it in a Ther ' mos Bottle and it will keep cold for days. We carry Thermos in ill styles. We have the lunch kits. Goods are standard and prices popular. LutzDrug Store "ON THE CORNER" Phone 17 and 317 thi Is Here! New Griffon Clothes for Fall A joy bringing lot. The new Griffon models.; Graceful of line. And so smart of style. Fashioned of good-to-look upon fab--rics. All wool and every thing. Price tags, too, that greet you pleasantly. The favorites are $25, $30 and $35. Moretz-Whiterier lingCpv "The Quality Shop" Cloth f ;!. ' Starting b Lighting Keepvyour Parting f lighting i system worldng 'just as dependable U5 yum wu uy 1101115 Mm I T is the service prompt, efficient. . dependable, .... , In all likelihood your car is equipped5 totftan"'' EXtoe" Battery. But "te" Service is broad . ,... , and comprehensive. . , It can meet every need of your starting and lighting battery, no matter what its make. Our free battery testing and rewatering service will go a long way toward keepings your battery sound and healthy. Take advantage of it. Johnson's v Garage Phone 377 Hickory, N. C, . We do All Kinds of Radiator Repair Work Johnson's Garage PHONE 377 a a a n 11 u a a a n u Revival Services at A BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY MORNING, SEPT. THE 10th , Trained Choir of One Hundred Voices Mr. Julian P. Moorman will lead the Singing in .3 . I I 5 it i. m ... :-s - 'I. i .'..' V. i t v. P. n 1 1 fl - 'II:'1 '.-'' 6- "ancacacacac3aacannnannnnDflcnaonnqc:3nQonBannQDcaanaBDODncpnnnrc - S ft- si-