- TUESDAY cwMfMO. OCTOBER .10. 19- r1 - THE HICKORY DAILY RECORD It: it f . 4 I' " Better- .- feC 2 vJ ft -cigarettes 4 R ji' " ji . L fa. 'j . i-i - ; ' i " ' CSSWfcSS. X better Virginia ? ' tSW ?! V -better Burley wsif hi and full size PfSf if .t'j2L:n -" : , "-"T? LOST White spotted setter pup, an- , ; ' : . OM(l3 iX-i' j RADIfi PROGRAM I f. E. mill I 'OjBf cent a word for each insertion Thit size three cents a tord. ... . :K!SSiZB TWO CENTS A WORD AH trfs cash with copy. Count the lwiOf;d before nendinf in your: copy WANTED An alert business getter. iO,0OU ' mile , .guaranteed new cord tires at prices below all competi tjdri Exclusive territory. $100 and VJ commission. . Smith System Cord 'Tire Co., 1108 S. Miehipran, Chicago. " 10-10-lt-pd. FORK '.SALE One grade Jersey heifer calf, two weeks old. 'Chenp. ; Hickory Seed Company. 1010- 2t LOMT Auto license number 147277. KTitarn to Sherrill at Clines' Barber Sftop. ... ,lt. pd. W ARE READY TO BUILD YOU nix-room Bungalow House with hard wood, floors, ami 11 up-to-date con ;veidcopes. On easy terms. See plan i Jit once. Office in Cannery Building. P..Ly Martin, Hickory, Phone 64 0-106t. . . , t FOR SALE Reo Speed Wagon. Easy terms. Johnson') Garage. 10-9 tf. FOR- SALE Milk cow-frcsh'tt year old . mule and heifer to bo fresh in spring. J. M. Lutz, route 4. . : . t 10-9-6t-pd , ; FOR SALE Golden chaff heed wheat, ' 2jOQ bushel vocleancd. D. E. Bar- ringer, Hickory route 4. miles west of postof f ice. 10-9-6t pd. WANTEDTo do plain and fano ..tewing. Phone 144-L. Mrs. J. W. Williams. 9-25-tf , ' WANTED One ludy, steady work 'Jlickory Steam Laundry. 10-7-4t ALL MAKES OF PHONOGRAPHS nd Talking machines cleaned and , repaired. Have your machine clean- ' fd and overhauled before the spring vreaks. Its cheaper. Piedmont Pho- .; Aoyraph Co. 7-19 WE HAVE ONE :-ROOM BUNGA v 'low with basement, small payment ' down, balance in one to two and ' 'half years time on balance. Owner ; leaving town. Must sell at once for 'these easy terms. D. L. Martin, Of ; : f ice in Cannery Building. Phone 64. ! 0-10-6t. , FOR RENT Two houses, one on , ,-15th street and one on ,17th street. " - P. A. Setzer. Phone 34 or 133-j. TQJI SALE OVERLAND SEDAN EASY TERMS. JOHNSON'S GAR "i .jAGB. . ' V . 8-26-tf. . WM 1 1 I ; (.GIRLS EFFICIENT WITH SEWING ; , machine can - make $3.00 per day ' elockinc Hosiery; AddIy to E. L. - fihuf ord. i 1 9-25-tf 4rrrr. CEMENT ' t2 cars Lehigh Cement received to day. Call and get what you 'want, c ' v . G. A. WARLICK, '" ,' Newton, N...C. t . - ' 10-5-6t pd. TDY OUR HOME MADE CANDIES, J cream and Fountain drinks. J. FOR SALE 5 -column Burroughs ad ding machine, practically new. Phone ift , vv. j. ivennetiy & oons. 10-10-2t. pd. FOR SALE One mile south of Hick ory Spinning mill 32V acres of land, with good six-room house, outbuild- ' ings and orchard. Just three miles from Hickory. Also two good hors es and six head of cattle. See or write W. LV Walker, Hickory, Routs 5. 10-10-2t-pd. FOR SALE Early Jersey Wakefield and Charleston - Wakefield Cab baffp seed and Crimson clover seed in the chaff. Hickory Seed Com ipany. 10-l0-2t WANTED Man with car to sell com plete line Tires and Tubes. $100 per week and expenses. Sterlingworth Tiro Co., 3195 Sterling, F.ast Liv , erpool, OHio 10-10rlt-pd. WE ENTRUST ANY HONEST MAN or woman to take orders for 100 ab solute necessities, and remit our ' share to : us. A. special proposition makes, prices lower, than "cut-rate" stores. - 'Our representatives clearj ing from .$24100 to 60.00 weekly everywhere. This is the most extra ordinary ' direct selling proposition ever offered. Write today for parti culars. AARamussen, Dept. 10, ' Ilerr's Island, Pittsburg, Pa. 10-10-17-2t-3t.pd. THREE STORY BRICK MERCAN TILE BUILDING IN CENTER OF MAIN BLOCK, AND ONE OF THE ' BEST LOCATIONS IN HICKORY, N. C, FOR SALE. FOR FURTHER , INFORMATION, CALL OR WRITE D. L. MARTIN, OFFICE IN CAN NERY BUILDING, BOX 645. 10-10-6t. FOR 'SALE International .one-ton truck. Easy terms. Johnson's Gar age. 9-10-tf LOST Bunch keys in Manufactur ers' building at Fair grounds. Three flat keys and one suit case kev.on First National Bank ringl Return to Record office. : 10-9-2t pd I AM PREPARED TO KEEP YOUR flowers over the winter. Phore 4003 10-9 2t pd STRAYED OR STOLEN Fine hound dog. Dark brown ears with white stripe on head, white breast and legs and scar on front leg. Good reward to finder. C. F. Christopher Hickory Route 4. 10-9-3t pd FOR SALE 1920 Hupmobile Touring car. Easy terms. Johnson's Garage. 10-9-tf. FOR SALE ONE FRANKLIN TOURING CAR. EXCELLENT CONDITION. EASY TERMS. HICKORY AUTO CORPORA TION; : I0-9-3T. NOTICE There will be a meeting ' at ' the Saints Tabei'nacle in West Hickory, of the welfare league or betterment sociality atr 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening October 11th 1922 for the purpose of laying plans for working out the problems that are of interest to us all in West Hickory and Long view and surrounding communities, everybody come. TUESDAY WGM Atlanta : Constitu Station tion, Concert at 10 p. m. : ' r- Station WHASJ..)uisville . Courier-Journal, Concert at 8:30 p. m. ; Station WWJ Detroit News, Con cert at 9:30. i ' Station , WGY Schenectady, N. Y., 7:45 p. m. music and lecture. "The Story of the- Steam Turbine" ilwl eb given 1 y C. M. Ripley. Station .WOG Davenport, Iowa, A special musical. 'program will be giv en at 6 p. m. This will consist of several soprano songs by Grace Loh miller, violin numbers by Elsie Voss and pipe-organ selections from Bee thoven and Liszt. Station KDKA At 8:30, Miss Grace Windsor, of the .Cai-negie Library; Pittsburg, Will talk on "Getting the Library Habit." The concert at. 9 p. m. will bo by Miss Edwards, soprano; Evan Lloyd tenor; Charles Ioomis, bass, and Mrs. Powell-Lloyd, accom panist. :' ' Station WJZ Nward, N. J., 9:20 p. m.fc Concert by Imke and his Socie ty Orchestra, , composed entirely of members of the American Legion. "OVER THE HILLS" - PASTIME THURSDAY "Over the Hill," the wonder picture of Broadway, : that easily outdistanc ed every other screen presentation in the matter of a continuous run, in New York.. and-.is' now arousing enthusiasm throughout ;the country, will be seen here at the : Pastime theatre Thursday and, Friday this week, i "Over the HillM"frin extraordinary picture. It' dpes'Tndt depend upon the eternal triahjgle for its sustained in terest.. Nor require mob scenes to be later up shortcomings in plot. There is something so sweet and wholesome and interesting in the story that the blase New Yorker, so particular and discriminating in his choice : of theatrical ; entertainment,, saw fit to give it his steady patronage and unqualified enthusiasm for a solid year on its initial run.. ;.- Paul H. Sloane adapted the storv from Will Carleton's "Farm Ballads" and Harry Millarde directed it. Wil liam Fox, its producer, has supplieid a corps of singularly competent play ers, -.headed by Mary Carr, . whose portrayal" of ' the Mother has made her famous. - - -'-....... ' Special ' musie- at- the, evening per formance by Mrs. Hatcher. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP 'Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween D. M. Boyd, J. F, Boyd , and Z. B. -Buchanan, doing business as the Boyd, Buchanan Realty Company, has this day been .dissolved be "mutual consent, Z. B. Buchanan voluntarily withdrawing from the firm. D. M. Boyd iand J. F. Eoyd assume all open accounts, due by the firm4 and become the owner, of . all notes" and accounts due the firm, and all persons indebt ed to the firm will make settlement iWith D. M. Bbyd who will be in charge f. - J . 1 . 1 A " . or tne..noies ana accounts. vThia. October 9th, 1922. D. M. BOYD, J. F. BOYD, - Z. B. BUCHANAN. 10-10.-4t Tues LOST On public streets, last -week blue handpainted pin, oval shape. T inder return to Record office. .; : l0-10-3t USE QECORD se Hecoiid DS us HICKORY PEOPLE HEAR SPEECH IS. SHARP Mrs. Mary Sharp of ; Greensboro, prominent woman in the ; Republican party, spoke in the interest of politics and the woman's place in politics at the auditorium last night before a fair sized audience, the intense rain which fell during the early part of the even ing cutting her audience down to less lhan one half. The speaker was introduced by Mr. R. H. Shuford, Republican candidate for congress from the Ninth district, who had previously been introduced by Mr. W. H. Barkley, chairman of the Republican committee of Hickory township. Mrs. Sharp is a brilliant woman, an excellent speaker and is well known here, having spoken in Hickory sev eral jjears ago while a candidate for a public office. Mr. Shuford intro duced her as a woman .who has made her own place in the Republican party in North Carolina. The first of Mrs. Settle's speech was devoted mainly to the women's place in politics-and she urged the men to bring the women out to the public speak ings, now. that they have a hand in the vote. . .'. Polities is a fine thing, asserted Mrs. Sharp, and means a great thing al though it has sometimes kept bad com pany. Her main " plea ' was to the . Republican party, for the men and women to go to the polls and vote for the men whom they had nomi nated for office, men in whom they had every reason to believe 'would up hold .the law , and order and stand for. the things their party .stood 'for.' Mrs.i Settle believed that the women's vote would stop all corruption jn poli tics and she urged her hearers not to be a failure in their party, let the Democrats do it. She asked the women to be more vigorous in their city and county government. The county nomi ness were .praised by -the speaker and she spoke of the war records of these men and asked the - voters to stand squarely behind them. We made great promise to the boys when they went to war and it is now up to the people to uphold their promise. She spoke of candidate Shuford as a man who will stand by his state and by r con gress. The Republican congress that is now in office was highly praised, especially- for their ability to l'ead the handwriting on the wall , when we were about to enter the league of na tions. If the .United States had enter ed into the league we would be hav ing just the same wars.- the only difference we would be there. She des ignated the difference among the na tions in Europe as .quarrelsome, neigh bors. Should -the United States take a hand in the league, it would be the same as a mother leaving her own children to danger w:hile she snatched a neighbor's child from out the streets. It is not that we do not ' have an in terest in our fellow beings byj she did , not think we should sacrifice our own for others. ' i .... , Asking what was going to be one of --the-outstanding issues " in the com ing campaign the speaker named tariff, said it sounded like the bleating from a calf as the Democrats sent out wailing " notes to their voters. She defined the present tariff and laid the blame of the high cost of , articles on the importer and merchant and gave figures and statistics to bear out . her theory. . She gave the cost of high prices following the war as lack of protection of home industries. Our factories, had to close down. Agriculture also came' in. for a share of attention and she laid the blame on the fall of prices on. agri cultural,. articles to the "other party. The: 'Republican party has been thi greatest friend the farmer ever had and. mentioned the farm loan especial ly. She also gave .the Democratic rec ord during the vote on tariff and de clared ' the senators voted ;' in the interest of their own particular sec tions and' asked where North' tCaroli-! na : Senators Overman and .Simmons werc when the vote was taken. The Republicans have been .saving us for years and. years she added. The tariff is for the ilear importer, the dear merchant, not 'the consumer, Mrs. Sharpe declared. Democratic in terests are being urged oh byi the importers. The farmer must be pro tected. She soared grandly to the de fense of tariff, quoted facts and asked the audience not to take her word for it specifically but to look up the lacords. . . .. .. . ..'.-. ", ,:: ' America for America and America for the world -without , crippling her own, said Mrs. Sharpe. Never has an administration f ulfiiled its promis as has the present one fulfilled : all its promises made, to its party,,, Yon can take, your choice she said. She could show the, platform and side by side, with it .she could, show that' all promises had been fulfilled. . When the present congress came into power, - they inherited the mes siest mess ever put ,before any set of people. When, the people talk about the republican congress having done nothing said Mrs. Sharpe, just tell them that they are untangling the snarls the previous Democratic Congress made. It must be untangled before thev can set to work and ac complish anything. Nobody stood stronger behind the : govern ment, not the " president,, dur ing the war than did the Re publicans, they fought Beside the Democrats and it was not either ;party alone that wan -the war but both, of them. The" speaker" diew a good laugh when- she said we would have been in war anyway even if President Wilson had kept us out of it. . : .... ': .The educational affairs, of the state ra.me in for a good scoring. The De moctatic party has ' had the leader iship for about 50 years. The Repub licans advocated free texts books and a like advantage to city and country children iij schools. -" 1 - to demins LTrs. Sharpe appealed, to millions issaaea ALADDIN ! SECDRITYQIL STANDA.UD - OIL COMfeAN Y PERFECTION OH Range Vi'ith SUPERFEX Burners ' ; her hearers - to , vote for; ; the" Repub- j lican party which--of fers every: advan j tage any government had to offer; It J stand ow" its record of the past. That it has done what it promised to do. ! In this party is the hope of a future for your children. - , Following her address the audience was invited to meet Mrs. Sharpe and i the was presented with a corsage of pretty flowers by some of the ladies present. . , . Quality Tires at 'Gyp'' , Prices 30x3 4 Pathfinder, ......$ 8.85 80x3 Cross Rib Tread . $10.65 30x3 V2 All Weather Tread $12.50 30x3 Cross "Rib Cord' . :$12U0 32x4 Cross Ribs Cojrd '.$2L50 Every Year is A Good5Viear For Goodyear Tires. ' . . ' Standard Garage & Sales Cecpany HICKORY, N. C. acDnnnnonnnnnocnocDP f:- If you want good ones , see us at our new place under Es- sex Jewelry Store., wo entrances front and rear. KILLIAN HARNESS : COMPANY : cnz;;z::t:::i 1 NEW BARNESS Oil aifcftsifc will cooiand heat with kerosene j, rpHE comfortable home this L winte!w be the one equipp&!to use kerosene The fcirosene to ask for is AladdM!Security Gil, always uhifomi clean and economic cMiiSwaste Be protected against coal shortage If you steai a heater or kitchen range we ' recqinniend the Perfection It gives irisantv convenient and eco nbmicalliat vithout smoke or odor! Beat the? cold' weather coal shortage By preparing today to use Aladdin SecuriW'Oii: in the Perfection Gil Heater c;New f Perfection Oil Range and Rayo Lamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) A Health Housewife Happy Home Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Helped V lUji H r -, Form Many ' For the ailing, half-sick housewife such a-unSuhQs impossible. Often timeA eveij the slightest form of housework cah??dt -be accomplished. Yet the work niBt be done. . Many w6mens fragile along for years; sufff ring: ifrqjrn some form of female trouble that make their lives miserable and theft? fiomes far from happy. . ' ydia E.Pjiiil ham's -Vegetable Compound' has helped' thousands of just mchmmf ffften their health and strength: Just give your thought to the foHew2h hMferfi," and remem ber that the women who wrote these ! letters ; knWv-'5h6wfhey'-fc!!t before taking the Vegetable Compound and agin af tejrwaials. 1 1 helped them letithelp yftu., : . Had.-Nervcus Spells , Horatidr ArkM 'H ' had nervous spells anA awful bad .feelings.. My right sidtwd- my -baelc hurt me all the time and i had been going down in health pl kvx or;t6even years. For three years'l had hot been able to do my workirfthout bfelp. I weighed oniyss pounds when my husband's mothi-r. peruadadime ta take Lydia K. PlnkhSmV'Vegetable Compound. Jow I' hearty recommend i to all suffering woiriehf as I have gained weight apd health. I can do all my WAtk, anf-thmg jvafct to do." Mrs. Jim IlEAiiiCK, Horatio, Arkansas. , Record Want Ads Bring Result,: T WE VED IT BAKERS GARAGE J! 9th Aveitil2S K'i-Hickory. N. C. SUBSCRIBEIFOR THfi RECORD OF REST TO WDM Reading, Pa. fl- was a nervous wreck and could hardly do ny house work. 1 always had to have help or I would never have got it done. Ihrough the advice of friends I have be e n taking Lydia E. Pinkham's v egetable Compound for my nerves and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medi cine for my blood and I am feeling line arid doing my work all alone. I can recommend these medicines to any 1 one, : for they certainly helped me. I suffered for five years and Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines pulled me through. " - Mrs..; WALTER U. Stoyer, 1218 Mulberry St.,Reading. Pa. . . . ; . Recommends the Vegetable Compound New Orleans, La. "I have found relief from my troubles by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and I praise it wherever I go. I could not do my work as it should be done for I would sometimes have to he down because of th pains I had. A fnend induced me. tor take your Vegetable Compound and I have got great results froto it. J keep house and am' able to do all my own work. I recommend your Vegetable Com pound to my friends who have troubles similar to mint." Mrs. T. Foeck ler, 1915 N. Dtfrbigny st. New Or leans, La. Try Th em. NOTICE -Mrs. Earl Carr will have charge of nesdavry;fhtUr at th6 on ncsday . afternoon, at 3- o'clock All childr are especially :inWted RUBY McWHlR UbWian. Have your Slices . Mended at tho -SHOE FIXESY Best Leather Um4 ... Best Work. GuaratMd;; . Under Ser OCei? y .-, Entrances Front nd Katr Two ,.N. "V r

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