' " TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMbfr s . HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE SIX STREET PAVING, MAIDEN, N. i II I Bursal E tr H f I B fl "T1 E T f" t w : 71 X nf these f$F j??"?L IIIWAOT APy RESULTS One Cent Word for Each Insertion , THIS SIZE TYPE TWO CENTS A WOIU) This Size Three Centa a Word All ad cash with copy. Count the worda reiore sendinf in your copy WANTKl) Two or three furmshcii rooms for L. II. K. I'hono 400. 12-5 It pel. y I KAVEI) OK I.OSY One black spot led broken nose Berkshire brood sow. Information to J. C. Plonk, Edge wood farm, will bo remunerated. I2-5-3t. TOR SALE Early Jersey and Char- , Jcston wakei'ield cabbage paints, L'O cents per 100. $1.25 per 1000. Ilick ray Seed Company, Hickory, X. C. 12-5-2t. Tues ami Thu;- WANTKD SALESMAN For Cataw ba county to sell lubricating oii direct to automobile owners. One with car preferred. Good pay. For particulars write C. E. Kogers, Box 1 0 1 Greensboro, X. ('. 12-5t It ,po. ITBL1C STKN AGIJAIMI Kli Nea t, f; accurate. No having to wait. .Rc r gular hours. Office Carolina Audit ' Co. Shuford Mill Bldg. Phone 508. 12-4-Gt pd FOR KENT 3 up stairs furnished rooms for light house keeping 201,'? Ninth avenue. Mrs. Seabock. l2-4t If. BUSINESS FOB SALE Here is a chance for the fellow who wants a nice clean up to datJ paying busi-. ness with only a little money to invest. Must soon give attention other business. Don't answer unless you have 500 to S00 cash and mean business. Address 500 Record. i 12-5t 'SI, PIANO TUNING And Phonograph and all musical instruments repaii ed.Kenyon Music House 11-21 tf i.yit? QAl.l? VnrA Tnurinn-" car with x v I'.ii-"' -i , starter, uncap, dee l. a. r.ees, luhk view. ll-28-6t pd. Sealed proposals will be received by thc-Town Board of Aldermen of Maid en, North Carolina, at the office of A. C. Black, Mayor, until 2:00 p. m., Tues day, December 19th, 1922, for paving and otherwise improving .certain streets, at which time all bida will be publiclyiopened and read. The work will include approximate ly 1,800 cubic yards of excavation and grading, 5,500 square yards "of plain cement concrete or reinforced cement concrete pavement; 0,500 lin eal feet of integral concrete curbs, a few storm drains and other accessor ies. . All bids must upon blank forms provided in the proposal and contract rorms furnished with the specifica tions. ? Plans and specifications will be on file at the office of A. C. Blacky May or, Maiden, N. C, and at the office of the Engineers in Charlotte, N. C. A deposit cf $10.00 will be required by the Engineers for ea,ch set of plans and specifications, which deposit will be refunded to bona fide bidders. Y Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond for $2,000, 00 in favor of B. S.-Finger, Treasurer of the town of Maiden, N. C. The right is reserved to reject any cr all bids. A. C. BLACK, Mayor, MEES & MEES; Maiden, N. C. Consulting Engineers. 12-5-Gt. Charlotte, N. C. ' : " AUCTION SALE, SATURDAY, DE ccmber 9th, at 2 p. m. 30 beautiful residential lots on 7th street, one block south of the South school, be tween Kenworth and Sth street. This property fronts on a new street, just finished, and top soiled. Water, lights and sewer are available. Free cash pri;:es and band concert. Every body invited. The Fritts-Anderson i Realty Co., Oscar Pitts Auctioneer. 12-2-Gt-pd. NORTH CAROLINA CATAWBA COUNTY ; i FOR SALE A mahogany flat top office desk, like new. Kenyon Music; NEW SHIPMENT Kitchen Cabinets. WANTED Boarders. Rates reason- ( ash or credit. C nristmas sale. Tip- ,T . , ,r ... ... ton Furniture Co. 12-41 Gr. abIe- A Mrs- W- r- Nance 1803 ,. 1 Eighth avenue. ll-28-4t eod. WANTED Fresh vows. Phone John , W. Robinson. 12-4-2t. FOR RENT Three room, partly fur- 1 nished. Water, lights and bath, .Close, CEDAR CHEST Wardrobe trunks. in., Call 138-L. 12-2-2t-pd-eod .Make ideal presents. More than one hundred on display at Tipton Furm- THOSE MILK SHAKES AT HENRY tui'e Co. 12-4- Ct Hill's arc fine. Try one. 7-24-tf. BLANKETS All $7.50 and $9.00 wool and woolknap blankets. Special $5.85. Tipton furniture Co. 12-1 fit. ENJOY A SAVING Of 20 to 30 per '.itnt. And have your purchase charg ed. Our Christmas erub plan. Tipton Furniture Co. 12-4t Gt. ALL MAKES 'OF 'PHONOGRAPHS and Talking machines cleaned and repaired. Have your machine clean ed and overhauled before the spring breaks. Its cheaper. Piedmont Pho nograph Co. 7-19 EYES TESTED And glasses scientificiaSlv fitted. When this is done by me they cannot be improved, on. Inasmuch as cement bifocals have given so much trouble by comming apart, the fieid is ripe for the improved bifocals, ground from one solid piece of glass. I guarantee these to give satisfaction. I will fur nish these one-piece bifocals, complete with shell or gold frames, for a limit ed time, at !j!10.0 per pair E. E. HEIGHT Registered Optometrist Uo 511 Hickory, N. C. 12-2-G-t. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage executed to the undersigned Mortgagee on the 10th. day of August 1921, by" Mary M. Price and E. S. Price, her husband, and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds ffrr Catawba County, North Carolina, Book 151 at Page 435, and default having been made in the payment there f, the undersigned will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following property, to wit: Beginning at "a stake Gibbs' and Whittle's - and others corner, and running thence North 55 1-2 west crossing a branch 11 .poles to a stoiie; thence North 04 1-2 west 15 1-2 poles to a stone. Gibbs' and others corner; thence " North 40 1-2 West 18 1-2 poles to a stone: thence. South 47 1-2 Fast 29 1-2 poles to a stono in p branch; thence with the branch t.i'the beginning. This su'e to take plaae at 12 o'clock n-iin in front of the First National Rank of Hickory, North Carolina on the 2 day of December, 192:'. HICKORY, AUTO CORPORATION Mortgagee. JOSE'PII L. MURPHY, Attorney. This the 22nd, day of November 1922. ' 11 -28-4 1 Tuesdays THE INCENTIVE Jessie "I can't imagine how you get money our of your husband." .Bessie 1'Oh, I simply say I'l l going hack to mother, and he j;;iv'. .; hands me the fare." London Answers. Fifty- Fifty For Pro gress The big obvious need . of this country today, is psychological-the disposition to go ahead. : We have here a-vast ability to produce, and a vast ability to 'con--k sume the products of industry. Potentially,-Supply. and Demand are. pretty well matched. The main trouble is that people don't demand enough things to justify in dustry in doing its utmost to produce. The result is that a great amount -of energy is being spent on trying to get a lion's share of the existing demand, and not, enough is spent on trying to create the demand so there will be enough to keep everybody busy supplying it. : " This brings about a period of keen competition. It means that everybody must work harder and accept less in-order to overcome the sales resistance of a cur tailed demand. . Demand is largely a created thing. The actual . needs of humanity are only a fraction of thegeneral de mand.. It is always a simple matter to get along with less than one would like to have. When the public gets a streak of economy it curtails the demand for everything . that is produced. , Advertising is a prime, mover in creating busi ness. It rouses people out of lethargy, makes them want to live more fully, and to possess the means of living more comfortably and more enjoyably. - When sales are hard to get, then most, people who have things for sale increase their efforts to sell. The harder they try to sell, the harder their competi ' tors try to sell. But no amount of .selling effort in the : usual sense of the word can create demand; it can only take advantage of the demand that has been other wise created. Advertising and Selling ought to be considered as "fifty-fifty" in importance. Advertising "creates the consumer demand. Selling connects this demand with the supply. Each needs the other to make its work com- plete. :. t-.7:,. ' "' :i I' "-: Published by the Hickory Daily Record, in co, operation v. . . , with The American Association of Advertising Agencies. By the Associated Press. London, Dec. 5. Without pomp or ceremony the Irish Free state will come into being after midnight to night. . By special order in council the. ad ministration of the country already has been handed over to the provi sional government. Consequently when the new state comes into existence to morrow there will be no ceremony cf any kind to mark the f ulf illmenr of the treaty between Ireland and the British government. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED FOR WEEK ,' (continued from page one) tion from the. nose and throat ' 2. In crowds and public gatherings, churches, schools, nicture shows, busi ness houses, fairs, circuses, trains, or in any other, .places where, people con gregate. Soda fountains are especially danee.rous if they do not supply indi vidual sanitary cups and sterilized spoons. How to Keek From Taking Influenza 1. Keep away from crowds, especi ally indoor gatherings. " 2. Avoid people who cough, sneeze, and spit without holding, a handkef chief over the nose and houth. 3. Do not use common drinking cups cr towels, and keep away from the soda fountain that does not supply individual cups and sterilized spoons. 4. Keep the bowels open. Snuff vase line up the nose three times a day. Gargle mouth and throat and rinse out nose with warm salt water, using a level teaspoonful cf salt to a glass of warm water. Sleep and eat regul arly. These are very important. 5 Keep, in the open air and sunshine as much as .practicable and have good ventilation in the home and of figs. Sleep with your windows open. - 0. Wash your hands, before eating, and never nut your uiyjvashed hands in your mouth. . .. 7. Do not give the disease to others when you sneeze orcough always bow the head and cover both nose nnd mouth with handkerchief. Svmptoms of Influenza, and What to Do if You Take It 1. In most cases a person .taken with influenza feels sick rather sud denly. He feels weak, has pains in the eyes', eats, head or back, and may be sore all over. Monv patients feei dizzy, seme vomit. Most of the pa tients complain of feeling chilly, and with . this comes a fever in which the temperature rises to 100 to 101 degrees. In most cases the rulse re mains relatively slow. , In appeal ance one is .'struck -by the fact that the xatient looks, sick. His cys and the inner -side cf his eyelids pi a v be slightly bloodshot or congested. There may be running from he nose, and there may some cough. These signs of a cold mav not be marked: nevertheless the patiepf lookK and feels verv sick. 2. If you have any of the above symptoms, go to bed at once am send for a doctor and follow his direc tions .plicitly. 3. If you cannot obtain a doctor at once, stay in bed with plenty or rover to keep you' Warm, open ah tb :: windows., and keep them open tak mcd'Hne -to. open ..the --bowles freely, and take ncurhing food, as mill eggs, and - broth, every f.oui hours. ' 4. Allow no ore else to sleep in the same room, protect others bv sneer ing and couphimr into' cloths whicn can be boiled cr buried. 5. 'Stav in.. Ved untif a doctor tells you it is safe . to est un: or. until you have bsen, .without, fever ' for :r. Ip.st fo'ir days. ' , What to Do After Recovering From nn Attack of .Influenza . 1. InfluenzA is a treacherous disease. If one is fortunate enough to escan? r.neumonia durin? ! or. immediately following the attack," the lungs ami respiratory system are frequently so flamed that vtubercniosig develop?-. The heart is overworked and needs test. Therefore,, dp. p-t return to work r.r Icve home until you have re gained your strength, whether it is a v.-ck or a month. - .2. If complete recovery does not take n1acr within two week's, ' have your family physician carefully ana thoroughly - examine everv vital, orgah and function of ; the body. Follow In structions the: doctor may give you after such an examination. -What to Do Afr the "Epidemic Ts Over n- : ' ' '(' 1. Secure the cooperation of ybtn "cigbbcrs in etitioninj?" our comvj; board -of health to establish a' full time, health department in the counts 1 o organize the. reople and teach 'Msea-e prevention." Everyone who has had influenza knows that prevention is -cfer than cure. - 2. If you live - in a town, in ad dition ; to the above, see that your vor mid Board of Aldermen require soda . fountains, to use nothing- but i"'li"-'h; ii drinking: fv33,: saucers and sterilised spoons. Also, that moving Y"ture. shows have thorough ventila tion.' , ; - ' !':': ,) . : A 'Last Word - : :'.';:; 1. Do not become unduly" alarmed during the epidemic use judgement an'' common sense. 2. Tip siiw and help those who car: not. blp themselves. , l precautions are taken,.,it, js jtot dangerous to care for the Hek;? During ;?;n influenza nidem'V the Tlangrousi fellow is not the sick-in-bed,''but the one who goes about gouorhing; sneezingv and spitting in a v-'daro(les&.: mantter;r; i :' t- 3. Inf tueriza land La Grippe are the same disease. iv ; ' fe--:3vSiiji 4. There are no vaccines or serums for- influenza. , v . ". . ; ,;- 1 v fT)oh't wsteoufymoney oni tent : memcmea-f-tnev. are. dangerous f. Don't Give Influenza to Others and Do Not let others Give It To You 9 y ' M, MISSUS EPPEL " l "V ' f y j y - opti kf "U"1 ' g?w M ar v '- ' 1 THE LONG, LASTING KIND Every day we see Exides that have been giving unfailing service for 4to 5years, and still going good. . Exide was the first Storage Battery. They have ' -- '"- " ' - - -past the experimental age when you buy Exide you buy a proven article. Ford Special $20.00 Less Allowance for Old 1 Battery ' Standard Dodge 13-Plate $25:00 Less Allowance for Old . Battery $36.00 Less Allowance for Old Battery ()..... H.i,. )...... Exide Service Station Phone 377 i