.MONDAY .EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1S,2. THE HICKORY DAILY RECORD mr.c TWfl L)r. Unas, L,ee smitn, president 01 - imY DAILY RECORD Subscribers desiring the addresa of titeir paper changed will please state in their communication both OLD and NEW address. To insure efficient delivery, com ftUints should be made to Subscription Department promptly. City subscrib wjTlhould call 167 regarding com- SUBSCRIPTION RATES Qm year "5-00 (By Mail, $4.00; 6 months, $2.00) Sbc months $2.o0 Three Months One Month One Week 10 tJntered as second-class matter, Sep tember 11,1915, at the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 8, 1879. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or republication f all news credited to it or not credit ad in this paper and also the local news published herein. A COWARDLY INCIDENT TALK OF HELP At Chadbourne, in the eastern part of the state, last Wednesday night a negro man, who is good enough farmer to be appointed farm agent by, the state and federal govern ment, Was called out from his home by some 40 masked men, iplaced in an automobile and carried a few miles into the' country find "flogged. A sack was ; thrown over his head, but was iv.TweJ. so that he could find his way hnj'me after the Anglo-Saxons, y; (..!' fols. had beaten him until f I Vli'vc;l he had .enough. They accused the negro mam of ad vocating the Dyer anti-lynching bill and the' probabilities are that he did explain what it meant to some of the other negroes. The masked men have said nothing. The negro man was educated at Hampton Institute and ha3 studied farming. He is intelligent and the correspondent of the Greensboro News, which .first reported the in cident, says ftiat he was not "uppity," hut knew his place and kept it. Wo suppose there is a ku klux klan in the Chadbourne section. There i.-; no evidence that the klan did this? thing. Klansmen ought to feel out raged that 40 masked men, with the license numbers , removed from their cars so that th?Ve was no chance of identifying them, should invade the home of a negro man at night, carry him off and whip him. In places peo ple will sav the klan performed this eowalW pleW WtraSm&s-S." Xlansrn en ought tb recent, the suggestion; an-1 what is better, they ought to fin.1 out who the guilty persons are, have them apprehended and punished. That .was a feat too low-down foe intelligent white men. There is a good deal of talk about helping Germany, and something may be done. The best course for the Unit ed States would have been for this government, along with England, to guarantee Franco from attack for five years; insist on reduction oi' French military forces, and use every possible means to bring the two re publics closer together. That could have been done. English suport could have been counted on. There would be no talk now of a billion dollar loan to Germany, of French invasion of the Ruhr, and of other eventualties. It was failure to cooperate that is responsible for the present situation and even those who were favorable to Gormany have sense enough to see it now. American participation in European affairs may be becessary to save both Germany and France from anarchy. H. G. Wells in a recent address ex presses the conviction that they are both headed for destruction. In the next few weeks we vhall see. whether this administration, which is voicing its sentiments quite freely at the Lausanne conference, intends to do anything constructive for Eu rope, the United States and the world. NO USE TO WORRY The Record will concede without ar gument that it has not regarded the ku klux klan as seriously as have some of its contemporaries and several of the governors of the various states. For the most part, members of the klan, it is sure, are good citizens, pos sessed of intelligence that will rank Up with the average. On numerous oc casions the Record has expressed the opinion that masked men, whether klansmen or not, would commit acts of 'violence that would make it hard for the better element of the organi zation to endure. There would be pub lic sentiment to contend with. '.This newspaper does not .approve of inrisible empires that go about in the darkness under cover of masks. ;If there Os good work to be done aad the klan has done some good work it can be performed as effectively, the Record is sure, by men who have nothing to conceal as by men behind masks. What this country needs are law-abiding citizensresolved on break ing up vice. . But the Record does not believe that this country needs an extragovcrn raental agency. This paper believes that the klansmen, who sec wrongs that need righting, in time will find that they can accomplish more in a manner that is not objectionable to tlv majority of the people, even in th3 south, and that the organization will disband. This paper has seen nothing t - worry it much. , Between Hickory and Morganton and between Newton and State.3villo, tou judge by a Central highway map Inthe Greeboro News Sunday, are the longest gaps for which no pro vision has been made. Catawba county lost its Central highway opportunity when it stood for the Newton-Maiden link. The link between Newton ?nd Statcsville should be built as soon as possible. It is part of a great state scheme that should not be lost sight of r here. The highway to Morganton also should be built. Most Santa Clauses these days are figuring on the age-long problem of making two dollars do the service o? a dozen. t the Edwards and Broughton Company, J i. 3 j i i :j i k ' lias resunieu uie cuimuveisy wilii tuo state department of labor and printing over the rejection of the North Caro lina reports. The head of this larjje concern, which has a good reputation throughout the south, charges that M. L. Shopman and Lawrence Nichols, his assistant, have sought to pre judice his business and charges in effect that his company has been dis criminated against because it bucked the printers in their demand for 44 hours a Week. It would be easy ; enough for state authorities, were they so inclined, to harass a printer they do not like. But Messrs. Shipmaa and Nichols, whatever their feelings as individuals, are not. handling pri vate matters, and it makes no dif ference to them officially whether the Edwards and Brouijrhton Company operates an. open or closed shop. The state pays them to attend to 'their duties, which are said to be defined by statute. It also apears that the state is ipaying the chief justice some thing for annotating or proofreading or whatever it is called. The. Turk nwst feel rather safj tc be flaunting the allied powers, but the Turk has not obtained possession of the oil fields yet. The Asheville High sinoo ieioat?i New Bern at Chapel Hill Saturday, 12 to Hi, n a field that was nearly all mud and water. The New Bern lads played well until the fourth cpam-;-, and the whistle saved them from defeat. It was agreed to play another '.eriod, in which tne i; ' m t :- i worsted the lowlands in battle. It was the fii'st time in three years that a western team has won the coveted honor. WILSON AND SHANTUNG This is the sort of weather that makes one think oi hardsurface roads. They are the only good roads, but the others are holding up well, consider ing the weather they have encountered. Asheville is on a building boom, and in this respect iis keeping pace with the most forward towns in the state. Hickory must do a little more building next year than this, which has been a busy one in many respects. Lcusviiie Courier-Journal. Woodrow Wilson is vindicated .by j Japans withdrawal from' Shantung, At Paris in 1919 Shantung, includ . ing the garrison of Kiaochow, that had been seized by Germany as in- ricminity for damages in the Boxer i rebellion of 1893, was awarded by the treaty of Versailles to Japan, i Thp .nvsrH was jH'romr.aniod with the distinct understanding and ex plicit assurance that Japan would at the proper time retire from China and return Shantung to the Chinese. When Mi. Wilson became n party to this agreement, vials of wrath were emptied upon his head. Phrases like "the crime of Shantung" were bandied about by the unthinking and yawped repeatedly in the senate by Lodge and his partisans. Wilson had sold out China to Japan that wus the cry. To all this the president mads the simple answer that "he had faith in Japan" and in Japan's promise that the mikado's government would at the proper time restore Shantung to the sovereignty of China. This faith of Woodrow Wilson's in B SPECIAL PASTIME TODAY AND TOMORROW WILLIAM FOX presents Zane Grey's Western Story iJ Staged by Emmeit J. Flynn Biggest Western Photodrama Ever. Made Regular Admission s !...10r. and 20c m the integrity of one of American's allies in the great war is now com pletely justified. BROUGHT GOOD PRICE 8 B23S2BI Give a Gift That Will Be Appreciated Throughout the jYear Make It An Electrical Gift We have a complote display of Elec trical Appliances that make Ideal Christ mas Gifts for every member of the family. Santa Claus will be in Hickory 14 days from now. That isn't long, but there is still plenty of time for you to stop by and leave a message to Santa Claus, telling him what you want Christmas. GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY See The Santa Claus Show Room Where Everything Electrical is on Display Mr. R.- A. Bolick of route 2 has re turned from Elkiti where he carried his tobacco to market. He reports, low grade tobacco averaging--around 30 cents, and better grade much higher. Elkin has an independent warehouse on a cooperative basis, and farmers in the adjotning counties carry their tobacco to be sold at auction. Mr. Bolick is one of the biggest growers in this county. While not much is rair.ed around here, Caldwell county grows a good crop. ZANE f.REY W-T3STKRNT PICTURE PASTIME TODAY USXY firiend r 1101 j i V.' ' 'A ii A rs tt'H-EN Chiistmas time with all its buying ana v V living rolls f round, then a checking account lo a trim; .'ieml irdced. No danger of losing money on your ahoTijiw. expeditions no bother and delay in "maUi;? cFlaricje." Just write a cheek for every nurehaJo' and how -.simple Christmas shopping bcJincs! J&'VJL 3 J J3 JL,&.,& tt h "The Last Trail," one of Zane Grey's celebrated novels, has been adapted for the screen by William Fox as one of his special productions for this year, will be shown at the Pastime Theatre .xxlav and tomorrow. The name of Zane Grey is in itself a talisman for either readers of fiction or followers of motion -pictures, and the superb manner in which Fox .hitherto has filmed novels by Grey promises an entertainment well worth vhile in "The Last Trail.. . ,, In addi tion, the direction of this picture Was in th: hands of En-.niett J. Flynn, v.hose notable work on "A Connecticut .! Yankee" and "Shame" both big Fox sn-'H'i;-:!--ha nlaeed his name in the j vcrr front rank of 'screen directors. ! The leading roles in "The Last j Trail" are enacted by Maurice Flynn, j Eva Novak and Rosemary Theby. A ! spectacular masterpiece is- said to be tha breaking of a huge dam and the resultant flooding and destruction of a village in the valley below. aiiiii.iBjMii.iii.ijuiiu.M.iiijmiguj For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventive Take Lstx&tsv& WE WELD IT ' fiFa 30c. V mi m BAKERS GARAGE 9th Aversua Hickory, N, C, Try a Record Want Ad and Find Lost Articles Christmas Gifts Shopping Place L .1. We have the most varied line of Christmas Gifts assembled to gether in this City. From our displays you can get any kind of remembrance that you want for this season. Having a REGULAR GIFT SHOP as we do you may expect us to have the best that are on the market. This year we have marked our goods differently. We are getting a much larger volume of business and we are giving you the jnefrt of this by marking our attractive lins much lower in prices. V Christmas Post Cards, Very Pretty 1c Each FOR THE MEN FOLKS DR. GLENN R. FRYE PHYSICIAN 02ice over Hickory Drug Co. Hours: 11 to 12 3 to 5 Phones: Office 06; Residence 1G2-J Southern Public Utilities Company Bibles Testaments Books of Fiction Traveling Sets Hair Brushes Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils Smoking Sets Tobacco Jars Cigarette Cases Book Ends Stationery Brief Cases Bill Folds Pocket Books Diarys Poems Collar Bags Golf Clubs Golf Bags All kinds o Office Equipment that will make Real Christmas Gifts COME SEE OUR DISPLAY 1l FIRE FIRE Insure before it burns CITIZENS INSURANCE & REALTY CO. W. H. LITTLE, Mgr. Let Us Protect Yon Phone 108 or 146-L FIRE , FIRE We do All Kinds of Radiator Repair Work Johnson's Garage PHONE 377 Hickory Lodge No.343 .... ;; Regular Communication First and Third Monday nights "r Brethren cordially invited to be present E. H. SHUFORD, W. M. W. L. BOATRIGHT, Sec Your Banking Business -All of It We would like to have your banking business all, of it. Per haps there arc services which this Bank. can. render that you don't know about. If you are now" a savings depositor, you will find that a personal checking account is a convenience and a" further step towards economy. All that is required is that you main tain a reasonable balance. If you now have a checking but not a savings account, you will find it a wise step to also open the lajter to which you may transfer money that you wish to definitely set aside. Our Safe Deposit' Boxes cost you only $2.00 and up per year. Here you can store valuable papers such as insurance policies, deeds, bonds, notes, etc., without danger of fire or theft. Finally, in preparing for the time when' you will no longer be able to supervise your business affairs, don't overlook the services of our Trust Department which is superior to -any individual manager or executor. . First National Bank - HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus $300,000 J. D. Elliott, president; K. C. Menzies, vice-president and cashier; J. L. Cilley, asst. cashier Geo. E. Bisanar DOCTOR OF OPTICS Error of Refraction and all Optical defects corrected with properly fitted glasses Office and examination room in connection with Jewelry store A.J.ESSEX Graduate Optometrist Office in Jewelry Store Where Your Eyes receive expert service without the use of drugs Hickory Harness Co. Manufacturers of all Kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES, AND STRAP WORK i Repairing a Specialty HICKORY, N. C. REAL ESTxTE INSURANCE I have some very desirable city and country property for sale. If interested, sec, phone c write J. W. HOKE Blickory - N. Car. G. W. KABY, M.' D., D. C. Chiropractor and Spinal Specialist Over Essex Jewelry Store ; Chirapractic Eliminates tha Cause cf Disease Phone 628-J CYRUS C.BABB Mem. Amer. Soc. Civil Engrs. Waterpower, Waterworks And Sewerage Land Sub-division Highways HICKORY, N. C. Chamber Commerce Building Address: Granite Falls, N. C. JITNEY SCHEDULE Hickory-Lenoir Jitney Schedule Leave Lenoir 8:30 p. m. . Xieave Hickory 5 p. m. Arrive for No. 21 and 22. C. KROBBLNS. Chase & Sanborn SEAL BRAND COFFEE Best Grown in The World. Whitener & Martin 1 iAid digestion Dr. KINGS PILLS ,Jbr constipation ' lLL Quality Tires at "Gyp" Prices 30x3 All Weather Tread $12.50 30x3 Cross Rib Cord ..S 12.50 32x4 Cross Rib Cord ....$24.50 30x3 Pathfinder $ 8-85 SOxf', Cross Rib Tread ..$10.63 Every Year ij A Good Year For Goodyear Tires. Standard Garage Sales Company HICKORY, N. C. Hlllilll M-t BUCKt-KN acq ET'S MAKE MORE BEAU.TIF U

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