V vTv if youu ...K.,..ihr9 'L, M..ro. their fS;nj wire. "WEATHER " i Fair tonight and Fri-' day.V; Slightly warmer; Friday. , ' . v " : 1 -:l 3 It m JUSHED SEPTEMBF f 7j15 HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1922. PRICE FIVE CEfitS if ii kiencau Commissi 1 V. - - Mi I' - Tim Healy Guides, Irelantl Iir 1 s May Go In -4 ! RECORD) HEDCEGOCKJieH to L ' , f i Eca Definite Sum, thl, Awiwiated l'res.s. Lbmlon. IKv. -'l.A request made oirniittef 't Ann iicaii ousiness men licit ,v !l-!'l t'!'t Hoover would visit .,..v o 'ii'.itu'i'tii'ii' a inoroupn sur- . p . . .. . ii...i 1 1 xcii a-i ii l'-'-1" 11 m'w reparations I A 1 . - - -.t'liU'lit v.'as m'cm mr louuy as per- hulk el' the rumor m to Amen- inritwuif': into the German re- Gnat Cnta;: it is semi-otfieially IfSt'l" "' il.ll'iiiim mi" .illli.' I Kctll Udopar:'!U'r: u!' 'ts t,(,nst'nt to such jlin. The British government's mcs- ;e i.U'Xpu't'-'ti to re toiiowcu tiy the r,t from Franco to which the pro- alwas t(in;iiu:iii.att'(l by the Amen- piveri'.tiicrt. . Ihi-prifi'sal was made hy a govern- r.t firrniNsi ! headed by Chancellor : to tiif I'nitu! States chamber of h in turn asked Secre lrc?ent the matter to V HurVfi' I'sbint'l. ThcG-rinans propose that the Amer- cuiumisMon determine the extent Ct'rn'.:iii,v's ahiiity to pay and assert wuu! 1 ::tit tn irvet this amount lircat iirilairi and France would Kr.t.T'i this end. Secretary Hughes wd negotiations with Great Urit- iir.il France. Sill ATI O.N H'iRK ;!if Assnfiy.tvii Press. Tahinntti lec. "JI. German over- p titi"0':'n :':'.''ri::al ciaunels for hrican ititu-v, ntion to obtain revi- f tin: icpai ations reported in the Associated Pres;, tin- rew itiiiuT'nco at wmch tricsn interest will he directed. Hie next ftep to be looked for, of- il ..":.'. is an indication of the nth attitude on the German pro- Jl that iir. American economic "mwu'ii rc iew (Itrmanv's ecln- w (.'tiniat'' her caoaeitv t -T J rcpiiriitiuiis. i nr.son to believe that i"u 'juveir.nuT.t reports lrom n Mi j.ist:fy h'); v fiat if Fran; : Mnif no obstacle will remain in Rv of Germany's paying repara- ant such agreement up to this . officials hvre and at Berlin id to have felt, has been the lack an exchange f views- between '1 and l';,i is. British agencies ;il hanjly ot't'er their services, as t Britain is too fullv committed i'i.')aratioii;j tjuestjon in op- to the French position, here w.'rttiMi would not be acceptable! ranee. t" the proposal approved by the '""viTiiroi iit is seen here, -it rep- cnts einnli,vm.,r, ,.c a -j -j ..... m. ui iiii-i iv rtu vjiii ' ftiiil and w' Gehnan and French view.) harnionv, 1 J i LOOK FURTHER IK 1 1EDIGAL II LEG 5n l Vm KJ Associated press. N (., t),.t. 21.Tho sDecial '"iittot! itniioint,,! IniMiufiirnto tiif , rili"'i f Dr. W. P. Few, prcsi- 7r'inity College, that the Dur- -iTth - ar"1 thu Ui',ivt'rsity of Jr) fai'olina enter into an alliance j I (,(,ll;'t ruction of a medici whs in session here today. row iieaiti outlinfd hi nronosal ifi.. . . i tilt' rilOI'Iiiroi' unuiimn nl nt.VlPf 'hit ...... .....iiiivii hum v VM V .- " ''''Ifitiri'" to t.hf. mjitt.er were details were given out 'the noon recess. "'mittee was appointed by the ica,i 'st'V(;i;'4 mnths ago to study "7 -'Vral mo a'JvL-id)ilitv of .,,rm "'. Few here yesterday Li, I pr"P"sition from the Duke and ,f interests to R'ive $8,000,' "f hl. ,.ui.. ir , ... . m . - ' i.ioiisnmenc oi a menicu Llin Government Has Asked Secretary Hoover to Push Investigation of Country's Ability to Pay Reparations with View to Getting at a mm Uy the Associated Press. Washington, Dee. 12. A conference of the world powers to consider eco nomic questions, to be called by Presi dent Harding for riscussion of possible afrreementa to establish more stable f.naneial and business conditions and also to bring- about a reduction in land and sea armaments, -was proposed by Senator Korah, Republican of Idaho, in an amendment to the naval appropriation bill. The naval bill carries cash anpro nations of $295.(?C4,000, an increar. of $1,797,000 over the house and au thorizes the transfer of $35,000,000 additional from unexpected miscellan eous funds to the new construction fund which was left at $55,000,000 by the senate appropriations c.om riittce, without change from the house ruthorizaticu. The bill as reported t. the senate exceeded the budget bu reau's .request by about 515,000. Of the committee increases $1,00,000 w:is added to the $;.5.0C0,000 for th navy reserves ,and $55,000 was pro- BORAH IN "FAVGR CBIEHEICE BP PIERS vidrd.-for torpedo rvVrv' TllBCLIi TO BE IS WNI Uy the Associated Press. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 21. Judge Ijon II. M'.-Cord in the circuit cou t h?re today had under advisemt-rit .the claims of two women each alleging 1o be the lawful wife of Samu'el Frank deceased. The case was heard yester- !dav in which Lcvada Frank, mother cf four children, claimed to have married Frank " several years ago, ' while Nevada Frank also claimed "he was married to him several years ago. Both are seeking to collect a $2,000 life insurance policy. The ease arose when the Modern Woodmen of the World, un:l3 to decide which of the women was the legal beneficiary, appealed to tr courts. ' , FUNERAL OF SENATOR OATES THIS AFTERNOON By the Associated Press. Hendersonville, N. C, Dec. 21. Funeral services of State Senator R. M. Oates of the 30th senatorial dis trict, who died here of ipfluenza last night, will be held this afternoon. New Caliph to SZ governor . t.vi tiic ascension d iho Mohummeuan world, of A ' ' , ,AiniM.tQ llisht left v i, v.-nosu p'i ni-. .... .. cVinw 0 r S ; I H H H H W 8 3 6 fj l S it J n 1 IUULG B 3 ill 6 fc 1.15 t Si'JH Py the Associated Press. idio!i ko;;t, La., Dc. 21. The ivuiiiimoiv. oi me Louisiana national ;;uard late yesterday draed a p-irt vi Lake Laiousche, about eight miles troni here, in an effort to locate the bodies of two men reported to have been murdered by a band of masked an:l white robed men last August after t.-'.e kidnapping of five nrcmirent Mo.r P.ouge citizens war. unsuccessful, 'it v.as learned here" today when a second detachment was detached to the lake Lapu V. W. Cooper, commander of the company, interrogated before the work of dragging the lake is going i:;rward. I have nothing to say." One of. the guardsmen declared the lake was dragged yesterday after i oon, but without success. Captain Cooper has given order to his men to hz on the lookout for outsiders who .light interfere with the diving opera tions. It is believed orders of the guardsmen are to shoot to kill. Hickory Rotary club at its luncheon this afternoon unanimously voted to V 'ek. the local Juniors in their efforts t ' obtain the proposed branch orphan i:';;e for Hickory and made plans for Vii-tributing some 31 baskets among he poor next Sunday afternoon be t .-een 3 and 5 o'clock. The Rotarians .;ill meet at the hotel. Henry Tucker a good lunch before the guests i:''.ay. President Lyerly named J. D. :'liott', Geo. S. Watson and John H. P. Cilley as a committee to cooperate with i he Juniors. The meeting next Thursday will be at 7:30 instead of 1 o'clock and the board of directors of the Kiwanis club and the Chamber of Commerce will be guests of the club. inc.- Pickery club stood first in the (li.-.trkt for attendance during the past month, coming from 22nd place to lirst. It was 12 points in front of its nearest competitor, Secretary Hugh O'Anna announced. At the luncheon this afternoon Christmas plans were discussed more than anything else, and efforts to bring cheer to the poor will be made. By the Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 21. The navy ap propriation bill, with the house pro vision calling on the. president to call another international conference for the limitation of craft under 1 0,000 tons, was reported out today. Installed the caliphate, highest religious oJlice IWEIIB HUGE WORK ' annnnnmiT nm ! nvrn urn n a HI f il S S5W3 2iiill I iViid SILL KEEPS RIDER bd ul-Mcdjid. He succecus wuuamiuwj vacant the Turk throne and caliphate, j (loit) at tnc tieaasi iiatt' rrms-.t.smtlnonle ana Kcmal's right a .CoiiStantinopl. ana By the Associated Press i jj-js Angeies, uai., ueo, Zl. Kosco j (Fatty) Arbuckle, comedian, was rn; ing ready today for his re-entiry into the motion picture field; January 1, . .. . ' wnile members ot thg Los Angeles dis trict women's clubs announced that they could not accede to bifi' plans. Will H. Hays announces yesterday that Av buckle would be given another change to come back. Mrs. J. C. Urquhait, president of the district, stated that although Ar buckle at his, third trial in San Fran cisco had been acquitted of causing the death of Virginia Rappe, screen ii.iit.-s, luu i,est,iiiiony was sucn a; "to bar him forever from appearing before self-respecting audiences." PREACHERS FOR HIM By the Associated Fress.f Livingstone, Mont., Dei 21. When clergymen here were intormed that Arbuckle had been given a chance to come back into the motion picture field, said: - "Give Fatty a chance' The Rev. S. M. McCarthy, president of the Liv ingstone Ministerial association, added that t!e organization would not ask motion picture officials to bar new Arbuckle pictures. OUTRAGE, SAYS PREACHER Milwaukee, Dec. 12. Th? Ill C TG S lI i" - gastion of the return of (Arbuckle to the films is an outragd and insult to the public, the Rev. EtG. Bchner, ccrctary cf the Milwaukee fadc-ratioii of ministers, said "when? he 'earned AiDucxie again .intended no go on- the screen. j . no ISFSOl J. Parks Robinson, who for the past two vears has been a member of the Hickorv police force, with the excep tion of a few months, has resigned as sergeant and S. G. Jones known tc his friends as "Casey" has been elect ed as sei'geant in his place. -Mr. Robin son has made a good officer, and he resigned because, of the long hours Mr. Jones has many friends who will ielp him in his work. STATE OFFICER IS nine y the Associated Press. Marion, 111., Dec. 21. The name of Hugh H. Willis, member of the Illinois ine .v.'oikers executive board, was brought into the testimony today in the trial of five men charged with jurder in connection with the Herrin iots by two state witnesses. On cross xaminatioh, however; the two men said they would not be posiliv.2 as to is identification. NO RELATIVES CLAIM - COLORED MAN'S IJODY vv Whitphnrst. a neerro man who ame here with the "Florida Blossoms", colored show, is dead m South Hick y and Chief Lentz has failed to find -iv vplstive to Maim the body. His show went broke here six months ago. In a memorandum Whitehurst kept was the name of a colored woman in Georgia, to whom should be sent in formation about him in case of acci dent. The chief wired her and she ad vised him to have the man buried here, but to send her his clothes and watch. CONOVER WOMEN HELP WJDOW Fire last night destroyed a mali house occupied by a widow the Yount mill village at Conover, accord ing to word received here today. All the personal effects were burned. Con over women got busy this morning, however, and will see to it that the unfortunate woman,, who just moved there three days ago, is provided for, The fire is believed to have originated in the kitchen flue. " 4pn It mm ? n nn n nn B D lu'J s hOPPF s s. -e,;' V-A ? fL Tr I ife mLsA? y r4? -hWW ' ovimi ji mC Anon i'lts OtctLU IS KilOWT" t'A on tour of Dublin in his new official capacity. He was snatpsil";"pW img a river-lock which is being piotecttd urei Republic. n.-;-7u';.' Concord, N. C, Dec. 21. Attorneys for O. G. (Red) Thomas, Charlotte automobile salesman vho recently was granted a new trial following his con viction in court here last January ot the murder of Arthur J. Allen, of this city, are expected to ask for a change of venire, when the trial is called, according to authen4-' - reports. The. trial is scheduled for the Janu ary term of court. Thomas contended he shot Allen in self-defe-nse. The shooting occurred in Kannapolis Oc tober 25, 1921." Mrs. Robert Lowe, who was said to liave,, been with Thomas at the time; has". Ie.lt the state,.-;she was a' witness for the defense. Other persons testifying at the first trial also are said to be in other states. ' Thomas was 'convicted of secont" degree murder and was under an eighteen .year sentence. During the trial it was intimated by the defence- ant's attorneys that it would be im possible to obtain a fair trial for him in Cabarrus county. The state is expected to again ask for the veridct of murder in the first legree, acocrding to information in ?ourt circles. The first trial attracted state-wide ittention and the court room was not large enough "to accommodate the large crowds attending it. FATHER OF FAMO PLAYER DOINB WELL By the Associated Press. Winston-Salem, N. C, Dec. 2L Henry F. Shore, a prosperous .Yadkin county, farmer, and farther of Ernie Shore, one of the famous pitchers of the, American league, is expected to recover from a pistol wound inflicted last night 'by "Boots" Shore, a negro who had been in the employ of Mr. Shore for "Several years, a report re ceived here this morning from the hos pital to which he was carried last night stated. "'- ' ! NOT NOW "Can you take a ioke?" "Oh, jack, please don't prc--American Legion Weekly. Him: Her: oose."- Klan iG6es'toTGhurch ' '.' " '' " V" - -first picture taken 7 km.----' WEA0ERBEXTER The most unusual " weather ever known- hereabouts,, according to. old- timers, has been on deck for the last few days. The mercury yesterday reg istered 21 degrees, was about 25 this morning, and was due to rise some more before Friday. Last night there was a little sleet and scarcely no rain, and there was likely to be anything todav. Tomorrow will be fair, it is said in Washington, and a mild Christmas may be in order. In snite of the fickleness of the weather-goddess, the holiday trade has been- gowUind ws dtined to. he even better the last three days before Christmas. One merchant said today that his Christmas trade was ' much larger than it was last year at 'this time, and he expected it to go above the average by many dollars. Those who are accustomed to visit- ing the stores and that is about ev- erybocty in this section have remark ed on the unusually good offerings by the merchants. In some cases articles ordered months ago, were not received, but that was not the fault here. The display of holiday goods, however, has-been so generous and attractive as to arract general comment. If it can be had anywhere, it can be had in. Hickory. . ' TIES 1 APPEAL Ne'al : Abernethy, a Burke county man, is out on $1,000 bail pending the result of his appeal to the superior court on two road sentences imposed by Recorder Russell in recorder's court Tuesday. Abernethy, who left Hilde bran in a hurry, ran over Pink Thorne, killed his mule and injured Mr. Thorne painfully. For - running over Mr. Thorne Abernethy was sentenced to nine months for assault with deadly weapon and for driving a car while drunk, as alleged, he was given six months. ' John Lail, who sought a ride to Hick ory with Abernethy, told the court something about the drive. He liked it so bad that he offered the driver a dol lar to put him out beside the road. He had to stay, however, until the team was hit near the Hickory Spinning Company plant. , v, TCn Klux Klan 'oi .vi4: ,T:vnwss their ????tTTTm By the Associated Press. Greensboro, Dec. 21. Three years in the state's prison was the sentence im- ' posed by Judge W. F., Harding. on Basil H. Hedgecbck in Guilford super ior court today for making a false; entry in the account of M. J. Wren'n, a depositor. Notice of appeal was given, no additional bond being required, the prisoner being under $25,000 made sev eral months ago. c There are several other counts against Hedgecock, but there will not be pressed, it was stated. " Greensboro,. N. C., Dec. 21. Basil H. Hedgecock, former cashier of ibk Home Banking Company of . High ' Point, was found guilty of niaking a false entry in the. account of M. J Wrenn, one of the depositors if the bank, the jury returning its verdict shortly before noon after , being on, the case since late yesterday? Sent ence will probably be passed This afternoon. . . The case against the banker grw out of an alleged shortage of, funds . discovered in the High Point institu- tion when the bank accounts ivere au-j dited last April by examiners .under the direction of the state banking de partment. Charges were prefer red against Hedgecock and he was releas ed under bond. An alleged shortage of $l23,f00 is shown by the audit, but - the specific account on, which the former cashier was tried was the Wrenn' account,' a shortage of $10,000. The case began Monday at 11 o'clock, the evidence being concluded Tuesday ad the jury receiving the case yesterday at 5 o'clock.1' "" "' WILSON TOBACCO SALES HEAVY FOR SEASON Wilson; N. C, DecMLl.-t Wflf ' son tobacco" market has closed for th Christmas holidays with a record of 1" 40,637,910 pounds of tobacco sold on the floors of ; the auction warehousiS here since the opening of the season, f . The market will reoperi -January & : " The total . receipts for , the season to date are $12,223,082.83. ' The average . was 30.07 per pound. : " " ' When the market closed ; December " 1G, 1921 for the holidays, 39,050,252 . pounds had been sold for $11,187,027. 88", with an average of $28.64. "' These figures are "from, the report ' of H. B. Johnson, secretary of the! Wil- . son Tobacco Board of Trade. : -; MORRISON ORDERS THAT- SPECIAL COURT CE,HELDi Murphy, N. C, Dec. 2L: Governor Morrison has called a SDeciaL term of Cherokee county superior court for the ' purpose of trying certain land ', con demnation suits of the ;Carolina-vTen- nessee Power ; Comoany asrainst the Hiawassee River Power Company, In volving the riperian right to ;abot' 25 miles of the Hiawassee river be tween Murphy and the Tennessee state line. There are 14 suits 'docketed; all a . part of the same litigation. . The Carolina-Tennessee Power Com n.inv has stated that if the suits are terminated in its fvaor, between fire and seven million dollars wiU.e ex- -pended in development of hydroxeteC4 trie plants. ' v - BAD ANY TIME narlSnri. there's nothing '1tOX9l than, to be old and broken." Young Hotpeles-Yes, auf-,; be young and broke.J:' Punch Bowl. By the Associated Press.; tk'v, Lausanne, Dec. 21. A wordy alter nation between ex-Premier , Veniiiel ; of Greece and Riza Nur Bey, Turkiih nationalist delegate, caused the presi- dent of the near east conference com mission on minorities to; abruptly end this morning's session of the commit-, sioh. ' ; ."'.; The dispute was over the question of immigration.. Venizelos bitterly at tacked the 'Angora government and protested the deportation, of Greeks by the thousaridsf " .-. ; ty Riza replied irt the same vein, chatf i ing Venizelos with beings responsible -for the-Turko:Greek.war.and itedtt sequences. , -The voices of the two delegat rbse to a high pitch, both spealohsr it the same time and refusing to .heed the command of the president to stop. 11B It ' 'i M' I. : -1 3 f ifi n ill S L' i ; ' M .' si- P 111 111 I" It 1 ? if n ti ,- r i . .j it Hi i ! i' I !' :!. . : .1. i : ! . I f. ! f. 3 ! " ; t j !. I.! in M fin i I -1: U . v . 'Vi i.i ' ' Ml 7Ut lu. han,. ; C fct Panha, governor C wu taken yeskrday, 1 BMi