, ( t:. A. -I- Dan Biver Bail Hoad, ^c. • oimn'T of th^ i>iii IliVt'r v:tl' .Vj ,..i. only to im kniHTn W bo iippre- oi^itoJ. Do tbe i»ooj»lo know of it ooi- tiimy.or is it regarded only ns a rumor that within a^niile of Ucmianton there ie oao of the bio-t niarCle quarrieef Do they know that thoro ftro incxhaustiblr lime qiiarriee at tho snnie place, ami ■ ■ Nr o. . . u.DlJll -•», liiU'-'- Leaksviiio—“Excialiior.l]' Loakavillo, tho immortal l,oakaviIlel now do you think it would be a hard unto , an lo too ™ooo fovo, ...... matter to write a imff ,on loakeville f also near the Haiirouil^ eurrey on Dan trill it not IM the prettioet pUoe ni tiic : ltivor» / Du they know that Ironom of win-hl ,f that'a a fact. The towti filtv ' of tho very beat qunlity for makingfine .yoaw ago, bid fair U) lie a large town. | -leol, ie abundant in rotwh of *o toml? and had 8 puff then with a wuigennr.-, ) l ive they never teen nor beard of' but it tell and broke ita buck, eyi'i' n.-. ! Ib iilem (johling, Eaq., of (Jorniantou ' ■ ofwliich ienow neon.in tllo roob I'MU owim iron ore Mauka, which, any . fOREWX SEirs. away oitow ao-To, — — — have triad In rise up after falling down,- and in the etforl have grown faiirt and raU.Ml only ono und—iiwaonling qomi- what the apl«'ariinee of an elepliunton hi» knoe«. Hut' tlmt'e only hero ami then'. There are a gmid nuiny.very eomforhiblu and neat houijpa. Home of theni bill, moat luiosteutalioitaly, out oi aight, and plueeil behind trees ami in remnte sHualinna, bo that no »inglo|v\en will give n jn«t idea of the plm e, mn'i^ll iia it im One thing haa pmventidl, to aome extent, ttui iinproveiiient of tin- place, UU'I that is thu'uncortuintv n« t" tho title to the lota. Koino of Iho moM eligible hitnaliona, ami .indeed a(jioiil nay lirst-ruto iol«,nro witliuul ii known owner. Mnny aro liebl by an nuaafo title, awl therelnre pouplo am loth to buil'l. Duo very prudent citizen soni". yeara ago, in oriler to avoid any.dilli' eultv,. built bis lionao in the very mid dle of a street, ono of tbo boat liuusea intlieplnee. If Ihero bo any way I" relieve those lots of sneh a sad stale of tliihga,. it ought to lie done, during tint no.xt, l,egialaluro. The remark is rreiiimutly heard niuiie.iihuut town thut . I,eaka\il!e would ho a eouaiilerablu vil- bigi'. if thb himaea were hem—and why niU.'' Thom is lujl 11 hoiilthier place on faeo of the earth. Tho iniproa.aion mnny yi-Krs iigO, was uulaviirublo m. t" iu health, but ah uliintorrui.te'l eoinli. tiny Ilf houlthineas, for a great niany ' yeiirs, lias long sinco baaialioil any sueli ■ ■i.tiiiti. Nil CUU TlWvteTW rnifmo ui. . ITT 'Be a nnae at JUo Cliey .kuov thfit, from -LeakavtUe tt) Germaiitcri tlic. whole rouiitry nfutH t’jfou ImhIs of th«- linest »toue C04I Mn-vy thoy never heanl of thi)' - ■vttinrtblo of all kind'*, that growa iu thi'* iertil.3 coifatry I )f tho rich lainU^ Tlieir iMHiidUr tndness to tho growth of wheat ajnlfnie' i.-hewing h/haot o? Give politiw to tin- wire-imllers, utid lot f^Ljfoto ^01% for ;i railroad, to infu.^ life, oin»rj5y ^iid ■iitorpriHe into thoi country. What « kvaUe up would tlnVo h'>, if wc had railroad.' What factory’s of varums tiiinU and what works v/ould .“prin;' up putting to u.so tl»o mill sites, scuttoreii over tlio U'liijth and hrcadth.of ail jins region of country, uiiapprooiatod ami unknown, ^\■hllt a.chimj?o would Uutc hel Guano and plaslor would rollup hy thousands,.and wheat, corn, tobjicco fual, Iron and lime hy ten thousamld ! -I'ho fiiruiing people would ijuit tiieir iiieruly muko-adivini; way of doing hu- siuess, and go iu fur niftkiiig iorUiiies. I’heir lauds would doiddo in value and thoir crops iu Hinuuiit W hy, the girls would got prettier, if such a thing cfluhl he, and tho hoys more in tho notion to itiurrv il possildc. The old ladies would hocoiuo youngor, afid tho old iu«ij,jid- lier; and wo would have a great tini;* gtinorally. Kgg-nog wotdd wiiu; straw oorrios grow in winter tiiim—cfouiu ^row on trei.’s—sugar fonio so vVlvisk hot lemons ' oysters! pum-h ! •.vhis, hran, duin e, ogg! hie! eg! noug ) Ntnmgor upon lirst ti.sing it, \}\it no-ono doubts its wbolesomiMies.s, and it euou hiM.-oiiics os good to the taste usth^jpu- rest inouiitaip water. Uut*th« principal rireuinstance for which the villago i> fiuiums, iii'aolliiigcUoiip goods; ai)d wh,’, it is m, is stnliigo' unless tlu'v do sell chcai»or thau olsowlnpv. They perhnp go uism, tho motto, “largo sales and PimlU prolits,” judging iroiiytho wn^- goiis.\l>u'ggie.s,. carriages, carryalls, hor- sesand people tlmi e.-w-l our httl Juugh iWtweeii Ti Bud otk-hK-l; mall day. • As soon .0? it is known that- now go«.«V' have eoim*, tliev gatW-r in fvoJii ull laiil i>f tho country nyound frotit 1“ to -J.l miles, and oti.as tualiygoods ai 11 p'-iaihlv c'vu ^.mvenioutly tisthe ciiml'oi-t ef theiT smUllo hags, wallels, vchi le> and pulling, stoidc.- I'Jd*/ .buy -:iUro Iu»m C yiinl to i do/., h.dts. and sugar Irani Uh. to I barrel. Kveiy sort, rieh, poor, l>ond ainf froe, eOine to tin “grt'at Irt'iiksvillp'' to buy goish*. Wtinder.if they didn't name the town UtfAksvilte, iM'i'ausc it is ,such a plui'e for money to “lettk“-out of the pooi)le’B poekets into the liauds of the merch ant'?' jr it might havu -hoow, iKHWise, Mhen it ruins, it ‘Teaks’ iu a gwat many of lUu old hou.ses. WTho J. I'Vhl, the SilveraSiuilh and Jowoller will ho fouivl >a anothet column- ihe .-iti/ens ought .Ul hr give Mr. Field eve- TV oncoura^’meut in their jHiwer. .He is u young man horn, awl hnmght up her anVc«p-t and is dewUmg: all 4 -to his very uselul i ttttbntioi^.df m U ' - — . i railed tothe advertlu©m«nt in tlKnJMWO t »• „ her loutmi The foTi>i;ra journals, receiv'd hy the /Tom BgllnnVilt hV, fne«h«iil% ufthm x'vdiition un^ •ri.nt they/will be, wVor/A Farther Toliit, Oct Tbev /or ^Amw/r«j and ‘\“7 «.* nnr^o hclieves iin Uar- .Trd, I notice prominebtly, .llie str^'gle ,« to’'Wlier and nninblla”. tVv are 1 1 !• r!« .iniilif" \ ^ lietweeh tlie civil ami military leaders |>eriWtly sound on the Ptuitjt n|^tuui. of tliTT Italian revolutkm, amt the suH-. Give them a call, so ‘’lheywi^*’'^i‘m- joct is wlvotieil to in several Ikdndon (trivia—r-ao do wc! ‘The /AriM^ysluuUhe fate Ilf Italy i ^ l>u.T.e-Th«l Xe* « mvolveil hrthe ,lrugi;le.betwe..,i ^ ^ ,1.0 bnvinir oniU..\rib,il'h. .1..; .......1,1 .lisssWir m Bail Hoad Co?H*ion. ;" “'V|, “> “XI!.,f The Wihiiiii.e.ou pape^Tof‘'V.turUy, .Vlriulie. ’’"‘X'V.) " ',“„i3 L'w! .iil.i;u the p,.r-.i. ub.r.ufkdi.lre's.mj; J;;,';’"'™ i"!-’*. ^ That they/lill b oc idcfut wiach oocarrnd on tae NV ••Ir s>’-Is are .n.ti Ihiil lloud on Friday ev^hing. Iho Hlall train, while stojiiug at Kverette-. thahh ca Ville was run jnto-by tbe Irmght-trum • _ T sq.,,,-. going m the diroction, Qud Mr, Cumun I ^ F* ■" j , r n- ru^'^ llagage Master was killed wid .LkW:-'nn^ Io-t>umWr of Conductor Jaw|K‘yro’« hg and tlngh*/»,,-,>,r.giv35 an acc*mnt «'f tho • tstes Wera sj maii,(lisl that he is «'>! ens-e-1 ullieiuls ami fill- Cnvuiir aniUi.irib.iMi. the r,H-i'hl'ilisu.>t''r .«> «ed la live Aim. Zfv,V« says: , . m.libir iu the ex.wUliim of The u Turin letter of iueiniUfy fire^ , Wa liHtrn that Uiis ui>e m ©Hairel.t i r* n.s in » 1 the '“.h, tf Gatihuldi ^r'-rsista in'attack- ^ e-ondcavors |i> without iuasmwh as the mail, the “f**h'irivu slave , : ii,g Uume.while the Fn-hch - >he j train .had just p;wt the freight tram ar have anu kn»ken the; there, tli- g.iv.*rhment “f;* ^tftte of. the iMdtef that they the etutiutt biduw Evenuisvmi-S ’ j vnrititiitiou of the United t^tatus.—' Vh-tor ^ ^d!.r»’t'dk'‘*;the uttii' k., '** .*»',of Alrolrtiou iuttrigiu-. waHruuiii|{ mc-uniiiiiS.Ui the »-'";“'’“-’-. falliiws: . ' | in omisert vvitti nllh-.. m., iiiiitler nuiil'“’’i , ,l,v hiis> Ihul Texijs will ' lui'evil it aemstiJ bo a euso ol , ,. v,.,.. Hsini^biri' ■Vl'Miii bu. I'W •'’"“'‘‘I""'"’ '- sui-pi i~"l luh> “ ’“"'‘V-'’ '‘h'l iU imilstminoful T ““ 'Km^'‘('"m.,e,.,iei,t, lV..n-sYU..iii.v Mi.iii-' i.lviiusl ivA.m V tbo le.ru Ibiit he must (mvo '-00 X .7 “'''’''h ' ■, f'n.-ni (U ii' -Cr.'.' ^ while porr l-iis-.i ^tiie’‘ hi' a deiiv t ti u-e ■ ■ [ ^ will n-turii to tlu ir rca- i h eav^ : . ‘ ; .,.,y« .vusjummea Isitweea .b- .use, b - e.buios lu ui.^il. '''V, ■ ^ .-imn-,. si „ ' I Mun l..r,!ua rv>-or.ire .■..mbil,.-.|l l.iiv. in.l bemr" the/e..ul.l g"‘hem out .ki-.Xlmm., .\ erui'Mit, ..I1.-1.1. hawli., Kb U.l prisoii.-rs o8 b«-n the i.rwin of T.J. Tictinieol th” culnen Jt wii‘ rut I,.h'icl amt M.i.ii vu>. ^ukell at Sik.!. to; ar^* lr.h:imn. ^ uml the" dcmorah/u»|en i.f lark, uu l t:..i b.„s rep i-,- tt 711 tt..- j l-.i.t.,, wl.ii-h pn.vsie . o on. i- farjh. , v.-;.h.-.l th" Kri. .vn i.rp,«.iz.'!|| bai, 1 . ing.im thereat i)l the rmil tram, W i f.i-.ti,,-. Uiv M.ii.ie. \ • , ^ ' I 1,1.. miiii-t.-r t.. ttik.-Jeliitt,.'.' "1 „f ,-ulHi'tti.«,su, h ,is oiil-.' rtiaiiiol ,rtu.^ ’•* ' ^therll hotn. , hill hi*‘‘hHTiHcd, HiVVilig Ip* luh; not n‘g:ird thorn a.s ltiiu*h ,vnd SmLhern T- UU' ng OU me Ae.*» «/i rs-v ■ —. - r* ■I'lui'l have bi-oii seen by imy imrsi.u a l■!llla•lt■i, l.ryi,, 11.S4 pi-.. .'>»o ■ ftin'ign mim'h't. f Wfr »>*t» i iimmadu skip hiul 'Sewin ■umiuy hip mi .r ^ Ni.-W Vo.“k,' i IoJ«*d*Utanw! oir. VVe hear liiat i^oor • Michigan tm.l HV't in'iuiiy was if tiiat red | rsvitcs whe-li deilai'- the fug.tive tn-c, ti-'h! was Tiuruir.g tin Jus rear phil-■ ii’hrougllh l»y tlie;r mitvter into the hirm. It seem.* he ga'dry ot »o stale. are Maine, Xew Ihuftpshiie and neglect whatever. 'J’li-rc were Una- '■ Vermont. . ^ , ' , . . , temi pasor.gers in tliu curs uoim m 1 The State tl^it d.-hires him free nh- wlumi were injured ia iite pligtite-'i de-1 :i..h:tfly i-n N'.-w K-imp-hiee. -r»'0- the onlv iiijury to hie, or liihbl .^1,*. follewiiig an .-..me el the.cheer- being to-Mr.'laasiK-yit. ■ \N e lieur Uiui^lful pi.-peVt- hei..m a citi/eii ur ahy tlm engineer ol tiiu iBUgitC iram loo.i ! Suutliern St ilo. who Im- the old ‘“sti* 'o th'‘wooiU as bOou Is im tujuc to his I uoimn iti )»is head, tnat.Ue t' Ilivili- Ui. b-v -lb" roi.slhulii.ii ill the Il -lhi. statement mii'lo us, iin.l jjiv.jii; Uiiite.l Slates, aii'l i n le,»v„r.-'t,i r.-i;l.iiiii ll„,ve be true lie oir^tt tu be e.m.jitt liia pr,ipel'l,v,a'priivi'b 'M'y thitt ne-liii- , 1 I t«k .kiiriiitltiiiik.* nnijit •States. ' liino- fri Maine, tjl. In Vermont, -,d'*d .Ma-'SiirdiU'f'ils, (.'oTm.'cticut, I,mi!) In.liami, .-.dOO .Michigan, 1,*)’)') \Vis‘«)nsin, Iowa, ’ l,ddO It will ho oeen from tho ahovo tlint the WiH-ihern tstatea aro nearly all in a ikfMitiou of pnuf'dil d/iniiiOn, tluit i-*. thev have' vefuMid to suMuiii the r,.n- •titution which tlieir futher'H udopted. In June. iKmiel Mch-t*r, in a -prucli at I r\i>oa .•spring-’, Vu-, rema^- '•I do nor hewlate to kiv nind re{>eat, that if Hre Xovthern St.itcs i.Tum- wd- fullv and -IcIilKwat-iy to c.-iny intocih-ct that part ot lhe ('ou.-titu(um which ivs- .* ...al. .......1,1 •>., 1a.>-rt>r Ittai IwVnn —il’pi, .^rkit «.:H, anu »* , . have a net-w.>rk ■^•■•r' t ivni.m t-pr. .i I - ..except 7^^..,. TTiit di-p.-. iV'iuTi, had lieea ordered to ijud I'l' Pjj.jd „}' lolviuturcH a>'»ltmi'’^ fv. •. tin. . 1 T - I *d IV •The I’arls correspond"ut of I''”*'' of our holy religi tij—im I don /W teh-gt.apiis that iHh -.Mt* ||■-•n• 1 aU the ext Uemelit,-.jot' th-. of lin'atcinpt on tin* li:!e of tie' | ,j;jv to further their schemes. \ iiljiiig pi'r»>r is'totally unfounded. j .d,’i;t»urs in tlie Tcxasdron)>h*s in -oii'i Th' riwfli/M'/s'. wtrli tfulway thvtp'V to; loiving their at I lurorpm^iiti That his hr«»therhoiMl .of sultiatt'Ph • him! hang, dacconlioi/ te our uutious.- A h hop^, for hU bkk*, that tliere may# he something to p.iUate whdt appears lO he A toriililo cfi.*u wi ueglcct and ro- spon-ibility. ‘ , * _ ',Vo learn from Ihf \Vihui:sgtou oo'.'r- , a-v»., mil of Mo:id.iv, that tho t^jmioctor died ; i'.nmsyU auja, „u Sitturiliiv.^ftoriuun. .Vb, ut tbe ..hv.si'-a.iis pi-ow li"! tv iimputat-i ihciiliutbirml limb, lie s'.'.rtiy il'tt^c op- ,’ratiiiii Hilly aliuik tii'eeu miu.ites. Xha Jttitntiii su%‘.s that liiu eiijpniier „f the frriijht huiu was Iruiii lieorgiii. iiaim-.l Maguire, aii'l hail just euuiu ilium the r.M'l. The coiiT'actor s name a t.'ii.,. l-'apl.ttu .J-'reimmt, the Chett engineer of tho roivi, ''as u\> at tlie Hi-eiio of the disa.'ter an soon lU po: .u- l)lo. H« h*d the i^ngiuoer arrooted. Af ter examiiiatim before a magiolrato he was ilinthurgcd, hut a hoiieh \yurreat WOK imniodiavly is-niod .hy Judge Hailey for Uia JV-ari’C*t.—lA. C. dtci- ryvw ’h"' lihiinsonmeui; T) ye.iix. o years. :t niontha. Id years, . 11) year.*.' •J y.'UiB. ;“) vears)' the ‘J-jlli, reached •St. John llh. Ills repor:.'! that tli ■ K'ing'‘itfr.‘.>p.s and the t iriha liaiis had ex- hanged -h'iws at-uu out^«)-.t near t'apua. he .Vlioliiionist is not impossihl •, aiul uideeil the symp.nhy at the Nmlh tur ■tors in any hlimdy^drama, it it hut -Imws at-uuouttkO'T near ’ Hpiui. udors m The Fnoudi .Minister, it was t]iougJ;t. I ohject inrcrleuoie'. wiMi wouhl ijuit Naples on tin* T«th. , .-pive (»wiilTs would na!iraUv h’,i I ih - b.'-l ^ ; „„.h „ .11:11 ii.-lsr l)aU4- Ihntoii hiinicd vrila It w:iw re^Hipted tliat the vjuarrel he twe**n the Sarli’ii.iu Government and Gtirihal h hal arrived at Mich a pitch that \*ictur Kmaiiuel had determined , ^Machine—Singer— sick kitten up'Star.s—car-sta-.-t.irvstttral tli^su few lines hopin—ryou.s ho Iwlli. V«*s, Biree! .■%nieri~ Btvek-am hack, flell^o! hur-r-r-r-r—Black Kep-p-p-p- Fiin worth moro than idiysic, and whoever invents or iHscovins a new •oun'c or supply, descrveij the name of a jiultUo benefactor. Tlio above is an .itenl from'an ox- ■flange. Those •who like innocent •iinii.s.'iTient, mid rutionnl intolloctual entertaiumeiit, i-an bo fully vati-sfied l^y going to i’rof. SiynrH show to-night (Haturday.) in tho soeohiU story of 'tho Brick (.'arriage Shop. Ailuiissiclf only '25 cents. Go ovei'y body, and you will , op hik ri' k 1. hot he ditmppoiulel. NolUing will he Ss'ri:'.—Tlie ]r.)gf' said or ihiiio to otfi'iiil tho tivsto of Iho lu'i-imriits in iii-i-lmiiil/.in* ituist fastidious! , A OrtEM Dll' IX r^KGitUN ritibr..— Soiiiy formal recmil sfmuM f>e miide of tile dJfaiu rcix’ii>ts reiKirt»‘d in oiir pa- jter oVyesler'lay. Sach^a-'cra^vl age was never lielon.’-'la'.inniied 'iipon inv.j.ort in tlioworld! Pturiimnne ted vestm'day, for tw.enty hmr Imufs t'lid- ii'." at" nooig ret’orih'd'the .arrival of 1 steamer 1 harks 4 brig-* and 5'.) scouon • rs. niaking a t»tal ol-7tive-*s4ds; laden with barrels of . flcur; ■'•ds.; ltd.. husUuls of .wheat; husluds o! c..irji, and 2. i:>.> f>usliels i.f gram pass- ing our light house hiritg the .tweiii\- ;.jur hours. In ad'Ulion to this th" it dJdt.aii outh would tm loiiger btt bpttnrtTo ^ > til's >.-l„ttS .---,3-- tilfserve the I '.mpact-. A .bargain bro- lour'on oil'" si'lu is a bar,*a.n l,iokuii on •idl .si ii'.-i “ 1^ IIIIIL, 1 IIIUI ....a. to pr»gy>**d/.i Najilos lor a pi'rNoiial in terview'wilh tiaiihaldi. yhe Neapolitan Minister ha I n-.-ign- ed. lionioriciefe, with 11 i’ew reacfied Am oim, Nolhiiig rvtn.lined id hli army e.xi'opt the trisipB shut up in .V'tfOno. utid about 2,tt;>i» dispersed in, the imointains. 'I'll'- K ng of ■'Sardinia hud ilccor.iled ('ialditia willi a gratid i ro.ss ol the lui!- itn-y order.of Savyy. The Stirdiiiian g.'Viwntnetif had de cided that thi Freiieh stiMiers in the Uapiiliirmy; tuUen prisoners, ho im mediately Jtde^ '~ ’ Hpriiiging up from their u.-h ‘‘' impr.'Vyd. and. idl llic nlh- repre-sentvd '!■> I..- •■aly TjtK Vsiv U>I'>a"IHKSS.-i-BaiXill Ifeii- Vri.w luiil his suite arrived at. \\ j>;iitig.^ Ion at I P; M.. \Vedne'.hiy the ijrd.--. A large crowd hud iiissemhlcd-ITt tlf D^pot, «n*l hisa).pet»:am c wa- greeted* viitn ite'ers. Immediately on Uie ilr- T vul-id’ till' train (.feiieriil/'iis' Tv.is m- trodueed to J/U'd Iteillrew h^ l-or-l I-vons the Britisfi minister, wliyti the foVmer .said he hud thepleasin e of v.i !- coming hi.s l,or1.'lii[> to W asl|i:ig'ri>n in the name 0} the I'se-i lent, aiid wi^Ii his lNord.shi|*‘s pcimi-siwi lie utillld e tie A '•i-'i.Y i.'-'firiiAUU'TED.—The rumor lh:il )' '■ -‘’gh’ persons WiTo pn.sofied we.'‘! ve • last at a wedding party near * 'i'!\"s)iur'', S. is contradicted. For’v "I lil'ty were taken sick, hut none die 1. ‘It \mU con.sidt'ted a case oi' uc- cidentu'i p"i Hilling. -Number \r.i Uori'lKTlON OF lllOIll’OLNT.- i)f families, J Number of wlme moles, “ free n'egoes hlavl’S, Diui'.i'T Tiniu; wrrji IhiserK.— Ihe lion. JoH'ph'Barbiere, \vho was .sent ■hi Kuiope In dam* la>*t,.iis f'tmiinissiou er from the Slate Bf‘TVmies-*-e, on the: tiuestron of fUireet Ir.idcv” 'VOS a pus- tjcm'-r hv tlie Ad>iatic. which acnveil ..‘.'New York. Wednes.tay.. t^o far us tlie initiiilive is Voneenied, tie.* mission i« a comple success. 'Mr. Bai'ld«»re .vis ited over two fmudi'cd 'and lifty muiiii- factoriestin Beltiim iiji l t.icamuny. ufid. MH ceede-ri, ho j^)»*rsi.m'aliy prc.soiil'in.r fh" siMiject to tlu* iliaviufa"!urel*s, in imbi- ving them hS mak-.' a trial shimiicnt.— Ai'ciirilinglv,'die licni-y |*•uv.•s- Aut- worii this nionl\ f.ir S.iv.indli. tleorgm. with a cargo*ufnss,.jic,l geo.W of Bel- ‘giuiu find GcvuiAji manuiaeture. lite-se falines wUl iM^yJiil'itf^j a'+l.iif to, be hcldiu.De -e.lgber ii.'xt at Mu- .m - •a,at- a.ft brought ;5?.t».'')d feet of luiii. her, Und 27,thH' HtavW-iuaUiiig an ag. ;reg;ite diiy's work uaex;i'ui'!e'l in tlj‘' Tastory of iiikt! cou:umerj^‘.. Uri.TlV ATION OF HIE Tt \ I’l.'NT fX I til. ,—The ] r.)gfes.s oi ex- ■pefiments in accdiiuaf/.ing the tea plant, 50 far as lieard f'oiii. ia luvora- 1.1,1 ai.,1 tli.T" is voii'siii.to b.'li'ifi. tHiit DiWiMniiTl'.Ns a—Til' t-r^oiuo tbosXm ; 'boustvaiH, ..ok ,.i.yu-'I'Ihim.,; :„„l,.i,;|.t ll...b-‘tt.T .tt.r.1 bllVO, ,|istribut.'.l to l.".'-o..3 ... "b' ‘ I aifairs U. Hb' 'tt.ools o! ; States uuuir.g.g! ecu Ji-n-v. as onji/i • • if curiosity. Kf»"i'';'.x'.Ur.iii;S'.—Viirv lif.lo (a'J tic iiiiil'.'r.ttooa'iV'.iii th" I.'l''),-.ttiibi" v' - 'Kir's si'iil littMivli till'"oiinlrv. "O '1'" ‘ivriiuluf asliiiuni-r. s>„vgivi' ill" .Hi loll.llvi.1,: brii'l' but I'liiii. svi.ol,s.-|_ ol itlie news by the io-st I^chtvct; Total, »;«7 •• ihe details rifcciv l of the^l.ite .arthuiuu viiMry m ar .Vnemm «ie ol - the givaicbt interest., Gejm l.atmiri- 7 T. 1 I IU, ciere (Uomwli) was tlte ntlu. king par A IB.vm-.rxiit ox.'ii..-—! rc.-i'h nt Iki-,> ^ decisiv ■RtforUr. |■lmnllll'h:la nliliointtol tb" Ib'v. ii. 1'urotili'r.s. lilU'lilttl'T ol pv .V.sflll-: 1 lily's Cliim h ill \VnSiiiq,rioil. IV Ilia lii u'itt «■:>. ili".'i-ivi' ii-.i'l ,.,.niiili;.'i Dll' .i'-ii'r-fi ll". 7 1 oiia, ttlmb o.ulaT!V''IO>''‘' ‘7 l.is .'ni'n:.)'"'^ r,'", ‘.V ’.ir l .in- lU.viiia-imizv.l l. vu., 'll lltt lols'.- vv 1 "inl an I’l'I C-ontloninn mnulfktW j. '.uiaul to T'lirk a lal.iii.l, H ""t tU'}7- j ^ , .a.rtion of Ooii. Ittiiion.'iro a Vii'livimlnn" ^ i,tasi.bttyor?i.ei'lK;ranni,..i. /I.'-;' til" IttW "■ bat- th,' W oat lii.b.'s, aii.l tin 'i,.ii 1,1,1. lu loboiv tlo'.i inoall s.ill,l.nulia. It >s ’•''“."r'''! , ■,„„1,.. .\.ijolii,'.i:tt I'li'oii' r t.ik.'l will i.rov ,?ivitly bviii'koial to th.. ' .x.>™.v , out ^cilitical hi-*t«iiy. J.y_{ .tf^cre were niTe i\^\n e! ivv IJ. t *dv" hniidr' d t'i.ieh".*\in I'lo 'i - ;lih witluml i-mluTit^g numei- I'lulls d"!.iileil tor-nise up lilt 1 the puljie in iwirLions ol tie* ir.ner-ed liy the miia K puble-i'. .Vib of them wen* New i.':!:. j side- many troiii Brooki'j and i I U'-ighbdr.ug cities. 'Iii--NVori I 'that ,''thi» you'll of t!ie uiJe-au ;w_ai ji'iti' e t by ill), tli'-y ■*wer.’ its lut^re. b'lvs. priD’la.'le'lby !.r.'. iT'Uu : liiing'priicth .il w.irk ut tie* j«iil'. , I Till* Anti-l.inco!n m ;u ha'i* a. 1 •luonstraTion ihi-* iMm'. A') ev. uing dati-s to the -7tK nit. ly.' tefc-graph Uueentowu. Uoh arrived off Knee, nud her uewH.broughi^iither bv tbe news boat of tho aHiFK'Iateil pri'ss; ■jiliydiarihiddiaus met witli Home 4'- ver.scH near (.’iiptia.^ • Their Io,ss wii.rnvo UnniLrod. , . Ancona is Antoi^i (Mlk/upon .the (’.i!ludi- powers fiir assistuiiec. The King td' Naph’s has decreed all of hi^ pr-ivineesln n Mhite rteige.' .and easliiercd the.naval idte-ers. Guyuir'.s.urrival fit r.inie i.s' said tn have'|,eteriiiitied the J*opj'‘ t*i reniain. ' G.aribiihU and Victor Kiminiii.*! are Uill.eii hutagonistic terms. , ' The I'twd'i’hiil iirrivt.'d ilt N'*w York. t)et. 7th, .witli Idyerppol'-lat!':* to tin 'Jtjtte l hixihuldi had'attache i t^apUa.. Tav hmidred t»,aribuhli:uis wert*. .wimndeil. (i.irlialdi h.id Hiic.Ted'd iii pa-dirg t ■atrah'eiu*. . t ■J'iie ^eiMKili^tan.s'lucl \U‘T'C*f‘rnll eu- d".ivore’f~ni rec.iver f'ay.i/./ >. t r.iri- daldi w:\-liwidting tie* uiTAiil-of kf“n- /mn'.>.'rifi«l;,i' 4”'n!f;v'k -on tho Nejip- oUi-.iii>. • Titettei. h cT r.-Tolted uuV «J>iven away ill" Papal gurii^in ' . .\bi-i of i!ib I!'-"'- by tlio Ktiodirh.'!' li V r !i""ii anti -p.i'.^ I. \ \i, Of' i.it- t'lrv i.r, BM.'MMokv., —New* Yo’.k «»et. -'.'rh.' i -fh' r.idtim'ire arrive- :Me-,briri''s l,lvei- I'd d'll'-'-to th--‘2'” h idt. , [li-rep.r d tim*^ tli" P'-pe hul d-!-t'Minc.l t u\" - to uvoi'l bl-to.lsliiid. 'T’T'* nSsSl^^weral c« j-arritWH of fhe' ie?_ tuAcH Tonct*y, fold', Xhomp>4t\ pUi'i {hi^, and Ijotd I.yons, were in nudii't / JfiK coiiTey,-the • pUrly to the' Wrn'-. ^ll.iu-e. ■ liord J^-iilfi-N^ road thltlcV in with G^. t’a-s.-dsorl l.yons, nuil ■iKike'.(n NewcatHe. .Vrriii-d i/aiisloTg^whcri*. tho Pre-id.-ip. wi,- ci . waiting to ifk-eive hm, he was j •, -«! - te-l tb^im hy Gen. t'af-*,* and nt-.v a ,sir’Oal’ weh cuie-. It is a miticeable fm-t that Gt ij.' ! jwho'uii'b'r thi' theory of tic- i i '•in>tllulum Wifcs borU'a Jiritiflj -iir-i' ■' liiA navity being hefop* llie "t peiu-i*, I'HCi'n^^eil thy' Pfince in tin- n vr ■, oV thd. Pf. sido|it,’.ini>l bi-id' s h pi-e-cnt Ut the totr.atioii of tlie I’fin" s m't->ther. .'.On W’lslrtesd.'iy nig.ht, n -iter w;is given at the Prc'-id"!it - I*)'--'.'- led bv nil, the roviU an I tu-i metub'T'S of the ''.ibinet udli th-.f xvive.V and iVnfglitcrs.. •, f 'tin tlmr-lay! h" 'isite-l tie- ‘-^1a hnildia^s iiral ut 12 lu lb. k )r ;'j -'p‘i - c li" reireptiiin at t!ie \\ iiilc Ib'U p. t )n U'rebiy, m .•.»mpaai-'-l K.'' *^1'' ^ deut.'ho vj-itf l Mi. S .•r:i'''i."iiH''1 i iveial hours a( the'Tv'nh. f t-jii. ' J ■„^;,|i7...i„„,hi|,'Vy ... , , !."! •. this imuHiv^^' Gn .‘‘•aiur hiy at Wd-hifegton. for II !!• iuiVind. ‘ 1- .Ms.'.'^cK G;:'Wj‘.'.-GA;,f> \v .'l'!e-l-- are U"W lu’.ie-'.-J-'-! • ,-im tiiHU Imvo*'bfj 11 -I'cii .b. . i m'.m.V, .\S-irs ; muhoo! tlie,.'.'a-, t liiD'C.g'i il su.'ike-l pl.’ss 4«> -til- •iI'." t l;il sta. • .■IU‘J of lie , . . brllliaie-k —.'.'i;. h. Li-’m 1 ■ ... j,' ... , q a viP-.a-H'-'l di-Uiie-e, mil-', fa',;'- j . ' •’ *' ' I'i ■'lf!i'.,^i- as iiur cun; Inve t^l- , t.Oiis o. .^1 .1. p -ij. I ..111 . . 1 1 rH-';iV d trem tlio sj..v; and tie'-i, as J lov wu ol-Si.mJe-.iiit •• tn-.* pi"- , . , • . , . , ,.7 . • i 1 1 .* li;.sl".-:i riiise'l mie.a-,' a!'..i. .biil-.i- . .. til. li. .1 ..i..l"l"l '■ I„ii. i;.. r til" li>'bt aii.l Iii-Itt ol y. . iirli, i;,:.ltt. :l.^|.loo o;l,.y | r, A j".,. m.:i.,. V'-ob.}- : II,. W T‘* 1 .1 i *’1 • ‘ ‘ I * •' c 1 ** I'O eiri, . ,, , • . 'x. ' ,, , ,, *,* . . , i-.e. of all iihuiis and amftiai- i»u n- st M'-!ihvy, th'- 'th, Neflr t .i.-w-. . . . t . i I l::i „h.w.b.x. (null t... ono ismorotllil b" .■'.rsn'.t in oV"ryoxl,.ss.non wh., !. bo timt h*. colbOiloro.l '''■ ‘-I of-lko lim-t m..-l">"o“l :,ai; ub'i ibAoniiity. M-st will ),rov,. S'"*'".'' boboMiii,. .o .... ^ , 11,. Ills.) Ima ,tttt i lusiltU ot Mr. (■nrotliors. who liiis Is'ou ■ ^ I'i, with luxmchitis. r.U' :s"\’k: G;.>':. i>.—AogU't.. Thi* P-c.iad.is md J’. -!: • i^'^- : aii.-udtf*!' of th'!- 1. •g.-l.i'ur*-. ? i-d .y -ulte.l ill tie- •.fiueip!)- be- 1 caailidate by a l irg*? majonty.,- -i.x hwn b*'*' 'h' iwwotiuA- oT tl... -‘''."■'‘'“’‘“"pplU is.ruo tiiwi lio.bo, Vitm-fa. wna p'; ,.:,,,„„,._Tl..t I'r.-.i-'!''..l Uowil, w.., lioU .n tlus 1 Ob rlttitv-, Sbwr:^.o-n,y | 1 ^ ^ ^ , , qu dav last. , ,tf-,,Yidi‘If I'l'uiicc to bo jueiKirui,. i s*.it-*s‘‘xeepl pou'.h t'un-liiui. on Ve • A resolution was udsipted ^ ^ .j jj,. ^^.,1 ^ecla^'bi''‘h*rttcn» ^ > j t rormemanaliriug the to witldraw from Kome. Ihm , % ^ t.bWss_ the Mibj.u-tot increasjug the capita ^ jH.sUuin,. ..i w G ‘ndt G.-t i I, “,;rwXi^:[ttrii..b::i:..iAn;:;:.;::.b‘b.r;i::Ai:i:ttb;^^ s.™wii ;u...iwy 'rurt-hiis.- not mo^ij,!;-,1,0 ui.i-;..,.1 ..iii'Ts. "* p'.v";;''’;,';. ,.b„r,i., it 1'...-..a. not: — Th» ir,l.i of ihld K.llotrw, .’*’*'' ‘P i'nv’''iin,-sU in »l'l’b"‘K““kiug woormous military yrosisiiati.in- .Demorni.ic gaiiu. U'li ..I'I tribute of ix'spv.'ct lo lao «iv on that day » \ ..I the 1. :ah. i a l;v ol m-s' l' .’Is sviii be h"ll ;n hil'k lu-li.^nii aii-l . S,ath Garoliua 1. vva- ol bu' li!!!'- .♦r i'di'.—i*s'.nlv Were .lo .irth. it is ra’le-r uii interc-'. . - i. Th" ’ligiii aad ,ai:!iii-shid by t},.. dark hp" • a'-.-et li; »; about oie p. s-l.-'iti.ie Amerii'in. ;r:'b: a..Us,,l,.yof ji-waryDolmi. ; witti-bis. !>., "'.b-b hme.st tiguros. At tinsnay . . rlw"Smtbrru ,H.0,ill.-hm-W Uw'ir own urndbUlirs in ovo.7 •'ay la's- mbh'. ^ — w-TVo Ills. n.V".-.“ . ’ .b-fH..''. K- "• '•*-'’ , lb.. this ! il! .„I'i„rsiono to purrhas.. not mon- >-uvrmh,.-r bo'l, at -i i in oi.r humlrml m.KnK.s^far ’h'‘ ,1, B y, 1 liimh. it tl... t'ootw arc wot ^ , 'ii„, ,m,,,.Mt.o.j^to irar- ^’d” 'li 1! Iv'^ Bru’-'^lj' opiKXkiuou n* •1. ;il-jun 1. ; ball ill S.xn Fr.in" ‘ ight huildre.l aii'l Till •!si v. Yi-ck U'j. 'a' 'ri'ki i bat'-v. Ikt. 2.—'1 Le Ihiioli ti' .b c-.i tiiially foTi;»''tl, G’l i-ni'G. has bfk-it substituted for II Uan hill us i-l's-tor at largt*, t','. 1. ..I'l Ilou-glas fs* .I*,* t Ttmuii'.l*-.* hnsi- dt.Ulisip-lv "li.ob- , , r -• \l- i- , ’ e.l tile fu.-*Hon. \\ m. 1 . ntl. kim-r county Mib jitnt.-il 1) Tl," l.hil...b.l,.l,ia r.:i|.-.b- T.i\U.">l"rl.i".fba„t.i.,„.rtt. til'i. t:,."'!.--. lS.i-;l .-.tib"., Dr,..n..«,,.....--ao. .l.,..hu.,.l" ....'-■bra...-1 it, 1'. I .ttttiivi.rsarv ,,ii lu.-"- ‘'I’l"'"* ‘ o. ■* K 't.^ - ' * • stump the M.it" iigiuiist It. !• . jufit o'lp »4.gi , . 21) A- t'-iieii‘h-: I . i n.gilt. fh'ir.hcv; 27 i Grd.,h I ill-; - The ".•.ab!f»hing,a \V#im--n*- l.i- S: V York. It '.vis l-iiiiiafly i n.giit.' A lirpT'* *’ 1'.'h 'lcnt of I’liitel >*. il' - r-i-a ■ tprip- "il! I-t. ’ N* w \ork ter ic.\as ' I and f'-ilif'^rnia in ate.'ut a mortb. pMl-tl'Ts I Lkipti-t Ah.i.u ^NoiiU '’.iroh: ■ 'huci lo V; f. . I.i'-cuciateH, ntul lT.77** 7!i:-.-il. a/Jl-’i Were bujli/ si i -. J .Tills en.uiii. raiiori i-v exoim-hc dl ‘ Mis-'Ionary Bapii*** .-nf R'l

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