( I i - r. eh i -'!f ml ; - ! : " - ! ill , f1 p . ' -.1:1 Independent VOL.il. w if fx ' i'UliLISiii:f WEKKLY, ;Bf ;RO. II. AVA-IiuD, EDM 02 IS!) I'ltorhlKTOIl. V " Terms of the Paper, f Tho Hreald . will b published every Satur- 1 klVl Sill l3. E U 1 VS. A T A'-' l ITy f Two Dollar year, in advan.- Toi-lulUs of 0 1 it will Tfcw Imt for lOfto Hifj 'l ten for $16, anjl to clutw'of 'twenty- for $30 a yew, tbi mon'jy in all cas'-i to accuinpanyj the rdr fur th paper. : , lr - , Ilntcs; of Aclvcitisiii8r.i Advektisements will bu intTtM at the jratftg f'60 cents per, square, for the first insertion, aad 40 cents for eacli continuance. The r':um ber of inoertioiirf inu?it ?-.Lo fnirkcil ujxh th Manu'ierit, orlth-j a lv';rti3?mint will con tinucd until itli ordered out, aird charcU for Mdordinly. : f TEUMS FdliSitliOULAll ADVEUTISING. - . 1 : . i ui'j. Fr th um 6 1 square i.UO - ' -jj J .., 7.U0 " , i tio., io. 'i.) ' " i 1j., i j.j ( mo. 10.00 11. 01 11. f) 1: ino. flJ.uu o.OO .-2.-j.0- Twelve lines' (..r 1;; ia ik'i o:;- hu irtj.v al: , U ,.: ...I-,,,,. r twelvo m tk two si:air(j.s, ru over twcnt I - ' . j nr mtk thfj -flU-iresi . mid ' w y. : 'O'ii. haudinv; in tbjr vl eitii',m';hts.a3 CHi4y ix-thi. wH?k a-'Kiib?v- '-j. r I f .' ' rObitu-try 'A:v.a will be tbard, h aU mHttr owr twelve lintfj; at the usual :rae o jrtiin. ' j , " " ; . - Th'sJb' Xtva will b siictlv adhered to. .. . HERALD. JOB OFFICE. V Wr prfHrud lo pi.n; iJih-uiii'H, lj;ird D.ll Heads, Fosters il...-idbh!f, I.Uds, &b. Hianfca.f'r I.fiwyr (.Vrkn uf (.'out.s fsh riffs an7 Cof.ibltr printod to oi-dc-r. ' i r j Attorney Kt Law : l!&Hvillo,.0; C GLFiXX. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. T-li'l! Husino-s cntru.su-d to his -an .U mrfwih lTT'im JiAto and strict aUen- t.-n. ' . Cj rpteudr 8, l60- 5) ;, 7V017UlrW HTtl'iUy luf'-Vrm hi. friend and th nubrie. th;it ic cin be foiin 1 at thq l:1t- reubnct vt J J2d.h ih:, "-bon not prole;iion- ally cuac l . Otf .ee w ain $U- Lcakviilo, N'. C , DH. JOHN MAY j 7, . Located near Groj(tn?rtllc j IIOCMINIOHAM 9oUTY, N. 0. Ori'Eli-S h.'' professio.Til .rrvircs t the citizens qf ' Kcckinh. un aid- rrdjaci nt eouuttea. ' - i Hi wilbjny parMcnlar atttenttea totr.e reat nSent o( iVmile J)ifO'!-e.-, i-iufh. as revou-. debility, prol q.us Hi -ri, Luoerrlv o. r ;'-vhit'j mi dobi and diseaiie-i of -tie; avojiiiv He is abo prei.Aie.l H port rm all tb'VOl-; inv.iry ni-rioil wei ,t .:is iu-u (,ILv perJoj iueii in, ouiitry, and w:d pfy ?;.d attenti n b. rc&' ii'nt of fe.t uii. , piies. felcet, tamors Vic uleor-, 3c$. iu.'t 1-U soutui":i:n classical " MILITA11YMAGA1)EMY; : ; . At inuriiif, r, . - ' TII 11 Srst Session of this Institution icora 'meoced on the 1st lnst. A. J. S rKDMAjN , . AU)f..lto0.' j Print-ipd nu 1 I'rem iutor. ' 13UUSrECTUS.of the TwcI'th Volumo o' 7 tho 6i'lKiJ0F lilt: ACE, ,AlrJ i.nt'y .V, printed at lUlcigh, Jjf. mt Lra year... ' : f About the 1st of Scptenil)er. 1860, the 12tb We aro anxious to inau-urate it with a large ncro iio of subscrioers. and issue this profpot us witK a bope to effect it. The spirit of the A.e is a Family Papoi ' devoted to Temperance, Literature, tho Family Circle, and the News of the .day. M . 'It U entirely neutral in PoUtica and Rehgion eo that men of' aU.partie-jand religious pcr auasion may subscribo for it, in tho full $nti denco that they will find hothinjr in its columns that will conflict with their political or rcbgiou . opinions, be they what they may. : 7 It u a firm and decided advocate of Tejrupi rnce, and for the eleven years of. its exist em, his received tho hearty support and comtnci. ' dation of Teinpqfanco. nioiv throughout! th country. ', " ; , . - I lit is desitrnod as a Literary Companion ana Fiiaily Visitor adptod to parents an'djihb dren to tho di.seuiinatiou ol apuro Uteritur. and sounds - wholesome in n als. ' : Th cu rrent News ot th day is furaishjod.n - that its re ado:: may be kept posted tip as t what is jroing on in the world. It t;svs th proceeding of the Legislature and the bno. tint gearai action of Congress, wnon in 8o i o. :- . : !. .; -Tkbscs. For single ropiea. $1 05; fox a; elm : j fiTflo or more ?1 rjah. , PliARL; jewelry. " A y INETipply oa -hand, together wit n U; Mh-T Jewjlnr. : Ml-t Jew In Call in at . tha Vatob iVLW 31 AP OF NORTH f" CAllOI.IN At-i Look' hTf, lriends and fLllow-c:tizrns, will j-oit Luy tke noble XtxU of Corth Carolipjir It m, semi to the subsrriLcrs or )-uhscri1 to tho cunt v ant,fur their new, &rn'e nnd mi-n;firent MAI OF NOlll'H fJA, KOLIXA, and you will get the .' whole State, w.tn her; iiveri, railroad;, Kfw copper, lead itite. -Terwfl literal. ; TEAUCE i BEST. j IIillxM.ro. N. C. I NEW FALL AND WINTEffGOODST WK iru n'ce.vin our supply of FAlJ k s WINTER G.J JD8, consisting of and assortment of all the viriou-i arli les of LADIE'S AND GENTLEMEN'S j G 0.0 J) S, -. Boots, Shoes, Hats, and a good ASSOKTMKXT (IF MADE CLOTHING, ;j Kock Island Jeans and Kerseys, hole and Upper Leather, vyhith w oflor for aitht at the -lowaat pri'. 1 j liUKTON & SMITH, j ISCOTT. C(J:: New Yoik, continue to ; iviiol-;il, viz: , ! . , : U!.:i l.t Lii uk-h Qvarten; (Ccnsir-ative) I. j 4 . . , 1 ' 1 I ho Edmourgh-lievivw, wlu The Noitu ilijth Ucvw, r'rvc Cnurchl) j -IJ.a kvu:)J a I'.iliai.uili ilauziUM, (Troy.; :f 'O-OfcC Ffcriod ab auiv rcjire.-eit tno three '.y-j'it pohtlHtl pf-.rties'of (Jinit ISiltaiu U'ii.jr . f$i-iyj und KHj'iCtij-t.Ht pciitila 'jrnl , (Ui ! UMturo ol thtii- .h uM.-tui. A.-i oruns- I&tl Til"nt JritoU!ld Wi jTc.'Ts OtJ.Soioaco, llltCi. - tfu'c, MoiikliSy, and Jic?gjon,- they btajrid' tie tllitiy tvor Ivive 'V.dc'd!"; uiiri"ail5tl ' iu .(lie world 4 letters,., ttwiu,? considered iudtiipon.ij.blo to tfce cli'-iar ajJ ibj prolescionai man, wh.e t tin: inttjiiyfrt- v e"ery s-iaa, tt-y . inui h a :n-jiy i-orret t aiul "fatttetoiy ret'oru i4'tne-current uteraturo of the d.ty, .ilii uuli oit tiif win id, ih in can bo possible obtaiueu fAut nv. vtln;r jyrctf. , . " I KAH i.V! UU l' I'L'S.'Thtt ,:r..:ept c f Advene, Ar -iVoid. tho Ii'it iI puiiliahera given addi-. tUtnar, v.ilue V 'Tthe!; Uepriut.i, inasmuch as t tjiey can now be placed in the bands of thw ..'il.iscribeiS about aa tooil a the riin.r. d itfuns. i ' . . . ' iFBil?lH. ; For anr" one -cf th iturli'r.w, Txr : Lr fvny two ot" tVie four Itfjviews, -t''ttr any three oi the tyur Jieviaws. Fjir ali loivrtbe lviews,. k ' 00 7 00 '8 f)0 3' CO S 00 7 00 9 00 10 00 vpr lU.i. kwopd't..Ma.zir', Fjr Fun -k vood and one Ucviow, rir lliiirk w ivl and t o itcviww?, vr 15-ai k vvoinl and three- KvViuwj, l-'l.r lii.tikvvood and t'e tour Wevivwy, Money ctirrtrit Ib'e State tchn 1 :i bi'ec':'i'u-daiyar. tilted tali 7 : CLrBlUIVvr. 1 ff;n..Y-iVe percent from the ttjove pri-jcs w.n.'oe ioou io i.-.uus oraer.u t'iir hi in ij.t! :Ojiie.-f of .t.ny yne or 'more of the ao;e work. 'X'busi Four.rrpir of l.a -kwpod. o of one li. v,i;w. will'tMj'iit to one '.dilrfn, t4 -Vi fi.ur cup'ii-s of - the fuiir iieviow and, Dkkood kor u0; audA";.9P-. .. 'IPOS r.UK. in all tho rnneipil Cities and lwiis those works will be delivered Fiee to 'jMage. jWbcu s;nit by mail, the PostaH ,nf "ilv !.ut ot i-i-e. iiriiled k?,tes will m but t: : i i . t i. . 1 .- Vt.NTV-VlfL K tlNT.S ,1 VOir tfT oiaiKwjoa I lnu f'ocuvttN Cents a year for- each of lM i.i'v:.,w . (ix IN. li. 'iho pru e iri Grcit Britian f the tiic i'oriojioals abovf nafnedliii per aiiuui 3 v-! PATiv -1 w FEMALE .CO b hgfi E , I. i'VlKHh. Col TY, V llUilMji. rfllIS diiatiiution eonuiuM.-ed its tirst0. , JL eion on Thursday, J aly. 10th.! The bu:i u.b:s loi-i4erly u.,ed lor t iio aciiomuioilation oi v..tois to: tlu '"ciriivSv" 1.0 now d rvotctl e iifs:vciy to Code 'e putt.-.-,- ;s, soth.it yoim. Ldies may here enjoy al the benefits of the btt "vVaterin i'laee-i, while securuijc all tho .tivastjgea ot the be.t Literary,! vtitT2tiarj, at ic.V thatt .otiethirl.-J-le uu il ccst of bearding at3ucb')icc-'. Aitho.ib this is a .Methodisi Vuce, end has a Meil. -Ust iBinister as itv i'csiUeut yet no "-exnariai. views oi any denw uinattom7wiU be m-uuttca, thc"oniy object btfjii to buildljp a great Literary inatitutioii uon an Economical bju;is7 l'ait:nt-i nitty v assured that thuir diu htcrs will here ieceiv evlery attention thu their comloit and hapiu- ill Ay iltMti . JSl ihImjU whnrfwd. . luwh date of entrance to ckxse of CjeMon: but we hve no extra charges uid doduotiona are mjidc incue3 ol protaacted ttjcknc&s. Billa payable hilt at vntrance-, the remainder it close of sos- MU - .j . j' Cjjm per of$s,en of fir montn. -atary En-lish. 12.60 ; Higher Kugli-,:., 'jO Modern Languages, each, $7.00; An ''I" Languages, each, 7.50; ilusic, 22.50, t ( in On, 2 0.00; Pointing in water eo -jig, lo-OU; 0 recuui and Antique, each, $12.00 Drawing and limbroidery, each, 4b.OO, lioard, 'n.fludiug lcomrent, lue., ligu, tuvl w.iahin'. '5'fJ.OO. ror i a.ticul us rri. r t pamphlet, oi MtJi HEV.W.b MMKYUAVjCM. Uug'ust. ISOO. i'xcritltut. ' " I i i ' -S i i ii- . ; TpVO WOKKS V.r " 7niX TO Tilt JL isltriC Oii YLL. fv..; oy uual; no pa, ux ectod until lenveJ, ie.vi and appnmd. Kddre.; D. o. ?. tTTOU, i 14 iirouuwa . KfwYo.k. . 1st. SiX LKCTUItES on tha eaascs. p vtiUii- ja and ctiro of Lunjr, l"hitat and Skin dneasig; lihauitkm 'aat Male and Femal co upl .n:d. On-the mtxi. of Prejeivlng lloaith .ojiOv) yua. -360 page? 21 TingraTiligJs. lp..e 50 cent in eilver or V. O. Stamps. j bind. A W rk m the Cause and Core of Dis- Id Ka cej Vpoplexy; Fat, aj l s iia; v, w gro old and whit caases d eapo. 13 1 p w a erraTliu f . Pnc ji wtn . ttl &hd7 XhWMea their row T. the It i, the- $iUn rmow, tnotlmeT: . Th-.m silverjuigmj fountainauileirin Xran.-i.4i M live, wifh-Wlcr view, of . W j ttI May with the .droJ.ih U" tFf,fl,,a tgUtS thut wHipSifla Mand xema e UUes, &c.; and one of aml the .brilliant stars flasht upuu theui ; no ofje tau i mk into he aret 4u"a4 ti nvtrrr ' rr j J I . ' tho cho ipest and best mam evr pulnidlu-d, . L, t ,. .h i ,i. .j-iVi i.'i;, f ifc ayv- rJ nra io., marr, .vubi . rr.st sertoai eviL h.caus tht-re onl ' a - n 4 V ;JSU LEAKSVILLE,CX. a, S, L I T E'R A ll Y in tho dim, cool beauty of thai starry eve Claude Vincent breathed iiit Lillians willing ear th story of his love ; then, bending down till his glos sy curls swept her silken " trusses ho pie. -od u lover's kiss upon her pure orow. r- ; f . . . i "List?"t suddenly exlaimied Lillian, d uud as iie vine i n. a4 bhouk hudly. . ! "A lalse alarm dear Lill!:ail,v said Claude: it was nothing but ihb wind playing ani.d tho leays..' . Notbmg but the wind? jAli he' saw not tlie white face and dark evea that g dar f oue. euined a moment through the thic w vines, and then wu In a splendid apartment AMja Dun more is rapidily pacing tha tlojor; her rich dieb oi erimson silk is damp with the dw d' night :iar;d.Leariiig the gems i'rojnjter breast slio crusheVl them be-m-afli.her leet. Her long hlitek hair lads jii dishevelled, mses oyer hei y!icuMi)rs.i l'asioi lately silo muttered "to Jierseil : j W hat care I for costly gems or J riches, if a depuideut cousin wins In 111 me'Jio oiiiy Mian I c.in tT.;r lovu1' ' Auu stamping lor loot angrily, bite ciis. No 1 no ; it fhail never ber even tlumgli i have to murder her !" and the words were hissed iiom between her pule Aumingj sue saiv nerselt reflected in a large j niiror opposite. Could it be possjblo sue 1 a cliHiige in so itioit tune ! . uat to'lhe'wlil Jowaiil opeiiei.1 the shutters, .'i-'he Holt .evening wind cooled hjur jnchmlr broW, and tho ca'in sky above vus smiling upon nor: but idle -heeded it no:. -'1 he murmur oi aistalut -fvoices cime to her, waited upi-n the'sk-enitd br t-ze. It n as 'Claude V.iicoiit. taiin; uvu oi Lillian 'i sliaii jo gum a week," and then J I shall ha4teu baeV to claiui mv pro ' . i- .. .. l iuimni fj.ide, . : Iht heard the hall door olo'-e, and Lillian came lisihtlv ui the s'ei. X 4. How loelj, ,sbo looked as she enter ed tiie room Even A Ida 'could not butao kirow ledge it There glistened n..r diamond; from amid ... her sili: t he. lb :ed rov that loop -d her sieeves, and the bnds Xm'Jt "TCere twined in her :-uimy curls were her on-y orii iideats liy her side, t ujy&.n a liiaiblestahd, stood a silver gobjet, and taking it up, she drained. ttt cynluts. rhenj sealing herseif upon the jfa ho sat gazing dreamiugly at Alda. tvho, still Stated at the window, pre U nded not to notice her. "I will h lt-liherll:oTXljght,,' thought LilKan. Musing thus, a drowsiness ame oveif her. a heay languor which vveiiiil ;luwn t.her . yolib and she saiiV back insensible i-pvii the I crimson velvet; sofa. : . A pang of something liko regret shot: though Alda'. .heart, as she bent i.V' r and. -t) a thed the blue-veined tern pies. I . :-..' I 'j . J'15ut nhy fhoul 1 I pity her has she not wpu the love which 1 would have given all ! pjessfc!r!' .she xnur nmre.i. ! ; At last Lillian slowly unclosed her eye. , Hvetimj an unnatural gze U)on Alda tier forehead throb iel with a burning fevor ; she was delirious, kd inovherent words fell from her lipk. i '!.' All nigtt Alda watched beside her Morning ; found her stid there; but found Lillian was more quiet now ; and passing her hand over her fore heid, Alda murmured "Ah'Jtil bo safe. to call a physi- now A physician came but there was a grave: hok upon his countenance, a lie noticed jtho. burning cheek . f the patient. However, ho gave a lew di rectins to Alda 4-Itisa -singnlar case. I fear we can not do much for her " He saii, grave- ly shaking hU he-id, its . Alda and her lathe? Stowed "hi in from the jKom. Ueep anxiety was depi -ted Upon the face 01 Mr. Dun mo re, as he listened; Jflir he hyad love4 the orphan Lillian as if shn wero his own, evwricce his dy ing sifter liad entreate.1 him to ba a latljer to her only thill. Ana :aitaluilv bad ha fulfilled his roxnisa ; and Lillian had repaid him ww ioto and gnUtud wxica iras -T-! ' , twu Julian iSpJii'uiielitU!aiu"' of Vi4iuH to tit q Hpiacnpal.CbuTtrh of A Love Story. iug ui'i: fifuciioi.Alia! . U" i'?ifaH tb 0uitei Jtaif ou the snbjtct of . . ' -,;.; I ,4,l'&- "'n,?r:-ithurcti music; hd& indy.'ovtmioueX k i I .- 4 murder ! The 1 1 & a id wvar At k 1 t . .- : . .1 t ' un cipii is aii'i.u,, ui;auriui corpse, ' 1 ' 1 1 v ' i , . . readv to be bortn to the silent totnh. :. ' '1 i n- i ' i lor tue lonu vrwt Lilliau la clad in . . ... . .j thehabilaneiofhegrave. : . Claude detained longer than expect and .armed home the day i-.f... 1 .ii, .ii fttMjt 1 77- ..... ' 4,Aoyir 1 will hasten to my lillian he Said aVh ran 'ir"v (-ars. But l,tu..ut.uu w antel by two .iiiiT. !iau"voii i attend tho funeral to- niorrviyv??. saiuiie "Wiio is'dead? sakl tho other, "Why laUiatt' G'iVfiptlie neice of " He did wt finish. There was a hoary fall on!ilw paemeut besde them ...a rV.,.!.. ;, J.f iw.int., tli' nuii xw V""r.V'7 . .V-TMrr.r-..! iM-.irt )uuo: iusensif;W. V ,;,! thV wrtrnnt n ' Xlll?. wot , . "- , 1 . ...K..M...I fl.in.l. it In rni .1 i vlr !. i i 1 ne U3iin;yiu ...vw ..r ro.,ni Wllcre lilS J.unui lay w piouu z i...vi.mQi1 o o hu V4 i itll'i :i t I 1 Til, . ........ . ii , . . . he cl th irism ner jace. . . t ,' ;.v-i.rti 7..in ti.w li. ' Ch, Uo he gasped, tan this bp deaths" rt ; HMrliiw re oarted. as if smilin-. i .7, , , il1ltlvi7"::Uie ' !;r t Krie r uiVe! ,,Kah- 4, 1 cuu,t, wid not, give Lu whvkt starlr ;Hb MlfMy felt , . f'K.!';i i.-r....:. uer ortaiii Flwr-77--J' r ier)heiirt -thyre was,, a ;nint . r 4 ir -g-lSbe is not dea 11 She breathes -he lives'.'' lie almost shrieked. Alda, vh, 'htd just entered the room., stool ctlouiiess and iuimovatile a marbV: ,'.bnt (.laajle's- :iy V.aug rhroiigli ' t nsii xi", ';nfj 1 'others came briirine- rtoialives to; (all her hack to life A last a faint, clour tinged her rh.'ek;m I Vijs. The 'large viUt ryes ur.;l'd, ami met the dark ones bending tjivr herfci. earnestly. Merrily, icrrily, pealed out the sii vit tolled . !n peL wU. Nd-t, calm and holy baled tho dhi silver light withi . Tb moonheains glyauung. through thoviinJioW rested dike a ghi ekthndo' -ijrfi the fair young briuov whose tiny Vnd rests' so conlidinglv ii; that if the oud manit her si lo.-- She Pand.elvyet,.lther - ove'io r g'AP'V r 1,1 'h tcl Hushed .-nets wear tho hue of tho roses whiehtreW : the altar. Claude, too, shows lw mheh, hoW very much hejhas sutled...hiiii'UJiep joy all is tfM-!ttn;51 The few guests look on in siknt -d miration-. Alda is not thero. It ii hisperel thnt' no sane liirht irleamsom iier eves. Alda is a --7-1 o . f pronounce benediction, tpn with a wihl.qr. Alda rushed towai the alfar, anl ; witU a gdd stiletto Bed' a blow at the heart of-tjfie bride, I a strong-arm warded off. the blow,with a.pnVnijsiel. cry, Alda tied fro tho; chafel; Iht, far u xa v fmnv tiMtursiiers she 'bounded ... .. I, - 1 . . 1" . - ' like trie Wiuaiien suoacniVTmisinir .n"th hrinW' the dark river, her i !tiM.diair:uoiir on k- breeze, and s turning herh-amilfij-eves, while a ; wild laugh, rei-nded througli the air, she 8rang o the dark w;iter. i : . i 1 c 1 -r n k n iiimi l.IU III nil 13 li i i wifd- 'livedding ring already ' .tr , -V"- V iKey,. jina sparkles on t slender nnger oflaii--Mf .t:id' h' A higher' jwn!, good rea-im. 1 wever it is said and the whit haired minister has jmt ! . ''lf th.-m,: .t l.rsula ( etti.a that the nionkey! kill n&? mom raised his ha5 to jironoui.ee the final hdr wi.e.-u hM aad hoard his song. ' iu proportion to their loV?u.d lo so but a daring l caught herdress,and , Vltt:4--j V''iTk hsUi blinded with drw '-her from watery-' grave,-' Il.-rv5"'. LKIwked in the h.e ot Lis friend black hvr,.fell-ii ping 'over. ;hef mck ! aVl ..' .-- J . j ! anrhonhleriWa triumphant smi-o 1 seeuied to hai tion her litis. . ih m.H.n drew h,l a thmd cating a ; sadder shade nm the face id the corpse and thdark forms bending over her. ; ivciy wiiiuiny is cure-i ty '"j f j.-iiithe:rasiMt; every'ojdy s lnues bucli ieope ai the ; meanest ste meng . depra hunianity which an til-wise Proidb) permit to- live on thU Bin-curw,arth. It is i nown that almost eve pem-n is seme what dispposd to vj of others, and tattling ii afciuito which tery few .in . dain to cmtiTklv axeinntad fiuttii9abjct cur (rreciit artklo! I will i tilkH 1 nj05 -sr-j : 1 j 'v ! mtmeiitoi partly -uj ecfrdoi uiatn- 1 ...Ant,! ;1if.iit,ni' if tl. ; fhh rb . i . . " .nioiMi inttntio;i.- , 11 tinjie iine sl.giu r-ligioui t-ervicaj in eerv Etascoiai ! . 1 i . i . j 1 ..!. 0 ... 1 7 . V- . I ov7l - iuaie;u : h; criie a nisrui nam-o zn , . -1 -..,1 ,,, ., .1 cxi.o jh.o sy r 1 reak up a . mtt they ; ta,e .uiuiediat,; a Ivantage 1 f it y H j to keppeopW ju vexat,.hL Th-y glide 1 1 pi ilil t'OHt li-ii.l 11 fi I . ! r fri:i inn'fJiir . 1 i , . . lroni irentteuran . b. iv, Iroai iutber ; 1 11 ilinn llir 11 Til 1:il I i-f t. . i.,ii! nn i in the ear- oi all. -tniv-: tmur uark bit-' .,. i.liUlrj , j , f- l:1,. : ., tuoq.Miw.neoi U!.e;u,y uuk to 11 inr. uetiy. in iu h o?e yL-Uit Splendid black and naiiM oi s pills oi malirioiis .-hurjies, to umplo p:olessional sing slan4.'r are coated with; smiU s and hou-: ers to do the piais-e, and lo pay theia ey Wr.L. ':of a iend hi).. i Jhend hularb 8, okbiuing to tht style T4tt.er aie confined; to no particular j iu which the respective Ierformvrs fl m .v it tfit't v 'I 1w v 1 u.b n r tii ;i 1 1 ...... 1 1 .... ' i . i e. c v.uul o lerite inj all Wo fi tU"shula opcite Lin a b. id lelu-.auioliLr the lie i iintl the liMOl in. hi Ihm ' fiti.'f the "U m it unci tHe ''lower "L - . .. . - - ViiiI1iiii ' 5 1 t li ii i :'j in, di riTid mil it" it "Vf7" V ' v" V ",llUTOMUUl HUUigUiy SClOUUIie IUUV0 ,AV i,- lin l..-iet i . . - ... amj tos Iiraius -wiw lnve. no higher am )ilion lhtiu tu b- v, It inloitn.d I 1U f . . iaiiScan iui 10 rneir neignoorn un i LTIIN in ..ndi i. t i.tol.M.I. 1... - . ' i -i ' i ' i w , , j iHiirts o .r 1 ; . , i ' Ai ior sucn gijiceiesi. ereaiurcs kuuw no coii"-r-"etiui 'so i'mm l.i.m.r ni - rd lwirdjlniin iu lih I ' . V oi Newilork, m signlhearu V P'-ment they de.orvo .;oi aM luci,,lhill. . guwl can t ii0 . ; lu, ku lWs. mi,,it, AUo . ol N y,r iu Ijf41 .4Mi "they will receive , tnis regard has iread itlf to othy trftu,I- 1U l'ropoitioti to the mag- Ur0 C.U(.,( and now the learned critic. tl. iwtiuu...t ....J-.i- .1; 1 ; - : ll TtE SINGING HTVI) KNT '.lit ) V Jaii : -vears :,gV itt'Jib-nt bnV V;i seerr- in the street.-. . ol mi Mju ieiit t.vn singing. He w.U a .t ar, -plaii.L' dres- eul pov, but I.: lace -wax lia.e and 1 ins Vyes; V.-er-.!- .-nd and tearail.' W-aslinot. :iiica,l anJ 1 7, Ills n,.e Songs he 1 1 ftUug were bi-aiitirul words an I ab-ul Ci, ,.l I i .'.... .' 1." . . ' I o.n.nj'i liiiii;. ' ji-jy nine Jie-sauy a olg lie hleppedl to a ho.le' :i!id g ive a gehlle tap. When it was opened, We said in a gentle t!'iie. .:iM. . . . 7. ' . . ' i 1 tilings.- E"-rv tinn- Jn n:or.! -1 ol t- j'; mv.ix.i t;i-i , ..i , nocr si-U'ient- lk.x a i, oiv.'id; 1 1 a. 1 w "Jifoono w'.th tliee, thou b-.?gar's reiiiv that ii!j7 i liibh'' wjis tl ie. a:i 1 his ar iis the ijc -i- cnild slirank drou; !li - - mi door to door, he san his svrtet soiurs until his 'bod v ! ''in ni..ft S. 3 7, "'" - m v . ' ill 1 - j ly abl-? to rit.jiiid he at la-: tuni'jd hi-J fetcp; homeward. I Striking -hi 7 n.ddo ' lorelteiid with his.Vand.h. vii:c 7'i nn go btme to my lathers house aiiu b cniijent t hve by, the sweaB !il mvbrojir. i'rovideuce has no . Ii iM iMt 1 n! : 11 1 -i ' tiiii 1 tii. I I..., irrii-if v 1 r,-. hw ... ... . . 1 aiei H-en iiiiu arivon iiunv a neigJiiM-r i ; wiiu a curiously rehneu cn:elty. A door, jieit her tu artj yarn uith pity to- snake may be coded ajnoijg tho branch wards a liehvlcs-j boy 2he jpc;ied her -es ot the balivun, last asl-jeo when it il door, Jieckohed 1::.' tho yyangt.-r, smil-, el settlv upon him. an' in tones th.-t ; sound d liko !ieavculy .melodies to his. ears, $aiu .'( ViuiH f..-Tur,T ?r v,a;:d refresh thy--' : " 7""" v.- lf a iiiy ti-b'v IJaf-py little .-in How ho enj v .sxi v. tb-tlie : ea lif x !olhi! ri K0,,i V "1- '- ST j1 si. and tdd 1:7 i to make tli. ir hou." his Louie, hi. h-urt - '"1 !ha!l now p:irf:-:e my stud!, s with--; Vtn'-r b?nig'--i io ieg ;my - umm. iroin ga.d ing . hah W. 1 shall have you; siy; io? a ttiij-r, an I you, swet Lui-u-4 h.ra m.l-her 1 snail be hap- ph - r tl&h I can exph-sT' Alt rithat dav tie- Pinmff oov stud nA li-irirl iiil Ti-.tt L : Years after-yards to woild 1 world His 4v-tn was Martin Lutiier. ! i i . j i MayrlaiUuatU fnitiio . onicies. . "uu i J ufs.-an tKM.iit named Kabul m.mn. ss !to ittekd to 1 1vh..wtlftHl us y.lf l;Ury, j a mus;CilI th to perform Lb.it, their own - X "- 7- V; , , T ''W ch:int- raacaiiiO was about i f . tion whuh iravo aa ioiK.n Bible to the ..i bK; v . ' A-J A, lfllCYM.rlll2ZIII"'. WIAA A 111 U ' I Tf'II B U Jr-JW-cretary Chase has di-1 tineU full down, toe angels appear, tho frecltlie collector at Bosft to "gnntt womorlrn r pulchre, and tho , NO. 31 iiuodj lh3 ilt.usb f DisJtops has 01 e.l it W bo rohd-loud during Ui- , louse ol worsbn in the laiuL and rj- .1 v , 4 , , , citlv a .urnlay was selected irenerallv he. lectors in! New Vorkforobser- :, fie" order.- Uenq, tho sensHtion tho J.tux banco bl re t ,ion W .1 -.l'..J... i l r i r . t .--I- i ' .' 1 1. a . . i t!,rt i.,,l;-, i i..j,.;:.k , n. . ...t,Ai.. "77: 7 ' ' " ''7 1 J7 ' " , ' T VT tho ,.n regain .ns meanwhile rpmain- f,r ... .I...W .J..! ilent. as theV in'JSt d' ner force-in :.i .. .i & iu:.iU: ,,L iiK-u nuilU UCOUU.1I.- ' . . .1 . I !i I ' I. ...... I ihe ieult of this has beer. hat. with verv main church iroers. tha .- : v . r in I'-tl'llIT Imi I in ii. !i wii'iiniliivtr ni.ti. i ' - - .....v . j v. t .... t v. yj i . . . 5 . i ' eiiincb I ciinith beiifir. Uwt has it an elofiuent ' T A 1 r . 'vt.. or, oiit nai sort oi a toprano Uoes . ,... r 4 w a-iw A ilium A U aib oome ou.may .pei;a, an overnMwing ) 1:lJi.v , io iiigh Church upon ' ;lu" 'orgiau chant, aiu read with inter- fe" a Uil iia: L: oi fiU Epcopalcommu- iiij-n. The House of libdiopc tli:nk this nil wrong that it was never designed to convert the churdi into a mu-ie hall, Uiat let tile peiWu piaie tllCO Uil ijurd. d.H'. ):ot Iin-ail 'let. .sniininri uuA tt'teiio", a:.d a ..av-jo,. and u oarpntiuu -that j ijymns jnd psalms pl ai tiiee' !,""u" '"Jg to-sucii tunes 113 eve.y bo ly cii j.nn in, ab T tiie paid perlbr ! 1 oc di.iluis.-.ed. tei harlge. course, we liavo nuthib hi An Wi;u the melodious j eojitrvcW, though we turn ii tno -ii Mine oi rip-i, hvj use be-hol ir, . and; c dimply refer to It ii.-irSnt liu I, i .1... ;..... : a f - J.v"jr ui my vliiiUa. A'ONKLY'S -M0DK OF KILLING KNAKKS. . T!ie banyan tn-eji the favorite hah-, itatiou of tle n mil man monkey., and among its many 'brandies they cut -htiang-.' an;is,.unditurbed by any foes excepting Miakes. ; These rcptikti aro ' spicvlby a hoonuntaiu AiUr fatisfying i'sdf that thtj rcptih is shepiop, the monkey ctoaU ,UHn it coilessly. ii;r!s it by tle neck, tea-it it from tht branch, ani hurries to tho gTonnd. Ifii tii. O ...... .... I lie I .... .i iu,v uui "l-U!l,iiUH OC1TIU1 t L'lind down the rit!itilM.bMnrl mjin if grinding and chMterring with delight at: t L writhing and useless btrupgles ot til- loitured Miuke. and .ka&Aii.Tiat. ly ni feting his wtirk to tcft how it is pHieing. When he la tulUd away the an'n.alV jawV ft" to famx' it ot its jimd fangs he ho ds great i.-joit -g tr i.j liijios u e, enci holding n to thejoung nionkf'S, lucks complacently at its dcsUucUufi. "nrssrv TrrrvriTT Tirinf f La t-? f Ca tH rine 1 1, of Krjssia,anin genious repreeu?aioa of the tonibof our Savior, On lightly preing a spring, tho atooo ii- ii..i t . i - Evo t ratly rrformad. ff i ! ccjonty, town 4fioi- ofiSotv i 7i . ' i ' i - f . aim