THE 1/ ROGRESS Our Motto Principles and M^asm VOL. XIV. Professional Cards. (H 'ft. R. L. DURHAM, Attroney at Law, Dallas. Norlh Carolina. I BY TIMOKE. C E. WHITNEY. C. K MOORE. WHITNEY & MOORE, -Attorneys at Law,- BESSEMER CITY, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Gaston, Cleveland and adjoining counties. /^S^Prompt Attention given to all bush Heavy J Dosts and Expenses— Appeal -o the Supreme Court. Our citizens of Cleveland county have now the report i f the Referee ex-Judge Atinsiead Burwell, of Charlotte, w,.o heard the Quium Lattimore contest beginning on January^ 1.896. He was here about two weeks hearing 250 witnesses. The Board of County Canvassers approved and received this return. I concluded that no illegal vutes were cast in Sharon box and that the box should stand as reported above. The plaintiff insists that this return is correct; the defend ant denies this and insists that the 5 votes of John Blanton, Wil- Lain H Turner, G C Bradley, R F Ellis and M M Moore should be deducted from Quinn’s number of entitled to vote and did not offer to vote elsewhere and ’the vote stands unchanged. NO. 3 TOWNSHIP. . 7 iff. WEBB & —Attorneys SHEnBY. E. Y WSBE. WEBB. at Law— Attend promptly to all busine's in rusted to them’ (Judge Henry A Bryan now hold png c art here and the defendants 'lawyers. Montgomery, Frick and ; Mcbo & Webb, will contest this report upon questions of law and an appeal to the Supreme cour 4 'Qil be taken. So the end is net 'very near •STOffiee south of Court Housed , AS . J , udge Bi,1 '" e11 ; a ” “I’ 16 i lirist uptight man and a true democrat, [heard faithfully and weighed well [the evidence on both sides, diacar- Lied nis political predilection and [has declared against T D Latti- i more, the present incumbent, on J. A. ANTHONY, •Attorney at Law,— Shelby, N. C. Office in the Miller Block, trance upstairs, opposite 1 House. En- Court [questions of fact and law, the chances are heavily against Latti- A. G. MANGUM, —Attorney at Law,— Gastonia, N. C. more’s winning before promo court a reversal Burwell’s decision. The exact costs are known, but it will with the Su- of Judge not yet Will practice in Gastonia, the adj -‘Ting counties, and the. Fed- eiid Courts bakber snot’. The Tonsorial Art in all its neeses approximate $2,000. then Quinn as he was deelared legally elected and offered hie bond and to perform the duties of clerk of the [court, the fees, about $2,000, are due Quinn. So it will cost about $4,000 tor costs and fees, besides the lawyers' fees. For Lattimore to pay $4,000 will be a heavy load to carry and many sympathize with him in his losaea. Than T D Lattimore there is not fancies and touches for times will he corMueted by D. W. DAW KINS To FREE. Agents 'Wanted. Dike orders for JOb NG, Samples and terms C J HAM^K A ME RICAN ITALIAN MA R B LE and Foreign Granite. 1 purchase directly from the Quar ries in Vermont and Italy, and can give terms possible Carara m the lowest apprentice ship under one of the best sculptors in America,! am prepared to do an the finest work on short notice. Orders from a distance solicits d and satisfaction guaranteed. Mon.mueotal Work a Specialty ADDRESS: BOILING SPRING'S, N. C. KING’S MOUNTAIN, N lEFDRMER IFRiL 23, 1896. NO. 27 thony, John Poster John L. McCurry. E ip Martin, J. C. 11 any..-.:-. I find that these nine wem ioogMal votes and should be dedtph ‘ com La - timorp, Putman, i. studeni at Shelby, has .his home ■. ith his futh.- erin another"townsb voted at Blacksburg 1993 and staid there Rudisill LI1 Septem ber 1894. Anthony i o two Pos tons admitted they i . al in No. 4 township,, registered : No. 6 town- At Austell precinct, the original [ Cm re.urn -bows N ■ : - The plaintiff insists th Curry, Gold, Martin : van did not reside L Were illegal. The imendant L it ■ following v 120^0 VoU),N A J cor that and sain Ih 1 J. C. Run- No. 6, and more claims ■s were iile- 3 illegal votes of W. II. Ellis, Lee Gamp and George Tombs' should be deducted from Quinns number of 120. Quinn. Inga 1. 1 decide th Defendant . R Harri- not sworn voted for -e four ■dai ms that >sby, Link The charge of illegality Crosby, R. P. Hoyle, W P. Cost- against these three is based solely (nor, R. C. Ledford, Ca yb Ledlord, on the fact that they were Davin Pratt, Ed Ran tin, Rueben uut sworn by the registrar did no; F. Poslon, J. MeRMims and Jas. administer to them the oath pre- Porter—12 total who voted tor scribed. I conclude they thouki j Qinin, yet they wen not be excluded and the returnlJ. F. Williams in h stands. At Patterson s pr cinct the orig- he was not offic 1 10 Legally. I conclude this was il legal and I deduct it from Latti more. j. Joseph Wash! urn lived in No 7 knew he lived in No 7, yet register ed and voted in No. 9 for Latti more. His vote is illegal and should be deducted. Jolin M Gold Who lived and voted in Texas, voted here illegally, Jake Swain, a convict was disqualified from voting but no sufficient evi dence to show how he voted so his vote should not be deducted from Lattimore. The return, as corrected, would show: for Lattimore 170; for Quinn 132. No. 9 TOWNSHIP. At Cleveland Mills, precinct the original returns show, for Latti- m' re 99; Quinn 105. 1 deduct none from Quinn, and take one of Horace Mauney who knew he lived in No. 8 voted in No. 9 Latti more. James Weaver believed he w s in the b jund ry of Cleveland Mills precinct and in good faith [vot’d for Quinn —his vote stands Ngal, This givei as corrected I Lattimore 97 (1 less); Quinn 105. I Al Fallston precinct, rhe origin al retiun shows, for La timore 104 iual leiura sho. ed For Lattimore For Quinn Th plaintiff insists that V London’s rejected by 68 95 from Quinn. I find Iha Quinn, their Idy was 'he registrar I for Qumo 151 votes. should* a; deducted Dm- ndant claims that 5 voted I for Quinn —James Costner, Thus. these G voted for names -ere on the suit was then and there arrived at and was then and there an nounced, as prescribed by but the report of the reg — and judges of election was not then and there made out. On the election an examina tion was made of the tally sheet by the judges of election, whiuh] in the meantime had not been continually in the posession of the said judges, or some one of them, and the judges of election finding on said talley sheet, and the time of their said examina- t on 553 votes for Lattimore, erased on said talley sheet 5-18 and substituted there for 553, thus adding five votes to the votes of Lattimore as counted ard announced in the presence of the electors, who chose to ut tend, as provided in Section 3639, quoted above: and the judge; reported to the Board of Uouuty| Canvassers not the re sult as announced when the boxes were opened and the bal lots counted (548 votes for Lat timore) but the conclusion to which they came upon an ex amination of the talley sheet subsequent to the election as above stated, I find that when the boxes were oped and the ballots were Counted, there were of said hal lo's 548 for Lattimore this be-j Silk-fliifehpj Ilenripttas an. ing the result found and I Brilliantions in all shade; and aimouuceu a' use opening of ors at p r j ci , 9 t | |at , , ( . ()1II , t j t) „ ihe boxes and the counting ot , l^, . . / ‘opi.iuuu ^-6 ^WW^^# s ^^O o'A £ & S: &•$.,>£ We have now open and ready for inspection the best lino of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS we ever brought to this market. We are determined that our ensiomeia shall have a bo-ger and better fine to select from this spring. ^These Are Figures' And Facts,23 Percals, 8|, GO and 15 eta । r^rimalways sold at 124 m 15.-. Laws--burgd. S — a t 15cts prevd. Fancy-Woven Swiss, 15 “ Crepo s, Duck, Muslin, pl do and figured Lawns, Am rican and mi- Sat i n - S t r i pcd - 8 a 11 ce wide, at 65 rents,—c but takers at 65 cts. Silk-finished 38 Costner, Frank Costner, Julius Costner and Sylvanus Gardner— these lived outside the No. town- No c arge to show ’'ein. the ballots in the presence of the electors who chose to at tend, as prescribed by law. It is further contended by the the registrar’s book, that they were on 1 ad- titled to register and vote in No. 6. shin and should ce taken from fleCto Quinn and the result stands | Tidily was the registrar,he was »)•«) Quinn. without reproach in Cleveland county. He is aclever gentleman and beloved by all parties. He honestly thought he was ejected; hut the court is [ honorable man wins. Here is I judge Burwell’s report. j State i n the relation of II. judges, should be counted a Als'u that Ed Graham Deputy for timore should be excluded, but condition at the time he voted and his vote .-lands for Lattimore. The defendant Lattimore con tests that ten il'egal votes of Levi Wesson, H. M. Garries, M.L Put man,L. A. Beam, J. R, Francis, G. B. Blanton Lawson Kendrick, G. F. Putman, Dan T. Wall ice and John Quinn, but I decide they had a right to vote and were properly re ceived and counted for Quinn, The resultis unchang d, No. 4 TOWNSHIP. return shewed: For Larimore For Quinn Williams 1 find that these voters actually T. L. ELLIOTT / T. D. LATTIMORE. The aboveentitled cause having (been referred to me by an order maae by His Honor, Judge Brown, as appears in the record, I respect fully report thatafter due notice to ali theparties, I proceeded to hear the said cause at the court house in Shelby on January 2, 1896, when and where both parties and their council were present. And the hearing was continued from time, to time as agreed upon by the parties and their council, and at each adjourned hearing . thereof they were ore-ent and were represented by counsel. I cr^nso if herewith the evidence I taken in the cause and also the ex- hit its, etc., put in evidence before me. I make the following findings of fact, which are general in their application to the whole case: NO 1 TOWNSHIP. The original return of precinct 235 W. TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. judges of election showed : Fur T D Lattimore For J H Quinn 46 MANUFACTURER OF GRANITE AULD MARBLE MONUMENTS,VAULTS, TAB’ LETS and GENERAL STONE WORK. $^P : ’Agent for Iron Fences H. P. ALLISON, Justice of the Peace, King’s Mountain, N. C. Gives prompt attention to all business entrusted to his care deeds, and Tiddy kept the regis tration books in Wil lams’ office intbe court house. These voters were registered by W’lliams, the register ot deeds, who- bad no ex press ahthoriry from Eddy to act for him, but he did so at this regis tration as he hud do^e at other times. Tiddy knew he was so act ing and did not object, and ratified and appoved what Williams aid for him in this matter, Williams was a caudite at the election. - I conclude that all these 12 were legal and should have >een count ed for-Quinn as they --re I find that Jim. Rid e was regts resided outside the lines of No. 9, pniiKitf that there should . liiat 'f'ict 1 tidded to his number in and in good faith had voted and registered in No. 9. I conclude these 5 are legal and should not be deducted from Quinn. 1 find also that G R Smith. M V Turner and A A Hendrick knew that they liv ed outside and had no right tc v te there, so I deduct these 3 from Quinn. The corrected return would Lattimore 101; Qui n 148. NO, 10 TOWNSHIP. The (rigin:.I retain shows, Lattimore 67; for Quinn 70 he No. 8 TOWNSHIP. votes, be because the return i fend ant failed to prove 68 voted for Quinn and I conclude that this is thecorrect Quinn. Plainsiif contends that .hat he his deducted vote from Defendant claims that Bish judges and asked to be allowed to uun Russ and Ezel Rass voted il- Register on day of Mecti m, ought : legally. J conclude that these foul to be counted f-r Quinn—this | resided outside and tbpy are ille- should not be counted. [gal and I deduct tlu su four from Defendant claims that Cliff Quinn'. I find that George Johnson and Jake Johnson should be deducted from Quinn’s vote. These two were not sworn and the registrar did not require it. cause he honestly believed it The Board of i ounty Canvassers received and approved this return and I find the fact to be that the defendant did receive 24 votes. 11. is contended by the plaintiff that the defendent received only 23 votes at this precinct, but the evi dence produced by plaintiff is not sufficient to sustain bis contention No. 2 TOWNSHIP. In this township at Boiling Springs precinct the original re turn, showed: For Lattimore For Quinn 69 210 be- not required in such cases, and they were registered nowhere else I conclude that these votes were legal and the vote is unchanged as above, At King’s Mountain precint, the original return showed For Lattimore For Quinn 149 138 The plaintiff insists that 2 votes- of William Cobb and John F. Dix on should be counted for Quinn, but tne judges of election did right in an honest exercise of their judg ment in excluding them, The defendatclaims that!—John Book- out, J. T. Graw ord, Doc Donal - son and El Brown voted illegaly, ^J^Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, etc., and Collecting Notes and Accounts a Speciality. LOOK! LOOK!! CITY BARBER!!! Shoo at R, R. Howser’s rested- rant store. All work in the ton serial line quickly dispatch ed. Come one, come all, and try the .low barber J. L. Wingate, Pro. The Board of count y Canvassers received and approved this return. The plaintiff contended that the vote of this precinct sh mid be the same, yet conceding one illegal vote—0 C Hort on not registered and therefore il egal, and Chester Kirk’s vote duly qualified yet rejec ted, should be counted for Quinn. I find that 0 C Horton’s vote was illegal and Chester Kirk had a right to vote and that his vote was refused for an invalid reason by the judges they being honestly mistaken in their duty in this mat ter. I reject the vote of Chester Kirk and find that the was Lattimore 69 vt Quinn 209 votes. Sharon precinct—the original Children Cry for Fitchews ©asteria. return showed: For Lattimore For Quinn 19 58 Oderson voted for Quinn, was reg istered and bis vote is legal. The return showed 553 voles for Lattimore; 249. This return cor- reeled according to the of facts and conclusion would stand For Lattimore For Quinn No. 7 TOWNSHIP. fiudiiig of law The original return shows: Lattimore 128; for Quinn 68. ^ Ready Made Clothing. ^ No better' or prettier GOODS ever sold in this section. Don r, buy till von see them and g- > nrir ^ BRAND NEW STYLhXm. , §5.00 up;and older stock at YOUR OWN PRICE. of election to the judges Board of County Canvasser.- of showed 135 votes only for him. while said report should have 141 votes for him. Upon this contention of the plaintiff, I make the following finding: When the boxes were opened and the ballots counted in the presence of electors who chose f J to attend, as prescribed in the •Bisection of the code quoted and i - 1 pscer- H J Wiiiis for Quinn should taken from Quinn, 1. from Quinn, If ^ Mens’ Dress Shirts. stunners. The “Big 6, Ask to eeo our shirts. § You Needn’t De This Hunt ’round this or mis cheaper st^ck of LADIES' ANi> GENTS’ SHOES than we row iQninn had there receive^ 141 the report of the I take this vot £ g , an( j the report of the ring him b. . e gi s t rar and .‘judges of elec , tion to effect, to wit, that the I bud that there was no mistake Iair , tiff had ther3 received 1 11 made in countii.g Hie votes. De-1 voteg was prepared for trans- tendants claimed Uri 7—-namely : m j p8 i o n to the board of county George Royle (who did not vote |canvassers; thereafter and for clerk) Eli Newton, G H Smith, I witnout concurrence of all and Sam Towen who were not judges of election the said re- Sworn hv register when registered p or t was s0 altered as to show 69 show you. he Douglass shoes always i outturn prices. at ■ -i certificate, also Eli Newton, G Smith who [Continuedon second page.] w Cane Matting and Furnituu O Cane Malting at 15 cents per yd., and Furniture as low as bice styles and good furniture c n he sold. Call and see our Mat mus. jaficate by another, s ton'd not be counted. I c nclude that these 7 ought not now to be deducted from Our Position, We believe in unity of action 554 Quinn. 246 For I deduct from Lattimore the one vote of Jerry bmith who lived in Mooresbori precinct, vet voted at Double Springs precinct and that b^knew this—this was illegal and fAkes one from Lattimore. Defendant objects to the three SWorh will Ramsey who had no of J. M certicau But I find that each was a registerd [ f rom No. 8 when ’-egiste’-ed in ’ No and qualified voter and that there ly, also of Taylor Brooks—no prop- is no sufficient evidence that they p r evidence was produced to show voted f- r Quinn. The vote stands f or whom he voted. voted fir Quinn. These three The vote stands corrected with one less for Quinn; more’s unchanged. NO 11 TOWNSHIP. i that our city property may be pre- Latti-1 served, her various industries fos tered p*-^ m-v rmf-mroi rHvnnnp and her general advance- g Hats By The Stack., 'he nicest lineof new md summer hats men in this market. The ^ ^^ unchanged as reported above the judges. NO 5. TOWNSHIP. At Warlick precinct, original turn showed For Lattimore For Quinn I deduct one illegal, vote by Yules were legal. The return of Itnis precinct thus coin cted would show Lattimore 127: Quinn 68. Mooresboro precint taere was no t’ 6 ” fight or dispute over the original 86 of ieturn for' Quinn 67. Lattimore 65; This conceded to be The original returns show Latti more 40 vetes; Quinn 132 votes Piai .tiff conceits that two illegal votes sealed and sent were cast tor him, the defendent admits one such illegal vote sent. Here 1 de duct from Quinn 3 votes of Jacob Newton not registered yet voted for Quinn. Andrew F Logan not register'd and s" concert'd by plaintiff and George March regis- teredin No. 3 Township and con ceded by plaintiff to be illegal. Defendent contends that 34 voters—a long list were not sworn, the registrar did not re quire an oath, sometimes not at his office—in the road were reg istered. I conclude that these 34 Quinn’s number, Joe Bather voted for Lattimore legally. Corrected vote of No. 11; Latti I UH nt assured. We advocate a continuance of the fair and impar tial enforcement of our ordinances; in th« thorough improvement of the our streets and sidewalk?; in want and name the price. ^ Groceries! Groceries ' Tnese you must have. W the quality right first, :iu cleaning up and keeping of our ad- cemetery; in the economical ministration of our financial af- fairs, and if possible done, in a reduction of our taxes. The Reformer has always en- above general principles and will still continue to do so. When the citizens of a town agree and pul' together for the upbuilding of thur city she rises as if by magic. ■‘In union there is strength.” be undersold. To light you on y through our astonishing qualities we will sell ym. WmA ^ Conclusion, ^ We have hoard'of some people visiting ncighboi iuy is made up to stop this. our prices before you go. We In v • Houston Black (under 21 years of age on eleiection day) from Lattimore making Lattimore's vote 70. 1 find that Henderson Saunders vole was legal and war properly counted for Quinn, The Vote now stands: Lattimore 70: Quinn 86. At Waco precint the original re turn showed; rtt.mure 93: Quinn NO. 8 TOWNSHIP. U townships The returns show for Lattimore 1.73; for Quinn 135, Fiamril/ Quinn concedes that the voles i Jack M rrison, and M M Mauney were legol, also that George Pryor, Webb White and Floyd Heavener who vo-ed for Quinn at No. 8 should not have voted, because of corrected above gives For Latt imore For Quinn From the foregoing 1815 1813 findings it follows: That the result in the whoie count, the result at each voting place being correc ted as above stated, would stand Dr, Hunter Coining* Through a private letter to Rev. J. M . Garrison we learn that Rev. B. R Hunter, of Sardis, in Meck- leir urg county will locate in our city end become one of our citi zens. Dr. Hunter is a young man who has just graduated from The Louisville Medical College with distinguished honors, having, “car ried off the prize on chemical meu- icines, standing an examination which the professor said exceeded this very purpose. You .vu-'t y.m want, lie convinced. Yours for trade etc. ® ^ w^ ^ £W $# $& turn showed ; ^att.mure 93: Quinn Teague and that they shouid-oe de- 46 and thisthould be one less for ducted from Quinn’s number. Lettimore because Randal Roberts was not registered and his name is not on the registration book, yet he voted for Latrim’ re. So I deduct one from Lattimore and the should be, as the plaintiff tends’ For Lattimore For Quinn No. 6 TOWNSHIP, yob- con? 92 46 The plaintiff Quinn concedes that the three votes of Rush Ham rick, Ca’houn Russ and Ezell Ru • from Quinn’s numb's thus re. ue- ing it from 249 to 246 Plaintiff claims that the following nine I votes were illegal and should be j d 'dueled from Lat imore’s. D. F • Putmun, E.A. Rudisill, W, A. Am For Lattimore For Quinn 1815 1813 anything in the history of the college in this branch.’’ Dr. Mil- Defendants claim that Marcus Meli tire Botts McIntire, Win Mr- Looney, L A McLooney ano W A Pryor—5 voted illegally as they resided outside the township, yet near the line. I find these 5 ronestly believed they had the right to regis'er and vote there and that they did not know that they lived outside. Un der the rule laid down in Boyer vs Teague I conclude these votes were Legal. I conclude that John Champion and S. R deMurry voted legally, although they were not sworn when on ce/t. transfer their names r also Frank We yers fn by registrar) was legal. Plaintiff contends Jam ificate of sworn Crow- It is further contended on the part the plaintiff that there should be deducted from Latti mine’s number in No. 6 town ship five votes. Upon this com tention of plaintiff I find as fob lows: The Code, Section 2685, pre scribes. ‘’When the election shall be finished, the registrars and judges of the election, in the presence of such of the electors as may choose to attend shall open the boxes and count the ballots, reading alond the names of the persons who shall appear on each ticket and the said counting of votes shall be con tinued without adjournment, until completed a„i -he resui t lereof declared.” I find as a faco that this re- ier,of Sardis, endorses Dr. Hunter as also a young man of high moral culture and social standing. I early welcome, and assure him that we will ever strive to make ihe worthy feel at home in our midst, and the “hustler” tha; there is a good living for him. BucklenS Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world fur Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and al.i Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- fuuded. Price 25 cents per box. ' For sale by Carpenter Bros'] Four Big Successes. laving theneededmerit tom-ike nore than good all the ad vert is - i ng claimed forthem. the follow ing four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. Kings New Discovery, for consumption Coughs and Colds, each, bottle guaranteed. Electric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Buckler.’:; Arm' a Salve, the best in the world, ami Jr.King’s new life pills wnich ire a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do list what is claimed for them ind thedealer whose name is at cached herewith will be glad to sell you mora of them. Bold at Carpenter Bros. Store.