THE HWREm REFORMER. 01 MOBS Pimples, Blowhes ^- Sil or t Irin Adjoining ©’^ fact OUK MONEY. our young ells yon O^- Local notices ten ceyts per line. ^-~ 0* unanimous 1836 1896. APHIS. jUMJIJW.IT.IF. I s. »—^^ Moore. Pitcher and Center Field. niummwuuuwuuuuuu' NEW TIN Mine the sworn statement of the Office of McDonough a BallaN- of Jin during th is BEZUSS —I beg to add mV sell Good lleavs 1 will Of Mello 3 SUBSCRIBE- 13 Making REFOKER Repub can State executive committee; SOLD 13 very fine in every respect. Re- an- last — BED LOUNGES.— April-1, 1896, mAy ^ E 01 LOUNGES. BRO’ S a CASKETS, PLOW 8 KING’S 1 MOUNTAIN, of budeus on the people to the ^rist and Drakeford this could be N. enormous amount of $252,369,884. ten year-old colored girl which bondholders. NOT TOGETHER YET’ la II Fra® Tig Ta and lessons from the scriptures as I She is now in Yaa Will FM h place she went from Rock Hill. its own 1 FO^IiS Auditor, WILL ! STEAM MARBLE AND Yours to save, W, L. & P. R. LONG. - GRANITE WORKS. YOU MONEY if we too were lazy * Bi -vdes are Hi I BRADLEY A HAPPERFIELD 181C 1811 at which the team was odau zed and put in ^—- ^O Six months. Three months, gressional counties on proposition adopted by You meet one of friends to-day and he condi - its owi When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorp When she was a Child, she cried for Casteria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. JVhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria, '-^45’ on the We believe that liberal proposition itself to the .better the unselfish and mi-, miles pe pie n Dm- to the Suprerm so this case is n 1 Bitsrol at Kia^ Maintain, N. C. Postoffice as second-class mail matter. republi- held a Raleigh the tariff question and the figures speak for themselves as to the re- Populists of the State. A. E, Holton, Chairman Repub lican State executive committee; (An appeal court follows, H. L Grant, member from at large: Jan es H. Young her from State at large; P ilchard: Thomas Settle. mat the to. n election comes off in Gastonia on May 4th. and that no public meeting of the citizens has yet been called. the Res DO YOU KNOW THA'Hj 11 can buy FURNITURE byU nominate and support electoral ticket - Second, Co-operation State ticket by giving to publicans the Governor, State mem- J. C. $1.00 50 $65.00 35.00 18.00 10.00 wherever she goes. Atlanta, Ga., to wb Hour all the way from We can sellyou a good 82.00. So the question decide is not whether ing this period every taxpayer must swear how much cash he h: on hand and also Low much sol vent credits, bank deposits, etc. This sworn statement from year [ NOW is die 'imp f Ito buy rn w FURNITURE ♦he registrar and judges of elec .on at this voting place (No.8) BlimksbuiT, Monday con- Wood, Carrol with Rheumatism and could get no relief from any sotirce. I took ti A sumptuous dinner was to make it. 10 qt. Buck ets, 10 q’. Dish pans, 4 qt. Coffee Pots at 15 cts. Other FURNITURE HTORE 1 sB is Williams’ gain. The base ball lovers of Gastonia on Tuesday night • f last week held i large and enthusiastic meeting “f 6'1 71 81 mom 1 12| 13|uyi5| 16 1 17 | 18 1 “19 1'20 | 21J_22 | 23 |_24 | 25 1 “26 | 27 | 28 | 29 T30' | | | nape for 81.85 up. 1 patent at | for you to 1 you have! Ml 3 5 CH AS. K. GOULD. form in that line.— Progressive Farmer. that there is plenty of money— more than ever before in circula tion. Then to moriow you meet another friend that you thud; Counties Which Make Spicy News and Are Suggested by the g c^- this report set out, stands: For Lattimore For Quinn deduction from Mr, Jolin Smith, of lover, made,.the trip, over the rough road this lair and wil commend judgement of fair minded GASTONIA GAZETTE. Attention is .'alled to be Stete mem- J. 0 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT KINGS MOUNTAIN N. C', 9 4. That under existing lions each party shall run doctoral ticket! A, E.Ho’\m. Chairman Dr. Black, As 1. L. Grant, member from at large; James H. Young. •er from State at. large; Pritchard, Thomas Settle. districts and in the the line of 1894. This was unanimously the Republican com- hand at his repair shop wheels to rent, which those who do not. want and others about the proposed branch of that line from Blacks burg to Spartanburg. The pros- prices still lower. Don't h buy the shoddy Northern ? 83rd birthday n Munday of last week. the diamond. It was decided t" have three officers and all these were elected. W. C. B. Hoffman, captain; Edgar Love, manager, and 11, B. Moore, secretary and On last Friday, the joint committee from the can and populist parties conference in tne city of money enough a buy a sack of flour; but whether you need it not we will make prices to suit your pocket book. Our store is now brim full of nice seasonable gi ocer - J -FOR THE - ' - REFORMER -(- A NDTHE-|- • ;CO^ST!TUTI0^ Now only one trained in oratory; and as preacher site creates a sensat; kley attended Cleveland county court at Shelby one or two days [Mixed, Brother. We puffin The Progressive Reformer King’s Mountain, N. C.—En R FORMER ] T thew Harper, scorer, and A. G Mangum, reporter, PLiyers and sottled)—Aurora. givr.n at. which were a number of his re atiyes and friends. President Hum, of Cincinnati, president of the 0. R. & C., and mj-ily vote by the committee piosent. time to do it during the week. A Eh Faylkner, near lover, has ‘ membei; webm/ht this been quite sick with pneumonia H. P ALLISON Editor and Proprietor' ADVERTISING RATES: Ono column one vear, Half column one year Quarter column one year, Eighth column one year, One inch one year. - - [CONTINUED FROM 1ST PAGE] that the plaintiff there received 135 votes, and the returns in this altered condition was transmitted to the Board of County Canvass ers and received by them as the true return from that township. This alteration was made because when the tally sheet was exami ned on the night following the day after the election it was found that this tally sheet showed 135 votes for Quinn, instead of 141 votes, as it had been announced upon th- opening of the boxes and the counting of the ballots in tne presence of the electors who chosi to atte.-d. •. I find that the true result of tin counting of the ballots as pre scribed by the Section of thi Codeaboye quoted, was 141 foi Quinn and I conclude that then should I e 6 votes added to hh number in No. 8 on account of this unauthorized and unlawfu Lattimore’s vote in No. 6 becaus. of the improper addition of fK votes to his number, as above ata ted, and adding to Quinn’s num bei six votes because of the im proper alteration of the return fm No. 6, as above stated, the vote ii the whole county, as corrected, ac cording to the facts found anu th- conclusions of law heretofore ii I therefore conclude that fm plaintiff Quinn was at said electioi duly elected Clerk of the Superio- Court of Cleveland county and is intitled to have the office to whkl he was then and there elected. A. Burwell, Referee. THEY WON’T DO IT t Wo see Senator Prichard qu ted as saying that he believes the ram and tile of the populists will f r- sako their party and vote with th republicans. If an honorable co- operation can be entered into w think the two parties will vote together, but we venture to say unless this is done there will be m “falling away” from their prin ciples* Our columns are open fm any populist who will say he will fors ke hisprinciples for any par ty, to see what could be agreed upon in co-operation on the state ticket. So far as we are able to judge the matter was a failure each par ty refused the terms upon which the other was willing to co-operate As we se it the populist proposi tion was based on principle, and the republican on a division of spoils only. But we give the propositionsol each so that every reader may judge for himself. The proposition of the populists demanded that co-operation should be solely upon a preamble and resolution signed by Henrv M. Teller and 17 other United limited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 by independent action of the United States, and in favor of a tar ff sufficiei t to equalize the cost of production in the United States and in European and Asia tic countries. This proposition was declined in these words: Raleigh, N, G. April 17. To the Conference Committee of the People’s Party, Raleigh, N. C. We respectfully decline your proposition to abau ton the Re publican organization in North Carolina and submit a counter proposition for co-operation cn State and local affairs, in writing, which is the limit to which we are willing to go. A. E. Holton, chairman Rep, State Executive committee; H. L Grant, member State at large; James H. Young, member State at large; J. C. Pritchard, Thomas Seti le. The followmg was then read by H iton as the proposed substitute for the proposition of the populist: Raleigh, N. C.. A^ril, 17, 1896 To the Conference Committee of the People’s Party: We the undersigned conference committee on behalf of the Repub lican State executive c remittee submit the following as the basis of co-operation for the approach ing campaign. 1. In the appointment of the several office- to be voted for the Republicans shall nominate and :he Populist endorse fhe following candidates: (1) Governor, (2) attorney general, (8) auditor, (4) one justice of the Supreme court. And^the Populists shall nominate ai d the Republicans endorse (1) lieutenant governor, (2) secretary of estate, f3) treasurer, (4) super- i D ten tendon t oi public in. traction (5) one justice of the Supreme 2. That there shall be compDff •o-operation between the respec tive parties in Congressional and egislative districts and counties. >sof 1894, 3, That.the agreement/ hereto- re made between the respective parties, according the Senator- ship to the R ffican party, is hereby ratified and confirmed and he Populists are to support the ominee of the Republican party Hardly had he.finished reading when Senator Butler declared it would be impossible to fuse 01 any such basis but that they would present the proposition to .he full Executive committee Ahich was at that moment in ses sion in his room. This was done and Secretary Ayer was ordereu to prepare and present to chairman Holton the following formal not- of declination of the proposed terms. To the Conference Committer of the State Republican Executive Com J Gentlemen; I am instructed by the State Executive committee of the People’s party to respect fully inform you that your pro position for a basis of co-o pera tion between the Republican par ty and people’s party in this State is declined. On Friday night the republican conference committee issued the fo.lowing address to the repub’i- cans of North Carolina: . To the Republicans of North Caro lina; The undersigned being the com mittee uf five appointed to confer with the Populist State Committee with regard to co-operation in the pending election proposed the fol lowing plan of co-operation. First, That each party should Attorney General and one Justice of the Supreme court and giving to the Populists the Lieut. Govern or,Secretary of State, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tn n and one Justice of the Su preme court. Third, Co-operation in the Con- tnat there is not enough money in circulation, and that the amount is less than the previous year. Now these men have both mad only an assertion and for su *h cat be believed or disbelieved accord ing to the proof. The day has passed when simple assertion is taken for much. The man wh makes political assertions should prove them, and the assert? i bfe to ba believed recording as it is something that can be proved. How is either of the above to bi proved or disproved? We think very easily, Certain^ there is no better plan to prove the amount it circulation or on hand than by our cash and credits is as much less each year. Now all aqv sane man must do to see if ther is less money in our midst, than 18 month ago is to pick up the Stab auditors report and turn to where the cash and credits of North Car olina fall off near two millions of dollars. We see at once which assertion is backed up by undeniable proo , the oath of our people. Renn in her this the only way to know how much money the people h ve, grated March 3. 1893, the ejunded ii terest hearing debt of the Unite- States was $585,034 26ff "Bn: tb> first day of this month the state ment of the treasurer shows that it had grown to $837,104.1'10 show ing an actual increase of $252,369.- 880, This increase amounts to over $3,60 for each man. woman and child in this whole country. Cleveland and his gang were go ng to repeal, or greatly reform, the internal Revenue Laws. Col lections from this source for 1895 amounted to $143,246,077,75. The same set the multi tudes on the subject of the tariff, that was “the issue” they issued. In 1894 the total volume of all imports into this country from abroad amounted to $256,645,703, Study these figures, brethren. Tne average rate of tariff on dutial le imports under the present admin istration was 50 60 per cent. In thus it is officially. It shows for itself. These figures, are from Mr. Carlisle. The tariff was the issue until the election was over, tnen ths financial problem must be sol ved first, the purchasing clause of the Sherman act repealed, and the country saddled with an increased in order to aid the bankers and preacher which recently visited Then they took up Rock Hill is said to be a marvel-,. . Jour wonder. She reads her hymnai^S af prices to suit the times. We are headquarters in the grocery line Alikinas of groceries our business confbine. No stop over allowed; nor even a rest, But come right along and get the best. Give us your orders and pay the bill; We your order will nicely fill. Took out for the engine and clear the track, If goods aint right,bring them back. We will make them right in every case Or we your money will replace. WOODARD SEATED Washington, April 7—House committee on elections No. 2 to day decided the contested case of Cheatham against Wcodaid, from the second North CaDlina district in fav r of Mr. Woodard, the sit ting member. Democrat. The vote was unanimous. It was decided to hear argu ments in the case of Thom] sen against Shaw, from the third North Carolina district, on the Sth inst, and the case of Martin against Lockhart, from the sixth North Carolina district, on the following day. April 14th. GAFFNEY LEDGER. Reuben Snyder, of the firm of Schwartz& Snyder, of Gaffney, was married on the 24th of March in Baltimore to Miss Annie Rosen- oaum and has now returned to his home in Gaffney where his wife is soon to join him. He is a pleas ant and, agreeable business man. Mr. Putman, of Shelby, has sev eral jobs of paining in the city and is now painting the house of W. T. Thompson on Victoria ave nue. We never met so many lazy peo ple in one week in our lives as during the past week. They all had a weary look that gave us a tired feeling and made us wonder rent by the hour, day or trip. The Presbyterians of Mount Holly are to lose Rev. Jimas Bar- May as their pastor. The loss of his excellent man his good wife falls heavily upon the eernmuni.y, Wilson. Isr Base. Reid, 2nd Base. Glenn, Bhd Base, Lineberger, Short Stop. Hoffman, 2nd Base and Pitcher. McClellan, Right Field. Subs., Craig, Poole and Howell, The boys are to have new suits •is previsously described in these columns. The team cressed bats with the St. Mary’s team on yes terday, but how the game stood came in too late fur this issue. The town authorities of Cherry ville bad some little work to do on Sunday evening of last week be cause of some, of her citizens get ting on tdu much “‘tough foot’ Professor Harding, Ph. D.. of Davidson College is to deliver the literary address before the school at Lowell, at the closing exercises 1, the 8th of May Mount Holly claims she will ave the strongest ball team in the field this season she has ever had. Already they are beginning to talk about how they will .May against their neighbors in Jiis nations; game YORKVILLE YEOMAN The Carpenters are now busy at considered this must go on record as last lurai travelling. A reporter to the Yoeman says he passed the stocks the other Sun day ana the prisoners were patch ing their breeches We agree with that gentleman they should not h ve this to do. They should have the work d ne for them or given for the past feiv days, but we are glad to state that he is doing very well, and with no relapse will soon be out again. In the meeting of the democrat ic county executive, committee at Yorkville on Monday of last week a considerable hitch occured over the matter of the official printing of that body. It wus finally agreed to appoint a committee to investi gate which of the two papers had the largest circulation. The com mittee reported in fl vor of the Enquirer, and the Yeoman claims that itadded the list of the semi- weekly and the weekly together to get the number. It seems to us that with the consent of Messrs. t-aek and many new ones are; being bought. A number of our' ladies are fine riders and many I others have bought cycles and are 1 now learning. Sidney Sarratt, who has been in Baltimore for some time studying 1 in divine and surgeiy has return ed to the city to spend the sum-1 mer vaction. Sid isa gentlemanly fellow and when be gets his diplo ma he will not be long in building lor himself a lucrative practice. ■ir. A. A. Por'er celebrated his; LINCOLN PATRIOT. Miss Eva Summer, our popular postmistn ss, has returned from a visit to friends and relatives in Gharlote. Sheriff Rhodes, Register Killian, Ou last Monday evening two strange white men came into town from the direction of Woodle’ys distillery considerably undur the influence of whiskey. They k^pt quoit till they gotout to ‘'Rindum” be taken in charge of by officers Cline and Beal. They were carried before the mayor and one of them was fined $5 for disorderdly con duct and the other released. There will be a public meeting on the 1st night of May at the court house to naminate a wet ticket to be run at the coming eleciion in the town cf Lincoln ton, MAIDEN NEW’S. Maidan Alliance has been re-or ganized and will take on new life. The material is of the very b-st and can but stand firm to the needs and purposes of that order. John Short, hiving accepted a position in a store at Hickory, N. C.. has gone to that town where his many friends wish him much -success. Logan Whitener, of Jacob’s Fork was on our streets last week. Mr. Whitener lives only ten miles from Maiden, yet this was hi« first visit to the town. He says lie wa. here 16 yeara ago, when there was only one house. He was delight ed with the little town and its fu ture outlo k “The Rural Reformer is before ns Jt is an excellent newspaper, puffishedat Kinston, N. JC., by II. P. Allison; E-q. We gladiv We wish to state to the public through the columns of this good paper that we have just received another full car load of Indiana water gr. und Patent Flour, made from selected winter wheat which Novemoer on the lowest market, thus, we an give you November prices. At the tine we bough’ this car of flour she mills had com) tracted fora large lot of wheat but did not succeed in getting it until a few weeks ago. Consequent ly our order was not filled until a few days ego. We positively! gnanitee all grades of this flour to give entire satisfaction; or your money will be refunded, We are able to sell you at. least 20 per cent, under present market. Wo have ' PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Slakes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison IDffylTS and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies the blood, bullus up the weak and debilitated, gives Strength to weakened nerves, excels diseases,giving the patient healti^nd happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. eraaiRcss^anes jnm»c«M»u«E«nBwaeMtn«»«»x«0 For primary,secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial ooison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier in the world,and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures in all cases. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condi tion. due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of p. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. —I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars; tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I hav i only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than anything I have overtaken. I can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. good article at my shop. Machines on tall. rime till US and Old Sores ozj-aaoxssa&naBK= .=»■#««■■» Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely remove® by ^.P.P. —Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on earth. Aberdeen, 0.. July 21,1891- MESSits. Lippm. n B.uos., Sav." nna4, Ga. ■. Dear Sirs—I bought a bottle of f-ou - P.P P. at Hot Springs,Ark.,and t has cone me more go^l than three months-' treatment ac the Hot Springs. Send three bttcles C. O. D. Respectfully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. Cap^ J. D- Johnston. To all whom it may concern: I here- by testify to the wonderful properties of P. I • P. for eruptions of tha skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I t ried every known reme dy but in vain,until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signedby) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Ga. Skin Cancel Cured. Testimony from the Mayor of Sequin, Tex, Sequin. Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippman- Bros.. Savannah, Ga.- Gentlemen—I have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of tha skin, usually known as skin cancer,of thirty years’ standing, and found great relict: it purifies the blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of tha disease and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken fiveor six bottles and fee] confident iY jano^her courts wil: effect a cure. It has ,'.'.;.• x'Gueved me from indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly CAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. a oa BM Diseases Miles Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. UPP^^ BROS. PROPRIETORS, HiSijpzuian’B EHcdkjSirvfmnali, Ga EL/CKSgjEG - AIR LINE HOTEL- £ ELECTION NOTICE An election will be held in the town of King’s Mountain, N C , on rhe first Monday in May, 1896, to eject a mayor and four commis sioners. Jibe managers of su'd election are A, R. Rudisill. II. P, Allison and J. AV. Brown. The registration look will be open at 1 office of I. AV, Garrett Satur- b^ays from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. till ^Saturday Jthe 18th of April, on I which day the book will close at 19 a.m. R. S. Plonk, Mayor. W. I’ Fulton. Sect Remember your loved ones gone. You will always find our work first class and prices low. Stones from $1.50 up. All work fully guaranteed, Yours for trade,

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