KING’S MOUNTAIN,? C. A EK 23 Some you Know and Scone Don’t. Diql u Died. i - near Clover on A CONGLOMERATION Jtcm? Too Short For a Hoad. But Long Enough To Interest, Julias Lewis, one of Raleigh s wealthiest and most prominent citizens, was stiicken with apoplexy. The temperature in Raleigh •on last Saturday broke the April record, for any past time in tins state, ca ving reached 96 on that day. A. W, Falls and family have moved into the house with Mrs. Lizzie Falls where they will re side for the time being- We received 12 new subscrib ers last week to The Reformer and several of these also took | the Constitution. We^re indebted to Hon. R.J Z. Linney, Congressman from this district for some very inter esting reports recently received from him. There is in the town of King’s; Mountain a man by the name of Alien who attended the first court ever held in the town of Mr, and Mrs, George Falls, of crowder’s creek, were in the city last Saturday and Sunday visiting her parents Miss Lillian Allison went to cen tral last week to spend a iew days with her sister Mrs. Moss. Professor Bagwell, of Grstonia was in th« city this week. H. J. Ailisin ran down to char lotte last Saturday and spent two days with his daughrer, Mrs. Frank Falls. Little Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fall is visiting at her grandpa’s near this pl ce. W A. Mauney, W. S, Mauney, A. R. Rudisill, S. B. Rhea and per haps otheis are attending Shelby court this week several days. Rev P. Maloy, A. B., state mission ary of the colored Baptists of Norin Carolina will preach at Gi lden Grove Baptist church in King’s Mountain un to- ight (Thursday). White and colored invited to attend and hear him preach. Rev. W. 6. Veal, A.B. Paster, Dr. Dixon, Wright and Ben Dix on, Ed and Swift Boykin, Tom and Sam Cansler, and Bob Dur ham attended by Jim ^ ble our •ni plieui EhrneZer Faulk ner, in the 37 year of bis age. De ceased leaves a wife and six small children who have our deepest sympathy. Notice, The, People’s Party Convention will convene at 10 o’clock sharp Ion the same day t° elect de putes to the State Congressional and Senatorial Conventions. Also elect a county Execu ive Commit tee . And such other business as may come before the convention, W. M. Bell. Chairman People’s Party Ex ecutive Committee for G. ston Married. Mr. H. H. Hoyle and Miss A ice Carpenter, both of this city matrimony on last Thursday even ing, Dr Bikle officiating. Steaks ng at Dalias ; s^yy-iFy^^ W^^^E §^S$ I ^i?»«m? va^s^ s^ast^^s^-> H ™-w-k. y^u^y ^’i^MiLLrK&a^ » his great speech, entitled “More. , MoK or the Wople ^i^^^ Plutocracy,” in Dallas, Saturday, May 9.11 1889, in the court house at 11 o’clock. Come one and all to hear this j distinguished orator discuss the great political issues of the day. W S PRI NG A PRING BRING UMMER UMM ER UMMER The fare from Yorkville to Charleston during the reunion of the Confederate veterans at That place from the 21 e t to the 27th of this month, will be only $4.30. This is a good chance to see the city for a sm ill outlay. My wife, Elva Montgomery, has left her homo without cause >r provocation und this is to for- bid any and ail persons to hire feed or harbor her. Edmond Montgomery. This isto notify all persons iiot to fl'll, hath nor swim in my fish ponds^or not to trespass on iny lands in any way. Parties who disregard this notice will be prosecuted. 24 IRA H. Patterson. Dr. Garrett will be in Grover April the 27th and 28th and at King's Mountain on April the 291b. and 30th for the practice' of bis profession. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne has ten. tiered his resignation as pastor of the First Baptist church of Jolanta, to accept the same po sition of the First Baptist church. Of Nashville, T inn. river this week on a fiishing tuur. Messrs. Tom Fulton,Theo, Ware, Tom G nsler, Sam Cansler, ‘‘Noon’, Roberts, Charlie Russell, ‘‘Dock’ Cornwell, Robert McAlhstert Nev ill Kendrick and creed Roberts went over to Shelby Sunday to hear Rev. A. c. Dixon preach. Oscar O’FarreiljOf the Southern, was “straying” around town two days, this week. A prominent railroad man asked one of our citizens if he was running for may or of the town? No, captain. He was making an attempt to have the Southern change its signal col or. He favors ‘‘adopting” a Brown. Reformer extends its very congratulations to the newly ried couple. Mr. Charles Phifer and Lome Ramsey, both of this were married on last Sunday ins at the residence of father. R H. Garrett, formed the ceremony these rives one. Best iheir success in life. The best m a r- Miss city, even- the brides Esq . per- wishes for ing J. B. Duncan, the “wiry” inau, you can talk it out with •one among the cleverest stable Purest in this sport ore iiotiueu to meet at this office Friday might at 8 o'clock to organize a good team for this season. All are invited to attend, promptly at 8 o’clock. Ex-Mayor Gilreath, of Green ville. S- C., committed suicide on Tuesday morning of last week by shooting himself through the brain with a 38 caleber pistol. He had been depressed and melancholy for several days. The singing school closes at Kong Creek on next Saturday and a fine, large time is antici pated among the young friends Our compositors say they would like to go, but it will bo to walk, and the surry engaged. Mrs, M. E. Beattie & too hot will be Co , one A. C, Dixon at Shelby. This great and renowned preach er, now of Brooklyn, N. Y, but a native of this county has been holding a series of meetings in his native old town of Shelby. He is a very remarkable man, an- able orator and a consecrate, minister. His friends were all glad to meM and greet him, and no one heard his powerful sern ons but that was delighted, He is a son of Rev. Thomas Dixon who has also two other sons preaching who are mak ing their mark in the country, Cleveland county bids this coble son Godspeed, and wishes lor him a long life of usefulness in this world. President Polk’s Gid Door. Our soliciting agent while on his rounds in Cnarlotte this week called on the ‘‘Racket” store ami there by the proprip. ter oi that mammoth concern was shown the old shutter to President Polks door. It was made of inch plank and held together by two battons nailed on home made, nails. The door was originally bung on home made hooks driven in the door posts and with flat strap hinges the dooi was held to place. Aside fr -m the contrast of the present day, the door was a rel ic of much history. This gen tlemen informed our agent that worms were about to destroy the entire door, and that he. would be under obligations to any one for a receipt to stop them without palming a u 1 changing th* origmal - i. W suggest thai this o'd shutter be placed on exhibition or the 20th of May. Schoof Notes. Preparations for ordered, commenc 0 - pess. The hay. been Fueled this week- The members of the Senior class are at work upon their grad uating spe ches and assays. Th“ present school month ends Friday, 24th insc. The remnant of the public fund will then be fn- will have to be paid du ing month of Ma/. As has been nounced a tuition of 76 cents pupil will be collected al the fees th 9 an- pe r end of trie present month. No allow ance will be made for withdrawals during the present month, since the estimate of tuition fees was made at this beginning of the month, and patrons were so noti- tied. Respectfully, J.C. Langston. Among the Mills. E. J. Barrett, late of the Chi ton cotton mills,has taken charge of the weaving room of the new mill at Gaffney. W. A. Hope, boss spine r uf the Lewis cotton mills in Chester The mill near King’s Mountain is now put- power as a reserve power. 1 hree uf their six new cards have arri ved and are to be at once placed. King’s Mountain Mf’g. Co* are digging a cistern at theii mill of our hustling millinery firms, sold and delivered on last Saturday bright, stylish new liars brsides a number that were engaged and not delived. When you take in consideration the days work of Mrs. B R. Willi ford, the other firm, you can j 4 an idea of how people will buy “those beautiful new hats.” A small egg was brought to oar office by J. J. Harmon last week which is rather a freak of nature. On one side, which is rather flattened, it has a mark much resembling that of a stamp at the postoffice. Mr. Harmon thinks there is no doubt but that our next president’s name is in the circle. By call ing you can have a chance at iphering out the name The Revenue Sales. The sale of the W. A. Fails laud and lots was posponed n the 17th the day appointed for the sale, till the 27th at 12 o’clock, when it will be st Id unless settled up before that time. The assessment against this property amounts to al ount $1600. An attorney has been at work trying to got a compromise of the case, but with what success the public does not yet know. We are sure that the many friends of the bereaved lady would be glad to see the government release the The landsuf A. F Weir, agains: which there was also an assess ment of $550.50 were sold on the 17th as advertised and brought in by the government for the amount Our Sick List, R. M. Thacker is out again and at work L. M. Summit, our aged and energetic merchant, is now near ly recovered from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Labon Allen, an aged lady of this place is now confined *0 her room with that dread disease, consumption. Mrs, J. J. Roberts has been quite indisposed for the past week with a severe case of grip, but at this writing she is bet ter. Measles, mumps, whooping- L ough and chicken-pox all seem to have somewhat subsided in ror rnidst, grip seem to NOTICE. Republicans of Gaston County - are called to meet at the sever | al voting precincts in the coun-! ty on Saturday, April 25th 1896, : for the purpose of electing three committeemen at each precinct. The duties of these committe- men will be to look after the in terest of the party in their re spective precincts and will also constitute a delegation from • each precinct to attend the coun> ! ty Convention which is called to 1 meet at 12 m. on Saturday, May I 2nd 1896, at Dallas, for the pur-| pose of electing delegates to the State and Congressional Con ventions. and also to elect a county executive committee and such other business as may come before the Convention. S. D. Brown. Chairman. J. W. Abernathy. SecA , 2-r ^^seeaBsizsaaaMreTOnHcaHMSfflaora^ PUBLIC SPEAKING. Horn J C. Pritchard has prom ised to meet the people of Gas ton County at tie Republican County Convention which will be held in Dallas, N.C., on Sat urday. May the 2nd, an address them on the "Issues of the Day” He further said if anything should prevent him from com ing. he would send a good speaker. Everybody is cordial ly invited. Respectfully, S. D. Bkowk, Chairman. Cur? for Headachy As a remedy for all form- of Headache Electric Pitlers has TO THE LADIES ^ OF KING'S MOUNTAIN, AND ALL THE COUNTRY ABOUND ^ 000000000000000000- WE ^ t time to get a advertirement in this issue, but take time to tell yon that we have received our spring HATS and TRIMINGS and we are bin arranging them and we want to come and see them, and ATTO M ILLIN E R Y de- partment will be in the hands of Miss Nettie Cochiell, of Baltimore, a very fine mill.ner of long experience and fresh from the Fa- Ilion Centers, M frade and will do all it your can to 000000000050000000 COME AND SEE OUR GOODS. ^MRS. B. R. WILLEFORD proved to be the very best. It ef- „ „ fects a permanent cure and the I | J O g | w ^ most dreaded babitual sick head-; W W aches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to pro cure a bottle, and give this remedy ALWAYS a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it at once Large bottles only Fifty eei-te at Carpenter Brothers. Two Dives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, Ill. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King,s New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tians.Eggers 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suff ered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without re sult everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Dis- He is naturally It is samples that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Carpenter Bros Store, size 50 c.and $1.00. Regular feet deep, It is to b« used as a safegu. rd against accident from Children Cry to' Pitcher’s Castoria. PERFECTLY LIABLE. RE- y * oa vowo a4xx xxW osso»or. v OUR PE ICE UAVAYS THE LOWEST. «»o»uo««owxx x^ohossom Our Customers ^owo^o^x x^^o^owo^^ Our Invitation COME ONE; COME ALL. ^o^O^o^o oX o^O^o^c^ NOW FOR BARGAINS MBS, M E. BEATTIE & CO. Mr, Cooper, late of th, cottun mill, is in charge carding room at the new Gaffney. OUR Spring and Summer Goods are here. We asser* wh'mu* er^mtT ^ f 6 S”P erior 111 quality and t hfap 11. piice than can be found elsewhere. bo other STORE in North Carolina can show cheaper prettier yjiyy s 7 lish we !iav « spared no effort Go procure eyiyk 7 "Ly is needed, and at prices that will please. It you will call you will be speadily convinced of the truth of out assertions. REMEMBER WE HAVE NO GOODS CARRI ED over from last .season, everything new and latest styles. Friels always low Look around all you wish, then drop th and mice us G U G r ‘ CeS ye 1101 lowcr and ° U1 ‘ u°°d’ more detinum - an ^ey 0 ” lf y° u b-o elsewhere to trade, irtts M - Prlces ’ BO ? ther oonee™ can show the same quail- ities tor the prices named: J ~ Best Calicoes 5c. Wash Lawns and Challies ■ best Gicg-liams 5c, worth S. ben D.mittics b 1-40, fine Mushes and Creponettes 5c. Bleach, .1 U.- 7 S | 10 ‘" t ler, £ ths 4c Oottonades that are good, 10c. cheaper glades tor less money as low as 6 14 cts. 500 yards spool cotton for the machine 5c. 0 for 25c. 3 for 10 qiim!L7°-V a ? ea with best "P rin g rel ere 15c. 2 for 25 c. Ladas’ Clippers aO cents. 86 inch Lnv i^ STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS’ si^bnvXmTU wi!18611 J ou F° d bats enough for six boysfoi 10 c. Mens everyday hats for 10c you mav' have Choice of over 100 of the finest for 50c. Worth 75c to $1 75 CW quick and get your choice. CARPETS., RUGS, MATTINGS! CARPETS, RUGS MATTI If you want Cane Mattings, we have them, the prices please you. ' 1 REMNANTS, REMNANTS, REMNAN We have an endless variety, everything for waists, shirts and aprons at 5 and 6 1-4 cents per yard worth twice the pHco m-ked. see r ^ m ^nts and short lengths in white good'* Plain Lawns, Piques. Swisses, and Muslins. DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOOD'S There is hardly a fabric in Dress Goods that v;.anot bo frium in or stock. We have everything in bulh Wool and Wash goudsat ir^m 5uj *0 $1.50 per yard. Onr silks at 25c are pure^-nothn g but. Hlkr-r-n « :ast Dolors and washable. You should see the line before it is broken LADIES WAISTS! LADIES WAISTS! I LADIES WAISTS’!! Wo have them at from 25c to $6.00. It will pay you to tak • $ 1 White Goods for every purpose. Window Curtain Goods in greatest variety. LAGES, EDGINGS and INSERTIONS. are more fashionable than ever. We have more theo f, o nntire °l r Pricps a ' p 111,1011 lo ^ er t’”»'i can be . bee 1 J? G s ai L ^ A RASOLS A most -SUPERB str cl: ^Ofifi^Kb and CUFFS.- —We have a stock of more $2000 worth. Every size and color. Shirts from 15c to $300. Coy tt brand of collars and cuffs are the best marie-We are sole Summer underwear for all sexes. Shirts from 15c to $300 Enoree mill parts of the program and but this would be out of order, as all did well and the best they could. upon as ‘'strictly in it.” amount obtained, as we lei rn, be used in the purchase of a organ, and a few such purses furnish the cash for it. Special Livery Stable. new lente cm: daft and escape The ^Big 4” Quartette. OUR J. B. DUNCAN. NEW GOODS! The Ladies Concert, The concert at the academy last Saturday night by the ladies of the Methodist church for the benefit of their church was quite a success and quite a handsome amount was realized. The mueic^ tableaux and recitations wee all*' good and some of them were per formed splendidly. There was a go d house and all seemed to be well stisfied with what they saw and heard’ When it comes to giv ing for worthy causes the people of our city may oe always counted Il Wash-ri^ Machine any points of sure- over vt’wrs similarly - up to 60c for pure sil . Ladies summer underwear of the assessment. Mr. Ware ^te m ,, jtiol) mi g ht be mide of oertain one year to .Meem this land by naru nrn „ rnm payiiia 20 per cent on the bid. There were ever 700 acres of land. Thank Yon Sir, The correspondent from Tirzah, S. C writing t > the Yorkville Yeo man has these kind wo ,- ds to say about The Reformer: ‘‘Last Friday’s mail broapht us a copy of that newsy sheet, the King’s Mountain Reformer, which we highly appreciated, and are glad to know that we have such a friend about the Mountain; and heartily congratulate both that town and the old North State for such an en terprise.” We don’t know who this gentle man is; but it he is ever in King’s M aintain and will make himself known we promise to let him sleep in our best bed and let bin. sop out of our Sunday dishes. There is intense indignafi n among North Carolina Baptist at the arrest of Dr . Diaz at Havanna. It isnow almost cer, tain that the next Southern This colored minstrel troup, of Chester, S C., consisting • f four colored musici ns managed by Sam Meeks, gave two nights en- toruino ent at the academy last week and was indeed a very credi table affair of the kind. They used the violin, base-viol, guitar and mandolin, and those capable of judging say they manipulated timir instruments with dexterity and ac curacy. As a base soloist Meeks is not easily excelled and all say it was worth the price charged just to hear him sing base. One of the troup used a coffe not as is cor- n -t and made excellent music, blowing m some way over the edge of the pot. A common gourd was used in the same way with the same result. The clog dance wias BLUFFTON MFQ. CO. BLUFFTON IND. ^0^ :OGD «? S^ , and now colds or i Baptist convention will be held i ^^Ry enjoyeu, and, all round, . to set in. | a t Wilmington. 1 ttu - Big 4 ” M8 a success in our i town. AER & CO., -j ■”/ yesrs, 189 Broadway, .••.id Free upon request of paper, our " Hints to In ventors,” also Fa tent G uide and a selected “ List of Valuable Inventions Wanted,’’ UNITED STATUS AND 20KBI&N PAT ENTS quickly pr;?eured on LOWEST LIB ERAL TERMS Expert service guaranteed. Clients’ patents sole without chauja. Advice FREE, u^ ms 13 frill CSi-WPLACE TO SELL PATEKTS. G« n - K^^ K - ^ person ally superintends our Selling Department. Address. CLASS, DEEDEE & CD., Solicitors of Patents, Main Office 159 2U0ADWAY, NEW YORK. Branches: Wash n and Phila. NOTE: A’l orders to procure patents re ceived from reapers of'his paper ire entitled to ONE YEAST wiueriptic;. V’Jgi. Crockery, Glassware, Clocks, silverware, Jewelry. Notions, Toys, Cooking Stovas. Tinware, Soap, Matches, Snuff, Tobacco, Suspen ders, Socks, Stockings, Hand kerchiefs, Underwear, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Fans, Fly-traps and all useful articles at reason able prices, BLACK & CO. «»-10 ct. store, Shelby, N.C. Feed, Sale and WE are now fully equipped to peed stock at all times, to sell you any kind of an animal you want or to CONVEY you to any point in first class style and on fast time. This courteous and wullknown livery man will meet all trains and see that your wants in in his line are supplied, and that you are put in the hands of care ful and polite drivers. New and easy vehicles drawn by fresh, fleet horses can be furnished on call. TO THE TRADE, When you want to buy sell,or swap an animal call to see us’ M. L. PLONK & CO. King’s Mountain, N. C. rV GLOVES We still lead everybody on G JHE U. B, CORSETS are the best- Satisfaction or mom- funded. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. THE handsomest line to be found. Can fit any thii^k of buying until you have inspected our stock, for stoutas well as slim people. Not a cheaper man or beydemt We have sui- house on earth. SHOES, SHOES, SI II PERS, SLIPPERS. We have already told you about this line. Call and be con vinced that all we’ve said was true. MILLINERY, MILLINERY, MILLINERY, This is entirely a new department in charge of Miss Brown of Baltimore. Everything new and latest styles io Ladies’ Misses* and Childrens’ Hats, Ribbons and Trimmings We have instructed that the prices be made low—much lower than have heretofore been charged for the same goods. ID sure and give us a call COME and see us. Our facilities for doing business aie possessed by few and excelled by none We have goods to offer that only live merchants know about. We go to market to select the best and latest styles. We have goods that can only be procured by great efforts. They are to be had at a small margin over cost. , We do more business than anyother three houses in It is a wonder to our competitors that crowded when theirs are empty. store is Do not fail to give us a call, Terms strictly cash. E. IL FULLENWIDER & Childe ’I Cry fot | White Front West of Court Hoose. Pitcher’s Casto, "«u A’holbv €0, SHElfil, X. C