ton N.'C. .was in fown a fow days agoT Luther is a sonof the kite Robert Piekard wlio lived at the old Long place some years. hu then ' looks natural, and liis nianydendsvin:ela(LtiuQe. llitU.r? f . !. '-Mil. .. ( V; ,V ' We are sorry to ' record ' the deatli:of uiiule Stanly Coble. He was buried at Rock i Creek Churpli one day last week, lie was a useful citizen and, ag;)(d neighbor and leaves behind hi in f r ierid s whc rem em ber hi m f r vlmt he luis done. We extend to the family bur sy miiatliy. " " ' Mr. John Kinirey s" little child was ' brought from Lexington Monday and buried a t Richland CliurtOi 1 Monday evening.- It's illness 4ve ; learn was very severe and it sputtering intense. i. ; : It watf our privelegc to attend the protracted services at Mt Plea sari tchur eh last Sunday, and Tuesday. ; The services Sunday were1 1 ! conducted in the; morning by 1 Prof T. C. Amick aud in the after nxn by Rev. JolmBowman; The pastor Rev. Milloway was not able fo be present oii aqcount illness of his wife as noted in these colunins'last week, She Ur is able to attend some of the Asheborb is assisting in the meet ing. ; " - " We hone-' the readers of the Register AfilKexiiie ajjjii&ttesd this week in the make up ; of the paper. , The printer has gone to V4.:lfialef tttehic if tfie hand? helped , mm make up the paper Jey. D. 1. Oif mail and; Miss ra Moires- re attending thd Lutheran Synod at New Market V3 t r. Lora Va. this week. : The protracted services begin Low 's,. Rpk Creek and Bethle? hem. bonie we know are very ulucloptizzled to decide whereptft ;:Mrsr;AlpW of her friends ,will tent at Bethle hem .during- the jPomjng week. "Our clever liveryman Mr: Hardin is a hustler: He is sell ihgbuggies; vttgOu$"d nd harness everv daV niifl r -HiuTia-' ail ux . -.,. MJ.i uiio livery he can with the number of horses he" lia??. iViorryon-Tiid anyjthihgn his (line 5aonvbjilta cauBiihim. He will1 btty ycnlr horses and- uulHS4also.M AVatvh for ins ad. next week. frWfl are gKdt(jrecej ea, cop; oiilio Paten tReril published Baltimore, .;It is full of .interest? ing reading inatter-and engrav ings., , Ve will gladly apcept, pub lishers kind offers to exchange. Miss Lora Jones has , quit the Post , Office and Miss Cora Miller has taken her place. We are sorry to . liaye Miss lj)ri leave. us bu t then if we are, correctly in formed we do not blame her for we have been told that the assist ant P..M. at Julian is very much over w or ked and needs help. The Inventive Age of Washing ton D. C. , is another one of our very interesting exchanges. It is "always full of good reading natter. , The subscription price is one ol lla r, per yea v. . ,Ve r ha ye made special arrangements with the Pub. -whereby we are enabled to otter our subscribers . the In: vent ive Age and the Register both for $1.25. t Wehope a , great iriaY will take advutia;? his offer. 5r 4 RempmJ:)er .Ave give. JuloUr rlfejmtJMisiitMr and the j. Home juid Farm one week ' World and the Rtr for $1.35. rf , IXr. Ji Hatcher visited his tlnfily feunlay. Qeaving Mon day for Thomas ville. , f 4". rx n IBER-TY ORMAL OLLEGE f ; , i j: ! On AlJfilJST the old bell will ring out the The Beginning-- FOURTH YEAR of this" institution of lealiiing; tage and opportunity for culture and iinprciVeniehti1 - " ;! j i? r clren from (JreensboroT Ure' Visi tingi felafU)ns io audgarourid Liberty. ... m ; . , 5 ikffi u Urtkti) isisitina relations In yfcri. ew Salem J terns. Prof. Bl.$KimeryJi6f Liblrty spent Sat. and Sun. at Mr L. M. Caudles. Mr. J.V. Caudle who has been ill for quiteTawhiletfo Uuprovin. t . 'uitea mmiberof our young' people aAenhedthiprotraeted meeting at Beth el Sunday. . jf k 1 ikirCrllioxVpf Brunswick is teach ing a Singing School here. We wish hliii juueh se8.! 1 1: b Ji Oakdsle Items. - , ' ' ' .: f 1 . - . i. . n -nn .01 T-f n $SXX 1. n 1 .-I I . tilU U3 Oi V OUUVl & axil. . ' : Mr. aiorace Dowdf Ore HUI visit-t eu reiaiiives iHue iieigniHnioiu lasi week.. - -. v Miss May Patterson jh as been spend ing awhile !jMr Ji)hu;ivdaitis f Oii ' v.Mr- Carey Guthrie. of . leensboro spent u few davs at Mr.H.Hornadays'. Mr.Stanlv Coble died lastweek Courses of Study are arra , . lo suii tne neeus ot an . r students. - '. MODERATE. i ; i - u.fn t f Board. From $3.50 to $7.50 pers month.; t " " j s ; ' 1 ' 1 TUITION FROM 537.00 TO C5.00 11 r im 1 j- f Iff Philip 'E: Shaw, ! ,; t .-.. .... t tf SKCrT AND tbkAs.