i ! 1 J O'lCE. TO ALL, Cl'IiQIAL PRIYILEGO TQ I VOL. 1 LIBBRTY, N, C, FRIDAY, DECEr.i NO no Issued Eyer Friday at LIBERTY, .' N'.'C. d:i.offman, T. a AMICIw j ! - -ASSOCIA PHIL Ev; SHAW, v j : : f Esitczi; Editoil Associate cas. i" , . ; i this Year.;.:. SUl3 CRIPTION. 1 1 J .. Slic Mbntlis -..V;.;i:v -'Thrc'-'I'IoPthk. ... : .. V' ' fatrnJ Secl-I-CIi; Xitter la tie Tost Cnee liberty, u. c. -..y,-. . ;- ... ,; Advertising" rates on ade known ;on - application;, , " " . '.: " ". '." " The Editors are not responsible for the views of its correspondents. 1 S;DOTei:iii:5l "His House, - ;,:;;;;. The change Of sentiment in ' .f rgard;tp dmiral ;D othev'-' HluBt nessf 6t pop JLr applause. jA few ,i:were-iiiall:infr 1 their throats sore cheering the hero of Manila Bay. Nothing was too good for Dewey. s Alas, poor hero he dared once too of ten to ask the, people no questions, He accepted1 a na tions gift and gave it to rns i new wife, and his glory had vanished like the morning dew. Hiswife L ' gave the gift to Dewey 's son and still they lanW. . . ' i This;i.iT'slJnie to Americans. . -It tOeygave' the house to Dewey -and it was his and a man who t l helped buy that hous, had no - business' to abuse him for .any . disposition ho miglit see tit' to - inake of it. . ; i Jfbr our part we wish he had j flatl refused' it or would return ; it now We certainly; bojlo-; that Mr,; Schley will lVavebb ;g 1 taste; to accept a house if the! vouiiiiiuee ouys mm.on. axv r 'add noting' to liis glor.V,' whilst his refui .;1 ' would b'J a just ; re buke to thj Dewey, defamers; number of children in tho stato regardless of the amount of taxes paid by each county. Tlio lan guage ' generally ernpToj Cu in acts providing for approprLli: . directs the Treasurer to x such sum out of the mcnoy in , the; treasury not otherv;! ; ; proprntcd.;. . T his act ma the largo cities of bur country as evidenced., by he late elec tions. Whilst there is much to bo -cleared . away in order to cleanse America's politics, yet much has been done tov ride down ring rule and the heelers. an coveral of oar large cities tho Ancxican citizens had manhood enough to vote for principle in- such - con ditionsi It is mandr.to- stead of party. Many of our ! ry . ' It directs the Suporintcn- large cities, the American citizens dant of Public Instruction to is had manhood enough ;;to vottifor sue his war rents upon the Audi ririneinlo ins ton d nf nartv. - M of our city governmehts had be- fund for each countyn the first come very corrupt, ; but tho time Monday in January.' The Audi- la wmumg, vvuexi uieu wm uu xor W1U TD0U ISSUO IllS:,U.rmi UU longor vote for a man simply j the State Treasurer for y .the becauso ho Is ,a ; party nominee; j same amount No discretion is ine lasn nasn usea until its ! allowed any oiHccr of the state ' ; Voters .wy,,iict5ur.;uv "".vytv.1. j will be aistributca ana paia un fe Ltegrity, zeal at d goodV eppamon n( snmft oCieer wilfullv dico- : sense to administer public aliairs beys the provisions ; of a plain The men who have made a living statute. ' If any; ollicor should day. . Hv .Tilaviruy with the credualtv'of ! A?e the voter will either work or beg j t Vould be the duty of " those in in the future unless by; rascality Charges of the' public school inter they have laid up for a, rainy est to apply to the courts f or a mandamus compelling obedience and the payment of this money to the Pu blic schools ,of the State. , The right of the children to their money is clean and. unmistakable., ; -We hope Superintendant Mo- bane ; will take the 1 necessary Education Comes First. The Legislature intended to maketho one hundred thqusard dollars available ' for public schools ' and, the act shows that it did in plain terms wliat it in- flfifi 'that thk. tended'.to do. The suggestiotl . ' rf are ,neithor " that the State.Treasurer c aims , dfited. The ed-- "Olc.-m I'olitica.".- " .,; BythL, ,o do not mean 'poli tics.!!:::'. '10 thorj:';ldyVpcd'; from r ; iy.it tha l:in;l the right to delay payment,' or to make the , claim seconaary to other appropriations, is not ap proved by the legislators., The Ashville Gazette quotes the Hon. Locke Craig, , chairman of the House Committee on i Education, assaying:' Vt :' : "'; The act was introduced by Mr. Holmanf of Iredell, and passed hv a large : majority of both houses. . The; members of tho Legislature felt that the term of the public schools should bo lengthened and, that bill was iramcd-'io;as;;t6;;;d t1 money prorata rccorclii: - ucation of - tho children is the first great corcern of the State. If. Cotton- is' King, Neil will: hardly be High Chancellor. - The Price of War.; In the "past y c ir 0,910 U. G. soldiers met death-! : . 1' 1,CCD in battlo and nearly v, ' - lignant fover. Of the ; were discharged, many. . incd by prico c diccace. . Thi i T-tA "V " ! :i : ::mo, of