THE LIBERTY. IQ'IRO I I . f I . 1 a . ti., 1 - VOL " ifEEfefcN h:r FR I DAY, . JANUARY 21 9$' ' ' ' J Nb 4 THE LIBERTY;: REGISTER. HI i . 1 . 1 1 l&suod Every Frid ay at, , T. 0. AM ICKV f' . I ! A SS0CIATE PHIL K. SHAW, f Editors. SUBSCRIPTION. " Six MoritW :M.vk.ivJ I -V. .30 Throe Months 4 , r . ; -t -25 Entered as Sowmil-Class Matter in the PKt Itltite Liberty, N. C. Advertising ..rates,,, made, known on application. " jhuLEklittuuiU&Jiot ,Vsion8ibU for the vi o.jt?pmdjI.- - veopinbiits' and-Wivorvthhisf my ings 'quietly' -and smbbthly. iW ..' i .. ' i ........ ... ure aiways gum to nave the peo ple come - lb town Our mer cliUiits will you goods-, now at very"' low prices: " Mr. 'Bob" Patterson will sell cheapmow, to nil who call (in him. He has just received a nice new lino of goods. Kounsaville is ready to wait on citsUmiers. Ho wauls a lot of timberVVOall in aud see hiuir You torn sellhim sw!etgumltim: ber, &ev 'Mr Hardin the liveryman ' has a lot of buggies; wagonk and bar- ! ness, ' horses &c, rta sell at 'low i rates." They say he will "swap" ses too. ; Come on. The Mer- The INist Almaiinc; The Washington Post has' this eautiie Co. ' with all tlioi ottos'. year published The Washington are Rioter mined to sell gilds', Post-Aimanac-Hnd-Eiicyclopediiu , they have sell. -No wis the WiWnPtho. bestWrkSioJUJ! tune to get bargains. . it.iilll. . TTUI A l i.1 T .5- i camine;fThe-. c()ntains papers, one would almost iiiiag over 500 pa?8t and is 'filled with ?ne tlmt the i'HiJers will' have hard .. ...... , A. . & one reads the English stich.,Iaptsfc,and mtormatiou as work to shoo!, all the men that ayery btp Ymlan nt j will be sent against tlxMij. Conrft tjihik of sin event of importance! iessletfions are "to be raisijd'in tliat pcctiredd n thcv.past year, j Groat Britain, in Irelaud, itr'the hin -tr.M-i nun fiii .1 inrtiAiH fil .,.1 f.,. ..J. 'ifi vo ttt 1 no o,'f it mlblie Post Atniatjac.M Lt is j lxl()re s closely, We see tliat'" the. ... -.'-1' . j- .' ;....t a cycinpeaia . pi; nistoricai Boers have got past the wbi-s't. ? Thov havi. beaten w1)at ftiiidand , ' . . . f -fSi- . " ' : .... . f I It jgives the financial tatis- in the shape of warriors. fcs1)f tHe tJnitfed' States and ot jf jiey can take ''prisoYier'.'uitire uiation in general. other countries'- of ithe ; world in; a cpiensed and accurate! f rm.; Tacts about faiini ng and ; ' ptaniiii umerent ? Kmas ; ot vegaiaoio, and graihsj' are givenf that will W ery ;yaluabm totthe HAAers. dt ftis; jaa book ' tJiEat ; the faruter bleeds, ? one that; ? 11 v help th? merchant, it is of value to tlie teacheihe1 preacher the lfw- turer, an-fact to all .nien. i I ' Therice of the . work t? ThatChirlridalitlm ate is a beauty. , .-W.ictipy,: the, , following ' from the- New; York ? Evening Post: ! ;, Qlarkdeetd((l 'jiiaiivyoaiVa'go to come, to t tie United States Sen- ateand lojumthei tahH." Mark Dalyf ; anotlier tiojvL ?. Ier I ki ng, decided ; ; . tm i J $111;!.. should do neither ' of'titliese r things. ' Fver' 'since then5 ah 'jiiii' tion has mum going on mMon: ' tana every Union. m . 1 olitici 1 "or ' .!";?'.: "!'''-r V : other .favors were to bo "disposed .vf 'I'U.. r.. . ' i Demoerat are alii;(t,a.-; unknown' there as ,W&ig aluLXiny. -Every thiug,fis iVClark.vor WWyir Both lea d.ers are,.' DennxTiit N but the Republicans are likew ise divided . into tho Clark;' and MDaly" factions.. nPrartieally all the newspapers iq tin Stat;sanr; eitherjClark , or .Daly, and are. run as ?lhe literary machinery of ; the rivals.. ;No man,;.would think of starting: a ,)evs tvij(ir in .Montana t stand on, its own mei'i ts an d bo s u p r 1 ed iy s u )y scriptioiisv . and , . on.. , ,i , adv ertise mentsMany nnne than; lie, would think of, running ? a . M ethodist church' for the; profits, to ,be jiiade on church sociables,, ;'V.Occjisfun ally some ; Clark iman switches over to Daly, or yicc versa, and in frhelpresent trial all turns, u7pn the ' aliegati jn that - ;some ; Daly spies insinuated themselves into battulions of her best troopto the everlasting sna me 01 uie British ar my--they need not tear her play-soldiers; ; ' " Sending fiu t lot pf -'chappies" wiJt;not .m- tlie Ciark camp; took ClaVk's Qiire success . 'No! Tlie4 Boers -. -n. v ;1,-.oi;tii., ; u sure success.. . . ? o money, sealed it and nmrKcd it, are through with most dilh- - r I :u h -u , y cult uait of & task. ;They fandthen came, ut, and !blewt on cult part of their have vanquished Iiritaiii'fi 'best troops.- What are now scraped together, inav $be .n ice, good . f el iowsbu t" hi ' a military sense, arid especiaily ; in South Aica, nomes m .Mf"? ' " . - r t ?t be t.kon-,hes,; last, tro, Ga y niWit Britain will prove to be ,r! ! hi in.; Hff;;r ;.;., ?v . V? r . y u , ', ; .- , ; .. ; if B rit jshr.soldiors are baying, an up hill tiine to get. at the Boers. j tcVH. aft.orh1isc)f.-".u v'! 5 bums1 QUiet HOW. liu:ic .no; .. 'y:?o '"M - ? 1 -JmuI.'I'" r