J THE .LIBERTY REGISTER, JUSTICE TO ALL, SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. ' ...... VOL. II LIBERTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900 " NO 24 D. I. OFFMAtt. T. C. AMICK, I PHIL E. SHAW, f Editor Associate Editors. Printed by The Randolph Printery ' SUBSCRIPTION. One Year...i ft. "5 Six "Month .... Three Months ..... .25 Enteredas Second-ClassMatte r in tlie Font 0 11 ice a Liberty, N. C. Advertising rates, made known on application. The Editors are not responsible for the views of its correspondents. mn' npl1irwCD I Christianizing the Fillippinos, his capital, how long will it take THE LIBERTl REGISTcR.! South Africans, the Ashantis, tlie whole empire to conquor liim . Issued Every Friday at ' !ailcf tho 'Cbinsese with gatling ami those 50)000 Ashantis not LIBERTY. ' 5f.c.igun:s- 11 is, mv dutv 10 eet counting anything for China. missionaries away irom aauger in China, but we will be taking a Aue aieign news ana Ub-. prerogative from the Ruler of server is authority for the follow- nations to avenge them. ln: The Iioer war has so far cost Eng- Kruger, Steyn, and Aguinardo landfour billion dollartJt Half that ought to form a triple alliance money spent in India; would have and travel together. They averted the 8Ufferings and u,ath coujd make money exhibiting caused by Lhe amine their movable capitals. It.would If theabove figures are true it) be a big attraction. is terrible to contemplate. Four Who will be the end of the billion dollars to murder and Presidential kite? " - pillage . u nder the name of war -' , , and sanctioned by Parliament. Five tickets 111 the held already Jf. we mjstake prophecy and two more fry be put there,. wag afew ears that surely the campaign ought to be .. ... . . . lively this time,. , ?re Now WQ flnd the great An. We advise all candidates in lhe glo Saxon race, the race that coming campaign to stay away claims to be the leaders in civil frbm New York, for four of get- izing the world, engaged in dead -ting a cold reception. ly war with weak peoples. Why? Because those weak peoples re- Who cares for expenses said a fuge U) ug boss. England and boy when he lithaif a cigar, U e America are both guilty of a seem to 'be like him when we r(.nffi , . o great vv iong. learn that our war with Spain . ' . ' and the Philippines up todate week the New York- has cost us $482,562,083 What WoHd advised editorially, the haye we got in return? Fevers, Boers lo SUe fur ptillC6 0i the plagues, widows; orprans, and a Me the lot of postal thieves. This is a j. ContedM 8tates great country indeed. exampla The advice may. Some body has been mean be good but it is hardly pro bu, onnncrh hv Sfl.v t,h.t, hilUnn dol- ble that the Boers will accept it. lar Cogress would be an- item of Should'they nnaUy be compelled. economy, compared to the ore to accePt terms they wiU do 80 just adjourned. with a hatred towards England ' - as bitter as that of the Irish Na- Dewey tries to excuse himself tionalist. ' in the case of the for going into the Presidetial Confederacy it was different, ring by saying that his friends We were of the same nation, in urged him to do it. Poor fellow! same country with e fornl 0f How unfortunate he is in having government. The Boers have , such friends. He may be good treked away from British rule, on water but he, has failed so far and we do not believe that they on land. " " will ever become loyal British ;v " England is now experiencing Neither will the Filipinos make something untried tby this pres- good Americans: ; :. ent generation. Two wars on . . hand and the third one brewing. We omit several ..articles tins EXPIRATION NOTICE If. titer in a mark through thin notice you may hiotc that your subscription has expired Please renew at once. Bryan1 lias gone to farming, say x the news dispatches. He re cently had a porch added to his house, and the newspaper men accuse him of preparing fo make a front porch campaign in imitation of Mr. McKinly 4 years ago. We wouder if Mr. Bryan thinks he can make a success at that as Mr. McKinley did. The Chinese would not be Christianized, but that does not deter the powers from canon -; izing them. .' Mayor Van Wyck must have had an Aladdin 's lamp. To spend $750,000 in 20 days out of a saary of $15,000 per year is a - thing that very few can accom plish. , ' "Save us or avenge us," is a : message sent by the missiona ries from China to their home V o-bvernments. This may be ' cpolicy, butitis poor Christiamty : ,oV believer, of the word, ."Ven- : gehce is mine saith, the Lord." VVe condem n Mohamed and yet to-day civilized nations talk about If it takes 250,000 men ;ight months ; to make Krugermove week for want of space. They will appear later. ; .. . - ' ' , ; 'J 3i " U 1 ? 1 I ; .'I i if: - r w 'V- :J - . ' VV' i t. -. i :, i it . I1?" " V f . " .) '! " I