cur''"" ""X. THE LIBERTY REGISTER. JUSTICE TO ALL, SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. ' VOL. II LIBERTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE aa, 1900 NO 25 . ft r. ; ' V r ! to hire the band out of their own THE LIBERTY REGISTER, pockets it is alright. That is issued Every Friday at i their business. But to spend tIBEHTY, N. C j money out of the public funds for such purposes is outside the duty of democratic governments. Rome did lots of such work and was ruined. D. I. OFFMAN. T. C. AMICK, PHIL E. SHAW . 'Editor Associate Editors, Printed by The" Randolph Printery. . 1 SUBSCRriON. One Year....;..........'; $.75 ; Six Months .50 . Three Months ...L.:.::....:.. 1 .25 : Entered Necond-ClASRMatte r in the Poxt 0 ffice a .Uberty, HI. C. ; - r 'r Advertising rates - made known on application. .' V he Editors are not responsible for the views of -its correspondents. The legislature has so amend ed the amendment that it be lieves it to be free from all of its most objectionable features. EXPIRATION NOTICE If thei is a mark through this; notice you may Know that your suJjHcriptioh has expired Please renew at mice! VAU. .WIO III C OCrWl III XllWljli ester; Vsaid that he had . heard a great deal about; the Phillipines since he came home. Well, the people have said all the time that he did not .know anything about If. ' . The trouble in St Louis is still absorbing the .attentioiv of the public. The situation is very much strained. Thacompanyts losing as much as 30.000 dol lars per day. The amount of wages lost to the men is im mense. Such thing are deplora ble, and it would be better if they could be avoided. Perhaps both parties are a little toostub born. Republicans, he is wrong. We are strictly independent, but have opened our. columns to both sides. ! , We are not responsible for the views of other people. We are not the tail to any man's kite. We will speak out in meetn when ever we think the meetin is not right. Roberts is said to be negotia ting terms, of surrender with Kruger and Botha through their wives. r Oiis says that the intelligent men do not want the United States to withdraw from the Philipines. Therefore Aguinal v do, Bryan, Hoar, arid hundreds )f thousands of others are notin- telligent. , A triumph was accorded Gen. Otis" at Rochester on the 15th. Jt oulv cost Uncle Sam .$100,000. This sort of expenses looks like pure extravagances. Messrs. , Otis, Dewey and others were in the employ of. the government, ( ; and got their pay, which : they deserved for' duty done. They are not entitled to any more. When a farmer hires a man and navs him he -is not expected jto prepare at great cost a banquet after. We believe in giving hon ; or to whom honor is due, and i f jpeople want a big day anl want The war is over in the Philli pines, that is, it is over on the other side of the Pacific ocean. Hotel keepers are reaping the harvest of dollars this week. As the campaign progresses we hear more and more appeals made to the passions of men in stead of a fair presentation of arguments. We advise our pa trons to pay no attention to such appeals. If a man wants to pre sent arguments let him do so, and listen to him. v But when he begins to be abusive let the in terview come to an end. If a question has no merits it is un worthy your, notice. Deal with all men in such a manner that they will ; acknowledge you as a ream 1 am an In an editorial in the 'Union Republican, " of Winston, last week, the editor - accuses the Register of being a Democratic paper. If the Republican means that independence is democracy, it is right,.. If itNmaehs that we are democratic as opposing the England. is very much busy at this time. Johannesburg, Pre toria, Pekin, where next? . . ' ' Candidates are in evidence. We wish for more heroes of 4 the Schley type. Admiring friends insist on him allowing his name to be used jri the com ing convention, he replies in the followiug letter: "I know nothing of politics or of political life, and un der no circumstances would I allow the use of my name before a p)litical convention for any of- iice. I have passed the age when presidential and other bees T 1 i . IS worry me. i Know norning oi the duties of any political office, and. am fully contentto live the years left me in quiet retire- ment from the turmoil of any of fice. 1 am resolved irrevocably . not to accept any ofiice, should it be tendered, and in my ab sence, if elected, I would not served. Dewey must be trying to slip upon the con vention easylike he di the Spaniards at Manilla. He is so quiet. :v. We are about to come to a point : that will test the ability of our statesmen to keep out of entang ling alliance with the European powers over the Chinese situa tion.. . , . , : . , Snbscribe for the Register. . t . t.i. S'', I J ,'1 ,r .s fr ' ' t -, v 4 kit iww; tuw . 4 1 f