BIBBBBMBMBBBBBBBMMBMil li Hi ! ; 1 li I1' ' lie II 5! i k 1 L -t r. 1 1 . ; The News, Published Eyery Thursday By .JF. WESTMOKKLAND. " - .-''' ';: 50c( A J mm year. HO for 0 mo. E itere at tn ppslolflce in Ttomasville 0. as second ciassinatter ) " . .; . EDITORAL'CORRESPONDENCE. Raleigh, N. C.,' March 2, 1897. The House to-day decided the I rough ton Ybu n g con test in favor of Young, the setting member. The Printing." Committee met at noon to-day in the Treasurer's ollico and opened the bids. There were five bidders, viz: GuyV. Harnes, E. M: Uzzell and The Tril)une Printing Company of Kjilcigh, M. I. & J. C. Stewarf of Winston and L. M. & J. W. xjish of Goldsboro It looks -: froMi the face of bids that either Guv V. Barnes or L. M . fc J. W. Nash was the lowest bidder with 'the chances in favor of Nash. On plain composition Barnes bid 10 cts per 1 ,ooo ems, Nash bid is c-;s -per 1,000, tlie others all bid cts each. On rule and li"-ure work tlie Nash bid is iio cts, Hames 40 cts. Stewart' AT. cts and the' others. -ogL-JSts. per 1,0( JO .-".Tire Nash's are $l,258.2i lower on composition and presj work than Karnes and this same anu.ut calculated upon is the work done for two years bj Stewart. Na'sh offers to do it for :;'17,f7l.5r; Barnes for $18. 1.57. '.(.",. Stewart got $24,181.49 and Josephus, Daniels under the ' contract would have drawn f'5 V.'rl.:5. The bill to turn the. Penitei! ti.iry over to, the Republicans and Populist' passed the Senate to l:i and becomes a law as it had aready passed the House. 1 Senators Ray (dem.) and Smatliers (rep.) like tc come to blows to-day in the Senate. The lie and other Ugly words were passed freely. The Senate is the most costly body that ever assembled in that end of the Capitol. It has twice as many laborers as ii needs and everything else in i proportion. - The Printing committee meets again Thursday and will prob ably award the contract then. The Railroad lease bill will come up in the House again Friday. I Will Clean Things up. A -little four-year old boy on ."North. Perspn street was heard to make ue of the following words ji 'few ni.irnings since, which' caused great surprise and wonder to his mother, though-she survived tin sluu-k: "Well, Old Jesus, I have work to do t -d:iv. If you will come hiTe I will go up thre, and tin -re will 'be a eleaning up when I get there." News and Observer. List of letters remaining ' in the P. O.-at-Thoinasville, Feb. 27, '97. L':h Alston, ('at ie . Fleminfr' i'rs. Thomas Johnson, K, 1! Laiiibcth, Orvilh'McKaughan, A C X;iiuvv..V. S: S. Spurgion.' Call for advertised letters. ) . V. Lamlfet li, p. in. . ' HANES. (Irippe and colds are somewhat subsiding, but are among us verv much yet . '. , - ' -, Agood number of our people will attend court this week. - The writer had the privileges of attending church at Rich Fork last - Sundav and heard a good sermon by the Rev. Mr. Morton. J. ii. .Wagner of High Poiiit, is vi-iti ig friends here. C. ;M. Yoklev will close his sclie 1, a i Fa i r Vie w n ex t Satur day the oth of March. Everybody is invited with. their families. rlrs.jW. NyThonias has return ed home from- a visit to Winston and Moeksville. - Phillip Lcipp Hyatt returned last Saturday tom a trip to Dan vill Lopp is a jidly fellow and has a big time wherever he -goes."' Lie'le Sam's boys took posses sion of' John. Hinkle & Son's li-quor-listilery a few days ago, we learn it was a big loss to the firm, but so much for Mr. G rover and his gan-in their last days. Pat Grp. Light. Wheat is looking fine Breaking land for corn is the order of the day. r Reu John Summey, of Han nersville, has purchased an organ, whiclj adds greatly to th4 appear ing of his parlor. The following were guest's at Rev. Mr. SumraeyV vsterday a week ago : Misses Madajand Lou Watford, Hattie Myers, and Lou Ella Dorsett. Messrs. Ed. H. Lee, A. S. Myers and Ed. Watford, all of Light, Miss da Hepler, Mr. & Mrs. Al- Hughes, Messrs. Lacy E. ison Hplr and Samuel Kindley of Ilannersville, et al. 21 in all. J t T1 xr,ir,4. o nA rf Thnm- jisville, was in this vicinity a few Saturday nights ago on "special" business. The young people had a social party at Joseph Hepler's Tuesday night. , Charlie Stone was on hand the other night, visiting old ! friends, you know. f The'Clarksbury debating society is going ahead with Thos. G. Kindley as its president. They meet every Friday night. Ourjtown was well represented at Jerusalem play-day Saturday. Messrs. Eli and Lemuel Freedle of Jinies were in this neighbor hooil the other day, .' Miss " Elvira Murdock visite! Mrs. Nannie Miller Sunday! There is to be a tackey parly at Jolin W. .Lee's to-morrpw night. We are -expecting a fine S line Allison Hughes is building dwelling for his tenant, Noah Myers. ; j' Zeb Dorsett has took to tin woods jwith 'gun And mule- Ivy G. Thomas' school at David son Academy will close Saturday MarcfiliSth with a' play-day. Ev erybody come just fpr fun Mrs. Frances Snyder, of Ran- dolph coiinty, is visiting hei parents near Ilannersville. "Jack" Johnson the insurance man called in to see us Wednes day eve.;,. . Lewis E. Thomas boarded the train Monday for unknown re gions. J We w-ish him good luck. Mr. & Mrs: John W. May, of Belfast, visited Henry Easter yesterday, also Joseph Hepler anil familyjwere to see Mr. ' Easter at .the same time. i Walter Kennedy passed through Sunday on his way. from Jerusalem to see liis best girl. '. ; Henr3f Andrews visited relative at Trinity Saturday and Sunday. r One ofiour girls put on her sun dies last Saturday to go the play day, but he didn't come. J. A.fHepler has built an addi tion to his house recently, j March let 1897. Finis. Rueumati&m Quickly Cured AfterJiaving been confined to the house for eleven days and pay ing out! $25. in doctor juills with out beiiefiit, Mr. FranktDolson of Sault Ste. Marie, MichJ, was cur ed by one bottle of Chamberlain'. Pain Balhi costing 25 cents and has not" since been troubled witl. that complaint. For; sale by C. A; Julian. Will Win or lie. The Times has 'a Havana dis patch slating that a visitor to tin Oamp of General Maximo Gonu-7 h arneil that the rebel commander -in-chief refuses to discuss the Cu lan reforms proposed by Spain. He declares that lie winl the freedbn of Cuba or die"n the at tempt, Raleigh Daily Tribune. For more than twenty years we have been telling how Scott En-.ulsidn overcomes the excessive wjaste of the system, puts on flesh, nourishes and i builds up the body, making it the remedy for all wasting di ctscs of adults and children, but it isn't possible for us to tell the story in a mere stick ful of newspaper type. We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling in easy words how and why Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free. To-day would be a good time to send for it. SCO IT & BOWSE. New York. i iMi k Uwrwm. fntui oo4. Vm SOMETHING AEOUT GREECE. It has a uopulation of 2.187,- i , -I - i: 208 . " . ..:! . By its inhabitants Greece is called "Hellas:" The mean temperature of Greece is G4 degrees Fahrenheit. No part of Greece is 40 miles from the sea, nor 10 miles from thehills. - ; . About oue-half of the popula tion are agriculturists aud shepherds. it It has an area of 24,977 square miles, or a j trifle over one-half that of Pennsylvania. It is the only country in the world whose armies are provid ed with the Gras guns and paper covered cartridges. ,i The Greek flag is a whte cross on a blue ground the Bavarian colors and the: Greek cross. It is more thickly populated than anv other country in Eur ope j with It he exceptions of Sweden and Prussia. It has few rivers and many hi Is- None of i the former are l - navigable, and many of, the lat ter are fortified. ' l ri the complexity of its make undone variety of its natural features Greece excels every country in Europe. Its present: boundary limits were determined by arrange ment between Grea' Britain, France, Russia and Turkey, concluded at Constantinople on July- 21, 1832. j j . Only about j 70,000, of the in habitants speak any language other than Greek, and only a bbut 20,000 profess any religion other than the Orthodox. The chief characteristics of the. average Greek are his in quistivenoss, fondness for ex citement, love of discussion, de sire for knowledge, an aptitude for learning and aggressive pa triotism. .Gell once remarked : that in r traveling through. the Morea in March he found "summer in MpsKfinia KT.rino- in T.annnia sinrl . ' i . . "'." 7 winter in Arcadia, without hav ing moved beyond a radius of 50 miles." t The climate has two Strikino-: lantieS the heat in SUm- riui- -inH the UnlH in win for- Qt-o liu w nn tne COlQ in Winter are , far morn int.nsP! than thoso rf i , t ;my Other country in the world lying in the same attitude. Though not much more than one-half the size of Portugal, it has a coast line greater than that of Spain T and Portugal to gether.' ' j ; :l There are three distinct races within its confines, .speaking different languages, wearing afferent costumes and holding little social J intercourse with each other the Greek, the Albania and the Wallachiau, or Roumanian. I j r - . i i The present King, George I, cfame'to the throne in 1863, in his 18th year! i He .draws an income of $2G0, 00) annually including $20,000 from Great Britain, France and Russia. : He is the son of the present Ivihg of Denmark, Christiat IX, and brother of the Princess of Wales and the Dowager of Em press of Russia. He married in 1867 the Grand Duchess Olga; eldest daughter of the grand-uncle to the present Emperor of Russia. She has had six living children five, sons and one daughter. Th King jhas' a place a Athens, built by Otho, at a cos of 12,500,000, j a!nd a summ- residence at Corfu. He shares the legislation wit: a single chamber, called tl Boule, the members of whicj are elected by the people ever, four years. j j .; - , There are seven Ministers o: Administration, whose salary i 2140 a year Cvich. For purposes of local govern ment.Greece is divided into i:j monarchies, under officers called Nomarchs. ' j 1 J . It has an excellent legal sys tern, based upon the old Roman law. I I ; 1 . .i Its regular standing army con sists of 16,280 infantry, 3120 cavalry, 384 artillery, 1080 eng ineers and transportation men, o4uu omcers ana ; men, making a total of 28,4 iu troops iu th. laud forces Silver Hill. ' Hooyct Irt., passed through o.ur little village one day last week. We learn they are going to move their saw mill a few miles below here, we welcome them in . our vicinity. j : Thery-is a great deal of sickness in this neighborhood, al-o M-veral deaths. j , j . John Tysinger an aged and re- ; sjeited citizen pasel away the: 2(3 iust. Also Villiara P. Jarrett. j James Palmer's school at Work-; man's closes March 10th. Mr. I Palmer is an Excellent teacher) Hiid so far as we have learned lias given perfect satisfaction witk all J patrons of his school, ' O. E. St oner, of Ashevil'e, visit-! el Mrs. J I Stoner one day last week, he is "Off" as of old. j P. N. Tysinger and son,' Frank, ! have been confined to heir rooms j for the past week with la grippe, j Noah Workman, Sr., has com- i pleted a new barn on his farm. R. F. Johnson and partner are the champion quoit ; pitchers at! this place,-they' won a 5-cis ply of j tobacco the, other evening. Frank; says there is more in counting' than pitching. i Several from this place at tend ed "the ' play-da" at the close of Jerusalem school last Saturday and report a fiue time : Mrs. Ruth Gallinuire, who has been visiting her daughter in Concord, has returned. j We are glad to see J. F. Peters able to be around again. He has had bad health for sometime.. Happy --Will. Ripana Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules. ' Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. SI00C. We will eive tlio a!)veaia-unt to the per son who will send u1 the hi'.st list of lifty questions answered in Dictionary of United States History. . Write lor i..irti'H!l:trs with stamp. PURITAN PUBLISHING CO.. 30 BroomlielJ St.. Boston. 3Iass. CASTOniA. Tie imila sJjcaturt oi li en FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard. Yale, or any other college or institution of learning in the Unit ed St.. it's, or I a the New EiiUn i - Conserva tory of Mu-ic. can be set-sired by any yvung man or woman who in in earnest. Write for particulars Quickly. JAMES D. BALL, 36 Broomfleld St.. Boston. Mass. A Hare Thing: for Ton. A transaction iuwliicli voin-annot loseisa red tongue, feer, pilesaudathous.andotl er suretUiug. Biliousness, side headache. f.r- liver. Ca ca. cts Caudv Cathartic, the voi,- derful ew liver stimulant and intcs inal tonic are uy all dr.igg.sts guaranteed to cure or. i"Oiicy retundod. C. C. (J. are a sr. re I thing, liy a box to-day; 10c, 23c. 60c Kampleuud booklet free. Sep pi:r hrr ad. Consumption Can Be Cared. T. A. Slocnm. M. C, the Great Chemist anp Scientist.. Will Send Free, to the Afflicted. Three Bottles of His Newly Discover ed Remedies to-Cure Consumption -and All Lung Trouble. Nothing could . be fairer, more philanthropic or carry more joy to the afflicted, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C, of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable cure for consumption ami all bronchial, throat and luuo diseases, general decline and weakness, loss-of llesh and all conditions of washing, 1 and to make its great i: eiits known i he will send. free, three bottles to anv ' reader of the )avidson ounty News! who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific, course! of medicine" has permanently cured thousands of ' apparently hopeless ( cases. ' : The Doctor considers it his religious duty- a duty which he wes to 'hum anity to donate his infallible care. He has proved the dreaded con-' sumption to be a curable "disease be- J vond anv doubt, and has on file' in his ' American and European lacoi Ttories .) testimonials of experience fiom those benefited and cured, in all parts of lie world. ' Don't delay until it is too late, onsumption, uninterrupted, means peedy and certain death.' Address, ! A. Slocum, M. (', 93 Tine street, - ew York, and ; when writing tlse Doctor, give express and postoiiice avldress, and please mention readirg this aiticle in the Davidson county News ' . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever So res Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ! Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or n jay required. It is ru:i ranted, at i-l'.-i"'' ion or o p-rr"ot money refunded. A. 1- i- tee ) iv i". Mr i"t. i-r 7 - : ! i t - . i V4 r ?ge tabic Vrcparatiorifcr As -sinulati:g Cie Food ar.d Reg ula ting thic S tomachs ardDowels of m Promotes DicstioaChcerful ncss andRcst.Contains ncilhcr Oprurri.Morphirte nor acral. Not Narcotic. is JtmJaM Sm- Harm JetJ -Clarified Atmmr . hit, m wot WW! A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Corivulsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OF S'LEP. TdcSiiTule Signature of -7 " NEW YQHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Want; I- tlK-c st-'-'Ctt Evor t i -a !0 23 50 CASCARE1S CANDY likecarniy. Tuev r; IU070 oi:y' bi'J tu5t In too"!T;oi!i li. len the Sjreatu aweet i:a-i perfumed. It in a rte.1 pleasure to take tbem fnlHit it ruin. seatins liquids or ea.anon-bll pills. CASCARm irvuielT veeml'lo i nd cutituln no ni'T .eitrtal or other min eral poison. TL-y are 3iale of the lat et reueiles iliseoT rA and ore a me ten- PURELY VEGETABLE never belcre ptttberla aur foris. tlflA prim hi ti s tli m ..... CISC.tBETS r antiverUr. Tliat BMnttb r atoru: lCtd food frou aourtDcln th sumi Ma, jtrevent tsr ntntiUoa In tii bowdi an4 kill J om germ of auy AHTISEPTIC LAXATIVE 9 tlai iha.t brs2 and faa4 la aj.iwru LIVES STS3SSULAUT J bur eie n ud t;mu!n i .i a iz w o. Jt. 1 li-y re. ii tie Ijc-i- c!j?i..l i.aHil.Vin'r.t.. . : izrr -mi's bvaltuf their aclivii and ntkturs!. Don't je SiSCri'iTS t?y other mcicinss you have tncd. They arc ncw niikc anytriin else that's soli, 'ani infinitely superior. Sample of irn!tat:ciis I SLINO fltri U . s 4? r I:- "3 3 To anv '-rsn iut'-i in a if iu:: 1 1 t-i vi:u i iVi-.- HniiuaiS. v.'.. will st-ltd; uj .! ;i ; !::.i ; iii: . t- .jv '! Hi- ;" Ai!i t:..-i." t!.- .' ;!i tun Nx-f t-iis-ly i; t ri i i is ii- id IVu tt-ti'.-.-mi: 1 -. r : i ? j, it Tin " j r ' I fit"" V.uli:t J l" -it , X;.:ir...iS ' ii Li !:!.-. ' '-.." i- rk. Vhy ill you .tiii'-i ioJiic .sielcos Chill -uy v.h.--.i u-r 1;:.: Grove - V.v !. ! l.J s. pi ! 1 ! i !;ori u in 1 1!.'- :! .i , o r T-.n't Tobacco Spit ari Saoke Yonr T.ifc .! ;jf. i I ti vr. .ii-aj . lr.-n?. r.. A . ii .- 1 i i". 'La- .: lWH i bU;iliiio ltuiueij Co., Ciiicuu or .Ne w ort. 4 s li THAT. THE- FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE CF 1 OF EVEEY BCXTTLE OF It 3 r:A icli ia. bulk. Pi n't tlicw tryonj to ee'.l you asythii..-j else on. tl ? c? prsiu'se tlat it is ' ""list. at rjctu" ens? rr. cr.r'pcr- i: ca ' 1 vj -j ti 3 to i the atU';ai. ii i stook. i!ii-.t that is irt'i.t-.'.ri v i.- i xi i Sir. IS ON THE wrapper' j iim 1 1 1 is.1 ; -m.'. rii rrm v class Dmy; ;' lore; . l'ni.sK!noN Ds'.it. ' This IVi-f . " ;ai ; f:' ' . looked :tfter ami eery prescriilluu will bo i-U el at all hours da or r.::ht. 1 ft c!rV ALL DRUGGISTS ..... cascaiiftts increase ti'e ttnw til uii lain li Ui r-iriK motti r. A tnl):Ct :at'n 17 tke m'.thi r luakos L er lulik ni'd!y pmv a ii v-a b a rmid i at ccitnla fflct on le ba!y. tue oijIt BOOK FCH KOTHEHS tile laxative for lUo ba jc-in-artua. .... CASr.lllLTN trru. They lai.t Cod and-do food. lap wlud-c !tc and rrrap. and kill ai.d frlTC off worms, ard all kinds of Daia ilW tbat lire In thn a. Uawels of tie crowins ebUd. -u-ij,Jy, ar- i w g . arc c oarmB wa Kciretn; oae xf r;'-ptloi, bo Miieriu cla and Mtauate, ar pur caLM nontr will ba ;.-ifi!7 ;afui.!c! CORE GUAEAUTEED .... tMxrininfi , crf'..d if an ."li : r-i pin lor r. c a bos, tic-:- i !rr to Bine. A Ic ) .5) HE5LTH f lioiwlli jt-"V tii ir tne ri..:it ix- i 1 to mt- i PLEASE r THE CHILDHEM iry a 0c box tc-ay, n not pleased get yo jr money tick! Lar-j-rr fcoxes, 25c or 50c and booklet mailed free- Addrccs -F.:r4ED CO.. CrtOOO: on, CW.; W VCMIC 238 l-'t booklet. T i : f , i : v s ; ! ! : AtJ.-mr.-i Tj;;,.! on yi';ir- i .:;). tin U'i'i'kly i tii!n L lii i .il"st jHu sj;i jMr III t lie Soil! Stnt'S. Nf)V, is tlik tiui4 to suhsrriiM" ;iiii you iti.-iy win th: SoOO.OO. CA.G I.' CI 1T7A. IlrXi .' 1 he f .. S. r t-liiilt- passes a ! i.'iii -ijipi inj,:7.0;) for j a li(ht itoiis' on th ('ap-j Fear river just below Wil-I For Infants and Children. Tie fi. JLlvc;; itmr-.'',1.i,j1i , J One C'f c: it Cppotirt U. S Jci:vi ive nr. -titre i:tr.i a len lie 4. A S 0tC'- tr iturrt'; t 3 ' . . k. J 1 1.-. . l !i il" - 1 T it . t.. . t 'A PiMPHl(T, "Iluit0'ja;n Ti m. V Jroc of :a32e i". the L'.S.uj i.:e m c.-iw, :i.-c Azote's. ' RI TANS The modern stsrvd ard Family 4rs;. cirie: Cures r common cvery-iVy ills of humanity. -J U C l .:tR; SHOP and FXSrAivar, NVt iloiir helow C M.. & G. l.rao tt-'Ieala' at ail hours.T2i dr. f. c. r.'A.:; ' r . - ; . i v- ' ' . 1 ' - - '!!: - I;.. . i .-- i : !!- an", f N- v. Uii l .;.-. ::. ! M i". . Y W. F. HENDIT.r c r ' ' LEXJlGTGK, N. C. ..M! !..!i,- intrust, d to :.- 4 . f reci iv'" : r in t.t j' tt n: : :i. M i N .: ili'of C, rt dUiiu KAY K'.ON : . ' i . ' ATTORNEY -AT.-UW, Lkxi.;t, N. (j. I Practices in S(;it nal , Fcdi'i al ( "oni ts. i l'ronipt nth'iitio iy,iM U collection of claims uml l ; t icincnt f estates. . Also Public Adininist i ;jr.r ! for -David sou f 'ounty ttoui IHOOO 00. ! Office back of Court Ib . . I Tbomasvillb Produce Market. . Corrected ' Weekly by IS:-: W :-: (JATES lin.k ini'iit ih M , li) Dees wax - -IUlt((?r r - - -Chickens - - - - . id - JO to J5 - - 4 to 5 - 4 r to r.o to iu Corn - -PJour - - 1 ? v Laid - -Meal jier 1 ii ();,is - - - 1 I as . . 'ota osvSw'et Irish "Wjieat r 7 to 8 1 a N ' ")0 ;;o to V) i c U to d." to Ki;).iH3 Tabules: plfa.-ant l ixativc filJ-:iK i ahuh-K ciir- lp-p.'a Ii ji .r.s T.-hLiI' j- r iir'- L.-sd br.tb.' lJijr:fi T;sh!i!"s: oii nivf-s r l:?f. Ilipan.H Tabuif .-; cure Ratuln'e. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. S3 fS"-'tr'K TRADE WRKt, v iu w v DESIGNS, Anror.n -ndln a li-tr-l mf hl-.imi. .n ..--rtin. f:-tr. rh..t; .-r tn-m..., . .... - r.ntl...-..f ifcl. oi 1 t f. rwunuf -.Puis . In Ai::i-n;. We tmTtf a WhUist.i t,r ri'".M takn t'irirtjjili liur.a 4 Co reCoira tK.-c.-l r...-tie! i'i tfie , .SGIEHTIHO AMERICAN, bauMf!!r Uin-.rit.l. larc". c!r-jlaf.'m r,f t?! f'rt,n J"iMi!. -k:y,u-miHi t r. MUNN ,SL CO., 361 UrouuMity. ew York. ihai a Lot of Eggs the tar wUn fi-J ta lirrta IntJiout-! Uib a 1oz-d tw-ca Mann's UaCM DU iZ V:--. r. CutterWM will pay for ltaelf la a short time in th incru of $5.00 buys ouc. SflV'?i tEIT CI T1IAL. lWHlch. a. .-4. r.'- i1 j"fp Jr" Catalugutre igun ma tkU ffT taj at it m aa mi rcsn r. H. l&AAil bU laiLT UnUa WANTED-AN IDEA-tvi! Hntiii to i! itoi.' '( iV.-te-l j . J hvi-ur Yixt tt-i'..':1.. r:io V1"-."" 1 trl lil. I.N V'O., I'.! -n Allurl, ) V..j. , ! H. O., fci-1!.; ir ; l,:-M r:.v n.;,. . ' i

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