THE NEWS, THOMASVILLE, N. C. Published Eicry Thursday By The Hews Publishing Company, nOcts j m,t year. tto for G mo. Entered at the TW Offi' in Thomasville, X. C, ax w-oik1--Ijimk mail matter. The News will not be respon sible for opinions of it corres pondents. - Old People. did H-ople who require medicine in n gulate the boweU and kidneys will find the true, remedy in lIfet ris Hitters. This medicine 1m'4; not rttirmilate and contains Ji.Llv nor otlier intoxicMit, hut act h as a tonic and alU-lutiye. It acts mildly on the stomach and ho-WflM, '.adding strength and g i vi n g t one to t h o': orga ns, t hereby aidin'g .Nature in the erfonnance of th' functions. Electric UitterH is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it just f'ui-i 1 v- what th'ev need. Price fi fty cents. and $1 ,0() per bottle C. A, Julian's Drug Store. at Tho AVadosboro Messenger recieved a cotton '"bloom on the 22nd. "My mother, my wife and myself use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever troubled with a cough or cold. It is the medicine of our home. I do not know how" we could do without it. We feel that it is an indispenpible article. The people in this vicinity too are beginning to learn bt the merits of this excellent invdicine. I never lose an opportun ity to testify to its value for it has saved many a doctor's bill in .my famil". W. S. Muster, proprietor of the Miisser House, Willheim, Pa.' This remedy is famous for its cures of bad colds. Try it and you too will recommend it to your friends. For eale by C. A. Julian. ' The: Gastoria Gazette learns that so far as is known, there is only one person in the State who is deaf and blind. Price List of Chamberlain' Medicines-' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera afid Diarrhoea Remedy. The most succesful medicine in the i world for -'bowel complaints, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. 'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Famous ' for its cures of coughs colds, croup and whooping cough, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Chamberlain, s Pain Balm. For rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, cuts burns, scalds, frost bites and chilblains, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Chamberlain'; Eye and Skin Ointment. For eczema' ; tetter, salt rheum, scaldhead, sore nip pies, chapped handsritching piles and chronic sore eyes, 25 cents per box. St, Patrick's Fills. The best physic, 25 cents per box. Dr. Cadv's Condition Powder for horses. They are a tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge, 25 cents per package. For. sale by C. A Jul i an. No Clue. - i The murder of Mrs. Springs still remains a'-mystery to our people. All kinds of sensationa rumors were afloat in Lex- ington and the neighboring toyns, but when sifted down there -proved to be nothing in them. Mr. J. V. Holland brother of the lae Mrs. Springs, while in search last Friday got on the trail of a suspicious character who was seen near) Welcome. He traced the man to within a few miles of Danville, Va. when he lost tlie trail. Mr. olland has returned to Lexington. Gov. Russell has offered a $400 reward for the murderer. Bunch, j ; t As we have been so busy of late we have have not wrote much for the News. Uariroaf is ahout over. The wheat crop is not fLs we exoected near as good it was two months ago; there is hard iy an average crop. Oats are better than usual. Corn looks well but is rather small. V. C. Wood, who has been sick, is out again J we are glad to nota. : j . j " The special school election to be held in August is causing much comment there being con siderable opposition to the tax hereabout. I : Tiar. VATUMA. PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE- ' Grandest discovery? in the annals of medicine. j ' Guaranteed to cure, more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or system known toj the medical pro fession. -"No MAN. marie" remedy, bu' 'nature's' true panacea. Vatama is 'an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all "miciobes'' and germs of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and soothing to. the rnucuous membrane. It will per manently cure the majority of cases of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dispepsia, all Stornache troubles, and dis eases of the Bladder, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, j Constipation, Piles j Old Sores, Rectal diseases, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Blood Poisoi, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diseases peculiar to Women, Nervous and Physical Weak ness, etc. j NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT, or where ovn live, write 7 i - 1 us a full history of you trouble, and our consulting physicians will advise yon whft to do in jorder to regain your health. Consultation is FREE and sacredly confidential. Terms very ow. For proofs enclose 2 ct stamp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. We" advertise vou in your home paper.! Address with stamp. The Yatuma Company P. O. Box, P. 15. ' Chicago, 111. i : AVe want an Agent at every Postoffice in the countv to solicit subscriptions for the Daviusox County News. Liberal commis sions paid, write Vis for particu. lars, THE NEWS, Thomasville, N. C. Something to depend on. Mr. James Jodes, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery?" says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pan a could do ; nothing for her. It seemed to develoi into Hasty Consumption. Havinir Dr. King's NewDiscovery in store, and selling lots of it, hej took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from first doseand half dozen Ulollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New ! Disqpyery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to (do this good work. Try it. -Free trial bottle at Julian's drug store. I Charlotte's twelth cotton mill is go ins up. Poo: is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, exhaus tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weak muscles. Your doctor calls it Anaemia. He will tell you that the weakening weather of sum mer often brings it on. t Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil ! with Hypo phosphites, will make poor blood ri-du It is a food for over-taxed and weak digestion, so prepared that it can easily be taken in summer v hen Cod-liver Oil or even ordinary foods might repel. SCOTT & BOVNE, j New York ! i 23 Cllt-S WrttMF ALL USt f ALLS. Co!!2b fc'rniu. Taaie Omm. Vte tn tiiup. SiI bT Imeei'rt-". ' ' Kiss Me And Say Good flight. ; i i ! Vv'hn the time ha -em that l.rirs The sl-ep that lulls th .if a 1. And tlie silent tear th. t wrings The ifyart i.s 1-einn .hf'l ' As i:iy spirit witiu-4 it"- lliyht In! i smbrf realms unkih -wn : ?T:iyI feel tliy t-.iu-h;it. An 1 hear thy voie s- l-w. Far remove! the curious throngs Who lauhinfr feitrn l- wep sjiiitr to me thy old love ontc Ari l let me fall to sle-p; 1'iien I'll eateh it's peaceful tone Y I iHeyet it'' eeh. rijir. j For metlrifilks around the- throne Th" same the An:'l.s inn. I-' we et heart, dear tfijrvoiee to me Is sweeter than ni usl.r strains. Anl thy uiauirfuicli in reality Can drive away all pain ; 1 hen watch hesi le my l;ed and see My spirit take It's flight. ( And a.s I plunge in ili-athH dark sea Kis me and Kity K'jo 1 nitiht. For once we l )Vt-d e.-i.-h other. le i r as life. And when I w.i i-y 1 lij' s-ide- J-t;;d nolfcfir. nut now tue i.m. liiis eoine : It is so sad to part. f,ri you' Know that I tol-i y y- u v- h my Own and only sw-'-l h'-fait Now I miiht he ioiii; the Angels are VaItiii to receive ni I nitrht. d.i'st I i K-d n:Kht. ( 'oni posed hy "Jt -f jun h li7. I ThoiiKi-ivIlie. N. C Mr. W. II Smith, editor of Tiie Argus", I'enton, Pa., recomniv . nds a remedv for-'. d'arrhova which he ha-5 u-ed witii ningical effect. "Several weeks ago," he says, urchased a bottle of Chainbei lain's Colic, Choh-ra and I):m friwi'a Reuiec! v, and after using bs i than oih -third of the contents th- re suits were magical effecting an entire cure. I heartilvand cheer lulv recommend the remedv ail siiliei-ing from diarrhfea.?' This rem -dv is 'for sale bv C. A; Julian. Thoro nrojTOO.000 uneiiv ployod people in (Tiienoo. hme tim.'i niii ti. oipvy. IT clilu of Mr.-Jl. E. Linilshjv. of; Franklin Forks, Pa., had a verv sevrie attack of colic, rflie sull'er- . ; ' til ed rreat pain. Mr. Lindsley her a dose of Ch.-tmbeiiain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in ; ten minutes heT distress was gone. This is the best medi- cine in the ; world for childreh when troul)led v, it h colic; orj diar rhoea. It never fnils to'-etfect a : s ' . ; j It )roihpt care. When reduced with - i . . . i i water and sweetened it is pleasant I , 1 tor them to take. It should be ! kept in every home, especially I diirini the summer months For salt- hv. C. A. Julian Teacher's Life Certificate For the benefit :of those j who ' may wish to apply for a first grad life certificate in Jnlv next, -I-have p.. h- lisdied below th action taken by the i State Board of Exaniiiiers, relative to this Examination, 'on the 28th and 29th of May, 1807. . x ours very tin y C II MEBAXE, Sup't Public! Instruction N. C. At a meetiiig of the State Board of Examiners held in Balieghion the 28th and 29th of May.jlSOJ, the following subjects were adopted foi examination of Teachers applying for fiit grade life certificates: ( 1. English Grammer, Composition and Literatuie, Spelling. Defining, Writing and Reading. 2. Geography, Political aue Phy sical.. 'i. Thysiologv and Hygiene.! 4. Hi tory, North Caiolina1, United States and general. 5. Arithmetic!. 6. Elementaiy Algebra. T. Elemritar-.' Butanv 1 8. Elementarv Psvcholnf vi 10. Civil Gow n.u uV. 1 1 . School L.p.v. The following looks in addition to ino-f prescribed; by law uro suested ?n.liV-itir,r fT.i r,i i 1 as lndicaiiriu the .C0Te of the exam-! i i i f mat ons on the several si,W-J . v - - . Whitney s Essential!' of En-lish Giammer. Pa ncoa st 's Cqmpositi on and llie toric. , ".- '"'! Lock wood's I-ssons in EnglisL. Maurv's (JeoirraT liv. I Tan's Physical Geographv. Sull's Psychology for Teachers White's Elements of Pedagogy. James Psychology. J Physics Avery and Gage. FingerV and Pcteriaan's Civil GovermentI J t Board adjotujietl to meet on the 10th day of June, 18J7, at Morehead City. ; I C. II. MEBAXE Presidend State Board of Examiners. L. L. IIOBBS, i ! i . 1 i Secretary State Board of Exam iners. la (3 tie Eastern Davidson. On the 23 cf Juno we wre at j a birthdav dinner at Edrar I'ayne's. The invited Ut4ts ' numbered foitv-t"wo and there was a ireat manv of the ! relations abseiit. Tiie table! resembled a table at a , nicinc; ! loaded down with gool thinH, j and if you had been there and not been hungry it would have! done you good to have looked I on while we were endeavoring pto do justice one time in our lives and a few of us were so thankful that we were so well i jCiipaciated for an occasion of that kind. - ; I am sorry that I mate so many mistakes in writing but if you will read slow perhaps you can read better. I did not intend to write as a prophet per chance I did; certainly you read it m), but did I? Read again and see, and help me out jof this dilemma I thought I was writ ing -of the past and! certain; knowledge that cme to light j (perchance that was another? mistake) but in a multitu ie f -counselors there is safety t-o with me now. I am safe (except in tlie mistake) among a 'multj-l tude cotemporajies. I I really thought a prophet was a fore teller and not a backteller, now tell me which it is, will you? Ignorance blissful ':.' Knowledge wistful I will depend Upon my friend To lead me through And sayetn'e too " For Hwas all in fun When first begun And still like a dove All in loye Evils thron w'll demolish Continue to better the polish - A monument erect to fame And we shall earn a name Thn n' gem't us will de-piso And one that never dies So for want of time I'll quit the running rhyme i For it's time to go The cane to hoe So good-bye K. For I cannot stay. J. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tisfao- limila ' ism every vrappe?, Action is the law of life. Ths fae eiaile of ' Is cn ! tverj vrappet. Man is a natural worker, BO l Charity is not philanthropy Consumption Can Be Cured. T. A. Sl.K-uni. M. C. the Groat Chemist unp Scientist. Will Send Free, to the Afflicted. Tlroe Bottles of His Newly Discover- i ed ltemelies to Cure Cnsiunjitirn i and All Lung Trouble. Nothing could be fairer, more philanthropic or carry m(re joy to the aillicted, than the oiler of T. A. Slocurn, M. C, of New York City, j Confident that he has discovered" a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lungj diseases, goner d.decline and weakness, loss of i ik-.-:i and all conditions of washing, j r .l to make its great merits known i'!it- will send. free, threp I.ottIf& tn nt,- ; reader ot the JJavi ison ' ountv News ! , v;;u Mtav be outlet in S. Alre.t-lv this "nevy scientific courst- , . oi meiiicint? Las permanently cured , ! l . . !!'.. . I . ' , C il.. 1 , . " T . wau-.s , Vl ajuemi uuVivs The Doctor considers it his relitions luty a duty which die owes to hum - anity to lonate his infallible care. lie has proved the lreaded con - stimpiion t be a curable disease be- ; vond anv doubt, and has on file in his American and European lacorrtones testimonials of expeiience from those , , , . 1 . oeneaie.i ani curea, in all parts ot the woiM. Don't delay until it is too late. Consumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death A-lJress, T. T. A. Slocum, M. C, 08 Tine street, .New lork, and wuen writing the Doctor, give exj-ress and postotilce o.T..., .. ,. " lumw, n'i I'le.-t.-t- uieiiiujri rea'ini ' this aiticle in the Davidsnn inimti- i News t ,f p M OT i n 0 I mm- WteM) II ilmllKl -t - --'.i ;j AVcgebbiePrcparaftoi.lorAs ll -slmilating ihcrc-c-dar.dFcgula-j j ling the 5 tomachs and Povcis cf PromotesDiestiQn.Chcerful nesssndRcsf.Contains ncitto" Optum.Morptiine nor Jirjral. NotNarcotic; - Jhmptrm Stttl ' jflx.Scnn Back.lU SJlj - JVpfxrmint -Jit CarixjnatScO' f firm Set d -Clarified Svyrrr . toaiegyvca flarw. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Worms .Convuls ions ,1 evensh ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of EXACT COPV OF WRAPPEB. DON i . i SACRIFICE Future Coinfpt for present seeming Economy, but BUY ,the Sewing1 TvLadiinc with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service: i, lie r1 - - - K. I ' 8(? ; - 0 .& Send for cui t ;! ra't tone Catalogue. - CLEVELAND, OHIO. -Lsalor In- Drie, "Medicines AM ToM Articles, THOlilS VII IE, N. . ; Wants to coll tho attention of tins public to his nice selected stock. Everytliiiif; that is generally carried in a first-class Drug Storg. Prescription Deo't. This Department is carefully looked after and every prescription will be filled at all hours day or night."7 Summer Clan tea Cared. i. W. Clark;f Mrgro-or, Texas, sa : "Our lit. baUv laiigh(-r h;is 'b''ii ii n d l' a V!'int case t of fimniK-r (linrrho; a fro:n 'Teeth- in . bv tiiH use of f)r. Kind's Hov- nl b-riitot u r-. She hno boon ro- (li.i'il n.- aiiv to a skolition. Tho lir-t do-; -.f ( onii-t nor helped h r, and now-sho is well and fat' r T a n t i :r - r a nnrri,: " " totruvi-! : : . in N'ortli 'ar.-l;r i - Saliry : - :::.- . man-rif . !.-" -. w . j'? 1' .: i 'vn (r- Mailt; i w, -i .-. i f t.r:...-- 1 ' ! I lii- ui .r:;il. :-;ir In- itt-r nail- Will VH'! 1 . ,'; li',' '1 n-n,,p' itcl. Cr ill Tonic : a-ani ;i 1,1 nv.n ..;:",- Mtnie-M.-t i ti i i ' i j ' '' J v , tn i i . Ilt'l H ! fail- 1 I'1'.' , THE MOST Vl'OhLLR CL Dl' COVEP.Y I f 7 f JL" '('7 iyrinp l CCHViHCS jOl f US UlSrli I . Th:.- W. .r: ' rf on -.f- inai r.i l i :t -f l-.'.'i. 1 !!! t!:. r. je,, I .1 - , t - ( . -. - ..; wiii .-. i . s. t." :ii.i !'t t. ''t t!e I' -"f.'T -Ft-i: T I, I: nv i . !- -w ' -K. ii-. :i ti : 'i: .my i.::.., It-1; rit-., r ...l ; r.;-e. .11:1 fly. ill.. !ti,:' r--h. t j or t i j. 3:. ' X" c- i! " ' 'tlr-4.Wj;i;or ---:'tr,f hi J! t' f. .! i :i -... .wi -r..-a . Li! era i e ln'i-t. ;i.o. 1:. h;:t. i,:-.Ji,r;...-,r. I.v;n;-;ii. N. I The Kind Ton Have iJears tne ao-simue m Signature H of - ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOD HA YE ALWAYS BOUGHT. 5 Wrl i 1 Li 1 1 ITS BEAUTIFULLY FIGURED VCCDORK, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, FINE I-IECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, counl-i with the Finest Sat of LUel Attachments, makes it the MOST 0ES!RSLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Defers Vs'an!;d where we arc not represented. White Sewing Machine Co., 5 3 Xoniasville fursery, H. W. TURNER, Proprietr, ! Thamasvills, N. :0:- J I wish to announce to the citizens of Da vMson and .-l-ljoiiiintj counties that I have in btock trees of all the Standard varitiea su-h as Apr-les. rea-hos. Pears. Cherries. I'lums. Vines, etc. that I am selling at i.rice to suit the hard times. My trefs are all first-class and to see them in to ln.y, . : A eoniial invitation is exten.ledto all. to all at my Nursery, cue mile and a half Northeast of Thomasville and select the tree that they may desuo to buy. V ANTF.D-FAITHFULMEX OH WOMEN' ! travel for resrn8ibU estaMinhed 4 h.,iif..-in Xortli Carolina. . j .ilary.fTse and expenses. r:tjon jer- I'",rf-i- Iteferenee. Fii.-I..soseir-addri-s--l '""""""i"'- ' Aaih.!.al. Ktarinsur- :tai-e JSl-!, Ci.icaO. JOHN RAYMOND WcSRARY ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Lkxington, X. C. Prarrtiws in' State ami Federal Courts. Prompt nttciitio.iiven to f)ll( f:tion of L-laims and wt t I'-HKMit of .'.states. Also; Public Administrator for Davidson County Bond 8000.00. . Oflif-e back of Court House. DR. J. IM. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAIi h 3URC2CN, LE2IN&T01T, IT. C. Calls promptly lOtetidwd day or nfcfht. i CretA.mndTrt!e-MarkoMainil,i(jI;i yv , ent business conducted far Most tc rtts Oun Orriec is O posrrr u. S. Ftcit o--r..rJ at.d we can secure patent in less Ua.e maa si lemote from Vaihir)tor.. " ttoo. We aavic, if patentable or not, ire; C: fenarpe. cwir ie not nue mi pmiert 1, ve, --.e A PiplCT. "How to Obtain I'ater.;?. ' J J cost of san.e in the C S. aaU iwreiga coutn sent free, .tldreia. C;A.'SHOW&COJ Op.". Patcht Orncc. Washington, d. fc. i uouiuiod niji S3jn3 :oup -!P3I Xtiuiuj pat -puris ujapoui otjj SO YEARS' EXPERICNOT. COPYRIGHT to. Anyone rendimt sketrb and der- ,.t' u ma quickly avBrt-itn. free, whether n . Ii..uitina 14 probably tutntble. Coiuniur tons trtcU coiftentlaL OMost aeency f;.r securing patent 4a America. W liare a Waablniao otftr Patents taken through Uuna 4 Co. rcuiT pecial notice lu tlie QniPUTIPIP. IMCDinHU V. beautifully Uluatrated. lanreat dreulatioa rtf nif aceiiutic inumal. weekly, tertni c tm. fliOcjc moittha. Specimen ouptn mil Ha.d liuuK OJ J'TK.VTS seat free. Addreas MUNN A CO.. 301 IlroadwaVt New York, iJtst ii Lot el Eggs rp. m b is lav when fed 00 tJ-.-en atilone! ViUiluz'i- .y KZs r r f. . c x- will pay for Itoclf la a abort ti me in ttje faucrease ofrrj $3.00 buj-s one, 'fti.- F. W. KiANN CO.. MIIFCRD. MASS CURES, SUMMER DISEASES The Ideal Remedy for all diseases of the stomccb and bowe!sr such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Cramps, Loss of Appe tite, etc., is that standard of all medicines, Dr. KING'S HoYflliGEHFIETUEH. Thousands of Certificates wttM the far t. Mr. L. T. Collier, Kosciusko, bs., says: "My bowels would act from! ten to twenty times a day, of a Liufxly, mucus nature. My kidneys were verj badly out of order. k I was treated by the best physicians,' and they wtf 1 I irniilrl Urn hnt.'a shm-t whilo. I"T?)CIJ commenced usingf Iloyal Gerintrr. j ind do as much work as ever. 1 t'n ' tinued the Germetuer, and can that I am entirely cured, and tat fiSrlt is as pleasant to take as lemonade, end bulids up froni the first dose. It turcs dis ease by removing the caue. Bold by 73rursr. Ono Dollar. tf.tNUFACTOrCD ONLY Ot THE ATLSiiTA CHEUiGAL Write fcr 4S-?oge Pool. Called fre. Use SFK?;tTl'E3 PILLS end GtRMETLtR CCLCH Ercrlolr frays hf. Cascaretji Candv Catbarl. th" mo! won derful medical ljsf-over . of the .i'''. i ant and refreRtnnir tr the ?aie. a i f'-rt y Bnl jtoRitiv-Iy on kidrjp.y?;. liv r rr.d Jxi-.v'V cleansing tl r entire r:''rn. diil n (' cure hmdaciie, levr, jWiiTinl roriiVon . and bilif;isi: ns. I'r?" l-ir ;tr.l trv a i" of L CC to-dav: lu. 2 . TJU ;e: v .i guaraatccd vo cure by uU drugots. ssooo. V. v."i.1 uive the a;ivo .i.n-uiit t '. tl.- . I ton wiir will heii-1 u.-. tii- Ix-.-t ii: t f : lue.tUf anv-re l in Di'-tionr- : ! "' State Jlihtory. - Write f-r rt:-u: tr-"t-imiV I'L'KITAN l't'l;Lll! '" JW JiroonifieM St, l'-'r-t .. V ,FREE EDUCATION. An e l.ji-jiti u at ilarvar l. Ya1-. r .-nv clleSoori-i'-tili.ti--a -A le.tritin inth el State.,, or mi fi- .'.y toryof Mir-ii-., j. -..jr,., j,y a.. man or w.:- iii wn i.-, in -.irin -t. I-arti'-uIarn ;-;i.-k!y. J A MILS I 9 'M iirooLiiii.-i-l St, J'-'' A Snre Thinff tor Yon. A transaction ij wli ch yoii-anaot !! 'iretUiiiff. Uil.iusneis, slt k hiad iti rwl tongue, fevr, i-H. i-ad a tlious.i'. ' - , f U are caused by conLt.iutiou tiiid s. - 1 liver. Ca-ea-cts CjucIv Oitharti derfu! uey b-er stimulant cnd 'n.t ? : -1 tonic ure iy.ij tirurv; us par rs!!'' :: 1 ' e or luoiiov lefiai'Ied. c. C t.'. ar- : MJIJ1-. i-y a box to-d.i : ix.. bauiiiauu.i booklet free- K e e r i : I. Wanled-An Idea Who fan tt:c Protect your HfM: tVtr nair bHiw oi w Wrt JOHJf WtLtDEKBtTRN CO.. Patent AtJ"". 4kaU new liMoi o& tK",iratifl tarnation wbw1- 9 FT turn

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