THE NEWS, THOMASVILLE, N. C. J Published Ery Thursday By The News Publishing Ccmpany, HOots per year. 5iO for 0 mo. Entered at the Pont Office In Thomawvill. N. C. as Keeond-elasa mail matter. The News will not be respon sible for opinions of it corres pondents. Tammany's Candidate V President. for Jne "Alton B. I'arkt-r, who has'sullenl.y appeared on the political horizon as Tainrnnn.v'H candidate for Hie Presidency in 1900, car carried Now York State for Chief Justice of the court of appeal in the reeent elec tioiij. The man who, accord to Tammany's plans, is lOitnke the place of William .1. Bryan, is said to be a tfo!d Democrat, and it w;is charged during the (.renter New York campaign that he voted for John M. Palmer for President. He denied neither allegation. Tor sev oral years Parker has been known as "Dave Hill's man '," One week from next Mon day ( Congress will meet. Tom Keed only knows what con gress will do. Keed, the most powerful man in legislation, is known to have for the President a contempt which he finds it difficult to conceal at anytime, and which on occasion' manifests itself in most disagreeable fashion. J ust where he sta nds upon the questions to come; before the House is not known. His presence in the speakers chair is a handicap to any measure the Adminstration may propose. r North Carolina is afflicted worse with ''yellow jour nalism" than any other State cLthe union in proportion to the number of papers, and i very low grade of "yellow journalism at that. : All this rant about free pass es. Butlerisin, lhissellism i and the nttrcked upon, the i leaders of free coinage is "yel low journalism'' pure and simple. Sullivan's "Lost Chord" The first correct eopv of Sir Arthur Sullivan's , great som; in Anv'rici, l ir rt from the com poser's own hand, will appear in the Christmas number of Tin Lad Us Home Journal. Over hi. signature. Sir Arthur Sullvan states that of the millions of copies of4'The Lost -Chord" sold in America all are incorrect, and that this is the first accurate copy ol the song ever prepared by him oi for" .which he ever received a penm of payment. The complete inusit and words of Sir Arthur's copy o' the song, expressly prepared foi The Ladies' home Journal, will be given. There -is i not one of all thes little Kansomite paper in thii State, that are tilling their little yellow journals' with free pasf rot etc, that ever lefused a pa in their lives. Thei are two. Democratic pa pers in this Slate that refuse t bow to llansomism any more. They are tlx? Fayetteville ()!ser ver ami. Statesville Mascot. ! all the Democratic packers .of tin United States were like these tw it would be no trouble to unite al the friends of the white niettt under-one b:nnir. Yo on can,, icii everv one of h bv 'Ransomi; e ; in the Stat their yelhw j-mrnal attacks 01 the true frieiuU of il r. Sen toi Butler has done more fur tli cause of mIvit tii.ui evervo'.i thest Ilin-M;ni,e pmrs in t" State that aiv co.i-iuu-Jly aiaiin; him. It took four big ocean eteamshins to cirry lJariium & Bailey's ehow to England. It will stuyi nbroail about tlm-; v.'irs. j The cost of stealing a kins in St. Paul is- $25, according to Judge TwohyV decision. That judge ought to .spell his. name Toohigh It has just ln-en discovered that l.e rum who '-wrote "The Beauties of" Iiume'v deserted a wifo and seven children. ) Arthur Pue Gorman is now so. deal politically that the .people of Maryland feel justified in placing emphasis on his "middle name. Playful Boulder, Col., university -itudcntH tossed a freshman in a blanket and broke his neck. Fresh men who go to a co lege inhabited by toughs have no business to have pipestem necks. Valuable to Woman. Especially valuable to women is Browns' Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache disappears, strength takes "the placet of weakness, and the glow of health readily comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is taken. For sickly children or overworked men it has no equal. No home should he without this famous remedy. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Western Randolph. Dr. Frazier returned home from Asheboro last night where he had been attending court. R. W. Reddeck has purchased an engine with which he intends to manufacture bone meal, so send down gunboats and you shall be supplied with fertilizer. Well, Kit if prosperity is what say, I will not have to go to Davidson to look around, I can and look North, Southj East and West and seed beautiful fields of wheat for which j we expect one dollar or more per bushel for our golden grain when it is liar- vested. We want you to get in i . i i i ! .. your nest turnout ana come down in Western Randoph and see what a beautiful sight our wheat fields are. r , Our Queens have! been very faithful in geting up soon and geting out to work right here I am reminded of one Queen who got the old man and boys started before 4 Oclock in the morning thev bid the Mrs of ! the House good night saying they would see heron tomorrow. Now Kit we not going to harm the Davidson people for we al ways know them when we see them coming. I was glad to hear from Scuffulbrgh through the tbe never5 1 supposed they were all out on the scout. Where is J has he returned with the wise men or are they still craming him with know ledge If so I am aff raid his poor cranium will be over taxed. I hope to hear from him soon. We will ask Kit to put on her specks and read again; Will did not say t ley were in a gunboat he onl said he thought it was the wise men of the east been to visit J. Will Rock. , . j Disfigurement for life by barns oi scalds may be avoided by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the greal remedy for piles arrl for all kinds ol sores and skin troubles.! C. A. Julian The official price of stolen kisses n St. Paul ha- been fixed at $25 ipiece. A much cheaper plan thai that wouhl be to buy them at a hurch festival. General Debility and Loss of Flesh Scott's Emulsion lias been the standard remedy for nearly , a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming food. There are many other prepara tions on the market; that pretend co oo wnat SG&TT ErjiHLsnocj docs, but they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian Cod-live Oil made into a delightful cream, skill fully blended with the Hypophos phites of Lime and 1 Soda, which are such valuable tonics. xnis preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting; tendency, and the patient almost immediate ly commences to put on flesh and grain a strength which surprises them. B sure you get SCOTTS Emulsion. Sea that tht man and fish arc on ttvt wrapper. Joe and i.oo, all druggists. ! SCOTT & BOWNE, Oxmisu, Kvm Ysrk. TT. t ...... rr . . . t . t r r A it o l jj Best Cou fjrj in ti bUKtd nntKt ALL tLOC iWlo CouKh Syrup. Tastes WOjo. use In time Sold bw dniirTista. Jimes.j K. W. Conrad of near Lex- j ington and W.L.I (irimes of i Holly (irove were visitors 1 here Sunday. Hev. J.L. Deaton pn-i -lied en excellent sermon Sunday; i at oily (innv fo tlii . T i i ; there. Miss Etta Iliatt who'; has been ill with fever, is !: t inr better; also A. L Conrad's little bov is "ettin better. Geo. Lahr and Newton Ward, of: High Point, was in our town Saturday night. Miss. Jennie Green is visit ing relatives and friends in High Point this vveek. j Mrs Will Leigh and ir-li il dren are visitingj in ! Greens boro. Buck Hill. ; We ire indented to!t!n- FuMi-l,.-Mr. J. K Enniss, of 11 .lieirir. f.,. a co:y of Turner's Ni. C ; Ahnana for 1808, an old and vahiawh iub ion. A reliable 'Jstai Almanac, Astronomically cal culated for the State, and which gives sill of our Sa1i o.'Il -iTi mm Institutions, all of our courts, a record of the important events of the State during the past jyear; deaths of prominent and aged citizens, farm, household and medical receipts for home use, with much miscellaneous matter,1 is a need-in every family, and by all business men reference during the coming year, and. no publica tion is so full complete and re liable as this old Standard State Almanac. Be sure; you get one and hang it up by your fireside; The price is only 10 cents. To be had of merchants audi post masters throughout the State, and James H. Enniss, Raleigh, N. C; I have a friend, I know not whore. If not in the hunl. Of a sweet-hearts's care. Oh ! how I loner to see That old boy. In the land ofthe free. Where we can have pleasure and joy. I know he ih not dead. And he is not married. For he has said. He would rather he dead. I Moore is t;.iie. But lie is true, ! And I hope to see him. in his fun. And I can say ; "J'liere is hut few." When last, I saw him. On a February eve. He looked sogriui. And I had to firin in my sleeve. But ho is cone, alas. And forgotten me. A warm chum in the past. So my other friends may see. ' (':. I have said that he is true. But he will not do to trust. And ho will probably marry Sue. in this worltl of such a must. Now I must close, Antl co to snore. And let you cuess who com posed. And try to dream of Mr. Mo re. ! JOE, Cedar Grove. . i '- ' i " J. L. Mendenhall lost a fine hog last week: . 'I'M One of our boys left last week for -Mo. Boys you had better stay at home, t - ! Kit I cannot understand your golden prosperity, first wheat is )0 cents and cotton and tobacco ire less than cost !then how ido you expect Willie to see your prosperity figures. I presume hat Oakdale is city set upon a hill that thers may see it and rs street are pravtl with an !(nt gold and you have inherit i it. l irv Sweet. The lirofVssor of j poetry at Ox- j nl uiiivt-rsit v is (ic:ul. Thf i-nlil i lispatch dos not say w lit-th( r. he as snot at or trjaicu i r npi-n- ! iioiiis. r . Leatlville, v,!m.- ... i i-l 1 U'i is 0:1 y u t 1:1s produeeil sine over I'U'i tiillion dolla&s, worth ilver, leal, etc. i of szolti. 7ht fvillowln; ;d v;rtise : out from tin' Worltl shows he way thin1 Io lmsimss ov - -I- in Rowan Voimtv: 1 : To Bird and Other Hunters. The !m8 t-f M; sj Mirv H.-d-kr-: i h -ive hee J")trl an t M'vs j'Ut :i- t-i virs I have init i r era uj aain and have al.-o jut out ' ojsoned meat ) all cv-r the jtlaoe X. E.; Scales: i ' : Ageut. Mothodist Appointments, j . j W. N. C. Conference. sa.jsbuuy lyL.sriucr, j. BROOKS. P. E. S.ilisbury, Church Stree : Marr. ' 11. F. Salisbury, Chestnut Street and Spencer D. P. Tate. Salisbury Circni J. J. Brooks, ViHJleaf Circuit i S. -vber- "ihy. ;'cve Circuit E. M. Her , T Uoncoru, uenirai uiiurcii u. rj Thompson - ; Concprd Forest Hill J. D. Arnold-, v Concord, Ep worth Church W P. Mcghee. Concord Circuit G. C Harley. Mt. Pleasent Circuit A. E. Wiley. . ' Salem Circuit C. M. Gentry Nor wood C i rc u i t J .A. Chirk-.; Albemarle Circuit L. L. J.ohn son. i : s Gold Hill Circui: L T. Cord ell. Lexington Station. R. H. Parlc er.,';V; T .-'." Liti wood Circuit S. S Gfisqu'o. Thomasville Station J. S Nel son . p ; WINSTON 1)1 TIUCT F. 11 ' WOO P. E. Winston Centtiiury W. S. Creasy. Winston, Burkhond .G W. Cal lnb ui. ' Winston. Gr.vr J. A U Ji'V. Vv'iustou. Circuit A, S. Rapor. ForsythA9rcuifc - A- Wood. Kernersville Circuit B. A York. MadisoirCircuit Z. Paris. Dan bur Circuit T W Mans field. Stokes Circuit W II L Mc Laurin. V , Davidson Circuit M H Hoyle.. Summerfield Circuit P E Pack er. ' East Band Circuit S P Oauglas. Yadkiu jlission Supplied by M II Long. Mocksville Station J A Green. Mocksville Circuit M H Vestal. Farmington Circuit R T N Stephenson.- ' Walkertown Stat W M Curtis. Francisco Circuit W B Scar boro. j Uwharrie Ciicut T S Ellington. West Randolph Circuit A A Crater. V High Point Station J R Scroggs and G II Crowell. A-n Old Ideau ; v ' Every day strengthens the belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-five yeaTrs ago this theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy-are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Manhattan and Loner Island are now ! one zjoological garden through which the Tammany tiger roams at will. ! Don't Neglect Tour Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects bis liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and then "will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will always follow its use. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers- Santa Clans is A lot of Christmas goods just received aild lllOre to be l'ecieved in a few (lavs, which you are invited to call and see. Many kind of ! S , D0LL.S, BOOKS, GLASS, i and CHIN AW ARE Coram x miles st,.,are.jior :HoiiaaY 1'resents. !... . ' ..... ' !., 4 11 v will be sold at "Racket" ! TrieeQ . vC the little one happy by buying them a pres ent, v The .Kacket Stori: Tliomasville, N. Ci? T : iff ((MM - AVgc table Preparation for As -similating HicroodandRegula ling the S tamachs and Bowels of Promotes Pigeslion.ChecrFul ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptdne nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Ktape afOldlk-SAMUELEITCnER jlx.Sennm J?xAlU SWtf -Anist Srtd - t Seed i Clanwd Sumt hintnrmm run A Dcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulstons .Fevensli ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW VORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPEB. .-,.,v-fj A, -Dealer i j Dims, Meflicmes AM Toliet Articles,: j THOMASVILLE, N. C. - Wants to call the attention of the public to his nice selected stock, j Everything that is generally carried in a first-class IKUO Stokg. Prescription Dep't. This Department is carefully looked after and every prescription will be filled at all hours day or night. Bucklen's "Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever . Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, ..Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions', and. positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale , by C. A Julian. Free to Our Readers. Our readers will le pleased to learn that the eminent physician arid scientist,' Dr. Kilmer, after years of research and study, lias discovered and given to the world a rnt-st renlarkable remedy, known as Swamp-Root, for the cure of kidney and bladder troubles; the generous offer to send a bottle free that all mav test its wonderful merits with out expense, is in itself sufficient to give the public confidence and a desire to Swamp-Root has an e tablished reputation as die most successfull remedy, and is re ceiving the hearty endorsement of all up-to-date physician, hospitals and homes. If our men and women readers are in iieed of a medicine of this kind no time should be lost in sending their name and address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and receive a. samnlo bottle and I vamt hlet, both sent absolutely free bv mail. I he regular inay be obtained at the drui; stoies. When - - . writing i!ease sav vou read this liberal oti'ei in the DAVIDSON COUXI Y News. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I Kortli 'Connty Dayidsoa Coooty. i j Having fjiial'nV1! as alniinistrutor with the will annxeJ ti the es-t;:te uf Saliie E. ( LivernK;l. dvd. Lite -f sji' 1 -.up.t'. and luivins alsf l''a!ifiel i: aiinsltiistratr 1:1.011 the'. of Th'm-.M . . Li v.-ii;'!. Ii"-"-l. fc Lite 'A iid i-.juuty. t!iis i-i to u-tify ail 1 ieisons havinii Haim a jriii a'.I . or eitlier f them. jre.-.-rit tlip-:n to me on ! or before the i'.tli day of November Ih.h. or this notice will Ikj .Ioad In bar of their re covery. j This Novc m!er -2ir iiT. I'. A..L.VEXGOOD. Adm r with will antifxe-I of Siiljit' i E. Liv. 'iu !. "J,- d. and al Ad- i fi:.ii-1. a, .rot Tlioiuii- A. Liven- i JJ'kmI. dM-'d. 15y J. II. MK rary Att rney CASTORIA For Infants nd Children. tittila lffui&r 'tea Tory (0) yuu, The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fao-sunile Signature ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAYE -ALWAYS BOUGHT. TMI CCMTAUR COHMWt. NIW YOWK CtTT a ill i 1 LIAM. RS D3 In- '"Phomasville sjursery, H. W. TURNER, Pioprietr, . ThcmasvillslL C. :0: I wish to announce to the citizens of Da vidson and-adjoinintt counties that I have in stock trees of all the Standard varitics swh as Apples, roaches. Tears, Cherries, l'lum Vines, etc. that I am selling at prices to suit tiie hard times. My trees are all first-class and' to see them is to buy, ' . . ! A cordial invitation is extended to all. to call it my Nursery, one milo and a half Nort acast of Thomasville and select the trees that they may desire to buy. DR. JOHN THAMES, , OfFiee in- Hunt H3uss: Main, Strsstj LEXINGTON, N. C. Will jiractice Medicine and Surgery in town and country. Also jrejjared to treat .iecial diseases of the Eye, -and to fit glasses W. F HENDERSON dTTSKNET-dT-LlW, LEXINGTON, N. 0. TTTiH r"aetiee in the State and Federal ; Courts. . All business- intrusted to his care: will receive rrompt attention. Office North of Court House. Beautiful Wmen. Are those that have all the func tions of their sex regularly perform ed. Sallow women and those with joor complexions need a genuine fe male tonic and regulator like Pr. Bellamy's Gosf-ypium. It is woman's best friend and mOft reliable b auti fier.' Try it.' For sale by DruggiMH at .$1 jer bottl , or Fend to Bellamy Mfg. Co., Box 199, Atlanta, Ga. Mortgage Sale! Y-; virtue of a r ower of f ale contained in a Mortsage Dee I executed ty J, H. Cal ler to W. R. Wilson and S. L. Cecil (formerly 8. L. Day) on the 2T day of November iws. and dnSy recorded in the office jf Iieriter of Dee-1.4 of Davidson c.unty. North Caidina. in Book 25. itme -M and 202. the underbined will sell for cash at -public 'auction to the hichet bidder, nt the iurt Uoi.w do..- in Lexinjfton on iionday. thea-tth of December liw7.atl2oVIjek M.the following dccriled real efctate conveyed in $aid mort;ae deed lyinc and belnii in Thomnhville t..u-....,r. " Dvidn County. North Carolina and de, j crib? ! and. define 1 as follow, to-wit: lic- I K.inniitata -tone W!e? WibonV comer, thence West iv-19 chains to a t t .ne ; t hence South 10 chainfeb a -tone; thence Ecu i l o ehains to a stone : thence Houth 10-04 J chains to a Post Oak; thence Ijtmt 2V I chains to a stone: thence North 20 :nt chains to the beginning, containing 4-76-i'w acres more or less. W. It. WILSON. 8. L. CECIL. V . iFormerly S. L. Day). This Not. 18th 1897. iinSASHcTrfir m r7A mm f Ml i v v-' - SCTe4tvndTrmd-Mr1cobtaind. n5U Sent bustaessxooducted lor Moot arc Pecs. J (Oim Ornec-t Opposite IK S. pitkt nn.i J and wc can secure patent in less Um thaa lbu 1 remote f rote Washington. ' Send model, drawing or photo., witlk descrip. Jtlon. We advte, if mfentaMe or not, free oH J ,'A payPMlcT, "How to Obtain 1'atents,'1 wit Jrnst of saie in the U. S. and foreign couatne ier.tfree. Adiiresv C.A.SNOW&CO.! Op.. Patint Orncc. WasHiNCTON. D. C. AtqJ ' SO YEARS 1 "ADImial, rr?' , COPVUIOHTS so. AnTon cn1lnjj fketh and description mar quicklr ascertain, free, whether n lnTentiou t probnbly patentable. Communications atrictly contldentlsl. Ohient lurency foraecuritxt patents in Aiucrica. We hare a Waahlnstno o(Iie. Patent taken tbruattch Uuua Co. recvlrs pecial Dotioe la tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully lllnarrated. lanrest eirealaUon of any axMeatifle journal, weekly, terms H.0U a yaar (UiOsix month. Speetmeo copii ind Uajid Book on 1a Texts seut free. Address MUNN A CO., 31 llrsadwny, New York. Bed-Keeping, Bsshsss, Educate PHONOGRAPHY, FOR A Situation. Tjpe-Wrttlsi Uddrs WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, ICY., For circular of bis fuiou and raapraslbU COMMERCIAL COLLEGE QF KY. UNIVERSITY Awarded Hda mt WariTi ExpmIUm. Kefirs to thoosandu of rrmdnatea In Poaitiuaa.' Coat of Fall RcnlnrM Cnim. inrlmlmc Tac tion, UookR ainJ Hoard in latuily, atxiut Tv. Shorthand, Type-Writing, and Telegraphy , Specialties aThn Kentucky Unlvemity Plplo-na. uudet aral. warded eraduat. Literary Oourw :nc, itdvir4. No varailon. t.ntf r now. uraauate incrcMfaL. I In order o hart voir Irttm rtmch urn, atltirm WILBUR R.SMITH, LEXINGTON. KV. 0ii(-.rr or T.-n. t "-jcurv'vl in U tooiLin. V OK C;;D li-.iu-.t at TJ iSonelof same pricensHioranic i: ii:irua- xy. iiy-onproii r looonjencro wowilicoo. tracttop.iyrailraa'tlareandhi.itclbilu arut nocharpe. If we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and etill bave 'list ao4 pains, MucoasVatchm In mouth. Sore Throat, F; r plea. Copper Color'ed Spt, Ulcer oo any part of the btxJy, Ilviiror Eyehrows falllnr out, it Is this Socoudary liLUOI) POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit tho moot obsli Dal cases and cftnllerige tiio world for a cas we cannot cure. Thin deaae has al-art bHflled the skill of the most eminent pliri Cians. SS500.C0U capital Behind our nnrondl tional sniarauty. A bsoluto proofs aent scaled oo i.ppllcnt.Mn. Address COOK IlKMEOY CO. f446 Uasonlc Temple, CH1CAUO Krerybody So. Caicaret Candv CtiVtiortjr; the most won derful medical ilisi overy of the ntre. p ea- ant and refreshine to tholAs'C, art pontiy and positively on kidneys, liver and bowel, eleansincr tbe entire Rvstem, dispel ioid, cure heailacbe, levor, iiabitunl i-onstipntion and biliousness. Plrase buv and try a box or C. C tn-dav; 1(1. 'Si, .'.( i fiits. KoiUand guaranteed to cure by all druggist. When in need of a in tin Harbor line, call at Brn.v's HiirlwShop. Opposite C. A. Jnlinn'K I)mz; Store. fcW'Kvi'i'y job guaranteed. THE MOST WONDER: OL DI.C0YERT OF THE AGE. Hunt's Consumption, Bronchitis and Liver Cure. A trial will cmm you f Its merits. This windfrfiil iu;-Ii'-irm was n-vf-r t.lae'l on the market until thu latter iirt -f l And nrt then, i.'iitil h-adintf VUric mnn urn ed thft Proprietor to do s. saving: "Wc j lieve you will commit a great sin. if you fail to do s ." - It cost the Prof.rietor eonsjderahl- monfr to prejrfire it. It can now be had in any gun til y for cash, at the low price of 50-t l"r bit tle. by api lyintfto Geo. E. Hunt. Proprh-t r. or to J. B. Krnith. Unsjrjffst. I-xint'ton. N. C. On Proprietor s- i-i H tK.ttief, without trointrout of his offlee. All eash orders will be tUl prornt tly.. Lit eral commission to reliaMe iLui-rtt and druit. Add re... ' Gi:O..K.-HUNT. Proprietor. IexinKton. N" C- DR. J. N. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAH k SURGES lszin&to:t, ii. c. Office in Ifenderon lilk. two door !eloW post OiHee. CaiLs promptly attended day or niht- - DR. F. C. FRAZIER DLKTUT LJiivint: moved. I am now wef ' f Tnritr t four mile eat of Thomarviji Ue Thomasville A Trinity rad. Will not be at my offb-e on Wedrn !y& J Thurwlay. but always on Moiidy. .Surgical and Mecl.auical. work pr-m i' done on re.'u. .nable term. Fyr any f n formation writ t". N'v.4thit. TlilNITV. N- C JOHN RAYMOND WcSRARY ATTORNEY -AT-LW, Lkxinoton, X. C. Practice in State and Federal Court1 Prrrmi t .fferitior iriven to c ollc-U'"1 f claim, and settlement of estate.-- ( t-..AI. PuMtc Ailminihtrator for Dvi County lJjnd Office back of Court Iloubc a

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