vol. vm. THOMASVILLE, N. C.t APRIL 7, J 898. .--... , - ... ' - f : I ' - i i - ;nckl$n's Arnica Salve. The heat Salve in the world for : - i i - I ) ; 4 FTI U . Il t uis rui, owreb, Jicer, .oaii jig, improving t'happed Hands, Chilblains J 1 ' . ; ; Light.' - .; ; We are glad to say A. G Boggs Corn, unci all Skin Eruptions mid positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. For' sale by CJ A Julian. snap fruit Michael. : piv "fear the recent cold lias trreatlv injured the 4 - ;i ' f rop, 'especially along the bot toms. , . j ' jEIder Bennett preached a most excellent Kermon at Reed's church ! yesterday, from I the-. . innnaiidmenr, Thou bhult Shiloh Sundatv School was re organized last Sunday by elect ing the following officers: aL H. Kvans, Jr., Supt. ; H. L. Leo nard, ABS'lSupt.; J. R. Michael, Sec. anil Treas. and A. X. Leo- nard, Ass't Sec and Treas. r JIMBO. ' V fi&fcty for omen. Tansy, Pennyroyal md Cotton Hoot Pills remove nil suppressions and irregularities. $1 per box. particulars address Br Frank luondsoii, Atlanta; Ga. For Ed- Centre Hill. ' The young men of this locality have rganizeda Delating Society that meats at Centre Hill School house every Saturday night. Every .-wet ion ought to organize a Liter al ry Society, it would- be of incal eulable benefit to the rising gen 'rations. The frot of 1st and 2nd j of April has not done much lam- Prot. Uelan will close ins si - : I niX at Jersey an Third Sunday April. j A very large crowd was present at the close of Prof. Davis' sing--ing at Pleasant Hill yieterdayj The! classes rendered . excellent music. We are very sorry to say that little Bobby M3ers fell in a coal kiln and got very badly burned one day last week. We under- and he is unable to walk. Henry Easter does not seem to ... improve. iSeitner does Miss Mada Watford seem to be any. bet ter. ; : Mrs Mary Hall and Mrs. Fan ny Williams of Eden visited lira. Lizzie Nance near Flora. Saturday' and Sunday a week ago. j A number of Rich Fork people were down at the singing at Pleasant Hill Sunday. J Samuel E. Miller has ordered a new buggy some one will not have to walk hereafter. Who will it be Sammy? . . Corn planting is on baud, Sunday school will begin at Liberty next Sunday.- . . Elder Henry Sheets and several others Baptists Ministers tff -the LOerty Association will hold ft mission rally at Liberty on Satur day night before the fourth Son day and also on Sunday. A large attendance is expected. Finis. I Beet Govs EmfTTMN Good. f to ti . 8ot4 y LATEST NEWS. it il 7hcre tbs Hood lozzz Itx il Intense red grows thin gasd o watery, as In anemia there Is ' m. . r 1: -C - o! a constant feeling cf crftnm- i ton a lack of energy vltaCty o and the spirits cTeprened j H Scott's Enmlsicn j ing-!jof God-Hrer Gil with-K7I- 1 j phosphites ox lime ana EcZ o is peculiarly adapted to correct J The sign advocates say the moon J - tu:?iA right now, and corn planting. Ulfineness enters the Hood direct will commence this week. I can- l and feeds Its every eorptsscl not think or believe the moon has i -i anything to do with growing crops David Trexler' wife diel stzt J i restoring' the natural eclbr and ghring vitality to the txhcls Pneumonia, his little daughter, olceatresand add their stren'n2i- Kaster, had a severe at tachr but i eninff and beneficial rfrctt 1 much better now. I 5 M If ; the roses hare left ycer J We are highly pleased with the j encess, tt ypti are fCiSj ; i - i t mmBnacnimgaiisapTa- ivej enough county news i and n plendid variety ot general news. PlHKIIIIIII il I IT I " j....... v. v. fk At .... ..Muiwl vnlirotTnPtfl O! B y pt SCOTTS IV SCOTT ft EOWXS, Iworfc or If aire Is bc-!sss j J ii italtelL ess SCXjiPS t7: B m Tm rat SCOTTS tamUkm A. M. Hi . Mrs. M. H. Shipplett was visiting in town this wTeek. i Ivcxington tlent will give on entertain men t here Toes dy night the 19th inst. J. F. Westmoreland went up town Wednesday for the first time in nine months. It is thought that the frost yesterday morning killed all the peach fruit in this section. Hev. W; P. Fife left here last week for Brownsville, Tenn., whei-e he is holding n series of meetings. Mrs. Spoolmunhas been in a very critical condition since Saturday. 'Her recov ery is hardly expected. Dqnt foirthe; opgiiTn of jiw- millinery gt jodtf Fri day and "Satunlny at Miss E. C. -Fife's. The latest fashions just in. H. E. Clement will remove his Vaneering factory from the old warehouse to a new building he will soon erect near the furniture factory. The Standard Chair Com pany is putting in a. pony saw mill in connection1 with their factory. They will do custom sa wing, cutting" anV logs 12 feet in length and less. It.-will be quite a con veniencefor this side of town. H, C. May, aged 52, de parted thl life Monday morning. He had been af flicted with consumption a long time; and consequently his death was not unexpect ed. The remains were buried at Fair Cirovc Tuesday. Revs. Rich and Nelson con ducted the funeral services. The News extends its sym pathy to the bereaved fami ly. - The streets at places are in a deplorable condition. A mudhole or.two fn Randolph street south of Mrs. Eliza Johnson is enough to make the whole neighborhood sick. And the side wo Iks, don't say a word. If town authorities were awareof theircondition we .believe they would be worked at once. Important Notice to Magistrates. W wiah to Inform ta' l!Utr&tes and others of Daridaon oountjr who on BUaks. thAtwe hare just prlated a Unre stock of bUnk morttfsct deds espscUllr prepared for this eounty and will mall sum postpaid to ail applicants at IS cents par dozsn. Cat this out and when roa need blanks sand as is cents in one cent stamps and a docen will be mailed rou. There Is a very serious error In the present Hortcajre deed blanks now distributed orer the eountr. -IDENTUBE" is used at the beginning of the deed Instead of INDENTURE, which woald probably annul the whole deed' Address. NEWS. ThomasTilie. M. C. Acetylene ga3. The Light of the Future. Why not be independent and own your owt little jcaa plant which will tfre four times more lljcbt than ordinary cM or electrU lirU at oaa hill te ecz'J Arr-blsfor ite ItreSraebeav atoreev faWtoriea. LoteU. rest denoes and eonntry hoxnss : safrr tLzsx ordln ary aas or kerosene lamps. Approredby all the Boards of Underwriters throughout th United 8tate. We want a first class scentr in erery town. Write for catalogue and priees. TUE aCETTUOrE lLiCmXE CO, Akron. Ohio, a. O, for one hour of Cleve land!" Charlotte Observer. A little boy asked for a lnittle of 'get up in the morning a fast ns you can, "the druggist recognized a household name for "DeWitfs Little Early Riwrs." and gave him a bottle of tho famous lit Ue pills for constipatiorv, sict headache, liver and stomach tVonbls. C. A. Julian. XX IQGSliUXL PEACE. Charlotte Observer to-day. 'The indications this morning point strongly to peace. The of fer of the six great powers to mediate means much; the an nounced purpose of the Queen Regent of Spain to take matter in her own hands and to .arrange peace mean much more. At 4 o'clock this (Thursday) morning it looks like peace it looks mor so than it has for ten days past.