Sewhern .fitaitoa; FIKflT A3D SECOND DlYMXOIXft. Ia tfftot ilaj 1837, This Coclftawl SchedoU H pubii&4 icra-Uoa al acdlh tub)at W -!tS3 itu&t otic to th public ocfliioLD to oTTif.Txyf xa. ' Alexacdrl. . Ax Washington 9 029 9 Up 17 Hi ..... 44 Iteyriii....Dli7 "Eouth Boston..... M Oreeabor. Hi:ii Potato B&iiabury. . j ix.Caaritcc 7 06 t 8 IT a 43 9 25 M Hr.nrtarhnnr 1 1 fiT SIS y ? - GreeaTUl. 13 24 ftKJ " UUnlt i I0atxki Tim. A.JO. MmMLm -J. I I 119 ..... 11 rj" i&d QSI ti5 I M psv M ..... tw u 113 4U 5 40 f 45 Tt2 T12 S3 20 8 16 1ST 9 03 10 80 9 45 111 14 i F.1L P.M 980 jmjl A.U. C2ULBLOTTS TO JU02XH0KIX Ho. IS SaM P'y. D7. P.1L i Eastern Tim a. iT.AU&nt..... Central TLat, T.arsenTlIla. 'Spaxtanbury 740 1155 SSI 8 47 141 887 AJHL K'n. U8 ..... 180 ..... 8X8 LT.t.triott 4 Concord.... M Salisbury...'. ,r Uinh Point.'. Grr.wtsboro. " lii-iAsTtil. . JjanvlUj.... " So. Boston. " Buriteviii. " Aai:ia a IL XjrjLicixuxoud. i so tt 80 07 ,f9 02 ... 8. T S3 8 18 10 47 S20111 40 9 52 12 10 PclS 10 S9 112 89 15. 13 80 1 80 B'li'y. 1 48 8 06 ...... 8 04 8 M ..... 41-8 4 38 7 18 8 00 8 21 8 4-0 A.1L P,iL A.1L 1014 12 00 600 6 4a !U 888 880 144 :s 6 81 681 HJ.QH POINT A2ID AJeUKOOBO. So. 41 Ku.ll lTall a.e Rx.feu2x.oan Xx.vSaaZz.8iui lOOr 8i0..LT.Hl-a PvintXr.ll 80a TOO fjij i f 9 60a:. At. . Aitaeboro.LY.13 C04 8 Peg ULbOUGJi feCfiDDLS (boutlibound.) 1 Soil No 87 Xoa88 Ko DaUjr. I4ll.' A16 Dall I ' Dally. l,.rrMMiictoak. ..... 10 43p 11 lia 8 OTi " A.iardria.. ..... 11 03p 11 4a 8 2k ChJulotteaT' 1 68a 8 fit? 18 S0J Ly ucaburg j . . . . .. 8 40a 4 03 p 2 17 " i,iTlile,....i CCA 5 60. J6 20p 4Mc JtarflMboro. 7 82 T08a 7 87p 6&6p " Wlaatoa-S'ia 8 0ft 9 60a 8 Wp liileism....'.ll 45a 11 4& T 10 tiailBbury. . . M AaheyiUe...'. iT,4saevlll... ir.lot 8prlA 9 87 9 28p 8 80p 8 62p 7 40 GUatt'iooall 34 a MftfcaTllle....?. OUt (Central Tlmi. 817 2 23p 2 80p tbip S 40p U86p 646 12 32 iSl? 129a 4 05a T4Ca I40p a . ... " Charlotte.. U Ua Colaabilk..i ySXaaiUag BL 8tailo.) 12 Mp I8 00p lOa "AAfcaq. ; ,.. f8 80p" Ausrvata.... JaokeovrlU Xaaipw w 6t.AugaUa QetttnUTlm) L" Atlanta. .... JCeatrai Tlma. L'lroalDLgbain f Cezitrl Tun J Lt ileaapbJj.., iCntxalrin.a.3 ir Jiew Orlaaas Osiitral Time. 415p 4 Sop 9 80p 816a 800 800a 910a TOOp 10 80a 9 43 p I43p Ulfp 7 45a 7 40a 810a U 48a 8 40p 810p TllliOUGH SOILED ; sou Nos38 KoM SoU Dally. D&li. Lt Nw Orleaaa Cautral Tim a. j Lt Memphis..; ; rCoutrai Tlm. Lt Birmingham Ceutxal Tlma. j Lt Atlaata lCntral Tiinew A16 Daily. 7&Sa 6 28 4ttp TOy 9 80 6 18 UOOa yoa. f7 aed 25, WuatBftmi a&4 EocfXvary Uicitl. Soiid VMtliuttxl trala b(m iir 'erf ml AtlAzU. OompoMd of Pullman Dra Ut i ioea LplaCtn(oliujsicn Jmxon rf tXOJi mo K trL flraM Vtilci4 1kx Oooea6wia Wafthlaton and Atl-vct. &roca fciMptu Cm twfO Wew York aad Kaw Orleuu, w for m4 viae, CbatUnoom aod XashTlU od Sw Vckiut4 I tmra bouthrn Hallway 2lixlaa' Cm htirtmi OrabocD and J4p&totarT. ca. OB a&d 94 Uuited butt Tm( ICalL HSau rai ka. aionw HUfirT amn .ww i1a,k- kw ' - -wr T t? D4V1 JfcJfcVTlT :ta lor tbj LaaI el tx &r. rA8MT WARD!' PEACE 5 ; Will Be Determined Within the Next Seven Days. i L.TIf'.mia"'-- ' BUAuuatiaa .... " Jaokaonvllia .... " Bayaaaaa, M Au4fusU...'. .... TOO T80p ..... 6 28p TOO ,;oop 616 U35p lacoa 9B0p 2 lOp ... Aiken. Columbia. .... Sfia Biandlng St. SLa. CbariottfiL .'. 6 4Jd t Cf)& ( Central Tima. 72 20p 8 30p 8SCp Lv NahTiU...ll aOp " Ohattaaooga 4 14 " 8-noxTlile.j.j;3 28 " 11 Spring 11 44 JLr AATiil ,i. 1 13p Lt AjhvTilla 1 38p SiUiebAry..'. 8 14 j ICeiUxal Vuao. 12 89 6 20p 8 65p 12 23a 1 39 1 44a 10 47a 11 20p 4 18 S8 28 11 48 1 Up 1S8 9Mp Lt Balelaa 8 XP " Wlaatoa-ym 6 21p . Qraeaahanv n.i A.r tip Lt Lyaabbuqr 8 88 8 43p ..... 10 80 6 20p ..... UiOp 104r 680i 16Cp UlOa .... IH? 152 vyut Kipia ci- w6ktanou to ban yrasciaS Tjr ew Or.toj m4 feovUcra Faelfla Eiwa. fi&tniilan arrlK. Man n - gJ1aTf "oa. L5 and 10. MottaUc aad caattaaoon uaieisa. urDftlwrcv ffaUaburr. AaaarUla, Hn eijia Car Detvreea fortoU aad liaarl2a polctv. For rate t r itf jraay U&a aosir to ' jpvt of ta Cotsfoar. P. SJ GANNON, I CULP. T. V-rrej. & Gon. Man. Traffic Man. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. 0. W. A. TUBK, ! 8. H. HARDWICK, Gea'I Pass Ag't As3't. Gen. Pass. Agt. Wahiton, D. O. Atlanta, Ga MESSAGE I II READY IH SUPPORTS McKINLKY, The Commercial Bodies of Charleston Adopt Resolutions. -The commercial bodies of Charleston, S. C., the cotton exchange, the chamber of commerce, the merchants exchange and tho Yonbg Men's Business League all met on the 30th of March, and unan imously adopted resolutions calling on the Senaiors and Representatives of South Carolina to stand by President McKinley in hia efforts to maintain peace. The resolutions adopted, which were signed by the. presidents of the bodies named were addressed to Sena tor Tillman and are as follows: 'As a strong: sentiment and desire exists among the business men of Char leston that! President' McKinley be given full time to comploto his plan to maintain peace with Spain, consistent ly with the honor of our country, we respectfully, urge our Senators and Rep resentatives to support and uphold the President in such effort?. Please com municate this telegram to the entire South Carolina delegation." ' -i ' ' 7 - ;l '. ' : ' ! I 'I : ! : . JOHN B. WRIGHT, Greensboro, N. C, allows no man in the State to handle better Pianos and Organs than hia, nor to sell cheaper than he sells. His instruments never fail to pleass. EVERY1AM HIS OWN DOCTOR! tJ. Hamilton Ayera, a. 31., U.D. TkUU 4 most Valuable Book for th Household, teaching as It does the eaally-dUtlQguUbed Symptoms of different DlaeaBea, the CtuMi and llcaaa of Pre venting Mioa Disease,' and the Simplest Remedies which will al teTtate or eire. 998 Pacea. Profusely Illustrated. The Book 1 written la plain erery-da English, and le free Crom the teohnteal terms which reader most Doctor Books so ralaaless to the generality of readers. Tfcla Book Is i f ended to be af tserTirc In the Fsvmilr, and Is so worded as to be readily understood by all ONLY 60 eta. POSTPAID. I Postage Stamps Taken. Kot only doee this Book con tain so much IntormcUou Kela ttre to Disease, but -cry proper ly glres a Complete Aaslysla of eTsrythta? pertalntaff to Court ship. Marriage aad Ue ProdUc Uoa aad Keating of Healthy ramaies,toseth with Valuable Recipes and Prerlt't Ions. x pUoatioutof Boiaulcal Practice, Correct use o ? Ordinary II erbs,&o BOOH. Pia. HOUSE, im bttiars oin n. 1 . vur cirn And No Day Has Been Announced When it is To Be SENT 70 CON G R E S S. 1 Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions Has I Practically Agreed to Accept the Kccommendatlon of tho Stib-Goinmlttce for a Resolution KeognIzIug the Independence of Cuba, Also the Heuse Committee. Wasiiixotox, Aprils. Tho opinion ilmost universally held in Washington tonight by leading men and diplomats, is that the crisis will reach its climax this week and that the question of ft-ar or peace will bo determined within U20 next seven days. Senators and Representatives met and conferred all day about the gravity of the situation, and at the "White House the President consulted with several members of his cabinet and other confidential advisers regarding the message which ho is preparing to send to Congress. At the State, War and Navy building, active -ork was going on, and altogether it aas been a day of suppressed feeling. So definite day has been yet announced bon the message is to be sent to A it ongress. 883a ... . . . f 18s j j Aso arrscT. pjJOHEX IN CHICKENS, ; Send 25 cenU in stamps for Book. BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE, 184 Leonard Street; - - New York. The National league 1ms ad vpr,.,i , rule cxiK'lling for life any li(-iM j player using indecent language on i;lv. tield. The penalty is severe, but t more so than occasion warrants, palpable that theobsceae language n:i i outrageous actions of a few 'bruiVs have been steadily te'nding to decro.-so popular interest in the games, a" a matter of business, as well as deceit v sueh things shoulil be kept off the :ielV There are plenty of 'gentlemanly ar.d capable players to take their places. When a man wants a cigar ae never wants lt very bad. rragglnc fusio Into a Play. "I once saw a raft scene in an Kn gilsh play," says a noted play a,-:,,:. "Suddenly one of the shipwrecked par ty cried out: 'What's that I see t! ,at ing toward us on the reaves? 'A'grard piano, shouted another. Then tin? piano was hauled up on to th? raft an 1 one of the famishing castaways played a 'Rhapsodic Ilongrolse. by Liszt. Ta it cured me of 'dragging In music lv the iair. " Mr. WInslow'sSoothiUtf syrup forrluMrsa Jeetblnjf, soltons the tfiiuis. iviucin intt.nni licn, allays pain.curcs wind colic, Sk.aejiUj. In addition to the physical work of preparing the comprehensive docu ment upon which the President expects io rest America's ca&o with the world, there aro other reasons why those in charge of the war preparations will wel come ever hour's delav. War material which we have ordered abroad is not j et shipped, and the factories in thin country which are at work day 'and night making powder and projectiles are anxious for delay. Some of the factories in Connecticut with contracts have telegraphed Representative Hull urging all the delay possible. The3 say every day now is precious. There is still a divergence of opinion as to what the -President will recom mend in his message; indeed, there seems to be still a question as to wheth er tho President will make any specific recommendations, borne of his most intimate friends, however, assert em phatically that his recommendations will be speciric and vigorous, and such that his party and country would will ingly' follow where he points the way. One of these said to-night that the President in his strong desire for peace and his earnest hope that war might possiblj' be avoided, was yield ing somewhat to the sentiment of the leaders of his party and the country. He .. has not giveu up hope yet that hostilities may be avoided. There are those who belfeve the President has not yet made up his mind asto the exact course ho will. pursue, and there seems to be a question as to whether the consular -reports and the diplomatic corresiondence is to bo transmitted with the message. It Is wicked to bet and lose, for a rnaii has no moral riht to be wron;. To Caro Cottsl Ipatlou I oreve.; TckeCascaicts Candy Cutliartic. lCc t. 3u I C. C. C. fall to cure, drosists rcfuud iauu:. ' Everything seems to get round iu a sewiD circle. Lyon & Co's Iick Leaf Extra Smoking bacco is fhad? from the iurest,-riret. jfwoet ett lea.1 yrown in the Golden I3elt oj N. Cf Wheuever the cqjinterfeiter need.- inori'y bad he makes it. Chew Star Tobiccb-Tha lhc Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. A man may be fa?t asleep, but rather slow when awake. Don't Tobsrro Spit snd Smoke Tour life Anaj. To quit tobacco easily -and forever, be mac netlc. full of life, nerve- and vigor, take No-To-Bac. the wonder-worker, that nitkes weak men strong. "All druggists, 50c or fl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. A'.klrcs Sterling Kemedy Co., Chicago cr New Yoil Love and sea sickness may be felt, but they cannot bi described. " Fltn rerniar.cntiy cured. No fit" or nervnnv ecbs alter llrst day's uso of Dr. Kline'n tr.4 Nerve Restorer. 5- trial Iwttieantl treatife f r- Ur. It. II. Kline. Ltl..UJl ArohSL. Pail.. l.u band and a Living Are let and cheapest in the New Sont'i. Land 1 to $ per acre. Easy Term?, (inxl tchotds api churches. No blizzards. N cold waves. New illustrated paper, "Lnl and a hiving," :i month's for 1U tents ia Stimps. V. C l'lNEABSov, ii. P. A., vjueea ft Crescent Route, Cincinnati. "Can a prize fighter he a gentle man?" asks a New York paper. IIt never has been. Spring Medicine 1 - ( A Good Blood Purifier a Neces sity Now " Hawkins "So you-ent for a iloetor? Does he t!?:ik you Will Im out soon" Kobbins "I Ini.igine ,ko. He wM Iip v.isli. d I irjid sent for hiui sooner." in:ck. Hood's Sarsaparilla Unequalled for Making Rich, Rod Clood Tho necessity for taking a good Spring Medicine to purify tho blood and build up the system 13 based upon natural and un avoidable causes. In cold weather thr has beon less inspiration and Impurvtif have not passed out of the system as tlxy should! Pood has consisted larKJy of rich, fatty substance., and theru has b-ea less opportunity for outdoor exerciv. Tho result is, the blood U loadeI with Im purities and these must ba promptly ex- j pelled or health will be enlangTl. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is th lest Sjr'i:g Medicine because it is the best blood puriQerand tonic. It thoroughly puriflcs tho blood and gives vigor and vitality. LH! O CP 3 S paSr 1 l"l a Is America Greatest Medicine, fl; t-it for $- Chinese Is a hard Language, bnt noth ing except hard language would do Jus tice to the present feelings of that coun try. -: 1 Hood's Pills s are th favorite c a! it Ar tie Alldrucsists. 2it:tx N..U. No. 14. "JH. I Bert Coach Syrup. Tnstes Good. Cse la ttin. 8044 br drorrrt. 77

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