- l ' T. Ii. riDHIDQE TI. i 13 AjyCl E1L IG, tetk lifiaLO. fowxb. '" , It'J.e columns of this 'paper last WS..., a brief aot ice of. the tleath of joverner Fowle was printed." A ew words told the story. - He was apparently almost as well as usual, and was la the full enjoyment of a la mental faculties.' He sat in his fam ily elrele, conversing familiarly wkh his childrea. - when suddenly the grim messenger came and summon d him to depart. Withls Ave min ima Ida spirit had taken its : flight, and his happy household, wtu. trans. Xyrmed Iiito a house uf raeuriniifr. ; Daniel O. ; Fowl was , born ', Washington, Beaefort county the Jrd of March, 1831, and breathed hin liiat la tit City of Raleigh, ApritJth, 1891." He received a. Ihoroueh ed ueution, and early la life became 'identified With the public aflalrsot . the atatei.V H aerved in the late wae, 41 rat as private, rising to the rank of "-. lieutenant-colonel of iiis regiment, In 1863 he was appointed Adjutant General of North Carolina - .with the rank of major general. In 186-j, lie was'i'appoiuted,; Judge ..of superior ,oorty but two years jitter hereslgnod the' office rather thao obey the orders, " of the military governor of the stale. . He was elected to the legislature lu lifit, was chairman of the stateDem odraticcblnmttteet la 18C8ViL was elected presidential elector for the !;itte nt Jarga In 137(1. .' Ha was. en by Jarvia for the nomination .fir' governor In 1830, but , warmly supported his successful competitor thronghput the can vass. InJ88S, hf ' was, nominated alter a most exciting trlangolacAirtestiii which (edtnan fund Alexander were his competitors, and wa. elected over ipilver II, DocK ' cry r the Republican candidate. ; " w , Governor Fowle ( was a learned, ; polished and able man. He was in tensely pslriotle and zealoos fur his party, ' His. official.' administration, , .as wjII as private life, are froo fro n blot or, stain. He made some mis ' takes,(and who does not?)and render I himself ' somewhat ; . unpopular, especially In Davidson county? but . none can say that his acts were not : prom pted by the best moti ves and the lightest consideration .for the Jublic welfare. OOVEBKOB HOLT. Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance .county, became Govrenor of North Orolina upon thn death of Gov. Fowlo, and took the oath of office on the 8th instant. He w horn July .13th, 1841, and has always lived in "Jhls native county. He engaged In cotton manufaotorlng at an early age, and built op a largqt business at Haw River, on the North Carolina Tlaitroad. V Hs served his county in both branches or the legislature, and at the session of 18S5, was elected ' Speaker of tlio House. In 1888, ' he -wan elected lieutenant' ' governor. Ho was president of the North Car olina ' Railroad Concpany ' twelve 'yeers, but has resigned the office ince h became governor. Gov. 'Holt Is also a successful farmer. He Owns--one of the flnent farms In ''.'Davidson county. ' . JTOISDICTXOK Or KAOISTSATXa. Jhe supreme court has decided, in the case of Stute vs. Fesperman, from Stanly county, that the act of general assembly giving Jurisdiction to justices of the peace in cases of as sault with deadly Weapons where no serious damage is inflicted, Is nnco--fetitutlonal. . The court holds .that ihe act is in conflict with the provis ion of the constitution which restricts the Jrlsdicilori. .of; magistrate fh rriiiiinal matters where the punish iaont cannot exceed a' fins' of fitly t'ollara or imprisonment for thirty days. Sectbn 5?7 of the code, Which lias not, been jiiuended, prescribes 'tat the punishment fof ' assaults vi''i dd!y v f.ipous may be fiao or inm-i,t ,1. Ti. hi t! n i 'i it ft' 5 t ae s well ' as mum ddiigt''n iiifjJi'ijiciits o' warfare will fun, :i ttupiuvuient fir Judge, solicitor in i J Jury heretftei the win) as hcrWuf ir .. ' Anionic people who have given lit- j ttf nt no thought tti the Mil Jwt, there appears to be but one opiuion iu rv grd to the authorli j J)f Uift mayor 1 1 suspend the operation of any town ordiauce; ndeurioiMly enough, the opinkin b all wrong. For imrtniM-e, it la auprKued that he may authorise men and boys to use fire arms in public places, whemu the ordiancni forbid all persona to di-tclwro them within the corporate limits except for the purpose of killing beeves and aa there 1 a recent ordinance prohib iting the slaughtering of oeevw ..in town, the exception ta inoperative. The only instance in which the may or may suspyoil an ordiuaiKe is tlwt which authorises hint to give per;: mission to ' ahoot fire cracker and display fireworks during Christmas holidays.'. 'TThe governor j has as much, right to suspend - the law against stealing as the mayor ha to permit boys to play marbles on the side walks,' . King Humbert does not take kind ly ; to - American - institutions. A wicked newsjmper in tliis free and enlightened land of ours, represented his inajesty in a picture, as a crown ed monkey. ' Some evil disposed per son sent the paper, to the king, , and his royal hig.mess thereupon flew Into rage, and threatened to send the American minister out of the count ry. Humbert ought to come oyer and .Jearm something about Uncle Sam's !; 'people, vHo altould study Puck's pictura and see how ridicule is hettped on our statesmen from th e plumed knight of Maine to the pres ident who crawled into (itllco under grandfather's hat. . The Charlotte newspapers talk a great deal about competing lines f railroads, and refer frequently to the example of Atlanta which has be come a great city principally because it has numerous railroads operated under different mtnmgeinent, Chiti 1'iUe'a railways likewise have done much to make Charlotte the impor tant town that it is. Lexington needs more railroads too; and what is more to tho purpose, Lexington has an oppotunity to secure an im portant line, viz : The Roanoke and Southern. . It is not to be thought of for. a moment that our people will let the ulianco slip through their fin gers. ' v In view oi the certainty of the to bacco crop this year being unusually short, farmers who plant the weed should strain a point and do their very best.. . A short crop means big prices. The farmer who makes a good crop this year will have some thing as good as a fat bank account. Yb Toluwca Crop, Lut Tm ! Thl. ' ' 8 mthro Tobwsja Journal. , ' There can be no further doubt as to the size of the 1390 tobacco crop. The statistics published in these pag es last week showing the leaf sales in several large -Virginia markets during the first MX month i of the to bacco year indicate that the crop was perhaps thfc lieavicst grown since 1885. ' '.,,'" Danville can generally be taken as a test market in matters of this kind. The statistics there are care fully kept, and when Danville sales indicate a large crop you accept the evidence w(th good faith. Looking at the figures In the. case, we find that the leaf sn.es tn Danville up to April 1st the first six months of the tobacco year amount to 21,497,442 lbs. 1 For the same period last year they stood at -16,693,40!) pounds, or 41)3,963 pounds less than on the same date thls year. Asa rule, Dan- vi lls leaf sales are about as heavy me six in on ens oi trie year as during the first six. This year thero are indications that they will be fu ly as heavy, and this is the reason why ; It la A well known fact that from the last of November until late in January the weather was exceed ingly unfavorable for handling leaf. It is further known that during Feb ruary the roads were in such co ndi- tion that it was difficult to reach market. These two faefs alone show t'mt the sales have not been as heavy m thy would have been under fa vorable weather, and hence it is but reaim!,le to look for heavy receipts i' Ii f the spring and summer ' i ' : il.e Danville figures and ' : ' ; ! i w the nvetpts for OiiMT yAV, ' v -I ) pc-r 'ill !. gluomy .19 hi ti U-t I - ------ - - - y .1.1 . . ... t t S ll- lilt-U wet we. i,j i uei.-i. nil form work, and t:K rmut t:K rmut cold westher has kllk-d many toliaceo plants throughout the tobacco 'sec tions. Such plant teds a, .were-f ro with hair, chaff, etc., are said to be tjHle,but we hear that plants In moNt ol the can vasnrd beds have been dentroyed..Jt U said that. tUf-ii been less ploughing done up to this date thaa ever know "la; this gtate. There is no use of dlagulsinK the fact that the outlook.: te quite glonmy. With even the beat of wrathet from now on, an average tobacco rropcan. not be Runted. -; .. t la . BattcrlUa Killing Then., . ; A re we to cont lime to a'lo w t he old world to send its "CriiHlnal here? Ortainiy the .time has come for us call a halt, Next'-Cxmgrws -'Hhould pass a law wo regulating immigration as to prevent this objectionable chew from landing uion our shores, This would le much better than killing them after they'get hcr un3 .tltut is what we wUl have to do. : The inci dent at New Orleans Wili have to be ri'ieuted at many other points before tht munloroua and hicendiary cIubs is "suppressed. , .Let Vjconi-ress enact that no immigrant shaH -le; allowed to land in tin; United States unless he comes provided with a ccrtifiewte of one of our consuls as to his character, and punish severely the first' consul wnogivesa certtncate to an improp er charaeter. '- The matter m,' it our opinion, be managed in this way, so as to keep the criminal class of the old world from coming-here. The matter has assumed a most serious anil important aspect, and congress cannot anord to ignore, it. unless t check is at once put upon this immi gration, most serious consequences win result, ana possibly intcrnation ul troubles. - . Many people who oride themselves on their blue bhiod would lie far happier with pure blood; but,- while we cannot choowe our Rin-estors, for tunately, by th use of Aver's Sarsa pariua, we can transmu imro oukki to our posterity. , A Great Cyclopadla. ' The twenty-second volume of the Columbia Cyclopedia is' announc-d : as just ready; the entire set is to lie completed the pre en t, year, in 8: volumes, aggregating about ai.OiiO iwges. Its price ia remarkably cheau. only 2-1.00 for the entire wet, with va sty installment terms to tho who want them. ; The high character of the work is vouched for by innumer able witnesses, among others' by Prof. James Stronjr. 8. T. D.. Editor of McClintock AHtronir's Cvclonedia of Biblical, Ecclesiastical, and Theo logical tiiterature, who speaks or It as follows! -. , "The Columbia Cyclopedia seem to mo to strike a happy mediuu be- tweeu the loose, suuerflclai works. and the too elaborate ones, which few are competent or desirous of us ing. Most of the larger eeneral Cy clopedias are overloaded with a mass of technical science and official detail that i embarrassing and useless, to ordinary readers. "The Columbia is eminently practical, sufficiently full, and carefully compiled well g.t ,up, convenient in form .and extent, ;re- markanlv chesn. anil, as I. should judge, admirably adapted to families and. general consultation. 1 think that if properly i presented ' to the public It will have a verv wide sale, and be an exceedingly useful work. .' there is ample' room in the market for a Cyclopedia, like this, which combines, likewise, the advan tage of being a Dictionary of the English language." ' tor specimen .- pages,- add-iess the publishers. The .Columbian Pub lisliing Co., 893 Pearl St., New York. . -. (M Ika. ' ' : " - ... -'i(;Sr -..' Good looks are more than " skin deeD, depending upon a healthy con- uuiun in an uie viiai organs. 11 ine Uver be inactive, yon have a bilious look, if your stomach be disordered you have a dyspeptic hxik - aad if your Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Elec tric Bitters is the great alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital or gans.; Cures s Pimples, Blotches, UoilsaiKl elvesa good comD ex iin. Mold at L. B. Wheeler's Drug Store, 60c. per bottle. There are many taking features in the April Wide Awake, with its frontispiece , , of White , Lilies "CholleuiyisBes' Afflicted Holiday," by tho author of Capo Cod Folke: 'Egg-rolling at the White House" on Euster Monday, by Prof. Mason of the Smithsonian Institution: a quintette of admirable short stories "ins Mysterious tjnotr uoy," by Henry Kirke White, Jr., "Hong Wing's Sea Voyage," by Elisabeth Cunungs, "Tht Btory of my Bank Biik," by Loaiw Trumbull Cogs well, "A Lost Btory," by Annie JLieacti, and "TheCock ofSebwtopol,' oy m. in. rieie;, iwo XNatural llts torr papers, "A Precious Busr. " by Amanda B. Harris, and Concerning Bats," by Grant Allen; an exquisite aioiner-song ny Mrs. Mary rJ. Blank and a Tuscan "Stornelli " liv Mrs. Cavazza with a beautiful picture by Irving B. Wiles; an outspoken Margaret-Patty Letterf by Mrs. William Clallin, and no end of short 'articles, pictures and pcems. The serials sre captivating this month : "Five Lit tle Peppers Grown Up," by Kirk Munroe, and "Marietta's Good Times,", by .MailKta Amhrosi. Wide Awaka is 2.10 ft yeitr. D. Lothrop Company, Publishers, Bos ton. ' . . ' The Bnxt Kvlt. F.vpry ingredient eniloyid in pro-dii.-ing Iiooii'H HarsapHniia issinvtiy I -.liil'lll nil' l.l-W U! lis Klli II 1.4 1 to buy. cari-ii.l 111 . it- re- of i ii I " l-.-t 2aarttBt.4 Cnr for L Grlpp. ? Wei " riise our advcrtied druij- glut to :i Ur. Kmir'sNew Ui,-"ove- ry lor l4i:uumutii.n. Coughs and CohK upon lhi coinlition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy atx-orciiiK to direc tions, ifiv'ntf it a fair trial, and ex iierience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money re- fanntHl. e make this oner, hecau- ot ' the wonderful' succesa of Dr. Klue1 New Discovery during' last war's epidemic Have heara or no case in which-It -failed. Try-it. Trial bottles free at L. B. Wheeler's Drug Briare. lJirjre sise 60c. and 1.00. s THE CHAMPION - KtooS-rrii)ns Ayr'' SprU) 11 others la nwit, and popuUnty. u toiwe np tlie system. Improves Uie appetite,, atrenctliens Uis Berre. and flUlisea tts Blood. Just what ouueef. Trjrtt. ", "lam eelllnn ymir rBd trJ rt Avert 8m.rllla than t all rther Won i BiedWlnee put tnwltmr.'-. A. McWUUama, Ayer's Sarsaparllla fmiwl br lr. J. C. Art fc Vo., f wtlt, Mm. rrr fl, U bolUtM, t4. Worm t yua rtay w n i.,b h rMiouiib.lv how u i-sror from 9h m SiO; dny at iticnart, ntid moti- a to nHca,yin cvw commviirp at wry wrrlirr. atart twi, ftamUWay fTlbhtn. KABn.Y, HfEKblLV toMMO. NOTICE! W'o learn that there is ah imoros Slon abroad that there is an agent for Davidson county to collect the direct ta under the Act of Congress. 8uch is not the fact. ; -AV have equal faclli tii wi h any other person lor collect ing such tax and will do 1 so on the terms provided by the Act of the Legislature. Bobbiks & Rapkb, Alar, 21, 1891. ; . M. H. PJMKIX, S3 A TEAR I tn.rtaknklkrl. (imfih uny iirly iuttlllKrNt n'nin of eitfai r ME. KllD CH MJ led Writ., nl lin, ilttr iMtracUomwlll wwk indtutriMMly, .... In Mr Tl-rM Th.Hii.4 D.r. a l.u-ln thMTftK-n loilhlw,-rltw.rlk- U.a.1 wllliitofuniA A, dluctluA uc . m!-ui.ntAt wbl.h .on CB ram thai unvuiit. lio Ntomv lir ma -.n'.vMMitrM.r.l M above. Ka;. aad qnivkty tMrninl. i awin but oa. workar tram aach (lUlrii ( ru..l ir. I karu atrra.lr tatirbl ai4 provMml wtlb anplorfuit a t.ura mtnbar, wh-t are maklnft er Wueo a yrtre. It'a NEW an.l a(lia. I'nlli-arltcaUFRKK. AiiaraM at onc. K. C. ALLaVSI. llua iW, Aniutu, Ualuc. To William L. Myers, nonresident; Take notice that the following sum mons has been issued : - . . v. Davidson County, I Summons for Superior Court.' J ' Kelict. . Before the Clerk. Jefferson Younts, administrat.ir of Mahals Iluil'man, Plaintiff, - W. L. Myers.'Lydia Kepley, Robert P. ..oilman and, Dnvm ii. iion man, lKfcndttiits. State ok Nourn Caroms a, - To the Sheriff of Davidson county Gwtinp : - You are hereby commanded to summons William L. Myers, the de fendant iibove namec', if he be found within your county, to be and ap near at the office of the Clerk of the 8uierior Court of Davidson County, at the court house in Lexington, on the 1st day or May, lbiH, and answer the complaint which wili tie deposit ed in the orHce of the Clerk of ; the Superior Court for said county) with in ten days- trom the date of this summons, and let the said defendant take notice that if he tail to answer the said complaint within the time prescribed by law. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded iu tne complaint. -. , . p- tiereiu rail not, ana or tuts sum mons make due return. i'?, Given under my hand and the seal of said court, this the 20th day of JUSrCU, ltail'' -"-i- :;-'!-:.::;:. ilt V-' , ,11. T. PHXLt JP9, : " : " "- ' '; - ;. C.H.C, HAIRSTON'S TOILET SALOON, j BACK 07 OOTTBT EOTJSS. I am now prepared to give all my customers a ti rat-class shqveand hair cut in the latest styles. Ail work none with neatness nd , dispatch. Ladies can be waited on at their places of abode at short notice. Please give me a call. w.lt, HA1BSTON, "J:..'-i'w- .fO- Barber, r tnfL n TO EUERY IM HIS WQH. Farm Implements and Repairs, Sewing Machines and Repairs. V- All Sewing Maotiines taken apart, cleaned ond repaired. tiss r: : r "I'm A1 i aa lor 1891. . ' lie ihnt will lirrfimr an owcr UA'.lVLZTLll AI D LH.DER will be pleaded. For '1 hoina 1 1 ; y lUkes, Clover llullcrs, Traction Fn iocs. ci5. Grain Dri.Is, Coin Planters, write to or ( ;l a c, .'. Cr:CJ The ! ovc is iy ivoik and study. I 'i 1 ; ' -1 1 to t -11. f.t 1 y cit '.otcrj. C" - ' ii tJL l!.'.:U,UAD. Cond-Mtvi JScIm 'ule.in Effitt ' llart h t"Jih,lstil. South bovivt DAILY. So. Xo.lL "J p at llili . ( JJ p n 10 I a as IJJipm Mpu 4 ii p m t 44 p la "HTpia'IMaai lUpa 11 am 8 a r m iw" 4 JO p i 1 SO a ui Leer Riuhiaonit, Arrive Oreensbore, Leave tkWeboro, Arrive Kaleign. tmae kaletgh, " f thiraaui, ' ArriTaGwwiaiAuin, - t Leave WiiMtunJuTem, Leave dreeajboru Arrive Salibw7, aipm 10 Uie 10 Tt pa n T f Arrive SuiMViUo, Aehevilk, , 11 M a m 1 M p a lUia t 38 p m 1 1! a m T 20 p m Hot 8irin j, Leave Salitbunr. it St pat IJ.Saai Arrive Charlotte, ' " Aitt-ata, '. Lrave Cbarlutte, . Arrive AupnU. 1100 pm 1 10 pm (MaaatlSOpm 11 It p m I ej p m iUam IMpa Northbound. Ho. 10. No. i:. Leave AugiMta, Arrive Charlotlct -'. Leave Atlanta. Arrive Charlotte,: SMlwbvrv, Leave Hot Springe, i :. AehevUlf, ., -. .' '. Stateevillo, i J Arrive Salisbury, ji v Leave - . . 4.; Arrive Greensboro, - WirMtou-Saleiu, , Loave Greeusboro, . Arrive Durham, p ,Raiiigb, . Leave ;.l.f-;i? Arrive QoHshoro, v '-v lave GnMu boro, v ," Arrive Ridimimd, '" titp lOeSam 4 SO am - tofpm 80 pa T10 am i a m Slam 0 40 pm Upm 11 Jlpm 1117 pm v iMia, nvpm .' t 29 a m S3 p oi 10 m ?Xpm T 00 a m 8 43pm i S&Oam lo JO p m . II SOa m 11 10am llliimltNpB 1118pm 6 00 am ' 1 18 p m T5 am : '.' I 33 p m t IM) a m ' 3 ti) p m 11 50 p m '. . 8 8f m 10 37 p m ' 4 10 p m - 4 Hi a m ,.; :, - AKD RALEIGH. ' y Via Keysville, Oxlbn and Durham. ' li aud U TATIOat,. " Weat Point Richmond -Kicbmiud Burkeville Keyeville 1 Chase City s ' Clarkaviife Oxford . Oxford ' '. Henderson Oxfi.nl ; Raleigh ;' 16 and V T 58 a m Lt 9 15 a mAr lo 33 a m Lt 1145pm 1 40 p m , 17pm 1 2 50 p m " : ? 3 41pm Ar 4 05 a m Lv ' 5 05 pn Lv . S 40 p m Lr t SI p m Ar At t 00 p m. 11 4 40 pm Ar 4 34 p m Ar 1 43 p m Ar 1 00 p Bl Ar 12 14 p m Aril 47 am Lv 10 44 a ra -Ar 10 IS a m Ar SO m Ar 10 52 a m Lv 8 14 a a Daily. ; fDaily except Smidsy.; AasTiiiiBttin and Southwestern Vestibuled limited operated between Washington and Atlanta daily, leaves Washington 11 10 a m, Danville 7 25 p m, Greensboro 8 50 p m, Salisbury 10 20 p m, Charlotte 11 80 p m : ar rives Atlanta 6 20 am. Ret urn in g, leaves Atlanta II 10 a ffi, Charlotte .7 05 p m, Salisbury 8 20 p m, Breens- Doro a 43 p m ; arrives Liauviue n uo p m, Lynchburg 1 30 a in, Washing ton G 5J a m. . .. W. A. TURK, Dlv. Pass. - r , Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Jas. D. Tayixb, O. P. A. MONEYi en tjMriai1 tPirWTW!hi4foi. ranidly m4 hmttmblr. ttr ttieaw oi edthw mi, -4fUMr " oldi aftitt hi Uietf own lot litiua, hfrtttc tltcy Itw. Amy on can do iln wurk. Kaav tn leant. Wt fiimisli sty i blupr. W at art yon. Ro risk. im ca devot Tur atm muMni, or all yrmr lime to th work. 1 liU U aa tttirttyftrwtiitl bring w oniUrfol WNOMvutMrr wmker. Hraiiun ar sstrninf hw dft ti MI pTweih Mid Mrwanta, i h JWMll Imfaratmtvtm ntKH. A'K V B 3L CO., : NOTICE! By virtue of ah order of the supe rior court of Davidson county. I will sell at public auction to. the highest bidder, on the premises, on Thurs day, May 7th, 1891, a valuable tract of land belonging to the estate of Eli Putts, deceased, lying in mid county near'the Forsyth county line, adjoin ing the lands of E. J. Spaugh, Thos. Anderson . and others, containing shout 65 acres more or less, subject to the widow's dower. The above tract has on it a good dwelling and out houses, and is well : located on -the public road leadings from Salem to Salisbury.- Terms of sales- One half cash and balance on a credit 6 months with bond and approved security at 8 per cent, interest, and title retained till purchase money Is paid. ; t i i W. B. Sta pford, Admr. 7 f fAs V of Eil Fults, deceased. April 3rd. 1891. ; - v .-.. ; i t THOMASVILLa ny; 'j,' THOMASVlXLe, M.'p, A ffighar Institution of Learning " m a TT a. r ... . -' , tor Aoya ana oung su.su Under mine management as .TaoiiAiivit.il F ttnai.il CoLLCGa, but entirtly i-pinita as t r ooeraiug. FiUyounf men tbrbntineMoroillnge. Coom of etudy Biuinexe, Clau'ca, Bcientifie and Lent Board and tuition as low t that of art first-clan institution in tho State. --V-A" 5"';' For ftirther information address, ? r, ; : -- :.. .; FBAK H. .CURTIS, fret, nnV""P is a pet there EU a. m mm of the Junior All S t.-.i d: .r ino Thn t - . ' - AN IMMENSE STOCK OF S.-Au 3EI ID "W Ji. S3 ' . , . , AND ' ' -: AGRICULTURAL Si,500 Worth of Stoves. : Horse-Shoe Hails by the Ton; ; :i - Hoes by -f- ,'Ve hve just placed an order for one car load of SHEET IRONY When the proper time arrives, we shall be prepared to funrith tobacco flues on short notice and at bottom prices. ' . ri.sVvi?lr?.ier'doo, car lond f Chattanooga' CANE MILLS and h. VAPOR ATORS and a car load of Telegraph FEED CUTTERS which will be sold at bottom prices. - . We have ordered a quantity el the very best CANE SEED, which we will distribute, tree ofrjharge, to farmers who intend to grow cane-' ' r ' ' LEXIMCTOfJ, H.rC. . Spring J. P. WARD'S; GREAT BIG STORE IS: - FULL ASD EUNXIXG OVER WITH just hj!g6Sm!S AiUi LOOKING FOR, v.:- 'o'K;.vi:'.Ci:';';: i-.t-'i.;.,-'-.':''-';''.''i .- .na. "STo-va., 3"-a.Gt "Wa.n.t Beautifalland StyIisliIIrc:3 Goods for tho Ladies. Clothing in Choice" Fabrics and Cori rect Styles ibr Plain Substantiate near and Tear. SHOES FOR MEN. WOMEN ANDCHltDIlEN i GOODS TQ SOIT THE VARIED TASTS i 'CF TOVN txj "I . C0DNTRTCUSTC2EKS.. . ; - kverydodyNvho trades' at Ward's is; treated white: b-eta'wi.h bt- wants, goes away satisfied, and comes bock when he wants sqmethln t ' else.? If you have not tried Wardcome and tee. This Inyhatioa 5 l: free to all. ; Kcmcmber the place, the' big "I THE FARMERS want to know that John F. Ward hai rf ceiveda supply of the old reliable Merryman' Amrooaiatcd Bono fer. tilizer, and the celebrated Acid Phosphate 1 also a quantity of select ed clover seed. .;. . . . . '-- -''-''-.:." -;. -:.:'- lekihgtoc t kL::::7. 'yd 11: will cmiT This is one of the most successful s continually growing in patronage and First-class luivantages are offered in having 1 hlldrcn to educate will do well t- I CI' 11 IS. 1 i '.' instructors are teachers of '.: . i 1 :ul respects abrc-ist with tf t' 'ihe rates of tuition mc ns I I er than In mo--t $1 hoc. Is n ' Particular ai tent ion b - , 1 1 wcuj for cat;tb""ic. IMPLEMENTS. the Hundred Dozen. of Tn. the Men Folks. 44 More in the new Moclv ') r-'i 4 Cl'IO. 4 . . . a ,. i:ci:rAT, jjli.-t " ::. ,:::r ii t.a Sta!, t- .it'tnie"' t our i r f , , 1 f

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