x- OU ".'ILL V. EYIft St' v f- '. 0i.co ' yon Hud by ttr.lisftiliiiig fur This Paper' ', for a venr. - . , IT TAKES Printer's .lull TO HAKE EUSKESS . ETJH ill" iiy i J C yUMlt' If yon want to remain, a drone an keep your goods, wnjV ' don't oae it. ' VOL. XV. LEXINGTON, N. 0 WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1896. NO. 2. Advertise .HI the Time. y .-. .Rich, Red Blood a Ib absolutely etf'wntiftl ta With. It ts Impc Ibla u j;.Jt t fnsa so-suited ' ncnre tmUc tuid oinaP eompotinds. Thf y have tempo mrr, iJ. cpinji effects, twtdo itotcrRU. .To ha jvtro blood Mid good 'health, take JlotwU Samiorillx which ha first, last, nJ Hit fUa time, been adTtrtinM m Just v:i:i ft is the bent mediotae for the blood evr ftroUtiOCd. In tot, Sarsaparilla IsthotliieTniellluodl'urlller. AllilrucvlatJ. tL LI If rM DllfeiUoHHIMlClttO tlOOU S PUIS CoiisUpfttloo. to cent. DR.E j.o . PHYSICIAN nd S,OBaEJN, . IjUxiicotos, ..; V Offlon next tn Methodist cbaroh. Colli promptly responded to either in town or conn try. - . KB T. WAIiSBB. Z. I, WAL8EB. VALSER A WALSEB, Attorasys ani Csnnselors at Law, iicxmaTOK.H. c. OSloe 1 Public Square at tear of Coart HmM. -' . '.. v ItEFEilB??CESi:-Bank of Leiing ; toa, Lotina-tOD, N. C: Loan ft Savings Hank, Charlotte, N. 0.; First National Bmik. Stuiesville, N. O i Citizens' - Na ? tional Bank, Ualomb, N. C ; Col. A. B. Andrew, Vioe-Preo, Bo: B. Co., Bat eigh. N. 0.; Hon. 8. P. Phillips, Ex - Solicitor General, Washington, D. ,0. Praotioo in the State and Federal Courts. ,.,,.;",'.,;.-.)., j - JOHN RAYMOUD MdCRARY, ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,. ..- , - IiBXmaTON, H. o. . Practice ia all the conita. Prompt attention given to oollectioa of claims anil settlement of estates. - Huvng qualified as Fnblio Adminis trator for the oonnty of Davidson, and havmir mwn ft instilled bond in the sum of eight tbonsand dollars, .' I oflar mv service for the purpose of . administering on estates ia the oonnty. Ofliee in rear of court house. - .;. DK. J. N. ANDERSON, Pnyslcian and Surgeon, , ' LEXISGTOtf. N. 0. Offloo In ftendereon Block, two doors below imstotuca. . x oet,80-tf jorx mi-t, , r. Dtl. mtx,ti. D. DRS. HILL & HILL, Pr, Payne's Old Office, Islington, X. G. : Ofliee Honre: 7to a. m., and 1 to p. b , audi to 8 p m. ; PAUTIES KD HOKKS1 MORKI. FHlldeIihlaTuiiM,tud. It is now cerUin that the BepabUcaa Kational Cooirentioa will not only de clare against the free coinage of silver, bat will declare in (avor ot tue gold standard of value, with the probable ad dition of bimetallism under internation al agreement. The members of tbe national convention may be classified with reasonable accuracy about a fol lows l. larorablo to the gold standard without qualification, 182; opposed to free coinage but favorable to interna tional biinetaUsnv 618; for free coinage at 18 to 1 regardless of international ti meulism, 618; for free coinage at 10 to 1 regardless of international arrange ment, 118. It will thus be seen that an overwhelming majority of the Be publican convention will be against the free coinage policy, audit seems to bo reasonable certain that tbe platform will declare for gold as theetandard of val ue, and favor tbe uso of silver only so iar aa it can be icU-sueteining at parity with gold. " " . " ' ' . The attitude of the Democratic con vention is not so clear. , Of the P10 del egate it is not safe to estimate 892 distinctly in favor of a sound financial policy, with 338 in favor of froe ailver and 180 as doubtful. There is little likelihood that the Democratic .conven tion will declare ia favor of the free coinage of silver, but it is not certain that its plauorm win recognise me goiu standard of value, without which there can be no reasonable claim to declar ation in favor ot honest money. The honext dollar of the world to-day is the gold dollar. It i the standard of value in wry Bation with whioh.; we have financial relations; -and our national credit can be maintained only by a pos itive declaration ia favor of the gold standard. ,r-; .y: V;'-"; Beeardless ot all interests of party, the paramount question is the estab lishment of our national credit through out the world by tbe two great parties declaring in favor of a sound financial policy. The Jlepublicana are certain to meet the issue in a manly way. They will doubtless throw-tub to the silver whale by the empty declaration in favor of international Dimetuum that is no more likely than the con struction ot a railway to the moon, but when the gold standard is declared; It matters little what tomlooiery sunn ne thrown around .''-- The Democrats have muoh at stake in tho. construction of their platform. If thev shall declare distinctly in favor of honest money, whatever may be tbe result of the' campaign of 1890, they would have a hopeful futuro before them and in all probability would elect the President in 191XM Wltn a ueciarauon in favor of free ailver. ' The party would be hopelessly overthrown without the hope of .resurrection, .ana wiib a straa- dle platform on the money question it would simply provoke the contempt of every faith on the money question and one UMamenieUi-' i ne quesuon ui nuuuu monov is to-dav -paramount to -every. other issue that could be presented to .J.M. ROTHROCK, - .' '.. DENTIST,,. ' " Ti,Ams.l1a will Vi In Tjeilncton n-rmiiiimllv. tha first Monday and Tn-tdaT in each month. OQlee at the Mnroh House. , Ten years praolioe. Work done aa low as good work can be ai,nq. ' ' MayB,'89. PH. JOHN THAMES, " Ofiice and residence on Mam streot, eiir Will practioe medicine and anrgery ia Lexirgton and surrounding oonntry.. ' : Ovvic HotiB.i t 8 to 9 a. xa.. 3 to. 8 p. io., and nt msUt. - . - (lalis loft at BmitVa Drng Store, will ri euive prompt attention. " . i RUPQRT T. PICKENS, AUontiy an4 Ccunsilor-at-Law. ' Careful and prompt attanlion given to all hiitiinnM inhrnKtfld t) him. Oilloe on imhlio squve in eornwr of H nidurson block, near the t'ostoiuoe. May 13, ' , the American neoole. V It is the one sue that now threatens to defeat the nomination of McKinley, even with maloritv of tha convention inclining to favor him, and Bnlesa he shall place himself In an unequivocal attitude on the issue his defeat is not only possible but probable. : , . '" . The RenubUcan convention must oc cupy no" dcubtful attitude on the money issue, it nas toe power hj nan the distrust ot American credit in a day by the nomination of a man for Presi dent who in bimsclf embodies the Sound money sentiment of the country. If it shall nominate any other man, oven though he may be elected, the country would be in doubt and American credit abroad would be clouded with distrust, '. until anme definite Dolicv of the new administration bad been solemnised by the enactment of financial laws. Un til the quesuon ot sound money snouiu he decided, all other questions are of "little moment, for without a thoroughly bouest financial policy neither tarilis nor any other legislative remedies could restore the nation' to the. prosperity its people'snd its resourcej n(ori. -HOTS'" M CKITKDHTATEX BISTORT. Horttiwsatetn Advoeata, I - From Mr. Malcolm Townsend'snoique collection ot facts regarding tbe history and composition ot tbe United States', and to which be has given the compre hensive title of "U, 8.," we glean the following curios: '. . "lho Dismal Swamp is kot a swamp, neither is it dismal or nnhealty. It is a beautiful stretch of pure water, and "the healthiest place on tbe American Continent" , . The East river, flowing between New .York and Brooklyn, is hot a river, but a sea straitconnecting Long Island Sound and tbe ocean. : . . . Manhattan is kot the Indian name ot New York Island, but is directly traceable to Spanish ongnal monaa, "drunkenness; ' manadus, manadus, manatoes, "the place of drunkenness." Manbatton is but the Indian form of the word- - -, .- - - Tho Declaration of Independence war not signed on July 4 by the representa tives whose names have become historic. It was given to the world on July e, 1776, with but two signatures: John Hancook, President of the Congress, and Charles Thomson, Secretary. . The signatures of forty-five delegates were affixed to a copy of the original paper on Tuesday, August 2, 1777. Xhere was not a bearded face among all the signers of the Declaration, "All the signers,": says the record, "had smooth faces." The word "God" does rot appear in the.Constitution of the . United States, nor is there any reference to creed or c,hurch beliefs, i.v . ' 1 '.- .three delegates to tbe tjonvenuon would not sign the Constitution. These were Elbrjdge Uerry, of Massachusetts; George Mason and Edward J. Bandolpb, of Virginia. Gerry feared a civil war, Mason a monarchy, and Kandolph ob jected to the powers conferred on the President. Benedict Arnold was kot the first or only traitor during the Revolution. His predecessor in that "Judas" office was Dr. Benjamin Church, of Haynbam, Mass. , arrested, tried and imprisoned at Cambridge. Mass., in 177o. He bad been an active member of the Provin cial Congress, and. was trusted as an ar dent patriot He was released from prison in 1776 because of failing health, embarked for the West Iodies,-and he and tbe vessel in which he sailed were never afterward heard of. - : The following States have NOT a State motto- Indiana.Mississippi, New Hamp shire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas. - The dollar sign (t) it not a mono gram of "U. S.,", but dates from the days when the transfer was made from Spanish to American dollars, and ac counts were kept equally in dollars and reals. Thus: One dollar II eight reals (American and Spanish parallel ac counts). Later the eight was placed be tween the cancellation mrrks l8, then the Tierpcndicular line crossed the 8 and finally ihe-jl shaded intaan 6, and combined with ihe cancellation line evolved the present sign (). - The head of a man does not appear on any coin of the United States. Eight states do NOT observe ew Year's day as a holiday; seven states do not class Washington's birthday as a letral Holiday. '" v Friday is not an "unlucky" day for the United States; at least forty great cents in United 8tates fell on Friday. : Tho American Indian is not a "van ishing race."- There is very nearly as large an Indian population in the United States to-day as at the time Of Columbus. I, A. CLARK, BARBER, -4 1 AT OBOUSE'3 OLD STAND. : I havo rofltted my shop in the ycry best -lylo aud am bmpared to give old aul new oaatoiaors the best (tten tion. Clianl iuess and sharp tools I giye spucial attrtuHun DO YOU HIVE TUE PILES? It so send cents io tjlver or a-cent t ini9 to the ROYAL riLff COMPANY : lor trial mokoKO of their wonderful IMa finrlt !u .inulocd to relieve, whore all other mi'dieines hava failed, . JI is cared others and will cure yon n,. ,,.,, irf.nt.niHiit Hil.no. ' JCayily appliod. Perfectly harmlns. Mn' y refuniled if it does no goon. a 1.1..,., t.(lf!K tlrtX 810. " Winston. N.O. Monttnn this Rinar wljea wriliqs;. .PESRY.ft GHEER Livery, Fee. 3 end '8'iE' STALLES, V rroa JlyUropbobU. ; 7 CherokM Soout, 1 - '. ' A sentlemsn who bos recently return ed from Clay county told The Stroller about the nocuhar y sad and distressing death of Mr. Mark Ledford, who was bitten by a-mad dog and wlro recently died with hydrophobia. '- " Leutord s dog bad ocen ausent. ror several davs. and upon lis return Mrs. Ledfcrd told ber husband that the nog was mad and would bite some of ttiem and begired him to kill it. Lodford went out in tue vara to lie up ine uog, and again his wife cautioned him and told hiin that the dog would bite him. He aiiahmily replied that if the dog did bite bim and he went mad, he would hue no one out ner. .- Hardly had the' words. escaped his mouth, aud just when he was in the act ot pnlting a' -rope around the: dog's neck, the brute bit him on the hand It was not a great while bofore ho was taken sick, and his poor wife was , 1 .!1L !l Lfn ISAnllmiAl noariy crainjii wnu wh"w to get worse, as nothing would alloviatj his sufferings, until even tho sight oi water would throw him into convulsions, between which be was sane and he cried and begged them not fo i him, but to ch ptrn'oiojciy. lie wpuiu get dowu on his all fours and walk like a doc. snnripina and snarling. A clpth was Hnally pnt over his eyes and Water administered through thin ploeo of muslin, but no sooner had it touched bis lips than a paroxysin would strike bint, 'this ponlinucd until the poor fellow found relief m death. Sample of tbe Vw Wooan, N. Y. Car. Otuirlotts Qnaqrver-i We have had lately two victims in this viciuity of the "emancipation" of woman. .Their cases are affecting in deed, and ought to make timid men pause more tremulously than ever on the threshold of memory. ,: Tho first vic tim was a man who said he Bid hot like his wife's cooking. ' He made so bold as to tell her that "mother" could cook better.' His wife heeded bim not, how ever, but went on cooking her way. . At last one morning the man refused to eat any breakfast, saying he didn' t have any appetite. At that bis wife seized him by the bair, dragged mm into an adjoining apartment and locked bim in, telling bim to stay there until no got an appetite. ' When she let him out he said ho wasn't going to stay In that heuoo one moment longer, but was go ing to his mother's. Again, he was grab bed and flung violently Into a room apart. . Finally they went to court, and tbou&h tbe ludge could not make bim live with her, bo forced him to pay her alimony and gave him no redress for his bodily injuries. Evidently the Judge didn't appreciate tbe situation. . The second victim wits a man who vn nnitfl willinff to eat whatever his wife might set before hiin, and behaved himself n a very meos a4 hu.rn.ble manner, bu,t hia wife would, got mad with him "iustfornothin"' and thrash him. He said the first time she licked him she used her fists only, but that af ter that the used a poker, which was too bard. She is an "advanced ' wo man, a "woman1! woman" and It be came a habit with her, whenever she read in the papers that any man any where had beaten his wife, to, ei,e her uniortunaie "vip.ru ' ami iurrip nun soundly., This, he felt, was unjust. So at last he had her arrested. And lor the first time in the history of the court a woman wss fined tor beating ber hus band.. I '. uotuia AWO SON. . , j T oath's Companion. -t J Here are the facta in a story of real life. . They are taken from the police reports -at. the New York Herald, and are true in every detail except tho names. One morning last winter a policeman eame into tbe Jefferson Market Coart in charge of a stout lad of twenty. Tbe boy stared vacantly about him, and his face, which was honest and good hu mored, was bloated with a long and heavy debauch. Close behind bim came a little old woman, decently clad. Her hair was white and her countenance le and anxious, : M ; "Who's this, officer?" the justice said, when the boy's turn came. ' It s John Geary, your honor. We have his mother to enter complaint against him for habitual drinking. We think if be bad a month at the island, it would give him a chance to pull up." "You can do nothing with bim your self, Mre. Gleaiyf" said tbe kindly magistrate, wbo, used as he was to scenes of suffering, was startled by the dumb agOny in the old woman's face. "I cannot, aor. - It a five years since he took to-the drink. It's not John ny's fault. There's four saloons near by. Ho was as good a boy as ever mother had. He's good now when he's himself." ' - "He's mad when be is drunk," the policeman interrupted. "He tried toH kill her twice." .-'y-V ' ' "Sign the complaint, Mrs. Geary," the magistrate, ordered, nodding to a clerk who laid a printed form on the ta ble before ner, saying, 'Write your name on that line." She took up tbe pen, and then turned to tbe justice again. Her thin face was bloodless. "Sor," she said,, "he's all- the child I've got! I've been fighting the devil for him for five year, If I sign that paper, I'll hev let him go. Ho'll never forgive me. He'll never come home again." "It a tbe only chance to save linn," the officer said. She wrote her name. John was told to stand up. Now go into the witness box," a policeman directed her. "You must swear asjen him." Her foot was on the step. She sud denly turned. "I can't swear agen hnnl I can tr She clutched her breast with both hands. "It's killing me! Johnny, como herel" Her son sprang toward her, but she fell at bis feet., She was dead whou be lifted her. u i. . U Mother! mother! I'll quit the drinkl" the startled lad cried. But she did not answer. : The physicians said it was heart disease. ' : An . ambulance was summoned. Some one whispered to tbe justice. Discharged, ... he said, and the wretched lad followed his dead mother home, to be probably held by his vile habit to a life ot shame ending in a paupor's grave. . . . . . Two Women "lloaceu. - -i i Salisbury World, lBlli. There was, as we understand nt the time, an organized effort on foot in the neighborhood of Yosts,, where A. J-. Lingle and A. F. Hileman wore adver tised to speak last Thursday, to intimi date Mr. Lingle before he had completed his speech. The discussion, however, was not held and Mr. Lingle left the ap pointed place on Mr. Hileman's failure to appear. Our correspondent from Yost writes us of the search of a mob for Mr. Lingle and, failing tu find pini, their' assault upon two women, lie writes as follows; On May 14tn, there was quite an ex citement in this section. A mob made up at the speaking grounds at Fink and Yost to see after A. L. Lingle. The mob went to Kifniok's and failed to find hin. and assaulted Laura Roaeman. and - hk death or wasbimutoh. An interesting historical paper has recently been published, giving an ao--coimt of the death of George Washing ton. The account was, written by Washington's private secretary, Tobias Lear, who was with him during his last hours. . Washington took cold from exposure while riding about his plantation, and woke at three o'clock in the morning with a chill, high fever, and every symptom of pneumonia. He would not permit his wife to summon help until the fires were lighted in the house, lest she should take cold, and therefore remained without any attention for several hours.. The overseer was then summoned, who "took a halt-pint , of blood from him.' . . ., - Mixtures of molasses, vinegar and butter were given, but to no effect. Gargles of sage-tea and bandages of flannel about his throat proved equally useless.- A physician arrived, bled him again, and ordered the same gargle, whioh "produced great distress and suffocation." L: - Another physician arrived, and bled him again, administering drugs which alio seemed still more to weaken the patient. Finding that the general was rapidly sinking, and feeling that the country would hold them responsible for the care of his life, the alarmed physi cians consulted anxiously, and as a last resort bled him once morel " Washington, leeling himself to be dying, sent for his will, gave directions concerning his papers, military records and the disposal of his body, and then prepared himself for death with the calmness of a stoic. v . " . v "The physicians were absorbed in grief." They had done all which the science of their day bad taught them to dO. V "The poorest patient in an almshouse now cau command the skill and knowl edge which then, inhuman probability, would have saved the foremost man of his day a little longer for bis country and the world an advance in medical treatment for which the present genera tion should be thankful. Uxpolled From tbe liar. Franklin Pi-obs. . Judge Timberkke created a great deal of indignation on the first day of fourt by ordering the sheriff to fire everybody out of the bar except mem bers of the court, and fining him $100 for remonstrating against it. ihe tine was first J10 because the sheriff stated that he disliked to expel old and re spected-citizens. The sherriff refused to order them out, and in an apparent display of ill temper the fine was made 100. Sheriff Boane left the court and remained out during the remainder of the court. Our citizens were very in dignant about the matter, mostly on account of the treatment of sheriff ltoane. It is the first instance in the history of Macon county, so far as we have been able to leirn, that venerable iwd .respectable, citizens were expelled trom the bar. , , - There seemed to have been no cause for such harsh measures, as there was good order and plenty of room inside the bar and the sheriff and his deputy both attentive to see that tho members of the bar bad scats provided. Scparntn Coachoe For Colored PaMODgere, Baltimore Bun. " : . The Supreme Coqrt of the United States has alllrmed the constitutionality of the Louisiana statute providing sep arate coaches for white and colored nassencera on the railroads in that State, The necessity tor such a law exists only in the South, and the statute would never have been enacted but for condi tions which made the separation of the races .in railroad travel apparently ,r,a.w1,i!.l 1 .-trtni. tftQaMlA tha Mm, from there they wont to Gus Schenk's fort oJ oll C0Dveme, The railroads are anil artnin thnv frttlcl In nnn him inn I . . . 1 . required to supply coiorea passengers with accommodation, substantially -nr.ir.EM i.x BEgaraM Harness, f EXfSQTON, N.O. '.' I I .. v.,:-j;t ilif oi Aiisct, "Ttv? Ettlvirlift tlopffu). t'Dartolto fctw, Col. ni;ickweM;r( tha UH fKIiwn.an( 1 from Washington last night. His interview there with MaJ. Eitts, his uttornev. was auito satisfactory, and Col, HUikweldor is euooursged to hope that bo will soon eome Into ppssafHioii nfhia inheritance in Germany. Mont gomery & Crowoll are his Concord law crt. It transpires that he has been worklnif on the cane for ten years past. In Washington, Col. lilackwclder I was tnken in charge by somo railroad friends and shown the town. Ho did The lllllTiile AUauta Couatluitloa. . -- . tniing Is with us again and as usual, we liar lost our umbrella. If it wnsn t for the fact that there te a good deal of rain in this world the flowers wouldn't have any water to drink. - ' ;" T " "" ' ' Everybody Would enjoy tho bird songs In spring if it wasn't for the fact that so- many people are continually prediction the failure of tho futit crop. It may bo hot weather in this world, doar brethren, but it you'll only pause long enough to think of tho hot weather hereafter vou'd keep powerful cool. The man who gota our vote in this year of political grace and glory has got to pay more than a dollar. Brethren, we nood groceries. and again they failed to find him and there assaulted Schenk's wife. . The mob will bo'looked after at the August term of court. : This mob, was not what it should have been,- Irue, Kvery Word of . It. , Biblical Recorder. ' ; - 'r ' The most despicable character in poli tics is not the politician on the stump making: impossible promises to the people, is not the fellow who pulls wiVes in political convention's, is not the fellow who hires himself as a henchman for wages to be paid with office, put he is the editor who follows the public clamor, regtrdlees of his convictions, wbo waits, to see which policy wjH make his paper nnnnlnr. TAkhftr than natahlishltiff a noli cy of his own. The men. who have been admired through all time are they who . suffered for their convictions, while others grew fat with feeding on error and wrong. The editor who fol lows the popular whim u despised, sooner or inter j one who stands boldly for his beliefs aud rises' or falls as, the)' rise or tall, compels admiration sooner 01 later, as surely as the former deserves contempt. A man is not ht to edit paper wbo is not willing to ii-i bated for what he believes, Says the Popttlletaot lUMrtui Won't Vote '.v 'or Kiueeil, Salisbury World. - '- Capt. John Beard, chairman of the Populist county executive commiueo, was ifsked this moruii-- wh.a( be thought of Russell's nomination, , 1 am not at an tntoresteu in it, - re- replied the Captain, ' j , , - "Will the Populists of Kowan county vote for him incase tfce Bepublican and Populist parties fusef" was askod him. "Snoaking for the Ponulista of Bow.r, an. I can say that they will not," he roimeu. Allie is uo euuviuiout ui ly all the Populists with whom wo have talked concerning KussvH'a vand'dacy tn coqnectlai) with fusion, equal to thoeo with whioh the whites are furnished, and there is tnus no uniair discrimination. The matter of separate coaches has been agitated for several years in the Southern States, and it has been feared that a law to this effect would not stand the es oj tha courts. Now that the Supreme Court has de clared the Louisiana statute ' con stituticnal, it is probable that tbe Legislatures of other southern. States will enact similar laws. - ' - llockerjr Counted Out. ProgrenlTe Farmer, ... Siicaking ot the "sanctity ot the bal lot, " we iust wish Senator Mewborne couW have been here to see a Kepubil- can convention count out its strongest candidate Ool. Uockory. - " Evidently tho Hepublicans who favor an honest ballot were In the minority in the State convention, through tho rank and file, doubtless, are in favor ot it. - Out of weakness comes strength when the blood has been purified, enriohed aid vitalized by Hood s Saisnpanlla, A Coma on Hie Porch, SalUbury World, 18th. Mr. Honry Yost, whose coxa crib has been frequently raided in tbe past few weeks mention of whictt waa made the World, awoke Saturday morning to find a (trim .memento, of a visit which ho had, received the uiqht before, on his front porch, - It was a miniature coffin about six Inches Ions-.' At first Mr. Yost could not understand it. Ha pioeeeded to open (t and u ths Inside he found ev eral matches which had baen lighted and extinguished. Then the signiB cance of this mysterious objoct became clear to him. It meant that fire and death would' .overtake him,;, but who tbun threatened him was not quite clear to the m nd of Mr. Yost. It U believed however, that it wni the work of the bavtv or iiartie who have been so as siduous lu their attention to Mr. Yost' com crib and that his threats ot yonge- ance incited them on to tins act.. Mr. Yost will not heed tho warning which has been served Upon. p,irvj,' ; . , J i ; , ifa-ira-nten to ChieeR-o. ? Morganton Horald, - ;. i As tho time anroaches ftir thtf State Con ventiou natunilly interest attuebes to tho oorsonnel of our delegates to Uneago. We hike it that the silver mou will have their own way in that convention aud it rests with vhpi.v tosayi'whrtber tliey will so e their nbyrr ns to leuve no stings behind Ot hetheT-tlir-y W(ll fry tho game trt:'gruh all" ttnon mrge aud resoctuhle minority of sound moo ny men who are ure to do at roil can in November. We think Co!. J, Carr. J. P. Caldwell, ex-.lm! i Merrl- men arid E. J. Halo, J.ici.. would fittingly represent tbe Stato aud every faclion of tlio party. ; mia ots me 11 T-r n til roe out of tout bum tbe State at lart; -, and gives proper geographical ivpriuutation bcaide ; . caostotia. A goat, sent by rail from Chicago to Boston, was tagged by tha owner, "Pleas pass the butter." -. He: ''It makes me a better man very time I kiss you darling." She: ,"Ob, my Harold, now good you must be now." . Optimist: "Ah, there's no lane so long but it has a turn." Pessimist: "Even then you'll find a fellow biding round tbe corner with a sandbag." '"They say," said tha prudent man, "that a man who never drinks, smokes or stays up late at night always lives to a great age." "Yes," replied his very blase friend, with a yawn, "that's his punishment." . . Doxber: "Do yon think that con stantly wearing a bat has a tendency to make a man bald?' Jaxlin: "No; but when ft man is bald I've noticed that it hata tendency to make him constantly wear a hat" v I Old lady: "Didn't I tell yon never! to eome here again?" Tramp: "I hope you will pardon me, madam, but it is the fault of my secretary; he has. neg lected to strike your name from my calling list" First Poet: "I think Thomson's Seasons' is the most remarkable book ver written." Second Poet: "Whyr" First Poet: "It contains over a thou sand lines on spring, and he managed to get it published One of the little black children at Hampton recently annouced that he thought Adam was' more to blame than Eve about the apple, because "the ser pent had to talk to Eve ft long time, but Adam; he eat it right up." Freddy's mamma had a caller one day who several times during her stay said, "Now I must go," always resum ing her seat nevertheless. Upon saying again, Freddy said solemnly: "Don't you believe it until she'sgone, mamma." Good Man (sadly). "Ah, my son, you have been to the circus. It pains me greatly that one so young should have crossed the threshold of iniquity." Bad Boy. "But I didn't cross no threshold; I crawled in under the tent." In a Canoe. "Now that we are en gaged I really think you might give me a kiss." "ISo-o, l muan t, (but as a happy thought strikes her) mamma told me that if I went out in the canoe I must sit perfectly quiet and not move until you told me 1 could." Elsie:. "Yea, dear, my husband is a doctor, and ft lovely tellow, but be is awfulabsent-minded," Ada: "Indeed!" Elsie: "Only fancy! During the mar riage ceremony, when he gave me the ring, he felt my pulse and asked me to put out my tongue." Ada: "Well, he won't do the latter again." "Do you know, Jay," asked Miss Daisy Medders, significantly, ""that there are a great many more single men than married men in the prisons? And do yon know hat tbt prirree?" "Web by it proves, answered Jay Gren, diplomatically,: "that they'd rather go to prison than get married. It is told of a popular attorney that he recently called upon another brother of the profession, and asked his opinion upon a, certain point of law. The law yer to whom the question waa addressed drew himself up, and said.' "I generally get paid for what I know," The ques tioner drew half dollar from his pocket, banded it to the other, and coolly re marked: "Tell me all you know, and give me the change. "Observer. "Gentlemen, I can't lie about the horse; he is blind in one eye," said tbe auctioneer. The horse was soon knock ed down, t citizen who had been greatly struck by the actioneer's hon esty, and afther paying for the horse, ns saidi "rod were nonest enougn to tell me that this animal was blind in one eye. Is there any other defect?" Yes, sir, there is. - He is also blind in the other eye," was the prompt reply." - A tourist was being driven over a part of the co.un.try in Ireland where bis in fernal majesty appeared to have given his name to all the objects of interest in the locality; for there was the Devil's Bridge, ths Devil's Qaldron, the Devil's Glen, , etc, (laid the traveler, "The devil teems to be the greatest landholder these parts!" - "Abl sure, your honor,'' replied the Jarvey, "that is so; but be lives iq England. - I think he's what they call the absentee landlord in Ireland." . , . The conversation, this Saturday night, turned upon the misunderstandings caused between eiuturner and clerk by a similarity of sounds. ' . It was told of the tool man mat m tesponse to any in quiry for yardsticks, h brought the customer cariiet taok. 1 A more excusa ble oxe occurred with the shipping clerk, who came td one of the regular clerks to find out what "kill oil" was, and where he wt-uld find the best kind. Unon interrogating the customer who was an Irishman, he said, "It's best kill oil I m wantin', whioh was his way of pronottnoliia blcyoleoil. . Too other day a great, gaunt colored man entered the express oifije, and edg ing up to the man in charge, took off his hat and askod it there had (icon anything received for George Washing ton. 'The clerk looked at the Inan searehingly, cd then with s knowing ais remarked: -AO, wnat gama are you trying to work oq ms now? Hes been dead long o. , inis story is much the UWO as the story about the Congressman who declared in au address in tbe House: ""As Daniel Webiter says In his great dictionary' "It was Noah Who wr.Urf tue uioiiouary, whispered hit cUeitm, who sat Ht the next dusk; N.i-.h, nothiug," replied the speaker. "Noj.li built lite ark." ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report POLITICAL SOUS'. - Chairman Wm. F. Harrity, of the National Democratic Committee, has just returned to Philadelphia from a trip in the West. He is satisfied that the sound money men will have a sub stantial majority in tbe national Dem ocratic convention. He has no idea that Cleveland will run again, but everywhere found a sentiment indicat ing the strength and availability of ex- Governor Pattisoh of Fen nay Ivan ia. Fusion between the Populists and Re publicans in Edgecombe county seems to be lost. The Populists will not allow a negro on the ticket, and the Republi cans say they will not fuse, unless a negro- is put on the ticket. Several years ago, a fusion between the Popu lists and Republicans was hatched up, and tbe ticket had a negro on it, but so great was the indignation aroused on this account, that the Populifts have not since that time repeated it. from the action of tho colored people in Edge combe, they seem this year to be drawing the color lino more vigorously than the Democrats have ever done. Their actions in their different conven tions plainly prove that they are abso lutely averse to a white man's holding an office among the Bepublican ranks. Wortb Its Pane. Baltimore Sun. A correspondent is informed that a 120 gold piece if melted up and returned to t.ie form of bunion would be wortb fc20. It would sell for that. The in scription on gold coins is to signify the purity of tbo metal and tbe quantity. Tbe word dollar when applied to a gold piece means simply a certain weight of gold. The weight of gold has a value nxed by the usage , of the commercial world not by any government's law. The vice of the proposed unlimited coin age of legal-tender silver "dollais" at the ratio of lb to 1 is that it is an attempt to double the value of a certain weight of silver an attempt which is bound to fail, with disastrous results to this country. To put 100 cents' worth of silver into the silver dollar would be honest and not immediately hurtful, but to make 50 cents' worth of silver legal-tender for 100 cents would bo both dishonest and ruinous. Air. Handy Smith Called Wttlth Down OUarlotte Nowb. Col. Pat Walsh, editor of the Augus ta Chronicle, made a serious omission in his speech at Southern Piues. He covered everything except our gold mining interest. aud.&ndyjSini.tU4i uuKirrus, uiauu n uig kick nuuut .11. After tbe speech ho went around hunt ing Fat, but could t corner him Unti walking the piazza, he looked into an Open window and saw Mr. Walsh at dinner. Sandy climbed into the win dow and had Pat where he couldn't re treat. He dropped a four pound lump of gold on Fat's plate with a rattle that made people look around, poured handful of nuggets in Pat's empty glass and placed tbe plaster cast of the twenty two pound nugget in front of the - ora tor. Then Sandy gave Pat some points on gold and gold mining, and the - re sult was tnat Mr. Walsh promised to make another speech and do better. POOR DOCKKltY r , . T Concord Timej. - - - . My Son Oliver has lost his last chance to be Governor of -North Carolina. We pily him. He has some Bplendid traits oi character, and is a generous, warm hearted and very clever man. lie has been true to the Bepublican party ever since the war; He stood ur it io sun shine and in storm, in victory and in defeat. The colored man never had a truer friend, politically, than Dockery. However, honesty of purpose and fidelity to principlecount for little with tbe Re publicans. Is it not amusing to hear some of the leaders of the Bepublican party swear ing they will not support Bussell f All of them will fall into line, as Spears says, by the first of July. These lead ers ore shrewd. Everybody knows they are after money, and when Bussell finds it necessary to ''ante up" be will do so, and then these leaders, under some pre tense, will go to "whooping it up" for Bussell. Dockery's friends have always pre-, tended to believe (halite has been twice elected and counted out by-the Demo crats, and Spears said so in his nomina-. ting speech. We wonder who oounted him out this time? Everybody knows he had a majority of the votes iu the convention. Is it not interesting to ob serve the party which is always yelling a fair count" deliberately and boldly count out one of tho men of its own ranks and cheating him out of the nomination? ijr - 'Go it, Bobtail'." To Mothers. If ybu or your child has cold and croup, get,a. bottle of Goose Grease Lin ament from Lexington Drug Co., and with it rub thoroughly your throat and chest, it will give instant relief and a - pleasant night's rest. . Evory bottle is guaranteed to do what is claimed for it or your money refunded. , " KivEusmE Medicine Co., Obe Hiix, N. C. Senator Marion Butler 8unday joined tho Episcopal church at Washington, and his son, Marion, Jr., waa baptized at the same time. iv..-: . LEADII-rG- Rnetell la Vlolont and Viclooa. The Charlotte Observer, of the 15th, says : About 1 o'clock this morning the Uepublican Stato convention nominated Dan'lL. Bussell, of Now Hauover, for Governor. We have no raoro to sny of the matter now than that the election of this man to the chief magistracy of North Carolina would be an unspeakable calamity. Vicious, violont, vindictive, his chief object in the administration oi ths office would be the punishment and annoyance, by every means in his pawer, of the best men ot the State, and he would keep tho Commonwealth in a turmoil from the beginning of his term to its end. May heaven avert tho calamity. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Urp.pu. se Veen. : " Buena Viet. N. O. April 26. 1896. My mother has been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has done hor more good, than any other modicine that she has ever taken. She has had dyspep sia for 80, yoars and has been greatly benefitted by the use of a tew bottles of Hood s Bareapsnlla." uenry w hitaker. Hood's Pills cure biltouiness, gestioq, , . . j( , ., - lndi ;1 k: '5 Dr. JT. B. Wattn, dragglst and physi cian, Humboldt, Not), who euSei-ed with heart disease for four years, trying every remedy and ail treMmeote known to him self and foUow-practltionerai believes that heart disease ie eumble. He-writes! - : -i "I wish to toll what your valuable medi cine has done for n, For four yean I had heart disease of tha very wont kind. Sev eral pbyalclana 1 eoneuued, said tt was Rheumatism of the Heart. It was almost un- -'-ftk ' endurable! wltb shortaoss of breath, . palpita tions eovoro pains, nn&blo to sloep. especially on the lets side. Ne pea can de scribe my suffor ,trjgs, particularly ijlarmg sue uus four weary yoars. DR. J. H. WATT I finally tried Dr. Miles'-New - . Heart Cure, and waaturprlsodat tb reauIU It put new life into and ruailo a now man of at. I havo not bad ymptom of trcmblo elace and I am aatlstlod your rcadiclno has cured me tort have now eujeyed, elnco taking tt Tfcrce Years of Splendid KcuUh. I mtgbt add that I am a Orr.r i;l3t anil bawl sold and recommended your Heart Oora, tor I know what it baa done for mo and only wish I could state more clearly lay -.ilTer-Ing then and tbe eood health I now enjoy. Your Nervine and other remedioa also fire excellent caturfactlon." J. H. Watis. tl umboldt Neb., Kay a, ti. rr. Milne Heart Onmleeold on a piol'lre tinranu,.! I lict, t he Una, Uti lo will li ,i, itt All ,lrn,-..wia-ll itntO. lMib I''-. twill ! ' t, i,r.'i,-,Hl, on rw . i'' l- by laMi ir. ai.-e fc.uu.04U Co., L. ..a. t ii.il. Lat Jii-.0 L., it Vi in xnxral ,-: -v Merchants, Carry the best goods and will quote prices with nybodf . We invite comparison and in spection. , It is ' our greatest desire to please. - s . ' '. - ' . '?..c y:' ' : , 1 : -. AGENTS FOB .-,,. Anderson & Iknis Popular Euggles, 1 also , , EMERSON & FISHER'S and other makes of 'vehicles, from the best to the cheapest. AGUNTS 'FOR Kc"oraict'Haro-iioD Kacllna Co. :-.' t aXI A i JPV!'- v.r -'is'"-' fr'-S i Our new Hinder is a Rii lit Hand cut, the onlv one ltiaik-, litfht draft, desirable find popu lar.' See it before buying. The Mower tv made. The M. CO. Kcll Ore! ' tire out-put of t' the MosVer i.; t: sally pupii!.-!-. not call on President Cloveluud.

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