0. .Utt.tf i m i- i VOL. XVI. LEXINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1897. NO. 12. Scrofula MaaliesU ttaclf la but 8rt mjrt, Ska goitre, welUng, raimlnf tore., bolU, (alt rbeam ud ptmtle and oUijt rupttoo. BoarortT man H wholly trae htm It, to aom ' fona. UoUccataaaatotuljaiitJIthelaMmtife ot Mntuknu polaoa It eradicatnl from the blood by llood'SuaaparUla. Taoojanojiof Totuntary tmtjmoniaU ten of tuHertnn from Krotula, often Inberlted and aim! teuaolmU. poilttvelr. ImUj and penoannUr .red by . 11SHUGT01 LETTER. Enioods Sarsaparilla Ttao One True Blood Fnrloer. All drtmciiU. $1. Pn-pawd only by 0. 1. Hood &Co., Lowell. Ms. .. r... ' harmoniously wtti VOOd S PHIS Uood 3amwiU.o. Dr. E. J, BUCHANAN ; Physician and Surgeon. ,,s Lsxfogton, H.C.- 'Next (loot to Methodist church. Calls' promptly . responded cither in town 6r country. ; , RUPORT T. PICKENS. Rttorne t and Goanelloi; at Law, Lexington. M. C. Careful and prompt attention given to all business intrusted to him. ' . . nmna on tmhho square in corner of Henderson Block, near Postofnce. johh -wmi MMl AtW-atLaiyl LEXINGTON. N. Cf S 1 Practice in all the courts Prompt attention given . to coi- JXZXi to the JountT of nnvitUoiUand having given Sfariil Curmpordeae of Tba Dppltca. Washington, July 31, 1897. All obstHcles to prosperity have been' removed. It has a clear.-' track. After the lone wrangle over the Dinefey bill and the care 'with which it was scroti-j nized. many inconsistencies are apparent. Some of the para graphs are absolutely inconsis tent. For instance plums in one paragraph are taxed at 25 cents a bushel and in another at 2 cents oer pound. The Trcisurv busv making sucn thine straight. Another section hxes the rate of duty on "hides o( cattle at 15 per cent, aim admits raw skins free. The importers are coutenJing thnt' calf skins arc not hides ot cattle aim netnanri their free entry. As the days go by new muddles appear. At the same time several law suits have been started by the importers to evade the payment of duties ougoods brought into the country on Saturday, July 24th. This amounts to over $40,0(50 THI5 STRIKE IN THE COAL REGION. Although the administration has been besccchcd to intervene in the strike and settle the diffi culties now disturbing the c-.nl industry, it has preserved a mas terly in activity. The purpose seems to be that the trouble shall continue until some of the hot headed miners commit some act that will iustilv the interfer ence of -the troopsj then the strike can be out down with a strong hand," A dozen different methods nave oeen pointed um to President McKinley .whereby he could lend tne power 01 ms in fluence on the side of peace, but he prefers that the trouble should ferment.! If bloodshead occurs iii the ioil redout this adminis tration will Responsible for it: The Opportunity ! has . been offered but not accepted to stop the whole- affair. Meantime mg THE PIE-EATERS IN SESSION. Raleigh Vt and Obwmr. The secret is out. The State treasurer and State Auditor have a deficit stannir them in the face. They will have taxes levied on the same property as when the Democrats were in control, nut tne extrava grance of the fusion Legislature will work a deficit unless the people pay more taxes in spite of the State, treasurer s reiusni to av tust claims due by the Mate. - . . . . . f . was in tne nope ot securing CIVAL SBRvlCB AMENDMENTS. Ft6 the coooeration of t he county of ficers that the meetiug was call ed at Morehead. If the, Sheriffs and the county commissioners will apply the screws, and use the law imnosinz a penalty for non payment of taxes by Sep tember, a deficit may be averted this year. To secure such co operation was probably the main object of the gathering. It develops also that some Sheriffs will use the "pay your taxes or p-o lo iall" law as'mi electioneer ing scheme. The thorough going Democrats will be made to pay tip under the the threat, implied at least, of suffering the penalty the law prescribes lor nonpay ment bv September The "faith ful" and the "floaters" will be o-iven a special dispensation if 1 . a the sherilt teels that sucn course will contribute to his re-election, for that is the chief end and aim of the Fusion office-holder. Washington,. July 28. Pres ident McKinley has promulgated the following important amend ment to civil service Rule II : No removals shall be made from any positions subject to competitive examination, except tor mst eaune and upon written charges filed with the head of the department, or otner ap pointing officer, and of which the accused shall have full notice and an opportunity to make defense. He also amended. Rule III, so ua to Include within the classi fied service the employes ol all custom house officers, without regard to the number of employe in each internal revenue district, braced custom officers where the number of employes were 5 or more. This order brings into the clossficd service 65 hitherto unclassified customs offices. The President also amends Rule VI. making exceptions to examinations, so as to read as follows : ' Customs house service, one cashier in each customs district; one chief or principal deputy or assistant collector m each cus toms district; one principal dep uty collector at each sub-port or station. Internal Revenue Service One employee in each internal revt- nue disrrict. who shall act as cashier or chief deputy, or assis tant collector, as may be deter- A ROMANTIC WEDDING. BitUflbury Sun. Mr. George Williams, who re cently returned from a visit to his old home in Franklin, tells us of a romantic wedding which oc curred near his home. A couple, determined to wed, ran away from home on Satur day night last. Whether or not there was any objection, our informant knoweth not. But they ran away and got married And the costume in which tbey were married (called costume for want of better name) was some thing out of the ordinary. The man was barefooted and with out a coat. The pants and shirt he wore had been wore, the past week. The lady was also bare footed and wore the dress she had worn all week. Afler the ceremony they re turned, as happy as any one could wish to be, ftnd began housekeeping; Nothing else lor the house was all. there was to keep. But the neighbors helped them- by giving furniture and other articles of necessity and they are now well enough sup plied with this world's goods to live quite comfortably. STATE AND UBNBRAL NEWS Be it gold or like either, and neither. silver, editors always have one neoutv collector in each internal revenue district where the number of the employ ii. . ji: , c 1. 1 1.... ..... ties hi uic unite oi nit -ncvtvi pouucai c ,i.. 11 J : VAttVUB IUUI w- tne oiu Mine . ... ,. t ?.. k,,.t, IUI III CUIU DiulllW n f office. Appointments to the positions named in this rule in tne custom house and internal revenue ser vice shall be subject to an exam ination, to be prescribed bythe Secretary ot the Treasury. aucn examinations shall be conducted iustlfied bond mi the sum ol eignt Prei,;deut McKinley is enjoyi thousand dollars, I offer my ser- himse)f Lake Cnaroplain. tnr the nuroose oj .adminis-i noTtrc-r tcTingonwtatoi- the county Oflke in rear of Court House IEB V WAL8ER mm l. I. WAL8ER. MISER, THE NEW JAFANgBB PROTEST. Last Monday. Inoan startled the administration by the filing of an additional protest. It is pouched in laneuaee that ad mits of no misconstruction.; Ja pan te Is the United States that AttomWI W4 C9W3ell?r At IP' she cannot allow th.e anncjation fcOXUHjwn v StA, a vvv officer here who -r- r- mm"Vm. I. '..t f- . -.4 kii conn,. knows tle situation oi. mc- -rV?tS.iV? 3 "' lands said ; to-day.iv!!The..way Prompt totloo gl V Walter, this question will be settled will JJIj uWOT Co.ru tolore. mrmixr. I nc ur mc ickiMtiiv. w !?,bl"rVj &. SJtoftfr.""" fire-cracker flag over the Islands and then ttSK .tne unitcu ouia what she is going to do about it , The Crecron that was her alded as ordered to the ixianas hns not cone the,-e and will not go. wnen Aomirai miner i ha will bto in a pnssenaet steam er.TheJaps. are preparing to invade theaslands and to supply the twenty thousand or more men there with arras. The w we ore p-oinif to Jose the Ha- n.n;lo .irl orit-h ilim' we 'will ...... b..a till inil mill BUBltS.liose ell chance of dcfcndine-ourl WHi,, i, r- rfiii commert:e in'the Pacific.!'VJ :V,,'pmB Careful Drivers, Incidental with the plain talk the English papers are advising the Kniilisn government Q ,e,c the islands and thus end the t-ouble. , i . ALASKA. ' y The Secretary of War has or- . t j t. r : it never nnppeneu ocioic i . . . tU tmo,. n.nnri. "lent; . one deputy sutions to violate the law to fa vorites and apply it harshly to tnose not oi tneir household. In when Democrats made the law, they had to be enforced whether petty officers wanted to eniorce them or not. and they bore equally upon all classes of men It is not a dangerous power, even if in an instance it serves a good purpose, to let county of- nccrs aetermine wnetucr M.cy b h commis,ion in nccordance wtil or will not carry out the If... ,.:. mandates of the Legislature? T. .; tentior, which was formulated by Secre- Saw 2.000 Crave In Klondyke. tary Qage hag the unqalified and Frank Moss, an old-time Mon- hearty indorsement of the civil tana miner, has returned from service commission, which earn Klondyke and tells a story of lastly requested the . President i horrors and- starvation seldom aonrovaf. couuled. even in modern novels. The commission, in its last an tie qesermeo tne Kionoyite as nual report, had said tnat tne a placer camp, seven miles long government officers should have and thirteen miles wide, located the power of removal for proper in a sink, and waned in Dy reasons boulders of rock 3.000 feet high. Uold, he says, abounds, DUt no "Best People" At a Lynching ordinary man can stand the U iinui Diipatch, hardships ot the nncivihved re- The Atlanta Commercial, ot eion. In three years he saw ov- which the Hon Heniamin M Attorney -At Law, Lnlnjton, I. C. " 0FFICK JH COURT HOUSE Lexington LiYery Compan) P. L. Conrad, Manager, j , ft! Toams, Uareivu Phone No. 18, Killed HI Baby Step-Sister. Ax II ill Herald. A .shocking trncedv occurred in Mr. I. B. Oates' place, five miles south of the town hundar. While Sam Williams, a colored tenant, and his family were away from home Thomas How ard, his little step-son, nine years old, shot and mortally wounded Williams nine gin, Josie, who was just three years old. The children were alone in the house, when Thomas, seeing a shot-gun on the shelf, took it down Observing tnat tnere were, no caps on the tubes, he concluded that the gun was not Innrfcrl He miind A box Ot cans and putting one on one of tne tUDCS, pointed It HI Ills nine step-sister and cried: "Look OutV instantly tnere was a loud report and the innocent lit tle girl tell backwara, ner rore hcad perforated with shot, which penetrated the brain and cansed.Ueath after six hours ot srulTcring. It is said that the name Klon dyke is the Indian name "Tron dak," meaning "plenty of fi6h," trom the tact that the river 19 a famous salmon stream. . Mrs. James G. Jones, of Cali fornia, "mother of the American Railway Union," will plead with President McKinley to spare S. I. Worden, about to be executed for killing soldiers in the 1894 California riots.,.,...,. . ... . On the beach not far from the hotel at Carolina Beach, Col. H. Montagu and son found a 600 pound shark that had 'washed ashore, still alive; they killed it and preserved it as a trophy. Durham iurt. ' - ' Miss Kate - Helmke. of St Louis, is totally, blind, and yet she rides about the streets on ber bicycle unattended and meets with no accident, , , Her acute sense of hearing warns her of the approach ot vehicles. Commercial travelers ' report that more merchants in this State are paving cash for their purchases than ever .before. This is perhaps largely due to the repeal ot tne law lormading preferences in assignments. The merchants who supply the coun try and small town dealers do not like a preference law. Wil mington Messenger. Mark Hauna is quite willing to capitalize the middle-of-the-road Populist in Ohio this year as he did the middle of the road Populist in North Carolina last year. - A pie-bunting Pop. will tumble to the racket as quick as a'neero political preacher will if the money is, in. sight. -That is the kind of patriotism he deals inj ,,.. .,,. c iv.: '' The Collector of Internal Reve nue in the District in Which At lanta is situated 'is H Decater Street neero barber. ' This is a sad commentary npon the 'white Republicans in this district and every one of them ought'to start for the gold regions of Klondyke '. NoCood to Unola Sam." Charlotte ObMrwr.' .'i 1 ' ' Secretary ' of the Stat John Sherman is taking his, vacation at Amagansett, L. I., and there a reporter of the New York World tonnd him last Sunday. In the interview which followed the subjoined passage occurred : secretary Sherman said he had been reading With great interest the reports , of the Alaska gold neios. . -i ,,,., ."Do yon thinkl" he was asked. that - ,the i gold taken out of Alaskan fields will affect the vol ume of the currency ? 'Ob,'Tro, he replied, "notun MARRIED OVER THE COFFIN. ' ntnam. Conn', July 28. There wag no merry-making yesterday , at the marriage of Miss Ulara BeUe Olney to Burk, L. York, Jr., a student, of the Yale Theological . Seminary. The bride- and groom joined hands over the coffin of Mrs. Olney il The flowers that cov ered the coffin also served as a token of the bridal ; day,. .Miss Olney and Mr. York had been engaged for several months. Mrs. pmey bad favored1 the en gageraentrf .-When- Mr. York less the finds are enormous and l-came . several months; ago! to the value oi gold itselfis affected That is hardly a probability.!?,". in Mondays "World, in which the foregoing appeared, is a dis patch from Tacoma, Wash.;' from which the following para graph is clipped : , , , More gold has been or is being paid for Klondike supplies in the Pacific Northwest and and for steamship tickets, than .has yet accn aug out oi tne monaiae. Thus far less than $2,500,000 in nuggets has been taken out and to date supplies for 4,000: per sons have been demanded- Their supply bill has already reached $3,000,000. ' ' - ; ' Upon this showing the United States are not likely to .have anything to boast of in the way of net results from the Klondike find. .. ? er 2.000 eraves made in a Klon- , i , . t . ... - : . .. ,i .. oynp qasin, a luruc ihujuiiij uv- mg from starvation. Rlackburn Is the editor, is out in replv to to the criticisms made on his advocacy of lynching by the New Yorl? .newspapers.- He Bloodhound lor Salisbury. The long-wanted and long- looked-for . bloodhounds U D.J.HIIil,M.D- ii IT T The TYBfl TTlT.l . CC niiiiji dered Caotain Henry May and 4VW ... . Le hundred nicked men to nro- Dr PaWe'S Oil Swna, ceed to Alaska. -At the preSent Ult Ju?...rV ' Lim. KnMand has about three TjAxbeton, W. u..aa V.f ti, Knrthweat Police. w - . I IIU11U1 VU ... " . . . , ' Offioe Honrs: 7 to 8 a. m-,u; under Capt cobsoqiiw a n 1 1 ti m and ' w o v. mines, i ne&c uju . ...6 I to i p. i"f l ...i j mnnv nrivllecres. UUUU1V W, W.." --" "" a ' ' a wnnstiNO UAH'S PROTEST. - "M The Central Labor : Union of Wnahincton has adopted a se ries ol resolutions iavorir.tr vuc ... . i . 1 1: "rtM amendment too i"'r J. N. AI.U pbjslcian and Surgeon ' t cTivr.TON. K. C 1 UK . tract Labor Lavf"w as o -pro- Office in Henderson iuv, vide ft term 0( imprionment tor leyery violation ot tts provuions I ... ..wtn-siits) nivDtTKllTIAN .'- : DR. JOHH tplBSrfitjKirt . . o nnoA on Main Naw Yard here 01 unoououcu umcein pun. " r . Antirn. savs "The" people of the North are have bicsrer fools than wc take them been received bv Messrs. Shaver to be rtthey ncoeptas correct re am! James. They arrived from flection or .public , sentiment in Cn..f1, larn ttlfl Inot nlCTnt nT1(l U C OUUia lUS inv.a(wii. vi. v.r takon in charge by Mr. tain puis uu ,.w ..Uw,....b Shaver, They resemble the two question tne peopie oj ucurg.u ;,i,..Ji,iiMr i a MnhnW favor lynching: Those who con L.i.. a . i.. .ihf tend that lvnchme is confined to .u. m . the lawless element area lot ot The decrease in petty thefts internal nan, wnu mj tu- andin the nurabw of midnight Pie, of the ftortii lor, a ; lot m ol inn. Mr. Mnh.nlpv'H IOOIS. c . luiKui-v n hnnnda were brought here is plain and honest about the mat very marked Some of the evil ter. ii tncir uuxeruiou w ime, aZ . eo.M-ntiw nfrnid of that the ncople; forming such j ; , - - ; ' mnha Are iawloss and unrepre- UUgs.- - . . . . . . I ,!, l U ho thece One of the hounds receiyeq mat ""J ; " v"" " uct ..,o.o iu.lmen or some of them are not inches from the tip ot one to tne ,V rfrri,. A. tl haa anal ' riA At" Mt- I Prill I UIICI3 lLllUIUJi v V Mollie". measures 16 inches, oldest inhabitant never heard of -Sun. 5 - ; one oeingciauncu or uhi. .. . : , .r j i in tne case oi ton unum saiisoury now nas lour ehu .''.j " - . n,. bloodhounds, something every 1? ""i " ' j 7 S w rZZ. town in Norm caronna snou u - i the crowd nave., w ny aon t some man " ! f .a.. nf the Lcingtonrwhohnsmoney.pur- ' .FSof S chase a pair ol biooanounus r : (r nu nil of nv ... t....... . w P:v limt on ot nnv country -v i on the face, of theiglobe.4 There President McKinley was re- . i. t. ini lBese ported as saying at Canton, e0 for u jR lTnpo9Sjble to get a uai i. tiiuv . tiv- vj..mi. w. ' Losa Harrl Haa 27 Office. The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer, of last Thursday, savs:- a ' J. C. Logan Harris was recent ly alluded to in this correspon- dence.as holdinz 26 offices under r. " . , : ... a a.- Ti the present auminisiraMon. ,i nc now has 27. There is now cause for joy, He is acting Attorney- General in the absence of lebulon Vance Walser. He will represent the latter in the suit; which Dr. Aborvitae S. Swinson, whilom enrolling clerk to the late la mented Legislature, nas orougnt nuainst the Auditor and Treasu- rer, and, Lieutenant Governor Revnolds. and - Speaker Urose Hileman. of the House, tor mil time pay, also in the suits (bo of theinlbrouBht by a Pamlico ex-sheriff, in the oyster entry eases 'also in the C n. jvieoane mandamus suits aaainBt mic Halifax and Craven county com missioners to force the, iatter to hold the school election, August 10th. ' The Attorney Oeneralis rusticatinsr in Davidson county There is some tain oi uv wmis incr a series of lectures by North Carolina's most eloquent speak er, the Hon. William, fentress Henderson, A. M., rn. ti., fa., etc.. etc: J. C. Logan will fillhis Chair well during his absence.. llt bind them to irparty that is col or blind. .Newton Enterprise, . The 'editor "of the' St.. Louis Star says P e (. welcome the sweet girl graduates with open arms,.- whereupon, tne eanor of the 'Philadelphia Inquirer re marks: "We should ,. do , tne same ask, Mrs. .Olney for her ; daught er's hand 8h called both the, young'people' to; hei room, for. she was then in "poor health, and gave them her blessing. It , was. understood; that. Mr.- York,. was to completo .his iourse "y at , Yale1 .Theological ; eminary ana men ne was to come td clainf 'his'hride. v Mrs. . Olney's health failed rapidly." The physicians s. told ; her last ; " week that she had , but, a few ' . days to live. . "Call Burt ,and :i Clara in," directed the mother., . ; ' J They were soon at her side," Tears began " to flow. ' "Please 5? stop crying childrentn said the dying woman.? 'JJow, I, want you to join hands, , Promise hie you will be married before I am buried." J" '"'"; '-';-v;ff" "Yes, yes," came the solemn""' responses. ij-.ti vrfl. -Awi Qne hour after, Key. iDr.Sar-i ' gent, of Uie , Congregational ,., church;' had , performed ; the he was Tribute to Pat tor Stroheoker. CorrespoiidenoB DaTidaon INajxtea. ' ; ... Tvro Shops, July 23. We, the council of St, Luke's (Sandy Creek) E. L. Church de sire to express our sincere' es- kmil nuu ivi iuui iwwi, HKUuuiir wreuiOHV, HQ WW) A. . nu. iv .1 iHIHIHMIIir Mm K minn wnniH fll joice atthe present harmonious buriai Wrvice.? The "wed-' conuuion oi our congregation m,aota .0 u,. r,,,,,.-, , nt-cr mm rr rmnm with tm I . 10 Hobo and "a?-.- Hiiuiiici jrcr. rt ,, t,,j ,i otff ..n0, Betwaan Ana . tnatnii tne members I , . lit Trampi. i i i tT..:.i j. ......... tr '' ' .1. uiiuuKiumv twTiusun tuuuy irt New and Observer, ji'ii "i, -." '!' invited to meet on Saturday be- The , difference between-, a,..i. fore 3rd Sunday to clear up onr hobo. and a: tramp was a " ' Atfrb subject - of discussioS on1 the '" ':t an invitation to tne entire pub- . J . . . t , ; ? lie generally to attend our weeks of tfT. " service, commencing Wednesday grdwmg out. of , local notw ; morning before the 4th Sunday referring to a, female ', hobo.41. . or at least 'severe ftie ties which .m AufTust. . . v i J a was contended inas a -noDO ,j A: W, -ltts."'..: Dr;" Alex J wihr alWaTO C man, and a man v . Swicegoodf Jacob Michael, vith 'a 'trade.' A' gentleman, B. 8. Shoaf. Elders., H E who claims td-' know all ' about '"-' Swicegooil, T. F, Sink. Q.,.P, these species of i peripetiC' iildi-' ' Koonts, Deacons. - : il Tsnftl uvo r.hrfl ia tiothinir in . v common between, a hobo and a.;,: Xhe oiergy ol .toe have ai- and defines them lennea uib luwYen ui .mat cist w . k - . i mi- - wi ves would not nna out- , t ne w fe.SJi s ... , , , . . . , : . k.j--; sweet girl graduates have not Ilie'PliUaddphia' EeclTs: J .work, and 'despises been consulted auout ii ,i u j a : Kensuurton t wortrman ' named Uw, a . . "S? ,"10 fi . to voted . for McKinley who' will workj but on account of bis ;- mecnamewno naa oeen over come by strong drink 1 A tramp -. has ho use for nun and regards will send the chills up your old saddle scarred backs and take the conceit put of you: President McKinley and Mark Hanna have had a1- few hot words and are said to be' at outs. Its dollars to doughnuts that Mark comes out best man lO REASONS WHY ' The Fidelity Mutual Life Asso-j him aa ui TiAstilent fellow whose ' He has a mortgage on the Pres- ?iat,n' ?f phi,"delPhiaCPt; actions tend to bring the ttimp '' 1 ident yon know, and he might og the ,Fouse Planv, sthebest profegsfon mtdswputei"l -nnrauu cwuiiwuy m ww . ft,ta,ra-dirf.ionflrv-..tiiafc.J ss" r.lwift -dowejtotpresejrr I X. J. 1 J Jniti I KnMU f I MI 1 1 1 1 1.11 II IK- h ,i - A ''t . . . - -. embarrased position, and this agenieM.iiw w "I","""" v"f r7 w , in this particular m- p".vh;uj vj - r - n,' hftnj! Bufc wfci.iriid-yiu s Major xMcKinley's P $1000, mean insurance) and Wife They, were, such Silver Orator to Fight Hanna. and Bniuery rounding couutry Offioe Honrs 1 eta to ne (lliic cnance m uwy 8 to 0 ft- in-, ting ttie nre nng tii wmu .a o.an n' .wiirrinir M S VtrV aBnHCTUHH to8P. m,, waT.-au ;;:-the a un foundry of the' f!ll left St Bun t"T.'." i. .i ill. b:m.7-p''- asps tion. PBNTI8T, ot Thomiwvlll, wUl be la llng. ton professionally on the 8rst Mon . Tnmulnv in each month. rt MarA lIonsa cottage. t1" practice. Work done as low i good work can be done. Mltl Bawl Harra, Proprilroi , IFXINQTOU, . C. V For the accommodation of rcgu- hr ar.d transient gncsui.. s Batiufaction guaranteed. ' Xornii fl.00 per day. States Is situated at this point. , Jl one m tnesc ; urcs. Should i?et from under control the United States would be pow erless tq odd. tq Its present stop k Prn,gHUe ' - ' EzabaaMi Bryan Is an Ideal leader f6r the common people. His heart and mind beat And think in unison with the efforts ol the masses to free themselves from financial alnverv and restore the govern ment and laws of the fathers, ,'l tr ...l.lJ 111. -11'I.U !.nl. Vnil lie is nouic in- nn 1119 uv-tq, uuu lis Speeches ; atf 'replete 'with trulh and IOl!C is tnu. nqrogs the continent to iaornia was a triumphal march, and the gen erous receotion accorded him by the people" along the line and in California attest witn wnaiuign regard he is held by tfiem, good wheat crop means a return to prosperity very soon, adu thet o.utioqK qr a qig jiovmju crop js excellent. Theee two fo cournging signs, may enahle the people to pay tne mgner tac unpose4hy the Dingleybill with out bankruptcy.1 The President right in saying mat gooo crops mean "a return to pro- penty. Jllu ia.es nuu money take from the formers part or tne money nequgnt w have for his crQps.--News and Observer.--- ,';". -'."-:.-' -r- A Flase toe H 8rOthr-ln-Uw. Oolumlna, 0 Piiifltoh. a 1 r.t! -!-'' , Kews hns bccrr tccclyed here to the affect that 'President McKln- ev will appoint his, brother-tn lflw. Col. A. U. uuncan. 01 tnis city, an inspector of Indian agents., a pacg wmcn pqy am a year and expenses. goj n.mcnn has had a p ace here tor Ave years as state tnsiiector oi building and loan associations, having oeen retained in the office by Governor Bushncll at Presi dent McKinley's special request. grand jury in Spalding, county to indict tfem,," j a saS. J Sonntnr Turlc- PPOolrifedvby Tnvlor to saccecd the late Senator Harris, of Tennes ae. la a native of Memphis. was born in apm. ttis jatuer s fnmilv were of Virtrinia and. his mother's of North Carolina. He read law at the Univewity.-ojl Virgiuia, has never neia pince, is astraigotout (rai ttun.-i' most a free trader, ; " I , Wuhlnttsa Plaratetl. . A. Brown, a Democratic leader of . LMitrtanattl. has arrived in Washington to arrange with Chairman . Tones, of the Demo-, cratic aattonal committee, for a number ' ? T spell binders , to be bused at a nniqae Ohio campaign -It IB propoBca to imve n vus orators. against Republicanism to meet fit apringneia, u., uoy erno Bushnell S home, for a week's camo-meenng. septeroDcr 15 to 21. v These orators will be preent at .the camp-meeting! Senator J. K. JoneJ, Senator Tel ler, Senator Allen, senator' pul ler. ci.Oovernor William T, Stone, of Missoui,,vUovernor Tavlof of Tennessee, ana prooa Wy" WilHant J. Bryaa. " It will be thetorntai opening oi ine buh- Hanna campaipf4 . i,,,, it t tnlrA a .nrttinti to forerlone M ,.w. - - . - . ,j - insure. i, -) 1 !-. man Hometimes finds himself in Carefnl selection and man an position stance,, - . - , . t 11 lfinQ7.a i . . , 1, 1 -1 .1'..- , CUXUL1U1UUI V . UlKUa, ' Sing a song of swelled head, a sots, to each $100..Kabilities.) I bargain dear.,,; They had been fellow fu'J of Bin. .coming home I J 2. The rates based on past in-1 markod ' down from 115. to at 4 a' m., lt8 vife don't kt him kurance experience, are about l$l.48iiDon't you see I Bared f '-t purchasing - bought onei- - ZiSiW toow,your;,little He pnts his feet upon the porch. Utery statedVnnd limited tdles wUaftaasucna nea JOdus;.- his head upon the ground. and than half the usual charge. mess piq ypu? . , ; , - atl tue time witu pis v-rau lucf '"' ipe - roorianpy-ienien'w -r- nrheeiB are ' iToinor' round..- He (rates, nvoiluble forcurreut losses 1 4448 thinks that he is sober and; tnat is (30 per cent, greater thaa an- in.tHis feet are, full t tangle- 30 per cent, below the "old line" twicefas nrach W'l foot, his head h full ofuwheels; Tates; .hw -4 U -1 two as if I had flnly I the, key hele runs aroundjthe "-8. The,, rates t, a rtr itemized, vTknoS knob, he . a funny-teeling feels. I with the' expense every one is tight, and he thinks der the legal reserve method.and I ? J)e's in his bedrpomj instead of yet the total .cost of ithe Sinsttr- oufc all nightw.He.thinksathe ancelsmuch less. t& ' -r Anllar iinrl ;Wlll .DUV ftl. VrlutA .jne. an.VMinitinna dozen drinks, and various other and terras, of payment "of pre-1 thoughts he thinks,, ana taunts, tnlnms issued toistut all ciasse I and 4hinks ; and:, ,tbinks. b But Hberal surrender, valuea, income when the morning eometn, sooni for the insured m case oi nsaw-i at that,! he ; ioQksi,arond and ment. and -income tot bemeficter. Wn doubt the Henublicans of this State feel greatly honored w the fact that lohn U. uariCT.xoi. ored, was the only one In this Stnte who was thoouht worthy of the honor of being made, the Vice President bf , Bepublican Clubs for this State, hv that as soemtton waiwn mi i vJ"." a few weeks aao.-Newton . J.n. A - Georgia coroner "jury brought In the following--verdict recently r "The deceased ; .came to death from a railroad In the A1' western , Exchange says "The man wlio wipe his nose on his slet ves, , , picks i his teeth witn'a fork; squirts tobac It. murmurs. ''Great soakesl.Wtiere pes; if prefcrred to taniput t PI"; tV'.-i y i vt. ltu.tr ami fitr.-rnx. ,!, aeatn., s-.?i9 7 , - ' . . ' .''" ,t,, ,iIiW-,om Not:B-.iinvc3tipeat:t-totn- f ,j.. -.jgra- " J Rioh oom vein. panyflife iuanuw-riMirfr'nd Uirk-' ai k... , u v.' simple. JThe insnred left to tn--, i j'TiL ,t . I Ta f ; m nereed hipornsh' by 'par- U ties in Rowan and counties to the Klondike Alaska. Mr. D,'. D.' Shaver; ot Morgan township; writes us of the discovery of a very rich vein on" his nd-doimngi5 planta tions, l ne vein is a inm-iuurara of - n mde, loue:' Three shafts have "been sunk" at different places and the ore pans out from $10 to 2Q per bushel. , The inine J l. , I kuJniiiMMtkal Hit t ( test hing ..fp, th. , i . a nt I j i ' i ....1 ii Mmtmuann-i. - I 1 DD .unyi uoDipnii.r wiii.H i uau (iuuti v..j.--.- -- issues self-guarntedHlKtcs''i Values not hxeo, by statute co iuice onthecook stove kearth,1io ' the. Stokes Ferry road rides to mill with corn in one of j about one mile below Mr. Tim',' Blanks at this office. the incks and a stone in the oth er. dHves to market with hick. orv bark lines, deposits nis mon- ey in last winter' osks, insists on paying ms ips in vwuu and wild honey fastens one gal- liia with a wooden pea and wears possum belly pants, is the same old rooster who has no use for his home paper and his hands of a receiver, ad the same brother is the fellow who tries is manslnunhter in the first de grcc.".: - . to do business in town withqu.t advertising. Lisk'sTesldence. It is called the Shaver Mine as it intersects Sev eral of the Messrs Shaver's land. Mr. Fred Betts. of Gladstone, a.n expert miner, has beep requested to examine tne veis sana . tar., Shaver say he expects, him to day; If Mr. Shaver is correct in hU views the mine is one of the richest ever discovered in this portion of North Carolina. Blanks for salo at this office '8, law; but by the inexorable laws of financ and njortalityr thus avoiding , technical impairment. ? 9. Premiums are stipulated by the directors m the hcht i..f in- . -7- 1 O suranca experience, and mot ttg-' ulated, by, a arbitrary' legal standard..! h w-ia j 10. Strict and reeiprocal-tat. tuality.; Policies participate in surnltis. Ls Reserve guarded J by our lamous "faaiety uause.:- -i .. Cajtwe qnote;you rates -tor your age ? -Write or call on ... ,,' ' : .Lexington, N. C, Or Burkhcad & Farwell, (Jcnerai Aizpnts, Raltich, N. C. are. Reliable Agents wanted, to whom cood contracts will be given. Tnst1;a.i no 'man .by taking thought caitl "add an inch to ibis stature, eo no preparation ;caaniak air.-t. The utmost ' tthat caiv,b.dpn is f V v , snote 'conditions lavor-' le to f grovnh, This is .done by S-Ayer; Haif Vigor, It ? - fcoves danJruJ, cKu ' '." scan, 1 !aor!shcs t" - : wl. h tl.e l r -.t e a " ' 'M . , ii b-"-, l . Tilt L. : 1;.' -a. 1 t"...e. ; to ret,. If you t' t tf i i "i t ) i