" IJitori ProprlalaT C. Juwt, 81. 100 'II 9 gubernatorial contest be f : a the Kentucky Legislature i :2l drags along.- The chances era tbat Taylor will be unseat ed and that G"M will be de clared Oov.r Every' few days our brave flag Wing boys In 4he Tbilip vino Islands run down a few half dad-' negroes and -forth wilh Gerv Otis cables the ad miiiiHtratioa' at Washington that great work b going on in the far off islands of the sea. , Ben J XX Troy has begun the publication of a unique four page, fire column paper at Sanford. "Trojan's J Notion" is the name of the paper and it is a very creditable sheet We hare a "notion" the paper will meet success. ' The ' Constitutional Amend' ment guarantees to every white male dtiaen the right to rote as long as he lives with only one simple proviso, and that is he must register. He has only got to register and when this is done he can vote in all elec tions and the Amendment says he shall : always enjoy that right. What more cau any man ask? It b all plain and simple, so much so that he who runs may read. , The Boers are simply slaught ering, the English soldiers by thousands. To overcome these people b the most gigantic un dertaking England has had on her bands for long years. Just how the bloody affair will ter minate b a question tbat time alone can answer. At every point so far the sturdy Dutch man ban outwitted the brave and patriotic Briton. It b a most diplorable affair. A death dealing conflict with the end not yet in sight - They do Bay now a way over in ;the Philippines that "all coons look alike to me. They say that the only trouble now is that they can't tell when they get the, foxy, cunning Aguinaldo. - How can they tell if all coons look alike? This government under the leader ship of William McKinley ie now at the point where it will nave to spend about two nun : area thousand .dollars on some commission 'to visit the country and officially .decide which b Ag. . and which b the other coon. -"' '. The Louisville Courier Jour nal, edited by Col Henry Wat- person, who b easily one of the '.most learned and level beaded : journalists in die United States in discussing the , random shots of Senator Pritchard in his tirade against the interests of hb peo ple says In substance that it b a sad thing for a Republican gov- eminent that a man can get into the United States Senate, .without knowing more of the structure of our government than b implied in some of , the remarks, of Senator ; Pritchard in. his discussion of the Consti tutional V Amendment With the Pritchard class of states men there b only one idea and that b anything to get office.; The people of Cumberland county go at things in a man ner that b clear to JL They are far 'the amendment aal they give tlieir reasons in no uncertain tone. They favor " s ration of the . suffrage : t because they ssy ' n will assure tliera: 3. I ' of v.! "j rnon t? T C.3 treat lo-Jy, t. . Senator William JoebeL the Democratic candidate for Gover nor of Kentucky, was shot yes terday while walking through the capitol grounds at Frankfort on his way to the oapito) build ing. The bullet which atruclt Mr. Goebel was Area from a win dow in centre of the third story of the office building east of the Capital. -. v DIAGNOSIS THE WOOND. Senator Goebel was wounded by a rifle ball of small calibre, not over 83, which struck him in the right side just below the armpit. The ball passed through the back part of the right lung, across the body in a diagiol line, passing out below the left shoul der , blade. The vital organs were not injured with the exoep tion of the right lung. The wound is considered very se rious. .... The latest news last night at midnight was that Mr. Goebel was resting easily, but was very weak. All of the physicians are agreed that if he lives through the night the chances are in his favor, but with one exception, all of them say he is almost certain to die before morning. On account of this - political contest in Kentucky the State has been on the verge of oival war for several months. The shooting of Goebel was planned with great deliberations, the man who handled the rifle using smokeless powder sat by a raised window waiting for his victim to appear Harland Whitaker, a farmer from Butler county, the home county of Governor Taylor, is now in the jail at Louisville, charged with the crime. There is no direct evidence against him, more than he was a very active enemy and was caught hanging around the Capitol Governor Taylor and the Republican of ficials denounce the crime and the Democratic leaders counsel the crowd to be calm. ' A telegram from Frankfoit last nisht save : While Wm. Goebel lay at the point of death in his room, as the result of an assassin s bullet, tue contesting boards, which for two weeks baa been listening to the evidence in his contest for the Governor's chair, declared him eu titled to the seat. The boards having in charge the contests be tween ttoebei and Taylor tor uov ernor, and Beckham and Marshall for lieutenant Governor, met at 7 o'clock to-night, in the city hall, to consider toe evidence submit ted to them, and prepare their re port to the Legislature. A few legal authorities were read to them at the request of Senator Alien, who wished light shed upon a few doubtful points. Then, by a strict party vote of 10 to 1, Wm. Goebel was declared to have been legally elected Governor of Ken tucky. The Beckham Marshall contest was then voted upon and a strict party vote of 9 to 2 settled this matter. Several Demoorats-' sought to get together a quorum of both houses, hold a night session, push through the reports and declare Goebel the Governor of Kentucky before morning, to give him the honor before he died, but too many legislators were away. It is a certainty that Goebel will be made Governor to-morrow, if he is alive. The Republicans will probably, as soon as the decision in favor of Goebel is made, make application to the United States Urouit Court at Cincinnati, lor an injunction, restraining Goebel and Beckham from ' taking their eats, and the tattle will then be continued before Judge Tafil, of that court. mx ; dispatch . received a special message at 11 o'clock this morning saying Goebel is still alive, - but the chances of his rcovery are slim, so his phy sici&na say. ' The entire country sympathises with Goebel to-day, and hopes for ua recovery. ,. Best Republican for It Ordinary Republican poli ticians must oppose it for they want to preserve their party strength and besides the un lettered negroes who have of ten helped them-'require their opposition, and they wish to re tain the influence of the ne groes who will continue to vote. But these considerations will not control white Republicans who ao not aspire to office. Some of these however, will op pose it for the sake of their po litical friends, some from preia- dica against all things Demo cratic, and some because t" ?y rea: y think f 1 at i orant ne groes who wJ La C '.nmiUfjd ind r it, era r crpaL'.j in gyr " '.lr" a e ) pre Ue ei- j i tea : t r "i v. v ;.o v 7 Vi ! Pilgrim Newj. - - . rilgrtm. Tar. 29. Misses May, Sadi and Master Clevckn l Con rad visited relatives or Holly GroTr Saturday and Sunday. Nias Lolhe Conrad is confined to her room by an attack ot rheumatitm. 1 Mr. Fred C Sink has been in disposed the past week, but at this wncing we are glad to note that he is improving. Messrs. Beck and LloUtelter will go to the Twin City lor their new saw mill today. - tney hare not as yet decided on the place where Uiey will locate,, it will be at Mr. A.. JU Conrad or at J. F. Sink's Sr. , The public school at the Aca demy will close next Saturday. Next Friday will be gTouna- hog day and all believers in feigns will be ou the alert.aud tur tue shining or not shining of the sun foretell the weather tor the next forty days, more or less. Many ot the readers ot ihe Dispatch havr heard of, aud no doubt quite a cumber have Ixxn in, what, wus once known as Medlintown, tl e said town is entirely dep. pcla ted. The capi tal was removed a lew wees ago, the streets are being plow ed up aud. the once notorious town will by harvest time wave with golden" grain Irora centre to circumference. Prof. A; T. Delap, of near Sa lem was the guest ol Prof. G. Ed Leonard, one day last week. Isaac. Hannersville Items. Hannersville, Jan. 29-Mr. Lee Pierces case of small-pox has turned out to be red measles so says Dr. Chan. Phillips. D. F. Andrews spent Sunday at home and reports that he will have a piay-dav next Sat urday February 3rd at New Hope school house The public is invited. Mr. B. F. Lee, ot Moorsville, is spending a week at home, Miss Bertha D irsett's school at Halls Chapel, will close Fri dav Mr. J. A. Parrish's best porker weighed 425 pounds, A. S Mil ler's best weighed 345 pounds, Mrs. Polly My rs is convales ent from a scterc cold. essrs Wilson Miller and Hep her brothers, are toing to move their saw mill to Mc K. H. Dor sett's, the last of this week. Spelling schools are on the go down here, last week there were three. Mr. J. W. Black and family, ot Winston, are moving back to their old homestead, to avoid vaccination. Mrs. Sarah Beck and her daughter, Mrs Eli Black. t Winston, were both boned at Emanuels week before last. Mrs Black leaves abusbaod.aud thre? small children, who. have our deepest sympathy. SquireS. C. Watford and Mr W. V. Stout, havethe finest pros pect for wheat ot any one in nil this neighborhood. ZBBO a BIG FOOT. Yadkin College Notes. Yadkiu College, Jan. 29 Vac cination is not et all popular among the people at this place. No one has hud the operation performed. Last Friday evening the mem bers of the Ciceronian Literary Society wete delighted with a call from Mr. T. 8. Dale, who made a short -and pointed tnlk that was enjoyed by all. Mr. Dale recently gave the Sotkt.v five dollars toward furnishing room.. Saturday morning at eleven o'clock. Dr. Bays, Presiding Eld er of the U. E. Church, preached an excellent sermon on "Living," ia which he proved himself mas ter of his subject and bearers. After the sermon was finished and dinner was over, the quar terly coherence met. At night Rev. Tate preached a short but interesting sermon. On buoday at 11 o'clock Dr. Bays again reached, his theme being the Sufferinsr of Christ." He preached with suffusing power ana eloquence, panning titio pictures, using beautiful and fit ting illustrations, and making comparisons that were apt and grand, tie is tnougnt to oe me best preacher , Yadkin has seen fur years. ' Miss Etfle Davis, who nas been away three mootns .. vmng friends at Ueep Kiver, James town and Winston, baa returned home. -, ".- Mr. Charles Thompson was in town Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Raper and Kippie nnu sinter, or Arcadia, witn Minses Lelia and Vic. Byeny, maoe a short call Sunday. Several tt Yadkin's young peo- pie were at Tyro Saturday night. . " Messrs D McCafl and Z t Wal-. ser were at this pluce Kundy. K uk wight. Hanes News. v Hanrs, Jan. 2G.-There will be preaching at I inrview every iourtb Sunday evcitinj. Mr. V. L. V -r L;. piir- ch; ? 1 h' - n n: w ' n. i u U J. - J ? - -'d 'i t" 3 f : I V "A . fcst Eth Fur Jei The eBminati n of ttrW class of , cttixeni (ignorant nrgioes from politics will be a Godsend to them. It will loosen the bonds betwees) them and those white leaders who play upon their ig norance and prejudice to . lead them away Iroui their; true friends and against their own highest ' interests, and it will strengthen the bonds between thetn' and tlio'white neighbor up on whom the? are dependent for industri.il and commercial pros pertv and progress. The color ed citizen is on trial not. only be fore the people of the South, but before the world, not asa politi cal element chiefly, but as an In dustrial factor. This comes near to his heart and his home.- This is the sphere ot bis real interest, and whatever disentangles him on the non-essential side and gives bim larger freedom on the4wiil remain unsettled, with esscni !! side ol hi hie ana desti ny is for bis present and perman ent good. Ncdiing in this regard will trvc Inm better thnu this temporary elimination from politics. His elimination from politics does not mean his elimi nation from citizenship, except in regard to the voting function which he is the least capable ot appreciating and least prepared to use for his own benefit and the good of the State. All other rights guaranteed to the best of our citiz'.-ns are vouchsafed to hira: Moreover, the provisions ot this amendment are not such as to work a permanent or even temporary disHhlcmeut of nnv class, but onlv p limitation ot the right of franchise for a short period. R. D. (iilmtr. Effects. When wo consider the proba ble effects of the proposed amendment should it be adopted, our thoughts naturally turn to the benefits our peoplo will da rive from it To a large extent the race question will bo elimi nated from political measures. The political aspects of that question settled there would be no reason why the whites should not practice every kindness to ward the colored race, and seek to ameliorate their condition and to provide additional facilities for their improvement and ad vancement This, I am con vinced, the whites will do; and as a result there will be a kindlier feeling between the races than has ever obtained. North Carolina's last General Assembly of the nineteenth cen tury will materially affect her welfare during the twentieth century. The Legislature will go into our history as an indus trious, economical, able and conscientious body of men. It had a greater t;mk to perform tlirtii any of its predecessors. It m-wrote tho laws govertituj; tbo Stag's institutions, tne pub lic schools, elections, railroad and other corporations. Its work is the platform of the Democratic party in 1900. Locke Craig. The best interests of the negro will lie -.ub-ervrd bv his nvik'ng himself a friendly helping mte rather thnn an incubus to the white man There is verv. reason to Ih lieve that but for the sf16h schemes and agitation of his white leaders ond manulators the relations between the white mm and the black man in the South - would be exceedingly friendly, and they would be much more mutually helpful than the are or have been in the recent pasf. Carolinian. ' . . -'The day of negro control in the South has passed forever, and it may - safely be asserted that no party Controlled by the negro will' ever' again carry a State south ot Mason and Dix on's line; and that the white men who heieafter attempt to manipulate the negro 'vote, to further their mean, and eelfish ambition, and to Degrade their race, will become dail and near ly more and more rdiOu irt the eyes of self-respecting white men and women. --v "f . lt Senalo.' Prichard and hie office holding negriphilits put this in their japes and smoke it. F.M.Simmons. - : Denton Note. . Deuton, -Jan. 80. Dr. Ander son went to Albemarle iast'weck on business. . Messrs. B D. and M K. Sur ratt visited their parents Sator day and Sunday.: The school boys are talking of having a tn -ck trial Thursday nijjhr, provided they ate not trozea out. ' " Tbe health of the commnntry is very good, in spite ff the small-pox scare. Zt " - . . . ' istKoi'CHiuei, SmilliH, will bo presented with' a sample bottle of UuKchce's Ger man Kyrnp, fre of ( Imipn. Only Olieltit''-' ' veu to OH" l'l'i'dOll and IHI -3 ff'"0 1 ;d ta i-u ni:i.vi.t oi l:r 7 ev. i C r civ- A vote cast 8 gainst the ataendmeut will be a vote cast to continue the negro as a voter aud if that vote be cast by a white man, it will be the most distinctive vote any white man in North Carolina has ever cast agaiust bis race: it-will be a distinctive vote for the ne gro, a XiistincCive vote against the white man, it will be a pro test on his part against the white man's having anything that the negro does not have; it will be a vote which cannot possibly help even the negro for which it is cast, since if be coutd succeed in defeating the purpose of the white men, as expressed in this amendment, the race question (in the settle ment of which he is 38 much iutorested as the . while man) we nxea ami irrevocable pur pose on the part of the whites, as we have said before, to set tle it, if not in one' way then in another, but to settle it and set tle it fomver. F. M. Simmons. It has leen demonstrated repeat ocly in every stato- in thfi Union and in many foreign countr?s that Ctianiherlaln' Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and enre for croup. It lias become the univer sal remedv for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty,. W. Ta., only repo iU what Ims been saiii around the jjlolie when he writes: , "J have us'd Chamiierliiin's Cough ltemcdy in my family for several years ai.d always with perfect soc eess Wc believe that it is not nlv i ho best cough remedy, but tlint it is a sore euro for croun. u nas saved tne lives or oar iiia ren u number ol times." Tim reiroly is fur sale by J. B. Smith. Prjjgir.st, - - There is n word in the amend mei-t requiting a pr.ipetty quali lica'tioii. A man does not have to 6 w ii $300 worth of property to vote. It makes no difference whether he has a dollar's worth or not. II he or any of his fire b.tbers was a voter in 1867. or it nc can read and write lie csn vote. 1 rovided only that he has punt tits poll. tax if required by law to da so -E. C. Bed ling, lc'"' 1 . . Having a Great Run oo Chaintwr- lain' Cough Ramody. Mfoger Martin,, of the Pierson Iraur store, itiliirmn na thnt l i. having a great run on. Chnmlwr- 1 in's ):iugh Iteme 'y. Ho sells live hoith g of that medicino to nna of. any other kind, and it civea srreat sati-f action. In these days oi ia g ippe mere is aotlumr like Chamberlain's OougH Remedy'' to "op vne tjougu, ncai op tho sore Miroftt an l lungs and give rcle'uf, within a very short time, Tho' snlea, are growing, and all who Mrr i it are pleased with its prompt actios. Soath Chicago DaiT. Caln-i. 'lie. For Sole by J IJ Smith. llarty Do mot her-in law Ma?" ., you can your, : Henry Lots of things; but I don t let her hear me. ' ; : .' . -. , .. w - - i wain to iet tim , people , who siimH- tram rii.eamnusm andscmtiealrjiscriminatlon." says the Phila' Know uiai iuaaimierlain'g Puiiifdelpbia ; Record - And Senators uHUI icinioi itiu aux numnerj or other medicines-and a domor had failed. It is the best liuiment I hare ever known of. J A. l0p gen, ' Alpharetta, : Ga. - Thousands hava beed bored of rhnmatism by this remedy. One application re lieves the pain. For sale by J.; B Smith, Druggist, 1 Whenever a man tells you that he is opposed to the amendment and believes it is unconstitutional,-ask him who is paying bim for -his opinion, and how he J going to profit by keeping the negro tri p(Ktiw.' , Tbe man who wants the negro to continue to Vote is a traitor to' tbe wri te race and theTworst enemy the negro bas. ' y roccna La osiippb ia Two ntv. Tko IjAIative .Broho' Qtii.Nrss rABLRTS.- All druggists refund the ijr i , it fail to enre E. V. iiROvs's i signulure . on every box 25o;. . ' ' - Dr." Howard IKellev. of fohn ! Hopkins Hospital was exhibit ing, a .rattlesnake: a. few dnvs since' and it bit him. lie jerked away his; band instantly, and sucked the wound, receiving t 0 injuty.j He thinks he . was .too quick lor Jie reptile to inject it virus He .bas enough o( hs prisonous snakes, however, nd will kill bis rattlers, copper heads, moccasins and any other that is of the dangerous class. ''A young man enme into our store yotPrda suffering from se vere attack of cramp colic," writes II. F. lie!",' miller and genera' mer bant, Diekcy's Monntain, "Pa "lie. h i if tnnl various home reme die. without relief. As I had need t'hBniherliiiii'H Colin, Cholera and Piarrltoea r."i,eily I five him a iloix us 1 it soon bron: i.t. him Out evfr law h : old hr J. liih ol iitT BCTQSD JEiCH OF A .1I3S j 2b & ilat gleua fa4arki:a toom ! Tuulk with kl ir. ' ( HiqaiTrlniiipid irfulj - Sptk of mf umI Utoifcl mod atr. "Ifaur frif Inoierplat mi 1mtT ' Spak the mtii with tn4r aatt. . "Oh, j," f id Uw yoa'Ji ! wM dwpclr, "Ujraollar u nttiof thmL" It tUtill r Mltl th with t mil hu ' ThM7oQrtcouUcwillooa withdraw: TbcOoaoww LatryhMuchiB TW will naooth down th tUi of a . We make a specialty of dyeing and cleaning. - Leave your order, and your package will be called lor Monday and Wednesday by MO FFIT . 'Agent. WE WANTJOUR NAME For "FA8TIME,; tho ','lrigiitst tad best youth's and1 laini'y" iluih trated story and Tinmorons paper out. . aew and interesting features for all. Spec;tI department of vat liable information-for shrewd mos ey makers and money saves. . 16 large paircs, only 60c. a year,' on trial six months for 109. io stamps, Gold :' Watches, Guns, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Kouaks, G-apho phones,. Musical Instruments, etc, free tor a little work that ny one can do. Address, The Pastimr Co., i.ouwviiic, nj. . ;.. i-(."..'. - O AL8 OF VALUABLH CITY pROPeRTV. Bt Tlrte of dean ff the sprlof Cwt or llftVldaca county In apccim prcrvuinic. whervlVi Oanlfrt t.. Hill and ut-ra ara .-lain. Ilft'a and lacob Bwit.n aa4 othera arv dc- IcnitBDta. the nndtr.lc.rd cimniMionrr wl atll'at pa ale KbCtioa. tu the. htgtirat bMdcr at toe t-oart aoaae ouor, in tauifftoQ m oo TneadaV. rebraary CO. 10!M. - at 13 o'c'ock. at. the rnllowinw rval atate la the town of Lexington kn -wa the Dr Albert K Hill p opcrty. aai d ac ined aad denned a ullowa. to-wlt : The htmac and lot known aa the Hill re-l- denc?. ana tncattd ihi First aireat. Ho-itb. and Cemeterv or Hnrjrrave Streat. T la ia :aoM aablect to a lesae to T. 9. P. rett reiermce i berxby made to the last will wad teatament of Margaret I. Htll, deceaaett. T. rnia of ante : .ne third caai: one third ia three nv-ntbs. and oae thh-dta l n-ontha tme. Title reaerred tor deterred pavmeata. Ian 1; luoo. .jf - ... p. w. swank. Commraeionee B. B. hlcLanghlla. tfy. , w -r vv I You are in Asheboro, N. C, be sure to call on Sheets Thejew- ier. He will lake plea-ure inJ showing you bU line of Watches. Clocks and lewelry. He also does Watcb, Clock and Jewelry "repairing at reasonable prices (Satisfaction guarantcd. ;. v ' ' ' - For First Class Work Call on a first class man. v W lien 3oa have baiber work you want a tuau who understands his bust ness who will do yonr work neatly and quickly to "wait up- on von. . wnen youcaii at J. a Clark's barber shop you wUl.get hrst olass work. ; ; lours respeclfullv, J . A. CjjuiK - ., '' ,f, ;',, , Following the lead of States in - the "black belt," Virginia pro poses -to enact a law providing : for separate car for . blicks aim white8 o0 a loca, rt,iirohd HEN .,y tu.ng eisc cui:frajn8 j thc JOId ; Dominion "The two races will not mis in (lu aAHlli Aaiiim tliA Etrannnnu and well meant efforts 01 pojtti- i i and gocjai agitators to break down i the ancient ' barriers ot I'rttchnrd And ' Hntler mflV as may well realise this factRitleigh We offer One Hundred Doilara Baward for tny oaw of Caiarrh that- au;rtet ba curad j Uall'lUahjlThCura., , . F. J. Catmr k CavtYopa.,To!tdo0 the nndenlzaed.hrra known F J Cheny t ,r M aaw eaa'a.and twliara him per- i fartl twtiW in all bnatueat traDaaoUtoia and It 4-ictalir uhle Is oarrjr out any -obltjrn tl-rna nta-Ubj lht-T Arm. 1 ": . , 'Vak T il." h it.-vlaDrdf ;its. TiloKd Walding, Kinnaa Xartrln, WholeaaJa Drut it,TIad Ohio.. .. ... Hall'a Oalanh Run iitahematenialli.ael fn( directly npon tha blond and ihaonua aur- bioai oi inc aytttemt rr.oa-owper ootttej bnio bf dmaxtatw a.ttnKiaiailrea. ilall't Family Tilla an tha beat. It must be remembered tbat the Fifteenth Amendment deals exclusively with the subject -of depriving a man of bia right to vote on account of bis colqr. - It makes no'referenco to allowing some other, man to vote which is quite another thing S. A Ashe, .... wood's ' SEE05. HaJne-Qrown . V hi ly h"t Hoed Pot,,. I ai'tv. Our e.i.B vrvim.v fftr .. d 1. 1. r rl i ili-if.- t, til I I I Ir.'i: i-r it,, it i :u a- It .r t !'. I ni. I (TU ...a. arc . P. . on overy SUH anti GVLOCSM ixo aououi.ere ait, tuaoy who ), have waited for juet 6uch an; announcement. . Well, fcere it ial and never were we more in earnest io making this month tbe Greater January business month' In our history. We want, to emphasize tbe fact that iu many instances we offer suits and overcoats at mere cost of production. Some lines broken, in sizes,' but what difference does this make to you? Our assortment is the largest in the city and you will get a perfect fit. . You will carry awav the Greatest Bargain of your lifrj. morw1t& and Cheaper Goods . . - . ...... ;t-..- .: y ' . - r 5IIPFRinHf 5s the name of Learn the Name w 1 means hone betteri JHr it. ;:-?cl':s TlfiCD is What-cur Disc Plow is mllprf ;ff magna Vigorous, and ts master of bard land plowing." - COCKLE MUGHEX. : ring b"shel of .wheat and"try na grain of cockle, though I have not seen one left in so far. DISC HARROWS. Pi? i8 tJ ?rpr" on plowed land ana oo away with second ploflDj. Steel PeETcotli Harrcv. Flow and CHILLED FLOWS. Sate -MM : GREETINe I wish to thank my frien4s and customers for :he liber-; al patronage they have given shall tn to show my appreciation by giving you the best as- sor ment of pure .Drugs and during the year of 1900.- I trust that my treatment warrant your contiuued favots, tion and honest values. I am, with best wishes for r Frcprictcr cf t! c:i r::::M.3 L: i 5 iuoi) .. r' . . ' ..' r" W - Disc snd I toe Grain Drills' : fr iiierus. ir mav leav' in - i. . wnjt (icac Sil0 S5 tz: a.ke run over corn shortly attcr up WUhU IHIIU j UAtaVI UI CUB, (tig. 1900 me during :he past year, and Medicines at lowest prices all , of you has been -such as to promising you careful atten -. ' your future prosperity, ; J. B- SITH, 1fcw, V r t