r. - r Established 1882. LEXINGTON, N, C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1902. mm A fatal accideit: Tree Falls Upon 71. Miter and He Has a larroi Escape. While cutting down a large tree, on his farm near Wallburg last week, Mr. R. M. Clodfelter had a narrow escape from death. A large limb upon the tree which he , was chopping split away from the trunk of the tree and fell to the ground, catching Mr. Clodfelter beneath it,a nrniH. orous weicrht. He was VnnnVaA down and a portion of the limb rested neawiy acrsss his chin, In this position he was forced to remain until nis son, Eugene, Who Was Dresent and nritnosaaH the accident, could cut the limb in pieces, it being too heavy for the boy to move. Mr. Clodfelter was badly injured, but will re cover. THE FACTORY IS CHARTERED. It is the "Elk" and Has a Capital Stock of $4O,0Q0. Last Saturdav tha ftfa 4 XT . v s -w wuwuc VJx North Carolina chartered the Elk furniture Uo., of Lexington. Didn't Want Adt Hon "Semes" of That KUa. The teacher of a certain public scnooi received the following let ter the other day: "Sir Will you in the future give my son easier somes to do at nites? This is what he's brought hoam for two or tnree nites back: If fore gallins of bere will fill thirty-two pint bottles, how many pints and half bottles will nine gallins of bere fill?' Well, we tried and could make nothing of it at all, and my boy cried and cried and sed he didn't dare to go back in the mornin without doin it. So I had to go and buy a nine gallin keg of bere, which I could ill afford to do, and then he went and borrowed a lot of wine and brandy bottles. We filled them, and my boy put "the numbers down for an answer. I don't know whether it is right or not, as we spilt some while doin it. P. S. Please let tha next some be in water, as I am not able toi buy more bere." JUST A FEW BUT THIS BEATS NONE. The past week has been a dull one in all lines of business. The Dispatch is among Cthe sufferers on account of the rain, and our list 01 new subscribers and re SH? " r wi a capital stock of thankful to these friends for ZTllT 2! v.eneer: mit,fein9 b!t,a0 loot . A uo "rwjr was issued JttRh P T CT.-i, w".Umred,Dr.EL J. Buch Roeers. JADar, s S, er. WaJser, R. L. bora. J H Everhart Mrs fien ff -iTYrL a ottl.ers' containing W Irish T R Qr.,-i. t v " tue names 01 twenty-seven rr.ns5 JT PdaB' J E stockholders. iv Hrn h . ivira i 1-1 i inn i ' u i m Mrs ML PhTrS' X: L lne Com ha-s e Privilege Rrnwn T. s Mm ITm w mcrease its capital to J100.000. . ujiw!. irn' " " I. AS neretoiore published the Kanov. Chas H flnrrv J n t 7n Cl " TP . ble set of J B Charles T W MVors Tw ney. nave its own electric BWA ib2 IrTf' JK? P1" b? one of the most ' c . . 1 moaern tactoriAa in thn VOL. XX.-Nd. 37 ner, W J Shirley, J T Barnwell Murderers Escape And ire Killed. Two murderers. Edward anA John Biddle. condemned to he Mr. Green to Establish Veneering Plant at Raleigh. The Raleigh Post says : Mr. E. L. (rrffn. fit T)avirla-n county, who purchased Mr. John A. Mills' farm near this city a iew nays ago. paying therefor the snug sum of ten thousand dollars, will, it is understood, es tablish a veneering plant not far from the citv at an earlv dav '-'It is probable the works will be established on theOlineof the Kaleigh and Cape Fear railroad. J. here is an abundance of fine timber, such as could be nrnfit. ably utilized by a veneering plant ciose at nana. The tract pur chased by Mr. Green has on it several hundred lacres of finely timbered land. "Mr. Green is contemplating entering largely into tobacco cul ture on the place, though it is not yet definitely settled. He will not begin to raise tobacco this year, at any rate." THE LARGEST SCHOOL. Editor Dispatch : As there is some rivalry in school districts as to what school is the largest and the most ad vanced, I will let you hear from School No. 2, known as Boston. It is located 4 miles west of High jruins, in ADDott's Ureek town snip. Their enrollment is 103 ana average attendance 83 1-5 x neir different branches of study are as follows ; Higher miuuuBuo,, j zo; primary. 45: .Physical geography, - 2; higher geography, 14; primary, 24; uiguw grammar, 15; primary, 25: algebra. 1: Rnhfn metic, 1; physiology, 10; North varoiinanistory, ; Jgleston's D. S. history, 2. . , --- - f , , If there is a more advanced ' common school in the county out side ofl town, send in your re port. Good schools like these reported and compulsory attend ance will surely set us right in the future.-, Mr. B. C. Hay worth, principal, John W. Moore, assistant. . Orinoco, N. C. E. work on the ArAntfan nf v. Duutungs will begin soon Sole lore Old Coins. V I y Whah . i K . " 1 1 . . , ; t i j. iauiuiu iviiuer was in to executed, made their Asnnno frm L j A IU I no TXTl TO rT Thft im n I I 1. , . . " rr V j . uwauium- ne iouna mmgh Point several l:d,andr: k a. Thcoin is oS i u , p . , A ney ana nearly as large as an Ameri sawed themselves out of Hip ou T " ,ou fVrei1 j , , , , i "u cuu piece, is is oi apan- and shot one guard and at point ish make and was coined during or nistnls nut. tha fViwm n..jn 1 11, . . ,"f Zu a i J, ii mu f-t uu reiBn oi unaries ill, and into the dark cell Then they bears his name and the year of went to the guard s wardrobes its coinage, 1773, which makes it ' w iuu jcoia U1U j uBYiug bb- just a rew minutes rr or i rw. Vie .ru w!ua out- Mr- Mer's visit, on old copper The milor's wife m thn mpjw mr tuPj-x. time, had left her husband and shown us hv Mr v. r r met her lover. Tt Wfla fnrin:.i v,T ' '7 ; , ... , i jiuurew uutt. inere were captured seems to be a number of old coins at 7:45 Friday evening trying to in existence around here but make their wav to tha Csmn.Aa. ha " ' o"1 rm " j 7 - uuiuiik me OlQeSt We uuc. xuej reiusea arrest ana nave seen, opened nre on tne officer who riddled them with shots. Ed ward and John both received fatal Wounds and dipd Sntnrdnv Mrs. Soffel wa9 also daticfirnnslw wounded and is not expected to live. THE LONG SUIT COMPROMISED. bontnern Railway Pavs B. P. i.nn $7,850 and the Costs ol the Case. The celebrated M.V H lHji. VU1 Southern Railway for $50,000 uamages on account of the death of his son. wlin was IHIWI K-o o Relatives Are Ungrateful. some weeks atro at the snir- onwu vi aumc viiaj iutux,y uis-I ' w.i, wnv wan iviiiuu Vy a posed persons, Mrs. J. D. Arnold train at Chapel Hill some years w""""' iuuua uu line amuiilllj Ul ocuucu IU OUtUtJSvme i.H:i fnr t.ho honofitnf fliQ tnrn Mondav hv nnmnrmnino mu little blind children whose Southern agrees to nav Mr. Tr tl 3 ' i . . I M i .- . .. C r,f r t . . melius were enaeavonng to se- BUlu U1 ,oau. it also agrees cure admission into the Blind Pav a11 the costs in the action, Asylum for them. Now relatives and a11 three of Mr. Long's cases uj. me uiuiaren will not allow aBaiusl' u"w roaa-nave oeen dron nieui mj no io tn Aav nm nt. peu iiuiu uih nocKfiT, present at least, and Mrs. Arnold M . T desires us to announce that the Mars h "ems. $o.do nas oeen placed in the Bank Marsh, Feb. 3. Mr. C. B Wall of Lexineton. and that if t.ho hn 1 , I wxJiy oirv 1UI iU UUKl mnnoAT io nrvf iionl -v U I i i i ... i . , .; . i www ioouuio ue tier uo w pose to wnicnit was donated it Miss Dora Cross has returned v7 u u ", -. "L"e Parties from a visit to her sister, Mrs Mr. H. H. Flovd shof. ar.l t;n a fino turkey recently. Mr. Koss Anderson, of Denton, also killed a fine one the day on which he was 15 years old. It weighed 15 A fresh lot of Malaga rapes juta received at W. E. & H. A. liege's. Send m your inscription. ' Wild Dfer In Staoley. The New London corresDond ent of the Stanley Enterprise says : A wild deer wn.a noon nt fiSo monnds Ritchie farm 2 mil as nnrfh nf Mr. T,i man hnn i. - - . v.. vnuu una UCBU UU ..wD.muuutt, iiua is tne sec- me bick use lor tne oast week. ond deer that has been seen in On the n'ght of tbe 21st of Jan ims townsnip witftin the last uarv a waste house and bum w month. The attention nft.ho he is called to the fact that the of Silver Hill township, was last lecnslatnrn onuMA iom It j tl . . . .. r Drohibitinr thA Iri w7m " T" "u 1Be "V 01 tne are 18 - , " "O viOTi iUl 1 UUIUUWO. " jra. Miss MinUe Kinney, one of TWO low (InnfrM.iH.M r?,5" .'aaies, is voting Mr. Frank Leonard, tha Phn. THE HOG CAME ODT Bat Sai His SnadoTand How We Are Haying Winter. Accordine to thA t.i grouna nog tradition, we are des tined to experience six weeks more of winter. Sunday, February 2nd, was the laieiui aay wnen his nobs, the ground hoe is aunnnsAd te hum emerged cautiously from his lair ior tne nrst time since he betook nimself thence for the loner wint er sleep. Sundav was nlan tho nrsii nine in many days that the sun nas snone in Lexington and there isn't the slightest doubt tnat the ground hog saw his shadow.' ConsAouAnt.lv ho fa supposed to have retreated to his noie ana puued the hole in after him to remain in RArlnainn fnr. season of forty days. Kef Adjustments. Mr. J. F. Ward has a lrt. rf new arrivals, in the wav nf white goods, trinehams. Ate . whiph t.ho maies snouia call and examine Kead his new advertisement. mi t mu uexinmon unic i n ia n w. . .j prepared to meet your "garden mg wants with the best of seeds. Their advertisement. Trill tell you about this and nther things of interest. A handsome a! entrn nf the Hege Marble Works appears eisewnere. if you contemplate the erection of a monument, tn the memory of some loved one, you snouia oe sure and see Mr H. J. Heee. The Implement Housa ia not compiamins over last, vast 'a hna. iness and promises better thiners for the future. Mr. Crouse's new advertisement is of interest to all. Kead it. Hinkle & BrinklAv'a 1 . , " " wns weeK is glassware and crock ery. You never had a better chance to lay in a supply of these articles. Their new ad. will tell you about it. All housekeepers should be sure and read W. E. & H. A. Heere's new advertisAmont. Thmr are making some especially low prices on groceries. idson county, was in Salisbury I ""Pr, is in .our midst taking loot. niirKt T) i IDhotOS. "Rm T.lv it i . . .... I - well, where he has been visiting Bft, W " hia fatho trv DOtS. . . flume hia pastorial work. Bain, Jao. 30. Mr L P Nauce Rev. Miller tells us that two i visiting her daughter, Mrs G L new Lutheran contrrAo-atinnn Hll Lanier, of this riln soon be organized in Davidson, Mr-Giles (Smith, of this place, one at Liexmgton and one at naa gone to Lexington to work Thomasville.-Salisbury Sua in the furniture faetory. vv v; , ' Re Holloway, of the M P A Llfe-LODg SnbSWlber. church, preached his first sermoo f t tt W . ?' Pine Hi" 00 ,a,t Sunday even. Mrs. J. H. Dav. nrnnrlot.i-aaa o i. ...,, ' of the New Southern Hotel, Jack- The public school at Hickorv . rJlOlOSed find i1 OA fnr miK. ! A.. i r i r. , scription .to Theavidson v ?0n. of Sal m CTA paten. Mr. O. O.. Hargrave, a coonty. - ' ' r travelling Balpsmnn fif T-rinfrtT,' I aru.-i. i- .'. ' . . . ijj, ii ucai in looiting oaa id tnis kindly gave me the address of section of the county. aTherewiU your paper, so consider me a not b bslf . crop unlets there s hfft-lonur SUbHrriher oa T nao . u: .f,. lu"c'" reared in Davidson county." , j ' Plcnket. Lilac Items.' Lilac, Feb 3. Mr W E Hoi ton s little son is verv ill at this writing. Mrs Dicev Ann Thorn mother is verv sick, we are sorrv to note. Old Mark v, Cve was n little premature last week in his stnt. ment in regard to the parsonage ai liineoury. Wheat crop looks fine in this sectionso fine it can't hardly be seen. The public school will .-Inspaf Salem next Saturday, the 8th. Mr Uarri9 Johnson, Jr., is out again with hi- broken leg. and on the road to recover, we nrp glad to note. The first auartprlv mwHn;i for Uwharrie Circuit, will ho the 8thinst., bv Rev ItScroggs, i resiuing ciaer The first auarterlv meetino- fnr , p the Davidson circuit was held the first day of Februarv. As it was a very rainy dav the at tendance was light. ft . . . . Messrs. uaniei fie Jtiednck are making preparations, to run their Buhr mill by steam, which m located id New Hope town shipj Mrs. Parthania Elliott has sold her farm near Toms Creek and has moved to the Nathan Riley farm. Mrs. S. W. Thompson vim ted her ou in Davidson last Sun day. We understand that a Mica Nervie Oantord is to move in tbe vicinity of Denton. The iuncral sermon of the wife of J. A. Thompson will be preached at Siloam church th second Sunday in Februarv at 2 u iock, oy me Kev en ianning, ui L'cnion. MONSTRANT. ' KB- SIIDER IS C0I1ISSI0RER. Clerk PbUllps Appoints J. Allison Snider to Succeed Commlslocer Wood. un last week Clerk of the Su perior Court H. T Phnii pointed Mr. J. Allison Snider, of venwn, Emmons township, as county commissioner to succeed Mr. J. T.Wood, who recently muveu irom tnis county to Ashe-boro. The appointment is an excellent one in every particular. Mr ouiuei ia a gooa iarmer and an excellent citizen. He is pos sessed Of mlfndid rinainaao , . " ...OO lUCU- mcations and will no doubt serve tne county with great credit and ability. Mr. Snider took thA oath of office Mondav Tf rTn inn- tuiu uumeaiateiy entered upon ma auues, serving on the board tnat aay. Linwood Items. Lin wood. Peh n p t, tt M. Blair. Of (ireenshnrn nrill preach at Lin wood rhnrnh h second Sunday at eleven o'clock e nope everybody will come out and hear him. Rev. Mr. Barrineer will fill hia i cKuiar appointment at Mt r.ar. mel churcb, a few miles from this Place, on thfi wnnH Snnrlow ot eleven o clock. Times are dull, farmers are pet ting behind ' badly with their work. Scarcely any plowing nas oeen COne vet on acmnnt so much wet and frozen weather Mr. A. r. Hedrirk wil an Salisbury next week to conrt. ivi. u. a. iiednck is suffering with a bad hand that he got nun wnue tearing down a chim ney a few dav a acn. If there is anvthincr in snnahino anacoia windonground hog day we had better not plant our 'ta- iers yet. Mr. Dock Leonard's little rhild that has been very low with pneumonia, is improving, we are glad to say. Oa last Ihursdav some nf the neighbors went hunting with Uocle Nick Slaughter's hnnnde and Home others and thev sav it was the best nack that hna in the Jersey this season. Mr. H. H. McCrary went for his first time in three vears. Messrs. Lee Ford and Hen Thompson, of Lexineton. were guests near Linwood last Sun day evening. The bys seems to like Linwood pretty well. Mr. T. A. Walton went tn Woodleaf, Kowau county, and Cooleemee lst week f,nd visiter! Iiis brother- n law, Mr. Geo. H. Kenelv. of Wood leaf. Mensrs. Frank and ftnh Mr. Crary and A F Wilson went to High Point Wednesday on busi ness. Mr Hem v Beck's little daught er was very sick last week, but ih improving at this writing. Linwood, No. 2. HAIDOLPfl CODITI HEWS. From the Courier. Rev. H. S. B. Thompson of ine ai f. church, was here Mon day. He u pastor of the Brower circuit and has decided to make Asheboro headquarters. Tohn Hancock who lives in Grant township was cuttinir cross ties Saturdav nd hia . glanced and cut his foot more than half off; he is now resting very well. Isaac Teague from Homp, Moore Co , was killed by the train near Randleman MnnH evening. He was about 40 vears old and has a family. He had ceotlymoved th" from Moore. Too much corn whiskey was the frnnhV n Kti- i--it full was by his side. Rev. W- h p.u j lamily. Missionaries to Korea. will spend a few dav- with fh.'. aunt Mrs. Dr. T, N. Bryant, at the home of Mr. W. T. Brvanr. Kandleman.N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Keynolds. after an h..n.. i eight years in Korea, have spent the past year in America, and will sail for Korea in PehJ ruary. Died, at the home of Frank Kearns, near Mechanic county, on Saturday, Jan! 25th, H"cuuionia, alter a week's illness, Mr. A. F. Rush, atred S4. years. The funeral took place on Saturdav at HonowAii church. Mr. Rush was a promi nent citizen and was one of the old landmarks of R county. He was a brother .f Mr. Z. F. Rush, Sr., of Asheboro. From the Argus. The new hotel at p;.i j. has been comnleteH ani ; idly being filled With nurthtra guests. A. M. Free whnart rl .:u v v. a vviiu turkev Tuesdav whiVi. k. k.j killed near Spero that morning. The ti,i,lr.n "I i - . n tu.tJf wcigneo J.4 pounds and was ki.led at a distance of 70 yards. The cases -.Gainst a .,mi. e . o ""UiUi l yji High foiot merchants for so1i;n,r cigarettes to niionrs !,as been set for next term Guilford Supe nor Court. Thelw the stile of ciearettea tn h n vr UilUUIB is oeen miirh ahc m, -UUolu. c ven ture to say the bov cigarettes is not anked one time in ten if he is over sixteen years of age. Winter Excursion Bootes, Effective October 15. 1901. ex. cursioo rates are placed on taie by tbe Southern Railway to all DrinCOal winter reanrta nl th South and Southwest. Ask anv Rfirent Southern Railnsvlnr mi information. , Swift Item.. Swift, Feb. 3. The ay-Ad father of W E Nance, of this place, was buried at Piney Jac. du. rle was eO years old. Mrs Mary Lamb and Mias Minnie Barnes have just re turned home from au extended visit to relatives in High Point. Mr 0 R Darr made a flying visit to Winston-Salem last week. -i Messrs R F Darr and R K Williams have marketed a good many fine 'beeves from thi place this season. r as tor Jeff Lanning visited at R K Williams' Stnrdv night and Cllel his recnlar an. pointments Sunday. 1 here have been nin hnriula at Pinev durinar thn month nf January.. Mr. Olen Davin. teacher at Piney, has been con fined to his room for the nast week, sick of chicken-pox. r it nas been said that mora letters are mailed at Swift than any .other post office ' on out route. V V , . v...:. About every familv in our neighborhood ia a nuhflrrihAr tn I The Dispatch. Pat Mtjrpht. Pinson News. Pinson. Jan. 30 Ur a'.i- Hill and familv Hills brother, -Mr L M Russell, Jut VHn4f. ' urw u Li u ay . Your correspondent with tbe following gentlemen: Prof E F Thompson VV L Russell, Sr., and VV L Russell, Jr., A . Cranford, and two sons, E E and L A U-anfprd, Marcus Hill, Willie Slack, and P M Cranford and son, Charlie Cranford, went a rabbit hunting last Salurday killing 16 rabbits and 6 birds Messrs E F Thompson and W L Kunsell, Sr., attended preach ing at Elliotts (i day evening. Mrs S R CopHne a;a i. S --oo--- uu last unday and was buried on Mon day at the home grave-yard. Messrs L M and (i VV Russell went to Asheboro and other points on Deep river with their cotton last week. t MUses Mirac and Liney Cran ford, of Montgomery county, in spending some days this week with their brother, Mr ) W Cran. ford, of this place. , . Mrs McCain Rill her bed with consumption, we are sorry to write. Mr WS.Dnvia n-tJ - IV UU1U am one day last week on busi ness. - Mr H L Lnm a T ia rv.n.' at.. pvuuiut; IUC winter months at vnrii a r cord. Tbe Dublin aeLnnl a rn.:.L !- doing fine this winter under con trol of E F Thompson, of Lilac, Ue is a good teacher. pHo, FOR SALE. One phonograph with 5 dozen records. Edison's ' improved 1901 machine aqd records. All In good condition. , . Lexington, N, 0.

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