The Lincoln County News W. A. FAIR, Publisher, Entered as second-class matter December 31, 1906, at the Tost Oflice at Liucolnton, X. C, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879 ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. Correspondents and friends anywhere in the county are requsted to call us up at our expense when news of Importance occurs ou Monday evening or Thursday veuing. A subscriber who wishes his paper Changed, will please give his present ad dress as well as the new one. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. The News is going to the people. If you want Jto reach the folks advertise in the News, Our columns are open to correspond ents aud others to. discuss public men and public policies. All commuuica t'ons must be accompanied by the true name of t he writer, even if this does not appear in print. The editor reserves the right to give the names of correspondents when they are demanded for the purpose of per sonal satisfaction, TTESDAY, AUGl'ST i9o; Patient endurance -Longfellow. is Godlike. And the devil did grin, for his darling sin is pride that apes hu mility. Coleridge. ;' Xoisility of character manifests itself at loop-holes, when it is not provided with large doors. Mary E. Wilkius. I fkel my immortality o'ersweepj all pains, all tear's, all time, all fears, and peal into my ears this truth--thou livest forever. Byron, . ; IT PAYS. Mr. iv O. Anderson, who is Secretary of the Lineoluton Build iug aud Loau Association, told us yesterday that he had received letter from a -. gentleman in South Carolina subscribing to stock in the Association. The gentleman stated that he owned building and loau stock in his own State, but had been reading the Lincoln County Xews and desired stock in the Lincolutou Association. This proves three things: 1st. That Liucolnton business men know how to write attractive advertise ments; 2nd. That if placed in the Lincoln County Xews they are seen and read; and 3rd. That it PAYS TO ADVERTISE. STILL THERE. How e'er it be, It seems to me 'tis only noble to be good, Kind hearts are more than coronets and siinplefaith than Norman blood. Tennyson. r Vigilante-in watching- oppor tunity, tact ami., daring in seizing upon opportunity, force and per sistence in crowding opportuuity to its utmost of possible achieve ment these are the martial vir tues which must command success. Austin Phelps. We were very much struck with the remark of a Wilmington bank er who was asked about the recent heavy decline in Atlantic Coast Line stock, which has tumbled from 157 to SO within the last few weeks. Quite a number of AVil- lgton men had told us that they were awfully hard up on ac count of this heavy decline. There's nothing to worry about n that,'' said the banker, "the oad is still there. Engines, cars and rails are worth as much today as they were : yesterday. If the fellow owns his stock he is alright; f he doesn't he deserves to lose. The point made was that the de pression in stocks was ; fictitious, there . was no actual decrease iu alue, and the owner of stock to day has the same value he had a year ago. it is the chap who is speculating and holds his stock ou margins who is doing the squeal ing. He is gambling, trying to get something for nothing, and if he loses, well and good, so far as the country at large is concerned. The sooner this madness for quick wealth is smashed out of the Am erican people the better for the nation.- Stock, market quotations do not represent the actual value of Stocks; these quotations only re present the feverish temperament of the speculative public, which Fire In Telegraph Office. Lightiuing came very near causing a fire at the "Western Union office last Friday evening about 8 o'clock. A passerby noticed a flickering light and notified Agent Adair who hurried around with Mr. Vic Motz and found the insulation on the wires attached to the ceiling in flames. Had the matter not been reported promptly a serious lire might have occurred. State Farmers Convention. Raleigh, X. C. August 2Sth, J 29th, 30th, 1907. meeting of the A GOOD SHAKEDOWN. Eeceut press dispatches state that there is a falling off in the automobile business of about !?120, 000, U00. Hundreds of people are cancelling orders for expensive machines and this curtailment of automobile purchases is said to be due to the great . shrinkage in stocks. The Wall Street gambler's have been getting ''pinched" right and left here lately and these poor millionaires are haying to uudefgo the extreme hardship of giving up some of their -20, 000 autos. Those who make, their money : by gambling in stocks and dealing iiu-iictitious " values"" are raising quite a howl and prophesying a fi nancial panic. Eeceut exposures, and Teddy's big stick have played the wild with the stock market, and these gamblers, who sometimes make a million over night by buy ing and selling things which really do not exist, are very much con cerned. They are "gettiug it in the neck," and they do not enjoy it. In the meantime the country is tremendously prosperous, aud the real wealth of the nation is getting more and more evenly dis - tributed among the, great masses of the people, where it rightfully belongs. The speculators are get ting a wholesome jolt and when the shaking down is over the entire country will be in a much healthier condition. There is no danger, whatever, of a financial panic, and no possible cause for one;, it is only the squeal of the stock gambler who has had his "tail" pinched. It won't hurt to pinch it some more, and then give him a rap across his "cocoa nut" with the big stick. Knock him clean out of the box! If the transactions of the country could only be confined to the buying a nd selling of actual values the country would then settle down to a rock bottom basis. rises aud falls with passing events. The real values are in the mater ial things which constitute wealth aud are not affected by the excite ment of Wall street. The Gun Is Here. Quite a crowd of citizens gath ered about the Court Square yes terday to watch the placing in po sition of the gun which the War Department has presented to our ft4"tr T'K 113 tfMIU I C it O'll'lll AH I f and is accompanied by 24 large shells which form a pyramid on the greeniieaLtheguu. Several citizens have expressed disappoint ment'in the size-of -the gnu, but perhaps its history, when writtei up. will compensate for what it lacks in size. At any rate we shoukl-iiot-'loolc-tha giil guy in the mouth." The Xews is glad the gun is here, and that its mouth is so large, and that it is close to the office. If certain contcmpora ries do not stop monkeying with the tail of our comet, and casting inucudos about the size of our eggs, we will load this engine of war with tomatoes and potatoes aud turn her loose in the direction of Shelby and Xewton. Satisfied Customers. - , J A letter from Mr. W. D. Burns, President of 1 the Piedmont High School at Lawndale, says: ""You may -tell your readers, if you like, that we have opened w ell, Virginia, .North Carolina and South Carolina are represented, In North Carolina we are touching new territory, ior instance we have never had any patronage from Northampton till this session. Now three are enrolled and others are coming from that county. Ad vertising pays, provided you have something worth advertising. "With best wishes for your pa per and kindest regards Tor yourself, I am, "Yours sincerely, W. D. Burns." Subscribe for the Xews. The fifth annual State Farmer's Convention will be held at the A. & M. College, Ral eigh, X. C, ou Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, August 28th. 29th and 30th, 1907. The cheap railroad rates already in effect and the facts that rooms and meals will be furnished those who desire them at the college. at actual cost and that an attractive program is assured, should result in making this the largest gather ing of farmers ever held in the state for the study of strictly agri cultural problems. The features-of the opcuing ses sion, Wednesday inorniug at 10:30 o'clock, will be an address of wet come by Governor P. B. Glenn and the annual address of the president by Ashley Home of Clayton. ' . v Wednesday afternoon will be devoted to the study of corn and small grains and instructive .ad dresses will be made by prominent farmers and agricultural teachei's; Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock there will either be an address by some speaker of note or a stereop ticou lecture illustrating modern methods of progress and develop ment in agriculture. Thursday forenoon will be taken up with the study of ..horticulture, fruit - grow ing, trucking, etc. Thursday, afternoon there will be special meetings for the grow ers of cotton and tobacco. Splen did programs, have been prepared for both meetings, and Director Xorth, of Washington, D. C, will be present and discuss the collec tion of crop reports or some kin dred subject. Thursday nigh' ut 8:30 o'clock will occur one of the most attrac tive features of the convention. Hon. W. M. Hayes, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C, will deliver an ad dress on Improvements in Rural Affairs. Friday will be live stock day. The morning session will be de voted to the annual meeting of the State Dairymen's Association and program has been arranged. Professor'EdriLWebstSv Chief of the Dairy Division of the Uni ted States Department of Agricul ture, will be present and address the meelTng. Fridayal'toiTioon will be devoted to the study of general live stock problems and the organization of a State Live Stock Breeders Association. There is another feature of the conventiouwhich should not be overlooked. On .Thursday and Friday there will be special meet ings for the women from the farm homes, and a splendid program of an entertaining and instructive na ture already issued insures a good time to those who attend. Those wishing further information rela ting to this feature of the con ven tion should write to either Mrs. F. L. Stevens, President, or MrsT Walter Grimes, Secretary, at Raleigh. Complete programs of this im portant farmers meeting will be is sued shortly and every farmer in the state w-ho can possibly do so will find it to his interest and en joyment to attend this meeting. - f ' " ' i , ,'. i i ; i , TE MODERN "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" WIRE FENCE, WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. What a Marvel it would have been to Abraham I,incoln, splitter of rails. J5 lii Mr. Farmer: Your progressiveness is keeping you in close touch with improvements In farm machinery, in dairy methods, and with all the scientific facts that bring about the greatest possible agricultural production. You are also informing yourself about fence. We k,noW you are. ' First there was the stone fence of medieval history. Second pioneer America converted its timber into rails. Third somebody found a way to weave wire and slats. Fourth along came barb wire, with its marvelous sale. Fifth machines were invented to twist or clamp one wire around another: the woven wire fence. But, most important Of all, electricity now welds the wires at the Joint, making no longer necessary these wraps and clamps. Stay and strand, wizard-like, become one. The greatest step forward in fence building is thus accomplished at a single, master stroke. .-. .. Of course, you are not using anything else. Surely you are familiar izing yourself with this remarkable improvement, to be found onlv in , M Pittsburgh Perfect"- .. . Reid Hardware CoJ AGENTS V We are now making up specifications for a CAR LOAD. If you place your order at once, we will make a special price of 10 PER CENT OFF, Eagles to Jamestown Exposition Sep- 1 tember 3rd via Seaboard Air Line. "My goodness!" exclaimed an anxious mother. "What in the world made your face so dirty, Willie!" "Johnnie Jones and me had a fight," exclamed Willie, "an' he throw'd more dirt in my face than could swaller. " Ex. The Seaboard Air Line will on Tues day September 3rd provide special coaches through to Portsmouth A'a. on their trains leaving Charlotte 6.30 a. in fo r the accommodation of the Eagles, their families and friends who use Seaboard on their trip to Exposition, coach excursion tickets sold for the above trains that date at ?7.f0 round trip good for seven days. Through sleeper and Dining car service ou all trains, 15 day tickets 12.40, liO day $13.45, season $16.15, choice of routes either via Richmond or direct to Ports mouth ottered the Eagles, t'oing via Richmond the Seaboard allows tickets to bo used returning ; direct from Portsmouth on all tickets except the coach excursion, those have to be u.seirgoiiig aiHt remming -same-route Stop overs allowed at any point on all tickets p xcfpTTonch'-exciirsion.Tlie Seaboard is the best route to the Expo sition. For furlher information and sleeping car reservations cali on or address. -' - - -. ' -". .;. CTTTTTf ATTISr-- JAMES KER it, . T. V. A., . C. P. A., ! Jlaleigh, K.C ' Charlotte, X. (.', 'T'HE Security of a Bank Account depends largely upon the character and experience of the directors of the bank. - The following List of Directors is a puarautee of the conservative management of this institution; AMBROSE COSTXER, Prop. Pioneer Roller Mills. J. M. RHODES, Pres. and Treas. Rhodes Mfg. Co. Pres. Gfstnn Mfg. Company. R. S. REINHARDT, Treas. Elm Grove Cotton Mills. A. E. QUICKEL. Atty. and Counseller-at Law. B. F. GRIGG, Retired Merchant. T. C. QUICKEL, Physician, R. M. ROSEMAN, Agt. Implements, Phosphates Etc. W. E. GRIGG, Cashier. j5?"We pay 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly. me County National BanK 1 Professional Card a . W. H U NT E R Architect and Builder LINCCLNTON, N. C. P. O. BOX 123. I'UOSE 179 A. L. QUICKEL, - Attorney At Lw LINC0LNT0N, NORTH CAROLINA I AM NO V OFFERING THE CELEBRATED ...Vulcan Turning Plow... v Guaranteed to turn any soil; shares corrugated and two will do as much plowing as three of any othor make. Come and get one," and if you are not satisfied return it and get your money. J R. M. ROSEMAN Practices In all courts. Prompt atten tion to all matters entrusted to my care. Dr. L. M: COFFEY, .' DENTIST, Office over Eanisaur's Hardware Store, Main street, Lincolnton. N. C. CHAS, E. CHILDS, Attorucj ftnd OoanMller l Lw, LlnculotoD, N. WHAT! FORGOT IT? " ' " Go right back to the drug store and get that prescription filled that the doctor gave you this morning and dont forget he tooth- brush - for -sister : : . : ' ' : " : - : ; ; : ; Also Bring a Box of Fresh Candy, JusfReceived at LAWNG'S DRUG STORE DR I, R. SELF, DENTIST. Lineoluton, N. C. Office Lawing'8 Drug Store, Phoxk 85 OB PRINTING i Neatly and Expeditiously Executed by The Lincoln County News.

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