The Lincoln County News W. A. FAIR, Publisher, Entered as 'second-class .matter December 31, 190(, at the Post Office at Lincolnton, X. V., under act 'of Congress of -March 3, 1ST',). ISSUED Tl'KSlUY AND FRIDAY ANN'OUNCKMKXT. Corr'siH)iuleiits ami friend anywhere In the county are requsted to call us up at our expense when news of. Importance occurs on Monday evening or Thursday veiling. A suliseriber who wishes his paper changed, 'will please give his present ad dress as well as tlie new one, ". Advertising: rates will be furnished on application. The Xews is going to the people. If yon want .to reach the folks advertise in the News. . Our columns are open to correspond ents and others to discuss public, men and public policies. All communica tions must be accompanied by t he true name of the writer, even if this does not appear in print. The editor reserves the right to give the names of correspondents w hen they are demanded for the purpose of per gonal satisfaction, . FKIDAY, (K'TOnin: K, U''i7- YVi; feel sorry fur a yonnr ni"' who is inllictod with the impress ion that h- knows it all. A wisi-; man is one with sense enough to know the, difference be tween what he knows and what he thinks he does. It is silly to nourish a ' grudge in business'.' One soon rinds' that unkind feelings are not only '.un marketable, W no one wauls such opinions as a gift. When the hour of death comes that comes to the high and low : alike then it's na what we hae ! dune for ourselves, but what we hae dune for others, that we think on maist pleasantly. Sir Walter Scott. Wiikn the fool rinds out his folly: when the wilful man gives up his wilfulness; when the rebel submits to law; when the son comes back to, his father's house there is no sternness, no upbraid ing, no revenge; but the everlast ing and '.boundless love of (Jod wells forth again as ever. Charles Kingsley. AriV llio vsirious old and cur ious coins that have been brought to the Xews office lately one.of the oldest, perhaps, is a Spanish coin which Mr. Laben Hoylc has. It is so worn that the date is indis tinct. There seems to be a great many old Spanish coins scattered about over the country and the question arises, how did this Span ish money find its way here? This opens up annciTrieldTtoi'T,onjec tnro mill snppnhil.ion. Mr. Wal lace M. Eeinhardt always believed that De Soto and his followers passed through this county and that what was known as the In dian Dam, on Clarke's creXIcpwas the remains of a Spanish device for washing out gold. Govern ment records in "Washington show that De Soto carried on mining operations in northern Georgia, and that some of his followers marched ( on further North, but there is no definite information as to what became of these straglcrs. Of course, few of the Spanish coins now in the possession of Lincoln county people date back to De Soto's time but is it not probable Jhat other Spanish ad venturers prowled through old searching lor VA Dorado, and scattering their money among the Indians. .-. Nice To Be An Editor. The -News Editor acknowledges the following invitation and re grets his inability to accept: Tho Fall Festival Management , request the honor of your company at an Informal Koeeption to be tendered : Hon. William Jennings Bryan . and Uovemor Itobert B. Glenn ; on the evening of Monday, October Fourteenth Five-thirty to Six-thirty o'elock Assembly Hall Sehvyn Hotel Charlotte, orth Carolina COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. The Board of County Commis sioners met Monday with all mem bers present. The following busi ness was transacted: Outside paupers . were ordered paid their inonthlv allowance. E. "W. Keener, jail fees, etc., ! '-'".'. V. P. Asbury, for building 2 bridges on new road from 'Smith's Furnace to Lock Jtubinsoii's, lo. V. P. Asbury, for services as raid supervisor in Catawba Springs township and hired labor, ;i.".l.S. W. E. Mace, for services as road supervisor .in Lincolnton township and hired labor. tO.S0. , S.O. Hause, for hauling piping on Morganton road near P. D. Hause", T. J. Long, for services as judge of bond election, August, 1907, at Triangle precinct, 2. M. F. Coon, for 520 feet lumber for :. bridge on Quiekel branch, s.s.lil!. J. 1!, Cherry, for services as road supervisor in Catawba Springs township and. hired labor, 1.40. II. M. Ileal, for services as judge of bond election, August I'JuT, at Lank .precinct,' II. P. Peid, for nails, 1'5 cents. , II. E. Peid, for .rope and pick for Lincolnton township, S,") cents. T. P. J.cnks, for !Hi;i feet of lum ber for 'bridge on Long Pranch, near Hebron church, l 1.0 1. L. T, Duncan, for services as road supervisor in Lincolnton township and hired labor, .:!(. 30. K. L. Poyles, for services 'as judge of Xoveinber election, 190!, at I. store precinct, J. AY. Keener, for 711. feet lum ber for bridges on Long Shoal's road, 10.ii. II. E. Pamsaur, for nails and pipe for Lincoln county, 14.19, W. A. Goodson, for services as judge of bond election, August, 15107, at Ore Hank precinct, - II. A. Self, for services as clerk to Poard, etc.T 20, 75. It is ordered that A. S. Scronce was ordered at last meeting to cut out road through lands of Jonas Mitchem, et al., be and he, is here by ordered to summons hands within : miles of said road. . Ordered that John P. Livens be released of poll tax for year 1907 on account of infirmity. J It. F. Goodson, for services as judge of Xovember election, 190G, at Iron Station precinct, 1. J. W. Saine, for services as coun ty physician one month, 12.50. P. C. Goode, for nails and 2 buckets for county, 4. Town of Lincolnton, for water two 'months', .1.20. M. L; Heavner, for keeping county home, and cash paid for shTngleinirsheeting and mending shoe),. ijyxfiO. - : A. Xixon, C. S. C., be paid sf 154. 74, amount of county liabili ties at September term 1907, as certified by clerk of said Superior court, less the cosruTTcaseseuti7 tied State va Drayton Medlin. It is ordered that county of Gas ton be notified that it is indebted to county ot Lincoln for the hire of Drayton Medlin in the sum of 27.10 and for the hire of Bob Hess 21.05 and for the hire of J. W. Buss, 16.40 and Walter Byers, 10.67.; It is ordered that Dora Hayes, a person convicted at last term Su: perior Court and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment in county jail with authority to county com missioners to hire out, it is ordered that-sheJbehhTdJo Harvey, for said term for the sum of 11.52, which amount has been paid by said Harvey to county treasurer, Lincolnton Livery Company, for conveying 5 jurors to county home and horse and buggy for Bandy, 4.50. ''';." ''':'"'..';'" R. A. Yoder, for surveying and running line to Gaston county and for ft. A. Yoder, Jr., rodman, 16.30. . ' ''.':-:'. S. W. Kcever for services as road supervisor in Irouton town ship open and put in traveli iig condition the new road from Mrs. Reel's, to the public road near . S. Mullen's store. P. E. Pamsaur, for 3 days ser vice on survey to Gaston", county, (.;. J. E. Cronland, for building 2 bridges on Long Shoals and Char lie White roads and hired help, .'!.!. 15. J. P. Cronland, for services as road supervisor in Irouton town ship and iii red labor, ('.2.90. John A. Chapman, : for Services as road supervisor, iii Lincolnton township and hired labor, 109. John A. Chapman filed his monthly report as road supervisor in Lincolnton township,: same was accepted.' approved and ordered filed. ','".' W. I, Mace filed his monthly report 'sis' road supervisor in Lin colnloii township, same was accept ed, .approved and ordered filed. , It appearing to (he board that Capt. C. C. WreiiMhall who hereto fore having been appointed by this board with. T. F. Cline on the part of Lincoln county to join represen tatives from Gaston county in run ning the county line, having in formed the board of his inability to take part in same, and having resigned, whose resignation was accepted 'and T. F. ('line with au thority from Loanl, employed one T..L. Bandy, to take the place ol C. C. Wivnshall, w ho met onMon day, the Jiotli day of September, 1907, .with' representatives from Gaston, county and qualified and entered upon said work. This board, hereby ratifies the selection of T. L. Pandv b T. F. Cline on the part of Lincoln, and do hereby appoint i. I. Handy, and l. r. Cline on the part of Lincoln and to represent Lincoln county in said survey and to complete said sur vey. ;:; Toluca Items. Perhaps a line from Toluca would be read with interest. It seems that this is to become a city in the near future. The citizens are clearing up and, laying off lots and buildings are being erected. J. II. Graham is putting up a res idence and out buildings. Mr. Dan Sain is building on the corner of Sain street and 'Mr. Andrew Sain is putting up a building for luona.ite. Mr. J. II. Graham and Charlie Maples have begun work in their shop. The Toluca Mercantile Company is doing a splendid business. The Company is a great help to this community, saving' the people miles of travel. They will do their best to supply all of their needs. Mr. Home and Miss Sain are always ready to wait on their customers and never tire of show ing their goods. Dr. Self is one of our busiest men, always on. the go, andnth his push we shall expect to see something done in and around Toluca. S. Items From Pleasant Home. Miss Yera Ilauss will teach our school at Pleasant Home this win ter. -The committeemen are to be congatulated on securing this worthy young lady. . Miss Kate Wrood, of Hickory, B. F. D. spent Saturday night with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wood. Messrs. Charlie Rhync, Jim Put man and Smith Coble, of Long Shoals, spent Saturday night at Mr. W. C. tritzis. Mr. Chas Heavner and children of Lincointoii, speiitun Jay at the county home. . Misses Fannie Foster and Sallic Bess, of Bess Chapel, were visit ing in the community Saturday night. The young people of this neigh borhood surprised Mr. Henry Heavner by coining in Saturday night and giving him and old time ring playing which was very much enjoyed and all wish for another one in the near future. There were several coru shuck ings in the neighborhood last week. ' ', ''.;.'-' Strangek. Southern Prosperity Is In The Balance. A pamphlet composed of a col lection of editorials and interviews gleaned from Southern newspapers, is being mailed broadcast over the South with a view to turning the tide of public sentiment against anti-railroad and corporation legis lation. ... The pamphlet conies from the presses of the Manufacturers' Re cord Publishing Company, Balti more,'' and articles from the Manu facturers' ..Record are featured prominently in V the publication. Some of the titles of the articles are: "Call of the Conservative South,'" ''"Southern 'Prosperity in the Balance, " Paralyzing Southern Pnergy," "An Appeal to Reason, " "Sanity or Stagnation for the South?" and "The Shadow over the South." .': Old Turkish Jote. Among the many anecdotes re lated of the old Turkish joker, Xasir-Pddiii-lvhodja, is the follow- ing: Khodja went one evening to the well to draw water and, looking down to the bottom, he saw the moon. Quickly he ran into the house and got a rope with a hook attached to the end of it. This he lowered into the well. The hook caught fast on a stone. Khodja pulled desperately, the hook gave way, and there was the joker, 1lat on his back, staring up into the sky. "I'pon my soul," he exclaimed, perceiving the moon' "I have had a bad fall, but I have put the moon back in its place." Professional Carda G. W. H UNTER, Architect and Builder LINCOLNTON, N. C. V. O. HOX 123. those no A. L. QU1CKEL, . Attorney At Law -LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA Practices iuall .courts. Prompt uttcn tiou to all mutters entrusted to mi' cure. LAWRENCE E. RUDISILL, Attorney At Liw LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Office over First National rank. WALTER C. FE1MSTER. WALTER N. KEENER. FEIMSTER & KEENER, Attorney! At Law, Lincolnton office, over Wampum Mores. Dr. L. M. COFFEY, Dentist, LINCONTT0N NORTH CAROLINA. "Ofllrer over- Kamsaur's 1 lardu are Store, Main street. CHAS. E. CHILDS, Attorney and CooaKller At Liw, LINCOLNTON, N. C, Dr. I. R. SELF, Dentist, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Office over La wing's Drug Store. VllOJiK Nj. : FOR AGENTS A SUCCESS. "THE OLD WORLD AND ITS WAYS" BY - . WM. JENNINGS BRYAN. 678 ImperlBl Octavo Cages. 251 Siiitrb Kngrttvlngs from photographs tnkea by Col. Ilryau. Recounts trip arounil the worlil nml his visits-to lt nations. .(Jriwlust book of travel ever written. Miwt suc cessful book of Hill Kcnuratiou. 11,000 called for In 4 months. Write tis for sample reports of first KM agents em ployed. The people buy It easrerly. The agent's harvest. . Octi it Fhek ficud fifty cents to cover cost of mailing and handling. Addreso THE THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO., St. Lhu, M. Stoves, We have the largest and best assorted stock of these ever shown in Lincolnton. "WILSON" Hot Blast Coal Heaters. "WILSON" Hot Blast Wood Heaters. "TIP TOP" Hot Blast Coal Heaters. Open "FRANKLIN" Coal Heaters. Grates, all kinds. Solid Car Steel Cook 9 If you think we can't save you money over the Catalogue Houses take a look at our "ACME '8-18 Steel Ranges only J22.50. You'll know then th&t we can. Reid Hardware Gomp'y S h op, i n Charlotte AND HAVE THE LITTLE-LONG CO. PAY RAILROAD FARE , It's the hub of the surrounding country and The Little-Long Company's store is the emporium for merchandise that's up to the minute. There you'll iind everything that's nctf, and the largest stock ot tho Carolinas to se lect from. The millinery and coat suit showings are far beyond anything ever seen iu their stores. Besides, you will find every want can be supplied in , the way of fine dress goods, silks and 'trimmings,' lloor coverings, china, brie a-brae, men's and boys' high class clothes, ladies', men's and children's line shoes, men's and ladies' furnish ings, as well as an up-to-date jewelry department contain ing sterling silver and plated table ware, silver novelties, solid and gold filled jewelry, watches, fobs, bracelets, dia monds, rings, etc. If you purchase 40.00 or more, rail road fare will be refunded within a, radius of fifty miles, and freight prepaid on all purchases of 5.00 or more. gjSST-Ask where's the biggest store in the Carolinas, and you'll be told its in Charlotte, and its The Little-Long Company Our penny column brings good results so the users say. will make no mistake in using it. Tax Notice. I will meet the citizens of Lin coln county at the following times and places forthopurposeof jcol lecting the taxes for 1907: Trian gle, Monday, October 14th, 1907. Iron Station, Tuesday, October 15th, 1907. Reepsville, Wednes day, October 16th, 1907. Lincoln ton, October 17th, 18th, and 19th, 1907. Flay, Mouday, October 21st, 1907. Respectfully, John K. Cline, Sheriff. This 30th day of September 1907 Special Tralo And Rates Via Seaboard. ..Account of tho Mecklenburg County Fair, October 22-25, the Senbonrd Air Lino announces round trip rnto of one fi rut-el an fare Tpiusii.T "cents, using basis offaVos in effetfc prior to July 1st, plus o0 cents for yild "admission to the grounds, from all points within a radius of 100 miles from Charlotte. Tickets to 1W sold ; October 21-25th with final limit October 2Hth. Special train from Kutherfordton to Charlotte, Wednesday and Thursday, October 23-24, passing Lincolnton at K.0D a, m. arriving at Chnrlotta 10.(10 a. hi., returning leave Charlotte .r)'.4.5 p. m. Kxtra coaches will be provided on trains Kast of Charlotte where ever ne cessary. . . ,. , Por further tnXtfrmation apply to the undersigned. JAMES KKK, Jr., C. H. GATTIS, C. P. A., T. P. A., Clmrlotto, y.C Raleigh, N. C. Rang'es, eaters Ranges and Steel Stoves You Special kates To Raleigh Account State Fair, October J4th-J9th, J907, Via Seaboard. One first-class fare plus 25 cents, using plus -50 cents for one admission to Grounds, from points in North Carolina: From points outsido of Jiorth Carolina 50 cts. for admission coupon to Grounds is not added. Children over five and under twelve half fare, Military Companies and Bands, twenty-five or more on one ticket, two cents per mile one way distance trav& eled. ' -. ' Tickets sold October 11th to IKth In clusive, and forenoon trains arriving Kaleigh, October 19th: limitod October 21st. ' Special trains will bo operated from all territory on Seaboard wherever ne cessary to properly handle tho business. See flyers advertising spociul service on AVednesday and Thursday. Train Will Im-OimratHll-Wnilunurlair and Thursday every 20 minutes Union Depot to Fair Grounds to accommodate the travel from the city. This will be the best and largest at tended Fair in the history of the Asso ciation: October 15th. . . .'. . . .Postmasters' Day October Kith.. .Masonic Day October 17th ......... ; Dryan Day October 18th. . Children's Day Grand Free Attractions, Hippodrome and Wild West Showg. Meeting Post masters and speech by Postmaster Gen-, eral n Tuesday. Laying Comer Stone Masonic Temple Wednesday. Honora ble William Jennings Bryan Kpeaks on Thursday. , For information, seo Agent or address,- '