The Lincoln County News MILTON TIDDY, Editorand Proprietor Intarcaaiaeoond-cltM matter December II, ISM, it tbe Poat office at Lincolnton, N. C, OBderac'ofCongresiof Marcnl, 1S7H. , I8SUBD TUESDAY AND FRIDAY TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911. The News congratulates chief McAllister and his faithful fire laddies on their fine work Friday night The job was well perform ed and they deserve the thanks of the entire town. . The citizens of the town up to yesterday have made up a purse of about $150, which will be presented to Mr. Jake Ford. This is a generous act and it will be duly appreciated by Mr. Ford, not for the monetary value alone, but for the spirit in which it was given. 1st GRADE. Perfect Attendance-Kichard Beal, Eoy Navy, Dave Kistler, Lula Johnson, Annie Haynes, Ella Frances Haynes, Genevieve Del linger. Honor Boll Beulah Cald well, Edgar Love (Class Leaders), Louise Goodson, WilmerJCaldwell. .. K. 11. Deilinger has Tour chil dren Carl 10th grade, Agnes and Lena th grade, Geneveive 1st, who have been neither absent nor tardy this session. ' Lillie Buff of 7th grade has not been absent or tardy in three years. Messrs. N. M. Deilinger, J. E. and Tom Hoover, H. K. Ramsaur, J. C. Warlickj Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Anderson and others are at tending the reunion in Little Bock this week. Mrs. N. W. Deilinger and Miss Emma Sulli van will accompany the party as far as Cornith, Miss., ' where they will stop off and visit relatives. The closing exercises of CrouSe High School will be held Thurs day and Friday of this week. Rev. G. T. Rowe, of Charlotte, will deliver an address Jon Friday. All who wish may take dinner The eight members of the Child ren of the Confederacy who un veiled the monument on May the and serve it on the grounds. 11th were: Misses Frances Faii Mary Stewart Edwards, Katherine Heim, Lena Deilinger, Myrtle Padgett, and Jennie Same, and Masters Kenneth Grigg and Sidney McCutchin. WORSE EVERY YEAR . Plenty of Lincolnton Peaders Have the Same Experience. Don't neglect an aching back. It will get worse every year. Backache is really kidney ache. ' To cure the backache you must cure the kidneys. If yoto don't' other kidney ills follow Urinary troubles, dropsy, Bright's disease. Follow the advice of the Lin colnton people. ' ,' Mrs. Mattie Michal, of Lincoln- ton, X. C, says: "For ten years Mrs. M. Sherrill and family will leave today for Spartanburg, S. C. where they will make their home in the future. : One of the pleasant espisodes of I May 11th was the charming intro duction ot Mrs. Stonewall Jackson to the immense crowd by Mrs. F. M. Williams of Aewton, State president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.. As Mrs. Jackson arose and faced the people smilingly, a great shout went up from thousands of throats and all the veterans and many others eagerly clasped the hand of the most distinguished living woman of the Confederacy. : MUSHROOM CORNS Most Painful of All Foot Ailments . How to Cure Them. Honor Roll of Lincolnton Graded School For the Term 19J0-W1. 10th GRADE. Perfect Attendance Carl Del linger. Scholarship to Trinity College. Maud Crowell (Class Leader. ) 9th grade. " Perfect Attendance Ethel Cliue Honor Boll Myrtle Padgett (Class Leader), Lillie Lineberger, Cora Lee, Khodes, Frank Love. 8th GRADE. Perfect Attendance Mary War- lick, Johnnie Anthony, Xellie Harrill. Honor Boll Johnnie Anthony (Class Leader), Emma Hoover, Mary Warlick. 7th grade. . Perfect Attendance Lillie Buff, Lena Deilinger, Agnes Deilinger, Inez Crowell, Annie Hoover, Bosa Lee Leonard, John Kobmson. Honor Boll Marie Lineberger (Class Leader), Maggie Beattie, Lillian Hoover. 6th grade. Perfect Attendance Charlie Bandall (4 years) Frances Ban- dall (3 years), Brema Sharpe, Walter Costner, Macie Sigmon, Sterne Camp, Baymond Roberts, Lorene Shives. Honor Boll- Raymond Roberts, Irwen Good- son (Class Leaders) Elsie Rhodes, Brema Sharpe, Macie Sigmon Grace Sherrill. 5th grade. Perfect Attendance Jennie The Mushroom corn is so called from Its pitted cone top, resembling a tiny mushroom. It "burrows deep Into the toe and gets more inflamed than other corns. For the quick relief and cure of these and all corns and callouses the following is the most effective remedy knowrj to , sci- ence: Dissolve 2 tablespoonfuls of Caloclde com pound in a ba- in of hot water. Soak the feet in this for full fifteen minutes, gently mas aging the sore parts. (Less time will not give desired results.) All sore ness instantly disappears and the com or callous can be easily peeled off. It may be necessary to repeat this for a number of nights for a complete cure, but If adhered to it will surely succeed. A little olive oil rubbed on the part it very beneficial. This Calocide is a very remarkable preparation for all foot ailments and Is no longer confined to doctors' use. Any druggist has it in stock or will quickly get it from his wholesale house. A twenty-five cent package is usually sufficient to put the worst feet in fine condition. Bad smell ing feet and tender feet need only a few treatments, likewise with inflamed bunions. This item will be welcomed by persons who have tried ineffectual powders and tablets. Administrators Notice. kidney trouble caused me suffering and last summer my condition grew alarmingly worse. "My back was very weak and painful and my feet and ankles often became so badly swollen that I could hardly stand Headachesland dizzy spells bother ed me aud the secretions from my kidneys were a source of annoy ance. When I had almost despair ed of finding relief, 1 1 heard of Doan's Kiduey Pills and obtained a box at Lawing'jg Drug Store, This remedy permanently cured me and today lam enjoying good health. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United State. ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of David Yoder. latp ot the county of Lincoln, State of North Carolina, notice is hereby given, to all partiesor persons having claims against said, estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 5th day of May, 1912, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will make immed iate payment. - . This the third day of May. 1911. Damil A. Yoder, Administrator of David Yoder, deceased. Summons for Non-Resident ' Defendants North Carolina, 1 In the Superior t Court, Before-A. Lincoln County. ) Nixon, C. 8. C. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Dorus H. Bess, Executor of P. B. Bess, Plaintiff. vs. " : - Beatrice' Bess, Henry Bess and wile, Fannie Bess, Dorus H. Bess and wife, L. E. Bess, Minnie Bess Mansfield and husband, T. J. Mansfield, Lula Black and husband, J. F. Black. Ocie Beam and hus band, D. P. Beam and ' Beverly Bess, Defendants. The State of North Carolina, to the above earned defendants, T. J. Mans field and Minnie Bess Mansfield and Beverly Bess, Non-resident refendants, Greeting: You and each of you are hereby summoned to be and appear before A. Nixon. Clerk of the Superior Court of Lincoln County, N. C, at his office in Lincolnton, N. C. on the 3rd day of Tune, J9I J, and answer the complaint now on file in the above stated cause, and you are runner notified, that same is an action instituted and commenced by the above named plaintiff D. H. Bess Executor of P. B. Bess deceased, for. license and leave to sell real estate to create assets in the due administration of the estate of P. B. Bess deceased. You are furt ti er notified that you have an interest in the lands mentioned and described In the pleadings in said cause, and you are further notified if yon fail to answ er or demur to said petition and cony plaint, the relief prayed for by the plaintiff petitioner will be granted, Hereof take due notice. Given under my hand and official seal, this 19th ot April 1911. , (OFFICIAL SEAL) A. NIXON. Clerk Superior Court, Lincoln Coun ty, North Carolina. a21-6t-oaw Land Sale. I.ANn fsATP oiiuer ana oy vuure oi an oraer of the Superior Court of Lincoln County oy tne nerit thereof, 1 will on Monday the 22nd day of May 1911 at 12 o'clock M.; at the court house door in Lincolnton, N. C. sell at public auction 10 me nignest Didder, upon terms, one tnira casta, balance in equal installment! of six and twelve months. deferred amounts secured by note with approved security, bearing interest I from data nf 1a At rwp nminm n.. i. TT T 1. T!- I V,iS .V. V..l-. . i i ' T . K 1"" i ciuuu uiey, vkucb Aiine-I " miNau m-i annum. Title being reserved until berger, Elmyra Smith, Willie ltUme?" of ,Ix twelve months, payment of the purchase money in full, Oostner. Thdma DdliiW ? miere" Irom The following real estate, lying and ' o i uaK an via uvi vruiuui ltca tuJUULu. Willi 4th GRADE. i privilege to purchaser to pay all cash, Perfect onarpe (tor ' years; Ernest I amounts secured by note with appro v- smves, -bagar Deilinger, saUielea,ecnruy' me following real estate, Hnmrnr TCIla Mo it TTrn-r) TTai.IJ, uoing in incoinion Town l?llTK-.f- T i T I "I w""iy o, Lincoln Biaie or jNortb Warlick, Lillie Mae James, Per- nell Lineberger, Sue Carpenter, w line uistner. Honor Koll- Thelma Deilinger (Class Leader) Margaret Ramsaur, Sherwood Childs, May Cobb, Genevieve Rob- Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court by the Clerk thereof in speoial proceeding, entitled, "R. M. Roseman Administrator of J. C. Sum- merrow vs Sarah ,E. Summerrow," I will on Saturday, the 27th day of May, J9JJ, at 12 o'clock, at the court house door In Lincolnton, N. C, sell at public auc tion to tne Highest bidder, upon terms, being is Lincolnton Township!Lincoln Attendance Vsri l.""?" wjniiif Men otner and adjoining the . V r I V1 !""" j inn,- ueierrea lands or L. L. Houser, R. 8. Reinhardt -Roberta Love (Class Leader) cwoiina, and boundea and described Georgia Heavner. 3rd GRADE. Perfect Attendance Elizabeth Hoke (for 2 yeanO'Ellis Honey cutt (for 2 years) Hattie John son, Robert Harrill, William Mc Cutchen, Prue Sigmon, . Eunice Hoyle. 'Honor Roll Elizabeth .Hoke Class Leader) Micah Hall man, Elizabeth Mullen, Corritta Edwards, Eunice Hoyle, Jessie Haynes, Hattie Johnson, Robert Harrill, Dounie MeNeely, Ruby radgett, Lander aetzer. 2nd grade. , Perfect Attendance Lily NaVy, Sammie Lore,' Edith Hoover, Edna Hoover, Mary Deaton, Ada Crowell. Honor Roll William Minter (Class Leader), Florence Covington, , Ada Crowell, Mary Deaton, Annie Heim,. ... Minnie Keever, Margaret Motz, Wilhel mina Reesj Jean Roberts, Marion Wise. follows Adjoining the lands of . the late George Summerrow, now Rudisill and Anthony, lands of the late William Taylor, lands of R. M. Koseman and others, eginning at a stone, corner of Church land, and runnina thence witb big road N. 3 degrees 15 minutes E. 40 poles; thence with big road N. 8 E. 61 poles, to stone in big road;fthence S. 87 degrees and 30 minutes E. 143 poles, to a stoner thence S. 22 E. ill poles to a stone; thence N. 85 W. 113 poles to the beginning,- containing 82 e-iu acres, more or less. - Said sale will commence atthesum of fifteen hundred, twenty five and 59-100 dollars, the upset bid and offer upon said tract of land. ' This the 21st day of April, 1911. R. M. Rohem an 'Administrator of J. C Scmmkrrqw, dee'd. a25-4t r; r beal & co. Horses, Mules, Vehicles and Harness ; ; - Phone 89 LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA Nancy Mullen and others and bounded as follows: First Tract: eglonlnt at ' pine stump and stone and running S. 35 W Jti poles te a stone; thence 8 87 E 12 pole to an iron stake; thence 8 8 W 15 polea to a stone; thence 8 77 E 86 poles to a atone; thence N 37 W 66 polea to the beginning. Containing 1 acres more or less. Second Tract: The reversionary in terest in the dower of Mrs. Easter Hause, Widow of A. 3, Hause deceased. Said dower lands bdunded as followj: Beginning at gum Rudisill corner on Reinhardt line and runs N.35 E 23 poles to a newcomer; a stone; thence S 37 E 12 poles to an iron stake; thence S gj W 15 poles to a stone and pointers on tbe.old line; thence. With the old line N 77J W 20 poles to the beginning, Con taining one and seven tenths acres. Reference is had and made to the spec ial iproceedingnow pending before the Cleric of tbe Superior Court of Lincoln County, N. C. entitled '-'s. P. Houser administrator of A. J. Hause vs Easter Hause and others," in which cause the order of sale was made and directed. This the 19th day of April 1911. S. P. Houser, Administrator of . A. j. Hause, dee'd. MAGISTRATE'S Summons . and Chattel Mortgages are for sale at this office. Lincoln County News. SALE OF LANDS. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed May 2nd 1907, by G. W, Hunter to C. E. Childs, trustee, to se cure a debt due to T. M. Whisonant for purchase money for lands described below as fourth and filth tracts, which debt as evidenced by . bond ot even date, Was on Nov, 6th 1907 duly trans ferred to A. Nixon, and by him on May 1st 1911. transferred to E. O. An derson, it being still unpaii, and said E. O. Anderson having demanded of said trustee that he proceed to adver tise ana sell said lands to satisfy same and under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 8th day of Oct. 1907, by O. W. Hunter and wife Lillie Hun ter to A. Nixon to secure debt therein stated, said debt being still due and unpaid, it also having been transferred to E. O. Anderson on the 1st day of May 1911, and under and by yirtue of a mortgage deed executed on the 10th day of February 1908, by G. W. Hun terand wife L. I. Hunter to E. O. An derson to secure said Anderson in the performance of a contract by G. W Hunter and save him harmless under said contract, and G. W. Hunter hav ing failed and refused so to do, the said undersigned parties, will on the 5th day of June 1911 it being the first Monday in June, sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction at the court bouse door in Lincolnton, N. C, at noon, the follow rag lots and parcels of lands, vix: All lying and being in the Northeast ward of the Town of Lincolnton, N. C, and designated as follows: First Tract: Being a part of lot known as Kate McGinnis lot, and ad joining the plat of land known as Oak land Heights and bounded as follows: Beginning at a big Oak on the Sher rill or Oakland Hbights line, and runs then, S 21 E 200 feet to a Stone; then, S 71 W 54 1-4 feet to a Stake: then N 21 W200 feet to a Stake, to what, was formerly Sherrill's line; then.i N 71 E 54 1-4 feet to the beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre more or less. . Second Tract: Being known as Lot No. 4 in Block "C" of the Oakland Heights land,! fronting, on State street, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an Iron Pin on the last side of State street, corner of lot No. 8 and runs, then, N 16 W . 90 feet to an Iron Stake ion the East side of State street, corner of lot No. 5; then, N 74 E 355 feet with line of lot No. 5 to a Stake in Branch, corner of lot No. 5; then, in southern direction with the meanders' of the branch 95 feet to a Stake in the Branch, corner of lot No. 3; then, S 74 W 327 feet with s line of said lot to the beginning. Third Tract: Designated as lot No. 8 of the Oakland Heights land, fronting on state street ana bounded as follows: Beginning at an Iron Stake on the East side of State street, corner of lot No. 7 and runs; then! N 16 W 90 feet to an Irou Stake on the Eaat side of State street, corner of lot No. 9; then, N 74 E 360 feet' to a Stake in the Branch, corner of iot No. 9: then, in a southern direction with the meanders of the branch 90 teet to a Stake in the branch corner of lit No. 7; then, S 74 W 350 feet with lane of lot No. 7 to the begin ning. f- i Fourth tract: ' Containing lots No 73 and 74 of the Oakland Heights land, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an Iron" Stake on the west side of State street, corner! of lot No. 72 and runs; hen, S 74 W 175 feet to an alley?. comet of lot No. 72; then,. S 16 E 60 feet with said alley way to a Stake. corner of lot No. 75; then, N 74 E175 feet with linerof lot No. 75 to an Iron Pin on the West side of State street, comer of lot No. 75; then, N16 W 60 feet with State street to the beginning, rmn Tract: Being lot No. 7 in Block "C" of the Oakland Heights land, fronting on State street and oounaea as follows: Beginning at a Stake on the east side of State street, comer of lot No. 6 and runs; then, N 16 W 90 feet to an Iron Stake on the east side of said street, corner of lot No. 8; then,. N 74 E 850 feet, with a line of lot No. 8 to a Stake in the Branch; then, tin a southern direction with the meanders of the branch 91 feet to a Stake in the branch, comer of iot iN o. e; then, S 74 W with line of lot No. 6 364 feet to the beginning. i he money arising from this sale to be also applied in payment of the judgement and Hen of the Lincoln Brick Co. vs G. W. Hunter, and dulv assigned to it. u. Anderson, as will an pear by record in Lincoln County, X. v. , , For the trust deed to C. E. Childs see Book 71 p. 343. .. For the Nixon Mortgage see Book 99 p. 102. ' For the Lincoln Brick Judgement ana lien see Judgement docket No. 5 p. 288.1 For the E. O, Anderson mortgage see BOOK VV p, 310. . j All of the records of Lincoln County, . v. to which reference Is made, This the 5th day of May 1911 . C E. Childs, Trustee, " A. Nixon. Mortgager. E. O. Anderson. mortea?ee and As. slgnee of the above claims. , ( r7fV' vn RAILROAD SCHEDULE. " ' Carolina and North Vestern. Schedule Effective April 30th, 1911 nortnoouna no. 10 arrives ' 10:26 a. m. Northbound No. 60 arrive at 6:46 p. m Except Sunday. - - 1 r t" Southbound No. 9 arrives -' 8:43 p. m. south Douna jo. 7 arrives at 10:05 a.m. Except Sunday. SEABOARD AIR LINE EXPRESS 3 Schedule in Effect April 9, 1911 Westbound No. 138 arrives Lincolnton 11:14 a. m. Eastbound No. 132 arrives Lincolnton 5:45 p. m. RUTHERFORDTON CHARLOTTE . LOCAL For Charlotte No. 46 arrives Lincoln ton 8:50 a. m. Per Rutherfordton No. 47 arrives In Lincolnton 6:48 p. m. . " If you want to cat ice cream this summer, come let us sell you a freez er. We have them in all the popular sizes foi family use arid in two grades. We want to show you our line and tell you our prices. - 1 ... r ... . Grain Cradles Its time you are getting ready for the coming harvest. We have the grain cradles for you also big lot of grain blades to fit up your old grain cradles with from 50c up. See them. Cotton Hoes Big line of cotton hoes in any size wanted up to 10 inches in width. We always try to have just what is wanted and with the right prices affixed. Cultivators . Have you seen our riding and . walking cultivators, weeders, harrows, etc.? If not you should come at once and see them. We have a big line of the great labor saving tools for you and can help you to cultivate your crops much .easier if you will only call i ies and Sumes ; We are having a great sale on buggies and surries, never so. large before because we have so many attractions and new ones are being added each week ; and better still we make the ; price. If you need either a buggy or surry no matter . what grade or : style it will always, pay you to come to our warerooms and see bur immense stock and learn our prices. ' . When you have shopping of any kind to do either buying or selling it always, pays to . come to the "Big Store." We always pay top prices for your produce - and - never fail to -.sell for less. -, --...) - Stamey Fallston, ;Xros: R G