''I f . ' it 1 1 1 kilt .ill State Library If f i .v ESTABLISHED 1876 LINCOLNTON. N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 20. 1919 FIVE CENTS PER COPY $1.50 per year Hi rfv An 1 I Si LEAGUE CHARTER MAY BE APPENDED Paris, March 18. Announcement was made at the close of the confer ence today between President Wilson, David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, and M. Clemenceau, the French premier, that no final decision had been taken, but that all the main questions surrounding the peace con ference had been discussed, that the meeting had been entirely satisfactory and that there "had been no change in the plans previously announced, which contemplate the completion of the peace treaty within the next two weeks, including the league of na tions. ' Although no final decision has yet been reached, it is said the present plan of a majority of the five big na tions contemplates attacking the league of nations compact to the peace treatv aa an appendix. This would enable Germany to sign the treaty without securing admission to the league, although at the same time she would accept the declaratory orinciDles. The future navigation of the Rhine will be controlled by an allied com mission, the peace conference com mission, on the international regime of ports, railways and waterways decided today. The commission will replace the German-Holland commis sion of before the war. TEXT OF STATE-WIDE ROAD LAW PASSED BY 1919 LEGISLATURE EXPECTED IN RALEIGH ABOUT SUNDAY OR MONDAY Raleigh, March 18. With the 113th field artillery docked this evening at Newport News from "over there," the Raleigh authorities are counting on havinsr this orginization here prob- ably Sunday or Monday for at least 12 hours, when the state and city will unite in pavinsr tribute to these re turning heroes of the Thirtieth divi- Bion. A tremendous parade with a re viewing stand on Fayetteville street for Governor Bickett and party and a great barbecue at the state fair grounds will be arterial feautres. It is to be really a state gala day, with thousands of people nocking irom every quarter of the state, the le' tive appropriation of $2,500 conctitut ing a goodly part of the entertainment lund. ' 30TH DIVISION UNITS TO LAND AT CHARLESTON. B.C. Charleston, S.C March 17. South eastern department headquarters was officially notified by the war depart ment today that the transport Konin- fin der Ncderianden, announced as ound for Newport News from France with a number of 30 divisions units aboard, among them being the 105th ammunition train, made up of South Carolina troops, had been diverted to Charleston. The vessel is due here on Sundav. March 23. The troops will ,be sent to Camp Jackson for sanitary treatment. LINCOLN COUNTY ARMENIAN SYRIAN CAMPAIGN NOTES Funds are coming in nicely, we're going some, if we keep going we'll each motor vehicle, except .motor trucks, motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers for hire and motor cycles, as follows: On each motor vehicle having a rating of twenty-six rtJSl K on Stee . . Bwjr "" lii-lo havino- a rntimr nr - mnra 1 the passed the two houses of the general assembly and was ratified. A bill to be entitled "An Act to Pro vide for the Construction and Main tenance of a System of State High ways and to Enable the State to secure the Benefits of Federal Aid Therefor, and for Other Purposes.". The general assembly of worth Caro lina do enact: Section 1, That for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sys- hicle having a rating or more than twenty-six horsepower but not more than thirtv horsenower, a registration or license fee of hi teen dollars; on each motor vehicle . having a rating of more than thirty horsepower a regis tration or license fee of twenty dol lars; that each , motor vehicle used for the carriage of passenger for hire shall carry a special "service" license to be funished by the secretary of state for which the license fee shall be twice the amount fixed for like tern of state highways and post roads motor vehicles for private use. ' The the funds collected bv the state as a I annual license or registration fee for license tax on automobiles, motor cars,! a motorcycle shall be five dollars. The motorcycles, motor trucks or other vehicles from which the Btate does now or may hereafter collect a license tax. and shall after the expense of col lecting has been deducted as herein provided, be paid to the state treas urer and by him kept as a Bpecial fund to be known as the "state high way fund" for the construction and maintenance 01 a system 01 state highways, which shall be constructed so aa to form a system of modern highways acceptable to the United States government, connecting' by the most practicable routes the various county seats and other principal towns of everv countv in the State. Section I. Thar all convicts, either hall tens, one hundred dollars state or county, that can be arranged each trailer, ten dollars for the lor by agreement with the state pris on board or between the various coun ty authorities, and the state high way commission as the case may be. may be worked on this system of state highways and on the production of material for said highways. The annual registration or license fee for motor truck shall be as follows: On each motor truck with a carrying ca pacity of not more than one ton twelve dollars and fifty cents; on each motor truck with a carrying capacity of more than one ton, but not more than two tons, twen"-five dollars; on each motor truck with a carrying ca pacity of more than two tons but not more than three tons, forty dollars; on each motor truck with a carrying capacity of more than three tons but not mora than four tons, sixtv-five dollars; on each motor truck with a carrying capacity of more than four tons but not more than nve and one on first ton carrying capacity, and twenty dol lars for each additional ton; Provided that any applicant for the registration of any motor vehicle on or after the first day of March of each year shall be required to pay for said registra tion a license fee for the balance of care and discipline of such prisoners the year ending June 30 only one-half shall be as provided by the prison laws or ine state. Section 3. The location, construe tion and maintenance of the highways wmcn are to be constructed by the highway commission under this act are to be determined upon and the work done by the state highway com' mission, and all surveys, plans, sneci fications and estimates shall be made by said highway commission. When ever any one or more of the counties of the state shall agree to furnish one fourth the cost of the construction of that portion of the state highway system contemplated by this act which of the fee levied in this section: Pro vided, further, that no county, city or town shall charge any license or reg istration fee on motor vehicles in ex- cess of one dollar per annum; Pro vided, further, that no motor truck with a carrying capacity of more than five and one-half tons nor any motor truck with steel tires shall be licensed or allowed to be used upon the state highway system. The method of com puting the horsepower of motor ve hicles shall be the formula adopted by the Society of Automobile Engineers Provided further, that all necessary expenses of collecting the said license wil be in or run through such county or registration fees, including cleri- or counties, preference shall be given by the state highway commission in beginning the construction of the highway or highways in or running through such county or counties, and cal assistance, the cost ef purchasing number plates and mailing same, and for such blanks, books and other sup plies as cannot be furnished by the state printer, shall be paid for month- whenever any county shall not I y the ly from he revenue derived fiorr- i : . i . , . , I t a - r il. I:. ; Btate highway commission that it will and is prepared to furnish one-fourth the cost of construtcion of that por tion of the state highway system which will be in or run through such county or counties, it shall be the duty of the state highway commission to I proceed to such county or counties as early as practicable and determine fees by warrant of ihe. auditor on the state- teasurer; and said expenses shall be approved bv the governor and council of state, and shall not in an aggregate exceed ten per -cent of the total amount collected by the secre tary of state under the provisions of this act Section 6. That section eleven, upon the location of the highway or chapter one hundred and forty, public highways in or running through isuch county or counties which will be , a part of the state highway system and make the necessary surveys, plans. specifications and estimates and. after get there (to our quota) by and by. ' tne pnper county authorities have ap- ig out the word "one" I had intended to make a partial re-1Provfd the same, proceed with the teen thereof and insci cviiDtiuuuun ui wie mguvvtiy or mgn- ways as soon as necessary funds ?ort earlier but was unable to get unds into a reportable shape. A re port of funds received to this date follows: First Methodist Church Con gregation ....... .$19.80 Sunday School .... .... .... 10.00 Reformed Church (local Con gregation ... ..... ... ... 10.61 Sunday School 1.30 Presbyterian Church, Con gregation ..... .... ... ... 75.09 Sunday School .. .. .. .. .. 64.69 Emanuel Lutheran, congre gation 48.42 Sunday School 86.13 Long Shoals Wesleyan Meth odist church, S. S 40.26 Daniel's Lutheran Church, S. S. 10.00 Laboratory M. E. Church, S. S. 18.00 Rev. O. C. Fortenberry, Lin- ,-. coin Circuit ..... ... ...... 6.25 Lincoln Lodce No 48 Knights - of Pythias. ...... 10.00 L. A. Abernethy, Iron .... .... 6.15 Mrs. J. W. Saine ... 6.85 Laboratory Cotton Mills 25.00 Eureka Mfe. Co. ... ... 6.00 Lincolnton Graded School .... 69.00 Lincolnton Colored school ..... 2.60 Boyd Williams ...... . . . . , . --: 1.25 are available, the one-fourth to be paid by such county or counties to be held by the road authorities subject to the I order of the state highway commis sion, to be paid as the work pro gresses. Under this arrangement. one-fourth the cost will be paid by the county or counties, one-fourth from the state highway aid fund. In constructing tne highway or highways the state highway commission may make and enter into contract for such construction work with any. ; other counties of the state for contractors to have the work done under its su pervision and endeavoring to have the same done as cheaply as possible. The said construction work and labor shall be done under the direct super vision of the state highway commis sion subject to the inspection and ap proval of the secretary of agriculture Total to date. . . . ...... . . . . $526.70 Some slow counties (Lincoln includ ed) are given until first of April to complete their quotas. All churches, Sunday Schools, pub lic schools, other organlations and in dividuals who have not contributed are urged to get busy at once, deposit funds in one of local banks or send by check or P. O. order to county chairman. Warm up, stir up, keep the fund growing. Help Lincoln county in An its share towards feeding and caring for the destitute and starving of Bible Lands, Your interest, sympathy and good intentions are encourai Ing but it takes something more substantial to feed starving people and don't be dis couraged if your gift is small, it will h nnnreciated and if given in the right spirit rewarded, for, "Whoso- . ever shall give unto one of these little ones a cud of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you he shall In nd wise lose his re- ' witrd Geo. W. Smyre, County Chm "SOLDIER'S LETTER From Private Chesley E- Huss to his cousin, Miss Ila Huss: American Exn. Forces. Feb. 20. 1919 ' Dear Cousin I received your letter a few days ago; was very glad to hear from vou a rain and to know you all ere well. 1 guess the cold weather is about over with you all. We are hav. ing lots of rain over here. Well I do not know when we will get home. We have been at the same place very near three months. We are expecting to leave here some time next month if that is true I guess we will get home sometime in May. We are having a very good time now. We do three hours work each day. Well at this is about all for this time answer: this leaves me well. Pvt. Chesley E. Hose, laws, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, is hereby amended by striking out the word "ten" in lir eleven and inserting in liou thereof the word "twenty-five" and by strik- ni line seven- inscrtinq- in lieu thereof the word "five.': Section 7. That the funds hereto fore collected to be expended in the several counties of the state under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty, public laws of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, now re maining unexpended, shall be paid by the state highway commission to the counties to which such funds belong under the provisions of said act, to be by the county road authorities used as a county fund under the provisions of this act for the construction and maintenance of the state Wghway or highwavs in said counties as herein provided, which use shall be sub ject to anv of the agreements and con tracts now in force between the fed eral government or the various coun ties and the state highway commission. Section 8. All funds collected un of the United States or his authorized dr the provisions of this act or here- representative, and in accordance with the rules and regulations made pursuant to the federal aid law. The state highway commission may In its discretion from time to time apply for and secure federal aid and make pay ments on said . construction as the same progresses in the pro rata part of the value of the labor and material which have been actually put into such construction in compliance with said plans and specifications. The state highway commission shall co- after collected under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty public laws of one thousand nine hun dred and seventeen, as herein amend ed, and all property and funds of the state highway commission, except as provided In preceding section, snail be converted into the state highway fund and apportioned bv the state highvay commission - under the pro visions of this act. Section 9. ' If the state highway fund provided bv this act shall be in- urith 'th Minntte In nhtnlnlnir I sufficient to enable the state in awiol onrf lnKnr in h lined on snv I operation with the counties and sub nmif nmW thfl m-nvlainna nf this I divisions thereor to aavaniageousiy act. - . avail ltsell oi tne xeaerai am to tne Section 4. That the several coun- fullest extent, then tne state treasurev ties, townships and road districts in upon the advice of the governor and order to provide their one-fourth of council oi state may irom unie the cost of constructing said system of state highways as contemplated by this act within tneir respective terri tories may, in their discretion, use such road funds as they may have to time negotiate and secure a short term loan for such amount as may be necessary to meet the available feder al aid. and no more, upon the best terms obtainable and execute the note the highway fund. Section 12. 1 he state highway com mission and the state lorester may co-operate with the county, townshij or district road authorities in the proper selection, planning and protec tion of roadside tiees, nd the state highway commission is thereby- em powered to make all necessary rule: and regulations for the protection oi the state highwavs anitbe roadsidt trees herein provided for. Section 13. At the expiration of the terms of office of the present stat highway commission, the state high, way commission shall "hsist of four members to be appointed by the gov ernor, and one of said commissioners shall be from the western, one from the central, one from the eastern por tion of the state, and ene from the state at large; such apointments to be confirmed by the senate at the prcsen session of the general assembly, twi of whom ; shall be appointed for two years from April first, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, one foi four vears from April first, one thou sand nine hundred jmd'nineteen, and one for six years from April first, one a! l I I I i inuusunu nine nunurt-u mm nineteen their successors- In office to be 'ap pointed for a term of six years each such appointments to be confirmed by the senate. One of the members of the state highway commission shall always be a member of the minority party. The governor shall at the time of making said appointments desig nate one of the members of said com mission as chairman and said member shall be known and designated as the state highway commissioner. The state highway commissioner shall be a practical business man and shall give his entire time to the work of the commission and shall receive as com pensation and salary therefor such amount as may be fixed by the gov ernor not to exceed five thousand five hundred, ($5,500) dollars per annum and his actual traveling expenses. The said state highway commissioner shall be vested with alt the authority of the said commission' whenever the same is not in session. The hie-hwnv commission shall determine the time of its meetings and make such rules and regulations as shall be necessary for carrying out the provisions of this act. The members of the state high way commission, other than the state nignway commissioner! shall receive ten dollars per day and actual ex penses while engaged in the dischnrtre or the duties of their omces: Provided that in the event that appointments as provided in this section are not con finned by the senate before adjourn ment in March, 1919,. the governor may make appointments and interim to be subject to confirmation when the senate is next m session. Section 14. The mknhera nf the state highway comnTIi&ion Shall, be tore entering upon the discharge of their duties, each give a bond to be lixea and 'approved by the governor conditioned upon the faithful dis charge of the duties of their offices and the full and proper accounting for all public property coming into their possession or under their control. The premium on said bond or bonds shall be baid out of the state highwav fund, Section 15. Section five of chapter one hundred and thirteen of the public laws of one thousand nine hundred .and fifteen he and is hereby repealed and the' jqilowing msterted in lieu thereof: The state hicrhwav eommis sion shall f vvnish and provide suitable omces tor r.seit ir the city of Kaleigh and snail provide itself with the neces. sary supplies, fixtures and stationer; and pay for the same out of the state highway funds. Section 16. The full account of each project shall be kept bv or un der the direction of the state high way commission, or its authorized rep resentative, to ascertain at any time the -expenditures on and the liabili ties against mi project, and. separ ately, the condition of the ten per cent fund; and also records of contract and force account work. The accounts and records together with all tl supporting documents shall be open at all times to the inspection of the governor or the road authorities of any county furnishing one-fourth of the cost of construction, as provided by this act, or their authorized rep resentatives, and copies thereof shall te turnished upon request. Section 17. The state hiehwav com mission shall on or before the tenth day of th? convening of each regular session or tne general assembly make a full detailed report to the general assembly, showing the construction and maintenance work done in each county, the type of such work, the cost of the same, and such other data as may be of public Interest in con nection with, the work of the said highway commission. The books and accounts of the state highway com mission shall be audited at least once a year by a certified public account ant designated by the governor, and the report of the certified accountant shall be made a part of and accom pany the report of the state highway commission to the general assembly as neren provided. section IS. hueh powers as are CHRISTIAN UNITY OR BROTHER HOOD. (An address by Rev. W. J. Roof, be fore the Missionary Union.) The subject amone the various branches of the church of Christ is one to which much attention has of heart and one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things he possessed was his own, but they have all things common." Paul says: "Be of the same mind one toward another." He also says: Let us therefore follow after the I things which make for peace and Into vMr iwh tnmp Th .ffort nf ""e eulIJ a. ,"!?. v.... l 'other. Also: "Mow the tiod of oa- UVAtn L h'1 and consolation grant you to be ed the Leonard Wood Republican club Wl toward another, ac- of Colorado, the object ifeing to pro- n, ,i;fr..t j I cording to Christ Jesus, that ye mayl mote tne candidacy pi Wood for the U.IUll Ubl,TVV. WIV. V11W Vt- i iL iL I 1 1 1 li :j . i i: - .u;-i: o iwiui one mourn ana one mina eion- resiliency. :;v:": -ir i.-"iv;: i fy God." 1 and form only one denomination. . J.n SL?l"?5i i?ow 1 b,eseech But u we itudy uch a passage of f . T m u4. n v;uiitiuuc uiav miciv tail lws u uuvwhiu j . , , , iversity and also an inward and real " Z "AU . X . un tv. The n.no-B in this "Vnr on J""" "H'" '": r . V I minri nnri n r ha aama mrinamani " available or may provide same under or notes of the state therefor, and . . . , . l . , il -n aU-Iha1 li IKa and pursuant to any law now in iorce i piace me mumy 0 w ... h.n.A nirfJ anl (lie rim. I credit of the said state hiehway fund structlon . and improvement of the to be apportioned by the state high- said system of state highways is here- way commission as otner moneys in hv AaXaretA to be a necessary public said fund a3 herein provided. . nf fha Bvoml pnuntien. town-1 Section 10. That so much not to ships and road districts as to such exceed ten per centum, of the state portion of same as may be located highway fund" as provided in this act within their respective bounds under for any registration year, as the state the provisions of this act. And the highway commission may estimate to financial co-operation oi tne respective t oe neceBBij iui nuumuDw.mn counties; townships and road districts shall be under agreement entered in to between the local county, township or road district officials, and the state highway commission, which agree ments shall conform with the require ments of the federal government And the provisions of this act not Incon sistent with tne said leoerat require ments. Section 6. That section six of chap ter one hundred and forty of thf nubile laws of one thousand nine the provisions of this act, shall be de ducted for that purposeavailable un til expended. Within sixty days after the close of each registration year, the state highway commission shall determine what Dart, if any. Of the sums therefore deducted for admin istering the provisions of this act will not be needed for that purpose, and auch sums shall be returned to the tntn hiehwav fund. Section il. me ngnts oi way ior tha mimtrurtion of the svstehi of state hundred and seventeen be stricken highways provided for in this act snail out and the following insterted irf lieu be furnished by the counties, town- HTk.t . lfoanu. M roo-lotro. dhitin or TOftd districts in WhlCh tion feeehall be charged and collected same are located, without cost to the SX8ttSonIUW. Thew ws;W. .of then, that HW SHORT NEWS ITEMS Emile Cotton, the anarchist who re cently made an attack on Permier Clemenceau's life, was tried by court martial and sentenced to death. Colorado Republicans have organi- we have many members in one body and all members have the same office, so we, being many, are one body in Lhrist Jesus and every one members one of another." The great principle laid down in the beginning of this chapter must be fol lowed out. Paul shows how the love of Christ will reach out to all men. Just as the eye cannot do the work of the hand, so one denomination may be able to reach people that another nev er could. Paul teaches us that there is such a thing as social Christianity. and shows how members of different churches ought to act in their associa tions with each other. We know from history that the early christians were very kind and sociable to each other. Yet there were different opinions among them. But they realized the weight of these words: "By faith are ye saved. And not by opinion. If 1 were to ask any pastor of this town, upon what do you base your salva tion? every one would say; faith In the Lord Jesus Christ, This faith alone makes us christian brothers and sisters. Hence "members one of another," Christians are in common then members of the Lord Christ He is the head, the divine personality, re vealing himself through the body. Je sus himself taught this tame doctrine of brotherhood. He says "abide in me, and 1 in you tie dwells m,and inspires his church on earth. It is his pres ence that giveth life and guidance. energy and blessing to the body. Now if this is true, it certainly is wrong for any one denomination to exalt it self and to despise others, Can we re gard lightly those whom God terms members of his churches? We can not belong to God unless we keep his commandments. And you remember what answer your Master gave to the young man: "To love the Lord thy God with all thy strength, mind and soul, and thy neighbor as thyself,'' The latter was called the second great commandment. Who Is our neighbor? The Bible answer is: any person we can help. If we are neighbors to all mankind how much more are we neighbors to each other in Christ Jesus ? "So we being many are one body in Christ Jesus, and every one members one of another, ' There we have diversity. There is room for diversity in the church of Christ for varied forms of worship, for varied views of doctrine, for var ied methods of church government. When the church of England had no room for John Wesley, she only pre pared the way for another great de nomination. The selfish church mem ber is in great danger. We may loathe the manner in which some churches worship God. And in our own exalt ed opinion of self say, this Is sacrclig- ious. cut we must remember mat God has made no two persons to look alike, neither to think In all things alike. For one church member to say, no one Is saved but those of my faith. is a terrible statement. We all have a right to our opinion, uoq win not condemn us .for what we do not know, but, for what we do know. If then we know that we are members of this one body Christ, this is a plain proof that we are bound to each other as believ ers hv vital and eternal ties. If I am too good to associate with Christians of other denominations on earth, you will not be fit to be in my company in the other world. When we remember how frail and weak we are, how entirely depen dent upon God and each other In this world, how could we be otherwise than kind and sociable in this life 7 Jesus says we are "Joint heirs" of his, therefore partners in the great christian warfare. The organic un ion implies co-operation and sympathy of the slncerest character, It is our duty to help each other In our church work. "It is true we have different de nominations here In our town. Each denomination can worship God accord ing to their different plans and ways, I would not ask you to sacrttice principle of vour doctrine or practice, We all go quietly to our places of wor ship each Sunday and worship God in the wnv we feel will be oleasine to him ancl helpful to us. How much like brutes we would be then, to stiffen our necks and In the Pharisaic manner cnore God's other flocks around us 7 As a minister I have been called here to feed a flock of Lutherans. The oth er ministers have been called to feed flocks of Presbyterians, Methodists, Again: "Be perfect, be of good com fort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you." "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace" "Only let your conversation be as it becom eth the Gospel of Christ ; that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel." "Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be Dr. W. J. Martin, president of Da vidson College, is reported seriously ill in a hospital in Salisbury. His condition was improved yesterday. Several persons are reported killed in a tornado which passed between Grace and Pantherburn, Miss., Sun--day. Property damage is estimated at $1,000,000. Secretary Wilson decided on the de portation cf 37 Of the 43 aliens, un desirable, now held at Ellis island. Decision on the other six will be an nounced later. A reduction in force of 80 per cent of the United States employment ser vice, effective March 22, has been an nounced. Congress failed to supply funds for a larger force. ' Dissolution on April 1 of the volun teer medical service corps, with its likeminded, naving the same love, be- membership of more than 56,000 phy- mg oi one accord ot one mind. "Let ub walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. Brethren be follower together of me, and mark them which walk so tie ye have us for an example. ' "rinally be ye all of one mind, hav sicians, has been announced by the council Of national defense under which the corps was organized. Another attempt has been made against the life of Nikolai Lenine, the Russian bolshevik premier, at Moscow according to reports received at Cop- ing compassion on for another, love enhagen. ' Shots were fired at Lenine necessary to comply with the condi- Episcopalians, Reformed and Baptists tions and requirements of the federal aid law and the rules nnd regulations adopted by the secretary of agricul ture of the Unred States to carry out Every minister In this town realizes that he must feed the flock on spir itual food, the bread of life. We may have different methods of distributing the provisions thereof, pnd also anv i this food, but all of us preach the powers herein conferred on county au. Word which is In itself "the power of thorities which are inconsistent or In God unto salvation." Fed as we are conflict with the federal requirements ' on this -same food, and nourished as be and are herebjr expressly conferred j we are by the same Gospel, and trust upon and vesto ! in the state righway , ing as we are in the same Christ, nnd commission. ' - hooinir as we are for the same heaven. Section 19. All laws and clauses of how could we be distant to each other laws in conflict with the provisions of in this world T this act are to the extent of such But we have been using our powers conflict, hereby repealed. of reasoning somewhat In our state- Section 20. This act shall be In ' ments. -let us go to the Holy Book force aid effect from and after Its 1 and see what it says about Christian ratification. - . ' I Unltv and Brotherhood. 1 ' The Psalmist said: "Behold, how The German submarine U-48, while Rood and how pleasant it is for breth otiamntina- to Mraiw frnm ffprrnl. , ren to dwell toarether in unity. Spain, Friday night, was chased by a1 Isaiah says: "Thy watchmen shall on aiinlr nonrtlino- in a lift UP the Voice! With the Voice tO- Havis dispatch from , Madrid. The gether shall they sing; for they shall U-48 took refuge at Ferrol In see eye to eve, when the Lord shall M.h 1019 ami waa Interned. The brinff affaln Zion." attempted flight of the U-boat was Mat. says: "But be not ye called observed and the torpedo boat de- Rabbi; for one is your master; and stroyer Antola pursued her. The all ye are brethren." . r.nrman hoat was sunn outsiae un uuu hti hi u muni.m as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. Jesus said: A new commandment I give unto you.that ye love one another as I have loved you." These are only a few of the many passages in God's Holy Book which teach us Christian unity and brother hood. 110 more passages were given in the topical Bible under this same head. And about 35 were given tell ing us to avoid the association of un believers. Now friends the fact is plain to me that we cannot ignore so cial Christianity. I believe with all my heart in the way I am trying to lead my noclc. xou believe the same. Every minister in this town believes firmly in his heart that his church teaches the word of God in a purer form than any other church in the town. The members believe the same thing, and it is right for us to believe this way. I will sign a transfer any minute for anv member in my congre gation if they say they do not believe the doctrine taught and practiced in my church. You will do the same. But why should we be bitter toward each other because we differ ?We differ in our modes of dressing, and ouridea3 of material things, but this does not mean that we are to cease from associating with one another because our clothes or our homes are not alike. Just so foolish would it be for us to cease our mutual friendship in a so ciety of this kind. If we come together as children of God in a meeting of this kind, will we not be following out the great thought expressed by David: "How sweet for brethren to dwell together in unity," There is enough work for all the churches to do. Enough people outside the churches and the kingdom for all to try to get in, as I see it, we do hot have the time to fuss and con tend among ourselves as christian brethren in this awful day in which we live. As Americans we think much of our St. Lawrence river, the Egyptians of the Nile, the Hindoo, of the Ganges. the Germans of the Rhyne the English of the Thames. But if we go to the great ocean and ask: where are these rivers ? If it could answer it would say: I know no St. Lawrence, no Nile, no Ganges, no Thames, no Rhyne; they are all lost in the ocean. So the differences existing among all denom inations are but rivers, which will be lost in the ocean of heaven's bliss! There is but one heaven. It is good for us to be here this af ternoon. Not only has this union as sumed a social attitude but also a helpful one. Out of it has grown the Associated Charities of our own town. It still has a work to do.wehaveobjects of charity around us. These need our help and friendly advice. Too, such a meeting should draw christian people closer together. We say such and such a denomination is selfish. 1 he reason for statements of this kind is be cause we do not understand each other. If a person is a true child of God that person cannot be selfish for there is no such thing as a selfish christian, God commands us all to lead the unselfish life . Jesus was our example while he was among us. Let us follow him today. May the cords of christian fellowship and love be drawn closely about us, and may we strive to help each other in the great christian warfare. The heart, the heart! oh, let it spare A sigh for others' pain; The breath that soothes a brother's : care Is never spent in vain. And though it throbs at gentlest touch, Or sorrow's faintest call, Twere better it should ache too much, Than never ache at all. No ray of glory lights the breast That beats for self alone. The British navy from August, 1914, to March 2, 1919, transported more than 26,500,000 soldiers and other personnel connected with the conduct of the war, Walter Hume Long, first lord of the admiralty, de clared in the House of Commons in moving the naval estimates for 1919. In addition nearly 200,000 prisoners, 2,250,000 animals, more than 500, 000 vehicles, 48,000,000 tons of mili tary stores and 5,000,000 tons of live stores had been transported by naval transports. . Cliff Durant was the winner of an automobile race at Santa Monica Cal., on a 250.24 mile course, his time being S hours, 4 minutes, 45 seconds or an average of 81.6 miles an hour. Durant received $4,000, but he was not injured. His chauffeur was wounded. . Because of the failure of Congress to make provision therefor, the war risk insurance bureau has funds only for March and April payments. An effort will be made to borrow until Congress, acts. At least one man was killed and several seriously injured when the town of Porter, Okla., about 12 miles northwest of Muskogee city, was prac tically destroyed by a cyclone Satur day afternoon. Secretary Daniels and a party of naval experts sailed for France Sat urday on the transport Leviathan to study naval and aviation problems. They will visit Great Britain and Ituly also and will be absent until about May 1. The secretary was accompan ied by Mrs Daniels. Damage resulting from a fire in At lanta, Ga., Sunday night, which de stroyed the Southern railway freight transfer at Inman yards, is estimated at $1,000,000. About 80 carloads of foodstuffs and other freight was de stroyed. i Victor Dv Miller was awarded $75, 000 damages in the Common Pleas court of Cleveland, Ohio, against two railroads for the loss of both legs. He was run over bv a freight train and sued for $100,000. The highest previ ous verdict for personal damage in that State was $50,000. Damage estimated at between $5, 000,000 and $6,000,000 was caused by heavy rains in Dade and Broward counties, Florida, Friday, which prac-. tically wiped out the entire winter to mato crop. At the Miami weather bureau, eight inches of rain had been recorded up to 10:15 p. ni., Friday. Eitel Freidrich, Becond son of the German emperor, has commenced di vorce proceedings against his wife, charging infidelity before the war, says The Kleine Journal of Berlin. When the former prince attempted to begin proceedings before the war his father vetoed the plan, the newspaper adits. Friday mornintr, H. P. Dorlon teamster for the Akins Grocery Com pany, of Asheville, was kicked by the horse when he attempted to harness it. and the injuries were such that he died. He lived in west Asheville and is survived by his wife anl several children. The Greeks and Armenians pray the peace conference that they be not forced to live under the Turkish gov ernment, as they will not submit to it. They want to live in each other's country provided they can not be in cluded in the limits of their own coun tries. The Armenians ask for the formation of a great Armenia with access to the lilack and Mediterran ean seas. Satisfacto y health conditions in army camps at home, with a decided decline in the number of influenza and pneumonia cases, is noted in the re port of the surgeon-general for the week ending March 7. The report from France is not so satisfactory. There were three times as many cases of pneumonia in proportion as there were among the troops at home, and n a total of 516 deaths in the expedi tionary force durinir the veek, 414 were due to pneumonia. IRON STATION NEWS ITEMS. Iron Station. March 13.---There was preaching at Mt, View Sunday but on account of bad weather there was not a lare crowd present. Mrs. Eph Killian and Miss Mane Little were the guests of Mrs. W. W. Moore Tuesday night. Miss Dellie Lockman spent Sunday night with her cousin, Miss Luna Wil kinson. Mr. C. E. Wilkinson of Lowell spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. D. C. K. Wilkinson. Miss Clara Hoke spent Wednesday night with her aunt, Miss Luna Wil kinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkinson and children spent the week end with Mrs. Wilkinson's father Mr. Joseph Hager, near Denver. Mr. Doras Dellinger has moved into his new house on his father's farm. Master Yates Wilkinson spent Tues day night with his uncle, Mr. G. W. Abernethy. Mr. V. C. Wilkinson has purchased a new Ford auto. Mrs. E. B. Wilkinson and Mrs. G. W. Abernethy were the guests of Mrs. C. S. Hoke Wednesday. Miss Alda Dellinger and Mrs. H. L. Wilkinson were Lincolnton shoppers Saturday. Two Jolly Kids.

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