nil) : u , so many : -i a. wivs in a . t- . Urging, SO we don't 7, e s ; h for days e Luppy hearted, u.i-'jime glue; when t invented, and every i, s;it neath his vine iu t'.'.aae begone season?, ,!i tricks and treasons, vastly -row, we were as sy and scrappy, as sore we are now . , The troub les then Parding were of as another shading, they bore another brand, but they were just as galling, they kept the people brawlingthrough out the wearied land. Our words were just as bitter, we didn't sing and twit ter more than we do today; we pawed around and panted,- and walked the floor and ranted, and groaned our hearts away. Despite the thorns that scar us, despite the jolts that jar ua, we still can smile a few: it doesn't make things better to be a chonic fet ter and weep a quart or two. The Lincoln County News LINCOLNTON, 'N. C. Issued MONDAY and THURSDAY JOHN T. PERKINS, Editor. mstssm t .. . . ., - our friends and customers from town and That is just what we are wishing for all Entered as second-class matter De cember 31, 1900, at the Post office at Lincolnton, N. C, under act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Price 1 vear $1.50; six months 75c; 3 months 50c. Take it by the year. Outside First Zone $2 per year. Label on paper shows date subscrip tion expries. If change of address is desired, don't fail to give both old and new address. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 . . . . , .. .A . f ... v ... V I , . , Jr. ... ' Cleveland county did nobly for Con gressman Hoey. That 70 odd Democratic increase at the Lincolnton box was worthy of note in an off year. That The election proved what? depends on yodr viewpoint. Democratic Chairman Love is all smiles. Its a Democratic majority for. the Democratic candidate, with a considerable increase over last elec tion in Lincoln county. county. We have anticipated your wants in groceries and Christmas eatables in many lines, and the sooner you buy this year better it will be for you and us. the And make it a happy Christmas for young and old. We have the Groceries in stock. And too we have the good things for that happy day, such as Nuts, fine apples, plenty of bananas, grape fruits, oranges, cakes, etc. Our good friends from .town and country will find us on the job until the sun goes down the day before Christmas and we want all to come in to see us or phone us your every want in our line. Ask us and see if we haven't got it. Yours for a Merry Christmas, J Geo. L Womack. ;jT r,".: v on the square. . "? , "V The merchants now have a short chance to sell the Christmas goods. The next few days will be their mam chance. " Catawba county outside of Hickory returned a Democratic majority, but the Hickory Morehead vote gave him Catawba. I6! A)vSnopPef: -i, r -i ......-... - . (2 j9 SUGGESTIONS WORTH Bath Robes WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BATH BAND, WIFE, BROTHER AND SISTER. ROBES, FOR THE HUS- Furs WE HAVE A LINE OF FURS SCARFS, MUFFS AND NOW. SELLING FAST. SETS. BUY WHILE Coats And Coat Suits WHAT IS MORE DESIRABLE THAN A CO.T OR COAT SUIT FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT. ENTIRE LOT OF COAT SUITS REDUCED, ONE THIRD OFF THE REGULAR PRICE. Handkerchiefs AS USUAL OUR HANDKERCHIEFS ARE VERY PRETTY, BIG ASSORTMENT. PRICES 5c, 10c,15c, 19c 25c, 50c and 85c. AND A The election over and the coal strike quieted, everybody may now turn to that Christmas shopping and get something ready for a Merry Christ mas for young America. Congratulations to Congressman Clyde R. Hoey, who on last Tuesday was elected by the Democrats to sue ceed Judge Webb, Lincoln county Democrats are due congratulations for the increased Democratic majority given tneir candidate in Lincoln. The percentage of increase in majority was up around the top. . For an off year in elections the vot ers turned out remarkably well over the hmth last luesday, and Mr. Hoey s majority is a very safe one. consider ing the fact that many had failed to pay poll tax, and too the opposition put up a very active tight. A Cherryville man called ud Lin colnton three times election night to learn the Hoey majority in the ninth. It was not big enough to suit him and he said something that sounded like what Lieut. Gov. Gardner said the negro Said. But when told of the in creased Democratic majority in Lin coln the Cherryville man said, "good nignt, Dully lor Lincoln. V 1 Lights Like a Gas Jet Simply raise the gallery of a Rayo lamp and apply the match. Don't remove either shade or chimney. The Rayo brings steady, com panionable light wherever used is restful and economical. Rayo lamps last a lifetime won't smoke or smell fill, re wick and clean readily. None better at any price. Built of solid brass, nickel plated. Over 3,000,000 in use. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jertey) Wmhinglon. D. C. BALTIMORE. Ch.rlo.1., N. C. Norfolk, Vt. MD, CharlcituOd - Richmond, V. , ' : ' Oh.rltiloii, S. C. LAMPS The majority in the district was not as large for. Mr. Hoey as you would like to have seen, but thenthis is an off year, and a special election with the voters unarmed in many cases.with a pou tax receipt, prevents many irom putting one over. Just to be plain about it, the Repub licans thought they saw a good op portunity' to send a Congressman from the Ninth and they did their dead level best to tfet out their full strength, and they got out a good vote. The Demo crats pot- out tVreir rote in eome coun ties, but in others there was a stay at home of Democrats, and Mr. Hoey got a majority, and that is more than enough. There are many DemO' crats who wi!l be there next time ho were'' sleeping late last Tuesday. Considering that Mecklenburir has gone through a strike period, recall election, etc., and has other troubles common to all communities in recon struction, the Democracy of that coun ty did exceedingly well last Tuesday. The Democratic vote in that county totaled a.BYb, while last fall the total Democratic vote m that county was 3,96!). That was fine Bnd dnndv for Mecklenburg Democracy. Go ahead and enjoy your Democracy. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SHIRT WAISTS. GLOVES, HAND BAGS, SUIT CASES, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS. TIES. HOSIERY, LADIES' .NECKWEAR, PIN SETS, HAIR RIBBONS, HAT PINS, BELTS. SWEATERS, ETC. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early With Us. LEONARD BROTHERS ' MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE. LINCOLNTON, N. C. IJSfWtSfHSfUS iXMAS GIFT SUGGESTION " - 1 1 bv J??. (a, ."- A t1 s 1 1 XVI' I IfV. W Oar- deioeirif. 'ive naS. 5--vjrji tee disss -sf. . MARK THIS LIST THIS LIST WAS PREPARED FOR YOUR HELP AND CONVENIENCE. LOOK IT OVER CAREFULLY AND MARK WHAT YOU WANT; BRING IT WITH YOU. OUR LINE OF" CHRISTMAS GIFTS EMBRACES SELECTIONS FOR EVERY MEM BER OF A HOUSEHOLD, FROM GRANDMA AND GRANDPA RIGHT DOWN TO THE BABY. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY FOR IT, AND, REMEMBER THAT OUR NAME ON A BOX IS A GUAR ANTEE OF QUALITY. Distribute Christmas cheer to the needy. This is the time to remem ber the widow, orphans, poor and needy. Look abbut you. , The Book says "the poor ye have with you al ways," . WITH NEWS READERS Among Nev,'s subscribers who have voted to move up the date within the past few days were: Messrs. H. F. MeCaslin, A. F. Reep, F. R. Propst, A. J. Scaele, Jacob Rannm r, Chas. Ram- saur, W. G. Biggerstaff, Lee Hoover, U. V. Campbell, I. M. Lowe, H. Cherry, K. M. Ramsaur, E. P. Clor.iger, Mrs. M. H. Davis, C. G. Tucker, M. S, Yo- der, J. A. Smith, Mis Ihv Leoii? 'd, R. Sifford, W. C. Hallman . H. S. Shrum, T. D. Bass, W.' W. Lawing. N. J. Bland, H. C. Cornwell. J. L. Put nam, R. G. Epps, Blain Caldwell, W. A. Scronce, W. E. Killian, W. E. Gar rison, F. C. Lawing, J. P. Huss, Mrs. C. E. Cloniner, E. M. Lowe, W. L. Holbrooks, J. M. Ward, S. I). Rhodes, D. L. Lawing, J. L. Beam, J. J. Beam, and W. E. Anderson. DELIGHTFUL JOB IN SERVING OUR GROCERY CUSTOMERS WE TAKE A DE "'JT. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET PURCHASED FROM THIS GROCERY ! Y OF THE GOOD GROCERIES WE HANDLE WE EXTEND ) YOU A CODRIAL INVITATION TO GIVE US A TRIAL , AND WATCH US DO THE REST. WE BUY THE PRODUCTS FROM THE FARM HOMES.AND v'. n INVITE VISITORS IN tOWN FROM THE COUNTY TO ; TO SEE US. r fell' JLhli We fave tfwse p'W I gfiristmaJ -fr- FOR BABY. . ' FOR MOTHER. FOR FATHER FOR SISTER FOR BROTHER Spoon and Fork. ' nTSr-T?irt tSet Watch and Chaia Fancy Hat Pin WatCI' Knifp FnrW nH Snoon Set .Boudoir Clock. , Knife and Chain Watch Fob Knife. Fork and Spoon et Gold Brooch : I-odge Emblem, Toilet Set Watch Chain Locket and Chain .. Gold Watch ' Emblem Ring Manicure Set . v ? A r, Baby Ring. Pearl Necklace " Fountain Pen Diamond Brooch . J.V ' ' Set Baby Pins Oxford Bible Cuff Buttons Diamond LaVallier uff Button ; , Set Baby Studa J;f?!h.e,r l,rse " Scarf ,in Set Ring Emblem King Comb and Brush Set. GoId Pen' Gold Cane Vanity Case , " , , p . . ' - V .' ' : .-: .: . . Bracelet Watch Card Case and Bill Fold FOR HER ' FR HIM. FOR GRANDMA i ' IIT, ........... uic mlk , , , ,. ... c . . . FOR GRANDPA . FOR THE HOME Bracelet Watch - i .nd Cham ,7 " Fountain Pen Silver Kniven and Forks Diamond LaVallier d rf Pin, Ivo y Tra, , Ever Sharp Pencil Silver Te. and Table Spoons Diamond Brooch ....... Gold Cuff Buttons Toilet Set Gold Cuff Button! Crvin Seta ' Gold Cameo . .- Gold Set or Signet RinB Silver Thimble S,. R.Vver Bread Trar (.Id Set Ring Waldimar Chain and Knife Silver Nail Polish w . k ru Silver Sandwich Tray Silver Toilet Set Dickens Chains - Bed Room Clock Watch Chain Silver Casserole Ebony Toilet Set Traveling Set. Nut Set Gold Watch Coffee Percolator Ivory Toilet Set Military Brush Set Fountain Pen ... Ebony Brush Set , Coffee Serving Set. a a w. m; SH1E R RILL CO ft m 1. I.I . I I I I I .If! . . 1 . . , . . . . , H . B ai REAPING WHAT WE HAVE SOWN Two interesting incidents which have just occurred as the results of Senator Lodge s determination to fight the President are the refusal of Germany to sign the protocol fixing its liability for the ships stink at Scapa Flow, and the letter ot thanks from China to the Senate fcr its heroic efforts over Shantung. These are but the beginn ing. We shall get plenty more results Irom Mr. Lodge a famous victory. dermany has been watching the Sen-1 ate with the keenest interest and the warmest apreciation of Mr. Lodge's efforts. The President fought Germany and the Senator fights the President. Therefore bonds of common interest unite Nahant and Berlin. Without striking a blow, the Germans did what was never done before in the world they raised steam and went to sea to deliver their war vessels to the Allied fleet. And then they got up spirit enough to do a perfidious act to scuttle the vessels which they had supinely given to the enemy. For tha-t, of course, they ought to pay roundly, and they would not have thought of disputing the bill had not the benate defeated the peace treaty. On the strength of this dissension among its enemies Germany plucks up courage to reruse to render the indem nity. In refusing to recognize the status auo in Tsing Tau the Senate has af fronted the one Asiatic nation with which it is important to us to be on friendly terms. Far the most progress ive nation in Asia, Japan is the only one with Bn important merchant mar ine and is our only rival in the control of the Pacific Ocean., It is of very great importance to us to maintain friendly relations with Japan. Sena tor Lodge has used language about Ja pan such as no Senntor ever befofe used of a nation with which we were at peace, and the feet that he is thJ chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign AfFnirs makes hia word but L'. e short ( t' a .'n.-'"rir,'"1t V .''"r to the Senate from Turkey, which China. Mr. Lodge mr.v extract thanks would be about as valuable. China pleads irresponsibility as a means of escaping its agreements. II; leased Kiao Chu Bay and the fishing village of Tsang Tan to Germany for 99 yeaii and tn May 1915, after Japan had driven the Germans out of China it a freed to assent to any agreement be tween -Japan and China regarding the leaseholders. It seeks to get out of both engagements on the ground that it does not like them, on the ground that in making them it sacrific ed its inclinations for the sake of its interests; in other words, it was afraid to refuse. Cnn Spain claim Porto-i Rico and the Philippines because it signed the peace of Paris under dur ess? Is Germany free to break the treaty of Versailles because it did not like to sijrn, but had to? In "fighting Mr. Wilson" Mr. Lodge r.nd the Republican Senators hnve en couraged Gemany to sec chances of repudiating the peace tweaty, have insulted the one nation of the Orient whose feood will is important to us, and have received the thanks of the nations that not only poses as an im becile or a minor, but expects the peace conference of the League of Na tions to recover for it Tsing Tau when it had not spirit enough to strike a blow in its own interest. Philadelphia Record. Congressional Vote, 1918, , How it stood in 1913. last Tuesday's election. counties follows compare with The vote by County Dem. Rep. Avery 279 607 Burke 1.329 1,490 Catawba 2,332 2.4SS Cleveland 2,406 1,134 Gaston 8.152 2,154 Lincoln 1,418 1,387 Madison 028 1,271 Mecklenburg 3,969 770 Mitchell - 365 773 Yancey ' 1,104 . 776 Total 16,982 12,830 : HOME BUYING . SATISFACTION Make the 1920 Christmas a Fruit Ghristmas We have on hand and arriving each day plenty of delicious fruits such as CHOICE APPLES, BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPE .. . . FRUITS. ALSO NUTS, ALMOND, PECANS, AND RAISINS. In the Candy Line Stick Candy per lb. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ..25 and JOc Other Candy from.. ,. .. ......... .. .. .25c lb. up We make specialty of home made Candy, which is the most health ful The Slight Difficulty. "Witness," asked the attorney for defense, who was trying to prove the temporary insanity of the prisoner, "win it this man's hibit to talk to Full Line Of Christmas Groceries I D.OIIIEH3 Kitchen Cabinet that saves miles of steps - fJ";.:': t'"J --Jb.U. 1 r--- .... f Four an d One-Half " Million Meals Are Prepared on Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Each Day YOUR OWN MEAL-TIME WORK CAN BE REDUCED TO A PLEASURABLE MINIMUM BT THE HOOSIER METHOD A METHOD THAT HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY SCIENCE. IT ENABLES YOU TO SIT AT EASE WITH EVERYTHING NEED. ED BEFORE YOU. YOU REA CII INSTEAD OF WALK. A SMALL PAYMENT PUTS ANY HOOSIER MODEL AT WORK IN YOUR KITCHEN. 8 MALL AMOUNTS EACH WEEK SOON PAY THE BALANCE. THIS EASE OF PURCHASE LEAVES YOU NO EXCUSE FOR CONTINUED DRUDGEHT. COME AND SELECT YOUU nOGf.irrt fO0N. i e it.. J. J- .