V ' If f A. L I! r til'- i ESTABL1BSED 1876 LINCOLNTON. N. C MON DAY AFTERNOON. DECEMBER. 32. 1919 FIVE CENTS PER COPT $1.50 per year Sup reme Court Finds No Error In Wisemans Case The State Supreme court filed an opinion last week funding no error in the case of state against Wiseman, from Burke. The prisoner, charged with the murder of Dr. E. A. Henneseec, and convicted of murder in the first de gree, appeals to this court from the sentence of death pronounced against him. The crime is alleged to have been committee at Glen Alpine after dark on the evening of January 31, 1918, on the arrival of passenger train No. 21 as Dr. Hennessee alighted from it and was moving west from the door of the coach towards the passenger station and after he had gone dis tance of some eight or 10 feet. It was a dark, rainy, cloudy night, with some fog and mist, and there were no lights about the station save such as were in the train, and by reason of the fact that the train was about an hour late it came in after instead before dark. The deceased was sh.ot while the passengers were getting off the train, and while sev eral parties were standing near the do- of the coach waiting to get on. Dr. Hennessee was the first passenger who alighted from the train and he pessed through the crowd standing near the steps and on towards the sta tion some 60 or 60 feet further west, he was shot some 10 times in rapid succession, the last shot being fired as Eller Trexler, the last passenger to alight, reached the last step of the car. ; ; DOEY'S MAJORITY -IS NOW 1,193 Complete . Figures : Received From ' Mitchell and Yancey Swell Democratic Lead. Charlotte Observer21st. Complete returns from Mitchell and Yancey counties received yesterday, CUMMINS RAILROAD BILL PASSES SENATE IMPROVED COTTON SEED TEST MADE Measure Paves The Way For Return of The Railroads To Private Owner ship January 31 Washington, Dec. 20. The Cummins bill paving the way for return of the railroads to private operation passed the senate late today by a vote of 46 proved seeds. to au, ending a prolonged discussion ol DEMOCRATS. SAY ITS " WOLF". "WOLF" They Suggest Republicans Investigate Return In All Counties. By Jasper C. Hutto in Charlotte News Democrats were disposed Friday to apply the "Wolf, wolf" story of Ae sop's fabled days to disgruntled re publicans who are crying "Fraud. fraud," in connection with the recent Lvitn the votin TlCTav in the ninth iB akb a oBfinn 1 . . 1. . . . -. -" congressional election. They declared there was once a shep herd boy who much enjoyed -crying "Wolf, wolf," to call out the populace of. the country to help destroy a make believe attacking animal. . When there was no wolff ound, the youthful shep herd laughed heartily at his friends Then they add that the republican! have long since established in the 9tr district a likeness to the wolf story bj crying "Fraud," then laughing at the excitement created. It was quite plain Friday that there was no excitement in the democratic ranks over the republicans' declara tions that thd.e was illegalities in the Tuesday contest, when Cldye R. Hoey. of Shelby, a democrat, defeated John Motley Morehead, of Charlotte, a re publican i for Congressman Webb's seat in the hause. "The same old story," was the reply the democrats put up in opposition tc iaritTe. wll TSS facts may xrnnt c?"Jf ? 1 a fnr theconirressionl seat Ueve- added to the officials returns from all i i ii . : .1. . me vutcr counties in-me nintn con- j .i,; l. v i-j gre.sional district , make Clvde R. cess of CongreisossiWe y Hoey's majority in the speciaf elec- TSE; W..-. w tion last Tuesday 1,193. , He received a majority of 80 votes yi Yancey while John M. Morehead received 890 majority in Mitchell. n Th nvT " "y- "s usrap0n0 recess with the Esch bill, passed by a "n 7" :-H!y 82& e " November 17, Final enact nlitff rW,''''80' "' of Permanent railroad reor nWKrtte,1 nf"I; pnkation leEislatio is hoped for by " ' t ur . a i leaaers eany next month Local Botes and Personals Mr. R, C. Lynch was am on? the business visitors in Lincolnton Friday. n.f- a , ir: t : , . an. n. m. mser was a ijincointon business vjsitor Friday. Mr. J. F, Lingerfelt of Henry section was among me business visitors town Saturday. -.; Mr. L. H. Kiser was in the county cnjjimi on Business rriaay. Mr. M. 'E. Wise of Route 1, was ner, Republican paper give Hoey's to tal vote 359, Morehead 1,249;. More heads majority 890. ine nve counties of Cleveland, Gag as the senate and house bills will be. . . , , , . , - in tviiieieucc anu juiiki ess ill rcves? ton, Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Yancey on January 1. the date previously set wi a '- riu- Vu by msident Wilson for return of the 561 Against this, the five -counties iinM to tneir ownera. No further word of AverV Burke. Catawba Madison 1 ui. " iii v 0515 Mor?head maJn' I reached Congress before adjournment "V . ""7. ".over the holidays. net majority in the district of 1 193. . Unless vetoed by the President, the VomP'ete returns give Hoey the fol- nendinc letrislatmn. nonrrlimr tn nlnn. rrjfnlmo..ritif: , irfi8" y20'! of wngressional leaders, would require iT, o ioi ' v bW C lr retu oi tie roaas by January 31. The burg 2,191 j Yancey 80. Morehead's ' railroad administration, however, has majorities are: Avery 990: Burke 126 nlans ronHv fnr thpir rpfiirn Jnniinrv The present cost of producing farm crops makes it necessary to take ad vantage of every practice which will help to reduce the cost of production. In reducing this cost of production we must take advantage of the best methods of soil improvements, use la- jbor saving implements and plant im- nrovfm Rppns. I n. lino nr won kmh seed is to play an important part in the County Metropolis Saturday on bu- crop production. When several varieties Blns ji lulluii Bin vrnwn Rinn rtv nina o nn A . . It went through without change in their vields nmnml thou Miffor Mr- "i w- Mundy of Iron Route was the anti-strike and other important siderably in yield and quality of lint. " mXSu V'1- 0rS m'Jn T11!,7; provisions 'around which the senate It is not uncommon tn finH imnnwMl ' " . . iwrpsvme xv-1 measure was drawn, and was sent to ! varieties that will vi.M fmn onn was ani9nB,fne business visitors in is of seed cotton more thani ."""' ; our common varieties. Fan H. J rww . ..-. With the object of securing one good ( visitor r the county metropolis Fri- Daniels; and Pinehurst communities I 5 were organized last spring. Through1 Mrs. Joe R. Nixon and children of the aid of Mr. Smarr, County Agent Edenton, N. C. and Mrs. A. Nixon of and the Extension Service of the State j Lincolnton spent Wednesday in town ' conference for adjustment during the 300 pounds The ultimate disposition of the rail road problem, however, still is in doubt Catawba 248; Madison 1,114; Mitchell REFUTE CHARGES 1 under presidential proclamation, should Mr. Wilson adhere to his an nounced program. Pl-anAfllno. Vl 11 Anal lntn rt oamnfa OF REPUBLICANS rejected 5 to 11, a subsitute bill offered by Senator La Follette, Repub lican, of Wisconsin, proposing :eten tion of the roads another two years. The Cummins bill vas supported bv 33 Republians and 13 Democrats and Flat Denial is Made In Statement l -' ; Secured. . . Charlotte News, 19th In refutation of the charge being da KeDUbin? 13 Democrats and made by republican campaign leaders ' PPosed by eight Republicans and 22 mar, rnerA xvprt. mitanpa. r r..n..n -v ...v.v.. fraud and irregularities in connection NEWS RENEWALS. ' Among News readers who recently renewed their subscriptions were": Geo Newton. W. M. Saine, Alba Reep. ongressional district. The Now. tin. lertook this morning to get in touch with thalnaiiH a tL.n il oaien in all of h. nt. ,k "i' . L. H. Johnson, Mrs. J. T. Roberts, J alleged charges apply, with the result WaPrliCAk'Tf, P t08.2, C-J that the statement of the republicans E m HUr 'm0vWi ?IS,erfeAiW are branded as false and ted. ?lei D. A. i oner, H. A. Baker, E. J. oU. in Ntm' ""V"6. . "artza??-J- rxingerre t The elaim that the votes in Newton College these communities have this'the guests' of Mrs. J. M. Beam, i i . , ... : i r. i was larger than the democratic regis-' ,. ,T t Ai.Wwei Hoi' tration, brings the answer that the 'VTM ia democrats who voted for Hnou ii" "v " "."'" 'K",u"- a j:j ; 7 .. ' I 11. J. I rnnks. II. W Mnnrlv. .1 M UB A. L. Sullivan, Mrs. P.. D. Smith, E. W. Brown, W. R. Bovles, D. W. Del linger, W. E. Kiser, Mies Evelyn Cash- ion, Kev. P. W. Bangle, George Kiser, man, F. M. Mundy, E. R. Warlick. Miss Estelle Corn- well, F. L. Seagle,, A. J. Bngley, Mrs. Sarah Wyant, G. W, Costner. J. S. Carpenter. C. S. Hovis, R. A. , Robinson, Dr. L. Tuesday did not reoresent the nirirrpcr. Ue democratic strength of the reg istered democratic voters of that pre :inct. . Otis M. Mull, of Shelby.ampaignH0"',,:, manager for Mr, Hoey, stoutly enied' fcu ,f :hat there were irregularitiein Cleve- ".,' t V c land and added that Cleveland county republicans had refused 5c charges of such, but that the charg t?s are being made for them by repubfi u. ..:-. - u. un - - , - . ... .. uruniri) nRPHAPlS. urru. .V n .V. a th. iLmMunDh 1 r 4-i.a fro HpH nrhools OI inis voted moreJallots In Newton than I c;ty closed Friday ep.ch child of tne .. . ... . I . J n l 1 . n irtn.1t MX BCTIOOIS , ffOB n rtnnnta one or more po- t'ho Alevnnder orphanage at Charlotte. Some brougni one mtp rrnnde8r waynd that they will act tar, . . ... . potato, some a dozen, some .peck, e . . . - I The republicans of the ninth dis- and about 3 barrels accumulated the tW"W n. the amllllig Uict seem never to be able to recover Lft of the children. When everybody " the republicans," declared from the fact that they can not carry does a little, from this large twngs antics of we rePu"""" v.. rl .u. vi ;t 'in thp .itinl Tk o-ift was v.nder the aus- Judge Hamilton y -ones, SllrZZi. . 1. 'J- ".." Smuts. Remembering season tried out several varieties of cotton. The different varieties were planted in rows side by side so that their yield and quality of staple might be compared. Each row was given the same amount of fertilizer and the same treatment through the year. This fall each variety was picked se parately and weighed. Samples of eacn variety were taken tq the State College and ginned out on a small gin to get the per cent of lint and length of staple. The cotton samples were then priced on the Raleigh market and the money value per acre of each var iety calculated. - Dr. R. Y. Winters of the Extension service was in Lincolnton last week to present the results of " the two tests to these communities. On Tuesday night a splendid meeting' was hefd at Daniels in spite of the bad weather. The test in this community was con ducted on the farm of L. A. Yoder. At harvest time several growers of the community met at Mr, Yoder's to assist m the picking of the cotton and to study the different dualities of the cotton as to it earliness, type of stalksL lenght of staple, vields. free dom from diseases, etc. : The follow ing table contains the results of this test: ' Variety, Cleveland Weight of seed cotton per ton 1216: weie-ht of xppH per acre. 769; weight of lint per acre. 447; per cent of lint 36.77 Length of staple 1 in. Money value per acre seed and lint, $201.68.' ' lexas Big Boll, weieht of seed cotton per acre 1216; weight of aeed Bcre,-H; weight of lint per acre, 395: i Eeo cVi of lint 33,81 5 Ienth of staple 7-8:- M One V Vftlll ft npr nnrn ttaaA lint $173.12. , I Cook Weight of seed cotton acre 1080: weight of seed per acre.i 705; weigfft of lint Der acr. SSS- nor I cent of lint ,35.25; length of staple. iu-xu; iiiuney vaiue per acri CherryviH Eagle. Miss Ina Carpenter of Atlanta, will arrive Wednesday to spend the holi days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ca reenter in this city. Friday t noon the house and entire contents belonging the Mr. Bob Pow ell, near Bethel Church, was destroy ed by. firo. The baby received burns, but not seriously. In addition to the congressional election last Tuesday, our neighboring town,, Cherryville voted on bonds for a sewerage system, and only 190 votes were cast in the sewerage hnnH elpp. Ltion Tuesday, 162 for and 28 against me sewerage system. The ice covered pavement and side walks Friday morning gave a touch of real winter. . Young America en joyed the slipping and sliding but old er persons who measured their length on the hard cement could scarcely grin as they arose and looked around to see who saw them fall. Mr. H. W. Willis, representing-the World Prohibition and Home Law Enforcement movement of this -state, which, is a nation wide movement, hav ing as ne;of its main objects to "Cut Out the Moonshine," was in Lincolnton Friday and Saturday for the purpose of securing a director for this County in this work, which will be put on Jan. 16 to 28rd. On Sunday the C. & N. W. maintain ed a matt Service in both directions to facilitate the delivery of Christmas mail ami packages for the postoffice department. The Datrons of the Lin colnton pestoffice will be given an op portunity to secure their packages at the postoffice on Christmas day, and the Rural Carriers will deliver the man on tne various route on Christ executive wi..i..."v - . . - , - in.ol ihat nolicv in tne past anu iiim l tewer uemucraia umn n uu w i-,tniB .,v,l lowed that policy m wv .r i ... . u. r,r4kl,;n.t Th k phiiHi-pn. At the nnmary school themselves ludicrous -J v V--- JT- IvTSLr Al. fnika enioved a treat Friday ways to u KiMtaniw take their bnt absurd' So.f.r as Newton is con-j changed, bfVTLfVtheolidVv p-pfpntTke rood sports but they ap- Urned, the voting was clean, honor-! pils, and all left boota wr the . MWWebu unfortunate at committee. '"'7.--" :! beautiful lesson to lolicy in tne p ludicrous. T e defeat in ai r charge f rau t have chosen defeat like good sports therefore, unwarranted from the teachers, and gifts were ex- pus, nuu iiv - r. i. i .:n season in a happv mood. School will take up again Jan. o. nucr F"".- . : .i . j. u.. u. ht hl I AMnFRS CHAfhil. WE.no A --rmV.lipAnS - have ISKCn W I JCCII umuc UUI 1UI ink, "" v..w i t.... . If .JTESl ST.Sth district-in recent ninth district republicans, knowing Miss Cletus Paysaur of Kings i Mt. lions "- j;.: .nil I n.. v..- . ,n.,. pf intpn' pnt trip week end Witn nome raw. to ingress xor riri r fhi' P.n! rMU. Yelda Carpenter t)f - Lene x tranA tn cover I hlo onH nnt pvpn sucrestive of fraud Sar failure. or irregularity and'lhe suggestion DemocraU pointed out Tuesday thai I hat it was otherwise would never have years to uongre , '..T" w l:;" "II i" I r!.. v.1H rarnetiter of Lnoir able to tte deSolT They' though- eate the impression upon their f el-' College is home for the Christmas not 4l. tmiM h nothing tO K1" AUZ I UW-UUttULiailB III naoimwu ,na iuojo. a ?iT nnnst to ro up, anf1 thefTraa something wrens about the Miss Otis and Lu a Paysaur gave a thev declared it did not reflect credi I -lection Tuesday and thereby rob Cldye party Saturday night for their many ui. - Hpfsat it 1 Hn, r.t hi. .p.t pnrl nf a viptorv hnn-J friends. All present reported very on auyuvw ""v.." T I Ki.i-.j oinvnhlR evenine. they declared not taken gracefully. .. . . - vaoiy gainea - . 'S-... will te eiven Analvsis of the vote Of last luesuny Mr. U. M. MUM. manager oi tne noey n v... nT" j" .ftpfnoon vPleTa stricking similarity to tht campaign in Cleveland county, over by the Sunday school Sunday afternoon Stf contest forCongress 1914 the U-di. telephone this mom-1 beginning ; at lock Dec. 28, 1919. when Congressman Webt I'g TOrow,nK " "V" "Alexander and ,ahatlSDA.d; of the repubHcan. ttat tOuT-rt- " end the republican, fourj, feWcor. Lee Snbieauently, Burke cnengeu m iweveimQ couniy iu; w fh. Tniihlican column, and the even I false and unwarranted. Several repub- snlit was maintained in Tuesday 8 I lican leadors yesterday Carnenter became Btated that Clarence Paynaur. Mr. The bride is the of ,i,,..r,htpr nf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car lection j t...i, I , : -i i. A thp ornom is tne son o; . mu pmnprqrjtarrieu Duivnsn neen anowea lu volb in tne wtt- ucuwi i u 'VtVr wh 1. n this section th: Mon in Cleveland who were not enthl- Mr. and Mrs. Will - - i, xoa ma-1 ,j pt. h.,t thpv rttixf that thv ' verv DODUlar. we wisn ior vpmih leans won nm ; ., " ,- i . ,n An mi jority. sppnnlinir to returns. . l ;nere were certain rumura urn men i uu v,. vv.. -- . .;A nnilfP I 1 :tion th: I 2R ma. I nemocrats commenting on th I lid no not make the charge and could long and happy life fact did not see any cause for contest I not specifically make the charge of In Burke. In 1914 the republicans car-1 irregularity. I am in positionjto state ried Catawba couniy Dy ot.i nuy..y liibi, inure was uw u T . while Tuesday they won by a majority Stance of fraud in Cleveland and chal- nf 248 it was declared the county voted iengB the republicaaa to discover anv. normally and could not offer reason ye are willing to aee them through for a contest. ; ' any proposition they propose to m. j im ravA rfiRnoged to ex- mnlia in pnnr.ection with the challene- ninin Cleveland countvin double-barrel nt, 0f the seat so honorablv and splen- . !""", . a .-i-tpj nnt that the I AiAl., Ku rivHii R. Hoftv nfi if PEACE TREATY FIGHT Senators Seem to Realize That It is Tim to Do Something. Washington Associated Press dis- u ...... that omressions that secm- j i ;t imor a ra-nneninr of tne eU W UUliifc .v. w . - r " , peace treaty ngnt wnmn - -w ppH nn t. hp Nenate noor vieu" tasmon. iney h u.u:j h ! .u..r ..V.. .;inn . j ai the aubiect bobbed up in - u t: tho nemocraU were unified behind Hoey as I they insist upon sifting, we are only never before bemna any cBiiuiuv., wo K,BU n, cu-vi.n .w .,.... rlarinr that his record in the primary, such ad we wiU be perfectly willing when he carried his home town with- to abide by the results if they are." nut a single vote against him; backed . iin the claim. They, said, too, that Tuesday's election In the ninth dis- whereaa the democratic vote was lar- trict resufted in favor of the Demo- irer tnan usui. me vjiju. v. '.V . I V. v,; self -was nearly 200 votes jn excess I nulg over J. M. Morehead, Repubh .i v. ..op ontinf. In snite of the I pan hv a maioritv of 1.100 or morr. ' "eeogniwd ponularity of Hoey in his h 1918 the district gave Webb, Dem nome county. " locrat, a majority of 4,000;though 1- Vv tpmnprats make some I thp normal Democratic majority is ii..j .Jf..pnn a nmnual returns 1 9 km tn H 000. Both sides claim vic- i h .poIIpH renublican counties. I tnrv the Democrats because their In 1914 Avery gave Newell 614 major-1 man won and the Republicans be A a maioritv Oil nf tha hr droD In th Dem- rpuL f MflHison eave I Mt; mioritv. Of course the Demo- 49. while More-lo. wnnM have nreferred a larger head, got . U:aiorityof!U44, Yee, S majority, but having won th. .election which gave weop a m - " " ImJ . tn rJh. the midst of the consideration of the railroad bill. I c-- .... . . u. .m.ium of views that went weight of seed per acre, 1 w ?"v intn the record during the brief de- of lint per acre, 69&; per cent 01 iinv, mto tno recora auriiig i-.ii o7. fpnoh of stanle: 7-8: money bate, included opinio... fi-.. H and lint. $250.24. " JSl hv all struck a note MexIcanWoi.'ht of seed cotton 4nA Hnev a MfllOfltV OI bUt O votes. Mitchell majority of 417 for Newell in 1914 turned itself out and gave Morehead a majority of 850 votes HOEY CARRIED CLEVELAND nu rXlTNTV RY 1920 MAJORITY Shelby, Dsc. 18. The official vote r!Jun lven Hoey for Congress S227. Morehead 1307: Hoey majority 1920. mm nnrhra RROITRHT nvFH KIiMBER tJK9. V York. Dec. 18. Two thousand . h,,nrpl and eiehty-nine war vij.. Amoi-onnl(1ieri havereach' ed the United States, according to the Young Woman's Christian associstion and tiicy represent 16 nations . Eight 1 ninptv.three do not rticnK i-.,ii,h hut annrnximatelv half of ti tit.it number have trades or profeS' '... and ere Mf-snptrt". : it .1 m.'i 1.: j Fi-kk t h. 4? 1. i,41i 1 aed ner acre. 598: weight APT Sfi2r ner cent of lint. 87.75 length of staple 15-16; -miney value per acre seed and lint lo.i. , Simpkins weight of seed cotton npr acre. 1088 : weieht of seed per acre 714; weight of lint per acre 374; ner cent of lint, 84.38; length of staple. -8; money value per acre seed .and 1 kq on lllll JAW"."". Xrice Weight of seed cotton per pr 928; weieht of seed per acre, 637; weight of lint per acre, zviyper cent of lint, 31.38; length of staple, 1 1-16; money value per acre seed ano nni. 1 AA . . ' ' ... r .11.. nin. I'nnir weieht 01 seea cotton, ooi, ht nf aped ner acre. 512; weight of lint per acre, 320; per cent of lint 38.47; length of staple, 7-8 ; money value per acre seed and lint $ 135.68. Tn thi tpst. -the Cleveland cotton 1 1 1 i I amnlint tf yiemeu n.e k 1 1:" """uui,u - ; pnttnn ner acre. The seed and lint I from this varietv brought $201.68 The Texas Big Boll yielded at the rate nf 17S 12 ner acre or 828.56 less than Cleveland. Such differences as these count in the production of cotton. ; At the meeting iuesuay mgnt ii, vrmt derided to trrow only the Cleve land and the Texas Bie Boll, in the Daniels community, ine i-exas Dig Rnll waa so much earlier than the Cleveland that it was thought best to these two varieties another vear before selecting one variety for that community. Growers 01 ne uan- pnmmnnitv who wisn to secure seed of either of these varieties should see Mr. Smarr as soon as convenient. PinehurBt Wmmunity Tn th Pinehurst community a sim- iinr test, was conducted on the farm of Mr. M. W. Leonhardt. rnis test p. wotz-hprl with considerable inter est through the season, ano at tne nf nipkinir. the erowers of the 1 1JL ho1n niplr community noineu m ,w 'y v. and weigh the cotton from each vane. t aH tn atnriv tne aiiierent cuarnc V ... ' t rri.A ...,,11, ta.i.tifi nT T.ne var.eLV.- liiv icdu.o of this test are given in the following ta Variety WannamVker Cleveland Tjif;ht nf ppH pnttnn ner acre 1685; weight of seed per acre, 1060; weight of lint per acre, 635; per cent of lint, m no, ipnoth rif atanle. 15-16 money iinlna nor npre aeed and lint. $270.60. f r . 1 .ttn 11QA. UOOK vveignt ui. c .""""'i 7 Chairman Love Welcomes Investigation Replying to the regular after elec tion cry of fraud by defeated Repub licans, accounts of which appear in the press, Democratic Chairman Edgar jjuve, tne iNintn district committee. SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS Senator Harding, Republican, of Ohio, has announced his candidacy for President. The year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Orrell, Davidson county pulled over a pot of beans and was so badly burned that it died.' The Salisbury Post gathers figures to show that the Rowan speed cop has Friday made the following statement: : hailed to court 89 violators, nearly a "We see from the morning Char- fourth being Rowan autoists. lotte Observer that one Mr. Caviness A national Roosevelt society for is in Wash mc ton tn aslr fnr miu,. th jWnint mnA ,.) nf tVi.-. uTj rn f "allon mto election polices of Theodore Kooseveit was held Tuesday, December 16, and that launched in New York last week, tne republicans are pharoMrtcr fi-oiiH ;n this election and have emploved three The Tri-State Medical Society-- able attorneys. The democrats stand physicians of Virginia and the two ready for a thorough investigation of Carolinas will hold its annual ses this election and hope the tribunal s'on m Winston-Salem February 18 appointed shall sift the whole thing. aR1 19tB- uvvum ana moroughly punish -ii j "t,n 10 anv iraud com Earl Brewer, mitted:-pe-hap7this, !MisissipPvand two the continual republican cry of fraud U? - 15'000J8cre? .of. after everv election Vp. rJ 2. , Louisiana and adjoini have tneir invesHi-itinn i Vui I which they paid $l,650,0JO. chips fall where they may. . . "EDGAR LOVE. . ... Chairman Ninth District Congrcs sional Committee." : former Governor of others have cotton land in ing states lor Approximately , 68,000 girls have disappeared or run away from their homes in the United States during last year, according to a statcnent issued by the Travelers' Aid society. Two citizens of Buncombe county An army of 4,000,000 women, repre senting ten national organizations time as is practical, considering the very large amount 01 extra raw. t this season. Knights of Pythias Lodge Elects Officers for Ensuing Term. At th veirnlnr meeting of the Lin- pnln Tjwte-e No. 48, Knights of Pythias, . . 1. A. .f :nn ua.Va elected for the ensuing six follows: ' C. C M. M. Kiioisui. V. C J. L. Putr.am. Prelote-J. T. Perkins. K. of R. & S.-J. O. Allen M. at A.-J. F. Went. 1H. of F. H. A. Self. w . w T G ArtvirtTfi1ff. ' Trustees, for 'l, 2 and 3 years-J. 0 Allen. J. T. P erKms, a. ui M. of W.-M. T. Leatherman. Inner Guard Frank Womacl:. Outer Guard u. k,. uync... riM.. cthion lndire members recent- , 'rj.'. . nip nurse as a donation ? the PytWorphanage endowt fund, eacn memu UV ' Z3c;. given an opportunity to eoTrtrAute $2 6 Ik. ondnvjmpnt. This will or.nwie ...v " ..i.inn wnon fail ill liic uuuvtR - gone. The newly eiectea uu " r.l.n.j t the first January meet- l.lBUOllcu ing of the lodge. MOREHEAD AND MONEY Mr. Msrehead In hio l,.- ri. ",0 ,ccl t ine iv, ft.iij ..j rTJ , 1 aucgea have asked the county comnns- foflcws ' "S 'aW nT 8ioners t0 pay thcM ?226 damR8a iot tv; ' t , I sheep killed by dogs. The action is einrt to tllA " .'fro y Pre-1 under the act of the recent Leg islu- ; ;" ", " T , ,c "g'war did , ture, C- r,""" lne 'aw by having himself and the registration books available ao that vntero pij .-. r 11 Vese reI .r's are confined prac- '"88 been organized by the savn di- tlCally tO republican ennntiei in1 I vinlnn nf the natinnal trppnnrv rlenart CmctS. I mo-t enter the ficht ncrainat the , Second-That in at least three pre-1 high cost of living.1 cincts m Burke county, all stronclvl . republicans, the rpo.itVot 1 1 The total cost of 131.f miles of Bun- each . precinct v n,itii.t.j j comb county's improved roads was $1,696,335. It is stated that $950,000, or approximately that amount,: had to be spent before the good roads of the county were restored to the condition they were in prior to the flood of July, 1916. More than two hundred women of Cloud County, Kansas, iormed the Cloud County club, Saturday, for the purpose of uniting club activities. The club purposes to do away with gossip, tattling, snubbing and social wrang ling and to ('evote activities to com munity development of th" county. Except as to - Alexander Howat, president of the Kansas district of the United Mine Workers of . America, charges of contempt of court against 84 officials of that organization have been continued by United States Dis trict Judge A. B. Anderson until such a time as the government or attorneys for the defense again wish to bring them before the court. Rowan county has raised the' sala ries of several of her officials. J. " fo 7un Treasurer row increase on Uy; ,v ones dor and Arthur Neaes each goes frJm $1,800 to $2,200. p anted for w.nter wnea snown i" Yture The total of 38, mentof agriculture '- J . tha lb 1", ,.,l,,.l " : . "' ana "'""V; iorn out to destroy the r"Iol"can registrants, lnird That at one hnr in r.ti,. county there were counted and official ly returned over 250 more ballots than W" "stediV0.ter8Jn precinct t a 1. 1 tne Cleveland coun ty democratic majority was obtained by counting or casting, or-both, of a minimum, of 500 illcgr.l ballets a -d 11 necific chnrpva nf f,,, cr., f ... . ne uiea ne- county " Un y d e,ections in that mv L ,TTe&d furthsr My that "to rent tn The- pen"y has been sent to the district hv an ,ui... committee or any individual non-re - ..uuiira, and 1 think it rer.son a'e to Persume thrt I would know had $100,000 r;$50,000 . or any other snm been, sent here to be used in my be- '1 ."With the democr.1 Charloite bicldi.; in the open marke five doll.-.rs and a cram " mnt;,. oerherd'forT'v-ote fetl Z d. t"at the shoe r..i":..: """cr m and that the re years old "andT "am my mama's pet Please bring me a doll, e fur set, a tea set, a lot of fruits, candies and nuts. Lovinerly yours, First Grade Pupil Lincolnton, Dec. 19, 1919. ; THE WORK OF CONGRESS WANT SUGAR BILL PASSED I FORE HOLIDAYS Washington, Dec. 18. Undnr t. agreement reached by the senate t forts were in progress today to f the concurrence of the senate in t McNary supar bill, as amended by ti. house, in order to have the bill enacted before the holiday recess. Opponents of the measures however, have announced their intentions of prolonging the discussion. t The bill, drafted to relieve condi tions arising over the sugar short age pjv. .ously was passed by the sen ate with a provision repealing the war time powers of the government over sugar prices and distribution.- " Tho house amended the measures to con tinue the government control. ' . Aerial travel may grow rapidly, and we hope it will, but we always liked the earth well enough to stay on it. WAN" ADS 1 BUSINESS PULLERS. CASH WITH ORDER. FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. J. R. Warlick, Reepsville. :, ", d22-2t , FOR RENT-150 Acre farm, Two dwelling, good pasture. Immediate pos session. J. W. Mullen, Lincolnton, N. u d22-2t .ORDER nice Bible from Rev. B. A. Yorke for a Christmas present. Nothing better. Phone 212. v 18-2t W. FAREL WARLICK Hickory, N. C. "wishes to sell you the ' "New Edison Phonograph, - the ideal Christmas gift Prices $120, $167, $200, $295. our stock is limited, order immediately CHRlSSTMEa'ffiL ?AVE -OYSTER C altl hTM AS We have oysters also every Friday and Saturday, and wo . will appreciate your orders for fresh oysters, and fresh meats of all kinds.: Call us when you think of fresh meats or oysters. Our phona number is 70. Sanitary Meat Market,, in Geo. I. &asqarer.Cery St buMn 00 . FOR SALE-RED CED ATI SHING LES. HAVE A LARCE STOCK ON HAND SEVERAL CARS IN TRANS IT. PINE AND CYPf.ESS SHING LES IN STOCK LARGE ' . CTOOK OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUAf- 3VTL WBBUM 11 urnp - N.G : ; ' d46t ..." L.Tt lu... .11 .ti.i -Vint I Mevipan-Weio-ht of seed cotton oer memDersnips.Dut ""'J" D"Tr i" iiaa. Weieht of seed per acre 01 conciliation. 1 ii tu IZiU.' '. T' ' n.r .pr Rlfi: ner their RuceestionS for a solution, wity ail wcikiii. " - r SwS Sh S the general proposf- cent of lint, 86.CfT; length , ol etapte. tion that politic, ought to be forgotten 1 1-16; money value per acre seeu and tr.at ."?r ''J'";.w.:i,t. f eed cotton per dent of executive opinion, uK,,. -- erf . rSTS of ZXTT. of lint peracre. 634; per " m m li 1 a m iHnir lm 111 nuiuioi The d sucssion renecteo me mn ctm i : ,- . a . of negotiations which have been in 1 money value per acre seed and lint, progress jn?wj ..""..r Th ' s nkimu-Weieht of seed cotton Notice Of Advar.ce in Tbe Subscription Price mu t mnftin Pnnntv News hereby announces that beginning Jan. 1, 1M, iLn nnKonrintinn TTlCe Win UC CV "a "XT 1 ro a vear to $2.00 a year, W find this absolutely necessary . nf the nnnrecedented ad- ... hionV nnner. and other ar etes needed in pAlUhh the : News "1.1.1. u , than doubled recent- wnicn iiuvi ---r- .-nkM ,y. U"..B -. ..ns wiu renewals anu new "-r-"- . .-j -i th nrpspnt rate 01 i. en .r Tf .on renew your sub scnption ana py --- , this' month (December) the ""eased rate will not eneci yuu j time expires again. We have seen how vance. no ".-- ..;. nr t. .-nnaort pnar. 01 ouerttuuii meet i" - , . . ..f,.m have been loyai anu ny of them taking the paper ever v . -f3 vpars aeo and since iv :-., n iwiwa-nvv.. licans are naturally entitled to the comfort they can extract from the ramtHfl miinmv anu uib 1 1 ii. n . . thev mav wish to attaA to it for the - . ...... 1 .1 j l: ..A A ...a futiir witn notn siuea hubiiou ntt 11 nn nrnceed to eniov tne Christmas holidays Statesville Land mark. . milRrH CONFERENCE Tha Inter-Church World Movement Conference was held in the First Prebytenan church, Baleign, last week; more than 150 delegates, repre senting every Protestant denomination of the State, Demg present, tne ueic gstes Included leading ousiness men, eHiirators and members of the clergy. Matters of inturest to the Churcn were Rev. D. M. Litaker of Lincolnton TUethndiat Church, attended this Con ference. ., UnlT, "ol, ol the Tway? There per acre, 1386;weight of seed per acre incVesed activity in that direc- 842; weight of nt per .acre 544; per Son durinff the day and some of the cent of lint, 89.29 length of staple 7-8, Tuesday by a" vote of 256"to 34, the House passed the Senate bill contin uing the sugar equalization board through 1920. The bill now goes to conference as to the continuance of the war-time nowers permitting li censing control of the sugar busiress. and the requisitioning of stocks or re fineries. As passed by the Senate, the bill repealed the license control, and contained no reference to the requis- tion power. Wednesday, without . a dissenting vote, the House passed and sent to the Senate a bill ordering the sale of housing facilities erected by the gov ernment during the war to relieve con gestion m many industrial centers. The measure also abolishes the Uni ted States housing bureau, transfer rins the DroDerties to the treasury , - .1 r. lor sale to private persons, eiuicr iui cash or part payments. Mr. SumDter Moore, of Chicot. Tex as, is in town for a few days. He ar rived here last weeK ano went to Monroe.- to visit - his brother, - Kev. .Tnhtt W. Moore. He will go up to Lincolnton Fridav to visit his brother and sistor who lives near there, Mr. Moore left this county some twenty- five years ago. He is amazed at tne urnnr ierful developments that have tak en place in this county and especially in Gastonia since he leu nere uas- tonia Gazette 18th. 770,000 acres is 1918. the fourth largest ec. p..jiti. nf the crop on OU!WlVi" f the record acreage . , however. planted. I WILL PAY $5.00 .per hnndrci pounds for picking crack bowl cotton, James Smith Member 1 was Sper -nt., S-andi3p. below that last year. -. -. ; ' r...!. lJ.r.antmDriT. was notified SS-'SEJ";: released and am "" "i the ONLY a few duvfl until Christmas. Why not buy your good wife a whole ton of Black Diamonds fuv r. C'iriBt mus present. Johnston ltc and Fuel Co. . -.- . . tt- AFTER Tuesday, Dec. 16, we will gin cotton Friday and Saturday only.. Lincoln Ginnery. dlof Candy is now getting into the ranks of bie business. Wall street is begin ning to see its stocKS. CHRISTMAS v , -1. r;. 'Nepra3. MTand added that itwas possible er'Ji?IL" American also cap- Zli "Stta rM and whose first name was not known there, had been released likewise. Winston Spencer Churchill, British oS C s last week tb. t th. 5J iiBli v.nnert over to the nl- 3.000 trench mortars and pianos.: They had till failed to feliv- n i...-.nmaa ann a.iuu ami-.! trucks The secretary considered trUCKR. t j J .mnwn. that the Germans naa n.-u : j. effnrt to comply with the condi tions imposed upon them. sentence , to rwd: "Robert gave Rich ard a rap in the ribs for roasting toe " ... "F Up atnilied it in 8i- raODlt SO rare. r- - . , . Minute. T.nen irnuiv i;iivi lence ...... i - n it. as follows', -noDy 8". MULES. MULES. MULES I hava just received a carlotd of firat class mules weighing from to 11 nunoreu 3 to 5 years old, well nroKe and m fine condition. Come to see me before you buy or exchange for I will sell $26 or $30 cheaper than any one else. Terms cash or time. D. M. Abernethy High Shoals, N. C, Gaston Co. dlfi-3t -Fay Ideal stockings at Leonard Bros Fay stockings need no supporters. Leonard Bros. A. A .A. SHEETINC 25c a Leonard Bros . yard. 40 INCH SHEETING 22c a yard Leonard Bros. early in the new year t?:-iw TTe.w Fruiter-Weight In tne compromise ntgvuimi, '"";" , :L,f proceeding. atViv.te inferences of seed cotton , per .ere, 1 weight oeiiBwi m 1.....rr. --. ---- - ,-. a we - ;.. .;v taper we Deneve nie w... rr . ... . ' t Apvnnariann to to us in in is crisis. ... " " .1 nf ntner tninirs. me uie F"" .- .". TOifh "nrint is cheap at p-i "".""j paper costing $8 "er nunoreu .. mdications of its costing 10 dollars in on j.tw .n harn tn huv at anv price) there is nothing left for us to do but make a small Increase. . . w. V evervbody who has not done so to renew their subscription this ...v u;i- if i. .till 1.60 a year. After Jan. 1, 1320, it will be advanced to $2 per year, Is almost at hand and right now you are thinking of some suit able gift for some rela tive or friend. Dickey NOTICE. The stockholders of Lincoln Fsm Loan Association will take notice that the annual meeting of the stokhold- ers will be held in the office of v. ri. Childs, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1920, all 10 0 clock a. m. This 16th day of Dec, 1919." . W. H. Childs, ?t-ltw. Secretary, Treasurer. i 11. miAa fnr pnnKinir huv a tnumo in tne o.v bunny so little," American uoy . i..n nf crreat imasrinative -in ..... tpilinir how at one shot If lib wo ... ..... . , , r v-.j tan -nartndees and ...1.1.1.. u;. pvnianntmn was tnat rauuiu -rr ." .;jo though heJiad mi oniy P i" "t I . . i? foiling had clutched at tne uuu .. -..... . . -f another partridge ana p"" -""; to earth entangled .m its claws. But how about the rabbit?" he was asked. "Oh " was the calm reply, my gun KicKea anu bi""-" - : ward and I fell on tne rauD.t as ran past." ' -' " SAVE MONEY. Buy Johnsons Freese Proof for your radiators. Guaranteed at Keever's Bicycle Shop. ; . ..dll-Ct DONT Disappoint the KIDDIES, for nothing hurts them more rif! now. Have Santa to call around ai Keever's Blcvcle Shoo and get what they want. A Bicycle Coaster Wagon or sometning oi tne Kma. r.-e na- n them to suit all, at right prices, P. M. Keever. ? , uii-ii. it en te tT i ! 1. holidays. .A lint tio fi9.. rieveland Weight of seed cotton per acre 1138; weight of seed per K m. .pSht nf lint ner acre. acre, 10, f 415; per cent 01 lint, 00.00, ie.iK... staple, 1; money value per acre seed tin). t17 y. ' r.,m imnrnven wenrnt . ul aeeu pnttnn ner acre. 1065; weight of seed per acre, 651; weignt 01 nm per ..e, Ii!, p.nt nf lint. 88.89: length of flit arc " - r , staple 7-8; money value per acre seea .nlint 17KOR ' Tm ki. at tha hast varietv brought into the community yielded $51.68 more than the highest yielded vanet) nrvinlv ornwn in the community. Thi. amnnnt of increase due to the use nf imnrnved aeed is -very much worth uip and ahnuld be taken advantage hn everv grower of the Pinehurst . w,.,-;io s Mr. Smarr about ,:ui..ii....v,. , iJ.;.( .l lint. 87.(13! length of sta-lgetung Rnoa aeea r?w. 3 1 1 . ' X' ' ... .a eert-nn to be ecarce in the TOniw. eating that they awaited some con- acre seed and 1 int. $ ii .im. . proposal from the other ide. J"3?"& The uemocratic maiiBi .Fr- . Rl- ner ful that such an agreement soon wou u io; n . i- -v"V Vtala. be reaened, out ey p"". Vcr V"T. V.T,,.' ner arra seed and not take tangiDie lorm unm nvcr me ,'- - r Hnt T jina Rtar Weieht of seed cotton .... i ii i ..-I. .nna ntiierl ner am mo- welp-ht of seed per acre, "11 1! wen w mt umiiw.iviu ...v. K. . - ---., -.. . circles." "Yes they sometimes taow 738; weignt P" iL..i L. r Allia. I Mr 4TIT II II I., al. UI ICIIICVU vs b . , ville CourierJournal. 1 l-li.m.T va,u acre seed and ; nr. Vha next Renublican State conven- Cook Weight of seed cotton per . V-i.i i .a s.ni.in .p i?fin- wtiu-ht of seed per acre. 1 frl., nf the Npwhprrv PS 794: Weient OI nni li ""'i i, f v -1 of the de . 1 5 i . - . THERE IS NOTHING MOKlfi suitable: than a years SUBSCRIPTION TO SOME MAG AZINE. EVERY WEEK OR MONTH IN THE NEW YEAR THIS IS A CONSTANT REMIN DER OF YOUR FRIENDSHIP. We will be glad to take your sub scription to any Magazine pub lished, we also take subscriptions to newspapers. We have lust reveived a shipment of Gift books, books for children. and atory books. .. . We have the Hew ButUrwick patterns. . VANSTORY'S BY THE POST OFFICE. ' PHONE 184. " WANTED Hickory logs, $17.00 pen cord. Pine, oak, gum and all othr kinds. $7.00 per cord. The lvey Wz. Co., Hickory, N. C. -n27 'iu i nppH a new oartv. but, rtlliciiia ..." J - - .- . , in en ennnnmical irame oi minu, . ; ....i.. ... IV. lrn it is likely to maKe out v.i.. v.re ... I old parties vnai nave uctu t ed." Chicago xsews. ... pvtri'TllR-S NOTICE lifieil a Executor of the estate of Anna R. Walker, deceased. late of Lincoln County Nonn v,ra", this it to notify all persons nnvinB claims against the estate of said de- I . l:i.ii. a! .Via iinrtpr. I mtirt Tn aYntniL LIIHII1 IaJ kll V V. ' 1 1 ' ot i:ntnma. im. J.. on or ueiuie the 1st day OI Lieccmner, iw, notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons inoeoentea to said estate win piease mane niiuiv-ui- ate payment. . ,010 This Z9tn day oi novemuer. J. Lee Robinson. Executor of the es- tote nf Anna K. waiKer. ueccaxcii. cw w -' J P... Subscribers are asked to look et t! label on their paper anl please ren promptly. . - FOR SALE 1 gooi! . h'avy f mule. Lincoln Lithia Wrier Phone 8. nJ-o: WANTED Scrap iron, bitsa aluminum. Eureka Iron Works, colnton. ' .' " Calm and'Deliv3ry Blanks f Lipcobi Printing Company. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING TV ennnal meetinv of the Stock holders of the First National Bank . T inpnlntnn N. I ... Will tm nm m VI Ullivv....-. .; . the town of Lincolnton, Vnounty 01 t.inPi.ln and State Of Nonn varoniw. .1 . r . J -. Tan. IVIVII BT on ine loin uy m ' 11:00 o'clock a. m. lor ine election m Directors for the ensuing year ; and th transaction of etbeT sucn onsi- neaa as mT MOMrly eome Del ore the meeting. 1. Ii. u.r., dll-iNr . t- hir. MISS JOSEPHINE BOV. Dunning Method of R-ij Terms $5 ner M"i.:'.. Ftiidio, 3rd Floor, of Co. Na.. I V Lincolnton, N. ('. FRESH OYSTERS A' Fridays aud Saturdnvs c We also carry a full 1 - fruits, also nortnerr. i: on court square. Phone I ham. : Wm.M.Shtrii;'. GRADUATE CI LINCOLNT(; 22 Yeare T-xpi'i' (.:, tf t r Ti e wnrl "(: I in t to : v .. ' le, 1 ej money viu pet

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