V . ' - A 4 v 1 -. ' - n 1 v- . . . V. AMERICAN EAGLE. Oraniie, then, Union men! Form clabs rder document.1! fioui tbe Uuion Excu'ive nouiinittee, and circulate theui-auioo your friends and neighbors, and you will live to gL batik Cud that if this Union-iV-Dissolved,.! saS: --!. laodthbiagt hope of lid. rtv forever cxiiopjaish-'j I btdief there js do evil fed, rsotth Caruana is gutUitss of the audit Will' DON'T URECKEXEIJ Jud 'e Douslas ia Mi Biltiuic ing dted.. . 8 ION II. ROGERS, Ch' rot). - Union State Kxeeutive Coca'tep. lUliigh, Sept, 7th, ISGO. r "'"Til L 0 U I S B un a , N. 0. v r ILLIAM II I i LEA SAN TS-,- roiTOTi rrtopnimior.. DEMOUlgpIC EXTRA VAC ANCES AND CORRUPTION. Iua speech delivered last year, the Hon. ! uegtiuis Aleiandr II bteplicns, of Ceorg-ta, ' tlian eandge an; wbom ibere is not an'abjcr man uelonirlti' ' aostrer cauje1 lo to Hie pa tv, iKofte tnat is more lionwi, i . T , . ;. . i I he Louis uscu iue loUowmg' liiiitijage s in th for wbich the consti ution and'law nroyide a re'nedy, uiuch kss is thei vrhi-jb seccrsiou is a ;aoper leiuedji' folk, w:ieiv:De ireekur je e!ec or . i' rv j Ajvc "V .i.i ibcE. of' las' wok ?eyj7 a 5et JU? V jriift crowjl." . & i a ' "V .eiv it I rv V." U. faf fisur. : " ... oil . .oft. " " -.- - - . ' : r Doajtas'mcu bablrcany tbe -al-au'Avck New Jersy, . - - . . JS A 3 - LOCAI' - APVERJISEMENT. :, .r i. - .' C o ItP i n ?. , -V , i w in" this dav formed ft Co- Fersb-P tt10 idactfi Car- , son, for the purr- j ue.ilnnag v : t purpo. Wj . . ;t lliC natrou.iso of tMrfrfe ifelK llANl l-ulsburg.Scpt dissolution a 11. JO 1 " . -4 5 S- . 4. f - 4. v- 'Wbeti I i'tvni enici cd Congress, in 1843, pypet fricudly auu my auswer .SATURDAY, SE;V lfcilSGO. 'NOMIXKE.-i OF FOR PRESIDENT : UNION" CiONVENTluN ! l.r.'vvj II J7l li' .Iii' lj"- , IcbeJ:ev.edforivm;!!;o . -r. " rtViU- .-JL'i ; V rVJ JX--5 tbe following fioovRid Hon W v;- -f "motors! l!ic e:,i;ie,iises of tbe (Jovei iiinent were only : envi3"e.fo ij;UO,Ot'U,OUO per annum. , 'I'ie eou-iii v bus Ii-uMtoo ye (.me'linoeii tiie c'?pc.sve xMc:;:Can var j0. t0e rec U.ili siiiy-ttnee 'tiiuiisuiJii Pold els ?u I be Ureekeniidoe 0,1' peace, liiti e.stimaie.s wye sevetJiy-(.hec iac peeu my Vn-ioia spwclieJpcr in Ml. 'olid 1. He LeheveU ibiSy inlli,, an ,i0ns and answers weie --iu tW.'ii abundance ior the uaLoJuil e?L)cne." lliaru ; that'Siatfe liut I ifw:kd V to be ''an abun-f speech ib valu - to find Lisoswtt. ar'riU)Linu-ut5 for specoy U. J. S1IAW . . ' . - . : - - !ftl i i be- to copied c,-; " '..i, cic: ;iff Bjf;al-:: - ; XteJraruw rr tDdcdi.ed,upoo ..4 . -m, '.hvvi: -oetcv?-.- . . "T.-. .-- ? ..1 biriotr this Aty fwca a ; lV: ewod to theoi ifl,hiJf. V' ,K asnre.m 1" i -.1. f 10Kr. .ay'ltWlr the gtvlc ami firm ot miuw ;.Ly; .i .. i ti- - " 'j -" -v , s , i fr- the- :Uiy - . . r ....Tf t.u'ir-v Iri IHW u.iu . ,i ili-- . ..ti.lv. V-.. . . s , V :T 1VT LfiC iiV L a r f e . ' L.ot Wake. auk. ", J f: yta te a t " .,:..C . ti liADGEi latricts J'WIIINTON, of- Iaiujfaok. . . OAARf,ES C CLARlv,.CiavcuL' . I .t. U 1)01 ' R E R Y, 1! ich '.iund. -JJJ. - L, G :i).VA UDS Ij runviiic. ' ,Uo'lllENrVALSlU, Davidsoo ' - i-tdo -VV Mt P IjYN U .M J.incoln. -Tdo V'I OCLjR.' OA LD Wl.E IJ4, Dm ke. WurfBW reaa; vord,Sudou1fl acedia eveat whic Andrew Jonn-. euild"e aud his frWods. uilll be rejpr son, one of the present Demoerattc bena-; t'gr piuducin, if itJjappecs, and whai tors froin -TenneKsoe. as io tbe manner j m enriUe is called upon to atjswer ie which this yast sum of money ia disposed (laesuuD v. lie caano5 "tu ofm. a ts lull as hsakt-'jOaTitc-sdaxpapel m. . 7 Iff "VtfHJR.- 5r as usu A Onr ntci-ed vpon the discharge of bis oimcb 174,100 THOMAS V'D11. - ' 1 l. :ir"0yj;rr- - Tbi3 vear the defeeiioii of .tho Seirir jo . ill. L6ur- AVlNd: jast 1 f of Liens which do ajau ever dieatned lie was "Th??. ' fnvprnment.. sistr-mrifc crr.ars of a-esca.veiyoutef its aAddllng;cl(?thes, ' we,e specified aod a-swercdj butHUu is m;,k-i.rr nmr; ,to. vnrt nses of moiiev. in ! qu"Mou, mvulviug the iaiu ot tiaiUu, ..,.,,,. ri;ii.w. I iuvolvioi tbe fate of a ooadDirav tl brl .1 J 1:' . 1 1 : 1 ' i. VI it iin' iihen hrimht' tu Ids. i 1 lut ine veopitJ,-as 1 uone.siiy uencve, .man j- o . , T T. finv fitiipr oiYivoi nmpnt. on tho faec of tbe : sweicU . j "lobe, r ' ' I tell you, my fellow ciiizc.i3; I beljet; 0 . . , . 13 a mature .plan . tiiioujihout iie ijuuki Dctnocmcy iu tnc hanus of Lucijaaaa and.; glates t0 break u the Uuiotii t be cvi liisX'abhiet I And John 0. Jjteckenndge : t-!eeiion of 'a- Clack Republiaul is t is (he candidate -of Ruehauan and the cor-j siyual fur that :it;e pt, aod (hixj, the vmU r. u-'.i Ufiu A.liiiin;ir:ilinh f Y:i 1 f the scheme desire tho electkiU of . . .. U . .. f . .3 I i ..j I su us iu nave au uuusj ir uiiuuiun. x THE NATIO.VAL-DK.M0CUA t , uVio b, ffmi I w;i . Jtl in I which "ru'ihl V be iiih; ot a l'on-ias pa;t ju- , 1 b resan u-i u-y Hak-iu'l., undc, -clonal ul mry eve,, Cher f..B f 'f .U ,utlbce, Lo.p,.u.e i-t A u.c i lia3atl and tillvnore . -V is upon our table, iae. Dcmooat I . ) be issued n.i-weelJy dun a m;i'uC . , - i liv t jtcvaiiy that oar f It.., 'tfl iLnit t 1 ii f.c;i iuIowas,"i . mi i . vm oe rv.... .......wl la Mr. Dusbee is weti t ,1.1.. uri.er. lfie nuiu- caui'ia'M, ritobik'S aud is an bcr beibre us bears in a- ks o aoii.. ?lr. L U.i 1 cWm. Tiill end . ,.f ii,r, v.-.-tI Ctirol'iia UiCd lasi. wee x bol'h ffli.ni-Leislawire, I.I leas Liu tlaCl "V7 ieiibur talreceir' 'subscriptions and adver au toftb -x!iale aud give receip 'T. .R .loore, wholesale and retail . 'jjin . Caps; Petersburg, Ya.,"is! AA ?ut tor that (Jity to rocive5 t. sCi -iadvehiseuk'uts lor i tbe J give ie6ejpts for the same.. " ! . . "'J "t(I!:iti t ill nn A'- ll..l.'l' o yrt A. i 1 ...-. I J j I i- C.. ' -ibca'A-eDttinaheCitv Of ll'ecersbu.-. to h,.,: i ..,.;... .-..; D0' behekC 4lCjl eve7 ckeur.de ibaa ' rt ivo bnosoriptioii unu 'UuvquTisoiueius ior , kE'igUy,- aud grvc rc.cpipts.ibr tli'o same. '?v.UleVrv JlVPerkin.sbu, & Co., aie 'mt authorfi;A''"Airent3T "in tini Uity of Pi- Frora iiaVii'ax.eouiny, i t . ... . (l I - I rl taL nU and lA.ng, we.e - , ' xnn'i- x-.hoat ieiao, every .buaV lis .we, ; posstoiy -uc - . 'Majoiitv against Fremdut We will suppose Liucoln g,aius G4A'82 and the Buehauaa tneu wil throw away 5,0.00 votes, . j 80,000 ; Hollaed Douglas are ture Jo carry ti:e . o-. .win ...i.i v aod Lioc4' caooot ; h ate ov ew'u . i n '11- . ... . . 'I' 1-1 1 ,uov if, r0iovnnT nri'citi , . 10L9S2 a- n,ttd-liaus, .Tl 41. .. I hnrHil :irVOf HIV 1 luao jKu.Oii lwl : Oa vs- P0L:Cc?,Klj J .1111: TV 1 , n . 1 . 1 1 . ,wi nrii n i it: oh.m!" u - ' i r - . n .Pr' Ul v III L in iv - ,( ... f Wan irili( I 'J UU-. ,JW r Ail. others 'thought when weiirsUeuu uie . he woulll ju3l have .a tyjomy ot . 1 .. . . nm l t (111 UUl IIIUI. ,h,.vo iv:.:''iia!)ti. ' . fnur votes. inu ucisj -'v,r - Jcis? is v? acre sue was VKKIJfJ't ORA'NJZE ! I "teai -ploasurc in calling the 's to the Card of ! disuQioiiis'.s, but !J do bc'ieve every disuai have prevailed under this Adminishaliun I Ljjt..iu Atue.tca is a Rreckeuiitlge mau ; 'i!:Qieeis) aod hence I desire Jjajor JOHN C.: BUECKOsRlDGE NOP A 'iJge to aoswer "specially ioh thtS:oi SLAVEIiOLDJjR f whether or not be will enforce thfo lai3''vT n x . 1 1 t ? c- ' x 1 , ! l1' ia the event of an aitemct to seeedfc ' break up tins Uuioa ( lou liave a v. saJs : " " have au answer from hitu-to that quesAoo We have received a great .many letters 1 -,r . ''V-T Svc i 11 no jiui i i 1 How was l VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS' lNflS3G. IBmi ..7.,;;.. cica Tiic Deuiocuiii.c ba r.ie nr-ri:- ..aiued ihe ' Ftemout ln nolnil 111 ll"ILitli w-.--. uiv.u ... . --0- ... , 11 UitUUU i it then I lJ Ruchaoan and .Fillmore got i 71,058 26 Sol fhe Pe-plc oi mo 1M'S 11 I: "? irlhe Ruchauau .ue.ii Hou'd . , i : . . T IIIJI'I IIVL II I U.TLl i ---- - - , . . te ooveraaiems -.o ' , T:n,n. she m:-jui My all 4,707 X oi ilicra hoa- i:it I TOitv t d f iTif h pub-c.-lvr Wiif ti T HiipcAoi ifl ltu3 ft it ii i'ne .-ho, t. s f :,,.' ri aSoT?li r o.- nhU-rUiid ; .'l c..-c A ha- v-'tiii whin d.su'vt"u riic iiiibirc. are !3c?p . ni.iu my stocu oi a-.1k-.-c. I vdll U iiices a ad articles. 1 -t i:. Wtg I .nn'.-bii g. sept.- ol. e ar. C hi any ' "d by: 3 ' . . . .) V ..;.A r j i 1 Til--- : 1 4l'... " .... . u'., , I' i 'Hill i) i i i '. 'rjit coniaa? 'avl oa bv, T. - lo ' ' Vc:-.--- T T T t . .- hft'li Oil .es of Buchaoun. ana icatuuu- - M . aiost Fremont ffrhe Poptc of the Tevn:or,es .i foiiuiug ; . Uje,, , Uuioo ueke, w.b ca.ry tiec.asl .' Ibj Vakm) r. irom Aho fcouth request. hg . us to stale AXU ru Ei- Dfc;MO0RAT SUi wueiner u i u tv. jrecKen r l'c. w-no we i . ; - x t w.. insi inai iuvw.-i- i -- . .,,.,.1 believe isa man of wealtlK does cir does ' Vlnch wc complained ia 150. ,, 1.1! not own any slaves. We 0o not know - lheOpelousas 6'otoiVr haviog charged haY Sjalh a3 a ,,cu iutCrv?utiouist, sod Norm - . wheiber aa answer to this oR-rcpcaled i Robert F. Pat to a, Ksq., cacdidaie Ibi -Districti. a lua'.fer Sovereign t man, e in ias -, . .lia,i- . Ao,., JT Viru.i.!iu,., U . Douglas Berao. lur .r "l: , '-oilj ! t,e,Mu iSj. : swerd by Mr. .Patten hitoa.e'.f, extrae's fl0U1TLle;1. 0Vll w., v Ihat was the very identical. 31 Jw My which we give: . j;--' jtJhiichUiJiy ofwhich Yancey complain- 1Mb MJ .1 ?m : a Douglas Ddmocratjp ol- an also gunr.o.ii", x$4&iS&gmt& ! and i-'iH rr-n una . -""".xwiv . "'" r c.-, v ...w. .:- i I I relieve that I HTosee a choice a fbir nr..-l , . b "r" -;:- iu Rlioois' and loui na iiaoau : IllTo ques I ion ia important, Aft. RieekeuVidge and Lexington and board at oii.l 1 1 Trt Ina ' i n f- o the -UarU'ot i '.iT . " ,. KUamnan. of the Env, .. . . . , ( iW' :ieuraf frobc tai boob .A K . . ( f TT '-1 A . C." " " 1 - . l H W" 77 . ... .... . . - i ii I'y uiiv i UaCs! South at' all, but all his ' pro'UTi v In t 1 V,. .ll. I Tl . .. .. 1 i . . ., . j jo lu uiv; .luuii i jo ou neat rum I AM yiiiios to M l.rini h this p-Htf i.ltil o i '.he rfilj. eruti " f?T''-i ii Wilh IKTa; to encbiirajre us' fu our irlorionk . ,t- .1- i...1 :i' ... .. -.1 .. i 1 , eni men ? nuivau, u, c win Tiniyi wtiric j cany v pear fur Reil and Everett. to carry the Jta'tc,! r! h ancl Con.-ji-iiunonal 1 hevofure, in sap-put i.io- Roil ;and Everett, I. 7,c,0Cl'u' 'fj ':!-!f' -- Vily and iu.le:.en cousider that i ' am' but. hcipiu- ititc a deilt'.v-.. -ll,,Ji1o'1 i O; u : Id fe-'i C- reairy Itouistana vu mat : -u eo a cn?iice a rnr prLis- ' re id cm t riteC ia ISoG. cast 00,-tlbuig, 13 fr-mt Vark,. I S u h t u i t i -1 ft Z S ; ih 45.45iu:ut o, t!,e u-Vh 1. i :e ii act t;uui.jLw aurt gave Luchauau, w, i;e as one of (lie ! iMe;iJuat i"v e St an bverwbelming inajcu iiy vv. a man may be a Is i ....... ... i . i i i i omi man, wueiner ne owns a slave or not nc cnongti .o;'; h- i i . - . . . . .- . I'Snrt' ii-if iu !- c ...... . i i .t-'itrnu uiiu i . a - ivjun ick-ir. ..:ii.-.f Ma a n j -''. 1 1 ::.: -.- - " ... j v j j ' i I i .i . . . . - i iiiionijt, Lihc-i As lo Brepkea.idge cv u i would not bo. surprised it wc carried t t t -r i i ( , , ,, . "' ' OOOuO inf , a .. -I. Lut it he be wealthy, and all h:s p.opAi v r. fD j-U,uuu. fclHI our Jauerng prosneds r v .. , . r i'ii omy von, we oi,,, r..p Ijjll ai.J I- Wv ' ,u, U,c a '. l H'if lin'i. ;, -1 ., lO.lier vui-ils, doosnot the 11.1,:., Icll iis iluit ,i. 1 f ara-o-Jui- HO ' iiH v.: liluaold aai , ,i , u.:) i: i c nance, uiuier i Ctt. the iCoiii?! il oi inn 1 ho I' n i. U r.,,,1 il,, : 'fni.pnm.Vt i i i ,i . w here a man s treasure is, tucie is b.:s be 3pi cement oj tne laws. , . We aye pleased Ut .j'ai . v state tliat (lie Union men of til vllU rM, l ;. i i i 'i t nat a beam mLcatidiUa'.o ihc ville Coumy intend havmg u hu-e mass - - ..... ir.,-.' :.'.. 1 .. 'j rl--. . i. . ---..v.. v.. .1 ...,n.r IIIV.U u.. tr llO'tiOiv .it,v.-iui-, u.iuur uere or. at J'tifells 'irints i-ChS.. 1'nmi-; GOV. LLfdS A XI) TiiR Si'.cpni-n, - - -r.v-tJlJ'lJfHk toe largest;' Jtw.it be remembereu if Hse pai -y lm wu.cii tr was lice hoaj t!ie ius;;ic;oi si i nag of Disuu' j, i; j ('Ui!l UT .o.ii!. t::i:;j 1 .1 . . ' 1 suna .ujai ... or -s-.vnu. i;u' or die i n i'ur Lcil tod Rveito'. Like essarv ior us to will lose the vo: .(' iV,.-. .; en i , - T : uuu inanngemcne ot a ic I bi u-. til i i.i u 1 1 1 e ' a i HKi I ! v i be ev luipei'uous, iin- 1:m tiz.:iis,who, vi c or p sur- i oitea of n ' t 1 U.s.oCJSi.'.o i m e.Mclhi.'e and lia- inOir.e ii-c Democracy, eoiml; easily have carried y,e tic for .D.ockla.-.d.o ... f l,v ib:. in the course of two or three w . What w can learn it w:1i I i i at en i 'l' in ikJmv iivc:ui'ii;e tiuc inelal. j a I.Uiiuivd i. : ci.s; v.-itose oamts We euufc uieo. i cine ' i'0D' 1 J';)!'a, h is uu iji.a of throwing away Ilia Vu.c, and -least ;.! . of lie rnri ih Di thousand inajorii v. , Mi'jurily agaitiSt Fremcnf i l'lj-cie ooitjg uoi more thSn 2090 nan' in mi now in this iitate, the Cuiuu lic-'. will carry it bv 4",U00 majei ity ! L- 1 . . . . i " . i.i 'Ejn-ctonui voie ot liiiuois Ji " Indiana ' . $ "" " Jersy 7 " " Caliio; nia,ihich Jo 1,.50 g; ve a majority ct 5l(U0G against Frca.out ' -' -i UIUI I . iVhh i . . K ! V 1 1 f j liiitf,, i i A i -. - "i i i i tiiipfoved Ibbacco Mi and i3 bime' - ei in l-iicii line !OU!; oe i i ne K;r--et: Jtw.lJ- tx romem ..... pm iiiasa nieeliUgeYCr held in the '4 th Dincj bare denounced the seceders iVoni (!;. That isiheway (o organ !y,e; fellow c:iizens.i Cbai leafon Cu ivenemi! . We loam iln Let mass mec!:ngs bedaiJ nil .over ..the1 repealed it at various places n.;;i .h.-lm v' uuc. iveep ,,ie bail j,i moiioji..:- :. !! li'g vt' ihe Couvemion ai Jb.!, b , i ' ... . .,. 1 4 ! ; ' V, i I .' t ! ! r V t. ' t I l iiev vo a! Ji Si i0 I.N" lSu Tolm C.'R.ee:. i c cbtVed at liT"k- Dt UNI0X Mki.N' !! IALLV AND OtfSANMZE 11 ; j' . , fo less than two ''tauu'hs 'the J'rctidantial o y.inuii, itjtun nig cutis ., );..)C.ea nier; juo - lieulous thin ever tp.-b e.J .oJaaviff.b trier .election wi!i take jrac. j i- rieuuH of" Reli and j 'Kverett, U.iio ..; hi iX .tli tjaiulina, ;ire , ytru resdy for -hj A-e.j)u r-Knl v (o Us iue with 'alb.your n.igh-t i r ihel t rvbioj and b!ovd- etHO.ed lieti'taic of.Jii.'i.MrV.aud iJ'w.bcipifcth. eu to you iy y JJe neiii as d.siin. on, and bo'K-ii bat I ,iev were a fo;-i' i a " i'iio rep . la lain a, 1 1 .j si ZjMosi men have only iwo-s'uies-iiiSideand an onf.s-itle but Ibecke;;.- uas move poio-cal sMoa tUjn anvman w, - -an i e The South wO ever boa id of, n Nn-ii 1 1 iii 1'viug people. a . . u i - t :a ! I'uin i. in 'i. re i ori i l . . g,ou rnjtM'.ji t, ti4be ''U. , v n jug taken down bv .1 . t i . uie i ;hk Cn to d ssolve tbe bni. tbe Con vent ion. It Wiien tbev lei T.ie ib!!ov- a.id j.iib!:s:i'd at is u.i;it ne said of ihein be.te : ome tieiegajes went to te Cba. lesion nneni on to p.evern. a nom 'nalion; and ocei;..-c!-. lyoS---, -.i ..a ! s'c'-; om Ceoj .s'"i.ij Ca.-ol-oa, i-..'oti AI is- s . )) , jj.it io ,s ta.es, s.i ; teat ti;cv re;vese(it tbeii s. nle.:, -mj fj r as el a re lb.? iu.' a sei i eni'-aii lK'Mii-is bis g;!iy face and s'tlc lo tbe J.) A' a -s.it!i: , , s be sb-w-s i non-i.i-iorvtMo 'on ; I'oiit. la X,. "na JU U. Ji. Rrancb i n 1 1' i D8 r-on:'d b'S pro-tect inco and here in A' i.gbibi bo snows t, s C .'''.v-ssioiiai rmffc; ',-.uc','.-. ; nern eon-.. fcome ;uy h io be clica.vd who will v;,y, -;iy ibat tbev do njt. go r' cons; Ii uen.s, aiid tut' are ic.al v at anv mbi be .' Do t And Lincoln is defeated, even if he wei carry Sew l,;k and Peunsylvimia. The Union men and the DoU!a& men uot Lc-Jiiug the oir. They are fihtiD" bouKuLiog, and ihey njeaa to get it. We have calculated the ,!chaQ"cs" of PjihsidcDtial coatests, and have never yet uj i ioatcnal erryr ; and we ccundeujial pit tltni-ef,- Coisistin iLrinriiif! e. Tl.eie i-j r fc.,v.,l tlwtllii.iji llOU ' r.n, a good ovoreer'a i ou.e. he Jo hotes Tills, Mai,!e5. Tobacro l.r..a SL . rf-.k. e land 'iin- h e tract .on whi.-h'f nkt"$L : ViU n would afibrd me pleasure to sUw if v. tior-.i.. .i... i. ..... l.ic iK tV,lt!lId o cell the Trat Oft ni T.X"e- . 1 ,,e I :urcliaercAn have ?Vr G'JO Oi VVU'Lil toiii:..j ii.'feilier.Leyeiii p nor lw .o1'1"4:- ilU'ul 300 01 winch a: t be- su.,,?,'1;' ."'":"2hly drahied, a.ncatl- - SU'e. ' j ,s l, . w' ,J any lands, i the iiJI force on ih ffif "eetJs n, (5uano. .iUi a , ii. c ;tiai:re m trfor -O'i . Ti,. . .. - . "3 . . , 1-1,1 O.V -.lliiiSi,-.e ls ' Ahe situation Y Uie nne .iiimr.u r ,.;..,. .... r . Vi r' i - vi i!i'r. i it,. : u i uoou- ,v,- .o fir, ,i , "r-"U(k3d is ' bv ihe-o o, 6 6,1,0 tf '?-r y e!liAt;ul, ,e1tt.,,,Cf0 of CO." r 1 S I ( ( r' L, ' '-"'er vv.li, ti.o ' L uwnw'.b i),,i; -rehl f.Mji.t- !.n,''.,, J -(. b.VlK-ci Vy say t!ie pe.ok-'. .' ,''''';-: il,at if -,llC 1rC!iat is elected by the pee moat r(""''V- ' ' ' ' ' .j John-Del! .arill be ihat uiao Jfit goes i -. ' I t lir. Ii 1? .. I . 1 I l .'.lit . ; itt,,,,,,; 5 ...v iwusc, ui-iauu juvereu mil De toe : CIIr.MdXG NMWS FHtif i t ini n t ',..,!. ir . iieu' names . . .wl. h.i. v.. mi. uaw. n n, -oeyTcio uie senate. Lei's a-c if -ib-ey' are not beariy saopos icrs, . . n 'V"'' ;i ''( says it- has re- ward fclveiett .will be the Dext! I'to, .... 1 . V- V " I I . 1 li t-! 111. ir .,.. . .'1'1 . 1.. 'ii. 1 am eiatl thev b l one ana a;i, ot J(:iii C. , ;, ,, - ... .. v t , ,,0 m us.i.iji.i r or- t.i c otteu-states t .. . ' . c3 I ' ' ..... I- win w nn...i. .. . i " UU sirs a ttSft , 'ed be.ef eaiile. ready ior 1,1 5,,e' eLvc i i :iey !ia;e o n'zat on. iver aj . C ' - ' .invwied i Land ,Ha ?,f . ! ' v?tt'e can. ; -ye l,,e, jf : well ,. " .. T ',UfCerca ' Paid ?,,. ,ian . .,Ui mi .-4- no a.fe Hiev 't LeiVhaveth is a pappy rabit'n nee. 1SC0. We do not btI'eve that Alabama. anttually, r . . irfr lo Le - . j Ii. io a IJ IO!. 'k, Ibc Rell c. ndM - .. 4 .... .-i:. j . - - ' ' - I I ' i "ed Withdestru,tro, i .d no a r b vb,,'.1"1' i follow from Delaware bv ' ' ' ' ' !' iavc cvr .de caxIU . l , ; .., : .!... .. . T II j l j . - tllUU V-Ur O. tl';ailkA . .-n!r;.i .til rufv ttrryTgmoTrr too, trnot Tr v.Mir t.-.vn "a.rc ne is'a uemoerat ! . . J r " - 7; s , u- aakes for tin iU ,.!' i.i, ,.i,iij,,.I . ... ... n went oil to toe se'eetlor in ir.n l.- il,,. rJ.;ir.i-i 'AUt;auia .jaii ,v ee vo..ed-uosvii a disnn- "tiuo.r-us ,t-i , leave beiiind on. tf d .in v i,A -aI wires nersonal i'l-lemls. I hnn. tiAtW ion Dro-osi:imr.-aau she will ni-wn i4nen:.t "et"'1 tJ -',f Cn I --- iv il v: tl, - Vi Jiji l- " 'vii i 7 - - - - . - . . j, m' jit i ooaiav li.'.-it. I hoi . t . . , I O' '. I " i aratiou-no ltr-iiier, but utoce to -u to work 'to SCc tl,e scceders aud lherou-,iy orjjanizo yourselves' r ihe j 10 Pa, y again gleat uay Uial liiinkho;, wc beseech yoti, 4ieea.use.fbe- btaie eJecuoo arc over, your work is fi iisae,d- Union Uiyu inav louK back- to those cleclioos, tut only fern he purrjose of toliin coura-e and hope from their icsxilis. If wa thea reduced tne D Cuioeraito -strength more tt-aa one ii i f, what mavlwenot do i November? Wuh tho Uuio tfircac'tHid-aoti'f; t0 Deiuocra'ic tickct.t iu ihe tield, will we Ot-Cftirv tun Old X..itn . i .rft, v...... ; in -tne Democrat- to it unless fi v ina D Kmc, for Oove.-iiori ia a ibi, at ibe Ociober ele. ion. Democra j ua nfT"..-;., t and will vole for .him TI... r . - . V- I iW in Lreekeui rd-e and Lane an- tlio rn ml'ibii,-. r ,. .... V7J . o 1 W . , , ... : . i w. toe bunie sec?uers or "disunuinisis' as j 1 i-juo tui-ned them.-Ki,isfoti Afcoc yituuiessljereoiu-utioiiuliigliheia- i' , "r(r secures ib t s- ktiuw siio tbese disorgairzers were - .-''..J.. ... ". i loO. I) ecken;'d-re seeais,to have A jIig ShV-Wp i-n r.-..,. ,i,Jr:..!.. MASS MErilDiG AT K irf F.LLS. - kntjwa iaein in ;9 ; jussibly he dyes in in 'GO. Let's liiav their names. ( -V JjJ(, 5 1' V r. tosn f.-nn, -f:,.!.- 1 .w.-.w . i j ... i.n.. itii- Ours? Hi,,? thi .1 vi.r-P urn n'.. a oe.way laweti on l&e tiain. wiwugu, ju .iue ivj(, which c.ori. .i Hun: Win. L. Yaucy iuto iia"''i, therefore A1empLi.s,.ai.di;sa;;,rl ai follow : Dcii CU; I::y.J'"h Thal ifl Je.il h of our i DuJj-ia 21i; DpjLeurido IS. ". i s J.od-e has J si a DioSt iiv.-l'u 4.-- ' I efnc.e.it rnembor. one whose rar w,u MASONIC Till RVJL. t r 1-. . vn 1 1 1- i. i.e. : , , ,.f t'i" . . .. t 124. N. . Masons, held i;n iiieir II m iue -bli of August A. D. IbOO, ihe low big I'reamble and Kesiiltiioiis wer ieieu.awHJ adopted. Whereas an .1!-wUc Providence een Jit, 'to remove 1V im our l,;o?,ly, esteemed, and much loved hi, oan.es ii. raioorougij, jn .ihe biooj fTk. ,an t , Vu ieatu fiqna tfle'LeisurcIlour, that the uiiie .0.0 gu ovgln say r.ini. ... r. a if 1CCKIG! IJ e friends of Dell, Dt ,;!t I,-., I. I J . i - . : .1 nin utr iitau Ui IMifrCilfl J?pl nis. on SaturJav ISjThe popi.cbi 'exei.emout Iias-Visen Texas 1'oi.l-irc ;... r l the 2ud inst. Tl,,. f.;Il..;,L : " ,m, Aiauama, Mate tt,at s.uce-Le dech ein j.eiu rnemuof-, one v.uose ear was open to ihe calts of cba, by, and w moauQct tlw quioa,and ti.ccafnce.neut otitieotleixeu have teen invited ande'exlccf- 1 t,at -:rc "f r'bt.o.ns, unwilling, to 1 Dot he.rt a-on lc;-us;cau( ,'ed to be present. ' an J ad Iters, ih p-ot'e on a'wa'r 'Crult of i!te eleeuon ia October r7f Dut elFuti Uetuse two. Dei-! that wecusioaion,. A .V. Venubb' 'v L no:,, have canvassed the voters of. that . .-..o uekeis H.eiu iwt.e d, nut w.ori a .f j Ciioga.au, CeoT. & ld-er, Tliomas Iba- pbtce in order to-, ascertain their rprelbr- - -ra ruutm.4 at.nst est :;. r D. ooUuind-H Ho5er A. lJrvor. and X. II Smth- tl' erxes amoM-, be th.ee- ticket cmoeting tJaat ! u Uih'i,id:d'- lfli l' 3i W. Ai.iler, K,, H. K. Xash,' Lo.. W for p-p.i!,"S::p(r. Tbe result was as i iuii.)i : ' ujit 'tas i., iJiec.m- too a uew clec:od tiektrt is fi it; nd; leusion of Cen! Joas- ij.iti' a iVO''fedibv the la of Dei I, Douu'as jat.d IIuutc. 2nd promued to bcc iea pLn. of utiUl to be votd jor by u l ,u oppo.eJ to Dreckea ride aod Li:.c.'.ii , anu ; iojrii.ian. Y.' ;--''i2, 'J'hat ibis L-Jgc deeply A ;)a:ij .e.i ?ta tne it-tends and relatio: wrtr,l r - '' -- --- - :"' wa, buj several otners.- Wilt rh. .,?)tMt:.TLuCJuJ.,dJ,e5S' but usei.IVid.erUa.da, ,uuU aod Na.h tore.',. I . U I , . I . . . , .r ; hub -itfivj uie Uoia3; but .i.. t ,,,r'e! l'?uuioQisrs and' ihe Dou-iaj-iXjuiuc-. racquarrtllcdaiuoihcuise;ivc;.. No! but L-t, us by au-over : helm in- vote for Dc!l -aa i Everett for the Uniaa ibow to the euuutry 1 that every po.S4tiop. of. Xurth Caioitna's -reat I hart lets trui to this thruc sjori&ua tuba 'Sa sen i us, we sutTer. are not afraid our. cat Xnw YoitK i.Dangcr " I f.e llv; 'ibbvui prs' say uaw. ti.'- v wcie. sX4jrTie Siaffe tne deceased, and would humbfv jgir in the reol leen'on of his . iiyjy v"j, while they wtmld thr.-w iC . . I i . ... iiifirii ciiaruv over any v . ,ir l. i , his, is whit' iw,v7 lc to3y Jiave h A tuoQ'h ! lions hi fhT WIU -! i Ko "fur j 1 Iho-wtdow of thedeet I I v. .,,.iir III! fT, f . j. I - ' 9 . W-'eri Eci v of VZkSaO kP -ln Pe.ry.aod ll.eTfel K11! ' W "iy. and t.,t. ,ie;M of cjV'J -V ' trry ihe Towa of Loaburi1 5 "offyo,, i, ,a.d '"t. -el... . uie i dl! term-J60 fcf ,.T .T WT r the M r.f.c?:t--r Loui- Urgco .he 2nd MonJ, aV" ? ' V! "f ahires:,.,! f.L..l : A' C.J t,,,9 f the ?i,.;fr ...vm r-i iii r , 1 tni iu. real eS!a;e. and . ,,ueMfc.r. t d-. or i;,e p. a V,,vfb0 l pre. 03tu i(u. -WIIOI, w,il meuL,i0w. vi f . - i Mams a t'u.u - i . S-y U Aujoai. A. a I8ri. ,al0fiue WAS. H. THOMAS C V ojticifor for Piamfiir i. i : i 13 K. . it i t town i'rnrir.rfr i. t.- i r - - i . . i fcUVsee bv ikn .Vorf.iitr nftnors i'lit oU bj iUU.lrtlii,ai,3ritv.' Uin- ih.. I. , i-utuie OI ins rtffmUcrsUirJ 0,.'.T.n. ' . 1 V Uiei 7T r- c.. s.lma wiuu, or P.,-uXl!,.U!i,or 1- ii 9 . 'nurfwr - at l.,, w1.lcli,-elatt,,;,e,wl;aSOuood.iK best s,.eakb,-,. I... ,a- i 1 t 7 LVK I "c-HtSil TitmiAd tjtS of '-U - .,' wUil-no a t.t-like sh,ar,,s a 1,: : ' i ar. tfl.,d to wolfed him iuto the C.-ht for Ll jE" 1 'nv'", f DU. J. I?. CI.IFr0.Nl ' " :v . f ' "7 ' n A i i ' I l i Mur?, Aug. 6;h, , - Jm -a I-USASaSTg. V- i ... V r

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