-1 Ft -b:LEXi?6 hi M I ( - . JAMES B V" , 00 rr fw ! Americans by Jirth -education, and trainin- ; Vieks The blood tb at flowed !at LexinVoij,ntl friinsonett i E'- l" . " ...1.. 11 lavi MONTH"- Editor. eKLV a . in atl sincc ? Catholic Cljurch in our country, by! the ad- :v vancement to all 'political statiolras-execu- 1 tive, legislative, judicial, or diplomatic of ; those only wno 00 hoi upiavcivil allegiance, ! directly or indirectly, to any 'foreign power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, and who are The , K' ,.rv tere-. 1 l-IXi P - 1 : " ' .' ' wtendence of their business.- Br. the ne- oC L ;"DELIIKRE0 BlWt ELblS jEn takex rniilttphed iheir number i ' am'mrnv - ' ' I a slop bour ;earlY fiPHne vetretaldes ; sumil, X -:,r; ?',hl6r.aiid Ciir-robr65i'rVfe6wed to be4 fin, lvric .Inch follow wi canV the ed inWinfer Wten'-'l burg piisipp,) Wlus rl. 4.-: ' n.; V,ri;rVAV:.,vh- 'Vj-Xi'-.'- Xf h -txa : ;X wruvraanuiacLuresspon j . , - t t t ; i XAmeiiiCAns: .- hat'jTtcan&Jlhis-ast a-s edand lpidlv-inpreaSecLvv .C..:. ,,i.ri aOVERX .. A-MEKto ! Thn nrotection of all citizens in the lealX : bright Chamnlain - ' " luiPn ; clo; er-and' lucerne, mnUlU lots, for and proper exercise of their "civil and relig- Streams sttllialoiis: tbi Southern Gulf and -by the,' sows and pigstYAutapplesrPnis?-peach-. - l.. rrivilrorfc. .u lakes of Maine :.- , . .f " t J1 1 ' : c. - i ; r .J' rti,n ricrlit of every man to thp full. nm. am .-acme s goi.icn sand. . -i - .... strained, and peaceiui enjoyment of his own And throbs in hearta, that love and '.gneve hy dark reliffioiis opinions and . Woflifri;ahd a jealous ' ' Atlantic's strand. - ,V? T- ' Oppressed for opinion's ndnstr r - them the X". ivith Eng- ; products f commenc-, . Thus , prbg-X X semblagej this mrtiil pgtd. j'Hhi.K"0-51' jessing, .enehupdrtti years ' ago found X " of cannon;.: thesalookpf ladhessXiVV ha.t- thVAmerjcan .vblomes the especial ob- - prince UrhvvJa ktngrletniperQr:1 jeGt hi British "Ifni4f eral:fiiogiiition,1'': ' 1 V . .fM('"w-. u- r,, s.u" 1 resistance oi.:i "V any-pect fie- T - . - - t:; 'i. . , . f ; ii:: 1 1- ; Lunation or church, Win-an Wen- i lX .SiffcL00! a ?roth-ltooa of i rentable ta raike'lm '''-r'ft l'Vbu ,r,( denryo verting other in ga;s thotnolv4in Erie's ' if thci'ft, ffonejallv ' iShi' i L- fX xfc;Hranysrc.vik ;-7 ' T5flti withy ve wii v eHT XX-hixv-at ,ldition:.l Lhai i political combination of its members, 4 And, those to whom September fcfingvtho fireside . . - . .!. W i" ' ' farmer, froiir the'srnailesKto th:e sreitestBtrattohs Q$n mong svili:nnd'if:rotVpwctVa profitablifta fai'ifs bvn porV: And moreX nirg VVXi!xiT-5 "i , v., ' - -' - -,r - 1- - - - vahanttfatners'Jjid ueiiancc to thcirifto the .colonies were sent to the throne, and jToanwth, we vnn' TJrtfLu M berUenly rf.rtr: ivnmi v.ttoatson nverv-ireczeandJ cvo on i fie avails or tnc raiL t.: uuu 1 1.,-. tiT liiii-'i' than the .... i ... t,iv divuio.' "1 -Xr. .IWMcirm nf th-ir eVt,;! il: ' X. - . social nounO ; ' : . U - uiav aciuul pvn u.vm. a. ... wJllClV t x- r.trv. X5 ,X-' XVith those who nW everv sMnflwhpn 'hjv' nledired 1 force.iaas met bu force. Collisions at i - x i -i , 4 i - - - ' - - 1 tlirnp vnars. ' - i ther hi llllL cimumuics v. a..y ...... i .v, v v-v""" ., wita gorseons.nowcrsJ -. . , ' - ' r . - r.-, , - ; -1 ; t 'LA-n'LA oe. uiree years. - . j ineir lives, iiieir lorxunes,. ana ineir - sa- t..jw;xiiiiiuu yuuuuiu ,ui- rrfrtriffft'm" remarks nre alse annlica- ered honor.. each to all. and all to each, queneev Boston was invested .with arm- Iwinil rind : . t 1 . .. VV estern wave. - . -i . . ... - . - ' - . I . . . I.i , 1 1 - - i A - 1 1 ! -nrn n . Mn7n our iNationai jegisiauirc,'. -by elevating, to , ivin X.W t, r. ; ble to the raisinir of our own r, . reoiiesti-M u u iu i ' s 1 ' y 1 " ';'ut , ., grave? , , . ....... - cattle, and butter. Aral or . ,i or liicv wui (it liiirlier quaiuicainm. purer morals, and .mi inm- thi- strearnui'r. .i- i el 1 1 j i 1 1 1 . i ii r v., xi ;V it u wished ni''V n,m unsrMlisii nairioiiMa, write itVK?n .rf 111 ' 1 11' I )i " ;i,i, 1 , I II lv 1 I 1 1 ' tl X ... . ..u.,v.r,.( aci-orrhnirly. lordly flood, f .Xi--,)lllir"" ! Y The restriction of executive? natron- i 1 he. glory, of tlie natvons past thnUs through a kui-K, ; inents to oflice, sp.lar as it may I'.ted bv the Constitution, antl con;: From the A nit or.. AIr.?Editor : Has it ocqured to you wn horses, mules, 1 to maintain 'that solemn declaration of; cd men, antlj the.col6niestwercjn ablaze. : ' Independence, yvhieh formed trie' epoch The; Colqhial Congress; of 1 774 bad ; we commemorate. tried every means of Conciliation ;'coii- EventFui day, which burst i the thraj- j sistent; with( honor and justice; but m of allegiance to a tvranti Illustri- ' British Ministry was'deaf to both !a be permit- Wherever ArnoldV tide told'it dye the heeic j, that,- ypu have not seen a ; Mover", goiiig istent with wlthhame,; ! - ; X ' " : 2 j. West or South, for a long time ? . . 4 And jrloyvs with pride oer BuhkerJIill or Moidtrie's : . , ' . -J ' ' , i . " .j i - '? i -t, What has stnrnon this - r rnovinor awav: t - - - i't ! r o J but , the rgu- It remained for the i . ..,.. ii milder lame : T . X:. ", ,..., ! the public; good.- " ....... Al. I tie euutaiuit ui me youtli ol . our And wheresoever above the fray the stars-of empire 7i '. country in schools provided by the State; gleam. . ( . ' ; ' which Who'ols shall be rommon to all,with- Upon the deck or o'er the dust it pours a common out distinction of creed or'-party, and free ! ' -stream. i; , ' ; ' ' from any induenee or direction of a denom- it jsa sacred legacy ye' never can divide, -inatiqnal or partizan I'hiiracter. , Nor take". from 'village urchiii, nor the of city 2nd. inaaiir.u-a as -iinstiamty, bv the pme ; r k. . ii .i t., . ".. . i Nir the hunter's white-haired children .Constitutions oi in an ,m me iau ; ov ...... ,a ;s ., hu,tnt,lnftatrs thir-fat.hers toiled i 1 , laal i 1 Ul U 111 il'MUV ! H A UUUVHJU M.M , s.w-.-j " mi- u.n , .wmuv Where nameless lakes are sparkling, ana wncrc ; i ;.. xr n. ..- o0fnmml tn , . . i , HJ lllcLIVO 111 J.',V.' V. 1 ui.v.h.-iuuii.i u.m loudly rMTrsTO.ni! : . ; - j themselves, 44 What part ot the t.rRKBXE tirew ins swora at i'.utaw : arm Dieeumg ous dav . which nave a nation birth! trh- men t 4 nd entreat y, mortal dayj which enrolled tho "United . Congress-of 1775 to provide the means . I States. of America:' upon, the list ot soy-- ot general resistance to xne oppros.Mu -orohm nations! "Tis Hit that this ddV measures of Britain ; to nddress a firm. What stopped the tide -of j travel that once 1 ne commemorated by the "sons! but respectful remonstrance to the King moved along our-roads, in long trains, of! 0f tjie s;rcs Gf s fit that hose. - in person; to lay. before their fellow-sub- piain ... ' ,v,nvliMXi:i.":ii p,.;, ,rUh r.wh- ovi-r.tar :,.:";,U's over X ih'ai . i- the councils ol 'nations. til airs ot men. a. ml wtio, f the Hntish Crown a plain nar- v uy iiii,-ta -u v& - a & iui 7 j. & tiii m r m m a a r - a a r a a a j, a a a r a a a a aria a a a a a a c Lt a m it - iotellio-ence. enterprise and wealth of our with reverence to the "Star Spangled rative of the acts, of governmental tyran State to some -Western on Southern State ! Ijlmmcr" should unite in this commern- j ny, by wluch theyi-id been oppressed j - ' " . ! ' "'. in-"- . i-i ii. i r .. i t nn - i i s. ill i n:i .-iTifi"i.:iii. s . . . v-rtimr in!'pmriin(r..minj - lllKl MlTllt?' -mill w t. i iv... Hi'1" , .v which we liavi . i t-.,,t 111 llUU'oriui'- in. ,-'';;inX''l" "! .;,:;.:uui4hcd us ! ad van red nation, Southern hs't e mc t k 1 1 oi pro- i;r i'"1 i ,'i!;Ji ;i:;rv. It: tor :tiui X :;,ceisluuv .ppX d'hs provisions, th, Slavery question by those parties, hav- , Or shoutw.th ym .dx.U Carroll s double . tQ gi -''he hu i r nance ol the Union ol nv, ,devated sectional lu.stdity into a'posi- ' P ' i conn autliorities ; ami by the eont of .tin? peo ple of America, is considered an element of our political system: arid, as the Holy Bible is iit once the source of Christianity, roul the denositorv and fountain of all civil uion and development of ;l,ia religious freedom, c oppose' every ;;Uempt u e.xeluae it iroin the sriiools tnn-i ttablished in the Statc-s. " XI I. -The America- party,, having a risen upon the ruins ami in despite of the oppo'siiion of the Wlit und Democratic pc.rties. cannot be in anv manner.-responsi- hle for tire obnoxious acts of violated pledges , Can yc ' eri'e a Handcock's name, e'en with . . 1 1 L 1 . . . 1 .... r. 1 . .a ut A;iin i s !?;eiiiaiie-arii: lion 01 c MlUUUl tlllilC- 111 llllO V-V71ilii;v. Ill- l J "J . ; . - . ' Tis lit that Americans should : nnd to rcaii with patient firmness, and ; . M ' 1 1. 4,1 celebrate that glorious day when "Amer- : to meet With unDcnuing rcsouuton,.un ruled America.?? ?Tis fit that iuturc metres ol ..nc lyuisu .uu.im- ;-oiounai );issiou:it intense Auiei! attachment. to t l-i p . .. i" iis-hlistorv anu u insijuiuo.i.-., s of our n;i- ,. J ( i.-t( nee; ol vem-iuiiwu ...i w.. nri-'eipiiated our iev.iuuou., .mu wisdom and pat-i .-oust itiituui. ami West South shall I go to V Trod the march across the PntaWurc amid the snow Again, Lask,;. who Stopped this " hmi- andhct ;7 - h irration ?'X I will give a simple and short Audio! upon the parchment where the natal re- ; r cord shines, ' answer, ajid thenask some of your corres- Tlle buniiug :iMge of -Jefverfds bexus.FRASKUs's ; poujents to give their answers to the en-v calmir lines! ' i i- -v- cpnry, i jiu- i imgiaiiuu luiHi a. Can pri-'eipitntejtl our ion of the viruu iri'.nied our vc diide th:l i" e-rd bright, and t-.ar (- names apart That, first were wriitcu boldly Uiere with plight of hand and heart V flic Carolina r " The Agricultural period i cabs":: is the answer give. The answer suggests the manv ways bv been. icans first ruled i children who mean to imitate their lath-, ry.. I ri ers bright cxanples, should do honor to ; The counsels of LonU Greenville, i their iathurs . valor! 'Tis fit that we. : North.and Bute, and of their shart-sight- "u ho arp natives here, and to the manor -ed -associates, prevailed in :the British horn;', that we, in whose veins -flow the Cabinet and Parliament, and the die teas blood "of Revolutionary heroes; that we, cast.' Britain resolved to persecute the who have! received from oiir ancestors j colonies with fire and sword : (o subdue the bright heritage of free institutions, ; them at any cost and at every hazard: should renew, upon each anniversary ot ; and the colonics in turn resolved that rmv ennntrv's birth, the nlediTo of lite, of their motto should be" Liberty or Death." I V-ktn no ii-irl nf nfivfl linnor In transmit '. Vlld tllU s commenced the American Ucv- . aS ! ,- . .' . 1 . 1. 1 ' , ' ! : I nlnt int ai-.i mil KpoOltKT lVfnt H Tl f 1 hu- ihe paramount pe the i langu.arg.e o n;;t- ,: I'liUed Suites x i;imi ; or. to i .!! ilt- .re -..y: Ujiposklon to i Mil' 'lOV'Tf it. . . , ... ...x :l neiriipromising antaginism to -cvcrY 1 ...i. " J ; v that emlaniiers it: Xh'Xiuvoc:i y' of aireipritahle ad- ' . ii ... 1 .ti !o.vii'es wTiicii i --e.ievi e' an pi-o." r-rXn ii j-.H-s rity 'or penxniity. - I 'Vh- niM)ressi(n i" ?a,IX temleneies ".liT';-:?l division, toiimted' on. "gt-. Vn-il ilicriniinations, or..,on the behei til (hllerenci; o! interests tween life 'a?. nous sections ! -'- r h , m tin1 i)nmar o.'ijeel oi '.n(i hence- all atfinpls to weal;- 1 A. I- . . I . I n-m-wm ..iil lllAMA'nT W ' - n s 11 .T - y- ' t 1 rCV 11) I-.MOL OT U ' . f t.1 .1. tive eiemeiu 01 poiiiu .o puwa, ynu uiujsin , o, can iu i-u.i.u, Mmc i ..v? ii ticularlyo one source ol ;our weaitn, tnat tZU oJTpi ,r ; u.wT i.N:.c,of '-- ,-:, 'nartv to imerpo.f fr tle purpose of ,,. t ' ? ,,,,,.1 , tu-rita .of. : t CTeaasl1 ' ',n C' lrom 1830 . - . ' . ,f. l n.r,i',t,- -' , -.' n--- v J a . .... - tain. rtv7l A -Wnnlfl -nn hftlivf--,it. 'ace TO me iui.ir aim iL-nr.iuu ' :r renu in twain the scarry uajr uiai u er uiviu r.ioiv, ' Aldt Ji2 experienQC,. Jias so extn in disputants :rrc ;i re 1V tn the Union ..i 4. ; ;miiriaiUip to rf-nni:iiH .oonuons MlVJVkil ll liiil")'-"" . ri at4 those whicli separate .me atld. as tlicr can be no dis- nmor in siumiuung o i-- :Vl Council. has reined it the best gunrpn- tee of common justice ajul of future pee. .abid bv and maintam me exisung slavcrv. as a rural ami that i subject in . nroud! v waves ? 4 1 i C?tn ve c,t?now but it isViKaQtedilhf po- irc ol the gloom j I - - - I great That hanus its soh iie.i aoMs aootu youi cuuim Father's ton?h ? to 184 hrmared with the leu years previous I l - - . . vd The slaves in jNv C, ni i o-u, tvro p. rt uiimp.aninfr rcremouv. freedom! enkindled by that iievolution Jlufulivs the responsibility which they is hot yet quenched, and never, will be then assumed, but manfully and courage- j quenched, till the thrones of despots, the" ousluwasitmet. Thousands of our Rev- j sceptres of tyrants, the crowns of kings,. olutionany heroes lost tne pieuge oi me anu uiiuu oiiu1Vi' - .i..0... aiui iot piu n j I T ! f . f t imnortant scene in tlio drama I .i i a .11 ,,1-Kirt- Tnt hf ennntrv's cause; i uju nuu, , i , . nlirii.nr' coumi) p Lriuav, i f iimiRpvn ntmn.oneneu at Bunkers i t io or :ira inn m 11 ue if iu- v w.v -.v,. 4 - WHO '" v.v..v- j , rhc; first important neu a 1 An action, wlucn was to. 1 'OK'V'S l '- ':"::! L uioi.i. ! lie i'nil recogiiitufn o i:li7 f the rights ol :t.;i Mrvcr.il Stati-s, . as . ex presfseU anil rcsen - Constitution; and U'earehp avoiu- mi in rue iKiCrin n ( overnriieut, oi iriiniice with their rights, by legislative I : executive lu'tton. -Uht ilicn'ce to toe ( onstiuition of upon the subject o! flmelusive settlement oi vnirit and in substance. And regarding if tfre highest duty to avow their opinions,' upon "a suhjeef so important, in distinct and unequivocal tonus, U is here by declared, as the sense ol this rvatioual C'ouncill tiiat Congress pessessee no poV-'cr, under the Constitution, to legislate npbn the rv in the Mates, wiic-re u hide anv btate IT,, i t v . v i .at.,... i i l a a . a ..... - .win r in. 1 .!. . niniii-A (iT ft f fr;j- i mil in y Or can ve meut.urouna iut e.u . :uuu..v,,. 44o,i7 ; in iouo, uiey ,wcn, , em;c i'.; o . , in hnnonblc to the courage ol tlicwvinu- Aa -u-k.' :Wns cr- .. -r h pr.l e- .g This-incre.se, of cour.c, Ur, Wi carnage, strife, and danger, n , " aroused the' col- canf,pc - . ronlablv employed, Tho i-j the linl .ph oiAmcn ?vr to ! YE ""1; ,'.,K: I y m W irin JL ! GeorSia. An anny of twenty thousand ; 'Tis yi. f-n. :., U. 18ld:?ip3-, . and 'the increase .rom .?$ ,tj honor,so mmUM,- men wasraed by Congress ?, d U,c Where troo c waves delighted clusp our thmevy 1 1840 to nOU was on, wo. 6e tUtZartt, reaeem inr , "1 fav. AVasUINUTON. 1 . . a . Anii"f-iII II 1MII1 V -w- V ...-w-k f f Z i t i LUllll 1 "I Southern shore. -lro tlirnntrh frowiuu niountam-sfatos hraska's waters ro;i r ! J. tf.. -1 "subject of slave do. or iniiv exist, or to e'i' Uiiitcd Slates, as the supreme law of '-'from admission into,, the i aon oeeauso n. H constitution does or does noHrec .u. i ic. ...t-..: .. . i- ..i nail OI lis socon turn ieauuist it-rMwniii , mstmuion-oi siufiv .-. r-. . , a v. - spirit o innovanon upon ut piun-i-.. 8Vstemv ana expressi -r , " V , hi.mvn' nork i ;0,i ftr' It is not . ' . . . ,m thf nower ot . , Ampetic ecniioinv. to raise ins own porK, ried out i ii i nut i . lowever soecious tue preieMs. .-i- ..vnrrssmn ot ooinion ' j . v.v,.i... r - ' , ., 1 . I;nui, sach'dlv oblitory upon al :nui juenilH-r 1 u.wnt'-frtr themselves. .Though the increase N. T OLVi..'. ' 1 , -., . r i.- is small compareU with some oi - States, yet for an old State it will compare favorably. What'do these facts suggest I Do they i.-inopiipil itnon those who - - . HOI j;au .iuwifc ""& , 1 RAISE YOtJR' OWN PORK. have the means and canHhink, that new . , - . i- i t . e i,.m...nt fnr this increase in pvprv farmer, in iNortn Carolina, ai leasi, , sources oi cnipiui. igricuUuvaL - ... i w - - . . i " i ' . I . I r.inil I I IIP I 'v,,rt I y ' Phn oiucnvc f J rmnu 3UUii "vv J . i f w) ilf k! If I I H l.U 1 Ov - - ..i j-kfnrj a.'a;MaiaMT-atJ.'aafM till lOUS Of Ulll liJLiiiii y j v -o- I I our Her hircd'mvrmidons landed up- uidtothecx-i onour -shores; and desolation , u.u n . i . t uc t hfir nroirres. - ampleslo .those w " '.c f Mo l: fj- It is due to the occasion i- !- r i . . "i ... l.'Tt ,i'o- 111 i ... ' i r- uiinn r ttlO -.tin.T th:.t ui alld.mhifi.l or disputed points ' (Wress lo establish or pr.iu. u; - " , and lus proporuon iu,-,puc, w -i'1 ' I :n,v unlv he leailv ascertained and, ex- . v Territory, it is tlie sensel t.ie Nation- . home rkctfor those, .who, not being en- . I'V the judicial -power' of the limit- a Council that Congress otiffpt not to e- , ift agricultural pursuits, are compel I I : ' ' ' :. .i., tho hiprt ol slaver) w man j i- . - i i.i '',' ' , ' . , . f i lM,tll,uu ?T r.,;, States, and i led to purchase.; uur ianners Mum,u,m 1 fr- ci-l. a -eorollory to-1 lie aonve . i the '1 eimtories oi me 'T. ...;tll ; , X ' v,: ,i4; to illlU. 1'- ui-n-.....- i. V h:i!it of reverential ohodiecc. to the t-'. whciiu'r National, or Municipal, un that any erv as it exists . a . . r-. t l t ii ;,-.ti.fVr-it-n hv " , iv resoivc, i,.. liisirici oi v oi- - , n uhnui, tro out oi ine rxai lliv . I1I1L ti Ul"1 - E ill :fi:;v :ire. either remaled or declared un- ! nmliis- xvfmhl be I a violationiot tno ; t"1 , niireh-ise of nork. Such a policy w 4-;i:.-. ' . . . ,v ne l t ie 1 . ',: . .T... . M-'-mtiuonan)v-tlve proper .autuority. . and intention ot tjlie comK, . the i romote their own' individual interest, as i! 1 V t,mUr i;ndt s:u'r larl lIlOSC Stale IgMylantl ceded the r t.onal , u ag that f the' aggregate community. ! ':mm statesmanship which are to be con- ; United States, and a-bn a, a " . . - ; :;in. ,ilp;r . m0nev i -1 -it a iiriTtnrr:im:e ui im of the principles of his i population-ought to be projected, and car ried out ? It is not enougn to ba increasing our means of getting to market hy Rail ..Roads, and opening Rivers when we haven't any thing to carry to market. Starttiiew sources of wealth, dig out some- that thin hew or.more ol what we aireauj raiM, for ! frn.n t the soil : staTt Manufactories of all j cry ould Lorts; sell more than you buy ; don t let the balance of trade be always against us ; don't talk about hard times, and the Banks to the prominent points in the annals of our country, which, though yet young, r - " ra.- onn vpr- Sign lUtU CJJIXicu at " - - that, ni the proceeding of thi? anniver ? mother country ; the t r . u .mi fi no iTi '.i i i ui un- . . t saryome Drrei anuMuu. - d and-stnlggicd lor tneir chartered rights. . But the tone of public sentiment changed, and theContinental Cbno-ress, in the summer of' 177G, dis cussed and decided the question of a sep aration. y - IV On the 4th day of July, liG,a De claration of Independence, penned by the immortal Jefferson, and advocated by ,. noble comi)eers,U'as.zinanwwusltap- 7fa,7heVldlAproved by the delegates from the tlur tat jume9 tn.ep.iti r .,;:-., ..,i,,m1.Miv them, and Uabh Columbus teen coio . , has been the theatre oi me nuu ci aehiftvments recorded in the worlds i i-u Tn nerformins: this task I WllUlc liiawo' - rw I ' t .-'iUisiinlruished 4roni acts of ordinary leg- j faith. r,';i5-ion, hy fhe fact of their being ol the '-.i;-fHrej of ..-compacts and agreements ; and : j -i,5- to be. considered a fixed and settled na ' onal pojicv. . -: . V rndicul revision and modi !;.:Yh,. 1..;, . i . : : ... -v.., ia icurdiiuir uiuuiuraiiont anu hic crov : :'H."lc;iivcit of iihmi-rnints. Otleriny to the i 0ni.P with the internal " ... . i . . . v we have no tradition to involve, m records to examine.. Three hundred and sixty-three years only, have elapsed since the first discov- r of America by civinzeu nun. fimbitious of humor lo.iVtod lvia baroues upon the ocean, not discounting, the Banks can't do every f ,hc; Government ol ; , , .J odt of lhe State, that it rifay thinrt lor yon, and you senan.g- ,or ... .... Ihod's in Relations - . for .'Uu.i.o.'fcr in.proven.ntand your negro .hoes, . hats - b horse , n - , - aJ1d the patr.ot.0 t . i . , l 1 . . r. I . .I n. itllTTIII i hi 11 fli . , 1 LI 1 U.....--. -- - rj . I !....,. I. .wl nnil TIKI 1 III lliCU w. tnnCP ItV Wilt l- : V. -atC lVUHL 11 llVlllO, lv.", - 1 . s. . . t itllll-l I I J 1 . U11U . cv,- j ' 1 t n v ntanlin A i.re.l his course o'er trackless bil lows, from East to West, in search of un- ! h known regions. His enterprise was con - - ncntion for.the. bold; ;e I sidered doubtful, dangerous, and daring, f""', , j thc uatri0tic men" who promulgated to the world. 1 hat mem-: orable document will soon ..be read in 11 . a. - T 1 fft i f o iri hearing, and it win not an -our bosoms the sentiments ;oi. o t. 7 - ... nld ustice 1 'ttlea na- foroum troverninents,is , i ..u rt.ivrtoses. a; . . . , the wrongest; and do & j .T; .is made, is too, well understood and hoes, and in fact, every thing ; never lotion ! est; restraining, by lnterfcr. "tLl comment. -The only question of thinking that-aU lhese4.ugs can be made , uou mt. g-overnmenr, uu A 9liris . , ' among -1 concerns ot nation; inmiirrant who. from love of liberty ; with whom we are at P1,;U t , nf dollar iot tefl (if oppression, seeks: an- nssyhun XIV. This National n , ; of K.sv,x,s, a friendly reception ; lhat aH the princies ot , avowed . ! covpil Ht-uon. nr and pr, 11 ipj -i y'? States. reigv Tin "J. l:ifl D ' i i r ii,,c.inls . i . nnrpr thmkinar that you are ere moment,-is, lean me uuuuitu, - dl , - sannuallv withdrawn lrom the pock- I ating a balance against us, wmu. " r our Jcopie, tor Kentucky .pork, be ! paid by the Banks m com. 3iy woru ur to'.thJ State by raising supplies a- it, Mr;. Editor, -time' in North;Carolina unqualifiedly condemn- henceforward every win ', .i:wtv. ; ". ',.: tn ; n,Lr- words, could vr,rt be venMncnUU Deuor, uiuu; "T"SS"'" ' f MnSl L.S.of .be brdei, rS' Al, wHl adinitits , something, stop this everlasting send H"'- -Uneation of the efacMhat ;he: Lr":ji: done , ing North everything w, use ... .7-it. i . . ... . , . .1 iii-it uw. - . ' . t . -'r . r.. trnm it iiuiiii" ivu - n--' i -'...:, i-tws. i and it recommeuuM f b , , vantageouslu lo me rcjc, P repeahby the Legislatures of the re-j ceelment of the places ol meeting nuestioin.1n to the rest of lhe jround by.Weldon, I saw at the Depots a- t all Mate laws allowing : ordmate councils. LrKtm-kv. .r..J tU i nninion. we do not hnnff thevroad Northern hay, niceiy oanu tiot naturalized to vote. - E. B. BARTLr. i i,r , - i commuimy f ' . " mnnh nf it in half a mile of as nJronPP iiTik- abstract meury oi uimnn-" i 9,ui,, iUv.. - ro i hutfnnd ourself supported- by the j gooli meadow land as to be found anywhere, fi snme of our most thrifty and j s,m in original, primitive grandeur, i '"f !r hich knocks the ob- I could write more, Mr. Editor, butan, I nrosiii;iuui5ioiui'"--i eetion of the less provident-that.they can J"c. :- , L -.i. nan raise intO . Ien me cry anu uuj.-rr i. --r - . . aZ. t viU continue ; au explodecU babble, . " , i this naDer ; do I a religious trust ,n i . i - u r M ir oiTomcT t ii-- i ii i ' v ;i 1 1 ; 1 1 L: 1 1 1 t v l Hoi" - - - - :i i .,i tnoT i r ? ht j: i A r- -i m laiiiiuio w - - - i 11 1 - - j -. - . - . i-i uig system-ol rewards lor political to oe-so.- . Husband, a iiouse ' r PVordin to their lorce, tnan ul)ertif....... : i , - ...r. ; WmTtin.-wants a iiu-o-nv. i more cotton,, accoruing. .r..t liticarir f'ul oi.punisnmenxs. lor Pu- ' The Vng man wants, K . , A byers ; and make, sentience. . j-a uoiuicianu a ua"j itlrtrse. a watch, a ' o 1 D 1 , '. ' nA Anm frr With unuauiucu cuui.,-'-" i ,1 1 ...hscribed and maintained it. . dangers, not only.of an untr.ed ocean, but subscnl cd an anddcvastation had f t . iii'cuiintpnfpa comnan- .x nc , oi.uisi.rusi.iB , rommedced in earnesu North to South the frightful bai ftcrag ed, thundering cannon roared, glittering sabres, clashed, death-dealing muskets rattled, and the groans" oJ dying rent . f T nnrl nrilllOUS WaS thC ine air: xiife , qual conflict, and douDtlui.ior a Through rivers of blooc srepeal, without retroactive orieration,. cts ot Coiirress' making grants of UnnatlirftHyod V.trnintre nitil nllnW- 1 VII it0 vte in the Territories, j v ri , tT stitv to lhe cupt means by party have hitherto 4rS'l,un lH our rulers andjmr political ( Icir!?!''a!,h rresiaem u - , r D npsHLi R !of New Jesury, C . D. Heshli ; o secretary. -. j l7;; 0f Maryland, M. Stephens, oi - . fiecordii'ni l " " J ions, and made the grand discovery of this Western ..World ! But, notwithstanding this magnificent discovery, a century elapsed, and left the Western Continent in undisturbed po session of the savage Indian and ferocious beasts The alluring search of India s wealth absorbed the thoughts both of the princes and of the people ot Europe. Less than two hundred and fifty years havo elapsed since our-tore-tatners oegan to flee.from persecuting priests and un- to this their land ot JCICIIH";, 1"- 7 - .. une the issue time f blood our Through led; mot rrsed; tt the winter's snow endured; seven tedious i 1 it ! .tln.rrlr In r in- fathers waded; mountains, plains, and trip summer's sun and valleys iravusw,,"- r ----- James Wants. We are alway: : thing, all uf us. wanting some- vn ph!ir,( .i.. , .T.n the one hand. V against the, prevalent i prayer lrom Adam ao";t lld ooi that it n of rewards for political to be-so. It is wise, ju- x sbanj, a house i i c si mi', n in iiu -a. 1 anet and a baby, Th W S their neigl boring PorV buyers a e, then .-j- ....,.' : n,Miti6ri. olcntv ot .por -"" u ot woman. The tlieir own pport; and always have a sur bC 4 POT want plu, of! boyeorn' aiid pork to sell; and, y.0!l,,g;,. ri-li the freedom Plll.. have fat hbrses, fat mules. ? ' . '.i-.i:.:. rrm South ; cess refuse. - in uinereiiL iura....w,.. --7- - Carolina to xMassacnuseiio, tnc subjects of tyranny and oppression pitch ed their tent, having escaped from tu-witAvSth-lttle else than energy, resolu- facto and ! honesty, a hatred of de.sm, and ... iv,i;ffmt,H tmst m Providence to am afraid vour- patience - is exhausted : but, hoping I may induce some more competent ( rope vi hand to enlarge on t .1 : v.: cti-nmrtf' for in years conienueu ui t-n-. .-v- ---dependence. Alternate defeat and sue attended tneireuuiLs. ..y-7 l!fust fr.r n0 .;i.i -iJ. -"o. nffio 1 nf pniirsp. a wife, then a , " . v' HI. 1111 1 1 11 1 1 L .11 1 V'.... ' , . On the other : j y :,u1Uo.n' of the practice of the purer days S w neP.ubhc ; and ai "i j.. puuiit , iiiu U.1111111 tiiiuil vi nit 1Jn that " office; should seek the man, IlVtct ".1 A i "i r . 1 1 TT u,;fu tne omce, ana 01 me rule, irid h 18 the eaPability the faithfulness, j; , honestv of the incumbent or can vQ:ite. "v !' sistance to the aggressive poli Hn rninipting tendencies of the Roman l i-riitll ltnilSe. f lonuiic ctiiii p- iiii to grow up and t 1 A. ' OIU Waill IU ic yuuMfe- , , - " - f;L. -1 tlm IK.' luxuries oi u e nu., - rie foQl wants to and health . of the poor. a God.; be a philosopher, the Fb infernal, the yW The malignant want to 1 AU want tQ cious seek new depts 01 t fetakc he be happy, but few clf means to secure it. " j . hp voicp from Want, want, want tnj ail throats. ' with it as you quiry, 1 . at-uu if1 u fT ts. like, bum it or rint it, but I J the myrads of immigrants of Germaniown;iAng.rsland ton saw them yietu,wmisi law Springs, Saratoga, and .. IorAozr mr.. t ftrl victory at Yorktown beheld them tri . '"iTt Ttii, hnrkmtioa of American Independence was maintained, peace was V i . .j'Wn' cnvore.iirntv-ol tne secureu, , anu my . p - , - . . 1 ln.l.rnll I -1 I 1 11 am.forNoVth.Carolina, asleep ami "I takeno step backwardf. - ed hither to escape from '"-f ""jl , "'vri plucked" Jthtrefrom by. the skill And thus - Macon. June 15th 1855. Wo; to estaot.sAt.erefree ..fx-. fs.lfh- and not as :-ik and obsejuious tools, n0f0 ltoc rppeived lrom 31R johu uiig r - - Yin'Ali nf fnrtv-six Stalks ol i rappe uisirit-. ""v i v"r"J5 . . mnnvp'rl'iihravs' have iiiv" r , - . iio and sleek jind greasy negroes 1 Jrp ,jv ........i., h.ve the -advantage-of- those, who deoend ori buying lAndihow, do they suc- i of blnera Vheat ? from onet rootall evi F, . lii t ffbtvouestionris easily an-. denllv the prouci of oncogram, jrom the d U tout unto Panicula uu grams : ' hts: the m.grat.on ' V ifWni in.-Wf-iofAvheat , .teordfulif" to at . Years n CrOWll Ijinrvv j...- . . . and powers ot him oi wnu " - - - 1 ... . . 4.C,ct in war first truly said. that He waM - : - r,f ;n the hearts of his . S -.t . - 1 MMmammaa v . . . . t.M rv in n n "1 Til I in 4. ill PbotVfic . WiiEAT.-The. . Easton, (3Id.t) linderTnine liepuplicdn institutions, oi - p .; A thug ended a LV.V i-r' ,.o;vn "frnm Afrl John Brags, vwmi of the corrupt ana "V i'T- nf which. rotten priesthood ojinen the present ajld the futnre, no . eye ca ollea on; ueruc-rr ' u nn m:nd can eraop- itinaugura- nlnrt'iPs of the Untiso .uowh, o ( ni r Kilt rev- in can ! cocnised colonies of the of! ed.aTnewera. not for America only, i i - r -f I t