- v -v ' I. - . ; ' ' I - . : . . - - ( ftv :1 - Vf .Ji VOL 2, LEXINGTON,; NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1856. NO. 7. ' i I - k I Hi n 1 1 lit ill'. iifi iii.iki 111111111 hi - iii., iti iii 1 I - MIMJTES - Sunday In Acw York. The Now York Express draws the following sad pic ture of the scenes which are enacted in -that city on Sun- 3 Xew York Sundays, are hardH'the quiet Lord VDays MaVor ood promised us when 'he entered upon his term of office. From his en ertrciic commencement, all hoped that our city would once more enjoy her Sab baths; but that hope his be come despair, so far. as the remainder ol his term of office is concerned. Broadway, with its fine, smooth Russ pavcrmrnt, in the absence of omnibuses and carts, is every S in !-v turned into a race r . , A r fat horses, driven i " ,',-r vo'mg men. The v , ; ;; ! rs in the Broadway churf i ' are constantly an noy i :"d pained bythe wild shouts and reckless 'hi ! hi's!' of these rowdy fellows, as their vehicles tear down the streets. The lives and limbs of foot passengers are put in small peril by their furious proceedings. While the car rinse road is given up to ra cing,'thc.sidewalKs.arc infest ed with drunKen loafers. It is a positive fact, that, last Sunday, half a dozen dead-..-unen fellows were lying nslcepin the sun on Broad way si'lewolK, a spectacle to all the passers-by, an illus tration of the efficiency of our worthless police. " In every street Sunday stores arc kept open, and bar ter and trade, buying and sel ling, continued just as if there Mere no Sabbath Day com manded to be kept holy by 1 he laws of both God and man. Not only is the sense of pub lic decency outraged by the numerous apple, candy and liquor stands in the open street, but on every blocK the ale-houses, and grogshops, and rum-holes, bowling sa loons, billiard saloons, and all the resorts of dissipation and vjee, arc kept in full hhist a41 day and all night. In the evenings, the otherwise quiet streets resound with bacchanalian songs and shouts of disputants ;and in the darK corners and hellish rumshops murder is always committed. On Sutday last, in a lager bier shop, there was a proba bly fatal stabbing affray. On the previous Sunday, also, a man was stabbed to death: while on Sunday, August IS, four persons came to violent ;ind muj-deroua cinW OF THE TWENTIETH SESSION OF THE LIBERTY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, HELD AT ' ABBOTTS CREEK MEETING HOUSE, ' NEAR BROWN TOWN, DAVIDSON CO., N. C, AUGUST 22, 23, 25, 1856. Anecdote of Washington. Mr. R. II. Lee, writing from Ya shi n g't od, 'Pa. correcti ng a statement in Gov. WiWs .oration at Lexington, resales the foV.owin'g .furcciote of Washington "During Gen. Washington's id m inist ra t i o n , h e almost daily attended his room, ad-I joining the Senate Chamber," and often arrived before the Senate oranizcJi. On-one oecas'bnjrc before his arri vaU Covcrncur Morris and come other Senators were st a nding'togethcrcon versing on various topics,and, among st them, the natural but ma jestic air of Gen. Washington, when one observed there was no man living could taAe a liberty with him. The sprightly and bold Morris remarked, "I will bet a dozen of wine I can do that with impunity.' The bet was ac cepted. Soon after Washing ton appeared, and commen ced an easy pleasant conver sation with one of the gentle men, at a little distance from the others. While thus en gaged, Morris stepping up, n a jocund manner tapped Washington on the shoulder, in a very familiar mariner, and said," Good morning, did fel low!" -The General turned, and merely looKed him in the face, without a word, when Morris, with all his assumed effrontery, stepped hastily hack, in evident discompos ure, and said, "Getlemen, you nave won the bet, I will nev er taxe such liberty again !" A he writer received this from one who was a member of the Senate and present. . Abbotts Creek, M. II., Davidson Co. Friday, August 22, 1850. The members of Liberty Association, met according to adjournment. The introductory Sermon was preached by Bro. A. Williams, from Rq. 10 1. 1. After a short intermission, the members met again. The Association was called to order by our former Mode rator. Letters handed in contents noted. See last p. 2. The Delegates present, proceeded to the choice of Moderator for the -present term, which resulted in the choice of Bro. B. Lanier. 3. On petition, the Church at Grcensborough was re ceived by the Moderator, giving right hand of fellowship as a member of this body. (See last page.) 4. Called on correspondents from Sister Associations to take seats with us ; when Bro. J. McDaniel, from the Sandy Creek came forward, and Bro. Ilerriford, the Bue lah, and was cordially received by thn Moderator, giving right hand of fellowship. Also, Bro. P. Wright, from Pe dee, and was received cordially. 5. On motion, appointed Bro. A. Weaver. Wm. Tumor, Win. Lambeth, with the Moderator and Clerk, a Commit tee of Arrangements. C. Bro. J. C. Averitt and Bro. O. Churehii!, a Com mittee of Finance. On motion, adjourned until to-morrow 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer by Bro. A. Weaver. Satin day, August 23. Met according to previous adjournment. Religious ser vices bv Bro. Win. Turner On.motiotn Committee of Arrangements reported. a ne report rocived and Committee continued. 1. Appoint the following Committees on Church letters and state of religion. Bro. Wm.Turner, Bro. Isaac Kin ney and S. Newsom. On Sabbath Scbools, Bro. A. Weaver, Wm. It. Coggin and B. May. On. Missions, Bro. J. C. Averitt, Wm. S. Herriford and J. A Parks. On Bible and Publication Society. Bro. James Mo.Banud. Aquilla Jones and Wm. Lambeth. On the Baptist State Convention, Bro. A. Williams, A. Weaver and B. G. Charles. On motion of Bro. A. Weaver, the document from Nashville was received, read and referred to the Committee on Bible and Publication. " 2. Invitation given to transient Minister?, with licen tiates to take seates with us. Bro J. A. Cornish, came forward, and was recived. j 3. On motion, the Commute on Finance, reported. Report received Committee discharged. 4. Call on Correspondents to Sister Associations to re- nnrt. All the Brethren that failed to attend, were excused, but requested to attend punctually for the future. 5. Appointed Correspondents to the following Aocia jinm. to the Yadkin, to be held Cross jtoad Church, Davie County, Bro. Wm. Ti3mbc-lh, Wm. Turner and A. William5, on Saturd-.y before the first Sabbath in October. STo Sandy Cveck, Bro. A. Weaver, B. Lanier and O. 'Churchill to be held at Mays Chapel, eight unles South Fridav before the hrst 12. On motion,, the Association proceeded to the choice of Preachers to occupy the stand on the Sabbath, which resulted in the choice of Bro. James McPaniel, A. Weav er and Wrri. Turneraud Bro. James McDaniel to preach a Missionary Sermon at 11 o'clock. A. M.- take ,up ,a collection for domestic mission in our midst. 13. On motion, adjourned until Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer by Elder Wm. Lambeth. J - j Sabbath. The Ministers appointed to preach on this day, met a large, respectable and orderly congregation, at 9 o'clock, Bro. Wm. Turner, preached from Joel the 2 chapter 13 verse. Bro. James McDaniel, of Fayetteville, followed from Zachriah 13 chapter 1st verse. A collection was then taken1 up amounting to $ll,63r the use of domestic missions, after a recess of one hour, or at 3 o'clock P.. Ms Bro. A. Weaver, preached from 2nd Kings, 5th chapter 12th verse, all of which was very interesting and satis factory. - i Monday Morning, Augusf 25th. The Association met according to previous adjourn ment, and after prayer by Elder Amos Weaver, the Asso ciation proceeded to business in the follo'wing manner: 1. On motion, Bro. A. Weaver, reported on Sabbath Schools. (See letter D.) Report received and Committee discharged. Committee on Church letters and state of Religion, re- n:irted. Report adopted and Committee. discharged. (E) On missions, teported. Report received and Committee: discharged. (F) On Bible anil Publication Society, reported. (See G) Report adopted, Committee discharged, an: also adopted fi? resolution. On motion, agreed to give Bro. Williams time to write a report at home, on the Baptist State Convention and confer with Bro. A. Weaver, one of the Committee, and attach the report to the Ministers. 2. On motion, the Association proceeded to the zation of a Bible and Publication Society, when they pro proceed to elect their officers. See further proceedings. ?. On motion, appointed Bro. Wm. Turner, Missionary in the northern portion of this Association, relying on his iic-M for support. Also, on motion, appointed Bro. Wm. Lambeth, Mis sionary in Rowan County, relying on his field for support, and Bro. A. Williams, to the Piney Meeting House. 4. On motion, proceeded to eject Bro. Wm. Turner, to preach the Missionary sermon, on Sabbath, at our next annual meeting, at 11 o'clock, A. M. On motion, the Clerk is directed to write to the board of the Convention, requesting them to appoint A. Weaver, rJing Missionary in the bounds of this Association. iAnd we uppoint Bro. John C. Averitt, delegate to the Baptist State Convention. 5. On motion, the delegates proeeeaed to pledge for the Churches or individuals, the sum announced to their names, to raise a fund to pay our Missionary for the en sueing year, which is a part of his salary. r.m. WilHim Corr.n, for Lick Creek, ?iu u.j Isaac Kinney, E. Merrill, for Jersey, rpiilla Jones, Abbotts L-recK... Article III. The pbject of this Society shall be to aid 1 of Christ, your Committee are of the deliberate opinion i'Vr himself,. S Newsom, do., Toms Creek, Jonathan Welsh, do.. James Town, irenjamiri May, do., Liberty, Abram Palmer, do., Holloway s, S. M. Charlee, do., New Friendship, Fli Coo-irin. do.. Bis Creek. ","' I A Parts, for self or Church at Reed's Cross Roads, benjamin-Churchill, for Grcensborough, 10.00 10.00 . ,r).00 7.50 6.00 COO 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 . 5.02 $83.50 in circulation of the Holy Scriptures in ououWn and other I lands ; and the funds collected by. us shall be sent up to the State Baplist Bible Society of our own State, or to the Bible Board of the Southern Baptist Convention at Nash ville. OF. OFFICERS. Article IV. The Officers of this. Society shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary and Trea surer, who shall perform the duties common to officers in similar organizations ; and shall br elected by a plurality of votes at each annual meeting ;- and in case of a failure to elect, shall hold their places until another meeting; OF MEETINGS. Article V. The regular annual meetings of this Socie ty &hall be held at the same time and place .with the meet ings of our Association, at which the following order of business shall be observed : V 1st. The reports of the Treasurer and of the ,Board of Directors shall be read. L 2d. A sermon, or other addresses suitable to the occa sion, shall be delivered. . 3d. An opportunity given to those present to become members, by subscribing or contributing to our funds, and a jreneral collection taken up. 4th. Officers elected and speakers appointed for the next meeting. An adjourned meeting may be held at any time, or one may be called at any time, by the President or either of the Vice Presidents. OF. LIFE DIRECTORS. Article VI. Any person who shall contribute to our funds the sum of twenty dollars, at any one time, or in two annual installments, shall be considered life directors, and with the officers of the Society, shall constitute a Board to Attend to any business in the interests of the re- i golar meetings. V-Auticle VII. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two thirds of the members present at any regular meeting. Tlie Bible Society, after their organization proceeded to elect 'officers for the present year, which resulted as fol lows : A. Williams, -President ; Isaai Kinney, first Vice President; J .A. Park?, second Vice President; Wm. Tur ner, third Vice-President ; John C. Averitt, Secretary and Treasurer. LIFE MEMBERS. A. Williams, J. A. Parks, Alexander Delap, Isaac Kiuney, Benjamin Lanier. ANNUAL MEMBERS BY THE PAYMENT C-F FIFTY CENTS. J. C. Averitt, Aquilla Jones, John Teague, William Turner, John Redwine, John Charles, -Aquilla Teague, A. O. P. Teague, Benjamin Churchill, Jonathan Welch. A mAi.nt ouKcrriKpd $30.00 Cash received, -1"MJ 1 . $14.50 Elder John C. Averitt, was apointrd to deliver an address-before the B. B. Society at our next annual Associ ation. 4 ' fc ' A. WILLIAMS, Presiebxt. JOHN C. AVERITT, Secretary. of Piltsjorongh, to commence Sabbath in Oct-ber. To the Pedee. to commence, on Friday before the Sec ond Sabbath in October, Bro. B. Lanier, John Redwine Trill tn T?iifl:ih and A. Palmer. .To be liciu ai opnu- brethren, A. Weaver, Wm. -Turner and John Teague, to commence on Friday before the third Sabbath in Augusf C. On motion, the report of the Committee on Missions and Colportage, was received (sec letter A.) and dis charged. 7. Called on Missionaries to report, when Bro. A. Weaver, reported. (See appendix B.) Bro. Wm. Turner, Missionary to Waughtown, reported. G. Resolved, That the Association return their thanks to the brethren and friends for their liberality in support ing this Meeting during its Session. 7. We further authorize the Clerk to have 500 copies of the Minutes printed, and distribute them as usual. 8. On motion, we adjourn to the time and place of the M Session of this Body, when a few touching and ap REPORTS, ETC. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. $ 17.72 J 1.50 that few if any of the legitimate lah to which tne Church is invited, are so full of hope, or promise so rich and so gracious a Teturn as Sabbath Schools. Yet, your 'Committee, with regret, have to istale that this inviting field lies with us almost wboly uncultivated. It was a circumstance regarded by St. Paul as exceedingly auspi cious in the life of an imminent son of his in the Gospel, "'That from a ch ild, he had known the Holy Scriptures, and there is- no means known to your Committee equal to a well conducted Sabbath School, to familiarize the young mind with the word of Cod. Solomon says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not.dcpart therefrom.' V It will be said, perhaps, that parental training is here al luded to. Be it so. Still, it is a most appalling truth, that pious parental training is far from being general. Perhaps, in few cases is this so perfectly attained to in the iamily, as to render the Sabbath School unnecessary ; while, in very many instances, the children and youth of our country must and will continue to grow up in the most deplorable ignorance and vice; and, consequently, become the pest of both, Church and State, who might, under proper moral culture, seasonably anu juuiciousi applied, become ornaments to both.- This defect in pa rental training can only be met by the Church through the ao-encv of the Sabbath School. And none can doubt that it is the legitimate and sacred duty of the Qhurch to look after this thing. And even under tha most favoura ble circumstances, it has been found that Sabbath Schools arc of invaluable advantage in strengthening and in form ino" pvental religious cultivation. Again, it is believed that among the happy results that usually attend the labours of a well conducted Sabbath School, the reflex influence on those teachers and supcr- intcndanls engaged in conducting them, is by no means the least of their results. In the whole range of divine. obliffation, God has graciously blended our duty with our instincts; and this principle is not less positive and opera tive in -the matter under consideration. Those who en- jrared for an v considerable length of time, ncarui,.in delightful task of impressing thcminds ol our cuuum and youth, witli the duties of religion and obligations of piety, cannot fail to have the sphere of their ownnuM edge of God-lIis law and government enlarged their hearts enobledi and their .-Spiritual graces improved. Thus, Sabbath Schools are in a two fold sense the nurse ries of the Church aiding and enforcing on the one hand parental efforts; and on the other, rendering powerful and effective, the living ministry, when it must, without them, be faintiless and inoperative. Your Committee, in view of the above facts and considerations, beg leave lo offer the following Resolution and recommend its adoption : Resolved, That this Association recommend each Church within our bounds to form Sabbath Schools at their res pective Meeting Houses, or at such other place or places, as they shall find most convenient, that they take such steps in regard to the same as.to have their Schools regu lar organizations, and that they send up their Delegates to the next Associationwith furl return of their proceed ings on this matter with authority to organize, during that meeting of our Body, an Associational Sabbath School hich each, inour bounds, may aci a au.i- 1U' (See Letter C.) On motion, look a recess of one hour. Benediction by w hich i. u.. -.1.1.,- Tr.hn f! Avpritt. propriatc remarks were niauu uv - - - and concluded with singing and prayer. BENJAMIN LANHjR, Moderator. AZARIAH WILLIAMS, Clerk. consisting of a mi them to form a quorum, were appointed. Be just and fear not. the Moderator. Met pursuant to adjournment. ft On motion, agreed to have a missionary for the en- . tr ibfi choice of one suemg car, anu putccui-u - terminated in choosing Bro. A. Weaver. 9. On motion, agreed to appoint a board on Missions,. ember from each Church, and five ol when the following Brethren ro witWm. R. Coggin, Wm. Owen, Aquilla Jones, John Skeen, Jonathan Welch, Henry Cop pie, A. Palmer, A. Delap, Enoch Davis, J. A. Parks, V m. Lambed Benjamin Churchill and R. S. Green, to hold their meetings, the fifth Sunday in every month that has five Sundays, with the Saturday before, at Lexington, to transact business. " . . 10. On motion, agreed to hold the next annual meeting of this body, with Reeds Cross Roads Church, five miles west of Lexington, to commence on Friday before the fmtrth Sabbath, ill AuffUSt 1857. ' o i 11. On motion, appointed Bro. Wm. Turner, to preacn the Introductory Sermon, and Bro. Wm. Lambeth, his a!-lernate. On motion, this Association request Bro. lurner; to preach a doctemal discourse, choosing hi suDjeci. CONSTITUTION OF AN ASSOCIATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY. In order that we maymorc systematically and effects allv co-onerate with the Baptist Bible Society of this State and the Bible Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, in-the ureal work of circulating the Holy Scriptures in our own and other lands, we hereby form ourselves into a Bible Society to act in connexion with this Association, and adopt the following CONSTITUTION. ! Article I. This Society ohall.be called the Bible Soci ety of the Liberty Association.. ! or members. - Article IL This Socieiy shall brcomposed ol the following classes of persons : .' -1st. Of aTl the messengers sent up with Omds from conventional or other local bible, societies, which shall beentiTled to one delegate for every five dollars sentup. 2nd. Of representatives of Churches, Missionary Soci eties, Stindav Schools, or any other bodies which shall send up fund's, one delegate for every five dollars sent up. ! 3d. Of all persons who shall have paid five dollars or .:-, k-nrifitv. or to any of its aux- rnore, at anyone muC " c ' ,.f ! 5Ab nersons shall be counted members for lde. I Ail J. Ot all persons, who are present at any meeting.of ihfe Society and contribute the sum of fifty cents .hall be considered members for the year. ; t. Received from the Churches T.mrla in the hand of the Treasurer Tntnl nn hand at the present.. , $19.23$ (A.) 77te Committee appointed at last Association on Home Missions .and Golportage, beg leave to report That they found some difficulty in geting a Minister to travel in the bounds ol the Association, guneiauv certain compensation.- However, we engaged Elder A- mos Weaver some time the past Spring to devote a portion of his time as Missionary and Colporteur within the bounds of our Association, to rely entirely on his field for his support. All of which is respectfully submitted, by ABRAM PALMER, Chairman. (B.) MISSIONARY'S REPORT. I have, since my selection by your Committee as -Missionary and Colportuerfor this'Association, not been able to obtain looks, and as such have done nothing in the way of Colportage. I have spent, in preaching and travelling, some twelve to fifteen days; which, together with time set .apart for the same purpose, but which was not required, owing to meeting not being continued a long as anticipated. Work ed some two thirds of a month Ihave received from the Churches the following a mounts, to wit : . ; $3.50 G.7f """'" ...-G90 Society, to av; iary -r .- ."t 3.75 From Hollowelt's,. Lick Creek,. u Big Creek,. T.iWtv....'i j -, All of which is,respccUuHy submitted, by . AMOS WEAVER, Missionary. All of which is respectfully submitted. AMOS WEAVER, Chairman. . (E.) - The Commitleeon Church Metiers and slate of Religion Report . , That from the statistics of the Churches in this Associ ation, we find that during the past year, there has been little or no increase. Beligion. then, must be in rather a low state. We are taught that when Zion travails, she brings forth : and it is manifest, from the experience of every otie, that when tho Church is in a lukewarm con dition, that there is but little interest felt by the world in matters of religion. If the light of the Christian grows dim in the same proportion, darkness will pervade tiro earth, and sinners will" press- onward in the road to rum ; for be that walketh in darkness, knoweth not whither he goeth. There is great responsibility resting upon us. We would say first to the Ministry: "Cry aloud, spare not; lift thy volse like a trumpet, and ..show my people their transgressions, and the house of Jactyb their fiiw." And secondly, lo the laity, we say: Hold up your Ministers' hands ; 'let them feel, like a mighty engine, the power of your co-operation; and then you will see Zion prospering for God works through his people; anu ine-rciigion 01 Jesus Christ prompts us to act in this great Scheme of bc ,.nlpnMi and we know that our labour is notin.rain I with the'Lord; The stone cut out without hands became j a great Nation and filled the whole earths j All of which is respectfully submitted. . ! WILLIAM TURNER, Chairman. The following Report submitted by milium Turner, KRssionary at JFaughlotvn I have preached thirteen sermons, baptised five of that congregation, and received Ten dollars and sixty three cents compensation l: ' ' :" " (i.) ".' v - " - REPORT ON SABBATn SCHOOLS. The Commigee on Sabbath Schools, beg leave to submit the following Report In looking over the field of our operation, and survey- ing the numerous instiumentalities now within the Church (c.) (f.) ' -Report on missions. The importance of Missions must be evidehl- Uiose who are acquainted with the mral condition of the world. The majority of the inhabitants of the globe.are still en veloped in Pagan darknes. Txe glad tidings of salvation through the mediation of Christ has never saluted their ears. It is not necessary, however, to look beyond our own bounds to see the importance of Missions. Even within the limits of Liberty Association, there are many sections almost entirely destitute of preaching of any . kind and manv other sections destitute oi uapusi preacmng. It is to be (eared that the Baptisisgenerallyy have not

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