. - - ... . . . . . . ..j , . ' I ' ! -a . . - ....... .. . ... - . ;0 '-'-.r;' VOL- -2. ' lSEXIWT.OX,mpKm'CKOMJFRI.DA0Uli0BfiR .17, 1856. NO. 11. , v - V - rJ ' 4 -i J-v Jj-i nvsih vk tal; I jot i - . -, f ; - 1 '-ZJ PTJfitt SHED WEEKLX J M S EDITORJAND PROPRIETOR. .OO PER (A WtTjl I1T. AOV AXC7TV FEOM THB DKNVItLK REGISTEB, xettiui. , F90M OF NORTn CAROLINA. lxlnw a Ipttpr from John A. f?owinff disirnst among thi piVpl ill- will Joyfully, but of oourse seftetly furtush; ami they can aiU, the laborers in this;f aue b.v lfsonRntl. examples. as obi, a? the .ciay.p of Njmrod, thB firr tnishty hinte.r of men. INIoneytoo will not be waniinf, and ifone monarch can afPril lv sacrifir, I w'o-un-.Jrel millions ..of dullar (.aiul, a , Tmndreil .Uioimand ol men obtain one. victory in finlpr tri T1CP ctroiitrtfi 1i liia ilirnn lintr JOH-N iV. (jrlLijME I -ESQ. ;. many thousands . of miljions woubl all the thrones of the world, pontribnte tp prfak down that ca'ie. which ,vyas daily uivd;r minin the cnu.c of each. , if ? .,: . It is -saidv-lhat , one .press reriyd r?rne hundred thonsnnd bllnrs ti advocate ,fnra j fijw months, one of th revubiti ,narv-'' spflional faet'on. intiv vvb'di , tb" r'J"'r?" - (l.'vided ; and ibis fact'ahd the,yi'W. bri Hv j presepted abnve. will a?v .s;fPp f ',,? idea if the frces seer'tlv.Hr?,,,,,,d t . wrk ojit the destnictini of American frpbn. -This is an alarming view, , not in the lf:s exacpyer-'t u or, nyerdr ' W" : ht. irpntli-me. it i set off by cunsideratjons which ftirnifsj? groorl reason for cn"sot.ation and bne,- 1 leaving" not of view. rir the .fSrecpm - cv- erv anjument bisdon the bj.Tber and no bler virtues of pnlrioirr','?itrd a3ve ofu tice and freedom, ' fr ibeir own akes. so eminentK' illustrated id the ch:rret"r of the American people, ?t ejue of rt-ro-it consedation at tb' cr'is. to'1 repii;er they are eqnnllv distinguished bv an i"tell jrejit sense of t!ier "wn intPft'. ad lpn- lv senc'tve to Ml the fhTCtnni'ere r!i- f;;imer. Esq.. u response to th inriftoi. of the Commit j:pp; inviiino- him to the Mass Ippt'm? at Pofsvlvania Cnnrfb'on4e : ' ORT-T.ooTTr.Tr, N. Cl'Sept. 17: UnRTLP.MKK!: 1 nave frpived vor letters nfthe 19tb Anrnt and fttb Sept-'fribr. in vitinrnie to He present on the 1st October ppxt, fit Pittylva"' Court llonpe, ynd to nflHrefy a Ms Mei-tihsrf tbe ' friends' of Fil'mnre and Don'dsWn. Indispensable en- ments nave ,r vented a more eanv r- 1-,- ti the invitation ; and these enp-nore- 1 . ( ! , - , nif'Mt", wiih tlte attention due to my private fTi'rs, nelecteil tlunnfif the pat ummcr. rviil nrently tn , for me to f)r in ihis inst,aiirt, we liavf iTHsX-ii also'tlrai the election of an other, niav V- arc the onU certain eideijresol their rhar- beeausee is actly in. point. , Danffetrs-i ptHisHyftfltpiiAa,r.! gin one f those immnMtHm.w:tiich render. etr w havs, a perU ct rjila to s y tlat if qiiUI les; i threatened, us sme Jour year? aeo.., Pftjl every '.thing sVcUreand "worthless" except Mr,!FilliTUre.. withdrawal would. cie, us private matjers, honesty is the best polity the best man sr confess rd and because in all public ar mv ren-re. render it ?mpos- ' be with yu at the time and nlre dosiynnted. . I enn. however, tndv sav tbnt mv" heart is with von injtbe cnucc, in which vpu are rtir:'Lrel : ard I mnv nlso he pern iltpd to nnro von t!iit wbrnvrr'T ntishn t!!:! :mv rfTorts nr mine woubl be .ntnimpn t 1 in ad vnncinsT t1is i Trent ,caue. T am rea- to vet Muvu'here, to do anything- honrirn ! T.noir. . ! tf'. nd to niriKe any sncraficr. I am en ,V'( for thej' whole' w-ir and prepared to i.nli o ntiv post j; and even the pr j?e"t pres .nrp of private interest, would not keep me au :y f rm v'omt mert-r-fr. were T not s ti- fuil i hat mv iiCni'm-p j- , prpono i not needed rn an i opnsion, which w'll enmnnnd th" sprviees nfm.inv ofoitr most .distinguished and able ro-' ihrers. . j 'Theufh not aceuetomd ,eaHv toiak alnrm, I fullj concur in the now ffenernl o i:nion of our f i'r ni'n bd and saraeiou F:itrcmen. that we are in tlip most serions rr'is of our history ; and I feel as you f el, ! i . i ; . r r . . i put! :ts every Iiptisi ril ' ' i nwiito.in , tli:tt ! t!ie o-'oiious hones l-ironjyht ito the V X T 1 pocs atlntro. :n'tr t!.e nnni n 1 "" -B o a 'rnP anl equal f - vr" n -v. lyn prcs of our nope Imvp displayed n pprcv . d enterprise unknown e'-w!iere; and tt road to' wealth and honor Se'n open'to all. a'l or a crea majority re livings in eomfoft irroimd'l att r'r'f'ipf'o never Oiinrl amotUr the mnss in other ecmtr'ej. "m. i fpafp'l by hopes of greater weilth and tincfffn, ami happily afisorbcd in all the gainful arts of peace1. i! ' - ' ' tieh', a people, wlioco enterprise1'-''"'" probed every corner of te paftb. and ha bepn rewarded with o-'verflowbio' str"am8'of plenty, surely cannot he easily fmpfp'l'to cast away their earninp-s. to tear up their improvements, to burn d wn t'e'r own hnnis and houses, and to ebthe' themelve in the rntrs and wretchedness of poverty ir.,i!,l In- Iip iAiTierienn "Revolution, are now . I. ,i ' atd oppression. Ml I!" llllll:' Ill-Ill M-I'. HI ir ' Miv. i-Tini.-. to rule the hour: anl everywhere., on tlip rf:.ep t least. we beudd intent ioiflsii- pillions of capital expended on enterprises res, unrafsonin; fanaticism and remorse 1 nmhitim. Like all such excitements, tending 4 tlip dissolution and ruin of the settled ord-r of thirds, the threatening" Jtspeet of the t'mps Ins copiured op. from their hiding jl ipps the vulture brood that feeds upon the pnrensses rf the lead and these rejrnrr! in? our beloved country already in its dyinjr ajronirs, are le2ri,uinT to parcel out its -..remains. au( t whet their creeds" bills fr i an infernal feast. The fall of our country v-eidd indent furnish a pflorious harvest to nil thr Mr K of prey fr m the four quarters of the earth : J and v here there is the ast h.iop of sneh n sml ronsumatiou. we m-'V i i expect a rnnd rally, to, that end, of all the : rneririos of tyranny in every nation. A'l the loading powers of the earth, with per Inps one exception, are interested it? the lst uction of the Union of these States, and the hopes with which it is ,freibtftd : and lie must he hut little read in the les sons of history, and extremely ignorant of the characters of unjust power, as concen trated in thej hands of despotf. monar'.s, ttho can doiibt for a' tn,Trrent the act've sympathy, backed with all the 'resources of t?ipir empires of the rnlers o!f Atitndia and Franee in Ivejialf a? those : who "are ronpir iff on her soil against the liberty of Antr ici. I rhp rutssejs here were tea'chr nr to all others the value of Union amn-lr them--elv- remeaiber ? the -pMrterjtioys ;e lpuds jyhjcji Jiune iirmn,lhd'4wnlff thecTay;ltir admjnvs- tratiot, andrib jjhftpelesiappearBiiceiiof tbinffs which then shed a gloom- oyjer-.all iheKcoiintrv. , AYe. rehjemher usa jhaltiese; clouds passed away va,8 .suddenly as theyt had a t hf jejajmUtpithiAdrr? tMqtllS PTmy morninor succeeded rne of the h right est and mosIcbiLf iouiUyJi nuo'ilf li!sJl. Z&t oon; as .ihefe w;as, seated, itr, powfrs,lfl?dn71, t ratiim sternly, resd eAito Aaj rich ttJaV all brzards.tov.itself, and to, thfjjyy ttselforllie Im,p,s! " & n (1, pa t riot is p lijf nuyv. f?'fi ryw(.ijre.uNih and, Soiul;trIit, eb massed rlid, eithnsiaBH a;l v .t; .js . s.qp pop tl:p lefidexz iwt- pmpti(fdn'tpfpjla'rtr the. :frrf)tipDs, fljif fifSed. Ui wre yejuked( ferrarotl 4h?t Vfe rfftrtv. were? ifV:ri5,lttJim thn fall the, cliHiculties were lhje;w or.k-pf npj-' bilious. a nl pvlf-fet kinj pi tjer ns the ifVropV? WifTfft .X1,CV bad iit a) tjijr sanitations fpro f: ss ( dj , ti dfil a e Jvff i " -Ah. name of the, peope4 but jwhuji.uie tftsuwas apjdicd. it was obvious that dbey lad' nl.vj hee Hperatlnp-n iheir own te!raJf amlVit tr''n"st the ,jvMl; and. tb.1" wbes of th.rife whom )ho.VifnepTe8riMr1.- iTltejuf Ve" nle f heii'displavedla-healthv fttirt,C'f.'po?i cervat;sm. moderation, .and prmbtnee ;,am it needs but. little information .of 'Unman- in ture to sitrv o it 1 i -impossitde -fir?a nat in nenihrrino- milliors f sciits. and vfiy- nri,,i.n nrrrp-roriv;n .ftltp drib's snrfee. to ehanp-e suddenly, 'from (iHsp amV 4hHf- My popb well posted in -their oyniiter- pets, to a nation of mailmenHlrunkwi-ilv in sane paiors i and rvirr -with i'esre to tear out its ov r, ivitals. Tt ef nnrtts'e . sm withpnft a direet imrarle. -nl we an - at f"pt dieeover the or'e-in.vf all. jrnr tpptiHes. 4s sotv-s tbe.ndtninistrat ion - which had inannriirated snrh 1 bripht' day in our htstO rv had censed, anil a new one .pncfeeded, faction wiih its! Satanic .conning and; perse verpnn. acra in began to plv' its wicked art? ' and'Hiil )ime. uobapiuly, i' found ears ready to iste7i to. 'its delusive Mrnins.i .It gfliped a footlifdd near the hi?hest sat of po.we,r.;md he. who Was !sv often unseated ' (wm ;h'9 Hfirse'in "the? battles of Mexico,' wa-soonJt-ken captive by honeyed accents ofthu fdrkr ed tongue. M o! , -. r: . :? 1 :v. , :n,. ' Our President, with perhaps no evil in-i tentions. (indeed it is possible that his im-'piiW-s wre of a kindly nature) wasdelihe r tilv tapped by the Van Bunn -a 'frarHe or evil -omen and while flouudering""ih the 'wile's of the grejvt' Magician of Kimlerhook; he invi lved liitns-rdf. hisi adiiiinistra'tion: and ? p ('(Mi't:J, in ii i- rnblv tron' le aml coilfli- sioii. Every eff rt h.c made to exrieate himself frmr the trf.acbenMis hOok:that ' bld K'pimV o citiiuingly baited for him inNHv York, only ct)mplic::t d hi d fncuhifV while he lashed ' the tn uhh d wnier."in more furious eXcitenient ; and non lra" shbrt secluded ports of Japan, which nvkes our term of fmr years, i.eginri'nff . tture . n o-e m .rehants princes, and our mechanics ar.d I favonible anspic-s than trial or any i resi- i aT culturists sovereigns, the equals of kifiL'S j!iO.-aiIllllU,Jl.pP-lLc.iI cunninganu mill Rut these are thcstock in trade of only a Ine people not, eject me people's randioate T1 TitCy say he eanrH b-elected. YlTo saysso? GluiiUmep.A UavejuUyjran- standing the resilt--oflhe election, I am prolyl' of the criri?A?l fitrr? made-? and T can shv, And du spy fVVffty fV w'1 nn honest. lu?artrtlatiwj?TOy-delibraJteppin- a President, whose election . would restore and the onlv one .worthy of honest and horte- aj Pr".pp ? the country,-that he honbrafiTernenK Vhen they say to us vir wouid.hot forVdne moment hesitate. s m tue and patriotism are 'frY a miserable minor Tin is a proud boast we can jrhake of . ty, therefore von ought to choose sraon our champion ; and I know. that vou and I the evil factions of the times, ' one -of-which and all those who now support ihe great mini triumph, they appeal to men-in wncni 'stntesmati of TSrw York, would instantly, thev suppose the lo"c-of freedom and the Aeserthim if wp. supposed him unvillifig4o love of 'tight have reaseir lo'be the ruling siakk sneh an end. nV j passioMs,? They appCaHo-bui4 ftneaner in- htolnAl?nten4,ittis a glorins""reflecionvtp tinctsj and tacitly ronfess Jlhat.thf y mean member ilwlU bistofy . will record this by: lovejQf rouRlry thedesire of beinj; t)i f0TOliP$Q!,l ' mo nJ Ills friends, the side. 9f its;,rulers,-whether.they be just ion, after a full tip"Potirntty W JKiMthat1' rllf t mW P-only, retuses , or unjust. . Jl all rncnfwfire sucji ere wouifi an Immense jorWWe'Telpr 5lCHft fe'. rhJ 00n ce jo le a, UnUed Statef ArnrrK for 4 President. -.aillUnf.Bill. of. Ni w w'miitoomitrrtarre the idea that -a c anJ;thf re, wond . nevcr b( another free Yr1sl" Ami ynu. htlcnrt. ami aiv oth- XVashingtoike'' administration cannot .be country. Jf all mPnwere such thcio never agatn restoreti to powrr. men i nave seen would nave nee.n a i nermopviw r .ira- org pn o -i c 1 1 ( - t Alllr it ctmilM,. fc ' tl n rr amone" the hnrJ AvWhV.r-- Wo'iigTi 'of hi' prtriotism nrd disirterestrd .jhorr a imlser IliU pr Yotk Town, a I?c jLiiuJiave . onl .vr? 'i B4.. V&itrrMKiih p noi : 1 ! man stnnila ; If!ao nr" TlrtrAnden: or Washington. II v to - accost ane nrsi-plain. - r - t i v vi i v- . t. . - ritixvf vm rnffUiwflose rp n,p?"-,n 14 1 1 ipmnipn ajiujinp country s pariy rmnj nnur m-i i welfare of tliP; rountrv. 'frorHihan .ennugh'tfort we alt know that of all the parties of these evil times, men . . . . I nnu.irnril Irum him trimlll nll'PIlt !l "lk!ln. mIi,, ihnnlil nAf this, lilt IP nnrld Jlallll IIU: him-.n nrtnUntnrMsinn n -u- ......... . ... .-- . c., ..... ahi"iesteiMieHigent; L-oU " i n ) ere! f i 1 h'f Lr ti ft i rrri t i f v-m """', ...--... . . ... ' ' ' ,!'.., 11 -1. i .,..;n. 9(i.VMk fi.wniltvr,rpfpr Pd'. Uugtonike", rresident and sate the Union, more manfully to its arm, and wun au ine ' - !. T- . t 1 . T " r .1 : . I .UL Ihn hi hp fleet p A .And the an- A?i vVr ?YfI?",u" """.A ':'D"'rr memories oi inc pam, aim inc . tr.(re. tf I.e coii iri e"'Korthuaipl the' Um.P:";,Viilhatven aniid0the.,tremen- rftiture,tbuming in its breast, resolve, as pa- 'tin-t? ' iJ ..Ti.'ti- ? . ! h f'if-e VTund r. I .t.;c pfl..rt- mnde in.ili-luilp ihe neonle nt !. ri..ta , ln nil : nirp ha vi resolved. lO nledge South; ami where, so many answer thus, -v.vfn " Vrv!--;.! t?T i ; . i - v "whytTVeFt fi !? Wfe.v.r.if jnipersona- ltheir lives, their fortu and, ei sacred rai.oII noi?iCif o.fj ;.: j ;.);; ...v'' t'ion f the s'pirh f sectional hate, of fanati- honor? to .the cause, and untainted by flight WW V& 'n ..ferHV Wr, cisrylfif WiiS. ! orhairoiClithey mu,t. with ilTWy tMn-oVl:(! i' tn in b o Udd and ! U't&v slia nev ; surreHder their people on the su'vjct of his strength, Uf A ,,'fr . .T . ..;s . .. , ..jy 'ks!;. . - . - ' J .',-1.;.-, fiff.t. nrfenn'i!?l!,'!! " " ' 1 arms or.their .orjranizat.nn on any pretext, eoure. those who Ityve brcMiuht our troub- ' , . ... . v , . - ' vi , -- i; ' t.I.....'. ,.:r. ; .t,,., .. .....f-rr f!iTJitls4T am fornFitlmbf !btcntise he has before r after battle, whatever Its issue i I's on rs d-d not 'wahtn Jfee their dear . , ,,v. . , ... .... Lu T. -, ,, . .... ,. ...... - T ,' --m nnpf npinre 8Hvi"ii- mf nminrv in mii arm kiiowiiik ii tm - inm , " " ' , r,oVesp"Csr!at- Mastl :b'yrthe reapfearance p'n pWwer'rhmi." who represents theJcanse 'of 'pea. vtra'nqiiility. iiiiin 'arid "iustiee an'd ''trey: Irave ';ronrp"'inertiel fille, -and shown their own low opinion Vf popnhir in- tellirrenee. by the. .arts reported to. to defeat . I hm. .' hc.v dared-, not to .impeim ms in- ,ten-r'ty. or the instice ol Ins adinintstsat'on : anil henep from the very start,.tiey j-estdved .. V mi1 norcrt'CPinn-lr I r norfnlo I . !, . i. , .t. :.iLt.:L!:il vtrlli. : t not avatfalfe. the pumte minil Willi uie itiea mm hmi- once befdresaved the ctmutry in pist vvrsis-hecanspi fie bas; hen tried bv the the rights of all1 honest men and of ill their -hlgfiesUtes t applied to iitnnan' character, i posterttv will inevitable perish 'ilh it, let and approved hi the boriesty, of thewh.le j us fall if fall we must, fighting i'iiubly and tptlnjry of every - plitieal hue and; com plexioiv;. antf csejie ithe real choice . ti e people f , and Jkeryyae, while knowing this. it irovld be to lend myself tp adelvsive and ehc'iqneennfrtiri to defeat l). iropuJar wish rerena oweririse ana icsiic iiui nc V -Yl'. I . - - - j , Pohohl -their investments, ihe millions on I Vri f'wIVosp sneeess depends on the ex'steeee of the Union and the Pnnsti'ulion in their 'in tegrity'! YilI the "people easily bv!t"i t d- spise lhat flag whih "Ir's be-n their Hea-e and's f ty at h me and their strength and protection abroad"! '. -Ph at ' flag in w hich the citiz"ii can wrap 'himself and lie dnwn with safety in the1 Arabian desrr. beneath which he can push his thriving trade wiih ' every advantage on every sea and river en thVdlohe that flng which' hs ctpeneth to him and the American c tiz m alone t the ingtoii?)ike statesman could not be returned to power'. Thp whole thinrr. oricmntrd Will' the Ipa- ' ..... , ' : m ;i -. ' . der ; , apd. gentleman., this is the talsehond 'And in this 'crmeetion permit' me-to call Vour atteption to a. paragraph ' from the' De troit -Tribune, with the endorsement of the New Ytirk Times, the leading and most re rvMpfrep soil oarer at th.e North. It ....... , . -. oil YKT f M" -. . i r i - - bato meet. Noh an, f South. plausible, and if it he truei then it ap- 1 I ' I n l.i Inbu ilium j,,'pfftiy TO inoi'i'tt lll in iir ni.mr in- i ;S illUi'! lift: .-.i: : .Kj i. . . rsrehoiee only to. get them to vote, lor J'r i) e?t; .1 - . ? n" , the. man-they prefer, and he win sweep tne Jiehl. Ann now, gentlemen, permit me try say that one great r-son of my t opposition ,1o aM other candidates., is. that whatever the men tbemteVrves'migl't. 'h; they were hrotnrht ov.t bV those W ho were-conspiring 'to ih-fe'ft the hope of the country by yste- rtihfip piT-vrts thds to sow misfn t among tpKppop'e.- and mrke eVcb mon bpt? vp that - Vi"neiirhVor 'was pot with him in his hon l .vored. feared and jiroteefed in th ir pur suits of gain and p asure in ' i v ry m ut and city and territory id thfe glohr, savage or civilized! ; " ' Are they prepared I meiui the honest masses',1 on whom f dl'tae:i ivX t the ieiglii of revolutions ; are they prep;ird' bijie conversion of 'their 1" ctorit's1 into barraekf for plundering s'ojdit rs--for having' their siii.s blockaded (vCi'y port on ihYir'oM.n coasts bj-'hostifelleetV from adjiining Stales to see '"their hroid rrfhf.;r gohh n grain fo-" rged Vy the troops of rival i-'i-tious to witness their ci'iie and towns in Thirties to hae their mo ry turned inn-vorth!rss rags in their pockets--their stocks of every kind destroy. fi their lauds deprecated in vfifue t,,eir property of 'every sr cries liable to he seVzed tn at any momeilt, for 1 public uses 1 their being at the mercy of reckless dent in our history, not exeeplir AV:?sh 1 L'tI pears -jhat wp-rame near having,.Freriont put up as the Dero qtaiicr leatler instead of its. opponent in a Yyord, ti e very factions ppw fo. fiercely fiyhtng,yeai li oilier, were 1 oth aiming to g t the same njanfyr stand ard'bean;r, and' tlje Fresojlers stealing a milrcW onrtle party h d by llie Van Burwns, we" nappcneilbv inis' cireumslance albn t, not to he called on liv'tteTCiiiclnnati' con- ....v. ch'iini for Fremoiit as the hope ol vr iin'ii - ---- . the South.5 instead of shoniing ugaihst him : . Vp find i the facts'-. of that' incident. known, for some-tune, stated w hiclj we. h;sve pst ''frence for an b" nest man-. n the .ftdlowing riaragraph. from the Lietroit T5p. Trihv'ne, givmg a report ot a -speern maue 11 ' Frentont. as we all know, is the imp r-n-t'Rn "i if Wane-fill sectionslism.'th -candidate there , . : f.w l,ot t),o l,U!HH"iiii.i , ?reon the"28th ult.; by a gentlemen from PS. TiTA in f- f hoi Vtitfl x-w th'i;Avnmn1p ; Sllli III iai lll J I C v ' . bl -J C A'MH I'M ,1 i iii. I i i t hands' of armed outlaivs, parading every atredv provetl that a unitwi people cnnhl , nil! """j . , , . r , , I,, . , T .,. . . . I'npi.Thhorhootl nn rrftttvi1 ol serving the r.nt he rnslaved bv nnv oower. "Ambition f neijTnnonioou e C l- .-k . . 1 .ln a . t m w mt m loft author-tv, by! .uvliling the alike sufferers, into a m is abouVto terminate in "the-darkest i iiht that 'h; s -yet visited this continent sieee the -discovery of ("olunibus made ;it the hope of the oppressed. " ' ! !il . Thus, gentlemen, we see the cause of our dinicolty, ami we know ihe remedy Th it proved',cyVfj efficacious five -xr six years. a?o, and all we have to do is to apply it.4 If UVashir.tton1 could 'he:r:ue! from the deadwould lie' be call-d a patriot or hones nm".,: wh; wt.uld refuse' to listen to his J voice ?r" And Vet we ''liave miss' among Us, who" for four jVurs was tried as severely as Washington was tried who'canie ifrom the frtn,,''evis;unscath'e! 'as Washing-on Camej :n;l wh. se administr: tion l y the confess-. inn of such euologts' of- Wasbingtin ahd? such haters of ' Fillmofe "'S Gov. ' Wise,- is proclaimed to be vWnshington-tike thrdugh out.1' His exercise tf the highest power wa's declared 1 to be1 Wise; moderate, selt-de-"nvintf1 and beiieficienti bf all the leaders of rPdisunion. It we are so tar gnnp.,; . t .v-r Pmttttpat. . Stati!MEKT. . . . , . i. ll " jii uivi.. . -------- ' . KSotMb must array itseii in sott.i. seetionm n George C. Bates, of t'alilornia. Hliimn ; if which Ilea'ten-frbid f it thp , course : of b;s; speech, nirde fol .. i P.'.-. U (.nirii f mil1 1 Tn wn tn 1 luitinirt V nnrt a ut -' nnli t trul stMt mPtlt I ifl'ppmp ir ni'- -I'"" .. , ... .i ff... hp' North and '-South - to oheiv he I Mr. Hates) was oxprcien .m Sd oepan. . . ... r ,l for CaliforiHa in August 1 855, he was per- take a stand-against ch ,nher.ihi in the mV "p--,f firm ol p5!lm. of common .sen fp, .tare we to ' import. I r Qnok fc Co.. banker of S name in this awful crisi of our frte; for our fiot commander, guide and chamjvion; in this first perilous, t;ss;;y for lojuj'nion, an o d hv p I t - A ral courage nr great military irro ini'iM'JJtr'-'.; ;v fJ -7 . i ii-.i.:"' i...l... . canirons, t m.ui, ,sen i;n. ;.. cian m'lhe inten man whose mora i courage '"r great mi) it hero.mi?trustec? anwlio, tny rift occupied a mosequivtalposit.on rs,an inornate sp.ut.r.u;n hnoj f V exons Clay was politically ansasintec. ? ; If the time lias' not f 6 fah teeing , . ...:.u ,.;n.1 Imte. thpn l am opposed in Biichanan amrf remont because .tl eir friends are opposed to him wbi?m all ac knowledge to be; the safest. am best nian for the whole Union at this great crisi of its fate. , , . ; '. l am for7Mr. Fillmore because , we .all irtair him to he honest, capable and faith Sl bY the. best and surest of tests, whtch ' - -'. -. -- ' -A : I"'" ' t t! UT- Ttn interests of the' State ? In short, are the" 1 1j ... U.. r ilia n-li nr TTnitPil masses who are! people prepare. '"'-- r : nnd irreconcilable factions,' hatinganth fight- tag each other, instead of 'making common ultitude of hostle, J 'State, converted in siic rdephrable scenes p a ..'t,ifi,ih,.!nS those we now behold in Kansas! nj all the'factions, now combined against him ; . . . -i.i.. ... - . . , . i - rt f and ' Washington-like" is- tne me" tversallv acctn-deU at the- ciose oi Depend on it ' many as are the ami itious the -"reckless 'and restless cause gainst the common enemy. ' J lie '-. " . .. , .ii.r j wior. ! on. laws oi Mii-u-i ".' , M1CU l L t m "nisi lmooriaiii icj5?"'!! ii iini nnm-n t - i- i .. . -. niiji M i. niv . o .C strife ?inil drSSO'UttOIl ypg ior sucii tn-i D l'i'o - - ,i. t hnflv of our people; ISortir anil IHC K " x-" I ica was hriMtTv illustrating before the eyes of the deluded millions of the Old Yorld. and whose tinfori' would instantly secure their own triumph and the fall of their op pressors ; anil hence we may expect the enemi es of popular rights to be every where.' and forevpr jealous of our growing strength and happiness. Out riscWcemed continually to presage ttirirdesfruetion. and with what unspeakable dliht mist 'they contemplate the-aparent success in our m'ulst of thtie arts and weai pons, by which alone tyranny can hope to conquer freedom. S All "that is wanting here in experience and talent In the infemal'art . . .i r t . n La South, are too mticti interesiru in mtr no..- est arts ot peace and the maintenance of right ti. desire or permit, wnen rignuy in- farmed, such a state of things. 'I hey wish an honest settlement of our difficulties ; in deed they are very generally beginning to feel the' dangcrs which -tlrreatett their in- terests. . , . And this brings me to the cdnsideration of the real difficulty,1 which' besets -our way. and fthe rephedy: KipCrience is art excellent and tJafe guide whenever we able to fall' back V fSan Francisco. . ! 1 . . . . K linn li o- n t C.t .1 . jo remain nniu .vcuin-.,, vv". ". -f Frertiont-wouhl accompany him thither. Mr. Bates postponed his departure as de I'rn'.l But when the time for his departure arrived, Ol; tfremont. althofigli his troi;ksJ were p: ck' L did not, go, h.t oniereu ms trunks 'iU'the lefropoliti. II tel.-1nsjea1r.7-rph?p Vast;n cor.seo,unce-'f the following fflct C.'irv. Flovd f Virginip, had just ar-riveVin-.N-'W York city for the fecial pur pose of having an interview with Col. V re montrand;the result of that ' interview was nnffer made to Cot Fremont In , Gov, r7 Sr, hehnlf of the Democratic Party, he lavi? advised irith the. leading men l)orth and Fouth. df the nomination for the Pre Wfn;. Tie said that party wanted a new man. a man of, integrity and well known fdistinction outside of politics. Col. tre- rp'ont, after listening patiently, ann even iiKmitting to two sepcrate interviews,and knounns t Jit platform he was expected to tnd tnon. replied : .that while. deeply sen- sihle of,the high disiinction of the proposi- j ' . ' ' 1 i:j rtr.l" while!. Air. Bu can ne appueo " m.t "V j fpi ;,; chanan already, belies every argument . o.l s toTii''"disinteTfsfedness ,and self . - , . " L .1. tl.AAt nml -c ...u'v few flat- Ischial by re using 10 leave u,r .r. HIS term or power, " i ' , t-.:i. f ,hrt m.n.'.ffhflttli'i. - j :.;..."...t PThrit.; - tlmS insure tni-ro-' 1 hravelv m its defence. -h -TrulJitfiu-tJOIINGILMER. Messrs-M. H. Carrington,. David lllark, Thos, P. Atchtnson, E. F. Keen, John Gilmer, W.T-Siitherlin, Allen.Mitchell, h, M..Shumaker. A. St ft ii ford," -V. II. Mo orman, Samuel Befger, Wm. h. Pannell, AViliiam II. Payne, G. B. Thoriiton, Com , mittee. .- s; ''"..' . '" ''. "';"-"- Praise is grateful. Jet it come from any source. We helieve it is t'eryantes who . has acutely remarked. Praise from a fool or censure from "a madman is not without its influence "upon ins, howsoever we may despise the source whence it emanates. We" were f drawn to these reflections from reading the speech of .Ex. Gov. Floyd of Virginia, in reply to Mr. Speaker Banks, lately delivered in Exchange, in the uty of New York, before an immense etincourse. tjiat speech,;amon other things, Ex-Gov. Floydi himself. a Democrat, and a candidate oij.the. Democratic Electoral ticket in Vir ginia, took occasion, to bear the following honorable testimony to the American party in the State of New York ; "and we com mend it to the attention of those Southern Democrats who have publicly "denounced the members of the American party as "trai tors, da rji lantern heroes,' " mid-night conspirators." ' &e., &ef terms as false and slanderous in themselves as oppugn ant to proprety' and courteoosr -Ex-Gov; Floyd said : T, j.-" n 'j!ut.iri'Ij'j".vr, , I find- front a sojofrn pf;,one week in New Yrorkthat the enemy of democracy is not the American party. Theri are bonds of union between democracy'andthe Atrierx canpartv. U I will tell vpn-what these bonds are. They are, the bonds , of. justice, .pf truthof patriotism "and of right. (Bravo.) They are 'the' bonds 'of the constitution and of. the'sUnim.s o - - -l:r,. .: -We say thi?l language of distinguished son nfthe Jpld Dominion, ,iin .fionoyabJe Contrast with.thaL.toa usual with opposition oraturs ; and is Ratifying, from the fact that Jn the asperities df heated political contents, there are yet some who rise superior to them, and'are capable of doing jiiftice to a political ooniyUminglen Jlerald: ' t f AnecdolcofMr. Fllliaoro, writer in the New York commercial Advertiser furnishes the following anecdote of Millard Fillmore while he was an appren tice in a clothier's establishment in Livings ton county New York." aise un V '- -TV - tton made to mm, anu '1 k . m,n' nn nnnrentice irt the ssae mises it extended, yet' wun ni, opty, , . - . t s . . Missouri Compromise 11 NVork belonging 10 nigiy i the repeal of the Wfiid hs impossible Jor him to entertain the j bnring family, on a Visit to his parents, on proposition: lie Considered lhat repeal an j occasion.where the af&irs of the fuliir. Kfamovs breath-Of plighhd political faith. . of conversation eXl 1 . . 1 1 : . 1 . . 1. . . rv . j.-tt i' tin mi . change the ole aspect of things .nt a-tHe tnghesi mnc. tni J, " . j ' . s - m-. . 1 - . t- 1 :l ..lo.inrc nil tpmntations . aoout inm, iir. Buchanan will .deny himself as Fillmore . ' . . 1 . A didfitr the public good, wnen ne Trjuvzs more hoperiirane.--Every one feels that it wiiuld make peace certain,; insure the pre servation -of the Constitution in ?lts "purity nd give2 stability to all the honest trades of Xrndte ac, i "niHI h. h.- .op. - t ff 7-rWmoni bhhi. W.it;h,am,M".lt kt.ow to b ne - - -7 3, C.,1. Fremnnv 'pl-Wd cbimrfu, hi, n,o,har. ,0 an Woe. - j,.,;- ..J. uu.1a li.-l. .,.lliiatoHfeifp.ioHlrv.' i;an any prrin.u.. ... . man in uonn, 'i i . if rpnahlv on this position. Mr. t .,()K ! vou don't know what a singular tch " . . 1 r to surrender even a remote chance for : " .... .... e 1 1, V, Palmer being rtignizantot tnese r jow Millard i?." "Wtiai oi mm now ; . inunicated them f-'fth with,, to : Hon. N.I - i j nired , 'w'hy he has no fun in him, we Bank.and "X've had an invitation to a cjuilting the. other ticptt. and thev came, anu sat. v-oi. - ir , . i . .; ... , .u- i WC ,Wd. m ". Ih U rr.U of lhat n,-.!,., in oor neigli rwrnooa ; W 1 onf.,ln lpad the IifKst3 ot Lv,Iiri wfth the cirls in the family all went. il.La...h.''.. nnLPIn -'shH: cinse the Presidency; when that surrender would, f Xrm , in thia campaign it , the people i j, him, and would you believe it ? that with .bere-to revivVflollHsh, Xffma'de in favor: of Fillmore. t once give I fpld could, not get. him : ' u ...iaJ nfidence '-DWrrimrftiVoot happened, late . in. r investments iu it- ii i-ij ,r .. , i - between man nd man ' to continue,' prices Can , any one will eptemneri Duu, -r . ;. Qt nnp nlone t we all . .. 1 ' .i. l. i.ua fr ItiiPT;stntement. swncunc u'"; - any one dare to done t ! correeuy n-rai.ru . . J ... . xi t;mp.. names, and' places, and . - . '-. v-.iHiafw:,r-tot the rfturseofhtm wno w-nomj ,, - .ire accuracy of the above to rrmairr nrm, an. rr.r..7 - , ..,.r , t , OKt :f .snlv nitna- ! ,,ut '"f V'.'. V-,v - - " ITiatiu Hvould enable 4he the ttoTm 01.10 .0-.. t j . 1 gtatement. nd ted Wilis resolution tnen was, a- an num.i. irt i to -acrifice" himself for the .public jrood ; !I?.in!: ::: tLirt na as faand'acu in theMives, of men, peace ana ireeoom a g'" ..." . . , l t,rtn. be productive, . :' .1:. l...',in Knir a r't.! """Z Lf on in i .acri6l.h.If for iKe .public :ood S Fwcnt, and had music, and dancing,, and fine sport: and when we returned he was read Ing in an old book, and had Deeen reaomg - -There is no doubt, we believe, of the the who!e evening. Did you ever tiK.tantial accuracv of this atement. -. 1 m - r, . ...u. .. -, . JV0 5rbrJL Times. : Finally, gentlemen, I am for Mr. Fillmore hear of so queer a lad T 1 he good mother promptly checked him; and answered, "AM