i ii r s i i VOL LEXINGTON, . NORTH' CAROLINA, ; FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 5, 1856. 70. It i v -s-i r i - x ii . w j i - i be. -a ik. i r - j xaa t . . i i ism t r -j i ft-' 9 f - . . m w -m ia . . II- 1 iiu".' Pvi iuiL' Sett PTT-RTJSHEI) WEEKLY I anv oihnr osr.uloiit. wp. cultivate. 3d. er, he managed to subsist. The. most , i SecondJack Shcpnard. I v . That, its oiiltti is-so easv . and. simnlev siniilar.lact .CQnWtedcwth hW.was that ,f eorge Townsend. wlio,:Was se- -r- -4t -W- 4. I ' ' l' ';'" ' - . -- T " wjjw.r, : an its product so grcatj EDITOR AjNDr.uur K1ETUU. Allliougli. the friends f Fill u.orc a::cl ). nelson have been unsuecessi'ul in.ihe rc cc;;t afTordcd incomparably other nutritious vegetable i m : . l. T i c.t., I . . v ' i , that it cam be ''he .ncvcr:took the shclten pf a roof his, ; wuceu . car ,u u.rucMW(.B campaign they -, have no reason to ic uis- cheaper than any slecpin-, place, alho.le in the ground, f " " t'" !, - courageu. ne.r canu.uaic uavc rcccn r.u - 1 - . . ! nosi-oliine at VV ilmino-ion. ueiaware. nas k , it having pro- on whit is known as rayne s larm,anu . ., . . r . ; - n AdWHjJA Jill . AJL?T AAlvIj. .i i , . t. , .t . f 1 ' i l , i 1. -wl witU 4 T ' I ' CiUCea in IMance Ql me raie OI auove ouw iiu was. ul uui mcucv, ,c, fiinih !ina oanfif! from ihis .u..: ::i. i ... ..i ..r t . , 11 i "w r . " I fcllCli l !Ui;i Hi?, irllt il llliilll HI Ul HV UIH i . ort . . : 1 ' . I 1 m. " - ft A .IImm II'- - I I - X I 41IY. l liattne comni- . woui accept oi no morecuimui lame - r - r:ftn Tllfi first .vh:ift ;n r;snn- r a .aa i... .u .u. bushels per acre. The euitP , ' ' ! nation of every useful property renders coihmodat ions when they were tended f t 11 G n't JI uiiuuii xiuiiiuii vyuinuiiJ ( . .in tjie country,) traveled a short time I it the greatest vegetable boon ever gran- to hinl.' i (nil -tr Crt in rT n 11 nnrl t h !J f J t 5 intrfl- ! . . in 1:1 ri kjL..iLVj.c. 1.11..11V1..1111". . rir 11 ii'ii; 11; 11 1 ir 111 iv lirii j.r.Lifi i-:' . a. , 1 a.s?o 1,11 J . TT , j duction to our cotintry is even more im-,i , , . ! to .m; Wilmington; . bhortly alter this es- as essential to the maintenance. of the Union Roman Cathohp lectures He was by , qUq and that in er c cc? -'ibf Presidency. Ths , iTownsend was recognized and ar- and lhe preservation of American ihstilu. means picaqu stniistirswill ,lliU " um UI LU,1"UU lw " y rested in Philadelphia, and a portion ot the .Jons at the present moment as they were waiting his trial, he broke jail and let out of the slavery question. The principles. of three other prisoners ; on the same , night the American party are as true and patriot- there were six or seven stores broken in- c now as ev-r nn.i ,.pr osiahlishinent is . He says tvventy years our national statistics will is report the value of the annual crop as . r,ded and unappi-ecinted but really ool,s Ulkvn rom thc storcs flund on his last ycar or the year hefbre last. , Th e re- cosy and comfortable class of poulation.iporson ; he also had on his person five gut of lhe rCcent Presidential election, the no .hear Tn.n where ! you will, travel where unn tu ntinn vnn ! 'ii.i.i ii-iiii,iii.rt-t-Sii..j l - I 1 " . T m 2 I : m I 1 1 I : . I - 1 1 I . I I I - ... m . the so cial war wagers wiinout " , , . , i ., , ; I lie ice nas neen nrohcn: i u.-uiui- pistols, heavily loauen, anu a iarje uiriv means by wlneh it was aecomnlisheu, the win, I . . . . Suph rf innfR is.n ar.fd unon this root ! .. . , , i1 . , . .1 1 r . iw. ffiniis ot" loiral wariare. it 1 1 i one nrnnodnnt of fiprtiiiff onlv Iiene- L-nidv In n tow aavs alter he was lou&cu ,i--m;ni -on.liiir.n r rnr nhli. r. imp ,,n r.....i.;., ;,,ct;r.,. : iont-c m the Chinese empire, that, according to f -- 1 , . , I ; . , . '-i r. . . . -V . . . - sons iiiui"uu.c.u,... . - , : dicts'lo till the rrcsiucntiol cnair, nas ; in the oia quarters, ne again tM-aii inua Retce aS3:u,its upon the tJnion ami mc led- you any noi in Use past; 'wh-iiwrr' imlr.stry avA' talent and heart ft It carnet.irss wr have hitherto exerted, we fs c 1 lhat the :i.;p rtnnee of the appro:;ehin; crisis demant5 ?;:li irrcater ei forlJ, a:u c will stri;. to be equal to the oerasion. If our past services h:ive sat"i! fied our irien-K our future eilorts c!ial!enro their increased comme'id:.iion, We call upon them mil-; v.eask every subscriber to the Journal to continue to sustain us, and not only to cheer i:r lalrors by his own sup port, but to nid us in making now friends, to whom we may continually appeal in behalf of our principles, our 'parly, and the main tenance of our glorious Union. I&uvivliie Journal. Uvn the Irish Jispirant ior. prolessional ivir. rnncc, one nan u.e poupiauon , ; - i,n1 ilis cell, and had reached the ton of the Lrn, r;nns!,;lnl1on fr0m the South amd from i v' " t i- . . . . i i i v uvi u u - w . . v , - i ----- honors, it turn; out old employees at a . would perish irom taminc it suddenly . ; are wall and was in the act of jumping down thc North, and the great doubt that exist moment's notice, its sway extends 1 j .j j of it throuiihout all President's Ca kitchen. merican life, from thc jinct to John smith s .ccording to thc same authority, it eligible now, and some of us niAy be occcds to comfort himself "T., c-;.lz-.- 4 'o iTt Qnmo n:irl v or oi llPT will suncrsedc every other potatoe, and ; , y . . , t.t . r t r i may take us up and put us in possession 111 4.. iXl,hL!U 1 4 - V ..- - - w .-- - Know i0 e lin. ii 'v- n.-. : io:it . Tl is sfiid to maxe-ffood i t!u belief lhat 4tas a party tlie Know i -i ' by tbt nciici u f J T, . i brCau, and the roots propagate easily ana i Vnthir"-s are probably defeated. nut , rn ! oinu'f m 7, '. ' rapidly. i he u Revue Horticcl," pub-, 'i. ,.hU "The! soul, the sentiment ot i' , , r.t.. k! iic uy-' ,-Kf niK pr i in direction ci me rieutn ( i istit utr, devotes twenty pages to this ; subject, concluding as follows: I " This esculent has now been tested; in every Department ot France, even ! to its more northern limits, the shores of thn Tbino mul it is to lie deemed hence- country are native born Americans. , inco ated into the agriculture of This asset Ion tip Celt styles "a fallacy, ; y Jm Com and adds: "If I)r. ISrownson means tnat (fJB Hooper, of the Montgomery Mail, says : th-ingim is more rife at thi moment; than when Orr and Parsons rajretl, and Loijisville gutters ran icd uith human blood !" He then assails Dr. Brownscn for sa',-"tin- maioritlv of Catholics in this amajui-ity of tl)ose who ought to be rnUnhr nro nht ivc-brn. we might in- clinc to agree jwitli him. But if he j it is our ' misfortune never to have on the outside when he was discovered as lo the policy which may. be adopted hy by the Sheriff.; the Sheriff fired at him tie incoming administration, whether for j and he was captured. v Shortly after this g0od or evil to the country, sliould impress i itirnmt to escnnc. his trial ame .u ,i i, o;n cirAfr.r onvn-(ion; of the twenty five thousand a year , offBrore lhe vas sentenced he made than before of thc establishment of the prin Thers's no limit to luck novv-a days, and j , th(J court for clcmecy , inlo l!vftPatP(i bv the American nartv.. : . i:.,u. ' . ... - j i - many a man to nis great ..muiusiiiucui he was gnrpy for what he had done ; becomes distinguished, while his su- j woud reformt'&c About a month after j)criors go down to thc grave " unhonor- j jie vas sentenced he made his third escape ed and unsung.' Old Zach Taylor when from the prison, this time he let out two he started in life never dreamed! that he j other prisoners with him ; and on this same would ne Psident, re and the li&c nisrht the post-ofhee at Wilmington was nt hand. The whole country is in a state .i i.4 nnnUxl thrnno-h the ' robhed. of the direst confusion. Treason stalks the brain of Frank Pierce. It is related j This time he was recognized by the student at Chapel conductor, while in-the cars between wn- mington anU vjii6sier,j auu couuu.-iwi locked both ends of the car, and when thev reached Chester an officer was pro- ! cured, and Townsend was again arrested. The recent defeat should arouse? the ad vocates of American principlesj to renewed and still greater and more zealous exertions. If ever there was a time for serious alarm for the preservation of the Union it is now means to say th who obey the Chinch arc na at the majority of those seen Savannah, but. we propose to visit commandments of ll'ie tliat ; comely maiden" of a 'city, on oi ivc born, he manes a , aj,out the Sth proximo." wholly mdefensible misstatement. V. e , The u comely maiden," we doubt not, loubt if there aj-c native-born Catholics ; u,jjj picasc our Mail friend, ai d mayhap 1 . 1 .. i ..n r sn nrn -f 1 in t hf of Polk that when Hill he frequently declared that he would one day be President, but we must not infer from this that to will and to accomplish go hand in hand together. We trust that the bachelor President will behave handsomely in the White House, and r ot bring discredit upon the boldly abroad. Its fearful shadow has al ready casta gloom over the hearts of con scrvrtive men everywhere. Our very exist ence as a nation hangs suspended upon the action of the new administration, and the whole country is waiting with anxious in One of. the persons he had let out of pris- terest to know the .policy which shall be on, nnmed " Oyster Charley," was with adopted by it, painfully impressed with the him in the car, and he was put in double consciousness that the slightest blunder may irons, which means hand cud's and hobbles precipitatfe us into all theterribleconscqucn- .t c. : j l . : , . t r wlz-v itrir J . on r- i . , , , a zj . cv, essentia v E. Plunbus Unum one ot licularly as he is a good Hooper. Sa- essentially i. JT. em" and that upon his conduct may vannah Republican. . 1 . , r r . i s. c , biniro the Presidential fortunes ot cry Our old friend and townsman of the ; ,lin U'V 1 ,to!UL' many well tempered, muepenueuL auu ill , lint uttrtuhl llf f:iil ler if unscoiticu jjlmmju. this ; the people will go back to the Benedicts 1 I 1 . . 1 . . n rn r mom a"ain, anu oacueiuia i-vvfmw .... at a dreadful discount. Wil Herald. manage affairs properly, we shall repudi ate him. He must remember that he is whole State of Xcw York to fill Albany Cathedral, if they were all gathered to gethei." So this high Roman Catholic author ity concludes, from careful and extended Mail, like a bad penny, is always turn i"nrr nn with (rood OllCS. We W .observation, that the soul, thc sentiment ; jie woud not like us as a waiter on Of Know NothJugism, of Americanism, OCCRS;on to Tally his casks as he j is more prevalent and powerful at this ioops them. Wc arc not sharp ( moment than it ever was .before. We j pirrr lo lv0nnd him with, the feelings t f j are very glad to be able to agree with jcnI0usy ; but' would most gladly -witness ! him And we rejoice to learn from him j union with " comely maiden." could , that the nativefborn Catholics in thc j we leave our post on th.e Sth. 15ut the whole. State ( f Kew York, are not mi- ; Repuhlican has sj6ken for the " maid- - . - f ' A. t'f. -1- ,t-l til - 1 T 1 honorable and lovers 1 1 a quiet me ciati ; n e,r irona. ue was locked in nis ceu, ccs Gf a dissolution ot the union, ami per- to which he belongs, if he does not .md dosely watched, Notwithstanding all iaps thc still more deplorable horrors ot a this precaution he again effected anolhcr.and clvd war. If an attempt should be made to a fourth escape on Friday night last. This carry Qut the policy foreshadowed in the time he filed or sawed off his hand cuffs Qstend Manifesto and the Cincinalti plat- and leg irons, and cutting a hole through form the least evil that may be expected, the oak floor of his cell, he descended wiH be a war with foreign nations. into a room below, from there he got into 'fhe condition of our public affairs at the prison yard, and then scaled the wall, present demands the most earnest .and scri- ' which is about twenty feet high, His teats ous consideration ot the conservative men i rival those of Jack Sheppard or Sixteen f tie nation. There is very little proba Strinor Jack. mcTOiis enoimh flic Catholics tlien, as the Rochester j ccption. When that Observer says, here from thcit o fill a single cathedral. ; i i en, anu oespu ken for him a warm rc- Ile is certainly the most bilitv that this alarming state of affairs will successful jail breaker this country has pro- he improved by the administration of James duced aud while he is now at large, (vill Buchanan, and it may be rendered wiinitc nn doubt improve on b.is past experience. iv Worse by the recklcsness of the cxtrcm- Townscnd is a young man about 16 years jsts t0 whom he owes his elevation to the of ncrP about 5 feet G inches high, well and Presidency, and who will of course exer un.lomnac.tlv built, liffht hair ami complex- c;se considerable influence in shaping and 1 - " . . . . !nipsjia:!t to WSieal Chowers In ' At the meeting of the Scientific Associa-. tion in Albany, this summer, some private conversation ensnod up iu the comparative merits of the grains grown in the AVest, North and South. It was obscivciF that Southern" flour had largely the preference in the West Indies and South America, on account of its being drier and keeping belter in hot climates. A gentleman who attended the World's Fair in Lmidonf at once remarked that the finest fiViur he ever saw was made of North Carolina wheat, 'and ground at mills in New' York. Ieiiig solicited to submit thc observation to writing, Dr, Elwyn, ot Phi ladelphia, well known for the interest he akes ia agriculture and every thing con- i L -.i- f..l , - o t ro 1rnv nectcu Twiiii um ustuu un., -""-- up a certificate, of which the ensuing is a copy: I " 1 have been desired, by Dr (gibbon ot North Carolina, to record the tollowing fact as interesting to the wheat growers of that State. While acting as chairman of the committee, on articles use d as food.'dur- ino- the exhibition at the Crystal 1 alacc, I as ' struck with the quality of the bread '- v C offered for examination by llccKcr Brother of New York, It was the whitest aud best I ever saw. 1 asked being a a farmer thc vc'ry question, as to where they procured their grain; and was told that the bread was made of flour lrom North Caroiina wheat; and to my further astonishment, was also informed that, in their opinion, the best wheat in the United States was that of North Carolina, r (Signed!) A. L. EIAVYN. Albany, N. Y., August 25, 1850. alleging ion, and; blue eyes. gO Oil Hoop er in are foreigner.?, coming j sj,aj jiaVQ girdled the comely maiden European systems of i AVjjh his coat of Mail, then will she fcc .lo.nntwm fVoU from tvrannv and su- .von imonod. and there will Do many . r. , i r ' ai : ...yr-. t .-rd , r it ' .. . . 1-A f 1 ii . t- ncYs. nerst it ion. treshi lrom i ne nnnu u-mu-i . nooners. ieing auem, moy i.v. of priests, and contaminated by all the j 0r Us as the Herald of good things, corrupting influences that pervade thc i jV;i Herald. theological andj political institutions of j Kuione. Tiiev are foreigners, untaught We observe that for some time past, 'he Loccfoco jonrnals have been firing away at thc Hon. Kenneth Rayner, with a furv known only to lhe most vindic- tivc warfare basely and falsely ; that he, the owner of a large number of j Death to the IIooim. slaves is unsound upon the question of j Hoops are to be done away with. A slavery. There is not one word of truth j new invention has sprung into existence in the assertion of anv one ot these pa- i the snape o. ,u .r , - " . : . x .. 7. A.r idl wllPIl theVJTO No m as ,hormS!,ly mtercstcd i . .Z.SZA -... Philadelphia Ledger, directing his administration party. 511. & liituas "-Ji (juHi.!i. - j- r.urope cither in common learning or in poli tics; ignorant bf thc simplest ide'a oi civil liberty, and bound by an iron ooe- dience to the pdntificial throne. These men -Catholicsj in fath,. and educated under dcspolisnji are admitted, almost :at once, to citizenship and all its politi cal privileges, biefore they rcan read the ballot they caf, and before they have learned the first sylable of' thc political system ft-hich prevails here. i Loi ibt'i 'e Journal. ner is, could be unsound. It carries a j I fiat and palpable contradiction on its j fa'ce. But notwithstanding this ed truthlul ! i..i.v., tbrv norsist in their course MU LUllliiiii" ... -j j jjaipuiML. l.v.i, y-.'j j- remarks of the Baltimore Patriot to the perusal of our readers : "It "is a significant fact, made manifest by lhe recent national contest, that eve ry Southern city, and many of the small er towns o-ave Millard Fillmore a ma- - 7 O tod nlapp rt , irt hn-p II or Ullidirt; Ul any v.iw.uv. r. in this species ot property as imv. -nay- ; - ; COnveni- ent than the tubular or air petticoat. It consists of numberless linings of India rub ber tubes sewed around a petticoat, allcom municating with one another. Correspond- -. -i : ...,vniKln in)ip whirh is msr wiin uR'si' is 'w""""v 3 i . r i 4 i with a, tenancity, worthy oi a oetiei cause. The object of ibis unjust assault i iiidice a- TUor U no time to belost. Thccxisen cies of the moment require the united and active and enerjetic efforts of the friends of the Union in the formation of a strong con servative party which will be able to with stand the shock which too plainly threatens soon to fall upon the country, and to resist the treasonable designs of the mad and reck less advocates of disunion, aud to avo our institutions, our prosperity as a people, and our integrity as a nation from thc perils by which they were surrounded. rhe contest is but just begun, and lullow- is obvious, it. is to get up prej gainst Mr.-Hay ner because of the many righteous blows he has for some time nnst been dealing out to them tor their j gant -r-i. i : 13 1 1 1 -n r i-o -. r l . i -oA.'llnriNn Amprimn - i I i . ii" I r 1 k w; (.- iw I K.lll lllllll ft.. 1 ....-,. . t T Iw'fkl 'IWk.l II 1 ttv I ill.. A.(JVs J? iMfir AUnmlm. Rich- !..... head and front ofj to sit at a table where six would be uncom men conies Aiuiiwin., - j --7 puny. -1 .'.1 w: i:,,.Ttnn Savanna h. Ausrusta ! u- (Tn .1 lincr Nothinir more. mOUU, VI I lllliiipi"5 ' " " " 7 cr- ijin.uii"jv - Mobile, Montgomery, New Orleans, j Kavncr is to day as sound, if not a thou- i W? I 'I hodP ! 1 .. cr hnn t IOSC wnu or-i i m ,t . 1 uu . - - v----".- r- . ' 1 inn's 111 iDw. - ll l 1 VI ; ,1 I I v., 7 - . i. 1 .,.hinU mitr C Pnllv i lelt in U-.e pncKcv, au , ...... . col15cls of the wisest. a.ul best of ,. to the .north. By "" . lrarae, w,loSe e.ninent .bi.i.y ,Kn thP nrtticoat swells at will, and assum- fc . . . . tube tne pcim 1 ,rl.f nnnn i K nath in which j es any proportion required. Does an cle J remembering the enerjetie devo Lant lady wish to ride in a carriage where hej trod, r ,.,"',,,,,.;, ivib 1 tlOn IO Uiu uiuuii juu v,...-- there is little room ? Do ten persons Louisville n C liiisc so 1'ohih). j veo-atabje, so much discussed, and which was announced to thc .world by Abe French Institute at Pa rise under the 'same of Dioscorea Balalas,s on oxhib ;Hion from various contributors, at the fair of the American Institute at the lys.al'Palaee.-p-The roots arc long and of a pale russet jcolor ; the ' flesh being of "he purest wliit'e. They are very large, and weigh from 17. to .23 ounces the growth of a single season.: . ' As.a number of persons "have been 'titivating this plant during the past i s"mmcr; wc shall soon be able to decide whether it is as valuable ashas been rc- Presented. A large cultivator wrtcs to us that '-this rojoUs destined to revolu tionize the alimlcntary basis of our coun try." ' !':'. ';'. . m. U. Prijnce, of .Flushing, New racts show, very conclusively, that bust- ! havc bern so ruthlessly assailing him. In ncss men in the South were willing to j cont;nUally harping upon this question, risk their commercial and business pros- j (he object of these men and papers, is to pcrity with the patriotic, conservative : kcep up excitement, heart burings statesman, whom, in hosesty of purpose, : and hicKering1 between the North and they saw fit to vote for. the' South the policy and object of Mr. "For the want of better, more truth- Rayncr is to allay all these bitter jeal ful and Judicious subjects to discuss, ousies, and establish fraternal feelings some Democrat ic journals and orators betwcen the two sections. Not so with have been proclaiming that thc.recent ; modern democracy, it cannot live with decision of Baltimore, in signifying her j out some such exciting and distracting decided, unqualified preference .for Mr. question being lugged intoevery contest. Fillmore, would act injuriously to our trade. If so, then all Southern cities, ! nn.l imminent amongst mem, v. leans, arc destined to sutler in like man- Park EJovelopmeiits. See here, Gumbo, why am you like a blackguard ? . . 1 1 :.. . Mr. i fortable ? The only thing to ne uouu . let some air out oy means ui uiu,. v.. and the belle becomes as slender as a slyp cide of the opera, and her dress is not crum pled. When dinner is over, or when about ro leave her carriage, w ith a puff or two the volume of air is easily replaced. The clown in Welch's Circus, the other evening, speaking in relation to this inven tion, thought it wquld go a great way in mit igating the punishment of the lords of crea tion, the wife would take to blowing her self up instead of the husband. What think ye, ladies ? is this a true bill ? Dr. Sanford has seni a cargo of his In vkrorator to town for the benefit of every body troubled with liver complaints or indi gestion. He has used it for many years in a larre and extended practice till its results iiw,r..,-1i1v known, and is now oneieu illU un'ivui-; E ly .si t!sc Wheat. -530YJ to de stroy It. . We have heard complaints of " fly in thc wlrcat " from farmers in nearly all of the adjacent counties. The early seeded wheat and the warm weather that has since continued for weeks, has inthefirst place furnished the fly with good picking, and a good season for propagation. It is very desirable that thipest. be -cleared out at once, and destroyed so as to prevent their re-appearance in thc spring. The Southern Planter recommends all who have this calamitous visitation, to try me rcmcuv proposed by James A. Cochran, of Au gusta, sanctioned -as it is by his experience for several years It U simply to apply from one to two bushels of water-slacked not air slacked lime per acre, to the wheat when the dew or other moisture is on thu wheat, so that the lime will readily make a ley which will turn down the groove of the blade, the indus of the fly, or as it then is, maggot. The same application, made in the spring, if not found fully effective in the fall, Mr. Cochron found to rid him almost entirely of this pest. The. hands that apply the. lime, handle it with impunity, if they will only keep their hands well greased. -Mr. Cochran used 11 1:1... .1..". ,i;..t.nrc ii4.-ri! fur siicar mall lins, UK'-- mo u'l'i'1'" B 1 1 1 t.t 1 .1. for its maintenance, which nas cnouiuu wn greatest ot our polidcal leaders from Wash ington to Henry Clay ; until this issue shall come, and when it does come, we shall be for the Union, and we confidently believe that there is not, among the thousands and tens ot thousands of patrons of the Louis ville Journal.'a single one who will not be j h a cojreC , ,,,, j,roct.rfSf to scatter it. Hut with us heart and hand in such, a struggle, j fm janj lhal wnf )Car the tread of horses We say then to our friends, to our patrons j brtmjcns(i,:jr machine will answer much and readers, most earnestly and seriou.dy, j b(l5l purp'ose J'rcltrHtbvrg - Ihruhl. 1 - that there is now a pressing necessity lor t.ie exercise af all their energy and all their 1 if lhe Union is saved it must uo done 1 have tli upon ::.i:cr. iccn of the ner ?7 Deatb of tlie " Wanclerlngr Jew.' Thn Charleston S. C. Standard says : We learned yesterday, the death at the tin . a 1 ir ' Wnnderintr A Roper Hospital, ui Ncber guess dat in the worl, coz 1 j as trietl remciiy fr those diseas ain't, you black fool. You is, honey, HumlreJs have given him their certd coz you watches massa Jim's store, and j oflhc grealP8t cres being performed vou's not a berry white guard, dat s sar- 1 -4 1 Ynh. ha.' ha r 7 ow. Pete, 'dat am m " T. Tit A-j-.lr where life was despaired oi. n win u.(, rlipve a sour stomach, billiousness, head- bcrrv surprisinj rhe. costiveness, female obstructions, chol- to calculate but, 1 era morbus, dysentery, or summer complaint fcyr-jpalliy for tlic Fallen. V.r mv nart I confess 1 have not the 7ml f the Union is saveu 11 iiium j 1 - bv the exertion, of thc American par-. .m.iuu... ........ .... ty of the country, and nothing should be kit ru.a t.ic f The liule ... " .. i ' n.ro v.. inde their. harsi:l. 1 he unit UUUOlie nun 11 v p." - strengthen it for the time when its sustain ing conservatism will be souly needed. H ! they believe that wc have hcrctolore coun j seled them -aright, if they believe that our efforts in behalf of the principles, which ' thev love, and thc parly, whose success I . ' r they sought to promote, have oecii 01 1 v worth, we ask them to sustain us now to maintain the present widespread circulation ,.r- nnnpr. and to aid us to extend Us u the ndcr cultivati6n, saiiinc viewstrespecting its. prospec- J'yt importance in the United States. asserts. 1st. That the' Dioscorca Ratatas is Perfectly hardy! during bur severest win-lGts- 2d. That is more nutritious than ,1 . rs. l MCI I I f Ml III". , W - J ' - f,.,,-!,n(. s nra arappear- anu ...u.u.,... .-.. 0 Anag9 I will say to an 7. a cnaia.i o . - 1 ifo n ffenlieman r , bv tne use 01 - - . IVV O I ... 1 t .... I .r-i a-lm wish something thai can to cure those diseases, try Dr. Sanford's Inviorator. . . . 1 1 rKj has 35,OfiO plants 01 JUW' -"kk ho dct of ni-er why is y ..... oinrt-,uis very nm nanus ni3 -"r j - alio i;ihi-i " tj dnv. J i . - . , . t t" , n.U I ,ln clnmn lllTl. 1 -1 ,-. l-.no E 1 II till L OVU.' been kuuwu , .. , n bit six or seven years, but the F'-01; .Hvnntis not recorded. He seemed to Yah, hah r . 1 . .-nrvl nmlnevcri beentinktn, be very poor,ne ucv.i fnrfior off dan I was at de start. he-red, but yet in some way or the oth- furdcr oU dan BO " , as I is of it tree days, and am Why is a pig in a parlor like a house on fire? Because the sooner it's put out, the better. world, and known pt ... , 1 1 .. .1. J,;ct..rv n mtuikin 1. teaches me 10 iw errors of others 1:1 sorrow, not W'-.en I take "the history of win? poor heart tint h sinned and suffered, and represent to myself tlie struggles and t.-inptations it- Ii-s passed, t'e brief pulsa tion of joy the fevei'.Mi inquietude ot hope and fear, the tears of regret, trio feebleness of purpose, the 'pressure of want, the deser- i r r rr ilif wnrhl that 1 1 . J. I tin" T ri 1I LiltJ SLUIil ' .iv- . . . . llucnce that wc may be cna.ueu to snea. ; ,f thp "eil . has hut lime cn.irsi, t ww. anctuarv, and the threatening voice , i.i " , .V ,irn tli-it c'nua U,. adjacent States, our warning again, j : ''"' LV heart approaching danger, and urge the reo,,,e . longo.. wu , us gnne I h h art not so with me, and would lain leave me l r r. 1 1 ...... kr.inir -itl 1 1 1 1 til crrmT soul oi m u-ihj i,i. ... and over all tlie rug; II cm ) . - - hillsides and fertile plains of Kentucky and ; with all the energy and zeal am we can command to prepare for the gloriou ..,1- Ktifuro itlPITI- ...1. . ... 1. .1 i- , rnmo av have been our exertions irom w ii..e ........ . Whatever m:

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