4—-J-1. THE TRI-CITY DAILY GAZETTE Published every week-day afternoon LEAK^VILLE, N. C. Successors to The Leaksvllle Gazette Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO., Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY,-EDITOR ARCHIE LA PRADE JR.7Adv Mgr MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered ns Second Class Mail Mat ter at Postoffice, Leaksville, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier o,!0 year $5.00; G months, $2.60; 3 months $1.25; 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. ADVERTISING RATES—30^ per inch, includes composition on dis play advertising, 25c per inch on type high plates. Classified, per line single insertion 10c; three in sertions 8c per line; six insertions 7c per line each insertion; obituary notices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s Im_ mediate Territory includes Leaks ville, Spray, Draper and all Leaks ville Township, equal to a city population of 17,000. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1923 A,BIBLE THOUGHT 1PT—FOR TODAY— Bible Thoughts memorised, will prove a priceless heritage in after years. PAY THE PREACHER:—Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.—1 Corinthians 0:14. LEFT TOWN’S NAME TO LUCK Men Who Had Decision Agreed to Do cide Argument by the Flipping of a Coin. The death of Francis W. Pettygrove, a former Portland (Me.) resident, which occurred recently In Portland, Ore., has brought to light the story of how the city on the Pacific coast al most was named Boston Instead of Portland. A flip of a coin fixed the name of Portland, Ore., on what was then but a tiny settlement. The coin was flipped in the autumn of 1843. A man named A. L. .Love joy of Boston, and a second named F. W_ Pettygrove of Portland, Me., were new settlers In Oregon and were joinf owners of a small store, one of a few buildings In a settlement on the Wil lamette river. The settlement was called every thing from “the village" to "Stump town," and the partners determined to dignify it with a real name. Love joy wanted to call It Boston; Petty grove preferred Portland. Finally they agreed to toss a coin. The Portland man called the turn over the Boston man, and the village forth with was named Portland, Ore. The Size of Pygmies. There are certain popular errors concerning the race of under-sized men and women known as pygmies. Usual ly travelers have measured the most diminutive specimens and thus an ex aggerated idea of their smallness lias been produced. The average stature of the pygmies that have been meas ured is about four feet eight inches, but the best authorities In anthropol ogy say that the real average limit of stature is five feet. Some are taller than that. Tile pygmies have been found in eight or ten different places in cen tral Africa, but wherever. found they possess certain striking resemblances. The plant furnishing the covering for their huts is the' same in the widely separated regions visited by Stanley and others, and the shape of the huts, a rough hemisphere, is the same. All the pygmies are alike characterized by neglect of agriculture, by the use of poisoned arrows and by the ab sence of any centralized tribal organ ization. An Old Nickel. “Say, cap, have you got an old nickel you can spare? I need a cup of coffee mighty bad.” A panhandler In the Bock Island station made tills request and he put a slight emphasis on the adjective. It was the same he would have used If he ha^ asked for an old hat or an old pair of shoes. He merely wanted an old nickel that had served its pur pose and was no longer of use to the owner. “It may have been unintentional, a mere slip of the tongne,” said the men who was approached. "I save him the coin he asked tor and I have been wondering ever since what was go* lag ttwwgh hit mind/'-" Chicago iottmi Coititidr important Staid/ Colorado ranks Seventh in ftfzd Among the 48 States, it has 0 land area ot 6fe,3il,120 art-es, Or iO&850 square miles. It fs more than twelve times the size Of Massachusetts, ap proximately twice as largO as tows ’ and about' the same size as New tforfe, Ohio, donnectlcut and New Hampshire combined. The extreme length of the state is 387 miles east and west, or 4S7 miles more than from ffew, York to Portland, Me. Its widMtla about 276 miles, or the distance fftpt Chicago to St Louis. There are con* ties larger than several of the lmpor*' -—-*— ' HOLT ORPHAN SOCIETY The Holt Orphan Sewing Circle held its monthly meeting with Mrs. Claude Jones last Thursday after noon. This being the first Anniver sary of the Circle. A pplendid program was given. The president rebd letters from the Orphanage saying that the Christ., mas gifts were highly appreciated At this meeting clothing was distri buted to the members to be re urn ed at the next meeting. Every month this Circle sends clothing to the or phanage. There were 12 members present and $7.00 collection. The hostess,, assisted by Miss Lilly Gilley served a delicious salad course. The Circle meets with Mrs. John Glasgow °n March 28th. INTERESTING REVIEW OF NATIONAL CLUBS (By Al. Munro Elias) The-Pittsburg Pirates properly deserve third place in the lifetime standing of the National League, as Pittsburgh has earned the decision over every club in the league over a span of thirty-six years tVith the exception of New York and Chicago New York, Chicago and Pittsburgh are the only clubs which ave won more games t^an they have list. The Pirates captured 2428 games from their present opponents and lost 2157, for a percentage of .530. Ease in defeating the St. Louis club is largely responsible for Pit tsburgh’s splendid showing. St. Louis.won the series from the Pir ates last year, but it was only tir S - —«uppU« the Wtroeen that all pUiit-Ufa require* in Its best - form, nt lotveet oost. Immediately available, tkua tan bo applied just when most needed Repays its cost maay tiroes on corn, cotton, lohaooo, peanut* and general crops. Apply early to Insure ouick, vigorous growth and greatest yield. Order through— HINE.WILSON CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. cr v*:ite direct to W. R. Grace A Co., Bex 501, Norfolk, Va. —mi— CROUP SpasmodlcCroup is relieved by on* »] Over 17 MiUkmfm LhJtYemriv fourth time that the Cardinals had done so. In thirty.one yearq’s com petition between these clubs, Pit tsburgh has won 24 annual series, lost 4 and tied 3. Pittsburgh has son 381 games from St. Louis and lost only 205, for a percentage of .650. This is the highest percentage enjoyWd by one National League club over another. Misses Mattie and Troy Dillon who are attending school at the Southern Seminary, Buena Vista, Vn., are spending a few days yith their parents. nniiiiiniHiiiimimiiiB I Phone your.'Subscription to Gai-cte. We are Now the local Representative of ifcic©6s &Cc. Clinton, S. C.. Artsts Photo Engravers Electrotypers NickletvDers For Weeding Invitations Announcements Calling Cards, Greeting Cards etc. SEE US Gazette Ptg. Go. Wbats. Going on . in Your Town? s ^ And what’s going on inycur county, in Noith Carolina, in the United States, and beyond? ► ■ The first requirement for a keen interest in life—for happiness, therefore,—is a knowledge of events in your own world and the out side. There is one way, and one only, to get this knowledge. Read the Newspapers! \ • • * * • Your own loeal newspaper first, of course, but Others too if you can possibly afford them. mgrur*-—* v '■— '>’* ' 7:.- * r" And remember that when you read newspapers you get not only news but also the fruit of the world’s wisdom. For newspapers record the word and the work of the gmateit doctors and lawyers, the greatest scientists, scholars' preachers and philospbers, the greatest bankers, merchants and statesmen, ~ w ■. - ■ -• •• ; They are a8*talkwgta you—Afoegb the press, f • : * ’• Read the newspapers and especially your home paper, Far rates or otter frtforiftStion coflsuk your local newspaper or wire to the Secretary of the North Carolina Press Association, Mor ganton, N. C. T" ' . SANITARY PLUMBING AND SUPPLY COMPANY Office next to Post Office, Shop Cor. Railroad and Glovenia Street. Do all kinds of Plumbing work. Sup plies and bath outfit? or hand. See us, we can Supply your wants. SANITARY PLUMBING AND SUPPLY CO, LEAKSVILLE. N. C„ Phone the Gazette when missed by the carrier Boy. Insure/ Your Health Against Unsanitary Plumbing. Let us do jroulr Wdrk We know the busi ness. AH Work Guaranteed. , -/ PHONE 708 « W alkeir-Ariderson DANVILLE, VA., _ ' * WHOLESALE GROCERS NOTIONS ALL STAPLE LINES Leaksville-Spray Grocery Co. J. O. Ragsdale, President, Madison. P M. Flinn, See.-Treas. Leaksville THE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON f REQUEST Leaksville N. C. Phone 58 BOULEVARD \ -:T O D A Y: Harold Lloyd IN ' ; ■ ' Dr. Jack WELL! THE CLIMAjX IS HERE. HAROLD LLOYD HAS GOTTEN TO BE A DOCTOR, AND HAS ARRIVED TO CURE TPUR 103 AND PAINS. HE IS A SURE CURE FOR ANY DIS EASE, EVEN THE BLUES. CAN YOU BEAT HIM? , .. PLEASE DON’T MISS THIS PICTURE FOR WE WANT YOU ALL TO BE WELL TND HEAL THY, AND WE ARE SURE THE “REAL DOC TOR*-HAS COME TO TOWN. - ~ ANOTHER CHANCE TO BE CURED OF ALL ills, rr is wonderful-dont miss rf. ADMISSION 5 IS AND 30c. m #