If It Is You Want On Your Life, Home or Business We are at Your Service Emerson & Gammon ORGAfflZE PLANS TO PUSH SUNDAY school Acnvrrass lacuu call for Sunday'School - Congvow of our three town* PLANS W&L THEN f BE SUBMITTED Spray, Feb. 27th. At a regulat per Ministerial Aadhyiation Monday, it was decided to call a meetng of the officers and teachers of Leaksvile, Spray and ^Draper Sunday SchooW on Saturday, March 10th, at the Cen tra) Y. M. C. A. at 8:00 o'clock. Only the officers and teachers-of the various Sunday schools will he' in-, vited to this frst meeting. A committee was appointed to drew up some byjaws to be sub mitted tor the first meeting for adop tion. ’ v - The object of this Bible School Cvmgresj, (as it is to be called) is to arouse a greater Interest in the. Sunday Schools lit the community. It Is on astonishing foot Oat .a very •mall per cent of the people of this •wwnunitjr fo to Sunday school If Wt pan, by some united movement, estate a sftiment in favor af the Sunday sehoqi it is the opinien ef ail that It willgot only selva a number of o«r Sunday proktof|: hut will 'kiffea bettor men' outpf our boys. Recently a noted jgdff said that 42 pop cant «f the criminals wdre boys between the aflwW « end SI. Mo said further that he had net had a boy wo was a regular attendant at FORMER GERMAN KAISER AND NEW FROW UNHAPPY They., ere no., longer., seen walking arm and arm * et Doom WIFE SAID TO DEGTATE CONDUCT (By Associated Press) DOOWi(i Feb . 26.-*—The honey of WflUant and Hermine has et last cone to an end, in the opin ion of the inhabitants of Boom. The pleasant walks arm in arm along the sofftSlT&Ods °f the village, under thfe protection of a'captain of the Duteh gendarmerie, ended abruptly several days ago. The disappearance of the couple from the village gave rise to numerous rumors to the df. feet that the former emperor was seriously Bl, or that an attempt had been made upon hie life, but inves tigation has failed to show any auth ority for eithar statement. For about three weeks it has been reported that deep discord between f the 'couple. One reason assigned was that WOBam bora with difficulty the dictatorial tone of his wife'who in sisted that at the Castle everyone, exeludng her husband, should act and conduct himself according to her Ideas. Koneo Hormine has boon in constant hot water, footer atti tude was raeentad, Nmrtkdin both Betaine and her ^daughter were both preeont at a dinger given an the occasion of WilhtaV anni versary, ? In spite of the ovid^ tension, it la not believed that a rupture Is Im minent, Hernias*! children are still living with their old nurse in the to the park her apartment lu^thojjMyu no» fsr from that of .however, seems to be Ids marriage Will appears much older. All who have seen Mm post few days remark Imeldnw anlilaw feebly ha wafts, vf ' ' f r"'. * 0 ■■ ■ .*■ . INSURANCE MEN RETURN FROM RICHMOND TRIP Messrs W. J. Blair, W. T. Barker, L. R. Orrell returned Sunday night from Richmond Va. where they at tended the Presidents convention of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. They report a pleasant trip and en joyed the splendid speakers, among those who made such excellent spea_ ches were Haley Fiske, President ot the Metropolitan Insurance Co. Governor Trinkle of Virginia. Mayor of Richmond and John Skeleton Williams, former comptroller of cur rency. The banquet which was held at the Jefferson Hotel was attended by 200 invited .guests from all over the state of Virginia besides the re presentatives of the Metropolitan Insurance Company. Phone your subscription to Gazette. HURT ALL OVER Texas Laly CeaUa't Sit, Slaal a* lie Wfck Aiy Cealart. Sue "Cardai Did World of Good” Bartlett. Texas.—Mrs. Nannie Mes ser, of Boats S, tills pines, states: "About three years ago I was in a very critical condition. I bad been suffering tor some time. To tell how f hurt would be impossible. "I Just hurt all over. I oouldn’t sit, stand or lay with any comfort, my back, sides and head all gave me a great deal of trouble. “I was especially bothered utith a light swimming In my head. My people were>ery uneasy about me and sent me to my relatives to see it a change would do me any good. "I stopped at a sister-in-law'* and aha being a great believer to Cardoi, naked aw why I didn’t nee it I de WHICH O Are the Earliest^* I Snap Beans / —the BestTfteldin^y Garden Peas 7 —the Sweetest I Cantaloupe • The Select-Bite Charts in the 1923 Catalog .01 Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be muled to you free on request. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our ll!l CaUIoc Mb how jou eon bom thorn without coot Bond o soot cord tor Tour copy. T. W. WOOD ft SONS, Seedsmen 40 S. 14th St. Richmond, Va. The Gazette is only 10c. a week by the carrier boy. REIDSVILLE-USAKSVILLE 3PRAY TRANSFER FARE *1.00 EACH WAY LEAVING LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY , :80 a. m. Meeting train for Danville No. 44 .. 8:40 A. M. 10:80 A. M. " “ Greensboro No. 48 . 11:40 A. M. 8:80 P, M. “ “ “ Greensboro No. 88 .. 6.-05 P. M. 5:00 P. M. “ “ ** Greensboro No. 48. .. 8:85 P. M. LEAVING RB1DSVILLE FOR UUK8V1LLE-SFRAY. 2:20 Mooting Train for Danvillo No. 88.. 2:20 P. M. 8:24 ** " *• '* N . 46. 8:24 8:40 .. “ No. 44 8:40 TELEPHONE 297 SPRAY FOR CARS. , REST CARS AND CARETUL DRIV ER9. COURTEOUS TO ALL. Wo Stef et the Piedmont and Bel. Hotels m oil EAGLE “BSLIA D( Fat Sab at your Dealer Made i;> f'-'e cradea ask Fon n:s ytt.low rnriciL with the hid hand ; \C!.E MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Emerson and Gammon INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 2055 Boulevard Street HHHKH0a000CHeHMKHMW»O<>rH>OCHCH^CK>OC>O{KH»OO0CHCKHKKHa —p. Get The 1 Penny rofit III Habit II Save Coal Co Leaksville-Spray Ice & t installing nqjflr machinery ana tnereby enlarging onr capacity E Quality is our motto, which demands your Co-operation. A It is an indisputable fact the Pen- P P ny Profit Store will Save you R E from 1-4 to 1-8 of your grocery O N biD. Why not make the Saving. F N Come to see us, we can show why I Y you make this saving. T R. E. PRICE, MGR. PHONE 368. AMMMMMMAMWWO C What is to be considered First 0 Quality or Price, We give you A Coal superior in quality, but L equal in Price.