WATER SYSTEM CAN BE MADE PROFITABLE BY A,N EXTENSION Add 200 water patrons to the Plant in Boulevard section Would do it THEY NEED WATER WE NEED BUSINESS wp nave a goon vown oumu uioj be as good as we are apt to get. They are progressive and yet con servative enough to handle the towns affairs Safely. They have shown a willingness to respond to the wishes of the people of the town, accord ing to the way in which they in terprete the p'ublic pulse. ought to be clear to any ob server that there exists two distin ct opinions, one holding the Board back, the other urgng them to ?o forward. This is what makes official life burdensome and in fact dis agreeable. But this state of affairs is always to be found wherever an effort is made to accomplish worth while things. Other people in other towns have like conditions to face. Dem ccraay has its troubles but little less than autocracy. The Water System. Our water system must be put cn a paying basis. When we say Mud we mean that very thing. The must however, does not mean be cause we said so. No, not that at all It ipust be done to escape aburden some taxation. There is not a man-in the town cf Leaksvile who can figure out and show how the system can be made to pay on the basis of present plant We challenge \any one to come forward with the figures. Listen, The Gazette was the first to advocate the water system. We wanted the town to go into the wat business on a business basis. We said time and again that it would be an injustice to tax property for installation and maintenance. Water is a permanent necessity, There is no substitute for water. Water will be needed while life survives. And thisre is n0 new method for the distribution of water. Once the sys tem is properly installed the cost i f distribution is almost a cipher. * Its A Buaine* Proposition A publicly owned water system should have all the opportunities ' or service that a private enterprise has and much more. Why then, should our water sys tem be hemmed in and prevented from rendering service, when that rervice will net a profit and contri bute to the liquidation of installa tion costs and upkeep. Imagine a man investing $200,000 in a retail business and limiting himself to thousand others are bagging to be come his patrons. That then, is the lcdieulos situation confronting th owners of the New Water System. Who could have thought such ? condition would arise. We nevu would have advocated a water sys tern under such a handicap. On!’ half-horse sense would have shown us that such foolishness would b suicidal and could only be kept i’ operation by a direct tax and almo3' prohibitive water rates. There « A Way Out. There is only one way to make the system pay. That is, more water patrons. How are we to get them? Make them come to us, or send the water to them. Leaksville can’t live on water alone, nor can she prosper on ai^narrow policy. An additional cell only 1,606 patrons, while three investment of ten or fifteen thou sand dollars will make an unproflt able investment a profitable invest ment. There are 200 or 800 prospective water users in the Boulevard sec tion. They are npt in the town but they ate our people and want and need the water. They are only about three blocks outside. Five men* in Leaksville are to blame for tills sec tion not being Inside today.# But they do not have to be inside to get the use and benefit of odf fmter system. We can sell them afl the water they * want at a profit. What more could we ask for? The town Board should ignore the five men who would bring fail Wfeole system, follow tax’ upon .pro force people to get outside of the ( town to escape town tax, all due to a penny wise and pound foolish con trivance.' / 1 The Board should direct their en gineer to go'to the Boulevard sec tion and make a survey, and an es-' timate of the cost of extending water and sewer mains, etc., etc., ' 4 along with the number of water pa trons available on the proposed .ex tension, the possible outlay as well as the annual income. Then let his figures be published so that taxpayers will have the act.-. ' and be able to act intelligently. We feel confident if this is done the extension will be made and the whole town escape financial difficul ties. We are perfectly" willing to take ! the judgement of the Towns own' engineer in these matters. And be- j ; cause of this, we declare the public j should have the benefit of the en- i gineers judgement. We declare that j 300 water patrons cannot meet the , cost of upkeep and interest on water bonds. If we are wrong let the en gineer say so. If our plans to get 200 more patrons will co:t over $15,000, let him say so.Agajn, let him tell Us if by adding additional $15,000, the investment would not be about out of danger of runnkv- , behind. All extensions should be ma -> by the town and no private enta > glement entered into. Private b i i gains envolving a public franchir * I Is a risky undertaking. Nothin:;, would d0 the town more good tha • j to make this extension. The town of Leaksville must no: be given a black eye because of the five men who have stood in the way of a -closer and more harmonious b siness relations. Why should Leak' ville business men labor under such a handicap. This appeal is made in behalf of Leaksville. If it is heeded, Leak: ville is the gainer.. If it is not heed ed. get ready to pay an snormo';^ water rate and meet an annual d - iclt every year for ten years by a lirect tax. If Gazettt readers want the fact' and we are aura they do, then ask the town Board to have the Engin eer furnish figures on the proposal uggested. Unless -you discuss the matter with the Board there will b? mthlng done. Facts are what yo.i want and facts -are all we ask foe. Let us invite prosperity instead of taxing it beyond reason and give every business man ifb town tha good will of the entire community. We want more co-operation and less sec tionalism, peace instead of war. Phone your subscription to Gazette WHICH O Are the Earliest^* I • Snap Beans / —the BestTfteldin^y Garden Peas 7 —the Sweetest I Cantaloupe • The Select-Bite Charts in the 1933 Catalog of W30D8 SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of eaeh vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The-most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request FBEE FLOWfIB SEEDS Our IMS CoUlo* toUo how you ou bom thorn without soot Boat • post cord far tout copy. T. W. WOOD A SONS, Seedsmen 40 8. 14th St. Bicbmond, Va. ] i 1 i :0X IS EMPHATIC IN HIS COMMENTS declare Tanlac ended stomach Trouble and built him Up 25 pounds M. E. Crfx, of Hapeville, Ga., val ied employee of a large Oakland 3ity manufacturing concern, ia still j 1 mother who declares he has found J ! he -Tanlac treatment a safe and |. ure road to health, strength and vorking efficiency. In telling his ex jei'ience he .said recently: j “For three years I suffered from itomach trouble and was in an aw 'ul run-down condition. I had indi gestion so bad I could not eat any hing but what it caused the wflrst • >f pains in my stomach. My nerves ,vere all undone, and altogether I 5ot no rest day or night, and could lo no work. “When I started on Tanlac I weighed a hundred and twenty sounds, but now I tip the scales at x hundred and forty-five, a gain of Aveiity’-five pounds. After taking seven bottles of Tanlac I am souiu rnd well, working steady every day, »nd I am glad to make a statement for the good it might do others. ‘#anlac is for sale by all ’gJOi. Iruggists. Take no substitute. Over 3 5-million bottles sold. (adv). SAMUEL GOMPERS . SLIGHTLY IMPROVED NEW YORK, March. 10.—-Sam uel Gompers President of the Am erican Federation of labor who is seriously ill at Lenox Hill Hospital with influenza rested a little more comfortable and his physician said his condition shows the same steady improvement during the next twenty four hours that it has during the twelve hours past he will be able to announce the patient out of danger The labor leader wxfs suffering wr.h bronchitis. when taken to the hospit- , al several days ago and for a time w.is threatened with pneumonia. 60 PASSENGERS ARE OVERCOME ONN. Y. SUBWAY TRAIN Ether escaping from con car ried by'passenger cause, of Panic MAN PLACED UNDER * ARREST LATER ON NEW YOftK, March. 10.—Sixty passengers on a subway train were overcame by ether escaping from a can carried by Richard C. Hanorro Young, a Sout American who told police he was taking it home for a cold. When the train pulled into the station .practically every passenger in one car was swooning and some women hysterical. Two passengers were removed to a hospital. Chanor ro was arrested. IN FORT MYER FIRE EIGHT BUILDINGS ARE BURNED BY FLAMES Destroyed Isolation post hos pital and threatened gen eral hospital PATIENTS REMOVED AS A PRECAUTION - - * -I WASHINGTON, Mar. 10.—Enlist :d men at Fort Myer, Virginia, were ikaning up the debris of ' a fire which destroyed eight buildings latt light with an estimated damage of >ne hundred and ten thousand dol ors and caused some minor injur es to fourteen of the men who ought the flaptes. The fire raged or more than tw0 hours and des ;royed the isolation war post h«# xital, and threatened the General lOfpltsl, causing the removal of all latients. • , i •H 1 'TTTniniiiuttmuiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiimiiiiiiuimmiiiiimiiiimitimiiimiii ^lllllllllllllllliyillllintlHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIlllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM : MOORE’S PAINT STORE I I Offers you a saving on House Paints, Varnishes, Stain#, Leads, and Oil. We handle non but the best. ^ s, x . Absolutely Guaranteed • D. E. Moore & Sons Phone 166 LADY ASTOR DRIVES DRY BILL FORWARD (By Associated Press* * LONDON, March. 10.—Even though Lady Astor’s - prohibition bill is not expected to become law despite it passing tha second read ing in the House of Commons yes-, terday, it is admittbd^ on all sides rhe achieved a remarkable parlia mentary success and enhanced her| reputation as a member of the Brit'-' ish legislature. With scarcely *n ex-, ception newspapers admit discuss ion of the bill which would prohibit the sale of intoxicants to youths un der eighteen for consumption on premises where sold, was on a high plane and that her ladyship showed praise worthy of restraint in pre senting her case. x Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer and sntpll daughter, Doris of Winston-Salem spent the week end with Mrs. B. H. Dyer on Boone Road. Mr. M. McGilvary spent the week end in Durham, and Chas. Mitchell spent the week end in ReidSville Both are of the Gazette force. Miss Francis Reid of Randolph Macon College, Danville, Va., spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Reubin Reid. > * Phone the Gazette when missed by the carrier Boy. WANT ADS ' >■ .. i... —.- i LOST BROWN SUIT CASE BE tween Leaksville. and. Reidsville finder return to Strong Bros. Bar ber Shop and receive reward. LOST. $10.00. BILL. BETWEEN Dunkard church, Davie st. and Mrs. Cora Martin’s store, Please return to Mids May Warren and get reward. (It) FOR SALE- 4 ROOM HOUSE, PRt vate garage, stable, lot 66 Xnl65 nice trees, Railroad St,. See J. >. •- DeShazo for terns. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMitiiiii REID$VILLE-LKAKSV1LLE. SPRAY TRANSFER FARE #1.00 EACH WAY LEAVING LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY . :30 a, m. Masting train for Dlanvill* No.'44 .'. .......... 8 :40 A. M. 10:80 A. M. “ “ Greensboro No. 46 ..._..... • 11:40 A. M. 8:80 P.M. “ “ " Greensboro 'No. 86 .. 6K>6 P. M. 6:00 P. M. " " “ Greensboro No. 48. .I... «:36 P. M. LEAVING REIDSVILLE FOR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY. - | 8:20 Meeting Train for DanvHl# No. 36 . 2:20 P. M. | 8:24 “ '* “ ** N . 46. 8:24] 8:40 “ “ ** “ No. 44 8:40, TELEPHONE 2»7 SPRAY FOR1 CARS.. BEST CARS AND CARETUL DRIV ERS. COURTEOUS TO ALL. We Stop at the Piedmont and Bel-1 rid/re Hotel* on all schedule trip*.! -•_--4-4 BUS LIN^ A. M. SCHEDULE LEAVING Leaksville Floyd Hill Spray Drape’ 6:40 J 8:46 ' 6;60 ' 7:30 8:16 8:2.0 8:26 »:16 10:30 10:85 10:40 11:20 P. M. Schedules 12:40 12:46 12:50 1:20 2:00 2:05 2:10 2:35 j 8:46 3:60 3:55 '4:25 4:46 4:60 4:65 6:15 6:30 6:86 6:40 1 K)0 For information call 311. « | » ’-Sxi&c ; BATTERIES The pleasure of driving your car equipped with an Exide is the pleasure that conies from a mind relieved of the worry of “what’s going to happen to jny battpry next” ? A. O. GREER (On The Boulevard) PHONE 364 Effective February 1 lth. Leave Stoneville Daily 7;22 A. M. For Roanoke, Hagers town, Lynchburg Norfolk , & intermediate stations, Bristol, Johnson City, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville & Memphis. 1:16 P, M. For Roanoke, Bristol, Blue field, Cincinnati, Col-' umbus, Chicago and the West, New York, Phila. . r delphia and the East Pull Salem to Cincinnati, and Salem to New York and Roanoke to Columbus, ' and Chicago. 6:26 P. M. For Roanoke, Lynchburg, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Norfolk and Richmond and interme diate stations. " Bristol, Chattanooga, Birming ham, New Orleans, Shre v veport and beyond. The above trains leave Koehler, Va. 8:14 A. M. 2:04 P. M., 7:13 P. M. C. B. Perkins, T. P. A. Winston Salem N. C. The Gazette is only ' 10c. a week by the carrier boy. Stoneviile-LeaksVille-Spray Transfer Schedule 6:30 a. m. Meeting Train for Roan. oke, Va., 7:22 8:45 a. ni. Meeting Train for Wins 12:20 p. n..— Meeting train foi Roan oke. Va. 3:00 p. ca.—Meeting Train for Win ston-Salem, N. C. 5:00 p m—Meeting Train for Roan oke, Va. 7:00 p. m.—Meeting Train for Win ston-Salem, N. C. This transfer will stop for pgsgen gers at any of the following places: Jones Motor Co., SpTay Motor Co.,* ton*6»lem 9:63. Leave efcUs »t any of the above places. * For further Information gall W M. Carter, Phone 105. JEFF WEBSTER . .. ..y-: : i- ^ ** ■ ? j You Are Requested To Spend A Few Minutes But You Are Not Required To Spend Any Money At Our * Spring Style Showing Of ' Men’s And Young Men’s Suits * lliitiJiiiiMiiiiiaiiiiiiii in materials woven and in models chosen to meet your individual requirement* ■' v m % We shall not attempt to sell you clothes so much as to sell you the convictiou that when it comers to Style, ypu jpu§t cqme tb this establishment for what is first and freshest. The final decision liea be tween you and the looking-glass <—and the lqoking glass never lies, y DEPT THE BOULEVARD i v*)\ m£m ’ (SI f s #1 IIIIIIIttHUHMl

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