LEAKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SATetDAY, APRIL 21, 1923 VOLUME XIL, NO. 80 Two cent* W. VIRGINIA COAL MINE TOWN WIPED OUT BY FLAMES Village of Burke, McDowell county huge ash heap MINERS TAKE UP HAMMER AND SAW -- i (By Associated Press) Bluefield, W. Va., April, 21.— The pick and shovel was discarded for the hammer and paw by scores of miners of Burke, a mining village in McDowell county which was con verted into a huge ash heap by the llaines last night with an estimated loss of property of one million dol dars. More than 1,000 persons were rendered homeless by fire which de stroyed « hundred buildings. The fire is believed to have been caused by a defective flue. -O SPEAKER GILLETT BACKS HARDINGS COURT SUGGESTION (By Associated Press) „ ' Washington, April, 21.—Harding . proposal that the United States en ter the International Court of Jus tice was given an unreserved en dorsement by Speaker Gillett who declared a misunderstanding was re Sponsible for the opposition vo:ced by Representative Wood, chairman, of the eRpublican Congresional cam gaign committee and others. - -Or Mr. L. S. Neal and family went to Salisbury today to spend the week end with relatives. (Mr. Brewer Dyer and family and Mrs. B. H. Dyer expect to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer at Winston Salem. Mrs. Dyei wjll spend several days and then go to High Point for a visit with her daughter Mrs. F. C. Sharp. ' . . , o- ... Misses Catherine Austin and Bessie Clark are spending the week end In Danville, Va. MU* Marguerite Barksdale, win has been ill with pneumonia i some better today. « ■ .-o--— The eost of the World War to cGrmany is estimated at $49,362 00O.QO0. ' The average cost of training a d;s { abled American veteran is $128.32 a month. The United States navy has 22 destroyers and flagship Vicksburg in in the Near East. _ V As a result -of the World War, nc fewer than 10,000 words were ad ded to the English language. Five mCmo'rials costing $300,000 are to be ejected on the battelfield: of France in honor of Pennsylvanir troops. Fort Worth, Tex., April, 20.— - Ninety-two oil promoters were in dieted by a Federal grand jury on charges of using the mailB to de fraud. Among those the name of Dr. Frederick A._ Cook. -r-o BILL BOOSTER SAYS RRISHDR* ROA.OS W FROtA KU. OVER “THE WORLD L8AD MtO OOR TOMMl CUCtOMSRR AMD HOME UBIITO VNLU OiAM HM««e r* ROADR W Vff'RB RMACT GHOOOH -CO ACCtRACT IWEMl ARK VIS*? ftL RAN WEARS! unfeoot " JESUS CRUCIFIED LESSON TEXT—Luke 88:33-1$. GOLDEN TEXT—He was wounded tor our transgressions, He was bruised (or our iniquities; the chastisement o( our peace was upon Him, and with Hla stripes we are healed.—Isaiah $3:4. — REFERENCE MATERIAL—Poa. 2t:I 81; r Cor. 1:23, 24; Gal. $:14. PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus on the Croea JUNIOR TOPIC—Jesus onr the Cross. INTERMEDIATE AND 8ENIOR TOPIC —What Our Salvation Costs. YOUjnG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —The Meaning of Christ’s Death. We now face the greatest tragedy of all time. No record in the annals of history approaches It It Is the very climax of all history. Though unique In its blackness, from It flows streams of liberty and life for all the world. Let every teacher have the personal experience of Christ’s death for him, and then get his pupils to see that Christ’s death was Instead of their own death. , I. The Place of Crucifixion (y. S3). They led Him away to Calvary, a hill north of Jerusalem resembling i a skull. Calvary is die Latin word I and (loigotha is the Hebrew? This. Is a significant name for the place where man's redemption was accomplished. The skull is an apt picture of man’s condition as the result of sin—life and intelligence are gone, leaving only the dark empty cavern which once contained' them. Jesus was not cruci fied in the city for He was to suffer without the gate (Heb. 13:12); II. His Companions on the Cross (v. 33); Two malefactors,were crucifled'wlth Him. Their names are not given. This is a fulfillment of the Scriptures. “He was numbered with the transgressors,” (Isaiah 53:12). III. His Forgiving Love (v. 34).. He cried, “Father, forgive them.” He doubtless had in mind not only the soldiers who acted for the government, hut the Jews who in their blindness were ignorant of the enormity o{ their crime. He had no'hatred In His heart. He yearned for their salvation. IV. The World Revealed (vv. 34-43). Jesus Christ on the cross Is the supreme touchstone laying bare the heart of the world. Take a cross section of the world at any time since Christ was crucified and representa tives of their classes were found around Jesus on the cross. The cross is the Judgment of (his world (John 12:31). 1.. The Covetous 'v. 84). They gambled for His seamless robe right under the cross where Ha was dying. This represents those whose -primary Interest In Christ Is s means to get gain. 2. The Indifferent (v. 35). The people stood beliylding. The great mass of the world gaze upon the cruci fied Christ With stolid Indifference. 3. The Scoffers (vv. 35-39). (1) The rulers reviled Him for Ills claim to being a Savior. They wanted a Savior, but not a crucified Savior. Many toduy are religious, but have only contempt for a salvation which centers in a blood atonement. (2) The soldiers reviled Him for claiming to be a king. The title, “King of the Jews’’ bad been placed over him in bitter irony, but It was true, for by right of the Dnvidlc covenant He shall be King over Israel (II Samuel 7:8-16). (3) The Impenitent Thief (v. 39). This brutal, man joins In reviling the Savior even when he was under condemnation. 4. The Penitent (vv. 40-43). The conscious sinner who discerned the heart of the Savior prayed for mercy. The salvation of this penitent thief Is a remarkable picture of the saving power of Christ. The man confessed his sin as against God and cried to Jesus for salvation. He saw that the dying loan was the forgiving God. The fact that he acknowledged bis sin as against God showed that he was peni tent. His request for Christ to remem ber him when He came Into His king dom shows that he recognized that the one who was dying on the cross was making atonement for sin and that he would come to reign as King. His salvation was immediate. Christ said, •Today shalt thou be with me In paradise.' V. The Death of Christ (vv. 40-46). So shocking was the crime that na* ture threw around the Son of God a shroud to liide Him from the Godless crowd. Darkness was upon the land at noonday.. When the price of sin was paid He cried with a loud voice showing that He still had vitality— that His death was not through ex haustion but by His sovereign will. Manners. Manners are the luippy ways of do ing things.—Ralph Waldo Emerson. -:— j > Time. Time devours all human things, and It Is but fitting that we should snatch something from it la'our turn, which may turn to account in life eternal.— St. Vincent of Lerins. A Cheerful Face. A cheerful face U nearly us good for an Invalid as henlth.v weather.—Krauk tin. Taking Cur Colois. We tnkp inti: colors. cluimehNur ike. f-oni each other.—Chuintort. . ’ ■ -O ' Mr. D. E. Oakes of Greensboro is visiting Mr. and Mrs, 8 -L. Hege the past few days SPRAY BAPTIST CHURCH WEEKLY ANNOUNEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY—The Ladies Aid So ciety will meet with Mrs. P. C. Cow an at 3:00 o’clock. All members are | urged to be present. Any new mem bers or visitors will be welcome. WEDNESDAY—Remember our mid-week prayer service at 7:30 o’clock. We have been very much encouraged with our increased at tendance at prayer meeting for seme time now. If our attendance cont:nues to increase we shall ebon have to go to the main auditorium for seating fapac!ty. You are wel come. COME! Following the prayer service there will be choir practice. 5TH SUNDAY MEETING i The Sunday school Union of the Pilot MfRintain Association sneers with Kernersville Baptist Church. Friday Apri 27-29, 1923. The pa&tor superintendent and three delegates from each school ary urged to b* present with the following informa tion: 1. What per cent of your resident church membership attend the S. S. regularly? 2. Do you have teacher* meet ings? 3. Do you have a teachers train ing class? 4. Have you attempted to stand ize your school? 5 What have you done to improve your school ? 6. Does yjjur schtrrl observe spec ial programs sent out by the S. S. Board ? The program opens at. 10:15 Fri day morning. Dr. W. E. Abernathy of Leaksville will preach the sermon at 11 oclock. Various subjects will be discussed during the afternoon. Friday night at 8 oclock ‘fThe Key that Unlocks” a playlet In 3 acts, 14 characters presented by Karners ville Sunday School The session con continucs through Saturday and will close Sunday by a program arrang ed by the Kernersville church. t MOTHER’S DAY | All will rejoice to know that we. were 'successful in seen ring Mr*. T.! W. Bickett, of Raleigh, to apeak to us on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May,! 13th. Those of us who have had the j pleasure of hearing Mrs.. Bickett, will rejoice to hear her again; and those who have not heard her will profit by hearing her. Arrangements are being made to have conveyances on that day for all who cannot arrange to get to church, and especially all mothers.1 We want at least 300 mothers pres ent. Those who were present last year know that we had to bring in chairs to seat the crowd and we had no out of town speaker. We only mention this to impress upon the importance of ’being there early if you Want a seat. Arrangements have also been made to take care of all the small children so that the mothers can en joy the entire service. Do not let the baby keep you at home. Let us keep it. Phone Mr. W. T. Roystei 1 or the pastor if you would come if we come and get you ; SPECIAL SERVICE I Dr. W. L. Scarborough of Fort Worth, Texas will speak at tho First Baptist Church in Winston Salem on Monday afternoon, April, 23rd, at 3 o’clock. His message will be—“Our Great Opportunity As Baptists!’’ Dr. Scarborough is one of our leaders in the Southern Bap tist Convention and will bring us a great message. At that time he will be engaged in “Revival Services” at the First Baptist Church there and this special service is being planned in order that many of our people ""*'T " -'— To Married Men ' and Women and Beys amt; G’rk ———»■■ ' II —■ Tb YOU MARRIED MEN - who j are 'doing your utmost to give your family everything: there is in life and who, to do so, must continually be looking for money-making oppor tunities. TQ YOU MARRIED WOMEN— who, although you may have house hold duties to take care of, still feel that you are a ‘‘partner” in the home- and want to do your p.at in everything perta:ning to the home or Want to have a car of your own TO; YOU YOUNG MEN—who arv constantly complaining that it it hard' to “get a start nowadays” and that the big opportunities that come into men’s lives in days gone by are not open to young men today. TO YOUNG WOMEN—who real ize that women worth while today are the women who do things and are a factor in the world instead of pampered pets of society’. TO EVERY ONE—who desire more of the better things in life, a home, a car, a start in business or anything elre that money ean buy may we not suggest that you read and consider the money mak'ng op portunity that exists in The Tri City Daily Gazette Salesmanship Club gift campaign. THEN ACT—Don’t wait until it’s too late. Act now. Send in your en try blank and make more money fo yourself in the next few weeks than most of ur make in a year. -O CHURCH NOTICES CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY LEAKSV1LLE 3rd Sunday after Ea*ter 10:00 A. M. Church School No morning service. , 7:80 P. M. Evening service and sermon by Rev. Wm, J. Gordon. ST. LUKES CHURCH, SPRAY - 9:48 A M. Sunday school. It K)0 '"A. M. Morning service with special address Jby Miss Vaughn. 1:00 P. M. Dinner at Parish house. 3:00 P. M. Congregational meet ing with address by Miss Vaughon. 7:30 P. M. Evening service witl farewell address by Miss Vaughoi -O Dr and Mrs. J. B. Ray have re turned from Asheville where Dr. Ray attended the State Medical meeting this week. throughout this section may have the privilege of hearing him. The Baptist Pastors Conference, of Winston Salem and the Pilot Mountain Asociation is very anxious that this message shall have a large hearing. Not only every pastor in the Pilot Mountain Association is urged to be present but they also -want a large representation from everv church. SOUTHERN BAPTIST .. CONVENTION The Southern Baptist Conven tion meets “this year in Kansas City Missouri, from May 16th to 21st. The pastor is delighted to know that arrangements are being made to send him. EXCHANGE OF PULPITS For some time the pastor has been planning to exchange pulpits with Bro. Overhy, pastor of the Draper Baptist church. This ex change wil -be made Sunday 'morn ing at 11 oclock service. You are cordially invited t° all services. MfliWrtWAW.V COUPON VWAV. THIS COUPON WHEN NEATLY CLIPPED AND RE TURNED TO THE SALESMANSHIP CLUB DE PARTMENT OF THE TRI-CITY- DAILY GAZETTE WILL COUNT FOR 100 FREE CREDITS CAST FOR TOWN OR t^TY... No Coupon Will bo transferred from ono Club mem ber to another after being received a^ the office of The Salesmanship Club. > Mu.t be deposited or in the mails by 9 P. M. on Or before above date ef expiration. VOK> AFTER MAY 9th 1923 1 WAA.'AW.W.’JWAV.VYAV.VW.V.VW SUSPENSION 60 DAYS PAY FOR AGENTS IN CAR PISTOL ATTACK Agents who shot at Miss .Bowen and Miss Gwynn’s car are suspended for attack COMMISSIONER HA\S ORDERED THIS STEP Washington, April 21.—Feu Sculh Civrol.jra prohibition agents who shot st an automobile contain ing two A heville N, C. Young wo mens Christian Asec’ati&n worker', on the Greenville-Ashevijie pike on Vni il 8th were suspended for 60 days by- prohibition comnvssionei Haynes. The agents suspended are Thomas Tolbert, acting state direct or, Leon Queen, acting head of the South Carolina field forces, J. II Pauitrr rml M. L Wright Suspen sions without pay for 60 days were ■■eeonvmended by Haynes and an proved by the Internal Revenie Commissioner Blair, in response tr public resentment against the con duct of the agents. The young wonven in the car wev‘ Misses Bowen and Mary Gwynn Miss Mary Gwynn is the daughter of Rev P. H. Gwynn of Leaksvilie N. C. SUNDAY SERVICES AT XEAKSVILLE METHODIST CHURCH 0:45 A. M. Sunday School. 11.00 A. M. Church service with •i fermcn to children to wh;ch al* are invited 7:30 P. M. Preaching service— rern.on subject: The Lame Man Cured. -o „Mr". Cabell Jones, who has beer in the ho-pital at Danville several days is now improving. -o- ' REPORT MOORE COUNTY MINE CAVED IN Report a!.'o state* six lives be lieved lost Charlotte, N. C. April 21,—Re ports received here stated that the Talo Mine owned by the Standard Mineral Company in Moore county had caved in and 6 lives were be lieved to have been lost. The m'nf is near Hemp. Pali ;gh. April, 21.—Three per sons were killed when the mine caved in according to reports to the Norfolk-Southern railroad agent From the agent at Hemp. -O TWO MORF. ARTICLES FROM SCHOOL PUPILS “PATRIOTISM” (Hayes Barker, 7th Grade) Patriotism means love for one’s country. It is a characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the charac ter of a citizen. It should be taught in schools and in homes. Patriotism will make any one grow into a better citizen, who can do more to help his country. Patriotism and love for the flag should be taught the foreigner who comes to our shore. It will keep him from trying to stir up anarchy in this country, and from trying to assasinate our presidents. It is said that in other countries the people love the flag so much that whenever it is displayed they rise to their feet as we did in war time. If we did this, it would with doubt cause us to think more about our flag and country and love them better. If we could realize what a great blessing it is to live in a great coun try like ours, where we have much liberty we should be more patriotic There,is something lacking in any one who does not love his native or adopted country. Let us say with Oliver W. Holmes “One flag, one land, one 'hand, One Nation evermore!” -O PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPRAY 11:00 A. M. Morning service— Subject: Personal Evangelism. 7:30 P. M. Evening service Special music by Kircheis •orches tra. You are cordially invited to at tend these services. J S. COOK, Pastor. FOOD DROPPED FROM SKY TO MAROONED WOOD CUTTERS Airplanes drop bags of food to 9 men and one wo man on Fox Island TODAY PLANES PLAN TO RESCUE PARTY (By Associated Press) North Port, Michigan, A»>"il, 21 — Tre marooned wood cutters of South Fox Island, are eating some thing besides bread and blackstrap. Out of the sky heralded by the tr umphant roar of two airplane motors bags of food rained down through the bleaknes of a late af ternoon and were quickly retrieve! and opened by the nine men and 1 woman of the stranded parly. The oianes will fly t cthe Island today, ',o bring the party to the mainland. -o Sugfretts Ten Commandments Replace State Constitution (By Associated Press) Jefferson C'ty. Mo., April 19 — A bill to repeal the constHut on of Missouri and all statute law, and substitute for them the ten com mandments and the Ieap;ue or Na tions, was introduced in the lower house of the Missouri legislature, during the session just adjourned. The bill however was not given serio.us consideration, and was not even referred to, a committee by the speaker. In explaining his action in in troducing such a bill, Represents tive J. Dal Swiers, republican, cf Christian county, stated that it was for the purpose of aiding the democrats in theiir apparent plan to change all the laws, by chang ing them all at once. Another bill introduced was one providing that all street cars be equipped with an automatic l ght on the rear which would show the word “stop” when the car was nol in motion. It got through the house but in the senate it was amended, the amendment providing that it “should be in effect only during the total eclipse of the sun and moon.” Another bill of unusual charac ter in the lower house provide ! that no landlord could refuse to rent to persons with children. RUSSIAN EARTHQUAKE (By Associated Press) Moscow April, 21.—Russian news papers report an earthquake April, 15th at Petropavlovsk, Kamtchatka, which carried into the sea two fac tories, a hospital and several houses -o Mrs. L. H. Burnette of Banville, Va., who has been the guest of Prof, and Mrs. J E Holmes returned to her home today ASSINIEOINE RIVER OVERFLOW ITS BANKS VBy Associated Press) Winnipeg, April 21.—Flood con ditions at Portage La Prairie, where the Assiniboine river overflowed its banks is reported serious Railroad yards and residential sect'ons are being swept by the flood and resi dents are using row boats to gain place? of safety. ---o MRS. CLARA PHILLIPS MAY BE EXTRADITIED (By Associated Press) Washington, April 21.—As pre liminary to a formal request for ex tradition, the state department has decided to open negotiations with the Honduras government to estab lish the identity of a suspect resid ing in Tegucigalpa and believed to be Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted hammer murderess who escaped frotti a jail in California. ■O NEW RECORD IN COTTON SPINNING IN MARCH (By Associated Press) / Washington, April 21.—Cotton spinning set a new record in March reaching more than nine and a half billion active spindle honrs, the census -bureau reported m cotton growing states spimyng activity ex ceeded five billion hours for the first time.