INCLUDING THREE 192. And Hundreds Of Doll In Other Prizes And Cash Awards TRI-CITY DAILY GAZETTE FELEPHONE No. 1 msm TO OUR READERS i The Tri-City Daily Gazette in putting on this great Salesmanship Club Circulation Campaign, posi tively guarantees fair anil impar tial treatment to every club mem ber who enters and takes ;.n active pan in the campaign. This is easily the most liberal prize offering ever made by a news paper in this section of the state, and it now rests with the enterpris ing hustlers of this territory to get busy and enter their names and se cure a share of all the big prizes to be awarded. This is YOtJR OPPOR TUNITY to secure, without a single cent of cost, prezes that would take you years of saving and self-denial to acquire. How they are offered to you ABSOLUTELY FREE for just a few weeks’ work during your spare time. The wise candidate will send in the nomination coupon at once and be among the first in the field. REMEMBER—Everbody wins in this campaign—there will be no losers—and your prize can be just' as great as you wish to make it This is positively the best spare moment opportunity evjr offered to the readers of Tre Tri-City Daily Gazette. rSy Start Means Early Finish § Tin* advantages of an early start are manifest. Not on!: :lo you have the FULL EIGHT WEEKS in which to secure the winning credits but now, and up to and including May 23rd, you will receive the maximum schedule of credits on subscriptions. Then, too, the first in the field will got the “cream” of credits and sub-. Ecript.ions, while those who put off entering uptil a later date will have ot take what is left. Don’t lose valuable time waiting to “tee what the other fellow ii go ing to do," but pitch right in and show the “other fellow” how to do it. • ' How rv i * idits Are Secured The next step is to call on or! write the campaign department for] a free working outfit (Consisting of a special receipt book, sample cop ies of paper and other information relative to launching an active cam paign ). Thus equipped, you have but to go to your friends an 1 neighbors, relatives and acquaintances and have them clip the free coupons irom their papers, and pay up a subscription the The Tri-City Daily Cavette through you. THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO IT. However, you will met win anything unless you make the start; and whTo it will not be a very difficult ma-ter to cap ture" one of the big prises, neverthe less is is necessary for you to start early. You must plan cut your cam paign the fame as any successful business man plans out his work for a season, and above everything else, let no one discourage yon, but stick to it to the finish. It takes credits to win and cred its are secured in two ways, First, by clipping the coupons appearing in each issue of The Tii-City Daily Gazette. Begin gathering them NOW. The only restriction placed on voting coupons is that they must be deposited at the campaign de partment of the Tri-City Daily Gaz ette on or before the expiration date printed thereon. Get your friends to save these coupons for you—they all count. The other and faster way to get credits is by securing new and renewal subscriptions and ex tensions. Schedule of Credits and Sub scriptions price of the Tri-City Daily. Gazette FIRST CREDIT PERIOD Up to Wednesday May 23rd 6 Months. $ 2.60 6,000 1 Year . 6.00 12,000 2 Years. 10.00 30,000 3 Years . 16.00 60,000 4 Years ... 20.00 120,000 6 Years.. 26.00 240,000 6 Yearf - • - 30.00 360,000 SECOND CREDIT PERIOD From Maly 24th to Juao 9th 6 Months $ 2.60 4,000 1 Year .. 5.00 9,000 2 Years -. 10.00 22,500 3 Years . . 15 00 45,000 4_Years . _ 20.00 90,000 5 Years ....._ 25.00 190,000 6 Years_ 30.00 270,000 THIRD CREDIT PERIOD? From June lOlh to June 16th 6 Months ..$ 2.60- 2,500 1 Year .. 5.00 6,000 2 Years .....,* 10.00 15,000 3 Years..15.00 ' 30,000 4 Years__ .*. . . 20.00 60,000 5 Years.. 25.00 120,000 6 Years.. 30.00 180,000 The above declining schedule of credits will positively not be chang ed during the .campaign. A special credi ballot good for 100,000 extra credits will be issued on every “CLUB” of |15 turned in. This special offer will remain effect dur ing the entire campaign and will be considered part of ■ the regular schedule^ I. Rules And Regulations I 1. The campaign officially opens now, and will extend over a period of eight weeks only. 2. Any white 'person over 14 years of age, who 1b of good moral character, and is a resident of this section, married or unmarried, old or young, is eligible ,to compete in this Salemanship Club campaign. Children under 14 years of age are allowed to enter only with the con sent and assistance of their parents or guardians. S. No salaried employe of the Tri City l^aily Gazette, or member of the employe’s immediate family, can enter to compete for any of these prlztfs. The Tri-City Dally Gazette, reserves the .right to reject any. nomination. 4. Credits cannot be purchased in this campaign. Every dollar ac cepted through the campaign de partment must represent a sub scription payment. 5. Free credit coupons will be printed in the Tri-City Daily Gaz ette each issue, which, when neatly cut out, and name filled in, and brought or mailed to the campaign department of The Tri-City Daily Gazette, will count for the number cf credits printed thereon. 6. No statement or promise made by any representative or candidate varying from the rules and'regula tions as published in the columns of this paper, will be recognized by the .campaign department. Should any question arise, the decision of the management will be absolute and final. 7. The list of the candidates nominated, together with the num-, ’ her of credits turned in for publica tion, will be published from time t > time. No .candidate may publish more subscription credits during any one ' twenty-four hours than 25,000 credits above the leader of the previous day. This ruling is only temporary and is made to encour age the proper reservation of cred its by the candidate's. 8. Credits arje not transferable, and no candidate cau withdraw and give the credits to another candi date. Should a candidate withdraw from the race, his or her credits will be cancelled at once. 9. In the event of a tie, contest ants who tie will receive prizes of equal value. 10. In case of a typographical er ror, it is understood that neither the publishers of he Tri-City Daily Gaz ette nor the campaign manager shalll be held responsible exctpt to make the necessary correction of the same. 11. Every candidate who enters this campaign is an authorized agent of The Tri-City Daily Gazette, and as such may collect and solicit sub scriptions. 12. ‘There will be a number of prizes awarded in the campaign be sides a 10 per cent cash commission on all subscriptions to air ACTIVE non-prize winners, but it is directly understood that in the event any candidate becomes inactive, failure to make weekly cash report he or she will, at the discretion 'of the management, become disqualified and thereby forfeit all right to a' prize or a commission. 13. To insure absolute fairness and impartiality in the'awarding of the prizes the campaign will be brought to a close under the “sealed •ballot box” system. During the en tire last week of the race, a ballot box—locked and sealed, will repose in the vault of a local bank where candidates and their friends will de posit their final cash collections and % reserve credits. When the race has been declared closed a committee of local business men who- will act as the official judges in awarding the prizes will take, charge of the , ballot box, break the seals, unlock the box and begin the final count of ^credits. In this way, no one, not even the campaign manager* can possibly know the number of credits held by any Candidate until after the judges have made their final ' count, which precludes any possibil ity of favoritism, and guarantees fairness to the minutest degree. 14. The Tri-City Daily Gazette re serves the right to amend the rules of the campaign if it becomes nec 'essary, for the protection of the in terests of both the club members ~ and this newspaper. In accepting nominations candidates'" agree to abide by the above rules and con-^f1 ditions. It Cost You Nothing to Nominate and Cast 5000 Credits for Yourself or Friend _i 1*::' ___ _ - . The Salesmanship Club Department wil be open from 8:00 A. M. till 8:00 P. M». Prospective Club Members should call at this de partment the vary minute they decide to enter the tk ' paign or, as early thereafter as pcitible and let the cam paign manager give them such aid and instructions as will be very bene ficial to them. cam NOMINATION blank IN THE TRI-Cmr DAILY GAZETTE “SALESMANSHIP CLUB” CAMPAIGN I hereby nominate end ca^t 5,000 CREDITS for Miss (Mr. or Mrs.) Address as a candidate in Tri-City Daily Gazette's "Sales manship Club.’ Pp You realize .that the winner of the DURANT CAR will earn on an aver age of $140.00 a week for their prta in this Campaign? That the winner of the OVERLAND, will make on an average of $90.00 a week? And the winner of .the FORD $61.00 a week? Salaries rivaling Bank Presi dents. Has such an opportunity ever been offered YOU before? GRASP IT NOW TODAY