"the tri-city DAILY GAZETTE Published everv week-day afternoon LEAKSV1LLE, N. C. Siuoersors to Tlie Leaksville Gazette Established in 1880. j THE GA2EVE PRINTING CO., ! Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR j T.1EMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I FrVered as Second Class Mail Mat- ! i< v at I’ostolHce, Leaksville, N. C. 1--V.CK—ILrily delivered by carrier (,,lv. j $r>.tiO; 6 months, $2.60; 3; months 51.23; 1 month 45c. 10 cents j week. -Thomas F. Fore "git Eepre'entat’ve Clatk Co., 141-145 We;t 36th St, New York City. ADVERTISING RATES—30c. per inch, includes composition on dis ph.v advertising, 25c per inch on tyi’e high plates. Classified, per ;-ns single insertion 10c; three in sertions 8c per'line- six insertions ,V nor line each insertion; obituary i ■itiees. 5c per line. !),„ Tri-City Daily Gazette’s Im_ .,, .gate Territory includes Leakc i Spray. Draper and all Leaks ■ "••• Township, equal to a city •'iitiuliitioii of 17.000. MONDAY, MAY 7, )9h3 l.x;W TC STABILIZE ftUSJNESS j>\iccs for stabilising business . t'i' nl.ii i t or a most interesting the report of the Nation :,1 Run au of Economic Research lot is-iu ti by Secretary Hoover un t’-v nus-n'eea of the Committee . i Uninunloyirent and Business Cy. : if rreShlont’:; Hardings re r.-,n < tv nee. The material pre . ,t.d : • the n ult of nation-wide :rifraifeo.il comiuctod by the Taylor Society, the Association of Business ]■ o- Ed tors and the Federated American Engineering Societies. the results show that American business enterprises have tried only to a limited extent to develop and apply methods of counteracting fluc tuations in industrial activity, fte r'jrrj to a qucrtion&lre indicate var io-.’r Methods of stabilization, many of. I horn only expedients made heoei rary by depression and not methods r.ct deliberately planned in advance. There is little evidence of organized e-tort io jn,^,—... I the fcttglftrsa cycle. Manefacturers rtoegnlse the need rf extensive urs of statistical lnfijr i on in formulating their produet io-n programs and bu-lness policies ;.r,d obviously it would be a service to the country if this information .-. lid Is-' t omniled and disseminated :;hy sOipfo public ncy, as the Gov .ei anient now forecasts weather con -.Sr.r.T.’ interesting material is sup plied in answer to a question as lr ;!•:: accumulation of reserve funds duiii.r-- s' liods of prosperity 'to take care of business during depression s i the uses to which they are put Long-range planning of construct ion wo) k is shown to be confined to a very small proportions of the firms replying. Similarly, efforts to relieve workmen laid off are still rudimentary, and depression insur ance is rare. The "conclusion from the data flu died is that the necessity for pre dieting and preparing for approach ing economic changes in the major cycle and taking advantage of them before such changes occur, appears not' yet to be recognised as a busi si principle of general applies •ion. BASEBALL RESULTS South Atlantic Spmtanburg 3; Charlotte 11 Col umbi Imperial Trust and Savings Co., The Bank for your savings. In all your travels, you need never woiry about DeFeet, when you have your work done at Leaksviilt Mod ern Electrik Shoe Shop, Phone 345. It’s nice to have a reai pleasant dream. Speaking of dreams you rhould see that beauuinl line Of gifts, jewelry, etc., now on display at Pyron & Rogers, Boulevard and Draper, near Depot. It’s nice to keep your store ,n good shape, but you should see the good shapes in our store in hats of quality and styles. For everything n Millenery see Boulevard Millinery Hattie Robertson. Phone 296. There’s one car for your money you couldn’t ask more. It’s the one car of the universe—the~iittle Over 'and Four. Union Motor Co , Dan Taylor, Phone 172. You will soon learn that you went to the right place to eat if you once take a meal there, as the food is right always, and the service is good. Vests Cafe, Spray. Service with a Smile. Help us put the Tri-City Daily Gazette in every home in our three towm. rODAI S UAIHt Piedmont Lm(im Danville at Greensboro Durham at Raleigh High Point at Winston Salem AMERICAN Philadelphia at St. Louis Boston at Chicago Washington at Detroit 1 New York at Cleveland NATIONAL St. Louis at Philadelphia Pittsburgh at Brooklyn Chicago at New York Cincinnatti at Boston WHOLESALE GROCERS NOTIONS -i ALL STAPLE LINES , LeaksvOle-Spray Grocery Co.| J. O. Ragsdale, President, Madison.: F M. Flinn, Sec.-Treas. Leaksville I , HE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY I MARKET QUOTATIONS OH j REQUEST Leaksville N. C. Phone 58 _ Stiff and Lame From Rheumatism Don't drug ’ kldneya but fl*t * • bottle of old rollable 8t. Jacobs Oil St Jacobs Oil stops any pain and rheumatism is i»in only. : . Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub sooth ii«, penetrating St Jacobs Oil right into vour sore, stiff, ach- ; ing joints ana renei comes instantly. St. ifacobs Oil is a harm ess rheumatism lini ment which never dis appoints and can not bum the skin. . Limber up 1 Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old. honest St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, and in just a moment youi» w= ...... .! rheumatic parn, soreness and stiffness. Don’t suffer I Relief awaits you. St Jacobs Oil is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Summer Vacationist! SUMMER WILL SOON BE HERE Now is the time to make your plans The Glorious Mountains of Western North Carolina Welcome YoU. “THE LAND OF THE SKY” THE VACATIONISTS' PARADISE ALL OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS ( ftc&urm summer FARES BEGINNING MAY FIFTEENTH. Put the Gazette in Every Home OPPORTUNITY COUPON GOOD FOR 20,000 CREDITS Name of Subscriber ■■ ■ -H-: Candidate’s Name -— Amount Enclosed $ - ■ .. . This coupon will count 20,000 free credits when're turned to the Salesmanship Club Manager- together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be ac companied by the casji, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free cedits are in addition to the number given on the sub scription, as per schedule. • f _ __ ----- __ LIKE A COOLING BREEZE FROM THE SEA or the mountains is a dish of our rich, luscious, pure ice cream. It coolsithe blood and nourishes ths body at the same time. Our cream contributes to !:ea!th and beauty, because it is pure and whole some. Try some today. ' •. SMITH ICE CREAM COMPANY Leaksville-Spray, N. C. PHONE 236 ' ' " II IflHtffllllilfftlNUIIIIIIItHIIIIIIMIIIIIfltlir | umimiiiiiiiiii Subscribe to the Daily Gazette niiininininniMimnminniinniinHmimiiiiiiiinninnniiinH»mnmfinnniwnfm«nBBiiHHHnninmiiiiniii»i BOULEVARD THEATRE * ; ■■■ i . ! -:T O D A Y> Special Ca*t IN “The Lights of New York” Another chance to see whether the light* burn fright or Jim in New York r:rrrTyjrrir::rr?if« WEDNESDAY I SHIRLEY MASON IN I “PAWN TICKET No. 210” ! I ' 1 Something different for “Miss Shirley"—come | and see if it is a ticket or her heart that she is pawn 5 ing. e ' • . ' = ■tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiasiiiiiuiin* The Glimpse of the Moon I It is * glamorous full moon of gorgeous romance God mane woman to crave both love and luxury. But God help diem when they have to make die choice between the two. Marriage isf unrelenting. = !The impulse which first brings a man and woman = together never wholly lets them drift apart. Mgr- | rlage with a millionaire she doesn't lore—marriage = with the poor men she adores—dont fail to see what' “Bebe" does in this trying moment. | ITS A FOX SPECIAL ~ J 1 ADMISSION -- 15c AND 90c. Ji FlIlllllllllllllljlUlllHllllllllUlWflllllllltUlUIIIIHIIIiniltHIHIIIWIUUIIHIHHIHIIHtl THURSDAY * Bebe Daniels \ 'i • v ;"