* • doing good for the community that boaata of the finest and most pro gteaatve spirit in North Carolina. A swimming pool is needed. A swimming pool must be had. Following are the workers. Boulevard C. P. Robertaon, O. E. Eggleston, E^-'E. Emerson, G. C. Gammon, A. LA Hanley, S H. Harris. Central Spray: Clmrlie Maness, A. L. Baker, Les lie-Barksdale, Luther Carter, George Chatham, Ofus Slayton, M. M. Scales, L. R. Orrell. Nantucket: W. D. Carter, James Crouch, W. P. Barton, O. F. Ferguson, Vance Todd Lily; Walter Webster, Cyril Hudgins, R. L. Lovell, Edd McCollum, Jess Kirkman. Morehead: W. T. Royster and Hubbard Isley. LeaksvHle Cotton: E. V. Hobbs, N. H. McCollum, T. J. Laprade, W. J. Baughn, Webster Patterson. Leaksville Woolen: H. W. Owen. Spray Cotton: Karl Bishopric, T. J. Campbell, J. G. Farrell, C. B. Gunn, Alfred Hod ges. American Warehouse: J. W. East, J. W. Krantz, N. A. Mc Bride, L. H. Sheffield, J. V. Orrell. Spray Bleachery: R. D. Shumate, Alfred Hodgson, George Farr. Rhode Island: J. J. Robertson, Will Hundley, Char lie Phillips. Spray Wpolen: L._ J. Barker, O. R. Clark, W. J. Slayton. Leaksville: Jim Trogdon, John B. Ray, George Clark, C. P. Wall, Harry Fagge. The girls from the Girl’s Club will also work and we give below the list of workers. » Business Girls: Misg Ltola Jones, Miss Katherine Mangan, Mrs. Ben ^Jones. • Home Makers: Mrs. Annie Sykes, Mrs. W. D. Car ter. Spray Cotton: Maybud Bateman, Vera DeHart, Oces Vestal. Spray Bleachery: Spencer Allot, Beatrice Manley, dle4?s Adams, Thaylor Collins. High School: Alma Bell, Lily Boyster. m American Warehouse: Maggie Nance, Molly McCollum. Spray Woolen: Minnie Robertson, Emma Slayton Leaksville Cotton: Lottie Dillon, Lottie Long. General Office: Gloria Hailey, Iva Hailey, Annie . Millner, Mrs. Anna Payne. Graded Schools: Margaret Goldston, Margaret Far rell. Lily Mill: Downie Bateman, Alice Webster, Mrs. Hannah Patterson, Lillian Dix Nantucket: Sadie Fergurson, Janie Robertson, Inez Bondurant. Morehead: Elsie Stewart, Mamie Kelly. Rhode Island: . Rosie Shealor, Eunice Hayden. —--o THE-GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME E GIRL OF TEN MOTHER Tun Child Gazes Wistfully at Her «Llve Doll"; Man Arrested. Ten-year-old Mary Lavender, repos lug on a cot at the mission home, at 8an Antonio, Tex., eased wistfully at her real live doll In the arms of a nurse. She was anxious to know how soon the baby, a boy, weighing four and a half pounds at Its birth, could be given her to play with. The authori ties are holding In Jail a man charged with a statutory offense against th« child-mother. - Mother Dying; "Cop" Shoots Self. Standing at the bedside of his aged mother, who waB seriously 111, William H. Raetzel, a policeman a^Detrolt Mich., fired a bullet Into hll breast. The man’s condition lb serious Hit mother also Is near death from hei Illness and shock. -o TODAY’S GAME - Piedmont Winston Salem at Greensboro High Point at Danville Raleiggh at Durham AMERICAN St. Louis at Boston Chicago at Philadelphia Cleveland at Washington NATIONAL Chicago at St. Louis Boston at Pittsburggh BASEBALL RESULTS Piedmont League Greensbaoro 11; Winston Salem 9 Danville 7; High Point 6 Durham 8; Raleigh 5 AMERICAN St. Louis 1; Boston 3 Chicago 3: Philadelphia 4 Dttroil, 9; New York 7 Cleveland 5: Washington 1 NATIONAL Brooklyn 1; Cincinnatti 4 Philadelphia 1Chicago 1C Boston 14«s Pittsburgh 8 New York 7; St. Louis 5 South Atlantic Greenville 1; Columbia 3 Spartanburg 8: Macon 3 Charlotte 5; Augusta 9 SOUTHERN Mobilo 4; Memphis 6 Atlanta-Chattanooa, rain Birmingham 3; Nashville 7 New Orleans 0: Little Rock O, dark. INTERNATIONAL Jersey City 9-6; Buffalo 2-6 Newark 5-11; Toronto 4-4 Beading 2-9; Rochester 8-3 Baltimore 7; Syracuse 6 American Association Columbus 4; Louisville 11 Kansas City 3-3. St. Paul 6-4 Toledo 3; Indianapolis 6 Other, rain Appalachian League Knoxville 8; Bristol O Morristown 4; Kingsport 9 Greenville 13; Johnson City 10 Virginia Reeky Mount 4; Portsmouth 5 Petersburg 3; Wilson 9 Norfolk 4; Richmond 3 Let Us Figure With You The next time you want some printing.. let us fig ure with you. And whatever price we qquote, you may be sure that the quality of the work you receive will be the best it is possible to produce. convenient for you to call at this| office, Phone No. 1 and we will be glad to come to your place of business and taflc it over. gazette Printing Go. KNOW YO < " ThU rock is justly famous for Its odd shape and for the won' . derful view that it affords of the surrounding country. Right > in the heart of tbq Blue Ridge1 ' Mountains. North Carotin as’ famous Chimney Rock You certainly don’t know North Carolina if you’ve never heen to Chimney Rock! It is on the Ashevilk-Charlotte Highway. Asheville, 26 miles; Hendersonviiie, 19 miles. There are few views as remarkable and easily acces sible any whc re In the country as that from Chimney^ Rock. Far below lies Hickory Nut Gorge. Then there’s Needle’s Eye, Blockader’s Lookout, Devil’s Head and other points of interest that go with “the trip”. Better make it soon! . If, perchance, you plan to spend more than a day in the vicinity, run over to beautiful Lake Junaluska. “Standard” is a balanced gasoline which will go a long way toward making every trip a complete suc cess. You can always depend on “Standard” lor full power and mileage, quick starting, nimble pick-up and a clean-burning mixture. Along the principal highways in every direction you’ll find those pu nips with the red “S. O.” that give you the quality gasoline—made in the Carojinas. You can safely stick to “Standard”. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Junaluska, near Waynes* ville, 26 miles from Asheville. A charming spot where there is plenty of canoeing, bashing and _ boating. Devil's Head, one of the many curious rock formations in the vicinity of Chimney Rock« i Looks as though it might | topple over any minute. STANDARD 99 Qasoline N&ffy oik & Western ' IMPROVED SERVICE TO THE WEST AND SOUTHWEST ' Sleeper Winston-Salem to Cincin nati. Dining Cars on all trains Lv - Stoneville Lv - Ridgeway Lv - Martinsville Ar - Roanoke Lv - Roanoke Ar - Cincinnati 1:16 P. M. 1:35 PT M. 1:64 P. M. 4.16 P. M. 4:44 P. M. 7:20 A. Mi No change of traift ' between StoneviQe and Cincinnati* Ohio. Pal man reservations and all information cheerfully furnished upon applica tion to Agents of the'Company, or C. B. Parkins, T. P. A. Winston Salem N. C. MISS ANNABEL JONES,, Teacher New Leak^ville Y. M. C. A. Bldg,, Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Spray -Presbyterian church Wednes day 7:80 P. M. P. U. , ' , , rV SULPHUR ISBESUO CLEAR UP UGLY SKIN like cold ere*®. • you would make go. ’ ypu must j.-i Urstand that the w>r.< which counts isthet work in hand -dt> the things you do that show what you calk, not the biggs rand better things you plan — Selected, ' RE’DSVILLE-LEAKSVILLE 3PRAY TRANSFER FARE 91.00 EACH WAY W« Si*p at At Piedir ant and B«l* widrre Hotel* ob «U acbodnlo trip*. LEAVING LEAKSV1LLE-SPRAY . :30 a. m. Meeting train for DaovHlo No. 44 ..v.... 8:40 A. M. 10:80 A. M. “ “ Greeneboro No. 46 -........ 11:40 A. M. 8:80 P. M. " " ** Greeniborg Mo 36 . 6:06 P. M. 6:00 P. M: “ “ “ Greeneboro Uo. 48. . * 86 P. M. LEAVING REIDSVItJLB FOR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAV. '>:20 Meeting-Train for DanvQle No. 86 i.. &20 P. M. S:24 " • " '* N . 46. 8:24 4:40 * ‘ “ -_No: 44 8:49 TELEPHONE 2*7 SPRAY FOR CARS. *’ •. ' II vf CARS AND CARF.rUL DRIV« ✓ COURTEOWS TO ALL. m — - WANT—To boar from owner haring form _ ,, w lowoat nriee John J. Black, loweai price.», ;v ■ 1*3® m&M M :/ y ■ •• '• . J* S. TROGDOfk CIVIL ENGINEER NO. 4 BOULEVARD BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE NO, 343. LEASCSVILLE, N, C. >Avrt v .t'svilIe-Sp J'r*n*ict Schedule 6:30 a. m. Mcrtimr Train for oke. Vi . 7;22 8:46 a. m, Mroting Train for ton-Eal« id i> :63. • -/rt ;i r,. - Meeting train for fW. p m - Itfi-nirf Truin, far ^ v% •if > n- ■ 41 retina- Train foi '' N C. . . j 1 Thia transfer will atop for J gen at any of the following j Por further 4ni il oLuTnuiu