the fli-crft bAiLv difeErffe Published evety week-day afilfftOon ■ LEAlCSVILLE, N. C. Successors to The Leakaville Gazette Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO.. Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY. EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Mat ter at Postoffice, Leaksville, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier one year $5.00; 6 months, $2.60; 3 months $1-26; 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co., 141-145 West 36th St., New York City. ADVERTISING RATES—30c. per inch, includes composition on dis p’i„y advertising, 26c per inch »n type high plates. Classified, per line single insertion 10c; three in sertions 8c per line; six insertions 7c per line each insertion; obituary notices, 6c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s Im. mediate Territory includes Leaks viile, Spray, Draper and all Leaks «,]le Township, equal to a city population of 17,000. MONDAY, JULY 30, 1923 THE NEW SENATOR Magnus Johnson ox MeeKer coun ty, Minnesota, the second member of the Farmer-Labor Party to be elected to a seat in the Unitea States Senate—the other being his more youthful Minnesota colleague, Hendrick Shipstead—is certain to be one of the most picturesque fig ures in the Sixty-eighth Congress. The new Senator, who is pledged to line up with the LaFollette — Wheeler-Brookhart bloc was born in Warmland, Sweden 52 years ago and came to America 30 years ago. In Sweden he was a first class bottle glass blower, but arriving in this country he took up a farm in Min nesota which he still owns, though heavily mortgaged. The public career of Senator Johnson started eight years ago when he was elected to the Legis lature. He served two terms and was at ike Pied# * Don't Miss This Last Opportunity ADMISSION - • 15c AND 30c.