OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powei and authority contained • in a Deed of Trust executed by Gt C. Thomp son and wife, Minnie Lee Thomp son to the undersigned Trustee or the 18th day of October, 1922, and duly recorded in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for »Rockikngham Coun ty in Book 186 Page 877, for the purpose of securing a certain bond therein mentioned, and the provis ions and stipulations of said Dee<* of Trust not having been complied with,~ and being requested to do sc I will on Friday the Slst day of Au gust 1923 at two ocioCk P. M. in front of the building now occupied by “Jim’s Cafe” 'situated on the south side of Washington Street Leaksville, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described personal property; One refrigerator, one Underwood typewriter, one piano, one comput ing scales, one cigar case, two small show cases, one electric sign, four marble top tables, twelve chairs, one cook stove with all vessefe; one cash . register, nine counter stools, one wall mirror, front awning, two elec tric fans and all forks and knives and dishes used in connection with the cafe, together with all confec tionaries, groceries, cigars, cigar ettes, tobacco and all other stock on hand, and all property and fixtures of every kind situated in the build 1 ing now occupied by “Jim’s Cafe” situated on the South side of Wash ington Street, Leaksville, N. C. This the Its day of August, 1923 A. W. Dunn, Trustee 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of authority vested in the undersigned Trustee in a certain Deed of Trust executed by H. L Stone June 7th, 1919, and registered in Book No. 199, Page 271, Register of Deeds' Office, Went worth,, N. C. the terms of which not having been complied with, and be ing requested so to do, we will, ac cording to the terms of said Deed of Trust, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidddt for cash at 12 o’ clock, noon, on Tuesday, the 28th day of August, 1923, in front of Imperial Trust and Savings Com pany’s building, Spray, N. C., the following described land:_ Being a part of Lot No. 37, in Section 6 on Primitive Heights, up on which is located a three-room house, No. 201 on Davis Street, con taining 10,880 square feet, more or less, metes and bounds set out in full in said Deed of Trust. This July 26th, 1923. Imperial Trust and Savings Co. Trustee. By» JAMES T. SMITH, Treasurer. 8|l-8-16-22 Subscribe to the Gazette i. S. TROGDON CIVIL ENGINEER NO. 4 BOULEVARD BANK BLDG. TELEPHOUE NO. 343. LEAKSVILLE, N. C. WANT—To hear from owner hav ing farm for sale; give particulars and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Vacation Painting Moore’s Paint Store OFFERS LOW PRICES AND A VARIETY OF COLORS AND FIN ISHES FOR THAT JOB OF PAINT ING YOU HAVE BEEN PROMIS ING YOUR WIFE SO LONG. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU IN YOUR PAINT PROBLEM. Moore’s Paint Store Leaksville, N. C. bird avenue PHONE 166 ITCHY ECZEMA B UEttfD RtGNTJP MH IS SMB Any Watiif eat of the dda, even fery, itching eCxema, can be gnicldjr nrercawe by applying * hula Men tho-Sulebar, aaya a noted akm ajec iaMatBecaoae of ha germ deatmy tag Bfopwtiw, thia aulphur prepara tha iuatantiy lainga eaae from akin irritation, aoothea and heal* the right tip and leaver the akin dear and amooth. • alt aerer faila to relieve the torment dn|- iifigufement. Sufferers from idUh trouble ahould get a little jar Mentho-Sulphur from any good wigiet and nae it like a cold Stop CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD , Sara Cretin Applied In NoetrUs Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your bead is stuffed and you ean’t breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swol len mucous membrane and you get in stant relief. Ah I how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling; blowing; no more headache, dryness or niggling for breath. Ely’s Cream Balm is just what sufferers from heed oolde and ca» tarrh need. It’e a delight. Let Us Figure With You The next time you want some printing.. let us fig ure with you. And whatever price we qquote, you may be sure that the quality of the work you receive will be the best it is possible to produce. If it is not convenient for you to call at thia office, Plume No. 1 and we will be glad to come to your place of business and talk it over. Gazette Printing Co. GIVE SIMPLE RULES FOR ADDRESSING LETTERS Washington, August 16 —“John Brown, barber, Sappington”—if that is all you know of the address of the person to whom you wish t(T write put it on your envelope and help out the post master, said Postmaster General New recently. Inadequate addresses on letters not only en danger the chance of delivery, but give the Post Office Department a tot of extra work. ! The growing evil of inadequate addresses has been a problem of the1 postal service ever since its incep tion, and the reason for more than one gray head among postal work ers, officials declare. The careless let ter writer who does not put a com plete address on the letter has beeit responsible for the maintafnance of the costly Dead Leter Office and the still more expensive Directory Ser vice. This . unnecesoary habit, the postmaster general said, saps the ef ficiency of the service and causes considerable delay. Despite many ed | ucation campaigns the Dead Leter j Ocice still handles 20,00,000 pieces! •f misdirected mail annually and the Director Service is required for ev en a greater number. It often happens that the sender of mail may not know the number of: the street of his addressee, but doer! know the street itself, said Mr. New He should be instructed to put or the address all the identification hi does know.. Leaksville-Spray Grocery Co., Leaksville N. C. Phone 58 WHOLESALE GROCERS I NOTIONS ! ALL STAPLE LINES • O. Ragsdale, President, Madison.1 K M. Flinn, Sec. Treas. Lealuville i .HE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON , REQUEST « Horlic k r> Ih? ORIGIN A: Mnlfpd Mill ^Safe Miik M' F&r Infant*, Invalid* dt Children The Original Food-Drink for All Age*. QufckLuitchat Home.Office&F ountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Ext rag in Po w derfcTablet forms. Nouri>hing-No cooking. WAvoid Imitations and Substitutes NOTICi; I have opened offices at the home of H. D. McGinnias. 1G Hamilton St. Leaksville, N. C. for the practice .,f Chiropractic. If you are sick come see me. Hours, Mon. Wed. and Fri. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m Dr. W. I. Bowman, Reidsville, N. 0. W. F. JACKSON—Home portrait photographer. Phone 178 tf administrators notice I’a\ inj: i.ualifled as administrator i the eit: tc of Martha A. Hardy j oacoased, late of Rockingh' m coun , iy, N< rth Carolina, this is to notify I persons having claims against i:c estate of said de. easel to ex hibit them to the undersigned at 1 -roper, N. C on or before the 27th day ot July l‘J2'l or thi notice witi 1'C ;>le..ded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of Ju’y, 1923 C. Vv. Undeiwood, Admin istrator of Martha A. Hardy, de ceased. Bl RUISES Altai nate applications of hot and cold cloth*—then apply VICKS ▼ VapoRub 17 Million Jare lie* cl Yearly THE GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME • KNOW YQXJIL- OWN STATE Lakeside Park Wilmington w Take a Trip Down to Old Wilmington and the Shore In and near North Carolina’s flourishing gateway port are many interest points to reward the motor ist. The strongly fortified harbor was the chief resort of blockade runners in the Civil War. On one of the principal residential streets still stands the house in which Lord Cornwallis made his head quarters during the Revolution. A short run from Wilmington will take you over to Wrightsville on the coast, with its popular beaches and bathing pavilions. Touring is not the uncertain adventure it used to be when for every two cars on the road there was one laid up at the side with the owner investigat ing its mechanism. Not only have the motor car builders made wonderful improvements but sim ilar progress has been made by the Standard Oil Company (N. J.) in the perfection of motor fuel. This “Standard” gasoline that you buy anywhere in North Carolina is balanced as the result of years of experience to deliver full power and mileage, quick starting, rapid acceleration and as nearly complete combustion as is possible. STANDARD OIL (JOMPANY (New Jersey) fcfc STANDARD ‘The!Balanced Gasoline 1! Made in A* Carotinat. Sold at pumpt that carry tnii mark.