E TRI-CITY BAltY GAZETTE TWO CENTS PER COPY LI AKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 192*. VOLUME XIL NO. ISO I Batt.e Of Affidavits Is Started All Over Again In Trial Of Garretts Cumhsrland Courthouse, V»., Aug 20 <*t—A buttle at affidavit* start ed in the circuit court here when the prosecution presented u motion for a.ehaags of venue in u trial of Bob art Garrett, Jointly charged with his brother Larkin, with the murdering ot Be. Edward Pierce, pastor of the county's five Baptist churches. Geo White of the commonwealth counsel began reading 88 affidavits from residents at the county that a fair and impartial trial could not be ob tained by the prosecution in Cum berland. All the affidavits alleged -that a distinct division bordering or disorder was extant throughout the county. The commonwealth planned to lay much stress on the action in Larkin’s case which was declared e mistrial after all the evidence had been heard. The defense presented 70 affidav its in which affiants were sure a fair trial could be had in Cumberland Several defense affiants stated they saw wo need for guards about the courthouse and declared that only * taw interested persons were re sponsible for stirring up trouble. —■ o MAN TAKEN FBOM JAIL BETUBNED UNINJURED Eaugallie, Fla., August 20 040— G. A. Davis who was removed from the county Jail last night by five masked men and who had obtained the keys by overpowering o deputy sheriff on the street, returned tc JaiL Officials fid not issue any stats Best beyond canter D»*is was unin Jared. He arrested ok a charge Columbia, 8. C., August 20 — £orBsr Governor Wilson G. Harvey now making his home in Greenville had resigned as a member of the board of public welfare on account of pressure of other business. His GOVERNOR IS AGAIN HELD FOR SPEEDING Hillsboro-, August 20—Got. Cam eron Morrison was arrested here yesterday by Chief of Police Floyd on a charge of speeding, this being the governor’s second arrest for such an offense this summer. Governor Morrison was peeved by the arrest aqd declared that he would fight the case when it comes up for trial. After venting his wrath at be ing caught by the law he gavd^Vond and left town. - A red Buick driven by J. M. Sim mons was implicated in the govern or’s latest arrest. Mr. Simmons was leading the governor and his Cadillac as they approached this place and as they crossed the bridge into town the governor tried to pass the Buick As they swung into Churton street both stepped on the gas and it is charged were traveling at a rapid rate when hailed by the- officer. Mr Simmons was first arrested and up on his protest that the man behind him was equally as guilty that car was stopped and found to be that of the governor. -o SEVEN MEN HURT WHEN TRUCK GOES OVER BANK tha hospittt far treatment. A great love story. Action, pathos —A fine story all the wsy through Winston Salem, August 20 (A1)— While going down- a steep grade on Summit streeTTn the western part of the city yesterday morning, the driver of a tfiidS on which there were 14 negro workBTea threw the car out of ga«r the result being that the truck pleugod over an embankment falling a distance of 18 feet. Sever of the mail were hurt. Vm most drl successor has not been named on ac count of Governor McLeod’s absence from the capitol. Ten Drpwned In Mississippi River As Launch Sinks St. Paul, Minn., August 20 OP)— All available police at South St Paul assisted by scores of civilians are dragging the Mississippi River for bodies of pine of the ten persons drowned when their launch sank last? night. An attempt is also being made to locate the ill fated 30-foot craft in an effort to learn what ca used it to go under and end sc tragically a day of merry-making and picnicking. The body of Mrs Pauline Martinelli is the only one re covered. TWO BANDITS TAKE flO.QOO IN VANCOUVER Vancouver, 3. C. August 20 CPI Two masked bandits ; entered the Seventh Battalion Club lined up a score of card players and after tak ing forty five minutes to collect $10, 000 from their victims fled. SEVEN PERISH IN CANADIAN FIRE Huntsville, Ontario, August 20 —The bodies of seven women who perished in a fire* which destroyed Wawd Hotel, Lake of Bays, yester day had been recpvered today. Three other women are missing. WHAT THE U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IS » the Public r that blind born was be Mit, issued a made imperative by tbe laws of 28 states. Since then the Public Health Service, in common with the state and the local health authorities, has insistently urged every mother tc lose no time in asking the doctor if he had attended to this matter and has thereby removed the great dan ger that menaces the sight of her new bom child. Such action is now being' required by law in every State in tbe Union; Hie sight of hundreds of children has been preserved. One of them might have been YOU. The Nation and the States like wise cooperated in forwarding birth registration. In 1915 the Census Bu reau established the “birtli registra tion area” for 10 States, the only ones in the United States that kept birth records that were sufficiently reliable to be of real value. Since then Hie number of States in the birth registration area has grown tc 80, containing 72JZ per cent of toe total population of the United States Registration is extremely' impor tant to you. Yhe Public Health Ser vice has continually urged )—Sec retary of the treasury Mellon let it be known definitely after a confer ence with the President that he would remain in the cabinet. 346 KILLED; 1,000 LOST IN TIDAL WAVE Tokio, August 20 (*>—Advices re ceived here today from Seoul said that 346 persons are dead and more than a thousand are missing as a re-! suit of the recent tidal' wave and storm in four western provinces of Korea. The damage to houses and other property was great. o M I FALLS TO DEATH WHILE AT WORK ON NEW MILL * _ •. Chester, S. C., August 20 —J. O Bell aged 29, while endeavoring tc place a column on the new textile manufacturing plant No. 3, of the i Republic Cotton Mills at Great Falls today slipped and fell 18 feet crush ing his skull and breaking both arms at the wrists. W. M. Kelley was as sisting him and he came very neai goittg down with Mr. Bell. Aftei striking the ground Mr. Bell breath ed only three times. HIT lived just across the Chestei county line in Fairfield county. His wife and two children survive him Coronor Gladden was immediately summoned and impanaled an inquest, jury with R. P. Steele as foreman j who, after a careful examination of; the' ease rendered a verdict that Mr j Bell came to his death accidentally from falling from a beam while air' ing in carrying a column. RANGER ARRESTS SHERIFF* Armarillo, Texas, August 20 <4Pi —Sheriff Less Whitaker of Potter county was arrested tonight on com plaints of conspiracy and accom plice, lied by Texas Ranger Capt. F A. Hamer in connection with the kidnapping, tarring and feathering of E. E. McDonald, bridge worker, Wednesday night. Bessie Clark, Caroline Price, Mary Marshall, Messrs Ohel Clark, James Marshall, William and Philip Ray Nathan Richardson, George Clark Austin Murray, Otto Kircheis, Phil ip Wall, James Fagge, Laurence Wilson and William Norman. Many Lives Lost When British Steamer Off The Coast of China Sinks Manila, August 20 W*)—The Brit ish steamer Ming Sang which was reported sunk in Hongkong harbor during fhe typhoon Saturday arrived here safely after a tumultuous voy age. Her officers reported that the vessel seen to sink in Hongkong probably was the British steamer Loon Sang, which is of much lb; same typs and might have been mis taken fqr her. Many lives were lost with the steamer whose identity in error. Of rhose aboard only tvrr v/ere saved. DOG LEADS PARTY TO BODY OF HIS MASTER Marksville, La., August 20 04*)— A half starved dog which had kept vigil over his master for three days tod > led a searching party to the v. -.n.Zs where the body of Steven li.-wis, 19, years old was found .' r ed by a load of shot from a gun v ..7 .. he had carried and apparently d .sc Purged when he tripped and fell Sidney Harris father of the boy left home Thursday morning to gath er moss. About noon the' boy was sent with his fathers lunch. His dog followed. When he failed to reach the working, the parent went home and place where the elder Haris was learned his son had been gone for several hours. Neighbors joined with the father in a search. The hunt continued three days The dog weak from lack of food, came to the house this morning. It refused to eat. It kept up va contin ual bark, running back a few steps and then returning. It repeated these tactics until the searching party followed it into -the woods where the body /was found. v V. . —* «y™i. -»>'•— Thirst quenchers for hdt weather should comprise such drinks as lem onade, limewater, carbonated water and the like rather than sweet drinks says an eminent eastern doc tor. ———o THE GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME BETHANIA POSTOFPICE ROBBED OF ABOUT $90 Winston Salem, August 20 — While Assistant Postmaster Charles H. Griffith of Bethania was at lunch Thursday noon the Bethania store and postoffice building was entered and the safe in which both the money and valuable papers of the mercan. tile establishment and the postoffice are Itept was robbed. Only coin and currency, amounting to about $90 was taken, however. All stamps and other valuable papers were left. Ira Cromer, a young white man of Rural Hall, was arrested during the afternoon at Rural Hall by Deputy Sheriff Payne, charged with the of fense. He was given a hearing on a state warrant charging housebreak ing “this afternoon and a federal prosecution charging postoffice rob bery will be lodge dagainst" him When taken young Cromer denied the robbery of the Bethania store but the warrant against him charges that the funds of the store and post office was a part of the $106 founS on his person when he was arrested When Mr. Griffith went to lunch he locked the store no one being left in the building. Upon his return he found the back door of the store un locked and the safe which was not locked but closed, had been opened and the money taken. It was foulSd that entrance to the building had been made through a window. At the hearing before a magistrate in Rural Hall this afternoon Cromer was bound over to the Superior court and in default of a $600 bond was committed to jail. While a Un ited States officer attended the trial “SALESMAN—for Leaksville and vicinity immediately. Can earr $100 weekly. Write The Parker Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio.” -o THE GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME Five Killed When Air Ship Drops Into The Sea Pensacola, Fla., August 20 i#)— A loosened propellor which cut off the entire rear portion of the fusi lage yesterday sent five occupant; of a commercial seaplane to then deaths when it crashed into baota Rosa Sound, from a height of 200 feet. The plane fell in about 12 feet of ater and its occupants were killed instantly. DETROIT HOTEL SCENE OF SPECTACULAR RAID BY BOLD BANDIT GANG Detroit, August 20—Seven gun men early yesterday held up the A1 lendale Inn at Warren and Snyder streets, lined up about 175 persons at the inn, and obtained jewelry valued at several thousand dollars. Four persons, including one wo man was shot and seriously injured One of the injured persons was said to be George D. Wilson, vice presi dent of the Wilson Body Co. The gunmen escaped in an auto mobile. A short time later an auto mobile containing seven men, believ ed to be the same ones who held up the Inn was seen in Monroe about 40 miles southwest of here The night policeman in Monroe ap proached the automobile and one of the persons in the machine shot and killed him. Two of the gunmen stayed out side the roadhouse while three enter ed from the front door and twc from the back. As soon as the men were inside the door they all began firing through the erowded dance hall. Women screamed and fainted The bandits lined the waiters up first. One man guarded the waiters two went from table to table thru ‘he crowd. —. ■■ '■ - ■■ O ■" THE GAZETTf Of EVERY HOME THREE MACON WHITES JAILED FOR FLOGGING; CAPTURED IN THE ACT Macon, Ga., August 20 C45)—The first gang of alleged kidnappers and floggers which have been terrorizing Macon for the last six months was captured here tonight by sheriff of ficers. Three white men, brothers S. R. Hudson, C. F. Hudson and J. C Hudson, were taken to jail tonight after they had been captured, offi cers said, while in the act of flog ging two negroes. The capture of the trio is said to be due to the daring work of a ne gro, Emory Roberts, whom the gang tried to pull from an automobile for the purpose of whipping. Another negro was whipped by the same gang a few minutes before, It was strated. When one of the men jumped on to the running board of the automo bile and commanded the negro to stop, the negro stepped on the gas and left the two brothers at*the road side. The white man in the car whist led for his brothers to join him, but before they could do so the big automobile was plunged into an em bankment. . -o GREENSBORO TO ENTERTAIN DAUGHTERS CONFEDERACY Greensboro, August 20—Commit tees to arrange details for enter tainment of delegates to the annual convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy have been ap .. pointed by the local chapter. The convention will start here on October 3 and will continue through October 6. Sessions Will be held at the O' Henry HoteT --y-0 . i. ,1 Kill Miss Bessie Carter spent the week end in Wentworth with' Mends. . -v;' *■ • - - '