THE TRI-CITY DAILY GAZETTE Published every week-day afternoon LEAKSVILLE, M. C. Successors to The Leaksville Gaiettr Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO.. Incorporated, Publishers * MURDOCH E. MURRAY. EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Mat ter at Postoffice, Leaksville, N. C PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier uoe year $6.00; 0 months, $2.60; 8 months $1.26; 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. _ Foreign Representative—Thomas B Clark Co., 141-146 West 36th St. New York City. ADVERTISING RATES—30c. pe. mart, includes composition pn pi»y advertising, 25c per inch si. type high plates. Classified, pei line single insertion 10c; three in sertions Sc per line; six insertion 7c per line each insertion; obituarj notices, 5c per line. fue Tri-City Daily Gazette’s 1m. mediate Territory includes Leaks vide, Spray, Draper and all Leaks >.ile Township, equal to a cit;. population of 17,000. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1923. KEEP UNSPOTTED (By Wickes Wimboldt) The man who takes good care of his physical self spends about an hour a day at it. He must keep his hair cut, bis face shaved, his nails manicured his body bathed his cloth es brushed, his shoes shined. And his imen must be clean.. It calls for con stant vigilance. To keep oneself i^orally clean it is even more diffi cult because the lines are less defi nite. The five physical senses cannot know spiritually. They do not discern it. But they can discern and turn toward all that is unspirituaL The eye must glimpse the thing that is unspiritual before it can be prevent ed. The ear will pick it up. The nose will smell it. The tongue taste. The fingers touch. Why is' it so difficult to do the de cent thing? Probably fqr the same reason it is harder to do on example - ?r. mcdWto f*®rci86. w • new xo work out life's problems. Evidently that is what we are here for. Nearly every person puts to’ him self the question, “How can I keep unspotted from the world?” Instinct iyely he knows he should keep him self unspotted. Instinctively he wants to be unspotted. That is one of the differences between man and beast There is no man with habits so low that there is not within him a con stant urge for better things—foi higher things. He may not realize it but it is there. The proof is on ev ery hand. Time and time again we see men rise from the muck and mire cleanse themselves and stand in the white light of spiritual determina tion. The great objective oi all man kind is to keep the spots off. I have known men to weep over their fail ure to do so and weeping keep right oh in the way they themselves de plore. “I try? they say, “but my will is not strong enough.” Man’s will is never strong enough. It is a puny thing when pitted against the devil's. The devil has a giant determination. You cannot fight the devil with his own weap ons, because he knows how to use them better than you do. Locking horns with the devil is like match ing muscle with a gorilla. j here is a way to get the best of evil, however. Neutralize it. How? It is really simple enough. If you wise going to destroy acid you would not add more acid to it. You would pour in a quantity of alkali. If you have an unwholesome desire, don’t fight it by saying, “1 will not have this unwholesome desire,”— for you are then holding up before you and looking at the thing you want to keep away from. Go at it from another angle. De clare the tiding you wash Do not de clare the thing you dont want. Say in, substance when tempted or when ap unwanted 'thought appears,—“I love the right thing. I love decency. I.iqve. fidelity, chastity and purity. I Ipve to be clean, wholesome and manly. I love to worship the Lord in the beauty of_holiness.” You will be surprised at the neutralizing ef fect this procedure will produce. Do not turn your back on the de vil. You caanot get anywhere bar ig noring him. Do not look at him..For ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK Having qualified as administrator of the estate Of Martha A. Hardy deceased, late of Rockingham coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit' them to the undersigned at Draper, N. C. on or before the 27th day of July 1924 or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of July, 1923 C. W. Underwood, Admin istrator of Martha A. Hardy, de ceased. o aafe Milk ' For infant*, l> bwaiidt A Children The Original Pood-Drink for All Ages. QulckLunch«tHome,Officea»Foun tains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extras in Pow der Ik Tablet forms. Nouriahiac-No cookie*. ■0“ Avoid butetiono ud SdxtihitM GMT HMR BEGOHES 'DM ■JBDIH. Try Grandmother’s Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almoat everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth’s Sage and Sul phur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, at very little cost Everybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not intended for j&e cure, mitigation or prevention of 1 ■ ly- * NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power nd authority contained in a certain teed of Trust, executed by I. P. prinkle, to the undersigned Trustee n the 2nd day of January, 1920, and uly recorded in Book 199 page 327, nd further being directed by an or er of the Superior Court of Rock gham county, made on Tuesday th day of August, 1923, for a re sale of the premises hereinafter de scribed, there having been filed with he court an'i ! e; ’ i md the conditions and stipulations of said deed of trust not being complied with, I will as directed and request d, offer for sale at public auction, o the highest bidder for cash on Monday, August 27th, 1923, at 1:30 *. M. in front of- the Farmers— I VIerchants Bank & Trust Co., Stonc -ille, N. C., the following described ands, viz: Beginning at a bum on & side ot cad leading to Leaksville and with be meandering of said road S. 22% eg. W. 18 poles, S 7% deg. 13 poles 1 4% deg. E 41 poles, S 28 deg. E 18 poles, S. 32 14 deg. E 28 poles, S 3014 deg. E 14 pqles, S 8914 deg. E 4 poles, S 48% deg. 36 poles, S 78 'eg. E 17 poles, N 77% deg E 14 1-b oles, N 60 deg. E 26 poles, N 80% deg. E 30 poles, S 76 deg. 12 poles, to T. J. Roberts and W. J. Price’s corner of said road; Thence N. 3 deg. E. with Roberta line 182 poles to sourwood grub on a rows ledge in P. N. Barnes line; thence N. 3 deg. ’. 14 poles to old chestnut stump on road; Thence with said road N '2% deg. W 16 1-6 poles, N 36 deg. W. 14 1-6 poles; thence leaving said cad N. 1114 deg. W. 36 4-5 poles to x dogwood grub; thence N. 10 deg tV. 38 2-6 poles to a-oak grub in Evan’s line; thence with said Evans ine N. 87% deg. W. 46 3-5 poles to lointers S. 8 deg. W. 63 poles to cointers S. 8 deg. W. 53 poles to ar oak stump; thence N. 82 deg. W. 67 2-5 poles to pile of stones; thence £ 1 dog. W. 140 poles to oak on bank; hence S. 82 deg. W. 10 poles to the beginning, and- containing 254 anr 79-100 acres more or less. The bidding will begin at the sum of *2,861.26. This the 11th day of August, 1928. Hunter K. Penn, Trustee.. Lei and Stanford, Attorney. -Or - ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powei and authority contained in a Deed of Trust executed by G. C. Thomp son and wife, Minnie Lee Thomp son to the undersigned Trustee or the 18th day of October, 1922, and duly recorded in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Rockikngham Coun ty in Book 186 Page 877, for the purpose of securing a certain bond therein mentioned, and the provis ions and stipulations of said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and being requested to do sc I will on Friday the 31st day of An gust 1923 at two oclock P. M. in front of the building now occupied by “Jim’s Cafe” situated on the south side of Washfhgton Street Leaksville, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described personal property: One refrigerator, one tinaerwooc typewriter, one piano, one comput ing scales, one cigar case, two smal' show cases, one electric sign, foui marble top tables, twelve chairs, one cook stove with all vessel*, one cast register, nine counter stools, one wall mirror, front awning, two elec trie fans and all forks and knives and dishes used in connection witt the cafe, together with all confec tionaries; groceries, cigars, cigar ettes, tobacco and all other stock or hand, and all property and fixtures of every kind situated in the build ing now occupied by “Jim’s Cafe’ situated on the South side of Wash ington Street, Leaksville, N. C. This the Its day of August, 1923 A. W. Dunn, Trustee 8-16-22-29 NOTICE OP LAND SALE Under and by virtue of authority vested in the undersigned Truitw in a certain Deed of Trust executed by H. L. Stone June 7th, 1919, and registered in Book No. 199, Page J871, Register ot Deeds’ Office, Wjsnt yttSSki... rcTU. the*i j,vr»8 ot Which riol having been complied with, and be ing requested so to do, we will, ac cording to the terms of said Deed of Trust, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cpsh at 12 o' clock, noon, on Tuesday, the 28th lay of August, 1923, in front of inperial Trust and Savings Com pany’s building, Spray, N. C., the following described land: Being a part of Lot No. 37, , in Section 5 on Primitive Heights, up on which is located a three-room house, No. 201 on Davis Street, con taining 10,880 square feet, more o: ess, and bounds set out ir ull in said Deed - of Trust. This July 25th, 1923. Imperial Trust and Savings Co. Trustee. 3y JAMES T. SMITH, Treasurer. 8|l-8-16-22 Leaksville-Spray Grocery Co. LealcsviUe N. C. Phone 58 WHOLESALE GROCERS NOTIONS ALL STAPLE LINES ■i. O. Ragsdale, President, Madison F M. Plinn, Sec.-Tress. Leaks ville • HE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST RED PEPPERS STOP PJUN OF RHEUMATISM When yon are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around just tiy Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the Sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, Freaks up the congestion— tnd theOld rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from fed pepper-, cos}* liule at any dreg store f>t a jar at the it f,i>" lumbago, oeuritis, backache, )•-. ;i»^ sore mtt. . le . . e i.t che»' v Ai.tio instant rely-f .> you. £, mu get the i v.ii. ipe !, * . t,; ' m THE GAZETTE IN EVER* Let Us Figure With The next time you want some printing.. let us fig* > lire with you. - And whatever price we qquote, you may be sure that the quality of the work you receive will be the best it is possible to produce. If it is not convenient for you to call at this office, ■ Phone No. 1 and we will be glad to come to your place of business and talk it over. j Gazette Printing Co. lujumjuUUMMMUUMMAMMMMAMMMAWWWWWv Vacation Painting Moore’s Paint Store OFFERS LOW PRICES AND A VARIETY OF COLORS AND FIN ISHES FOR THAT JOB OF PAINT ING YOU HAVE BEEN PROMIS ING YOUR WIFE SO LONG. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU IN YOUR PAINT PROBLEM. Moore’s Paint Store Leaksville, N. C. BIRD AVENUE PHONB 1M ajuuuuumamMAMMMMMMMAMMMAAMMM Year’s Best Holiday [j | August ONE DAY ONIY THE GREATI ORGANIZED BY £>AN RICE IN I ft53 .'' u OAc u~i. 'TA.v^'trrj^ IWV W WANT-ADS WANTED—Bjr lady of ezperieaco, position as nurse for invalid or el derly lady, or companion for lonely lady. References exchanged. Address—Nurse, care Gasetta. FOR RENT—Farm, tAree west of Madison. Convenient to school truck. Good opportunity for wheat, tobacco and corn. Two small families would be de sirable. Apply for further infor mation to, Mrs. Margaret Pif*. Madison, N. C. R. F- D. STORE open in evening until Ip* after. September 1st. C. P. Smith, Leaksville, N. C Phone 338 ( “ * -- RE :DSVlLLE-t-k.AKS VILLR SPRAY TRANSFER W« Stop at th* Piedwsm and Bd. •rid/r* Hotels oa all sehodolo trips. FARE $1.00 EACH WAY LEAVING LEARSVILLE-STRAY . :80 a. m. Meeting tram for Danville No. 44 .. 8:40 A. M. 10:80 A. M. “ “ Greensboro }Io. 45 . . 11:40 A. M. 8:80 P. M. " " " Greensboro No- 86 . 8:0* P. M* 6:00 P. M. “ “ “ Greeneboro No. 48..**• LEAVING RE1DSV1LLE FOR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY. 2:20 Meeting Train for Danville No. 86 . . 8:80 P. M. 8:24 ** ** * ** N . 4*. t*S4 8:40 M “ “ “ No. 44 8:40 TELEPHONE 207 SPRAY FO» CARS. STONEVILLE-LEAK8VILLE SPBAY TRANSFER SCHEDULE 6:80 a. m. Meeting Train for Roan* oko, Va., "7:22 8:46 a. m. Meeting Train for Win* •ton Salem 9:68 18:20 p. u. Meeting Train for loan* oke, Va.t 8:00 p. m. Meeting Train for Win* ■ton Salem, N. C. gJoo ». ui- M—ting Train -for Roan oke. Va. 7:00 p. m. Meeting Train for Win* •ton Salem. N. C. This transfer will stop for pas sengers at any time at the following places: Jones Motor Co., Spray Motor Co., Leave calls at any of the above places. Call 297, Spray Motor Co. ~DR B. j7 PEARCE"” OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BOULEVARD BANK BUILDING StOnevilie and Cincinnati, Ohio. Pol man reservation* and all information cheerfully furnished upon applica tion to Agents of the Company, or 0. B. Perkin., *T. P. A. Winston Salem N. O. NOTICE f have opened offices at. the horn* of H. D. McGinnis*, 10 Hamilton St Leaksville, N. -C. for the practice of Chiroprsfetie. -■if y«| are sick cow* tpe me. Hours, Mbit. Wed. and Fri 7:80 to 8:80 p. m Dr. W. I. Bowmen; JWdayille, N. C. N&W Norfolk l Western IMPROVED SERVICE t4 the WEST AND SOUTHWEST Sleeper Winston-Salem to Cincin nati. Dining Cars on all trains Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv Ar No - Stoneville • Ridgeway - Martinsville - Roanoke - Roanoke - Cincinnati change of 1:16 P. M. 1:86 P. M. 1:64 P. It. 4:16 P. M. 4:40 P M. 7:20 A. M. trains between