■ .if. ii / THE TRI-CITY DAILY GAZETT1 Published everv week-day afternoo; LEAKSVILLE. N. C. Successor* to The Leaksville Gazett Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTINC CO., v Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITO! MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRES. Enteied as Second Class Mail Mat ter at Prsioffice, Leaksville, N. C PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier jiie year $5.00; 6 months, $2.60; ,> months $1.25; 1 month 45e. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas b . Clark Co., 141-145 West 36th St., New York City. ADVERTISING RATES—30c. per ■ncn type high plates. Classified, per line single insertion 10c; three in lertions 8c per line; six insertions /c per line each insertion; obituary notices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s Ini. mediate Territory includes Leake viile, Spray, “Draper and all Leaks v.lle Township, equal to a de population of 17.000. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. SNUFFING OUT THE WORLD’S LIFE (By Wickes Wamboldt) Did you ever wake up in the nigh experiencing a strange sensation— that period of the night sometime b> tween one oclock and four oclock when sick people die? Were you ever in a position a this time to observe the actions oi the domestic animals? The dog prowls suspiciously around the placn the horse whinnies uneasily; the com is restless and lows complainingly the ducks quack in whispers; th. chickens talk and fuss amongst themselves. And you—you don’t feel righ yourself. If you have a sheet ovoi you, you are too warm. If you tak; it off, you are too cold. Your win dows are open and it is not a hot night, and yet you cannot breathe You are nervous and apprehensive. You feel- the existence is precarious and could be easily stopped in a minute if things took a wrong turn The feeling passes off as morning advances. You have undoubtedly had that experience. I have many times. At first I thought the trouble was in myself—too much mince pie, lobster salad, or Welsh rarebit before going to bed. But I took occasion from time to time to check up with my aCquaintances, and found that they frequently had the same sensations at the same time. Furthermore I found this phenom enon was not confined to any partic ular locality. I have observed it ir. California and in Massachusetts, in the state of Washington and in Flor ida; so I came to the conclusion that the cause was outside of ourselves Perhaps it was atmospheric. Per haps we were whirling through some stratum of malignant gas that had drifted onto us out of space. Pedhaps it was the sinister action of some other planet. At any rate some influence often makes us feel nervous and uncanny vyithout any ap parent reason, in the small hours of the night. • Many weird and appalling things have happened to this earth. What happened to the various ancient civ ilizations whose relics we dig up ev ery now and then? What obliterated them and buried them? What broke the continuity between them and us? Our own continent, the western hem isphere, bears mute and positive tes timony to great cataclyms. What set the Pacific ocean on fire at some remote period? That whole section was ablaae once. Mountains •tend there today burnt to a crumble and'the basis of the land Is ashes of rocks. In the central west is an oceah bed where sharks’ teeth are found. What removed the ocean? There was at one time, according to geological indications, a colossal natural bridge extending over the Colupibiaj/iver where it bored thru the Cascade Range on its way to the sea. Indian legends refer to this span as the bridge of the gods, which at some time was shattered by some ter rifie S What iduced Stone Mountain— that huge, marvelous bubble qf gran ite, seven hundred feet high, cover ing an area of two square miles— that rises with startling vividness in an open plain near Atlanta, Georgia. , W# have mastodons—huge, hairy animals bigger tjhan aVephftmts—in habitants of the Temperate Zone, been found embedded in the glaciers pt the Arctic regions? The change ■sr r I fcr Infants, Invalids & V. Children The Original Foo ’ r ’ll A"*3. QuickLiiiiC.-.ati- - x- ins. ■RirJlMiiL.Malt!.. • : .Si .Tv • L'oW HichMiU der 8cTab!et^rms. Nouriolns-rto cocking. •®“Avoid hritsdons aad 2u2»Shiies must have horn .he ar * ’ ice lief "ho fie . * ■< in perfect eo*v sudden—so sutldon; :r.v orvru.'ed with in 1 - t in., venr.’. r ’■■eve able ? y fed -or.!, Cou" in 3 801 was In :,s stomach ' ■ on ..hoasnnds < f: : . j}, —. .1-jrjiia ( ■ 1: • •! lift! , he? Th e u-lain , r own nc • un> j* VO".' ■ '• side-sv track- have ■ i..,; o.'irth’ • nr m. a liter; : - lly OST—O ".•rive, tvown Cameo j brooch 1 ou‘1 r? ”rv d ! n ei j 3Irs. P \ Es W tsl ' igton St. ’ ; Gross caps from the Y. M. C. A | hut at the Playground kindly re* j turn it to Miss Simpson, the county ; TPVTf’G W (*?!! . ANTED—Boy to drive dray. Mu. i a I one; t. or i it apply. II. C. 15. Clark. .... •• :/•. 11!1.; I* VVA.N'i’KU—An intelligent person, either sex, may ortra 5510C to $200 monthly corresponding for :• w per..;; ?'.5 to $'25 week ly apt;: • time; exoor.ence uii t no nivas -g; s.i" ed. ud t . p. d I ...a B . ca. . r.h ii u ..s. Nat. t'alo, N. Y. i) ...—(. -OR KENT—Farm, t/re » west of Madison. Cpnvt ,'cnt to < "1 tre Good oppertU'-. \ for wheat, tobacco and com. Two in.il] families wmld he de sirnble. Apply for fu ti-er infor mation to. Airs. Margaret Pie?. Madison, X. C. R. F. D. 2T ' ' op a in evening until 8 p. m ar:or September 1st. C. P. Si iith. Lerkerille, N. C Phone FA N—far ! cat; vilie and ' imnv. dlately. Can earr 1 b*' ' Write The Parker ! times (v, Cleveland, Ohio.” !' S ’I ' T M f M r < ’•> I: i"*:; jlj :. t) -. a»n »Wi • w j 2 • ^ i i W •. . «.« • » u w. «• > IMPROVED SERVICE TO T ’• >' ‘ Ov l v i s ii St.. ,..T ‘V!> a!! lr?>: l:i;- . i ■ ■,:> : o <■ iai.i of 7:21. A. M. ‘ains ’ ; : « <_•< • >: 11 i. | r >>liy luraishe.l uj>nr‘ aj»j> = ' Agents of (' H Perkins. "r ^i™ N. C. party. >oopon V ENGINEER VO. S B VA"D OANK ; UX TE -• 3lIE NO. "•■ LEAKSVILLE. N ! • J .T. PEAKCJ. : TOMETRIST. F ' ES EXAMINEO GT \SSES FITTI i> r;on,i;' ,rn rank rvima-o; i NOTIfF TO " 4R AWlVF^s* 4 A A\k..> i . . 'i \ h.,--' V I* i \3. • r * I have seci"r< d the park ing space «.t the ^5*^1 o C:t* ’3 * 3s and r air w;M rive i. tua Dost c.: \‘¥hy i&kecfcar*ces of losing your car? Yours to serve, •i J. w 0 3U* is sii > Ths 1924 Studcisn'-'T. Light-Sbc taarir* car, with its refinements and improvements, offers the closest approach t® nsec’ :-vVcl per fection in moderate priced ca vs y ■ t.-Kccc!. It continues to set the tact in cf value for the money in vet j ' departure from approv'd C. attempted. 1 here's . about it—everything cf re-coy.;... i r. ...:•. Every.vital unit has prbytd ice snus.sclitjj in the public use. No matter how much money yon c-xpect to invest In a car. by ail re c. r. «oe • ;•> M.-ht-!:Hn Touring; ear, rldein it—. r-d d-.- i. . . - It is then that yesi the • Newell-stowi body of cOt>::~- : base. Quick-act‘.o-i cc r. i.- ...» v doom. Removable-i:pVi.:t2tcry. ta tor.-;- I - . t tttered ia gc&uiue lea ther . Large roc tan..’, ai. r v. 1 c iron with cits?? cars costing mors -will provide convincing proof of r’/iilar-for-dci'er value, itsrfeoend j&ai More vvncai irrvaisczs axis■<*>: i i n E&vaSr "5 waJ ic. 2a MOD/ AND TJi :. o. h. LtlO/’'- IrCi-V 5-P&3yAiir'V/.B. Twuria*3___-$ 9-1* Rbsidstcf (ff-Ft ss.) - 975 Cctipt-dSSd. (2*Peffl.)l 22 5 j Setifln ..■ISriO'i ■S-raz3.,jil^W.^. 2 50 fl. P. i_j Tourin';__,.$ •,* >0 j Roadster (2 Pass V, VS 2 ■>! Coupe (5-Pasa.)-10‘. o { .„.2 or,a! 7-Poss . lus V7. D. _( ‘ r. TouriaK.; Speedot. G^upc(i-V-'ass.)_»Sr>' 3 Sedan — .-3T.-01 Terms to Meet Your Convenience J. H. Hampton Euggy Co MB ' Lcak&vill*:-Spray Grocery Co. Leaksvilie N. C. , Phone 5S W? IOI MSALE GROCERS 1 NO' IONS ' ■ LINES , O 'hp*- >l“, I’residi'nt, Madison ] F 'in Set1 iVea T.<\ ^ \'M]■' !' FI" NISHFD OAILV « 11'' ' 'TIONS ON ftEQUEST fh * Gazette is orsly 10,:. n week hy th •» V* . V ' ' • V/V** A 4W1 J m I . ■ , _ p at til* Piednrpnt and B*l * i. Ji or. ail schadula trip*. FAI. #1.00 EACH WAY I.EAVlNl LEAKS > r '*»RAY 3:30 E’. M " " Greensboro .00 I - “ “ Greensboro LEA' - i’» KEIDSVILLE FOR LLA- SVILLE-SPRAY. No. IS.0:35 P.M. Mr- ■•••' Tmiji for Danville r!.F.rti' ME 907 SPRAY FOfi tnvilla A. M. ' “ Greensboro - 11:40 A. jM. 5:05 P. M, P. M. 3. 8:24 15 and 'GAMMON 5 \ J ON THE BOULEVARD IN 4‘ i he Rustle Or Snk;' A simmering, stirring rpir.in a : <: > of silks and satin.-:. Tin .) fell in love—he, the m o : at A anan in all Englrt-ad—he, a:? entrancing Freitch maid, masquerading as a it, blew; sn,in. And when he learned the truth--— YouM never guess the sweeping, stlrr/ag. climax in this beautiful story of glorious, unrivalled love, ITS A PARAMO! NT # - FRIDA v u «r> ■ COMPSON IN nnr 1 he Rustle of Silk” If you did not see this picture last night you missed one of the best. It’s a treat. DON’T MISS IT! The Boulevard Theatre