utmMvm' rn.L^w * ■■■■ TMI TRI-CITY 0AILY QASETTE Published everv week-day afternoon LEAKSVILLE, N. C. Successors to The Leaksville Gazette Established in 1880. t THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO., Incorporated, Publishers | MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Mat ter at Prstofflce, Leaksville, N. C PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier one year $6.00: 6 months, $2.60; 3 months $1.26; 1 month 46c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co., 141-146 West 36th St., New York City. ADVERTISING KATES—30c. per inch, includes composition on dis pL,y advertising, 26c per inch type high plates. Classified, per line single insertion 10c; three in lertions 8c per line; six insertions It per line each insertion; obituary notices, 6c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s Im mediate Territqyy includes Leaks viile, Spray, Draper and all Leaks '••lle Township, equal to a city population of 17.000. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1923 BUG POWER (By Wickes Wambo'.dt) The rolled up force of an oft-re peated act, no matter how tiny and insignificant, is stupendous. Great things can be accomplished by the smallest sort of organism if it stays on the job. The tiny coral insect can build a structure that will defy th* mighty force of the ocean. These lit tle creatures, scarcely noticeable to the naked eye, each adding its tiny effort to that of its fellows, rear great and impregnable reefs whjfh are the backbones of islands, penin sulas and possibly continents. The state of Florida virtually rests on the back of a coral bug. There is a case on record where a swarm of mosquitoes stopped a train. It was on an up-grade thru a swamp and the collected on the rails in such quantities that the huge driving wheels slipped and spun im potently. The sand-fly is a minute thing, a little bigger than the point of a pin, but he has a bite like a horse. A cat tle man told me he saw a swarm of theBe kill a great bull. They simply overwhelmed him* There is a tiny beetle in California which, by keeping everlastingly at it, bores holes through sheathing metal that gets in its way. In some countries ants carry away bit by bit, the beams and underpin nings of houses. It is a great object lesson these lit tle creatures give us. We do not credit them with any intelligence We say that whatever impels them is entirely instinct; and certainly their individual strength as compared to that of a mans is absolutely neg ligible. They have no brain and they have no muscle and yet they show us what staying on the job without letting up will accomplish. The bee does what to the uninitia ted would appear an impossible thing He collects vast stores of a delight ful sweet by picking out almost in visible particles from flowers. He is referred to as “the busy bee.” He probably received this cognomen be cause he makes, a good deal of fuss about his work and the impression has gone out that he works about all the time that he can see. Consequent ly as an example he has not been very popular. It has been proven by observation, however, that the bee accomplishes his task without killing himself working. He actually puts in eight hours a day and the rest of the time he crawls around the hive, flirty with the‘queen bee, stings people, and de ports himself in such ways as may afford him relaxation. , Studying the lives of. great men is inspirational. But we dp not need to study the lives of men for inspir ation; we can get this from studying the lives of bugs. NOTICE OF RE'IALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the potter ind authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust, executed by I.. P. Sprinkle, to the undersigned Trustee jn the 2nd day of January, 1920, and duly recorded in Book 199 page 827, and further being directed by an or der of the Superior Court of Rock ingham county, made on Tuesday 7th day of August, 1923, for a re sale of the premises hereinafter de scribed, there having been filed with the court and up-set bid, and the conditions and stipulations of said deed of trust not being complied with, I will as directed and request ed, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, August 27th, 1923, at 1:30 P. M. in front of the Farmers— Merchants Bank & Trust Co., Stone ville, N. C., the following described lands, viz: Beginning at a Gum on E side of road leading to Leaksville and with the meandering of said road S. 22% deg. W. 18 poles, S 7% deg. 13 poles S 4% deg. E 41 poles, S 28 deg. E 18 poles, S. 32 % deg. E 28 poles, S 80’,4 deg. E 14 poles, S 89% deg. E 14 poles, S 48% deg. 36 poles, S 78 deg. E 17 poles, N 77% deg E 14 1-5 poles, N 50 deg. E 25 poles, N 80% deg. E 30 poles, S 76 deg. 12 poles, to T. J. Roberts and W. J. Price’s corner of said road; Thence N. 3 deg. E. with Roberts line 182 poles to ^ourwood grub on a rows ledge in P. N. Barnes line; thence N. 3 deg. E. 14 poles to old chestnut stump on a road; Thende with said road N 72% deg. W 15 1-5 poles, N 35 deg. W. 14 1-5 poles; thence leaving said road N. 11% deg. W. 35 4-5 poles to a dogwood grub; thence N. 10 deg ty. 38 2-5 poles to a oak grub in Evan’s lino: thence with said Evans line N. 87 % deg. W. 46 3-5 poles to oointers S. 8 deg. W. 53 poles to pointers S. 8 deg. W. 63 poles to ar oak stump; thence N. 82 deg. W. 67 2-5 poles to pile of stones; thence £ 3 deg. W. 140 poles to oak on bank; thence S. 82 deg. W. 10 poles to th< 1 beginning, and containing 254 anr 79-100 acres more or leas. me Diamng wu Degin at me sum of $2,661.25. This the 11th day of August, 1923. Punter K. Penn, Trustee, ^eland Stanford, Attorney. -o ■ - Leaksville-Spray Grocery Co. Leaksville N. C. Phone 58 WHOl-ESALE GROCERS NOTIONS ALL STAPLE LINES J. O. Itagsdale, President, Madison P M. Flinn, Sec. Treas. Leaksville iHE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST Wa Stop at the Piedmont and Bet idtre Hotels on all ichedale trip*. FARE $1.00 EACH WAY LEAVING LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY :3C a. m. Meeting tram for Danvill* No. 44 . 8:40 A. M. 10:30 A. M. “ “ Greensboro No. 46 . 11:40 A. M. 8:30 P. M. “ 4* “ Greensboro No. 85 .. 6:06 P. M. 6:00 P. M. “ “ " Greensborc LEAVING RE1DSVILLE FOR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY. No. 48. 6:36 P. M 2:20 Meeting Train for Danville No. 86 .. 2:20 P. M. 8:24 “ N . 46. 8:24 TELEPHONE 7»7 SPRAY POI MM NoilolM Western IMPROVED SERVICE TO THE WEST AND SOUTHWEST Sleeper Winston-Salem to Cincin nati. Dining Cars on all trains. Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv At No • Stoneville • Ridgeway - Martinsville - Roanoke - Roanoke - Cincinnati change of 1:16 P. M. 1:35 P. M. 1:64 P. 1L 4:15 P. M. 4:40 P. M. 7:20 A. M. v trains between Stoneville and Cincinnati, Ohio. Pol man reservations and all Information cheerfully furnished upon appli tion to Agents of the Company, «* C. B. Perkins, T. P. A. Winston Salem N. a A S. TROCDON i: l J ' CIVI1. ENGINEER ^ NO. 4 BOULEVARD BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE NO, MS. v LEAKSVI&JLE, N C. 5 ADMINUTiUTOS'l NOWUN Having qualified as administrate? of the estate of Martha A. Hardy deceased, late of Rockingham coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Draper, N. C. on or before the 27th day of July 1!>24 or this notice will t-e pleaded it. ' ar < •' ;heir tco'-ery All persons indebted to sr.id es lute will please make Immediate payment. This the 27th day of July, 1923. C. W. Underwood, Admin istrator of Martha A. TTnrdy, de* LOST—Between W. J. Patterson’s end Church street, a black travel :„<r b»<r. Owner return to R1 Church street, or call 4298 Suit able reward. Gray Coupe $685 Gray Coach $785 When Gray; Meets Gray “Hello there!” “How do you like your Gray Car?” “I’m sold on it ICO per cent. I didn’t think theie was any light car which I would be so proud to drive.” “I like mine, too, the spring action is unusually easy and the bodies are partic ularly comfortable, aren’t they?” “Yes, and the cost of oper ating them is so much less than these other cars, that they’ll all buy Grays when they find out about it, I ruess.** When Gray meets Gray on the road that’s the kind of talk you’ll hear. It takes r ttisfaction in all details of ; car to keep a motor wise j ublic sold. Gray closed ( ars are selling in ever i icreaaing numbers. Why not ride in one today and see for yourself? Dunn Auto Company LEAKSVIL,LE, n.c. Phone 3158-B Roadster - Coach - $490 - $785 Touring - - $520 4-Door Sedan $335 All Prices /. o. b. Detroit Coupe - - $685 Truck - - $575 iltH |S Health is one of things your family ^ Sfatest § bnngs happinessf°ssess But health must by good wholesome S«^ded Prepared from the n^fftare dients. This -is o L • ^st In£re b^mss. If fey aSiy tnre of raised, we all know tC f h2per,y not easily die^steH tu they are when seif.rilna fl„ M?"y «mes S3S?SSS» KciHfiftthpr* m/J.__ raaa* SM* other^Sd38 mucl* as any pac^bd in tin -keeps strength in m ty v i , fh^'Vv hi1 . INI ip mm ' flf"11 ^ nil ,»»***■. -- ~ NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS I have secured the park ing space at the fair . grounds and will give the best of Sevice. Why take chances of losing your car? Yours to serve, J. W. LEACH NORTH CAROLINA ROCKINGHAM COUNTY E. L. FULCHER AND L. L. RICE, TRADING AND DOING BUSINESS AS CENTRAL MOTOR COMPANY NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given the public that the partnership lately substr ing between us, the undersigned E L. Fulcher and L. L. Rice, carrying ; n the business of a general garage and repair shop, at Leaisville N. C. incler the firm name of Central Mo ;or Company, w.h on the 27 day of Augiisr. IDift iiijWdV'd by mutual Consent of the part.io-?, and that the business in future will be conducted and carried on by tho. said L. L Rice who will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all moneys an daccounts payable to the said late firm. And the said E. L Fulcher, retir ing partner, is no longer connected with, nor responsible for, any of tho debts or obligations of the said Can :ral Motor Company. Dated this 27 day of August, 1923. E. L. Fulcher L.L.Rice DR. R. J. PEARCE OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BOULEVARD BANK BUILDING I i Today! Today! Wallace Reid IN “ALWAYS AUDACIOUS” “Wally" in a sizzling mystery-romance in which he foils the slickest crook in New York, and wins his girl and fortune back That’s something worth going miles to see. Chock-full of pep, love:and thrills. IT’S A PARAMOUNT WEDNESDAY THOMS EIGHAN IN “White and Unmarried 99 Love and deviltry, dull and danger! Ton'll ujr the goad, lack star hu done it again 1 1 r.. The romance of a'duhing Yankee bachelor who atarted oat to *do" Paris-and Hid! One ofthe best Paramount pictures in which Mr. Melghan has been seen to date—(Enough said. IT’S A TREAT w" • ' i 11 114

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